Ti'IE OREGON DAILY 1 JOU". 'NAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 17. 1S07. BELOfJGS TO GOE Government. Will bive Portland Physlcliw Perit to V Mining Claims in Washington. PROPERTY WAS INCLUDED IN NATIONAL FOREST Considerable. Money Ilad Deea In Tested In Copper Venture and Lo- cu ; Man : Wu Worried ; by Fear Government Would Ignore Right. '(WtrtkiftoB Bonaa of lit JowmL) Waehington. D. C , Mar It. Dr. ' H. ; W, Co of Portland haa a patent la pro c of luuanoo to 100 acres of land near Spirit lake la ttaa Rainier! national foreat reaervv Washington, covering mineral claims on ' which ha had been - working before the land waa Included In the national foreet The fprest aery loa recommended that Cob's claims be gassed oa favorably, which the general tad office did. Dr. Coo had Invent a considerable money, and waa worried much over the matter. In a public statement he ear he found forester Plncieat desirous of protectlna all leait Interests. Coes claims hold cod-- per and allied metals. .-, ," , , , mm rEVDLUTio::isT ' ; kid:!apD i:i texa Arresdonda Disappears' Trom Eagle Pass and Is Believed to Be in Hands of Countrymen ..V VOLIVA TO FOUND CITY " ON MISSISSIPPI BANKS i . ; ' - (Journal Chicago. Mar 17. Followers of WU j bur Vollva, the usurper of the throne of John Alexander Dowle, . were . panto atrlcken when it became known that la aU probability Judge K M. Landla will appoint. Deacon John A. Ltwli ai Dowte'a aueeeaaor and thua end thyself -apointed rule of V-llva, Deacon Lewis waa named in Dowle'a will aa hia aueeeaaor, and if Judge Landla recognliea him aa the head of the city Vollva will gather thoae that are faithful to hlra, about him, and lead them away from Zlon City.- It la said he contemplatea founding a new colony on the banka of the Mississippi rivsr some piece in tna south. IJnnrn.l floaclat Rerrfc.) ' ; Eagle' Pass, Tex., May 17. Juan Joae Arresdonda, the notorloua Mexican revo lutlonlat who led the attack upon the town of Jlmlnes. Mexico, several montha ago. and whoae extradition by the Mexi can government for alleged murder and areon committed, In the revolutionary raid waa refused by the United States commissioner at San Antonio, la at laat in cuatodr of the Mexican authorities. Arreadonda brought nis ramuy ners last evening. Then he disappeared sua denly. - His friends say he waa kid naped by secret 'service'-., men of the Mexican government and conveyed to Cludad Proflrlo Diaav acroaa the river from there, where he ia held in eommu nlcado. He will probably ba ahot PLACES FLOWERS ON. , GRAVE OF UNTRUE WIFE . (Joanal Seaelal ' Service.) ' 1 Parle, May 17. Two yeara ago M. Michael Oonge. an engineer's assistant. waa 'Wedded, .ho knowing full well that his wife bad had mora than frienwr re 1 .Hops with an attache of the German n Haaey.! It was not long before M. Gt.i'Ke found that thta aoquafntanoe had i renewer, and naturally there were a . unpleaaant acenea between the ly-marrled pair. ( Ultimately Mme. ge disappeared. After two months' urch' her husband discovered her In very 'undesirable company in a low quar ter of the city. Hia reproachea so af fected her thut ahe attempted auldde by poison, but waa nuraed back to health in a hospital, i From there aha again disappeared, andVwhen her husband once more discovered her there waa a violent altercation that ended In M. Oonge ahootlng hia wife' dead. Tried for the murder In Parle this week, he pleaded justification and was acquitted. From the court ha drove straight to the ceme tery and deposited a wreath on bis err' Ing wife's grave..;,. .! ",.' '--, At Armory, 10th A Couch. Fine program. XAne ateettng Tonight Don't miss It At Armery, lth. aV Coach. SUBMARINES SHOW UPl t$ WELL IN EXPERIMENTS H ,';,".'' :,,wt. :.: -- ' (Jeamat Special Berries.) i.i Newport, May 17. The-submarines Octopus and Lake arose from the bot tom of Narraganaett bay yeaterday aft ernoon, after being aubmerged 14 hours. All on board were well. The test made by the United States government waa ' successful In every way. ; This stay of human belnga under water la said to be the longest . on record. The crews passed , the time comfortably, ' playing games, reading and sleeping. The 'of ficers - who were concerned lth the , records of the test, did not-sleep. and ' when released went immediately to bed. The Lake was connected with' shore by a telephone throughout the test, the telephone wires - being attached, 'to- a buoy, The Octopus while submerged sent and . recelveJ - messagea by means of an electric signaling apparatus. .. - PENDLETON TO. HOLD r';"A SUMMER CARNIVAL '.,..., i --'. 'A3f ' (ffpaclal Dtepatfk to The 9oareaL) Pendleton. Or., May 17. A big open air May carnival will ba held here the latter part of this month. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May IS, SO, tt and June 1, hava. been set for the occasion. The Eagles and commit tees representing the cltisens generally have the matter In eharga Somebf the best carnival people ion the roa4 have beenemployed. y (-. i.T,i'";V,'- SUIT TO FORECLOSE ON C ; BEHALF OF AN ESTATE . Pendleton, Or.. May IT A suit to foreclose a mortgage has been com menced In the circuit court by Charleo H. Carter as trustee for the aetata of Mra. . Sarah Flgg Thompson, deceased. William L. Rhodes is the- defendant It Is alleged In the complaint that prom issory notes of the value of 11,100 were given by Rhodes, and that the mort gage whlch 1t ia sought to foreclose waa gtven aa security. SOIIII'S IIEII! TO LEAVE RAILROAD George Grant Mason .Wires ; Resignation as Division Su ' , perintendent at Aberdeen.' "h ' ', ,'. !''.; l WILL INVEST FORTUNE 'X IN STOCKS OF ROAD Young Millionaire Declares lie Was .' Favored toy Rich -Vncle Because lie btuck to Ills Post and Earned Promotion by Hard Work, i , " (Jeenal flpeelal Berrlee.) ', Chicago. May 17. George Grant Maaon. chief heir to . 'Vllent"; Smith' fortune, who' has been here attending a family reunion, wired bla resignation as division superintendent of the Chicago, Milwaukee ft Bt Paul railway at Aber deen. South Dakota. He baa Just come Into $11,000,000 and he attributes the favor of his uncle to the fact that he stuck" to the railroad which was very dear to "Sllenf'Bmlth. ' His brother, .William B. Mason of Bvanaton, who did. not like railroading and quit the profession,, must be satis fied wirh . a much smaller bequest George Grant Maaon left for New York. He says he shall continue to look care fully after the fortunes .of the Bt Paul railway and Intends to Invest most of his new fortune In that company. 'My uncle - must hava kept a close watch of all of ua." said Mr. Maaon thla evening, "and I believe be favored mo because I atuck to work ha outlined for me. Incidentally, making good in the way of .earning promotion from time to time." - - - ' WOMAN AT ABERDEEN SHOOTS SELF TO KILL ',' " (BDectal DIssateh to The JoaraaL) Aberdeen, Wash., May 17. In her rooms . over the Grand : saloon Mra. Tereaa Dolan attempted to commit aul dde by ahootlng herself. Three shots were fired, but only one took effect lodger, hearing the shots. Investi gated, and found the woman lying on the floor with the smoking revolver still In her hand.' She waa taken to a hospital and now Ilea In a critical con dition. No reason is given for her at tempt on her llo n .",,'iy y1. " 1 ' , ; -.. Y Xaaa BaJly Tonight - At Armory, 10th eV Couch. Fine program. mil SELECT SITE FOR MEMORIAL TO COLUMBUS ' (Joaraal Spaelal servlee.) Washington, D. May 17. In re ap on se to tne call of, Secretary Root there will ba a meeting at tha state department tomorrow ' of the - members of the Christopher' Columbus memorial commission to select a site and design for, the Columbus memorial to be erect ed : here.. Congress has appropriated 1100,007 f or the,, memorial. The , bom m?tm STATE LAUD FOR All EXPOSITION fUIID Washington Commissioners Will : Begin Operations Monday on Y'.v:: Lake, Union. ' ' t ".V (Soeclal riDtch to Tbe JooraaLt ' Oiympta, Wash., May 17. -The work of appraising tha Lake Union shore lands will begin next Monday morning. Tha board consists of State Land Com missioner K. W. Ross, " Secretary of State 8. H. Nichols, State Superintend' ent XL B. Ryan, Attorney-General J. D. Atkinson and i ax Commissioners . T. D. Rockwell, J. H. Easterday and J. EL Frost. Mr. Ross will provide boats for tr.klng the members on a trip around the lake. Major Chittenden, City Engineer Thompson and the president of the Lake Union Landowners' i ; league will ? be asked to accompany the board. The party will aklrt tha entire shore Una, making landings wherever desired for the purpose of allowing an Inspection of general contour . or Improvement Tha board wu later proceed With reg ular hearings, at which all persona In terested will bo Invited to present view It la expeoted that the hearing" will laat the greater part of the week. The work of appraising the- Lake Washington shore landa cannot proceed until the government pierheads have been set. . This la now being done, and early In June it ia hoped the state board ean take up tha Lake Washington work.' Thia will be done along llnea similar to the Lake Union work, v? n.,- The final result of tha work will ba the appraisement of the ahora , landa along Lakea Union and Washington for tha pnrpoao ; of. aelltng these landa to raise the iuli of 11,000,000 for tha Alaska-Yukon-Paclno exposition. . ; STEPHEN IS ELECTED : UNITED STATES SENATOR La Follette , Wine 'Victory After Long Battle for Seat Vacated by John C Spooner. ' r (Journal Soeelal Bervlee.l Madison, Wla., May 17 With ' 61 votes In his favor, Isaao Stephenson of Marinette was - nominated, for . United Statea senator . to . succeed John C Spooner, and elected to that office at noon today by the Wisconsin legisla ture. - Hia term will end In March, 190. Senator . La Follette took a strong hand In the fight for the senator ship. and the election of Stephenson is con sidered a personal victory for "Fight ing Bob." Since April If, when the deadlock commenced. La Follette haa done all in hia power for - the election of Stephenson, and hia constituents are Jubilant over tha and of tha long fight DEBATING LEAGUE TO TAKE IN THE CO-EDS - (Special Dispatch to The JorntL) Salem, Or., May 17. Clark Belknan. who has had charge of tha manage ment of debates at Willamette univer sity, believes a ' triangular debating mission consists or ine cnairmaa or me t league may ba rormed, effective next senate committee on the library, the I year, between Willamette university. secretary of state, the secretary of war I Pacific university of Forest Grove and ana tne supremo knight of the Knights t Whitman college of Walla Walla, ; '- ', '( , '''.r." ' ".-.'. Things Won Should Know About Our Juvenile Djepartment IT is provided with every convenience that tends to , - make shopping a, pleasure. It z is literally over flowing with SNdrrimer W for boys and chil dren: These wearables are the product of the finest manufacturers of juveriile apparel in the ; land. It offers novelties arid exclusive effects not seen in other shops. It offers values tht,can not be duplicated im the city. Every suit or. reefeixin the department is fully guaranteed. : Q ' Full Line of Children's Wash Suits 50 c to $6.00 rrccChoicc of Base Ball and Bat, Roller . Skates and other desirable" presents with every Suit or Reefer at $3.35or over V. XI of Cohimbua r Christian Work" Says Gen.; Alexander Hamil- ton, namesake and descendant of the great American patriot and signer of the Declaration of In: dependence, who was cured of Chronic . Catarrh - and serious complications from wounds re ceived in the Civil War by taking Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, and says that giving suffering hu manity such' a wonderful medi- cine is a great Christian work. Washington. . The debating council of the local university was given power to enter Into correspondence . with the other colleges and to perfect an or ganisation. The plan la to hava team a I of co-ed a aa well aa men's teams take part In tha contests that may ba held under tha auspices of this league. 'to . "For many ; years "I suffered, from Chronic Catarrh and serious complica tions as a result of wounds received in the '. pvil War. After trying almost every remedy without results, X began four years ago to use Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I am ; in my ninety-second HOOD RIVER FRUIT FOR OMAHA EXCURSIONISTS (Special Mspatck te The JoersaD Hood River. Or, May 17. The Hood River Commercial club has been notl fled by tha Commercial club of Omaha that the trade excursion from that city constating of ' 100 wholesale men who are coming to tha coast will make a stop of IS minutes at Hood Jtlver on June 10. The train will arrive hero at 6:10 p. 1 ia. President Davidson. Sec retary Moe and other members of the club .will make arrangements to meet the 'Visitors and provide them with Hood River strawberries and whatever other entertainment their t short stay wui permit. ' ?-v,- ) i;.-:.l STEWARD OLIVER SAID TO HAVE BEEN SPYING GENERAL HAMILTON, fSMelat Dispatee te se 7oaraaLl Walla WaUa, Wash.. May . 17. It leaked out yesterday that Steward Oliver has resigned hia position at the year feel Strong and Vigorous, possess (going the rounds that Oliver, who Is a all my faculties and my catarrh has enlj pe""" fHend ot Governor Mead, was vi r uioavat vvu ; - ay uu -v,, uv iuaii. Whiskey is the greatest-cure in' the world for a broken down system. "It has revived niany of my friends who were seriously ill. I have induced many neighbors and parties throughout the country, even to the West- Indian lslandsao use JUugy srure .Malt Whiskev. and all ioin in sincinc the praise of Duffy's 'Pure Malt Whiskey ior the hen ent they have derived from it private detective work for the governor, Dut.tnisvis strenuously denied by Oliver, who says ha has merely v become tired of the lob and wishes to retlra .Oliver and Chief Turnkey Gilliam engaged in aet-to about a week ago which re sulted tn Gilliam being requeated to turn in his resignation, which was done. r-;. PATRICK -KELLY- DIES AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT One leadine mechanic in olumbincr and tin work told me about one year ago he would have, to give up business, I urged him to use eVening!? st. MarVa hoapita? Uuuya jrurc iviaii iiiskc, 4iiu lie uuvv icus iiic ic xa aa iguiuua as citi num usuig fuujr s iuic Mali Whiskey, and full of business-. . v . 7 1 " - ' ,i . , - - , -v.. - - : You are doing a great Lhnstian work by giving such a- wondertui-median e to sutfenng hti- , (Special1. Dispatch te The lonniaLi Astoria, Or- May 17.-Patrlck Kelly. well known In Astoria, died Wednesday the result of an - accident About three weeks ago Kelly fell down a flight of stairs, dislocating bis. neck. He was a brother-in-law , of HH. Zapf. with manity. I , use two bottles a month and would not be without it at any cpst.' Alexander Hamilton, ,whmba Ilvd-. H tom in ire- . Trnrfn; M V Marrh '98th (t ' . ' . '.' ' - . , , - -. Un 65 year" Tn remains, were ' larrytown, W. X., Marcn 8tn, U, . , t ' - . taken to Oervala, Oregon,, for burlLJ BOYS OF BOISE MUST CUT OUT CIGARETTES a most ex nensive method which ha nvr hn mar! nnMiV I (Speeial Diipateh to The JoomaL) .t;. ' -i.-.i.' i r t:.:. A n i T 1mmU:ij. -j t 01. luano, may li.-iwo arresta . uiiu uus private lutcsa msuiw ijuauiy aitu navui, i agt, ounutaa, piwwuiuiy mm irrcuom irora I under the anti-cigarette ordinance hava - those injurious substances found in other whiskies make i acceptable to the most sensitive stomach. I b" d re, and tha chief of pouce ! v It is an absolutely pure, gentle and invigorating stimulant and tonic. It acts as an antitoxin which destroys an,d drives out all disease germs, creates new"nerve7 tissues, tones and strengthens-the ' hearty gives power to thejbrain and elasticity to the muscles, enriches' the blood and soothes and heals ' the raucous membranes. It brines into action all the vital forces. It makes dieestion berfect. and enables Jjrou to get from the food you eat Jfte nourishment it contains It is invaluable for overworked WHEAT WAREHOUSE AT declarea the pratlco ot smoking cigar ettes among boya under 18 yeara must be stopped. He haa given Instruction to his subordinates to arrest all boys xouna smoaing mem. men, delicate women and sickly children. It strengthens the system, is apromdter of health and lon- ' iL. JJ ...... ..J 1..... il. .t.. n..ff,.'. D.... itr.ix uri.;-1. t gcvit, uidRcj me uiu juuut miu ccp ,uic jruuiig suuuj. wuujf b i uic inttii-vyiHSKcy a iorm of food already digested, and is recognized as a medicine everywhere, ; - Caution. Sold by all druggists; grocers and dealers of direct in sealed bottles only ; "never ; in bulk. , Price $1. Insist on the genuine and see that he "Did Chemist" trade-mark is on the label and that the seal over the cork is unbroken. V Beware of refilled bottles and "spurious malt whiskey sub stitutes offered for, sate byuflreliable dealers. -They are positively harmful and will not cure. Illus trated medical booklet and doctor's advice free. Puffy, Malt Whiske Co., Rochester, N. iY. STANTTON DESTROYED (Special- Dispatch : to The JoeraaL) Pendleton, Or., May 17. Tha Puaet Sound Warehouse company's warehouse at Stanton station waa destroyed by fire laat evening with about 12,000 bushels of wheat stored In It. The loss Is In the vicinity of 14,000, covered with insur ance. r SATURDAY' 'SPECIALS 5:30 P. RL TO 9 P. r,L 9c REGULAR VALUE Crystal Vase 19 Inches High Hi. '.'.,-:' Iill.il v '- I " REGULAR VAI-UE 2i5c:;' .,. . , , . v i . . , , . ...... - Crystal Vase ?1 19 Inches High 9c REGULAR VALUE 45c ' -S44 REGULAR i ;SW:y,:iSl .-:.':v-:.;s -. VALUE 45c 4-Quart SAUCEPAN ROYAL GRANITE WARE I r 5i i Ho Stadaaaa, Mo Oocaina, Va Oaai le Challenge theiorld We will forfefT 11,000 to ; any charitable Institution for any Den tist who can compete i with us in crown and bridge work, or teeth without plates. Pay no fancy fees until you hava consulted ua Our continued success In our many" of fices is due to tha uniform high grade work dona by years of experi enced operators. The pricee quoted I below are absolutely the beat oppor tunity to get your money a worth which haa ever been offered. Wa use nothing but tha best materials. PRICES Until May 31st seat suvsr lining. boo Platinum fillings ............. .tl.00 ooia ana riaunnm auoy nutajra mist Grain nomas .sa.oo to as-oo B. n. wute Lni erowm .ss.00 woia crowns, aeai aaav axws beavy .......glLOO snan wors, pea aeoia, news gold , .HUM sen Bnasey riava. u. a. wnita teetb 19.00 JUumlanm-Uaed Plate.... $10 to $15 .- a binding guarantee given witn ail work Tor 1U yearSK. VECETAELE VAFO.1 Used only by aa for Patnlesa Itatrac - tion of teeth, SOo. Bead Wha Xra. Jessie Xvel ay. I had II teeth extracted by the use of Vegetable vapor, absolutely painless the , moet pleasing . effect and highly , recommend the method, - Tours truly, MRS. JESSIE LEVEL lAfetti Oregon. - . arsxTOtrn pxoraa -. And those afflicted with heart weak ness can. now have their, teeth, .ex tracted and Ailed without tha least pain whatever. ( , Chicago Dental Parlors UNPSa gHW BUITAaXlIXHT. M. W- Cor. Sixth and Washington. The largest and best eouinned Dental establishment in the North west Seventeen offices in the United States. .'-...'..- Z3T ATTZHDAIfCB. See that you are in the right office. Open Sunday I to siMEisaoiio::: i. iCARTERS riiTTit'-'" it I IVER PI P.O. LrJlJ rejroZuta tso Eowc'j. r-ariu : - PoaltiTclr er! If these a.iui I'l.iu j They also retlero t"..--tress from Pynpepn!;. l.i digeaUoa tad Too H osr XatlngV A pcrtiy-5 r edyforIfczlnpM,t Drowslnef.T, Til " tn tso jiou x f Torrne, T',' lit TC"..:-:a i:v: . JOURNAL WAMT AH ?.