THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. ". .PORTLAND.'". FRIDAY EVENING, MAY r 17, ltZ7.f- 12 SELECTS SITES for dig eis ttrxsi THERE'S A HEASprJ lIIY The Market Basket ... O-v A, I'M I I I 111 Colonel Roessler Returns From i :S Qaha Island tQA Take :Jp ESX39ES Hood River strawberries, have; mad their 'appearance In the ' market und, although the first one received sold at 7tto . per -one-ponna - -DOJt ;v in ine revu market, that's no sign that price wilt remain In that neighborhood for long. Present Indication are that the atraw berry -crop of Ore roe -will he an aver age. one, but that pi-tee. will nt go very DtlDI UlDnnD Will- l . . I low h eaaon. Then,: ir you, expeci unnu i iniiKvn ... ,- I to .'nut -soma itT "fof 'winter .use, 1-1 A VP NAVAL STATION you'd better aUrt. early and avoid the -- . .. . . j I ruah. 1 . - . ' : - i-j,.Lt. Ia :a very ahort.tlm -.'cherrle froin Improvement f of 'Columbia RJver Jetty J Receives ? Immediate Atten 5 Hon ' bt Returning Official .wad V;: Bid for Stone. Are Invited. Colonel 6, , W, Jtoeaaler; United State j engineer, returned from Honolulu last nlht-Tbe- government ' official, after , MMndlna nine day ow the Inland. ! lected sites for (fortifications and work -m immediately 4 commence tnereon. local point will be In market and then you able, to buy. fruit that re&uy look and taste like something. Pres ent supplies of cherries on display In the retail markets .are all . from Call fornla, They are ,f small . else, lack that Oregon taste and are father hlgn- pncea. f.r.- Flour prices' are climbing at eii alarm Ing rate these days, due to the fact that a half dosen men have cornered prac tically alt - the available upplles - in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. At this time California does not count as a fae tor In wheat because that state is now ...... -, . . . . . . . wr III wu The exact location or tne tens ana mi. i d(p)n-dln Mpon the Paclflc, northwest proposed equipmems v wu ,"- for praotlcally all the wheat ground cret. - ; Jin that state. During the week the The proposed new naval tatlort will j advanced J6 ' cents a barrel and . a a im 1 hn hA nsB Vna I " ne jocaiea . ; r?. Indications point to still further rises, shore, of which Ho noluiil rtooju the of th tuatlon, from a con- ocean, ai P""""" yu' "7 ,' " aumera' point of view, is that the aros Oahur will be tort'".1bu pecU are for continued high prloes here peeted that the work wlULbe tea Lnd ,n hcU M over the United States mroufnoBi " I during the coming cro season. Al though there Is. every likelihood thtft the Pacina northwest will produce very close rb her usual crop, there Is appar ently a shortage in the east, due to -unfavorable weather and ; the .ravages 'of the green bug, and thUi . tnay. ppsslbly' h Hawaiian rrouo. Con cress ha set -asltlft-an appropria tion, arith whtrh la carrr on mt worn for some time, but the ;xac' Amount has pot been mane pudiic m inn monoy m ha rirawn from the aeheral fund appropriated lor lortiiicaiien as neon UCIIIKI1UB. ' ' . . 1 ' ' "" 4 i J ' Cnionel Roessler fdund -himself buried I eventful except that'H terminated with In work when he Return frd to bin office J the old square-rigger piling up on Pi- this . morning and he will be busy fori demons ands at the'tnoutn r in t-o-aeverai days starting Paper and tssu-1 lumbhw, She was. floated without Be ing orders and Instruction pertaining I tlstanre, however, and was not damaged to the improvement worn going on in i in in insx. , ' o this district. Among other documents .The Emily Reed is one. of the oiJ-time Issued this morning was an invitation! New. England veasis-that were brougnt for sealed proposals for furnishing and around the Horn 'a quarter of a century delivering tone for Jetty' construction J ago or Wore. . This fact noewlthstand- at the mouiii or tne coiumoia . river, iing. sne is as Trim una ei loamy as Bids Will be received at the local of flee 1 any of the wlndJamnMir that make this in the custom-house bunding uhtu 11 1 port and .her accommodations for the o'clock a. m. on June 11, and then pub-1 of fleer and crew are fully as good a llcly opened. ' . , . . ' 5, , 1 ton the modern windjammer,1 The approximate quantity or atone, to I Of late the Eraiiy iieea na neen be furnished for the Jetty this season is I trading mostly In foreign ports, but now 1.100,000 tons, ' the specifications calling I that lumber freight .are hjgh It is for delivery at Fortetevens. The sum! likely that she will .bug -the coasts of J760.000 is now 'available .for. thejeioseiy for some time.' The Emily Reed nrA,Ai.ii tin Af. thAlettv work wtri ft la i hlnnir in Hlnit. Rnlrth A era. estimated that about $100,000 can be applied on stone before July 1 next ; Wii i cifiUT CARP HARD , Tt ia A amir A A that thaVlxll Vrta I ?, ' bertn Julv 1 next, aa it ia honed .to have I . - . the main portion of the Jetty completed I Captain , Spencer Proposes to Teat rhii . mmmitr iwrnrii ma ' nu .lurmi , . ' . I Bneed Limit Ordinance. . i HWia l-v mnwy iv"a i-wm ' ' . I ' 7 Z ' ' i rr-" , i , captain E. .w. upencer say ne wiu TO LOAD LUMBER J take the case to. the .supreme court of the United States If possible should ThrM 'Cnaater Chartered to Com h clle!l Pn to operate his tam pree w" m"0 qyno i cha R Spencer ncoordlng to rule to Columbia Klver. rresult , In Paclna const , wheat nd .flour tolng- tp' the eastern 'market.- ,104 only in Isolated Instances that eastern values are Jbigh ; enough to amlt.. of m , v,ft ,eem., there; 1. nd. ea'd'of advance L in in price ot most commodities this year. . Sugar, is advanced- another 26c per, hundred . pound and . the ' market 1 rmer than ever. ,. v .''Hl"'''., . ' Meats remain 'very, high In the. retail ion owina- to 'the hlah nrlces -at shop owing to thev high price ' at wholesale. '..Howevor It- will innn ha time, for the market to drop for with warmer, weather the demand for meat drop and then lowfcr. prfees .results . . . Vegetables are so high In moat in stances that few people can afford to buy themt Cabbage' is to a pound and cauliflower, 1 about 10c and 15c a head for S best . quality. : Tomatoes, nrhije somewhat Cheaper than they were ,;a hort time ago, are still far too . high to admit of general consumption. How ever, the time is not far distant when California" and Oregon rtomatotrmtlH make their appearance, and then every one sill have a chance to, buy them. Present upplle are mostly from Mex ico, nut some are still being received from Florida and Mississippi. .String beans at . 20o and Ho a pound do not And the average housekeeper buyer.- Asparagus is about as cheap as it will be this season and : receipt will soon begin to fall off, v Columbia, river eh I nook . salmon is higher on account of the scarcity. due to high water In the river. Eggs are about a low a they will get, ths season and an ad vane would not be surprising soon. Chickens are beginning to -come- some- whs t faster and th result Is a small decline In the rfce.', - .' .. isi -r ' - . i n is tat 1 1 I . I r-s . n f - t 1. A , ' (4 1 I " tmmmmmmm.Ammmmmmmmummmmmm .. aassssssssssssaii- uiaw iis.awiavsi a w , Deserves ' f J a , ' a Laurel ..wrcatn ASK YOUR GROCER ; -''r'l it',' r e -i ... oomplatnta are now, coming In, o it 1 possible that the' case beor th muni dual court will not be prosecuted.; ..... w j , . ..... ',.,; V MARINE INTELLIGENCE ! W. T. Carroll , chartered th steam chooner Am Ciutler this, sfternoon to! load lumber at this port for Baa Fran- laid down by. ths, city council and. the harbormaster - father' port, r' He ' says the ; question . may ss well be settled now as any - othet -time and' it I his hallar thiit. tha Mta-f tvtim Mi .hM inn -iitfw clseo. She. will be her soon to begin 1 thorltv to rerulate the soeed of vessels rereivin carco. The Jim t Butler be- ' longs t( ' the Olson-Mahoney Lumber - company of fan Francisco,- arid is a sister ship f ' th J. Marhoffer, now . being completed at the WUIamett Iron st Steel works fn North Portland. - Th schooner , FV SL Sande and th barken tine jChehaU were chartered this morning, to load lumber on the Colum bia river ior California. , Botn nave just started nortiii from San Pedro. ,-, , OLD-TIMER ARRIVES Ship Emily Reed fjobks" None the ' v . Worse for Long Career.;; fp. f , The old American ship Emily Reed. Captain Davidson, arrived - In th bar- ' bor this morning and went o the mill of the Portland . Lumber company to load lumber for a California port. . It took her 26 day to make th run from San Pedro, and the voyage wa un- ."I - 1 . 1 . 111 In a river th else, of the Willamette. He believes it is up to tha government, "What would become .of J water trana portatJon . If every ; city - council could pas speed laws to ult it own fan cie whenever they-see. fit r1 asked1 Captain Spencer in discussing th mat. ter cf a warrant having been sworn" out dt me narDormaster . cnaraina csntsin John Zumualt with exceeding the speed limit in running irt spencer through tne namor weanesday morning. -suppose they could do that;, why. It would take a week, to get to The Dalles. Thera. I 'Vancouver. They . could pass some sort of a law over there prohibit ing, vessels from moving faster than tx or 'eight mile, and thn the cam thing could be dons-attber .places.. How long would It take to make the run up th r river V" : Captain Spencer ' aay he 1 being discriminated against. uamormaster Bpeier say the Spen-1 cer ha been . running slowly through the. harbor the past two day and not Bacalat tfaerS'Sna t Airin. ' -.-,v. Cost Blc. from 8to rrnclc'. ....ilfi H Alllanc, from Coo bay ... ...,.....,. May 19 Roanoke, t mm-ffaai Pcdra and var . .Maw SI P. A. KUhllril , from Ran Vrmm .n mmr Vmr 9-1, from San KniKlaeo! .Mar 23 numaniia. mim orient i.-..-. Mat 2.1 0. W. Elder, from Has Pedro and war.. Mar S9 Arabia, from orient. . Jiina AleaU. from orient,.., .;.........i,..jBly 1 Hsrvhur Users te Depart..;,-, '. : O. W. Elder, for San Pedro and way.,.. May 16 pimiinema. lot orient- ........,.,.My IT Ainanre, ror owie Bay ..........May II Cnata Blra. for Has Pranelaeo. ..Mar t r. A. Kllboro, for Has Fria, end way.. Ma S3 Rnanoks lor San Pedro. ino way,... ...May 23 Columbia, for San Kranclseo .........War ' Numanlla, for orient..... Jnse Arabia, for orient.. , ,..,..-......,., ..Jons t aieaia,. lor orient. .........Jnlf 7 . Vessels ia tort. J.-Marsnffar, Am. str, at Willamette I. Wks. ' rajonne. rr. so., ac irrms noes. . Plmailale. Br. tk, at Aatorla. , MfrheJet. Er. bk., st Aatorla. "Yola. Br sbl; at Eierator dork. ' J'TrtanhlU. Br. bk.. at B. W. mills. Norman lalee, Kor.. str., st Aatorla. , Mlpae, Am. sir., st St. Helens. ' Zlnlta. Br. bk , at Irving dork. Tellua, 0r. bk at Columbia No.' I. ' . 1. W Griffith, Am. bktn.; at Aatorla. Tottenham, ' Br." str.v-et Inman foolaen mill. romria. Am. acoj at tsncouver. ... Meomedla. Cer. tr at O. R. A N., Alblna. j eiramrirae, r, air., ai unnrnn,, ..Columbia. -Ami ch., at Blells. Waohlnirtnn. Am. bars, at Ellaworth, 6H uiiirrw .Mmrm taacouTiT, a."-. .... w'v Flntram, Am. all., at Stalla1. ' ' - ' ' . Redondo, Am. str.; at E. It W. mills. WBans Ho.' Cblneee Jnnk.- at Aatorla, Eipanalos, Am. ech., at Portland Lambsr Ca . Airena, Am. sen., si ooie. James Rolph, Am. eeh.,. st Weatport. . . Emily Reed, Am. atr st Aatorla. i, ,-Asate, Am. bk., at vancoorer. .William Olseo. Am. scb. at Aatorla. Makawell. Am. bkts., ; Wallaee 81ouh. Diamond Head, Am. bk., Vanconrer. . Letltla, Am. eeh., at Rainier. Nome Cltr, Am. str., at Rainier. . Ixmlilana, Am. str.,' st Aatorla. ; ' Murifl. Am. etr., at Newport. Jnbn Smith. Am. bktn.. at Stalls. , . Tiverton. Am. str.. st Rainier. Emily Reed, Am. an., at Portland Lambsr Co. Biramrre, nr. air., -at Maimer. 'Aanneioa, Am. atr, at Portamooth. Lamber Carriers Zs-kents. B. r. Whitney, ,1m. bk, Makswslt : ElwaU. Am. ah., San Pedro. LUlebonne, Am. scb.. Manila. - Lucille. Am, ab, flan Franclaeo. Mabel Gale, Am. ech.. Sun f'ranclaco. Retrierer, Am. bktn., 8as Pranciaeo. Aurora. Am. btn.. Baa Eranclaco. I Santa Asa, Am. str.. Ban Franclaoo. Made in New York" QPECIALIZATION in each step of inhp hnilrlinor assures tho best results. i Hvln the Alfred Herijamin & Co. organiza tion one expert studies styie--anouicr dujb. WMUlwu-uw''Uci directs the cutting .,. arid tailoring pro cesses. The custom tailor can bylr, devotd part , of his time to i each. - Therefore, the Iienjamin product is , better than his and costs you less. ,;(-'.- :Correct Clothes for Men - A Shoul d Be In Every ,'flburBin if.- ' 1 FRESH RANCir EGGS l20o . ' Excluslr Aeent Here. Buffum & Pendleton, Inc. BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, 50c Roll 311 MorrUonSt. SHAD ... . ..-' 'A 15c Each HALIBUT 10"tLB. 349-831 OAK ST. Phone Main 2533 MEATS 0 ANKENY ST. ?RESH DRESSED CHICKENS :,';v .EVERYDAY ss II Yoiir Grocery 'Bills IVHI Be Easier to Pay By trading with ys, as we can save' you a large per cent on all goods of the best standard quality COLUMBIA FISH CO. OREGON RANCH EGGS, per dozen. rHIRD AND ANKENY PHONE MAIN STS. sf'BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, Mb. roll. . . . if. v. .'.;.'. .so ... nwii Vli'.liJlJi w GREW MISS CARROLL'S UAXR AND VVC CAN PROVE it ".: ;;:v"J. Af'-'W? t-'Ki'i'i... .:Kt,t - ,':ifWv V'f ' $-s'.-'y Beautiful Hair At Small Cost 1T111N the last decade great and rapid stride have been made la - llateria Me&ca., Man disease that were considered incurable fifteen yean ago are now cured la's few days, and In many cases prevented altogether. The scientist of late years have been delving for the cause, , the foundation, the reason and the starting point of disease, fully realMng that the actual and true cause mast be ascertained before' the remedy can be located. Hair troubles, like many other diseases, have been wrongly. diagnosed and sltogether inisunderstc. Is not the thing to be treated, for the reason that it is simply a product of the scalp, and , whojly dependent upon its action. ' The scalp ia the very soil in which -the hair is produced, nurtured and grown, and it alone Should receive the". ' 1 attention if results are to be expected. It would do no earthly good to' treat the stem of a plant with a view of making it grow and become more , beautiful the soil in which the plant grows must be attended to.- There fore, the scalp in which the hair grows must receive the attention if you are to expect It to grow and become more beautiful. "',"' ; Xoss of hair is caused by the scalp drying up, or losing , , its supply of moisture or nutrimant, and when baldness occurs the scalp has simply lost all of its nourishment, ' leaving nothing for the hair to feed upon (a plant or even a tree would die under similar conditions). The natural and logical thing lo do iB : either case is. - '. feed and replenish the soil 6r scalp aa the case may be, y and your crop wiU grow and multiply as nature Intended . . Dr. Knowlton's DANDERINE Is the only remedy for the hair ever discovered that is identical witfi the nstural hair foods or liquids of the scalp. ' Itfeedaand " nourishes the hair and does all the work originally carried on by the natural nutrients or life-giving Juices generated by the scalp Itself. It penetrates the pores of the scaln miirVIv andth li!r ' ,soon shows the effects of its wonderfully exhilarating and life producing qualities. 1 t , - ; . 4 One twenty-five-cent botUe is enough to convince you of It 'great v:orth as a hair growing and hair beautifying remedy try It and see fr yourself. Now on sale at every drug and toilet store in the land. Three sues, 33c, 50c and $1.00. - . ' 1 . ;f'!"-' h-'i V i, : ' . f.- 4 . W. B. Home, An. a., KaQ frU, j Ji B. Stetaon, Am. atr.. Ban Prandaeev -' - Dalaj FreeajaB, Am. err.. aa rrsaclses. v 1 Irene. Am. s)l4 Sss "rsnrtaco. .v , Virginia, Am. sea.. Kaa Praaelaeo. - Oiarebll). Am. eeh., San fYanelaea, . - ' Elnf vrras. Am. aok.. Baa Pedro, Ahble. Am, ech.. Baa Frasrleco. V , Jim Butler, Am. atr San rranrlseo. ' 1 E. F. Sanders, Am, aeh., Sao Pedro. Cheballs. Am. bktn.,. Baa Pedro. . . Za most With Cemeat Sad ttatni, ' f FneeleiK-h, Br. all., Hambarf. - , BrennrSr. bS., Hull' .-.-.. . ' Cwar Caatle, Br. bk., Antwerp. VV : 1 Dala-onar. Br. sbv Bamborg ' - r Burove, 'Fr. bk.. Antwerp., .Oenerlete Mellooe, Fr. . bk., taadosj. 'Rene Kereller. Ft. eh Hambnrg. . Laennee. Ft sb., Bwanfes. Le filler. Fr. bk., London, ' ' -. Martha Rosa. Fr. bk.. Hanrtnrs ' " Moaamblque.. Bt. ab., Newcaatle, C : ' Bamos, nr. bk., Bnieiria. . , ' Rlaro, Oer. shM London, j v ' Bocoa, Fr. sb.. Neweaatla, . " Vlneennea, Ft. bk., Glaaaow. . Marecbatl Tnrrene, Fr. bk.. Hamburg. Vllle e llnlbooee, Fr bk- Antwerp, v -; Ooetharr, Fr. bk Asrwerp. Plerr! Lotl. Fr. bk., Astwerp. i . Walden Abber. Br. sb., Antwerp. Oleneaalm, Br. ab, Antwerp. Veraallles. Fr. bk., Leltb. General de Boladeffr. Fr. bk.. Leadsa. General d Nesrler, Fr. bk., Loodoa. , OeeJ Ships Zs Boat. . . J Beles. Ft. bk.. Newcaatle. A. . . ' Col. de Vinebols Uarenll. Fr. bk., KeweaatKA, N viaTvraoii. or. au.. nvwcaaiie, a. WUlsestt, Am. bk Nawcaatle, A. ' Tramp Steamers' Za Zsata, . Aaeet. Br. wrH Ssesos Artss. Hrodtord. ' Br.- str. Baa Frandaoa,' Urnaan Mara, Jap. str., Japan. African Monarch, Br. art.. Sao Frsselaos. -Stratbjre. Br. atr. Ban Francisco.. Telloa, Kor. atr.. Ban Frasctee. Bark,. 'or. str.,- Bas Franclaco. ,: -Maori -Kins. Br. atr., BbaosbaL Knivbt Templar. Br. strv orient. 1 Kenrlkvlbeen. MoT atr., Ban Franelsss, Queen Aleaanrtra. Br. atr., Madras. Kallbla. Br. str., Sao Franclaee. ' Manha Mar. Jap. str., Balloaa Croa' It jades. Am. str., orient. - .Mackinaw. Am, str.. Seattle. , . San Mateo, Am, atr., 8an Francisco. 1 Oil Carnara Xa Bents " ' Uarerkk, Am. str.. Ban Franclacov ROSE CITY FLOUR, best fancy patent sack I : EASTERN SUGAR CURED HAMS, pound. a if e or- ....91.20 i a -" 1 Scotch Oats, tiackaire.'. . . . ;10 I j r Bottle Blue Label Catsup.!.. ...201 Eale Milk, can . . .;v. ...... 15 : 3 can Carnation Cream . . . .v .... ... .... .25 2 cans Minced Clamff ,.25 4 packages Corn Starchy.. , 25s Pound Mocha and Java Coffee. .25f Can Bakerl Cocoa. . . T.. : . 7.. .. ... . 20s Pound' Green or Black Tea. ). 2 7 pounds Standard Rolled Oats 2 6 pounds Bro'ken Rice. .. . ..: 25 12 bars Laundry Soap. . 11111114 u2 SPECIAL" PRICES TO HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND BOARDING-HOUSES SUMMER DRINICS VERY RERESHINd,' IT HELPS DIQESJION AND MAKES BLOOD Zlshsiel 2d Ulcere! 7!er ' RlcsIInj nd Elbcral Water . j . : GressSia Sjrcp scd Uteersl Waicr Claret ssd Ulsersl Water .Bcrfiiindj &:iserl .Viler , - Ssaierceesd KIstrd- Water V Can be delivered at your bouse at the following prices: Clsret, Type XXX, at. i.tyt gallon br $3.00 per do. Ziniandel, lype aaa. ar..i.uu gauon or v.w aoa. Burgundy, Type XXX, at. .$liJ gallon or $5.00 doz. Hoch, Type XXX. at.,;.:. 75c gallon or 13.00 dos. Riesling,. Type XXX, at. ..$U0 gallon or $4.00 doa. Sauterne, Type XXX, at. . ,$U0 gallon or $6.00 dos. 'SPECIAL1 PRICES FOR THIS MONTH. ' Welsh's Grape Juice, dozen"quarti......,.....$4J0 Crests Blanca Sauterne, dosen quarU.... ...... $6.00 Ah Crests Blanca Sauterne. two dozen pints. ...... $7.00 Imported White Wines, ;per, dosen.... ...., .$6.00 McBrayer Whisky, bottled, in bond, 5 yrs, old $1U)0 . Pure Food Port Wine, gallon.. frf .75c Pur Food Sherry Win, gallon.;,.'... ,...75c Pure Food Angelica Wine, gallon 75c Pure Food Muscat Wine, gallon v .:....'.'.'..,.. 75c Pure Food Jokay Wine, gallon. ...75c We deliver goods .FREE to any part of the town? Orders-sent in through telephone Main 70 will have our prompt attention.' Orders from mut send in 25c extra for containers o til bulk goods. L.AKJB ERIE WINE AND LIQUOR CO. ! :'... st: .:'. mi tne"e'ion rAn if AIM TJTJT s'htts . T .. ." 'A T .. ..,.', :::...r;. ALONG THE WATERFRONT . -.'..''' ..' ."J.-' sksBa-aasaaassB ,,.-'l':.y'V"-;f.,,l''.', ?Th British steamer Btrathrre'arrlved I I at Rainier : tHl mornln to load lumber I for the orient. Bh 1 unaer charter to I E. T. William & Co. of this city. t Tha French bark Baronnor. " Caotaln Hue,' cleared this mominf . for Queens- aMitfCtttt ttttf effaf f aaAAaaa4aaa4aa4aa44asaaS))a4444aaiAaaaaaaaaif af town or raimoutn ror oraer witn i .valued at I 119,881 bushels - of i wheat, 115.000. The steamer Oresona will ao on th Salem run soon in conjunction with th Pomona, while the teamr Altona will b placed in commission on the. Oregon City run." The Oregon 1 being over hauled t . th yard of th Portland Shipbuilding company. The steam schooner Qulnault cleared for Ban Francesco this morning with 6BO.O00 feet of lumber and th (team chooner Excelsior sailed last night With ri0, 000 feet of lumber , for the I same destination. ' V ' The barken tin J..M. Griffith eleared last night for San Francisco with 700,000 feet of lumber end th steam 1 chooner Nom City cleared thl after noon with a part cargo Of railroad ileal for. Sap ;, Pedro.' . Sb ,will -flniah at Rainier and Stella,; :-,.--, The oriental ' liner Nlcomedia left I down thl morning bound for Japan and I China with a cargo valued at ,250,4J, and . the 1 gasoline schooner Berwick' railed for Rogue- river, The steamer George -W. i Elder sailed last night for lan pedro and way ports. , BAY CU V MARKET 185 FOURTH -STREET NEAR , YAMHILL : ." r - Prompt Delivery to All Parts of West Side . VA A Full line o! Firs! Qass Iilcats -v Spring Lamb, direct from the farmer, never In cold storage. Home-made Lard, Bacon and Hams, Corned Beef; also full lines fresh Vegetables Fresh Eggs and Butter vj.;. . Call up Main 2830. Horn Phone A2830 " "? . V. ; vThe very choicest taA be had. 1 w ! S P AT Hrt5c KOEHLER . MISS J. CA RROLL . -. StaOT Irwiatsf Ave.,,. - Chicio MARINE-NOTE" Astoria, May IT. Arrived down " last night and lld at 4:10 a. m., ftsamer Excelsior, for San fVancisco. Arrived down at 1:80 and aaiied at 6:80 a. m.. steamer Oeorge W.'Elder, for San Pedro and way port. Arrived down at 4 a. m.. f Norwegian tamer Norman Islea Arrived down at 4 a. m., barken tine J. M. Griffith. Arrived at $ and left up at 4 a. , m., steamer ' Asuncion, from San Franclaoo. Arrived down at 10:40 a. m. and sailed at 8:80 p. m temr Quln ault, for San Franciaeo. 7 : i;' San Franclaoo, . May IT.- Arrived. steamer w. 8. porter; from "Portland. Arrived yesterday, steamer and F. A: KUburn, from Portland. L : Astoria, Majr, Arrived 'down at 8. IS . and , sailed . at l-p. m.. steamer Columbia, for' fian Francisco. Sailed at 8:18 p. m., steamer South Bay. for-San Francisca Arrived at 8:18 and left ud at 4:80 p. m., British steamer Strathyr. AMMMMMMMtWvvvtf cr.3. v.i:::io:;,s : . ,c:3Trr.3 0Yr.:? as bssaHeed br i""""." J-7,t,5V22 tooths the ehlld. sortons thm SUA urj llaTeures wlud OoUu, Ssl beel ) U sootbss the ehlld, .sol l sail navin. ivuttm w iuu Chehal'l and choonp F, E. Sander, for Columbia river, k Aetorl'a,' May aT.t-Conditlon of th Cascade par art 8 a. m.,, obscured; wind, aouth, )6 will; weather, raining. . , t r mJes at Astoria today High water. 8:18 a.' m. 7,8 feet; 4:48 p. m., 6.4 feet.J Low. water, 10:04 . m.,,0.1 feeu 10:04 p. m.. 8.8 feef. " 1 v ' Z ?i'i!fSZl1mJfrt?9 5,w wnl ad a Israe sample free br return man to afty one who sends rhls sdrertlaemsat trom Bf: rn7lffo. m the .Mwt4a.ianM cev, talMp, wiU tacit same aad address a4 10 ccai U ilvcr or .tamp to pay pOSUgs, : j Joi, llV Laa Sally Tonlgn .-Sailed, Barkeatln I At Armory. 10ti St Couch. Fine program. THE HIGHEST-; GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE AT YOUR GROCERS. 1 1-iiwjJ BUTTER Best Creaniery 50c ; ., FRESH RANCH EGGS. Dairy ButterT.T; . .7.Trr.40) Best Sugar Cured Ham, .,..17 Breakfast Bacon . ;. ....... .18t Cream Brick Cheese, ... ? 1 lb SOe and 25 Wmburger Cheese, each....35f Full Cream Cheese, S lbs.'.'.356 .. Ileomargarine . . , . ,401 " Chickens 17c and 20c LaGrande Creamery . ., xo jnsaniL,L, ti l. xr tov WAjri m hjobst amasa Poultry, Fish snd Oysters ,. ; Tou can get them at . r G. COVACQ & cor ONXiT They handl thl line onlvand nut all their effort to gtv th publio th ' hlaht arada ' ' ' . ..V G. COVACQ sts anxsT sr. r&oa a:au er& 4 :