A - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY , EVENING.' MAY 18. 1C37. USES ELECTRIC SIGH FOR Out . v For Honeot Valueo Theae Items Are Unequaled Any one who has ever answered our advertisements knows by experience that we never exaggerate not even : r to the extent of a cent' Take tomorrow's items and you'll find prices exactly as advertised. s i v . ' i in, f , . ' . Mn 1 1 i , n CHURCH : :r.'l. ;,- ,. ; . - i Dr. C JV Aked, th former Liverpool minister, now the pastor "".of. the staid and conservative Fifth Avenue Baptist church of New fork. City, commonly called! the Rockefeller church, bu an lectrlo elm over the main entrance,, which la tlx feet by three feet, the let ters formlnr -the name of the -church. He borrowed the Idea from the Great White Way, aa brilliantly lighted -Broadway la called. The Fifth Avenue Bap tist ' church la one of the oldest , and moat conservative of the denomination In New Tork.' It Is situated on Forty sixth street, near Fifth avenue. : . Dr. Clarence True Wilson of Qraee Methodist church .of this city, .when asked to comment on Dr. Aked's action, spoke moat highly and approvingly of It : . : H.-?: X think," be said, "that churches should be -made as attractive as the saloons are. If Dr. Aked has dons this thing for such an old and conservative chilrch as the Fifth Avenue Baptist he has Justified Rockefeller's choice of him aa a pastor. Rockefeller is known for his good Judgment No, we will not get up to that point for many years in Portland. Portland believes In making her churches Just aa difficult and Inac cessible as possible and In painting them as dark as they can dirt' color will do. But they shouM be. made as asy to get Into from the ground floor and as brilliantly lighted as -any x sort, down down." r-v-,.'.p5.t-w; I Juvenile Comfort. too often wi forget that the lltUs nea In the house feel the peed,' aa we alder' ones do, fit a spot that they can call their very own. ' How. should we Ilka it I wonder.' to live In a place where all the- furniture towered above our heads, where- pictures, were so far off that we would have to strain our necks to look at them, and where the house was meant onlr for the big ones; with out. aa one little lad said, lany little boy end to If ? ,.v.--;."-., ! x . It la not often possible to give, each child a room entirely bis own. and in deed, too much- room la lonesome -or a. child, but a little corner can be ar ranged where he may have ,hls own books, his cloture, his toys, and, 1m porunt aid to bla comfort, a place to sit down where his feet may touch the floor. " - ' . ; . Sometimes this has been accomplished, as is told by Mrs. Cook in the May "Circle." She aays: aTwo sych corners that I have lately ; seen are most attractlY. -and afford constant delight to their owners. One belongs to three iitti ariris. and Is In the sunniest cor ner of the livlnf room. "A square of gray-areen denim fitted Into the corner ss a floor covering marks the preempt ed territory. A picture moulding Just within reach of the tallest girl provides a limit as to wall space, as well Ss a support for a jeally beautiful collection of pictures, the property of the three little malda, representing various birth dav and holiday tokena : Suspended from the molding these numerous tokens make a veritable picture gallery, and furnish material for many a. delightful etory when mama visits the corner. Toys snd books galore, doUs and dolls' fur niture, and a bewitching tea table, lav ishly fitted out, are au in evianc.-une owners of this little "paradise" never Wwit It, while the Saturday afternoon teas, with their little mends rrom out side, are social events of, great Import ance in their juvenne woria. The other, corner belongs to a small boy, and is in the library of his home, where tall book cases mark Its bound ary llnee. The corner is not a sunny one, but the i little -boy's motber baa made It 'rarely bright She saved the covers of the magazine that cornea with BRONCHI AITTROUBLES Readily Yield to Soothing, Healing Treatment of Hyomel. ? Bronchial troubles are purely local They cannot' be helped by stomach dos ing The are caused by Irritation in . t-i a ir riBjiBftffe and can be relieved cured by medicated air alone. In v,i. ies the secret of the great sue cess of Hy-o-mel In the treatment of bronchial trouDiea. -, . -- ' The Hy-o-mel medication, laden with -nature's reraedlesra- breathed -through .w. nat nncket inhaler that comes with every oufet, reaching every part of the bronchi tubes and . k'lllng at once the WSe germs.;. It allays au lrntaiion hA . nnmlm tna iniiammauon uis - . .t.iu mucous - membrane .-, wim , vmm Treatment with sprays, douches and atomisers In bronchial troubles Is con demned by the best physicians, aa they cauae further irritation, .ti.it-. The first breath of Hy-o-meifs medi r aeema to Sooth the inflamma tion, atop the cough and thua relief ' soon becomes permanent and a-cure re sults. , ' - . - We do not want any one's money un less Hyomel gives relief and cure, and we absolutely egree that money will be refunded -unless the remedy gives satis faction. ,:;... ' - All druggists should be able to sup ply rou with Hyomel or we will send It by mall on receipt of price,-ILOO, and very package is sold with the distinct understanding that It costs nothing un less It cures..- Booth's Hyomel company, Buffalo, NSW Tork. - , the Sunday paper until aha had enough to make a border around the 'wall the length of the corner. All are gaily , col ored, and represent child Ufa . Pasted upon a strip of bright red mercerised satesn and tacked (with artists' tacka) upon the wall. Just high enough to be oh a Una with the small boy's eyes, they are the object of his pride and admira tion -The center of the space Is oc cupied by a child's oak desk, to which Is sdded a desk chslr that turns around "Just like papa'e." In bla desk the small proprietor keeps' paper, pencils, picture cards, and, because the Inside of the desk cover .Is a blackboard, there . are also crayons and eraser. On ons side of the desk some shelves hold a marvel ous collection of engines, wagons, ani mals, balls, and various things Sear to the heart of the small boy. All the top shelf IK reserved for books. 1 What la left of floor space holds a tiny couch for ths proud owner to rest upon when tired of play, y It is provided with a lumber robe and a pillow.- These were the afshan and pillow of the little boy's parrlage when hs was a . tbaby. They were white then, but they are a bright red npw, for the boy's mamk knows ths value of dye. I almost r or rot to men tion that among the toys is a big Noah's srk. It was given to the little boy by his grandma, and la the only toy he plays with on Sundays; he never plays with It on week days. ; , y v Simpler Refreshments. While dressing gro.rs more elaborate for social affaire, refreshments seem to grow simpler. At one affair in Phila delphia the supper was served wun much cut glass,- silver and exquisite china about; but It, was only assorted sandwiches, coffee, lemonade, and eon- fectlona Ons feature .of the decora tion here -ras fruits placed in beautiful dishes. At another, the opening of a magnificent home In a f smaller city, the table bore an immense nowi or American Beauty roses on a Flemish lace centerpiece. , . , A - At the corners were ran comports filled with orystallsed whits grapes, the stem tied with an American Beauty bow, and on the othsr corners were con fections. These were two twisted opera sticks of pale green candy, with a spray of American Beauty candy roses spread on them as If climbing. The refresh ments were simple but elegant and quickly served. They were a merlngua kiss filled with Ice cream, .coffee and the oonfectiona runoh was served from aa lamenae out glass bowl. , , -i..V-vet.-. Hi ; i ' 4 A Paper Bag Kettle. "I had no hot water for shaving at the little country "hotel," said the drum mer, "and accordingly heated soma In a paper bag." .... .. ; ,-: . -.- - . "Heated hot water w a paper bSgT'i , "Sure." - x: : : '.; "How can that be done?" ' ' Tou take a stout paper bag or an envelops will do as well fill It with water and hold It over a gas flams or a limp.; The -water heats readily. ; Ths paper doesn't burn because It is wet. and wet paper is a singularly tough and non-combustible substance.. "Many and many a time have X heated over the gas Jet an envelope or a paper tag of hot water for my shaving, and not once nave z naft aa accident." - g . gg if Can It BeT New York Commercial: ; "Women at the peace conference violently shouted. No! no" to the advloo to keen our powder dry. Can It be that there's new-sort rubbed on dampT" :. A DAILT MENU. Breakfast ' Halved Oranges. Cereal. Muffins, Luncheon. -" - ' Veal Loaf. . Eso&lloped Potatoea Quince Preserves with. Cream. Hot Biscuit ' Oraham Wafera Tea,, tl Dinner. ' - , Ox-tail Soiip, ' -. Wafers. ' Planked Shad. Potatoea Natural Spinach with Egg. v "' . Sliced Pineapple. ' , Cake. . . , Coffee. - Cheese. . v m.-H ': w " 1 - Paired by Lot. . ' , An Ingenious hostess has invented a new method of dealing with ons of the principle difficulties incident to dinner parties -that ot pairing on the guesta On arriving In' ths 1 drawing room ths guetsflnd two taKta run, or flowers Hidden in the blossoms are numbered tickets. ' Ths men are requested to shut tneir eyes, put a nana into me nasaet adorned, with forget-me-nots or some other blue flower; and pull put a card. The ladles perform a like - ceremony. drawing their tickets from a bower of pink v: blossoms; generally rosea The corresponding numbers then Jook for each other, andfthavlnafsorted' them selves out fratr off and ge to dlnneat Of course, under this system the hostess foregoes all crsdlt tot the harmonious arrangement of the guests If 'the din ner passes off brightly. - But If it Is' a failure in this respect, because couples are ill assorted and conversation lags heavily, the ' advantage of the new method Is that the bored guests have no grievance agalnc. their hostess aad can only rail at fate, BLUE LAW SUNDAY IN " WIDE OPEN IDAHOTOWN "- ;: : Harrison. Idaho, May !. The state Sunday-closing law was strictly observed here Sunday last by the business men of tho elty. s Every stors had run wide open, as had also the aaloons, hero for many years on Sunday, but last Sunday, for the first Urns In ths pity's history, not a store nor a saloon was opened, All observed tho law to the letter. The saloons did a big business Saturday night . "bottling up?, to keep spirits la their customers until Monday morning. .. If you are getting "stoop-shouldered" advertise for more help In the Journal. Even To The: Thread We Uge: We exercise the great est care to use only good thread thread that will wear well and hold its color; not a very impor.-.- , tant,ltenvyou may say- ; ; but we merely mention it to emphasize the particu-. lar pains we take that, our v; ' t work shall not be lacking :y in even ' the least impor- iant detaiL Youll like ; Columbia tailoring for its high character its style y its " real - merit . all through. ? And progres sive business methods en : able us to save expense la " more than one direction which means a saving in cost to you. V' AND; NOW FOR THE . Summer Suit Let us show you how ' , much iashion and' service -we can put into a light- . ' weight Summer suit , and ' what a decidedly superior - suit we can make for you for very moderate outlay. ; Suits......r$20 to $40 . Trousers $4 to $ 1 0 ., Cfix.VT PBECLET. Miwttr Elks' Bldg, 7th and Stark. uaay uaucrpnocu ppocioxs lor uxaiu x xiaay This season's showing or wholly new, pretty, tasteful Dress Goods Is by fat the best w have ever shown. ' Prices for Friday ar always than the market. That's an. important fact concerning this store. It has been mentioned in our store news. But it's interesting; to bear frequent repetition. 'And with that fact, this additional onei Always qualities that are thoroughly good, however low the enoagh price. lower than the market. ' That's an. important fact concerning; this store, to bear freauent repetition. 'And with that fact, this additional onei 7 Today's news Is of new summer weights that have just arrived. Read, further. . Every paragraph . relates to an excellent saving. THIS SEASON'S MOST STYLISH SUITINGS SOLD REGULARLY AT $U5 A YARD, WILL BE 69. SEE MORRISON STREET WINDOW DISPLAY Tomorrow's offerings iu .this department will be worth a special trip to the store. These, Suitings are the moat stylish goods of the season Novelty ranama suitings in overplaid and check styles in pretty contrasting shades of blue, tau and gray; light weight woolens 52 to 56 inches wide, and an brand new stuff s in full piece. It it not a sale ot snort lengths, old or shelf worn goods but clean, new goods; juit the kinds you would be glad to pay fulrpnce for. The pattern are ' tereited, be here at the opening hour 8 o'clock. Beit $125 Grades, specially priced for Bargain Friday 30o ChalUcb 28o 30-inch half-wool Challes in an exten sive assortment of, pretty patterns, ' cream grounds with neat rings, dots and figures also attractive Persian pattern in a great variety light, cool Vand washable extra good values at , 39c s yard; epecially priced for OQ Bargain riday.. aqi Now Novelty Gulting 75o to 91.00 Values at 59o Forty-two to 46-inch new Notelty Suitings, fine Panama weaves In s great assortment of attractive patterns, neat stripes, checks and broken plaids in all the newest shades, an excellent dust repelling fabric for summer wear. For tomorrow there will be Just enough Sot a busy, day's selling. Regular 73c and PQ 1.00 grade, all go at one price. Bargain Friday at......jJyC K niu wi uiub, im ana gmy, ugoi . lengths, old or shelf worn - if " particularly pretty. If in-. QJ 75o Socillian 40o 50-inch Mohair - Secillianin colors, ' black,' navy, cardinal, brown, gray, etc correct Summer weight, one of the most popular dust shedding fabrics. Never before sold for less than 75c ' S yard; Specially priced for one Ja -day only,' Bargain Friday at.V..SvC Dooidod Bargains for lion- '"- Unusual Values tomorrow la ths men's section. Fridays special of ferings include Just what many men are particularly anxious to get at this tips 1 summer - under wear, shirts, socks, etc and ths savings are especially attractive. , Men's 50c Underwear 8 Men's fine elastic Ribbed Shirts and Drawer, salmon color shirt are made with fine elastic ribbed neck. They sell regularly at 50c per gar mentSpecial for Bargain Friday ......;..........,..' Men's $1.00 Dress Shirts TOf An excellent display of men's whits dreia shirts with either stiff or pleated bosom. Best to be had at $1.00 each Special Bar- 7Q gain Friday Men's 25c Fancy Socks 18 A bargain for men in a fine assort ment of fancy hose in plain tan, fancy embroidered and lace effects; also a line bf nobby stripe effects. Sold reguiany at . c apcciu Bargain Friflay, per , c 18c Boys' 35c Blouse Waists . Bargain Friday we place on special ..I. . In . aI Ram' Tilniia Waist; all pretty pattern; col or, white, tan snd blue and many neat designs in stripe and figure. Size 4 to 14 years never before sold for.le than 35c Special price Bargain Ytiity, 29C Men's 15c Kerchiefs 10 A line of pretty plain white cross bar cambric handkerchiefs, finished with neat hemstitched hem made of nice soft grade material, ready to use. Our regular selling price 15c Special Bargain Fri-.; A day ..............,. lyW SojnoLittlo-Priccd Notions and Ari Gkods for rriday'o Sollinc: 1 , A we paragraph concerning some wee things at wee prices, but it will bold intense interest for most - people economical people. These 'figures are about one-third less thsa- thf svery-day prices on the same (oooa, ana ncj were low-miced even at the regular prices. - s ; 35c Pillow Tops, iScOur diaplay of Xithographed Pillow Topa is pattern, exclusive design; jegu- iany soa at jjc wu . Friday .;..............., 75c Pillow Tops, 40 New -ortment of uk pillow top the style and pattern are unrivaled " In the city; excellent - grade" ailk. Our usual price 75e Special Bargain Friday ...,40f 1 75c- Shopping' Bags, 39o An ' as sortment of Shopping Baf s, cora pruing every thin ..new,-in,-draw tring atyle. Colors Black and . Brown only. - Regularly sell at 75c Special Bargain Friday. .3 - 50c Dresalng Cotnhs, 39o A line of German Silver Mounted Dress ing Comb, extra heavy mounting, food quality. Bet 50c quality pedal Bargain Friday....... 3e , Whiak Broom; 20c grade Bar- gain Friday Needle Book 7c grade Bargain Friday , Stocking Darner f 10c grade Bargain Friday. ...... . .6 Boys' Wit Supporters; 25c grade Bargain Friday ......... ...14 " tjnen Box Pafteri ' 50e - ouality BargainlFriday. :.'.?. .Z9f Shell Hair Pins; 25c quality Bar gain Friday.. 14 Shell Side Combs; 15c quality Bargain Friday. ............. . .9e Shell Side Comb; 25c quality Bargain Friday ,..r..v19e Playing Card; convex- corners: Bargain Friday. .105 and"15e ' Another Fontons Stooldns Solo ,; - ' ' See Morrison Street .Window A Solo of 7omon'8 ronoy Hosiery ft x A; iM. k m u ? T.t r 2d www Be8t25o,05of 60o Grades Choice . 15 4s Not s clearance lot, but a (pedal purchase Just received. Without doubt the biggest and best bargain sale of Women's Fancy Hosiery ever offered. , A most extraordinary offering for tomorrow. - Another purchase direct from the manufacturer that will make tomorrow's sale at the Hosiery counter the heaviest in months. The entire fancy line of the largest manufacturer in the country secured at a small frac tion of the original price. All styles that srs new, but only a few doten of a ityle. The largest assortment ever offered at this price: 800 pairs Tan Allover Lace; 600 pairs Black Lace Boots; 900 pairs Black Silk Embroidered: 750 pairs Black with Metallic Figures; 450 pairs Gray with Black Polka Dots; 600 pairs Gray Extracts with large Polka Dots; 700 pairs Gray Extracts of Fancy Designs; 900 pairs Black with Unbleached Soles. Best 25c, 35c and 50c vIC grades; on sale Friday and Saturdaywhile they last.,..., ....ldC Children'. Stockings, Best 35o Quality, 15o About -500 dozen Children's Iron Clad Stockings for both boys and gin, cxifs scitj iff igui, tuu wiui i ccuimiiu ini man tuc, uic quality is laenncai wiin inose on saie in every nrst-ciass siore in Portland at sic a pair, we offer yon the entire lot, m most au sizeit purchase a many pairs ss yon wish, tomorrow ss f C long. as they last at, per pajr.. luC Horo Wonderful Valuca in Domeatio Seotion for Priday's Great Solo , You will find many splendid bargains here tomorrow. That more money can be saved on such homo needs by buying at Roberts Bros.' has been demonstrated dearly time and time again. Prudent women will provide for future as well as present wants now. wote the great sayings,, for ; bargain . raaay. , y , J-; ''Xi-.'- f"- Jlczlcy Serffe and Como Suitings, 18o and -'20o Grades, Bargain Friday, Only 106 For your own ene of economy, take note of this iqoet unusual of fering About 200 piece of Henley Serge and Como Suitings In a complete assortment of desirable styles, checks, stripe nd plaids, fxact copies of this season's most favored woolen fabrics, .excellent wearing quality, absolutely fattjcolora; medium, light and dark color, sold alover the city at 18c and 20c a yard; apeciaUy priced in. fof Bargain Friday at...... ..' ...r..W..lUC Couch Covers An entirely new assortment ot Roman and oriental triped Couch, cover; reversible; fringed all around. Siae, 3 yards by 50 inchea. Unequaled . $1J0 value Special Bargain -J J Fruid Huch Towels Good srade huck Towels: siae 18x36. ' Exeeo- tionaily good value at the regular price, 10c Special Bargain Q Friday. U ; . . .i r. , .i.. ..... OC Another Great Sale of Good Shoes , TomorroV" Bargain FrldsyMu both departments, main floor and basement. Every possible convenience will be afforded to our visitors. The floo)Mpace ife,or.w4oi that devoted o any former spedrt offering: of Shoes in this stors and the assignment of salespeople, caamers ana wrappers wiu oe equal tojna large ae- tMBa spsctta.'" - i , rf, . ,-:tjV Over Twonty-ilvo.Tlioucxuid Pxiira of Shoc3 Aro in This OEering The Shoes are all fresh, The upper leathers In them are pliable and sound, l he soles art of solid and strong sole leathers of high grades. The entire collection .should command your attention for quality. - .;.--, Some of the prices art one-third and some are one-half below the retail prices of equal shoes in the market today. , Or reversing the statement, some of them would cost you one-half more and some of them would cost you doable elsewhere. Inelndo Shoes for lien. Women. f ftBoyo and Girls-WbmenV White Canvna Psfords. Wonderful Volnea Four qualities to choose from and each one'apecially reduced iof Bar gain Friday Women's White Canvas Oxfords in all the best style, with plain toe and tip, high and low heel, blucher and plain lace light and heavy soles, Oxford that are good "all through," on sale tomorrow at the following reduction! - . Regular $L50 Oxfords Friday at.... ..................... ;..t.OO Regular $100 Oxfords Friday at.... ; $1.50 Regular $20 Oxfords Friday at.. ...,. f 1.75 Regular $3.00 Oxfords Friday at.......... ................ ...a.00 Men's Shoes and Oxfords fa sfl the best styles and leathers, 4? Of? $3 JO and $4.00 values. . ' ...,..'.. . . yMOJ Women's Shoes' snd Oxfords in all faahionable leathers, or regular $3.00 and $3J0 value.... .......i.,..;........! Women's Shoes snd Oxfords, all up-to-dats styles, regular 1 ff $2J0 and $3.00 values. ... ....... . .. . ..... .......... ..V lv J Boys' and Girls Shoes, shoes that are made to stand htd wear, $U0 values.... -.........'........'.;.. ...... ....'... Misses' Oxfords in Patent Colt, all new styles, rejular 52.C3 C"i n and $22i values. . . . o .'.'. t 1 1 - l Women's; Knit PontSf Umbrella Stylo r 'Bent - ? 75o 'fi . ' : Qual ity ; at 43o A Great Sale Tomorrow I A spe cial purchase of about 50 dozen Women's White Lisle Thread Pants, on sale tomorrow at one third less than regular; perfect fit ting, well made garments, umbrella style, nicely trimmed - with fine torchon lace, fine Jersey ribbed, all sizes, splendid valuer at 75c; spe cially priced for one day on- AO ly Bargain Friday, at.....xJC Greatest NeokwoV Sale of Season Turnovers and Stock Collars by the Thousand 36 -different styles to choose from, never known to' sell at anv such price before: worth from 10 to 20c each Special Je ssie Bargain Friday. 1C Lacs Stock Collars In every style, shape and pattern, made of baby Irish, Irish PoinV Veniae, Orien tal and Net Laces; also hundreds of beautiful embroidered stocks in rich St Gall patterns; regular prices 35c, 45c, 50c each Special Q -Sale Bargain Friday, each...XOC Cleon-np Solo of Ribbons Great Clean Up sale of plain and fancy-ribbons from 4 to 5 inches wide 10,000. yards In lot Beau tiful assortment, every piece fresh and desirable. -All colors, ' also ' white and black. Sell regularly at 20c. 25c and 30c yard--Spe- f '.; cial Bargain Friday. . . J.'xC . Beantifnl Embroi dery Hednccd Allover Embroidery 24 Inches wide, made of fine, sheer Swisaand . Chiffon Cloth. Sell regularly at $1.25 and $liO-Special C , Bargain Friday; per yard.. UeC:; Corset Cover Embroidery 18 ? inches wide; extra good quality: deep embroidery patterns the kind that aells at 35c Special. 9- Bargain Friday .; wt; Embroidery Edgings - -Widths n from 2J4 inches up to 8. Beauti ful design in matched patterns; valuea 15c, 20c and 25c. 1 1 Special at i.. ... ... 1 Women's Children's Samplo Parasols HALF-PRICE A GREAT PURCHASE OP 1.000 PIECES OVER 100 STYLES- NO TWO ALIKE An assortment we believe to be uneaualcd. Cer tainly sufficient variety to suit ev ery fancy, r A great purchase , of 1.U00 pieces the entire sample line of Gans Bco. of Baltimore, bought at 50c on the dollar, and now on sale at the same big saving. The line consist of all -the latest crea tions, in white snd colors, in toth linen and silkj details of r and finish are not needed. Tie t- sortment is perfect. We bsve t' t s from 20c up to 15X3. 11 u - extraordinary saving: c;r ;r an Opportti- ty t at r. j r v: ; man caa :. . rd n r . : and attfni this t ""' I t " row tr.i 'f r! r r r 1 ..:c. i