The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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,li!lllll!6 illlD
FilPOUS fjlliE TO
r stop
5 U
Former Genera) Passenger Agent, , of 0. R. A N. Appointed Vice- CertaJrof PortlantTe Physicians
Settiement Expected Over Ap
Mysterious Bil( Placed In Posi
Cold Hill Is Free From litigation
Insanity- Commission Will Meet
- Iri Portland Next Satur-'
:,:-;;v-.(day Mornlngir; .
President of New York, New Haven dt Hartford RoUte '
.Will Be Prosecuted- for;
Criminal Practice. ?
f; pointment of Attorney for) i
Juvenile 'Court ' .
tion' Where" HV Must
and Will Be Operated Again
X i ' Extensively. ; .:'u v
-Harry Adams Will Pfobkbly' Succeed Him.
' Keep the Peace.
1 a t r- ..
, --,..?-?'-s;.v.::v i . .
' ' . t
v ' v.. . . S . :: r
I Bea Campbell
Bn ' Campbell. formerly 'rcnral
paengr rent of th O. It N. Cot,,
atid probably th bit-known railroad
traffic man In tha northwest, will
laavo tha field In which he haa rained
prominence a a railroader and, go to
im a nan tie eoaat. He haa bean aj-
relnted rlce-presldent In charge of
traffic of the New York, New Haren
& Hartford railroad by hie old friend,
ex-Prealdent . Me)len of, the Northern
Pacific, now head of the former eom
'A ucceeor for Campbell at, the head
u 1.11 unwi nonnem m iraine oepan
ment hae not been namid. and Port
land railroad men are awaltlnr an an
nouncement with unuatial : lntereet It
hsa been recently the custom of the
Hill inanarement to take heada of de-
partment from, the Kanunaa lines In
me Paclfltf north weat
- &m After Karrlaaa Hen.
The deelre of Mr. Hill ever since he
decided to enter Harrlman territory in
tne northwest has been to get traffic
officials who were Intimately-familiar
with the Oregon and Washington traf
fic field. - The assumption Is that he
will continue to seek (hat class of
Uen. , f, '
.The strongest traffto man bow with
tha Hill lines possessing a thorough
knowledge of traf f lo affairs Of the
Harrlman roads Is said to be Harry M.
Adama, , who was formerly assistant
general freight agent of the O. R. A N.
and went front that post to the office
of assistant traffic director of - the
Great Northern, under Campbell, with
' jurisdiction of the western end and
headquarters at Seattle.
' Mr. Adams la looked upon here as a
probable successor to Mr. Campbell's.
place at the .bead of the Great North
era's traf fio department - The brev'ty
or his experience with that road , and
possible lack of personal acquaintance
witn the St. Faul officials of the Hill
lines 1 believed lb be his only handi
cap, for the plasS.-.,;; ; -. '
fv. woodworth , Xa ' ZOns.-
James O. Woodworth is mentioned
for the position, but his prospects on
the ' Northern Paolf lo are regarded as
equally blight It has been .. reported
that the consolidation of the North
era Paclflo and Great Northern exprees
companies under the name of Northern
Express company Is td be followed by
appointment of J. M. Hannaf ord, now
Second vice president and traffic direc
tor of the Northern Naclflc to be pres
ident of the new express company. This
'".h ' tx v.i.iv-f.
By the vaanlmous vote of tha to
members present of the City and
County Medical society last nlsht st Ha
annual meeting passed , resolutions
pledging District 'Attorney ! John Man
ning tneir concentrated assistance in
securing evidence for the conviction of
anv ana sii pnysicisns ensased In
criminal practice in Portland.
Dr. Alan Welch Smith, secretarr of
tne association, was instructed to oon
vey the resolutions and action of the
society to Attorney Manning at once.
The society will Immediately set about
securing ' the conviction of all . such
physicians as rapidly as possible, since
the number has Increased alarmlnaly
during the past few years.
The situation has become critical".
said Dr. Smith last night There is
at least one clique of doctors who ad
vertise their unholy vocation. They do
nrt seek nor do they care for legitimate
prao'ice, tor tuey are growing ilch In
trims. And I may add that the per
sons to whom I refer are) persons of
unquestioned ability. It Is only by
their knowledge, of modern methods In
surgciy that, they are prevented from
retting into trouble long beforv this."
That ' these 1 condition f should have j
reached, their present limit In this city
without Interference of a body of repu
table physicians excited considerable I
comment. - ' ' .- i I
There are 100 members in the city !
and county association of medical prao- j
nearly every reputable practicing physl-J
oian In Multnomah county, at least,, U !
who are contiguous to and can easily !
reach the center, Portland.
Quarters have been arranged In the
new building1 at Park And Alder streets;
that will be occupied at once. Theee .
quarters ' have been fitted up as club
headquarters and the libraries and lour-1
. ... . - m . M .W- . I
nais win om gsiaervu amrw nr ui umw
of the physicians. .
: As last night "was the annual meeting
the election of officers took place. . Dr,
I H. Hamilton was elected president
with Dr. Calvin B. White as vlcs-presl
dent Dr. Smith was selected . to suc
ceed himself as secretary. . Dr. Robert
H. Kills ' waa named as treasurer and
Dr. J. C Elliott King. Dr, Mm Card well
and Dr. A. Tilrer .were chosen
board of counselors.
Probable That Robert GaUowaj Will
6ecnr Office Wbl!h Caused Dls-pnte-
Professor Iladlef Is Now
Principal of Woodlawn School. v
A conference was held between Dis
trict Attorney Manning I and Judge
Fraser ofi the juvenile court yesterday
afternoon which may result In the so-
pointment of Robert Galloway as the
deputy district attorney to be attached
to the Juvenile court' Inatead of E. S. J.
McAllister. , Rumors that aa agreement
as a
Boy's Parents Refuse Consent,
80 Mrs. Fosters Tries to Enlist
. Law to Aid Her.
- (Special Dlspateb to The Journal.)
San Francisco, CtL," May Mrs.
Catherine roster's attempt, to adopt II
yeaiold Robert Le 'Tournea in order
ta marry , him to tier 41-year-old daugh
would leave the way open to Mr. Wood- ' ter failed la Judge Harris court , at
wortn to oe chief, or the Northern. Pao-1 Oakland yesterday. Tournea, who is
Iflo traffic department a place equally
If not more Important than that ta be
vacated by Ben Campbell,
Mr. Campbell : will go east with the
best wishes of a host of Pacific coast
friends. He came first to Portland In
the early 80s as general agent for
the Union Paolflo System. In 1S8T he
was made general freight agent of the
Cv Rw A N. company. July 1. 1810. ho
was appointed assistant general man'
ager of the Union Paclflo. with head
quarters in Portland. Then he became
general western freight agent and
later was made assistant traffic direc
tor, associated with J. C Btubbs, at
Chicago. A year ago he went to the
Great Northern as head of. the traffto
department . ... . ,. . , ,
an Iron molder, has parents living in
Portland. ,
The boys father and mother did not
sanction the contemplated nuptials and
Mrs. Foster hit upon the scheme of
adopting him and then giving the con
sent herself. -The Judge ruled that ln-
asmucn aa uie ooy m parents are aim
living he could not permit the adoption
by a woman who wanted him as her
son-ln-law. ' Tournea will, : therefore,
have to wait until he Is 21 years old
before marrying unless he decides to do
so without parental consent-
"Mysterious", Billy- Smith: nrnnrletor
or tne Auanuq cars ana erstwhile nurt.
list, wno was arrested upon complaint
Of James White on a chares of thraata
against life, was' given. a preliminary
neanng oerore 1 judge Cameron this
morning and ordered to furnish a. f 150
ouna to seep toe peace. '
James White, who. with hia hrnt-ner.
Harry, engaged ttt a bloody first fight
wiu , oiniin last oaturaav , niarnt in
which , the prlzellghUr worsted his an
tagonists, . received but scant satlsfao-
lion rrom tne court's order, aa ha
also ordered to file a 1100 peaoe bond. ,
ine arrest 01 smith was the direct
result of thov fist flsht Th Whit
brothers endeavored to show that Smith
had secured a revolver after the affray
with which .he was alleged to have
threatened the life of James White. Tha
testimony adduced brought out the fact
that threats ' had Keen made on "both 1
sides and accordingly the court da.
mended bonds from i both Smith., and
wait". ? .' ;: i n.
Immense Bodies of Low Grade Ore
Can Be Worked at Profit With
Electricity "End nigh Grade Rock
Will Assay at Big Figure. '
skilled Alienists to ' ;
: 1
Furniture Dealers Tell the Grand
Jury of Combine In Re
strsJnt of Trade. '
Robert Gallowar.
had already been reached by which it
was decided to appoint Galloway were
aenied by the district attorney this
morning. . ' . ,
Mr. Manning said be would do nothing Uonatniiat th. e.,mA.M -w.
mn I. .h, m.f... ..n nil-..- ..T " " ".uuk; vu iiib
.7' w rraiw ooast, and finds his work much
who has been at Lakevlew. returns to I th. y.. ni. a .u. r..J
the city. LastVSaturday the district at- rs th. ."1
TODing of thS furnltura irvm fa
stiu going by the federal grand Jury
under the evidence being produced by
Assistant united Btatea Attoraav Jamaa
Cole, and several more witnesses ap
peared today before the Investigating
war 10 toil, tneir eznenenoaa at tha
nanas or the combine.,
Witneses who have hithartA
silent smarting under the "deals" tha
received from the combine, in mm tn
00 coming xorward voluntarily, now that
ion rust is Doing investigated, ready to
ion aii tney anow. nn Ur. nni. ta
receiving rresn surprises at the magni
tude of the operation of tha combina.
uon, which Is said to have aBsolutel
torney informed Judge Fraser that Mc
Allister would be appointed and . the
Judge replied that be wanted Galloway,
TOis morning . Manning said he was
waiting for a letter from the judge.
and . would decide whether to appoint
It is apparent that the schema oriai-
nated by the trust was carried out to
perfection. Control of prices haa not
been directly charged against the vio
lators, but is believed that such was
the case, because of the fact that the
Bar's r letter ' comoiantion was enabled to restrain
Th.apomtm.nt f Profe.r,E. J. t$aM te th
Hadley, principal of the -Woodlawn "aS-wSss wh h. .L
school, as chief probation officer of the RfJh yZ ''ZrZlf:
Juvenile court, and Mra Harriet E. Mor- nln T ,n
ton of PhUadelphia as clerk and stenog- 'J? w ?t wr
rapher was announced yesterday after- ?XSL prm,nnJntnu-
noon. Professor Hsdleys apointment bits a ,,T-7. " " x .
was decided upon night before last andlS.ii. v'?l'u.rB"u.r I81"' '
Mrs. Morton was selected some time .. i,,.k . . o-"7a to nave
ago. They will assume their duUes "? W1 de"c5
(Snerlal fltapateb to Tb , Jotrrn.l.l
;. Baker ? City, Or.. May Fronl an
authoritative source it is learned that
cap.illats have been -"Interested and
that necessary arrangements are now
under way for the reopening of the fa
mous-Gold Hill mine, in the Durkee
dlatrlot, in the Immediate future. - Col
onel J. A, Panting, president and gen
f era! manager of the BtampedS Mining
ft Milling company, which owns the
property, states that preparations ! are
proceeding satisfactorily ' and that the
world is soon to hear of the Gold Hill
again. ; -.; . '.. ., - '-
The 0ou Hill mine Is one of the most
satisfactorily located properties In oast
em Oregon, 'being within a mile and
a quarter of the O. R.N railroad. It
Is fully equipped with mill, bunkhouses,
shafthouse, etc., and thousands of feet
of underground work has already been
dona : '. , - . ..'......,
For years the Gold Hill has been In
litigation, but this was recently cleared
away and the Stampede company now
holds perfect title to the mine. . -'
Among the mines of eastern Oregon
there are some fsw of proven value
and the Gold Hill ranks in this class.
Mining experts have rsported that there
Is enough low-grade ore In sight now
to run a CO-stamp mill for 10 years.
and with electric power , this ore can
be handled as good profit Besides this
low-grade ore there is a large body of
high-grade rock In sight, which will
assay, it is reported, at fabulous fig
ures. ' . ' . ,;: -v.-
All eastern Oregon Is watching the
Gold Hill . with interest and when
stamps oommsnco dropping there again
sensations are expected.
Four Question Are to Be Answered
by Experts to Determine Whether
or - Not Trial Will Hare td Pro
, ceed'Any Farther. ' - ,
. ' (Special t)lpatb to The JoeraaL)
man, the boy charged with the murder
or Mrs. Sarah . el Ay res, win oe ex-
mlnej by an insanity oommlsstoa at
rortiana next eaturaay morning at a
o'clock.., : i , ;' i", ;
Tinrormtaion .was . mea - yeeteraay
against Albert pieman charging hint
with ths murder of Sarah E. Ayers,
TTnnn muarmmmtinn ihnt fhara avlata dnuhe ,
about his sanity, ths time for entering
plea to the Information wss postponed,
until an examination .of Oleman eould '
be held by a commission of' skilled
alienists. The court appointed Dr. & .
Joseph!. Dr. W. .T. Williams and"
vviinam uousa to examine tne aeiesa
ant as to his sanity and to report t
tne court tneir coticiusions.
The commission is expressly directed
vv ic)ivii v ui, v-u . ..a viituivn, UI ;
as to whether the defendant at this '
time is suffering from any mental dis
ease or Infirmity of mind that prevents ;.
of the trial for the erlme for which he '
is charged, or prevents him from prop- '
erly Informing his counsel of the facts
necessary for hi defense. ,
owuuu nuvuiir ia. aotenoant IB
person of such unsound or defeotlvo .
mind that bo Is thereby prevented from '.
appreciating the nature and quality of '
wrongrui ana umawzui acts.
Third Whether defendant is suffer- '
tog from any such Infirmity or un
soundness of mind, or disease of the
will as renders him thereby inoapabla
of , refraining from unlawful acta
Fourth Assuming that the defendant
killed the deceased at the time charged '
In the information, the court desires
the opinion of said experts as to wheth
er or not such act was probably, the off
spring of mental dlseasa or unsound- u
Bess. v. , j. ' v ' -; v : .
Bt uet piop I'offli i 00T ;
Charles Kelly, an old-time member of
the frelghthandlot-s" union now identi
fied prominently with the Waterfront
Federation, will be the nominee of the
Labor Union party for mayor. He was
selected at a meeting of the central
.AM Itt.. la nLl, m A
mended to the maas convention of the! Almeda Piatt and Minnie English
rta rs A Kan tSaaM ft let sniSMalsasw aa Tisaa-arsa 1 T
Jnlr 1.
Great activity is being displayed
... The evolution of doraeatlo cruelty in
the 'Wilson family' is related In ths
complaint cf a divorce suit filed In the
. circuit court1 this morning by Hattie
Wilson against. Harry Wilson. Accord
ing to Mrs. Wilson, her husband's cru
elty did not happen all at onco, but
, extended over a period of a year, dur
ing which time It gradually grew worse
and ended on a year from the day of
Its beginning by Wilson erdering her to
take her clothes and go. -
They were married In ; Portland on
April 6, 1, says Mrs. 'Wilson. On
May 1, HOC, less than, a month after.
rockplls for the next It days.
the marriage. It ts alleged that Wilson
cursed his bride and called ber vile
names. In August of the same year he
struck her with his fists and slapped
hor face. On May 1, 1ot. the anniver
sary, of the first cursing, says Mrs. Wll-
nn. h K U.K. rA .,mi.i , 1 u ma.. 1 -
flaTSJ kicied her; and then. PRESIDENT WADE LIFE
wnoo nor race was cruised and bleed
ing, ordered her to take her clothes and
leave the house. False accusations of
infidelity are alleged to have been made
by Wilson, addine- to tha nravlnn
of cruelty.
Mrs. Wilson , now wants' a "divorce.
FOR SALOON CHOWDER throuKhout th clty by burUr"
run OHUUUII lnUIIUtn .BMk thieves, but tha oollea hava ao
far been unable to secure a. lua ta
11 was exceeaingiy lortunate ror, hA
streets that Patrolmen Humphreys and . ... .. " 1 Jl V
Pateraon arrested a. CL Rect - 1 Buah, 76S Everett street, yesterday
Reck was found Jn the rear of the Mteraoon, out oniy eeeurea two gold
establishment digging tainted clams out stick pins for their trouble. The Rush
of a garbage barret . When taken Into family' are at present .visiting' In the
custody Reck, whose looks do not belle east and' the residence Is In charge of
nis name, wrormea me omoera tnat no servantas' i During , '--tha temporary ab
sence of the domestics the bousebreak-
intended selling the bivalves to the
liquor oeaiers xor piam cnowaer. ' w 1 ... , ,y..
, Judge Cameron, after hearing the dis-!i- Mn . 1,1
gusung story, committed Reck , to the xu of the valuable were locked In a
- Members of Local Lodge Arrange
. ; Parade In Honor of Saint
i Faminas Day. ,
.The line of march and formation of
parade of the Red Men to be held to-
' nignt in eeieDratton or Bt. rammas cay
have been arranged as follows; The Red
Men and others who will march, la the
parade will assemble at the wigwam,
V flelllng-Hlrsch,, , building,' Tenth , and
Washington streets.: The parade moves
.at p. m,' c:, ..
;Tho line of march is east on Wash
ington treet to Third street; south ion
Third to Taylors west on Taylor to
Fourth; north on Fourth to Morrlsoa;
west on Morrison lo Sixth; north on
ElxUt to Ankeny; countermarch at An
keny:. south ' on Sixth 'to Washington:
west on Washington to potn of start
ing. - r- .y- --:: -. '-.v'f
Llne of parade: Mounted police pla
toon; arowna .military band; Grand
' Marshal A. O. Clark; Aids B. M. Orton,
P. a lngwortny. Emu oiuUch and
If. OriebeliyJU'i H, Flttgerald, degree
sachem, ana sannaps; oegree teams in
mstumet palefaces for adoption; escort
of scouts; chairman of committee oa ar
ranaemenfs, J. U. Jonas; Aids J. V.
I.ani-in and John Montag; Red Mea In
roKaiia; visiting guests la carriages;
t lecial feature Jndlan drag, j.v";; "i .
After voting 1 years, being 'twice
elected mayor of nis home town, John
ct Callender, Iowa, has dis
covered that he Is not a dtlsen of the
rnSteJ Etates. nor never has been en-;
1 to tte right of suffraga .. j
Residents of city AnxFous to
nave Its Name Changed to
, ?, . Avoid Confusion. "
. . , . . fjonraal gDeelal Berrloe.)
Washington, May II. The president
was todsy made a life member of the'
National Association of Professional
Baseball leagues. President Powers of
Small safe and the thieves evidently
were timorous about remaining In the
house sufficiently ' long to break . open
the strong box.;. 1 'ir.-v'
A. Newlands, residing . In the Vlo-
torla apartments. Eleventh and Colum
bta streets, reported to tha police Jast
night that a sneak thief entered his,
rooms about 4 p. m. yesterday and car
ried a war a gold rope watch chain, an
opal ring, a Fleur de Lis opal and
pearl ring, a Canadian maple' leaf breast
pin,' a red enamel Stanford college pin
NewN Tork, Eugene Burt of San Fran
vail wuo aww a wuiwnm v....,, v. h... tM Al.nv.yl .I...
ment, although it has not been dis
closes. . ' ' r -
About 11 or 15 other witnesses have
appeared at the postofflce building to
ana iney wm be gives an oppor
tunity this afternoon and .tomorrow.
.1. . - ..1 . ' . ..
a. uiej oiti iinisnso, a ne w oaten
will be brought forward it is said, and
It Is not believed that Mr. Colo will
finish presenting the evidence against
the members of ths trust until tha mid
dle of next week.
1.4. . . s- .
Other nominees' selected far referen
dum before ,- the primaries are: City
treasurer, H. J. Blrard of the barbers'
union; councllmen . at. large, II. O.
Parsons, M. O. Allen end VL J. Drlscoll;
first ward, Robert , Henderson; fourth
ward, JT. C King; sixth ward, H. A.
Belding, S . a - ., -.- 7.
At. the convention tonight nominees
for city attorney, municipal Judgo and
three ward counollmen will be selected.
A commttue has been appointed by the
central committee to, confer with vari
ous men 10 ascertain wnetner or not
they would aooept nominations at ths
hands of ths convention and would mike
ths race.,
Given Freedom During
Good Behavior. -
Portland Shrlners who entertained
ii on jrkuriiixig iron ine pilf
upon him a life membership with entry
to SSI cities comprising the association.
- vn.nn Tit.A . , . . 1 as dates for the annum convention to be
., nu,, just 11. Al -a. y . .... ,vi. . T .
result nf a nw i. w . um a.i unnivwu lu1- 7Hr. awuiiuar
un in thiiTrit .'u "Pnging ters will be at the Inside Inn. A large!
buatnea. "umber of prominent delegation of Pacific northwest railroad I
the? til ,n1,orma"y discussing Uon will attend, and an -af t Ort will be
pTt"T v.- v? 1119 name 01 tne made to bring the convention Of 1908 1
' . ' -(i V'S- reacnea- a sute
where It Is likelr to h r.n.n, .
upon by tha Columbia club. In fact it
has been discussed informally by mem
bers of the board of governors, who are
In favor of such action.
- Vancouver, It la sid. i. M(.iL.Ail .i
easterners and often result. 7n a heavy
that would -lead to the apprehension
of the criminal -,...- . , -. -. -
Ruby Ingalls, a roomer In tha Hotel
Richelieu, Sixth and Couch streets, noti-
and a pair of diamond earrings and $10
In gold coin stolen. 'The police have
a, suspect under surveillance' and. ar-,
rests may follow.
Salem, Or., May H-A't tha request
of Dr. W. L. Marear or Halam th. ...
torney-general has examined provisions I grlmage to Los Angeles,, felt well ro
of chapter 235, laws of 1107, for the paid tor their efforts aftss listening to
v" r"-" V usiuuiub(i vnnnir an os-1 v apianuia program renaerea yester
teopathlo physician who enaraaes tn tha I day by the Clayton onartet of Minnaan.
practice of that profession In this state oils., composed of E. P. Browning, W.
at any time before the act takes effect, B, Heath, F. H. Forbes and W, S. Mar
ls enUUed to receive a license upon the hall. ..-v ,
payment of ths fee prescribed without So pleased were local members with
an examination, If the application lsl entertainment that they will pre
made within 60 days after the act takes sent the members cf the ouartet with
effect After quoting aimilar cases from I embossed resolutions thanking them for
other states, ths attorney-general says: I their tribute to the pleasures of the
.1 am of the opinion that anv tteraonluay they visited Portland. ;. r
who is practicing osteopathy within this Nearly all of the Shrlners have left
state a the time this act takes affaet. J Portland, although a few who ara ro-
May 15, 1807, and Is otherwise qualified, I oding leisurely on their Journey to
aa provided in ths act is entitled to a their eastern homes came Into the city
license without examination, unon com. I today. ; Several more sections are ap
pliance with tha provisions of the act"Pect5 to arrive in Portland tomorrow
rrom Ban srancisoo and the reception
committee In charge of their entertain
ment In Portland are preparing to greet
them witn the same welcome extended
yesterday's' visitors. :.'"!...' : s.
Robert C Newmsn. grand secretary
1 ana treasurer or tne grana looge or the
Almeda Piatt and Mrs. Minnie Engl "'
lish, who bad pleaded guilty to charges '
or rorgery and passing forged checks, 1
were sentenced to the penitentiary by
Presiding Judge Oeland Hi the circuit ,
court this morning and were paroled
during good behavior. The sentence lm ,
posed upon them waa that each servo .
not less than two nor more. than. iQ .
years In the penitentiary. , .
Before sentence , was nronouneed .
Deputy District Attorney Ous C Moser
stated to the court that this was Mrs.
English's first offense, and in the case
of the Piatt girl ths first offense of -the
kind. The PUtt girl's sister, from .
Eugene, was In the courtroom, and
Moser said she desired to have the girl
go home With her and live with ber
aged mother. Mrs. English has a good
horns and a good husband, be said. . -Moser
recommended that both, be pa
roled after the sentence was imposed.
The Piatt girl admitted having passed
a forged check Tor 110, which sbs said
she hsd been taught to do by Mrs, Eng
lish, who did the forging. ' Mrs. English
admitted forging one check, but Insisted
that the Piatt girl had led her into "
the trouble. ... .v. 1 -":.',; . ',-; ,. .
y';'''Ef?f!ri ''''''' 'i Y-Mr V::tf :
Patrolmen' Pock - Through Window
14 and Are Dumbfounded at Sight
, in Alls? Building
Seven gentlemen of various
tlons. who. like Mary's little lamb.
A large automobile collided with ' a land treasurer of the grand lodge of the "lava lis . a-ajnhla An tha arraan." Ware .
street car at Twenty-flrst and rvaJor ocliUon J" n thered In by the strong arms f the :
The executive committee of the Amer
ican Association of Traveling Passenger
Agents hes fixed upon October 18 and IS
(BDCCial DUoatch to The JonraaLl
Washington, D. C May 1-The sen
oral land office has assigned -twe a.
Man .1 t. ' -' - "" wm
UAfl LI N t o Ur cn A J tu ST"?! !,1 p-
streets last night with no Injury to oc- the city with the Shrlnera He came to
eupanta or passengers and practically j Portland from Los Angeles and will
no damage to the car o ths machine. lave this vimn.,,:t-'vJVi:.",fi:v:l' i,
ine automooue was driven by J, W.
Lee, who escaped uninjured. 1, "
A committee of about a dosen men
from the . Commercial club, the Cham-
(Journal Bpeeial Berrlee.)
San Francisco. May 1. Tha atreat
"In ,. , . A, I I. n..v A .
weii-anown Vinmuv., t.t , I i. - ...... i.
marnlntr niacq i urn vm.i wi.. " v.iw uiiulihb
" .. v, ii . 1 1 w nam it .m tt- . wim. mm- immnnn 'i ... nnu... .m ...' J!ver5rone.,t',,n' of Vancouver. I aengers Is gradually decreasing and ths
Ul you, m astonish-1 union busses are receiving fine patron-
you speak of Vflnemivar I asre.' There were several allo-ht llaurh.
a C;
ment when
sible and the work will be hastened in
pushing to completion and the settle
ment of ail survey matters there.
atl;'Jite3. "?xr.peak gultad.
. V. . " "a locaiea nere. but
get It , confused .wjththa other Van
couver. 1 realixe th.t x
wold :Y C,t0, V.ncouVe'rV sise"
tn the end I believe it i
to this city. It wouM v. "11"
gOOd la it" t-4 t -j', i'.;
It la iint th.t . I .uV. . .-T 1 m vmot 01 rouce untsmacber
this town VA- ,1 T Z 77 a " re-1 usuea orders this afternoon" to
" " : -w..mwlm.
- BpcU Dtanatch to tie InarMl.t' 1 '
Seavtle, Wash -May 1 The Pacific
Coast Staemshlp company's new steam
ship President arrived thia afternoon
,FnJ? r,r CuTy' who " been shortly after t o'clock, after having
appointed governor of New Uexloo to
succeed Governor' Hagerman, was a
member" of ' Ronaevelt'a SaArk TtMara
enlisted frem Tularoea, New Mexico,
broken all records for, speed from San
Francisco. ' She made the -run from,
Broadway dock. San Francisco, to pier I
u, tieatue, in a lituo over f flours. ;
e ths different ' capUlns on the
e rorce relative, to the enforce
4 .ment of the ordinances, requiring
W mora .careiui aiieniion to tne 1
maiier oi .ciean streets. The
chief called attention to the 're
ceptacles recently placed about
the city and the carelessness of
some bulldine; . contractara vha
e are abusing their privlleres . in
e. im use or us city s streets. Of-
fleers will be asked to report all
e instances where rubbish is left.
e -' in tne street a
' Chleaio, May 18. The tfnlted States ber of commence, the board of trade and
trust company of New York, and the Bel- the Manufacturers' association met at I
ttmoro and Ohio railroad today asked luncheon today at the commercial club
the court to order the sale of the Chi-1 to make arrangements for the reception
oago Terminal Transfer railroad with of the party of 100 business men who! ants put in an appearance In the police,
morn-1 court ana : tne nan was , declared for-
law, 1 personified by Patrolmen Oustafr
son and Phillips, at an early hour this
morning In a raid on a billiard parlor
located, in the basement of the Allsky
bunding. Third and Morrison streets.
- Richard Miller was booked at tha city
prison on, a . charge of conducting a
gambling game, and A. Johnson, D.
Carr, H. Harris, O. Meyer. H. WUllams
and T, Thomas were registered under
the bead of gambling. Miller secured
his release upon deposit of $30 ossh
ball and - the others secured their lib
erty for 110 apiece. Hone of the defend-
Its valuable depot facilities to satisfy will arrive from Omaha, Sunday
monetary .obligations.'' r--,,-ingJ June WB. Olafks was made felted.
It la understood the Harrlman Inter
ests intend to buy- th road and use it
ror tne tentry or tneir. eastern roads to
Denver, May ll.-flThs federal grand! they will be taken over the city in au
Jury has reported Indictments . against
II men accused or land frauds and
ordered immediate arrests. The names
of the indicted men are sunoressed
untU they have been apprehended, w
Oenersl LeOn Jastremskt of Baton
Rouse, one of . the candidates for tha
governorship in Louisiana, was born In
France, the son or Dr, Vincent Jastrem-
ski, who migrated, to the United States
and settled in - Louisiana' after, taking
part n the Polish revolution of 1S80-S2.
By" profession General Jastremskl la a
joomaiist. tie naa served ssveral terms
as mayor of Baton Rouge, and for four
years he was United States consul at
Callao, Peru. : v , ..
-7 "aB-aaaaa-BaaaBaBBaaBa)aai aaSWaaaBseaaaHBBMaiaSBi '
Don't become grouchy .about the ser
vant Question advertise la the Jour-
chairman of the: meeting and -E. CI About 1:10 a..m. the two policemen
Glltner, secretary. ; s - ; ; . v. J in passing the Allsky building nodosa ,
It, was decided that a special commit-, ugnts. in tne basement and heard the
tee Iconiistlng' of the presidents and rattls of chips. Upon peering through
secretaries of the four ergsnlntioiis a window tha blueooats found a poker
named meet the delegation at the union same running full blast The players
depot at 8:16 Sunday morning and take evidently .fearing that the police might
the nlacs
until 4:10 a. m. and, then satisfied' that
they had secured sufficient evidence to
eonvlct called the patrol wagon. Tha
table, ehalrs, chips and cards were
seised as evidence and carted to the
station. , :
' WITH LAND SWINni PQ I era to breakfast at the Commercial d'OP K ld hot display any mon
' i-MHU OWWHMUt.COoluh at , 0?olock, t , . "fsecured their stscks; on 'tick.'
: ' . . -',, Monday morning from 10 o'clock to 1 h'"0" ?blUlps watched the
tomoblles or by street car. At 1 o'clock j
there jwIU be a reception at the Com-
Lmercial' Club, dinner at 1:30 and they 1
win leave at I o'clock for ths south.
i " '- ;..;''. ;'"
H. H. Jlnkens and O. H. Clark, resid
ing at 094 Corbett street, reported to
the police today 'that a thief entered
their rooms yesterday and stole 140 1A
cash, a atlver shaving brush, a set, of
sliver military hair brushes and a ao)d
watoh and fob valued at 150.
If you have a horse "on your mind"
t not - a . nightmaro-!-"read The Jour-
Ml , ads.-w- -tk M -LZ: .- ! ; :? a
; ' Lowlt Pleads OoUtjr.
An indictment was returned by ' the
federal grand Jury today against Qua
A. Iewlt, manager! of the Keuttner
store, oharging him with using the gov
ernmeni mall for fraudulent purpose
Lowit ; pleaded , guilty before Judge
Charles "XL-- Wol verton In i tho Unl ted
States district court and waa lined 1100.
Judge iWolverton severely rebuked the
prisoner for his methods, which he
termed "dishonest, fraudulent and dis-
honorable." . Lowlt could have been '
lined l,btf and sentenced to MoNaU'S
Island for St months. .
t, ,