THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, " THURSDAY ' EVE1IING, MAY 16Y 1Z07. LAIVSON HAS INTERVIEW WITH POPE AT VATICAN FIHErjENiGIHf , hi m m Nnrslcs Mothers and! ?;a,v Orer-burdened Women In all stations of life, whose vigor and vitality may have been undermined and broken -down by over -work, exacting social duties, the too frequent peering of children, or other cause, will find m Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the most potent, Invigorating reiterative strength- I asMlAe'rwlar That h giver ever devised or their special bene- f.iicn iuHciraniirr, i imwuKiii mjsvii on rwiiw,. "-";' V St. WurelngmotherswnUlnd It especial ly vaiuaoie in. sustaining xieir strength and promotlngen abundant nejirUhment lor the child. . xiDketan inotkere too will find It prleeleuH$WtVMpl the system for baby's coming and tempting toe When 1 Left It I Felt That I Was Less Than Two Feet High," Writes Frenzied Financier. Proposed Improvements Are Insult to Them. ; let : ; , , . Pope Plus X and Thomas W..LawBoiu v '.---;. HYDRANT SYSTEM IS NOT APPROVED BY. EVERYONE City Now Has Two Steamer Engines ' and One Chemical : Ontflt and Mayor Wallace Is Believed to Be Opposed to Change, . ' . ordeal comnaratlvelv nelnleia. It ueiicate, JSt-fViuJ," teak women. wh suffer rrom frequent headaches, naeic ache, dragglng-down distress low down In the abdoirin, or from painful or lrrg nlar monthly periods, gnawing or di tressed sensation in stomach, dluy 01 faint spells, soe Imaginary specks or spot' floating before eyes, have disagreeably pelvle catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ant- version or retro-version or otner aispiace- 17 organs from weakneai rbetber they ex per lc not ' (Sptelal Dispetcb to The JoarnaL) ' Albany, Or., May IS. The city coun cil, at the regular meeting held last evening, voted to Install the hydrant system for Are protection,"" The - city recorder and attorney have . been In structed to draw up a 10 years' icon tract and submit the same to -the coun cil at the next meeting for their ap proval .The Willamette Valley com pany agrees to furnish 7t hydrant in addition to the 11 now In use for the um of 1100 per month or 11,200 per year. ' Any additional hydrants desired are to be placed In and allowed the city for tha sum of $1.2 per month, regard less of the number.' . . The members of the Albany fire de partment are decidedly opposed to such action and threaten to withdraw from the local Are organisation should the eounoll persist, in supporting the meas ure adopted last evening. Albany has two good fire engines, one hook and lad der company, and a chemical engine. These have .always attended to the work -of fighting the Area and they feel that they should , be 'Considered in any change - that may be contemplated or undertaken with the end In View of In creasing the efficiency of the Are de partment and giving better protection from tires. , It Is said that Mayor Wal lace--ie. deposed to the matter of chang ing from the old system and ' conse quently may possibly veto the new or dinance as passed last svenlng. menu of woman! of carta will. many or only a few of the above symp toms, find relict and a permanent cure dj BBinjr faithfully and fairly perslstentl) m. fierce' avorite rrescnption. and a permanent euro bj I D This world famed specific for woman'r n o r C2J "N e - Old Reliable m 2 Days' Special V Friday Saturday peculiar ailments is pure glyceric extract of the choicest na live, medicinal roots without a drop o: weaknesses and alcohol In its make-no. All Its inaredl- ents printed in plain English on its bottle wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus invites the fullest Investlga tlon of his f rmula knowing that It wll be if on nd to contain onlrthe best agenti known to the most advanced medical science of all tha different schools of prac tice for the cure of woman's peculiar weaanesses ana eumeni. . If you want to know more abont thr composition and professional endorse ment of the "Favorite Prescription," semi postal earn request' to in. tt. v, fierce, Buffalo, a. x., lor his res booklet treat ing of same.'-" ' . v--f-, ' -- You ean't -fford to accept as a substi tute for this remedy of known composition secret nostrum or uivsnown oompoti Non. Dor' - t We have the exclusive Portland agency ior the sale of these famous Refrigeratbrs' and are now offering' them Vn such easy terms that no family can deny themselves: rl me use 01 one. ;;as an extra inducement we snau quote special prices on me enure line for two days this week, i Step in Friday or Saturday and deposit a dollar on? any. "Alaska" Refrigerator in the house and have it delivered any time in the fu- )ture.;rv;K: ;io.VV-V-!f;( WESTERN SCHOOL MAN TO RECEIVE DEGREE TEN I01YA MAIDENS r , ; -1 , - - ' . FORI.! SUICIDE PACT Two Girl Ar Dead and Two : Others Are Dying From Doses of Poison. . By placing your birder this week. ' The "Alaska" has been sold in Portland for many years, and it is the most popular .Refrigerator in use today throughout the- United States. f Therjs are many, imitations in name and construction, but not its equal. We guarantee it to give perfect satisfaction.; It will save its cost in one, season through its food-preserving and ice-conserving qualities. ' ; t i : By Thomas W. Lawson. . , Rome, May 1. I have had an Inter view with his holiness, 'Pope Plus, and toy morning at the Vatican was, I may truly say, tha most Interesting experi ence of my life.. x -'Vv.; .. At first I was struck by the Pope's extreme simplicity amid magnificent . i surroundings,. Pope Plus la that rarity, a perfectly natural man. After seeing 1 him I can understand why the cardl , nalsj elected hln.H,. Is transparently honest, and one of the most remarkable '.''end touching things about him is that j .his .tendecneas and t gentleness -are al most more motherly than .fatherly. . His Wonderful Personal yore. . . 4 But, back of all this, I recognised a .- force and solidity of character that are extraordinary- It was borne in on me ' .." that when Pope Plus makes his decision 1 no earthly, power can move him.. If the French government thinks the pope will 1 yield in the present struggle between the Vatican and the Elyaee it is mis- 1 taken. v -.., v,v;. .j.-..y.i . Perhaps t can best convey the 1m- v presslon of the man's overwhelming at- mospfaere of power., when X say that : f when' I entered his presence I thought myself six feet tall; when I left it I felt that I was less than two feet high. I I always : knew ...that the Cathollo ' Church: was an Immense force in the world, and that tt Is especially a force i la Amertca,- but ; that quiet, . kindly,' : white-robed figure In the Vatican, with r 250.000.000 human beings behind him, I brought the truth graphically, , person ally home to me, , rralses American Catbollos. . 1 - During my conversation with the pope I he spoka of the American bishops and Catholics, r their ' attitude toward and their help to him, as an immense con- ; eolation in his many trials. ; After my audience with the Pope 1 f visited Cardinal Merry del Val, the papal secretary of state. He talked for , three ' quarters of an hour about the American Catholics, and told me that the pope often refers to the magnificent vitality ofAraerican Catholicism.. The cardinal struck me especially a having the trait which I have always noticed aa being eminently characteris tic of the really great manthat la, , an eagerness, constant and, insatiable, to learn. '"-- ' .;. . - Two Wonderful Xeau He Is a wonderfully open-minded man and .seems to understand American con ditions, domestic, political and religious, as thoroughly ai though he were on the spot Perhaps more- so, tor he sees with a horlson,. so that between .him and It mere is tne aistance which enables a man ,lo Judge of groups ,' and not be swayed ny particles. , v : - Th pop and ;hig secretary f state form ' notable -and excellent contrast. In ; conclusion let me' say that I think one of, the wisest acts that Pope Plus ever, took was his. selection of Cardinal Merry del Val as his chief helper, ' iu (SpeeUI rriipatek The Jeeraal.) - Spokme. Wash., May H. President SL A. Bryan of Washington State col lege at Pullman will ' start next i Wednesday for Lansing, Michigan, where 1 the , American j . Association of Agricultural Colleges and , Ex periment Stations will meet ' The de gree of IX. D. will be conferred upon I the preeldent by the Agricultural college lot Michigan. The association will cele brate the fiftieth anniversary of Its foundation.' Among the prominent men I who will be there are President Roose velt Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, President David Starr Jordan of Stan I ford, President Benjamin Ida Wheeler of the University of California, and Presi dent Van Hlse of the University of Wis consin. ; 7., -tv-WA.- .1 LINN GRANGERS ARE v FIGHTING UNIVERSITY! Dispatch to Tbe Joeraal) r., May 1. The committee GENERAL WILSON WEDS - ' WIDOW OF ADMIRAL A- f-i A A - (Yoaraal SDecial Barvtee.i NeW York, May 16. A -wedding . of 1 great Interest to army and navy circles took place in this city today, when Mrs. Mary H. Nicholson, widow of Rear-Ad miral John W. A. Nicholson, became the bride of General James Grant Wilson. The wedding was celebrated at the home of the bride in West Seventy-ninth street and waa attended by many prom inent officers of tbe army and navy. , General Wilson, who Is now 75 years old and nearly 20 years the senior of his bride, was married before, his first : (Special Albany, Or. from the grange having In, 'charge the work of invoking the referendum on the university proposition yesterday for warded 1,100 names, and petitioners to the headquarters In Salem and have about 1,000 additional signers that are almost ready to be filed. It Is expected that a total of over 2,000 will be for warded from Linn county alone, and this will constitute nearly one half of the total number necessary, to the submission of the same of the people. to Insure a vote 1 ' ' (Toarnal f Deetal get vies 4 ' Des Moines, la., May 1 1. What has proved to be a suicide club was vealed by the attempts of four young women to end . their lives. Two suc ceeded and the other two are dying. All took carbolic acid. The dead are Mlas Phoebe Broell of Elkader, aged 22, and Miss Kate Farrell of Keosauqua, aged 20, and the dying are Miss Elisa beth Fletcher' of Bonaparte, aged II, and Miss Lilly Milburn of Centerville, I aged n. . T..w.- : The pact of the dead pair was 1 vealed in a note left by Miss Broell. She attended the State Normal summer school last year and there met the j others. . Since then .they corresponded I and an agreement ' was reached that if 1 any one became despondent she must tell her .trouble to the others. It ' la said there are 10 girls In the pact, all daughters of prominent farmers."- ' iliSTOWN TOPICS ' 1 The Council of Jewish Women held tha last meeting .of the study class yes terday afternoon at the SeUing-Hlrsoh buildlng. t The subject presented was study of the life of Maimonldee, which was - prepared and presented by Mrs. Adolnh Wolfe. Maimonldee waa a leader and teacher who lived during the latter part of the twelfth century, who waa an earnest leader and proselytiser. A review .of the work of the year was given by Rabbi Wise. He urged the council to take up Biblical discussion next fall. IilK-$12.08-"AIaIia lor 9.00 r-. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY., J J ! f - '" - - No. 20. This is a Handr size for the average family and ' is just like cut' The width i 24 inches and ice capacity, - of 35 pounds. ; It is made after the manner of he best y Alaska construction. Genuine charcoal filled-lleA t A onVforgertliat Y'hM Special for Friday and Saturday, only;. , , A.l- $1.03 Down, 50c a Week Remember, these are not cheaply constructed, sawdusU filled goods, but the genuine charcoal-filled, heavy tine lined, standard "Alaskas. ' . VAA :T:A'T 'A J A $12.00('Alaska .Refrigerators, u ,i-V.t"Ui;i iO.OO i $20.00 Alaska Refrigerators , ........ ; V ..f y.?10.00 rl $37.50 : Alaska. .Refrigertto":lv i l f$20.OOl j ; $40.00 Alaska' Refrigerators ..di ijizLtiO ? $30.00 Alaska Refrigerators ... ............ .$39.00 v;i $75.00 Alaska Refrigerators 'i , , 'H , vi 1 1 ;6p.00 j BODY OF UNKNOWN FOUND (Special Dispatch te The Joamal.) Rlparla, Wash., May II. The body of a man was discovered floating down the Snake river yesterday. ; It is that of a man over six feet in height, and is sup posed to be that of a civil engineer who was drowned several weeks ago hf the overturn In v tit a. lr!ff Tha brut waa wife, whom he married In It 88, being a j towed ashore by Ferryman Trultt, as Mlss Cogswell, a descendant - of Peter Islsted by Mrs. Lyons. M : i great questions of the day. The eardl t pal also referred enthusiastically to 1 'M' Stuyvesant General Wilson baa been known as an author aa well as a soldier. In 1857 he went to Chicago and founded the first literary journal published In the north west In 1862 he was commissioned major of tha Fifteenth Illinois cavalry, becoming colonel soon afterward. Dur ing the presidency of General Grant he waa in -charge of social arrangements at the White House. Jt is an interest ing coincidence that when General Wil son was a colonel under General Grant one of his most intimate friends was Admiral Nicholson, the husband of Mrs. Nicholson,,-whom General Wilson has now made his bride. . . - 'r'-AAA Bonding Pennlta. . , : Graves & Co., repairs dwelling, Nine teenth ' street, between Marshall and Northrup, $2,000; B. M. Lombard, re pairs dwelling, Twenty-sixth street, be tween Wilson and X streets. 1500: B. M. . Lombard, repairs dwelling. Wilson street, between ' Twenty-sixth . and Twenty-seventh streets, $500; Mrs. Gro eteus, addition dwelling. Miller street. between East seventh and East Eighth streets, $700; Guy Wuori, one-story dwelling, Emerson street, near Patton avenue, $200; Wm. Mitchell, one-story dweUlng, Montana street, between Kll Ungsworth and Emerson, t?00; A. D. ; i ciins, iwo-siory apanmenis, xnirxeenin street, Between uay ana Market streets SS.Anft! Ttnh.rt ni.nn nn.itnr. ilwall. oALAnT nbMAINd SAME SfSillS VZSJ: den street, sornet,. Tst . Ninth,. INCREASE DUTIES BUT Bids of five supply companies fori ri niTIIIA III TUP nilllr 'uruwulu iumunoij auu junior may- rLUAT NG IN THE SNAKE terlals for the city schools for next year were opened by the supplies committee of the school board yesterday afternoon. Each-company secured a part of the) work. The bidding companies ' were: I Northwest School, ft Furniture com-1 pany, Blake ft McFalL G. F. MoffatL Coast Ageny Gill ft Co., and Sanborn ValL The separate companies were each awarded a portion of the work and the contracts are now being signed., Because the prosecuting wlntsees has left the state, Martha Washington, col ored, will not be prosecuted on the charge of stealing $200 from F. Revo on April 2. x Deputy District Attorney H. B. Adams this morning filed In the cir cuit court a not true information. The woman had been given a preliminary hearing in : the police court and Was bound over to the circuit court to stand trial en the charge of larceny. Before the prosecuting attorney . could file a I charge Revo disappeared. - The first meeting in the tent at Albln. avenue and Shaver street win be held this evening. Last, night, the service was postponed because of fail ure -to get electric lights. Instead of a gospel service might have been heard the sound of hammer and saw as a body of volunteer workmen labored In the construction of eomfortable. seats. New Method Gas Ranges The kind that hurt the. gas trust? by reducing gas bills. It. is a fact that the patent burners on - these gas ranges consume less gas and give out as much heat as the old style. ; . ; INVESTIGATION IS REQUESTED. .You will save the cost of your range in a single sea son. Sold on easy payments , ONE DOLLAR DOWN, 50 CENTS A WEEK. 3 ' ' ; It We are ofTerlng- special values in this' deoartment - !1S ;.-, tZ a. av m a'IIV A'-":"''''':'f 'L?"f A a a "oi au io sec tne oargaina in kooxxi- j If you want to pick a - few blossoms in the way - of adornment for your : little, men, they are ' within easy reach. Wash Suits at $1.00, ' others at $2 and $2.50 yreliable andjtubable; -simply made and simply perfect, for. the price. . ClotiiinqCo Lien's and Boys Outfitters. 1C3 and J63 Third Si, llohawk BuildinzT , ' (Speelal t)ispsteh te' TbeJonraati ' '' Olympla, May 16 While the legisla ture cannot increase the salary of a public officer during i the term for which he was elected, It has a perfect right to increase his duties and to re quire him to give an additional bond for tbe faithful 1 discharge . of . those added duties, t This Is the effeot of a decision rendered today - by Attorney General Atkinson In relation to the of fice of county surveyor ' The Importance of this office was greatly Increased by the recent legisla ture, additional bonds were; prescribed and the salary considerably! Increased. All the hew requirements beeerae ap plicable when the law goes Into effect on June 12 except the salary Increase. RECEPTION GIVEN TO MISS ELIZABETH WILSON - . 7, i :l :m .! tA:i i:AAy A reception was given last evening I at the Y. M. C. A, rooms to Miss Ellaa-1 beth Wilson, who Is at the head of the Chicago Institute for the training of I I T. W. C. A. secretaries. She gave an interesting talk on asoelation work and spoke of the enthusiasm - which waa shown last year when over J.100' girls ana women attended the eight confer-1 ences which , were held throughout ue United States.. The mission of Miss I WUson la to meet all young women who are interested In becoming association secretaries. Those taking part In the program last evenlna- were: Miss Delta Watson, Mlsa Metta Brown, Mrs. Alice I Brown Marshall and the T. W; C. A. mandoim club.. Mtar Wilson will leave I on Friday for her home in the east. $3,000: F. A. 'Kress, concrete basement, Love- Joy, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty, sixth streets, $800; Scott repairs dwell ing, Kearney, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second: streets, $400; F. H. Brandes, repairs dwelling, Market street between Fourteenth and Lownsdale streets, $200; H. A. Burbank, one-story barn, Argyle, between Bunnage and DeU eware streets, $100; F. Demoust repairs dwelling, East Twentieth, between Mil dred and Surman streets,' $300; 3. F. Custer, one and one-half story dwelling, Cleveland avenue, between Failing and Shover streets, $1,200; Carleton . Lewis, two-story dwelling. Mountain boulevard, near Patton road, $2,72St W. F, Buck man, one-story dwelling, Durham street between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. i,uovi ts. . merger, two-story dwelling, Maryland, between KUUnngsworth and Church streets. Drains Rale f The World Grape-Nuts FOOD makes Brains VThtre a Reason" Read "The load te W.IJrflle" la pkgs. ArtloTes of "Incorporatloh'of'the" Con-' solidated Industry company were filed in the office of the county clerk this j morning by W. H, Mulkey, F. A. Douty and H. o. riatt. Their objects are to engage in the timber business or any manufacturing, mercantile or transpor tation business that may be determined upon. Capital stock $10,000 .. -, F. Barbeau Valle filed suit for a di vorce from Mrs. Isabella Bodlne Valle In the circuit court this morning, charg ing that Mra. Valle deserted him In Au gust, 1902. They were married at Phil adelphia in September, 1892, and have one son, aged 12 years; who is with her mother, , . . . , Penney Bros.' Friday Special. Our 11.50 grade of red or white port, sherry, Tokay and Madiera wines at $1 -per gaL our si grade or port, sherry and Zln- fandel wines at 75c per gaL Friday i only- i 279-281 East Morrison st Phone East 2(7. Frse delivery. , B. F. Hitchcock. W. Swart and C W. Pallett, appraisers of the . estate ' of i Oustav Brasen, filed a report in the We Sell On Credit c3vo!rrz:ca.LsrrPOI,tc3 . tor Free nail Order Cata logue '". - rtiilfl and decomposing strawDernea hia mnrntni. The merchants showed willingness to comply ; with the orders. Grand exoursion, given Jy he Mofden Bras band, leaving Couch street dock at I a. m. Sunday. May is, on steamer Beaver, to Columbia para. vancmg on teamer and in park- Refreshments. Bound-trip tickets 75 cents. 1 . A Lawyers, . Attention 1 net received Session Laws for 1907. Price $1.50. The J. K. QUI CO. PERSONAL ; Julius Adler, with Hartman A Thomp son, bankers, has been appointed a mem' ber of the National-Auxiliary Board of the National Farm School to represent Oregon. Mr. Adiera new duties require that he nass unon the credentials - ttt county court tnis morning snowing Oregon applicants for entrance to the that tne property of the estate con slated of real estate, valued at $9,000. Attorney C. M. Idleman will address the People's Forum this evenlnr at the Belllng-Hlrsch building on the subject or "corporations ana the Peonie - fol lowed by a general dlrcussion. , Every body Invited. , , . Acting upon orders from Market In spector -Mrs. Evens,: downtown retail I stores . destroyed several orates) National Farm School, located at Farm School. Bucks county, -Pennsylvania. j, ... .. in' i . i i 1 1 ii i mmm ,1.111 i i : . i : tabor Party Mass Meeting : Tonight. ; At Drew Hall, 1:20 o'clock to nom inate a- full labor ticket. -All union ipen Invited 10 participate,' r. Some of today's want ads come from gl your neighborhood. , w .. . Has that appetizing tae that's always just as good the " . . A. A.i a. IA a . S ' ' - , ' . ncn urac you eai n as tne last time you tasted i. 5 cents per loaf M ; AIIMJ: -S t, At all 4 grocers -Insist upon the loaf with the Blue Star Label It's the " Butter-Nut Loaf ' I 6