The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 15, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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I fl cm uownra BtrtLsnra oocnrras t sowau a. aaoancaj oo, ni ouiriuizi ossn
:S AliB '. O P ENS
l fmrrrTTn TmfTrifTnnTT n
8 - (T-" Men's Furnishings
Salle : of IWMdfoless . Maffliniotiiiidle
lovoflviinig D0(Q); r:
Edward B. Grossman & Co.
Chicago's Greatest Mail Order Hoiise
stock oi Chicago
, now in the
heard of
And right here this store's energetic
east, steps in and buys this entire
est grade merchandise at prices never
0 0
- - WsNra often before picked out email lots for sacrifice beyond the fondest expec
tation! of the most radical bargain hunter, trot this sale differs from all others, inas
much as the tots are great, that all will be suited and fitted, and that dollars are to be
saved. The prices seem ridiculously small, and they are what they seem and more.
Men'o $6 and $7 Wool
M ixed Suits," neat and
Genteel, for $3.95
Men's Wool : Suits, In. single ' and double---
breasted sack stylet; neat mix- dj J QC
, ,-tures, dark coloringsat ..... vtW
Not alone those purchased at leu than1
cost of manufacturing from the makers,
' but our; own, stock, purchased regularly,
which are added where sizes are miss
. ing; beautiful fancy weares, aB well as
plain black or plain blue, the' rery best
fitting, most pleasing models, g
Blue, Black, and Fancy Weaves, Worsteds
and Scotch mixtures, single and double-
r breasted sack - coat style, - fine fitting,
splendid looking, and ditto d QC
wearing, for .. ............... tfU.l
Men's $8.00 and $10 all-wool Scotch Mix
ture - Raincoats, fuu length,
V-U .11... .a
vci tutu v ................
Men's $1.69 good weigh Corduroy OQ
i -Pants at . 4 i if OC
Men's $2.00 Worsted Pants, neat QQ-
patterns at 70C
Men's $250 wool mixed Dress dt 90
Pants t HOiJ
Men's $3.00 wool mixed Dress ("I Q
Pantsat tltVif
Men's $3.50 and $4 good Dress QQ
Pants at
Hats! Hats?!
and ff vrn 1 SO Hat,
f l.OO for Men's $250 Hat .
. , 1.85 for Men's. $3.50 Hat .
' f2.50 for Men's $5.00 Hat
Boys' .Caps, 10e
Men's 7Se Balbnggan Un
derwear, in pinks, Oft
blues and brown, at.vl
Men's 7Sc and $1 Dress
Shirts in. . soft r". and
' stiff bosom; some with 2
separate collars,
Men's' .35c 'and 50c. Fancy
Sox, mostly samples, but
plenty of themj , . 11a
Men's 75c? Muslin' Nigbt-
aSiWa aittli.r With Of
' without eolla A- , At
, weU nade .........
Cuff Holders
Men's 10c Washburn A'
Cuff Holders, at ...tC
Men's 3 for 25c BUcko
and Tan Sox at w...JL
f gooa neary
Work' Shirts,
Men's 75c
Hickory Work
blue and white
stripes and checks.
Men's75i Imported Bal-
briggan Underwear, plain
' ecru and- fancy , QO
Men's 35c and 50c Dress
and Work Suspenders,
over 3,000 pairs to 1 7
.select from .......ilC
Men's 25c Neckwear, Wash
Ties Silks - and, -, Satins,
Tecks and Four-in- 1ft
Hands. ....,......1UC
Men's . odds and 1 ends in
Linen Collars, all kinds,
all sixes and almost every
well-known . ' '1
brand IC
Men's 85c and $1 Dress
Shirts, some with pleated
. bosoms, some plain white,
none worth less CQ
than 85e special UJC
Men's regular 2 for a quar
; ter Black and Tan Sox,
thousands of them T
at IC
Men's 50c Heavy 09
Work Gloves JC
Boys' 50c Shirt Waists, with
waist band, all made of
good tnaterial;
Boys' 25c "Silk Wind-1
sor Ties, at ...... 1C
Boys' 15c and 20c Dress
; and Work Suspend- Q
- era, at VC
Boys', 10c Shield Bow
Boys' 50c' Stiff ' " 1 f? -
Bosom Dress Shirt C
Boys' 35c Balbriggan Un
; derwear, double- 1 ft-
seated Drawers at 1 17 C
Boys' 39c Waists and
Blottses, light and
dark colors at , . . C
99 c rSo$ OHliHffl Spils $2.95:$
Suits, ;Cofit
A Mixed Uot of Shirtwaists
Including many tamplM, ene ef a klBdCllxa, ibMf lawns. BatlstM. eta.- faney udalUoa, taee
and battoa trimmed, slMvee, epea back and opea front; the obapMt la th eaUre A j
assortment worth $1.80, and many of them worth oonatdarable mora tho eholee et al-y
One Una of aewoat heavy Jap Btlk d ftC On bl lot LadtaaV fl.OS and 11.10 M
Waists, worth B.0. for. $1.33 Wrappers for . .......,.....JC
Uade with extra wide flooaee and vary doap horn, raffled evor tho ahouldoni: boat ponoalM and
lawns; some fine Long Kimonos are ta the showing, sateens, flaaaolettee and . Uwna, la Par-
alan patterns . .,.'. '" ' " ' I
Pop TelIorct
For J10.C0 Cm
enette Coats
Children's French Or
gandie Dresses
Mado with fancy laeo yoke, am
broldary trimmed and laoe rufflo,
mado of Tat laoe around yoke;
ehort and madlum alaavas with
VaL Insertion; trimmed with Vat,
laoo on bottom to oorraspond with
Ina.rtlon; all alias; I dJ ftO
values, at ............ O
$7.50 Jumper ca
Suits...;... ..vy,
$7.50 sSft
Intandad to retail at tit. tl. 11110. Truly
nathinv ilka It haa evar baan heard of In Waat-
arn marohandlslns. Bulta of JPanama . cloth,
woratada, - novelty woavoa, eta, la eheoke and
fanoy shadow pUlda, with handsome trlamlaars
.to bland. Eton and rony laoxet eryiea ouna
fanolly plaltad and trlmmad. . t.
Suits and Costumes
Fifteen' exquisite French and ' Amerloan
Oowne. And It Is but mildly etatad that the
oomplate craatlon It to bf sold for lose than
the materials would actually ooot the buyor at
retail while elnsle rlanee or a more particular
try-on that few mediates eould raprodaoe. Rich
aarmenta, retardleas of the prloo for making.
Chiefly one of a kind ezolualve models
For Udles tnd Ktocs
U.00 and 30.00 Salts
Includlnc all the latest noveltlee In Eton and
Box Coat atyleo etrlpee and plaids plaltad
skirts collars trimmed with taffeta, silk and
braid cuffs to match allk lined.
dQ QQ For ladles' Black Taffeta and Feaa
e?v.0 de Sole Eton Coata marked to sell
at 7.I0. ' . V
T -4 rjv For 930.00
P I isUU TolPd Oult-
Maa-tallored, pretty as a picture tn French
checks and novelty weaves, chiffon Panamas,
voiles and fancy suitings; strapped and plain
Jackets; silk and satin lined; skirts la double
box plaits; also plaint blacks, blues and all the
newest fads. ? '
For 91.00
With tucked and embroidered front, the a sea
son's latest styles; colored Chambray Waists
and Fancy Perealea also Included. 4 ' s
For 93jOO ' Lawn
Walat , .
Sheer and pretty, tucked, embroidered, lace In
serted; Peter Pan styles Included, tn white
lawn, with polka dots In pink or blue and ea
treating collars and caffs.
ao,$30 $40
Qnwm A Suit
Rloh ' in the extreme, French models and
copies, fit for any foncUon. . Fine Taffetas,
Peau de Cysnes and other rloh maUetal. -th.
saaaon's, t kklrte plaited.
tacked and sunburst. Waists la the moat be
coming; blouse style," trimmed with 'all-over
leoea and lined . with . allk. Plain oolorlnr
fanoy deaisms and polka dot pattern It la be'
yond doubt a bargain heretofore anheard of.
and, without exaggeration it might be said that
the materials alone eould not be duplicated for
this sale pnoa. i
For 93.00 StylUh
Walata ;
Lawns, Batista, Lingerie; all high gradea, most
elaborately ' trimmed la laoe and handsomely
And many more lota ecweJly attraetlvo. tn-
elndtng silk Walate for 11.18. that are marked
to sou at,, and
Children's White
Lawn Dresses-
Made with fancy tucked yoke, large bertha col
lar, hemstitched and trimmed; with val. laoe
and Insertion; extra full skirt; sines ftO
VI. cheap at 11.80; sale prloe........yQ
Children's White Per
sian Lawn Dresses
Made with fancy lace yoke, embroidery trimmed
and bertha affects; elbow aleeves; skirt made
with full flounce,' sot on with Tel. lace inser
tion; sises -i4; worth-'Aiji-.i'-".!- al ftO
Children's French
Novelty Coats .
Bvery one strictly tailored; made of plate and
plaid materials: the plain coats are trimmed
with black taffeta aUk and fanoy gold buttons
to match; slscs C to 14 years; not on la the
lot worth leas than fs.Tl, and range Q4 fn
up to IT.I0; your choice e0aC.IO
on For CRUaren s prcaea rancuy, tnmmea
aCOCproalea. worth 7Sc tr-it j'.'-v"--
AfiTrr Chlldrea'a 11 Dreseea, chambsaya,
X7C handsomely made, ages S to 14.
Cft.lW Children's: French Dreeee. siaea t to
U7ls years. fl.SO klada
Madras Waist, imported qual
ity, vcry nobby, beautifully tail
ored ; value $3.50, J2 QQ
Net Waists, trirrtmings of em
broidered panels, yal. lace and
imitation Irish inser- fr 'i , J
tion : value $8.75, for. aDte I O
Colored' Striped Tailored Waists, white A O ; QQ !
grouiids, colored stripes, excellently made. eJJIeTtO eDIelJ,
ntilnreA Batiste Waists. Marie Antoinette model, ruche edcred
with lace; in tan,. pink, light blue and violet;' value M ()C
y$l76. Special at. . , . . : i ...... . .Viyd
Allover Embroidery Waists, a
pretty and dainty a4
model value $4.60... PaCeUU
The View Kimono Sleeve Waist
of fine white lawn; embroidery
and lace i . A a a
trimmed ..eD.UU
Xawn Kimonos, in dainty pat-:terns,-with.
border , of - plain
white lawn; value; . ; . 1(1,
Long Kimonos, in cotton chat
lies, Persian designs, with satin
borders ; value $1.95, QQ
We've held many a sale, but
never a sale like this needless to'
boast about itrtho prices do the
talking for us Take the advice
of those who know and lay in supplies during this unprecedented
Sale. q' ' ' 1 'v'M'
Drew & Selbv :
. Shoes and Oxfords for
Made of fmesf vici kid, on all the
newest lasts, all styles of heels
and toes, fancy silk vesting top
: or plain kid tops, Blucher and
lace" cuts, soft flexible -, soles
' First time in the history of Irv-
- ing- Drew's factory that cut
V prices were obtained; thousanda
of pairs; all sizes, ev- 01 7Q
er'y width choice...... Ve
Children's $1.50 Vici Kid Lace
Shoes, sizes S to , " ' y
Ladies' $1.50 Dark' Gray Canvas v
Oxfords, opera and common
' - sense heela.i all , Qr
sizes...... Ue7C
Ladies' $2.50 Fine Vici Kid Shoes
and Oxfords, in Blucher and
lace cuts, all made in the latest
styles and lasts; all 38
Ladies' $2.00 Dongola Kid Oxfords
: and Wtrap Slippers, flexible
soles, opera and common AO.
- sense heels all 'sizes..... 2OC
Ladies' $3.00 Fine Vici Kid Shoes
and Oxfords, in lace and blucher .
... cuts; fancy patent leather
trimmed, with Cuban heels and
' all madei! with a flex- . d t(S
ible sole; all sizes..,. ..ya.USt
Misses' $1.50 Tan Goat Blucher tut
Shoes, allolid leather through
out. Sizes '11 tO no
2. .. .4 .... r.itr '. i.i f.vflv-
Infants' $1.00 Vici Kid and Patent
Leather Lace and Button AO
Shoes, sizes 1 to 5... IOC
.Men's and Women's 35c Car "7
- pet Sole Housi Slippers . . . 1 C
25c bottle Gilt Edge Shoe
. - Dressing!,. t. , ...X IC
One lot of Men's $2.50 Shoes and
Oxfords, Vici ; Kid and Patent
Leather, broken sizes only (JO
take your choice. .iOC
Men's Fine Shoes and 6xfords,
' made of select stock of Vici Kid
and " Patent Leather," genuine
Goodyear welts, all of the pob
biest styles in tan and black;
- . 6ne big lot of Shoes and Oxfords
worth op to $4 and 01 QQ
$5; all go at.... .vl.l70
Men's $2.50 Work Shoes, made of
the beststock of Satin Calf, m
KtfWce' style, plain, and
- capped toes . . , s 1 .v ,
- Such as always sell at $6 and $6.50, and $7. and $7.50, styles for big boys ftnd styles for Jittle
Ik . UK boyi; purest woolens, fashioned by the best tailors for juveniles; novelty styles and Eton, Sailor
id? J ' and Buster Brown effects; they are all In at one price for choice, and we'll help you select the best
Extraordinary Offering tn th
Ladies'-Underwear- Dept.
Ladies sorinar ' weisrht ' flannelette
gowns, braid trimmed; A Cf
special....;..... ....... A .WC
Ladies' drawers, made oi gooa
quality mjislin, plain hem-v ft
stitched hem; special....... l7t
Ladies' muslin gowns, yoke
trimmed with dusters of 9Cr
tucks; special..,.;.. .....'alt
Children's muslin drawers, lO.
hemstitched ruffle; special
Ladies' gingham aprons; ft
special.. ...... ... .. r
Infants' medium weight 1 ft
vests, long sleeves; epeciaMvi
Infants' good quality , outing flan
nel sacqnes, made with yoke, box
plaits front and back; white,'
trimmed with pink and OCe
blue; special.... T.WL
Misses' summer weight union suits,
taped neek and aratholes. OO-
- umbrella bottoms; special. .&L
Ladies' skirts, made .of fast black
mercerized sateen, accordion
, pleated, ? ruffled and p; tucked,
trimmed in bands of ma- Oft
1 terial; H2S value special.OllC
Children's gowns, made ', of good
quality muslin, yoke made wlta
five. ; hemstitched tacks each
side, neck and sleeves finished
with neat ruffle; sizes 2 to OO
14; special. ....... ..........IOC
Ladles ribbed summer vests; cro
cheted and taped neck and f ft-
'tarmholcs;'- special iiiiliii tAvC.
Ladies long sleeve summer vests,
either white or ecru;
.i- worth 35c;fSpeisl.i;i.i. t
Ladies gingham wash skirts, ruf
fle at bottom; 35c ; value;
" -V special . , . . . . . . Xi w &
Ladies' summer weight knit pants,
lace bottom or tight knee; 1 0
" special. ....... ....... . ... av i
Ladies', targe white lawn aprons,
hemstitched bib and bretetles;
worth 40c; spe- Z
cial..,v. ....... .......... a .
Ladies snmmer weight corsets and
V girdles; white 'only; sises )
IS to 25; special.. ........ a .M
Best 10c vest; taped; C
v special ..... .
A J" A .Such as always pell for $15.00 tnd $18.00They come in tlr.c!:, Ire
7UV blue all sizes Choice.......