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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
8 ,vFORTS;:F.:.' I;HE-:: DAY Summer Time is Lcuhch 66 A good launch lhat is built to meet every, requirement of substantial and comfortable pleas- . ure cratt, -. LEilGUE SEASON City takes Half Holiday to At- One Hundred and Three Canines " tend Opening Came Between Answer, Present at 10 o'Clock ' This Morning. 1 Portland and 'Frisco, v DOG SII0I7 OPEIIS III SKJITIIIG n Oil ill POUD m-hy " OUNCILMEN POSTPONE ! ; MEETING TO, BE PRESENT ; Something About McCredie's New 1 Playri Case, JBwbcj4 and Mott ; Are Three Acquisitions Who Stand High: la BasebidL; "7rf Portland took a half holiday this af ternoon to attend the opening of the oast leaaue 'baseball season. Numer ous stored and publio offices wera de serted and even the city council posl tKined Ita meeting that ail might ha ' present at the opening ceremonies. Tha ceremonies were a parade, the raising of the silver-lettered 10 pen nant and stunts on' the diamond by Mayor Lane, Auditor Devlin and Judge Williams. H. 1L Covey, It I Keats, tha Cook Auto company, Estes Brothers, J B. Kelly and others donated tha use of some of. their touring cars for the pa . rade. -. "-. -. '..' -j-' '- Many changes have been made In tha Portland team since It was seen here last and some of the changes should re suit for the better. Caaey, who has performed artistic stunts around second base for Tacoma for, tha past three ;yearsv will be a Beaver this year and should be one of the strong spots In the team. Casey- baa ml ways been reckoned a f irst-claas baae-runner and ; a good batter. - - ' ' - ... atssseys Beoord. Bassey.the left fielder, played with Omaha In the Western league last year. His hitting record for the year la .171, his fielding record .168. During tha .season he was credited with Is stolen bases. ' -',-' Mott will be at third today. Every lbody knows Mott Mott was one of tha trong ones for Seattle last year and In retting him McCredle haa at last found a man who can' play third with some degree of decency. The majority of tha Beavers games so far have been lost . by weak playing at third and the ac quisition of Mott alone should make a difference in the percentage.'. But Of 'course there are other things. ' ; 8ome more new players in tha Fort land bunch are Sbtnn at short Shlnn Is & California brusher who Is fast on his feet and Improving rapidly. Love, at center, . ts recently from Chicago. ' Carson, also from California, Is hand lng out the real goods at first. ' Schoolma'am Catcher. ' ' Moore, the new change catcher, Is hitting well and filling his berth In -creditable shape. - Moore was only short time ago wielding the ferrule as a schoolma'am at - St. Johns, . Kansas. Groom and Klnsella, pitchers, are alao new. men. Groom is from tha Three r league and Klnsella Is from the western association. The faces that wilt look familiar to tha Portland fans today are those of -Donahue who, McCredle declares, Is the best catcher In tha league; , McCredle himself and Calif f and Gum,' pitchers. Callff haa been doing well, but Gum has done 'nothing. , i Tha flatter is a great twirler, but a sore arm has kept him out of tha running so far. Henderson and McHale, old men, have "Jumped" nd will no doubt be suspended by the 'national association. - Ross 1 is due to arrive some time within the net few .weeks. Groom and Jones have been an nounced as the twirlers In the opening game. , .. . -!.-, NOTES OF PORTLAND'S JUVENILE BALL NINES The ", Beaver Junior' . defeated ' tha Twenty-second Street Juniors yesterday ny, tne score or is to 1. 1 The iineuo: Beavers, . ' j Position,: -;? , I2nd Street Turner ......... . . . . .. Patterson Klein ...If.. ........... Scott Chapman ..... Goods 3rlggs ........... .p.... r.... 8. Glbble Scherr ....... .....c. ....... Bonbrlght Philllpa V. . . . . . . . .es. . . . i, F. Glbbl Fields .. . . . . zb. . . . . . . . . . Wagner Bell , ,v ....... i'8b.. ,,? i v. Holden Star of.. . . ... R. Mundell The newly organized Hawthorne Colts baseball ' team would Ilka to arrange games with any teams outside of the 'city for. Sunday. The folowlng Is our lineup: Hober. catcher; Johnson. Ander lion and Hoffman, pitchers; Stoher, first ' base;, Baker, second base; Block, third case; Sigsby,.- shortstop; Offerley, left field; Dollcrfayde, center field: Short. right field; Sprague and Anderson, sub- jstltutea. -Address all communications to Manager Casey- Siebela,- 40 Hawthorne enue, - , Tha -Boeebud i Bulldogs defeated the jAlblna Juniors Sunday by tha score of IB to 1. Tha lineup: Hosebuds, , - Position. , . , Alblnas Bateman .... . . . . . ,c. . . . . ... Miller . Brill ......... .p.., .. Hewitt Fink Treber C. O'Connor ..&Jh .t . .. .'. . .Vernon F. Helnal ........ 3b...... Lollick J. Spady .......,. Nordyke lL Orayaon ...... .If. ,.L Hopp juarv ............ .rf .. Allenson Carlisle ....... . ,cf . . . ... . .. Williams PASSENGERS, LEAP. FOR v LIVES FROM BURNING CAR George Prossers f slx-oyllnder Ford auto was badly damaged by fire yester day afternoon at Belle Crest 'After climbing a hill with a full load of paa aengers tha machine caught fire and tha pnaeengers had to leap for their Uvea. The fire waa put out by Mr.' Proaaer and Jack Kiddle, a livery driver, who shovel ed dirt on the flames. Mr, Prosser had owned the car for only a week. , EASTERN BASEBALL " American League. ' Cleveland Boston 4. Brooklyn 10, 8t liouis 0. " , v letrolt . New Tork 3.. - . ..- '- Kational Leag-ue. nttuburg 4, Boston I. v Chirari , rhtlidelphia 0. -' Iw Xork I, Clnclunatlr X. ' - "-.- y " .' 1 '' ij. '' '' ; '( ' -,-- ''. '' ''; f ,!' ' .y:s '" ' ''' -'i. '- : j J ', ; ' I Pitcher Gum, Portland's star twirler, who haa been out of the game' on account of a sore arm. ' TELEGRAM BEATS IN INITIAL By Willie Btepp, Offleeboy. ' ; The first game of the , Newspaper league waa played yesterday afternoon at Twelfth and Bast Davis street on tha old Portland field between The Journal and Telegram nines. Tha Tele gram won by tha score 11 to 6. The feature of tha game was tha er rors made- by both sides. Alex Smith did -the work with the Indicator and waa given tha glad hand on strikes and balls and was alao handed' a lemon by soma or ino piayera. Jtawara iogue kept the score for both nines but did not keep errors, as they came la ao fast, Chester Keel, tha " pitcher' for the losers, had an off . day. Dr. . Watson, the first baseman for The Journals, cer tainly played like big McLean did for tha Portland team last year. , Seed waa certainly there when It came to taking In hot ones and. shooting .them home. Monroe Goldstein splayed a good part as Sherlock Holmes, the detective. In find ing tha ball, but never arrested one. Hazen had his little "Dutch" knock down' hat on yesterday, which mads a hit with tha-hleachera. ;.:tr'-4 ?i John Kelley did ta ' few dramatic stunts in tha center garden by missing one that would have been a aklnch for Jack Travis. ' Ha stole second once while the ball waa In :. the pitcher's hands. Ha thought tha trick easy and tried to steal third, but waa caught by the office boy at second. ",' '. : J. K. Turner, tha new sporting editor of Tha Journal, wanted to show that he HOLD LAST TRACK MEET OF SEASON Tomorrow night at tha - Armory the laat of tha aeries of tha Indoor track and field competitions which have been held monthly ' since last November will be pulled off. The games will be In the nature of a final contest end, prizes will be awarded to the winning athletes. A banner ta to be given the company which haa secured tha most points dur ing the season and various other tro phies will be given. Cups will be given for. excellence ; In individual perform ances. '"'' .:!:'," 'v'i '''ril V:y'. -j. .J:r;r f : - The games Thursday evening will be free. The following officials have been appointed: i Referee; : Colonel C.' K. McDonell; Judges of finish, ' Captain A. J. John stone, Captain L. H. Knapp and Lieu tenant Henry Hockenyos; field " Judges, Captain Wrf B. Odale, Captain William Denny, ' Lieutenant le M. Clark, Lieu tenant D. K. Bowman , and Lieutenant W. F. DaUgherty; timers, Lieutenant F. I. Randall, Lieutenant L. E. Crouch, and Lieutenant J..B. Hibbard; .'. .clerk of course,, Lieutenant W. L. Ormandy. as sistant clerks, Lieutenant Carl Rltten spacher, Sargeants JR. B. , Walla, L. M. Dale and V. & Howard; announcer, A. K. Jenkins;; starter,; Lieutenant J. J. Mo- Donald. . : iH;M.v-A.':.c' i: f ; Warrenton Sine "WIdb. ', (Special Diapatch tn The Joomil.) . Warrenton, ; Or., May 15. The fast Warenton team, the leaders in the Low er Columbia River, league, easily -de feated Skamokawa, Sunday, by a score of 1 . : to--i L The ,: features of tha ' game . wera - Moore's . steady pitching and the heavy batting, of Mc- Dermott Warrenton's : big first base man, Harry uuir, was also there with the stick. - - i , Angels Beat Oakland.' . (Jooraal Special SerrJee.) . . Oakland. " May 15. Tha . Angels ' took the nrst game of tho aeries by heavy batting. Score: 1 R..H.B. Los Anceles . . .1 0 0 0 f 1 0 1 05 10 -1 Oakland . ..... .0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 4 Batteries Hosp and Hogan; catesand tsusa - - - - - - . w tott vovm ' succeed the-first time use Herblna and you will get Instant relief. The great est liver regulator. A positive cure for ' constipation, dyspepsia, . malaria, chilla and all liver complaints. Mr. C of Emory, Texas, writes: VMy wife has been using Her bine for hersen - ana children for Ave years. . It -is aure cure for constipation and malaria fe ver, which Is substantiated by what It has done for my family." Sold by aU druggists) . ..- . . . -. - t .- . r : 1 ' ; THE JOURNAL NEWSPAPER GAME knew a thing In baseball and got .a hit every time to bat and also took chances without error. ; Seed wanted to make a little light In tha game by making a one-hand stop that - went by . and hit Detective Goldstein - In tha leg. There were only'1 two boosters In the' crowd for Tha Journal, ,- They were Wall in and Hyman Cohen, hut tha latter' had his hands full In watching tha kids from stealing tha fruit and Ice cream which waa given tha team by wholesale houses In the city. "4 Detective Goldstein refused to arrest a horse la his garden that was standing on .the ball, allowing a Telegram man to make a home run. . v - The only double play In the game wis made by Turner to Stepp. v The next game of the Press league will be played Sunday . between tha Telegram nine and the Oregonlan nine. Teeterdaya lineup was: v.-j; '"V i," "'.- Journal. -. '. Position. ' ' Telegram. Turner ........... ss .... . . . Sammons Stepp .2b........... Dyment Keel p. Gregory Travis and Cronln.xf. .......... Kelley Seed ....i 3b.... Bay waison . . ........ ID. . . , .... Btranborg Humphreys ...... ,c. ... . . . , . , Ringer Goldstein ........ .If... Hazen Wlrta .rf ......... B. Carroll . BCORB BI INNINGS. , ' R.H. E. Journals ........ I 0 1 0 0 1 6 8 12 Telegrams .....5 0 1 1 0 7 1 7 11 TRUNKS' LINE-UP fS STRENGTHENED Manager Partlow of tha Trunkmakers has signed two new players; 'J. Higgins as pitcher, and E. O. Locke aa ahortstoo. HIgglna pitched a no-hlt, no-run game at uswego iaat Sunday. He also won his game against Kelso three weeks ago wnen tna iNormweei played at Kelso, Locke haa , been ' holding down ' second bag for the Devoa team and la a fast In- fielder. . ; , . , , -. H. , Selbles wlu be played on first fleming will be placed on second and Day., will continue to play third base. Brown will be placed In center field ana unggs will go to right field, Old reliable Van Nortwick will hold down left field. Emrlch', Jameson and Heitsman wilt do the catching, while Taylor will be tha other pitcher. The team has been cut to 1 J players and will remain 4n tms position -the balance of tha season. The team haa had a bad start this sea. son, but Manager Partlow expects to raise tne percentage ; in tba next few games. The Trunkmakers play in Kelso next Bunaay. , . .' Interstate) League Begins. , Punxsutawney, Pa., May 16. With a origin outlook for an Interesting pen' nant race the Interstate Baaeball league bum-is we season or ,iot today with runxsutawney playing at Olean, Du bois at Bradford, Erie at Franklin and Kane at , Oil City.. Tha schedule calls for so ganes, the season to . end 6ep- innwr i. ' . - - . - , TONIGHT FANCY DRILL 0M RINK wo advanoa In prloea. - oar servtoa. Bpeclal m I NUMBER SHOULD PASS . TWO HUNDRED TODAY Jndge George, . W. . dayton Begiiui Aiaaing Awaxas ai v g uwn iuu v Afternoon Ninety T; Tct Cent of ' Entrant! Owned by Home People, One hundred and three doga answered present to their names at the opening of the sixth annual exhibition or mo Portland . Kennel club thia morning. there wera yelping hounds, beautiful collies, ua-ly Dues, silent white bulldogs. one magnificent St Bernard, one lone Great Dana and others. s There wera a great many doga which reported tardy, but they wera not tardy enough to cause any . Injury to them selves or their masters. The fact la, that the morning was wholly given orer to tha fanciers to receiving and bench ing tha canines In preparation to tha beginning of the Judging at 1 o'clock this afternoon, and not mora than half tha entries wera expectedUo be. in their placea when' tha show formally opened at 10 o'clock. -, Y . sWaBBM. VnailaaJ Aa VaaSMli r: WW uaiiUiVii waa awawaa , - f ' According to tha calculations of the pupa wlU be in their placea before tha aay is over, xv met y per ceni oi mem i rrMinn -are tha nronertv ot local fanciers. .A bwuuu . - neTrbTrnTanrrs m the Exposition buudinc at Nineteenth and frMJiiuawn mil -.It. will iaat for four days and will be open to the publio all day and evening, The Judg-I lng will be dona by Dr. George W. Clay ton, - one Of the best-known judges In tha country. ' Judga Clayton officiated at the Kennel club show in Seattle, which closed only a few days ago. More I than 70 cups will be given as prises tor the beet exhibits In each class. Among tha English bulldogs entered I are two owned by J. C Harralson ofl andNalrod's Squire Allen. , , . -wim , Vftlrl' . Hrumna!! Tlnr Ulv ta a handsome golden brindie by tha noted winner Crumpsall ' Banker, , of t Im- ported Woodcote Brltomartla. She won I second puppy prise at the Ladies K. of America show at Mineola, and again at Brighton Beach In 1106. tha only times shown, : She Is very typical, low I to ground, with short, screw tall and Is I a bulldog any. one could be proud of. Squire la by Imported woodcote Pat,! a grandson of the great Champion King I orry, out of Mrs. Martin a weii-known tuunieen. a granoaaugnier or His juoro- htn TVn Pnlm. Rnllna T..tnn ftroh. ber, Harpor, British.. Monarch ... and Heathen, sire of tha famous Champion shown once, but distinguished himself .. . v it n i- . i .1... v, aa. v. .u .i,u VWJ uiaoa at the great Wissahickon show, 1900. Another Is Harry C Whittlers Lady Lsyton, an English buU of high degree, with a pedigree that reaches back to Charlemagne. : OREGON MEETS PUILMAII IN FIELD DAY FRIDAY f. - aaaaaaaaaaaBBBaaaaaajMaaaaaiBSBk . ' . ' - It Will Be the Only Track Com petition Seen at Eugene 1 This Spring. - (Special Diana teh to Tba JoermaLI University of Oregon, Eugene, May 15. -The University of Oregon track team meeta Pullman here next Friday in tha only meet that will be held In Eugene thla year. ; At. that time the lo cal students and townspeople will see Hug and McKlnney, the two giant weight men, perform for the last time. and in all likelihood Dan Kelly, holder of tha world's reoord In the 100-yard aasn. . , ; Though trainer Hay ward vara that the meet, will be close, Oregon support ers Dene ve mat she will win without any great difficulty. Pullman will get gooa many : points in tha distances. but not by any means all, and In tha other je vents Oregon expects to have the best end of each with very few excep tions. - ruuman, . nowever, miant sur prise the university team, but tha O. A. C meet will undoubtedly bring out the strength of tha visitors to some ex tent. Thnnsi tliAP. fiaV Kun msn a w..v. w . V wvu ....... f mat uan; jteiiy? was rour of condition. Haywardaaya that his form la all that ne oesires at this stage of the season. and the general opinion seems to pre vail that It is as good as at the same pewa last year. The rest of the team seem to be In good shape, with tha ex ception of Moullen, who has been sick. He Is getting better, and as Pullman is weak In the pole vault, will prob ably make first place In" It Before Mounen went to the Columbia meet ha could not do 10 feet, but there ha went iv reel inches. - . . All the stores will be closed in Wit. gena Friday afternoon, and the day will be almost a holiday. At the it Is University Day, ' and In tha morn ing, the students will donate their tim and labor to the university by building cement sidewalk and making other Im provements. , Ostend Chess Congress. 1 -. .; Ostend, - Mar 15. Tha intrnttnnl chess congress, for which preparations have been -making for nearly a - rear. opened today at tha Kursaaf with many vi iu luremost cness experts 'Of . Eu rope i to attendance. Tha tournament will continue for several weeks, during which "time there will ba a champion- snip contest ror 12,000 in prises, a masterr competition for a $2,00 prise fund, a ladies' championship, contest and three amateur contests. . -NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE - Spokane 7, Vancouver- L . Seattle S, Tacoma 1. . -. ' , I Aberdeen I, Butts 1. ' 'I 1 ' ' "a - ' tVCANOESu We have a swell line of Canoes. ' Conjeand see them i irid be : convinced. A "'separate - : supolr of canoe paddles always , on ,.--:!.' nana. . ' ; :TIcREI$R;spNCM!NPRy:: Cures' Biliousness Sick Headache, Sour Stom--ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation, v Pleasant to taKoV, TN Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer 1 r ' ' . - JL . rnLKClft-bllildinP' arid Mof in the most favorable form Pbs Eight JUTa changes all the posslolo food i j j t r I aUll UilXI UWUUl lUUU I ' The .BcT OT CtUultT' v. a. r .11 v UUW. UUlUlCOiUlK W U UVXXW 11 19 . I rich in health-giving food, and is fin4 -nneti rinir hv tha flavor anA Choicest hops. The Pabst perfect method of Filtering and Sterilizing, makes Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer the perfect brew pure, strengthens and gives tone to the think it for the health it gives, for the palat- able, satisfying flavor found only PihTvtn TWr. Vmi urill mhv a e-1aa k.fMn I - I mcaiS. . ., s , I When erderinc beer, aak for Pabat 1 TUT a n ' .iUttUB, by Pabst at Milwaukee .And bottled only at the Brswery. ", t. , V Charles Kohn k Cck, Cor. Sr9 Fin Sta; Portland. Phone Main 460. 1 -." - " 1 Specialist O'Xaef. , , .ataffaaa . .y;t ." - ' law B M ... m 1 ..rrr:.rrSS. V ward of how it was done.' Do not delay. - f ; 5 T! call on Mr. L. B.T Holco'mb,fS36'JHilIer 1 Mrs. S.' E.; Henderson 90 West ver avenue, St. Johns car. Mrs. "MTBaklerj 141 Union avenue ' f ' 1 , . Mrs.'Mary VieramV 1061 f Belmont" street .Get.: off. at .Thirty-fifth street. Take Mount Tabor. car. - Dr. O'Keefc's: Address Room JOURNAL WANT GASOLINE ENGINES ' We carrj a conplete supply of , gasoline engines of air shapes' arid1;! descriptibhsl ? ?L1l u n c h; bdildersV whb; believe in Jecon-; orny will find, their , way, to bur. : --.c? 'V:.,llop.j...--: - ;; vr tm teatiye Frnit Syrup ni iui it us BuooarT. you will find - maldncr; fhoda for : easy di-. I - values of the t i ' - VeUUCa. : v madt delidout aroma f thai ' Malting, Brewing, liquid food which whole system. in Pabst Blue , Blna Rlbbaa. ' ' ia Friends, have ypu read the Eve ning' 'Telegram, -where statements . have 'appeared showing the great work of Specialist O'Keefe? Any and all. -.statement: made of , his wonderful cures": are agreed to by his many patients here in this city whom he' cured after they had used all ; other ;'methods, which rfailed. After they had; suffered for years. Dr. O'Keefe. cured'them.'; For the truth of this t statement or " any statements : that have - beeit ,pub lished by the Evening Telegram of Specialist p'Keefe s ability; call on his patients," who have ;had the ex-. perience, who will stat to you 'the truth, why will show" you 'the. evi dence of the-greaf workidone, by skilled specialist. ; .'-v-; '-,! v 1 W Here are their names. ? Call - on them.. ,'They will be pleased to show you, and glad to help any one suffering as they have suffer ed. Do not delay, while yotr have a chance to be cured. -Do not be thinking or talking about it go ,tx Vr. O Keefe ana get cured; then 'do thinking and talking after rmszyy: -:'--r ': avenue, Sellwdod car. " ' i; " Emerson street 1 Get off at Den ' " , ' 4 ' ... , , Is 207 Third Street 15 "- - -i - .' ADS PAY BEST. ROW BOATS jRqwboats 'that glide along 'with' a grace that denotes ;the quality of 'the craft. .A A. trial will convince you. i V Cleanses tjie system iiiux wugiiijr . auu, unui sallow complexions of pimples ; and blotches , , Jt' is suar&nteed . ' Save Kidney. s Coma at onoe and have free examlnav uon. ; . . i WB EXTRACT TEETH FREE: SH INdS.7tTTjPjlET OF TEETH. VfOOi SPLENDID SET, M 00; OOLD CROWNS TO 0 oV.OOi WHITB CR0WN All-work guaranteed for ten years. Lady attendant alwava trnmi an . work dona absolutely without pain by specialists of from II to 10 years' a. parlenca..- ". ft -,,v. r ' Bosfon Dehllsls - rT- Fhona Kala t03& - MlVa atorxlaoai UU On FeSloOaa, ' 1 PROFESSION ALVr: BASE BALL ifif-i onramro sakbs PORTLANCT v: . SAN PRANCISCO TA Jara rmzT oxoTnrss. MAY .15-16-17-1 8-1 9 Oamaa begin- at 1:10 p. ni 1 Sunday 1:10 - p. m. General admlRsion 180. Grandstand SSo, Children 10c, , , ' EAPiBr pat rmnAT.'- MAYOR'S WALHUT OIL Rastoras Color to Cray Hair or Baarel liiani mm wiiaia ta aa. a kill timm tImH.m mnpvmMtm, aaUf.'f aa aara nmtij, m4UwI; haraln amMir .plU4, M a.t.Ul tkMls tnWIn tk.lW. Tk. Ml Mai hnrM will MM Nana mtilfgni wiuaawlikj. KMMtoll. aMlnkla lav ltr. rllai lik kat trail vHla.i .Sutaalw. 8a4 tm lailln Mala tma BalBERS aa aaaala aalH If. u raar araraiainwiiar niaa . FrVabT aui I aOTlaali. arlal C, wa.arW. Js fl.ia. A4Artm, iaaMaraairaaaaart MaVOP Walnut Oil CaV laatAlraMadMsSMa A4Ar last, ..JUIWaeelsaaATe Ksssat City, Ma. 0. Cat WOulAN A SPECIAITY gMRS. a. ICICHAN The only Cblneae aranaa asedical : doctor is this elty. gb has en rd many affllctaS aaffarara. -Cured private ana female 41a eaaea, alao aattama. throat and lung troublea; atomaeav. bladdar and ktdnai and diaaaaaS of aU kinds thai tba bamas Ilea Is balr to, Curad br Chloeee barbs and roota. Bemadlra karmiaaa. Me nferattnna, ffnnaat traatmest. EXAMINATIONS YKES. 903 . tilar ; Street. Corner Third. RESTORES VITAL1TT Hate cored tbonaandsX : of j. eaaea ' of . Nerfoua Dabllltr -and ' lnaomnU. Thar clear the brain, strenftbts tbe elrenletloa. make dlgeatlon perfect and impart a marnetle Tlcor to tba whole bains-' All drains sad tosses . , atoppad permanently. fl.00 per box, S boraa.',.' ' guaranteed to enre or refand mooer. IS. Mailed eealed. . Book- free.1 v Paratas afed. Co., S3S Arch St., Philadelphia. ' Sold la Portland enly FoodWWtt,. Clr 'C!o. t QSsliDSIaOiTS : c:3To::3 syho? has heVa aM by ktinioas of Kotaora for their rmiaren wane leeuiing tor orer rirty xeara. I soothes (be enild, sortens the goma, aUaya all pin. oaraa wind eouo, aad Is tba beat remedy rordlarrtiopia. JL BOTTXk. aa and other drug habits are positively eared by ior aypoaermie or internal use. Sample sent to any drug habitue by a7 a malL Rnamliir nrlcM t2.0rxtr hnttl at your drueeiat or by mall in plain ftnper. Velt Chemteaf CoM ftLLtU4o .".J!! r kiinere;lras Oe., Ux XbuiVv St., Portland. Orasoa. FOR WOMEN ONLY . Dr. Saedanoa'a Cnmpoond ' Sala and Cotton Hone Pin. tk. k , ,f "a'r "lUble remedy for UU ' , PEKIODS. Cure tba oat a,l -n. . m,mW m ass ay sjd V QtiTBa K'? r2"mbo:h Is plain wranir. Addraaa Dr. T. I.- PiEBna. icV ...... Iff" -Ami" mm K ' ."""!" 111 ! - , FortlaaA Oras. ' ! " " AV