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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. . PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY ' EVENING, MAY 13, 1C07. HUE OUTLET TO COAST COFFEY SHOWS HIS GROUNDS - FOR BEING OUT OF POLITICS Completion , to Coos Bay Wilt Open an Immense Tribu . tary Section, " " WILL BECOME PART OF TRANSCONTINENTAL ROAD Roseburg and Coos Bay Residents, Enthusiastic Over Project, Show Irogre8slve Spirit by Subscribing , More Ponds Than Asked. - John B, Coffey has ton out of poll- tic. ' fU has Iterated Jt end reiterated It elnoe the date of the primaries, and now he has proved it "Hello," said the casual friend, droj pin In on Mr,' Coffer this moraine "Who is foln to be the mayor, Johnf , "I don't know," said the sx-endldate. "What do you hear about the battler was the next question. "I don't hear," was ths answer. "I thought you knew something; about polities, anyway." - "Not a. thing," said Jr. correy. -men a slow look of determination came over his genial face. "I am out of politlos," he said, v "I have been out slnoe Mar S. I have said it and now I want to prove it" . - 1 - - - . . Coffer lead ths questioner to the. rear of his place of business and stood him opt, in front of a big placard tacked on the wall i On the placard waa a list of date beginning with May 5 and ending wltb June. ; At the head of the list, printed in red ink, was the sentence! "I have taken solemn affirmation that I am out of politics." Following the dates beginning with May a and up to and Including May 11 was ths signature "John fi. Coffey." , "Every day," said Mr. Coffey, "I sign that card. Every day I am out of poll tics and every day I am able to prove it over my signature. 1 I hope," he con cluded, "every man who sees this will believe what J say all the time. I hope you are convinced." Then ths ex-candl-dats talked about bis business and the beautiful weather, but not f ths elec tion. unless unforeseen engineering or financial difficulties arias, Roseburg and the Coos bay region will have an elee trie standard-gauge railway opening up .ma nig country tributary to those busi ness centers, and a new outlet will be supplied from the Interior to the coast. It Is regarded as a certainty that such a line, If built with due cars for low gradients " and ' moderate ' curvature would ultimately become a part of a transcontinental line : terminating at Coos bay. - "This asaumptlon is based on nearly very reasonable consideration In rail- road Duuaing. The Chicaao eY North a, wnion is pushing toward the DISEASE CURED i DY LIGHT RAYS ":..i'i:7-- . P ' "' V .' ', . -.'-, , , - fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmm . y'x:. . " .---if!., i' ''; j ii ,. , i I,," 'r ? Dr. W. I. Howard Plans Much ; Faith. In Electrical Treat- - ment for .Meningitis. ' inun cuub una uiwouDieaiy conieni' i . . ; .. - Plated a spur ftpm tbs upper WilUmette , 7 w puum- y7 -valley to Coos bay. The Santa. Fa is J journal of twos, oaaes of meningitis coming up ths coaat from San' Fran-1 cured by application of ths high-power Cisco and with the Inevitable abrogation electric therapeutic lamp is not aurprls- ot al unlawful agreements in restraint ing," says Dr. X. W. Howard. ..'The f railway competition between that destruotlvs effect of light on germs of corqpany and the southern Pacific it Is all kinds Is well known, and is partlcu- quite likely that the big transconti- larly exempuned in tne History or tnis nental line -would like to tap the WU- disease,wblch disappears whea spring lametta valley, and summer bring their sunshine and : ; Western raoifla After Viafflo.' " " warmth. , Ths too candle-power lamp rich 'In ths f ."T". "u" "JZIZZmSZ ST I actlnle or germ-destroying rays of ths 1 Pedro Los AuhlMtttnMl' ot th P?trnn wner M P?hfn.!i5f,"wr0Ad Uound ths blue,lndig and rlolet frs- Clark's Wtruction of sny road Ye mir StJ tSLn dealre to buUd north of a line drawn !J!?Ct tm,n suit ik i 1 "Ths beat, ' being In the form of and hs is known to be smbltious to con- radiant tat V Is ?t!" struct a llns into Oregon.. Hs has for aS2Uj&h!"ue' ?JL2lJi some tlms had under consideration a h" UCtt fl,e,eper "J ,I1?J10W, , survey from Coo. bay to ths eastward. t&J&WWZ&l Tne western racine is another eandi-i ---".- . -- a.. h. .. r-. I and curative effect of neat in innamma products, and would bs Interested in any "0D ' klna ' coiara,t'J opportunity that might bs off ered' ti perienc, anoV when we consider that -r. ,t . .Ah t.m. .n.u. I meningitis. , whatever its cause, is Thero are great poeilbllitleS for any lnflKmm'?0iMfKtl'.,,!S!! road that independent builders maj menlngenembranes which surround mi ama th " and protect the spinal cord we can ;.ih. nr hoth thVmr . see that the slectrlo light treatment has ..." . . .' . . la rational basis. no raui xeans a Kosenarg.. "Experience with the lamp la other nowDurg . men eviaenuy recognise I diseases due to inflammation or germ these' rscts and their bearing on ahe infection bears out Its high value. It transcontinental situation. There Is would Uks too long to give a list of soms powerful boosting being done In these, but X will simply mention acute in wmourpvow i eieoirio rauway appendldus (nrst stage) as giving an project. - Roseburg yceterday completed example of the penetrating Quality of a stock subscription campaign in that the light, several undoubted euros bav- citr mai resuitea in we pledging or i ing ben recorded. 4117,000, or 117,000 mors than was T,if this were the beginning of the salted from that city In the movement season I should recommend that tne to build the road with capital raised I city equip a sanatorium where every along US routs. c,.. ot rotninrlUs could have this While there Is little probability that treatment applied as soon as it was sufficient local money can bs found, it diagnosed, and if this were done I ven ts more, than likely that a substantial ture the assertion that the death rats part of ths necessary funds can be would be materially lessened. As It ts. raised by , local . subscription, and when the warm weather will soon put sn end tne peopie inua snow men ranuttm tne i to the disease." project it Will be easy to enlist outside Dr. Howard was one of ths first to capital in amount sufficient to complete use ths high-power therapeutic lamp In it Coos county people already have I Portland and has bad a wide experience subscribed ioo,pqu. , in its use. OIL DROPS WILL SOOII LAY DUST . ;:; : ' .'J '.'ii. ('.. .1 ,.,.. Citizens Will Buy Sprinklers Themselves if Council Does Not Act Quickly. 4 'Mayor lane bas heartily expressed himself . in favor of the purchase by ths city of an oil sprinkler to bs used in oiling the boulevards and avenues Ths - ways . and means . committe through ths efforts of George ;amford, has recommended that tbs council ap propriate $500 at ones for the purchase ot tbo apnaitisr. t- niiuzj , "Why, Mr. Bamford, you bavs done mors in two weeks than I bavs been able to do In two' years," raid the mayor yesterday. "X bavs pleaded and begged the council In my, messages tlms after time to bur. half a dosea .. Of tbese sprinklers, and they nover would do it It is ridiculous and foolish that this city . should be so far behind other oities in this matter of good thorough fares." - ' - - On account rf a short session today the council will not likely get to the oil sprinkler. Mr. Bamford and C. Ton seth hare been the prime movers In the effort to secure a sprinkler, and they wish to rent It from ths city at ones to oil the Base Line road. The funds have all been subscribed by property owners alonff the road and . by ths automobile dub, and everything is in readiness to prepare ths read end oil it at once. , . Ths Base Line road sustains . more traffic than any ether road leading out of the city, and the dust in summer Is something unbearable, especially since It bas been used largely by autoiata, Mr. Bamford and Mr. Tonseth bavs re solved to buy the machine themselves if the1 city or county will not help them, as they are desperate and say they can not stand another dusty ; summer like that of last season. ' I Judge Webster was much in favor of ths project also, and commsnded Mr. Bamford ' for his efforts In ths sams manner as did ths mayor. - Dr Lane said that J r. Bamford was the most valuable ettlsen that he had met in a long time. He said that mora such men were seeded to make ths city aware of the advantage of better streets.- The Mount Tabor Improvement association also indorsed the effort last Monday evening and promised their sincere co operation. . ACCEPT BIOS Oil H STREETS Executive Board - Recommends . Awarding Many Contracts to Improve Thoroughfares. At a meeting of the executive board of ths street committee yesterday aft ernoon recommendations were made to ths city counoir for awarding contrasts for street improvements in excess of 187,000. In every cass where such was done the contractor's tender exceeded the city engineer's estimate. In a num ber of Instances the bids were -more than 10 per oflt greater than the en glneerg estimate, and all such bids were rejected and will- be readvertlaed for. Bids received for the Improvement of .East Morrison street and Olisan street between Park and Twenty-first remained untouched, due to a comma nlcation presented by Attorneys Beaob and Simon In behalf of the Warrea Con struction company, threatening to hold the city responsible for. infringements upon their patents relative to paving material' and ths manner of laying it It wag explained that such action was taken to prevent rival construction companies f. om duplicating - their wrrk in the city. . It IS likely that the matter will be taken i to the courts to deter mine the city's position In the contro versy that has arisen. The Pacific Bridge company's bid for Improving East Washington strset was DRIVES hum OUT OF THE HOUSE TO DIE Stearns' Electric Rat and JHoach Eastc a tls bex sf Stearns Cleetrle Paste will kill all the rats sad mlos) l a beuso la a aiacU alckk , i : Water bugs, cc-ckroaches, bed buqit and other vermin are quickly killed by Stearns' Blectrle Paate. Very sasy to ass. (HI! RINTfT "Yov onr will bf traded If steara1 ClMtrto ltat aaBMkFaM : ',,.., . oi, box 28otieoz,bpx I.OO. . . Sold by Drugghrtser sent prepaid ea receipt of Pries.- " ,T STEARSS' ELECTBI3 PASTE CO., Euffala, H. Y 0. S. A. rejected, owing to corns irregularity. and new bids will be advertised for. ' Macadam for Clackamas Street. Macadam is wanted by Clackamas street property owners Instead of gravel as Originally desired, and for which aa ordinance was drafted. These desires will be gratified by a new ordinance especially f or that character of Im provement. , , . Requests for extensions of time In street improvement work were granted by the committee, stormy weather being advanced as ths reason for- such re quests oa the part of ths contractor There were something like SO petitions, and the tlms granted by the board ex tended over periods of from If to 285 daya improvements win soon be m prog ress on East Twenty-second. Twenty. third, Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets' la Sullivan's addition. If pro posed ordinances approved by ths board are affirmed by the council. , Tbs pro posed ordinances grant a period of four montns in wnlcn to turn over ths com' pleteoVslreets. 41$&0&wub Orantsd,;:?ftli The reoommendatlons of awards mads yesterday are as follows: i ' Mlmer street Q. : R. i Rowlett; engineers estimate, 12,881 East Sixteenth street Bechell Broa. I9.B08.VZ: engineers eetmate, 18,531.10, East Main street Concrete-Construo tlon company, $4,S8I,0t engineer's eat! mate, I4.98t.80. -'-. 1 Bast Pine street Concrete Construc tion company, IMSI.Ol; engineers estl mate.85,049. East Second street C. R. Wood. 8,08i.?8s engineers estimate, !9,08U0. McMillan street Warren Construc tion company, 812,868.82: engineers es timate, (18,458.80. Belmont street warrea Construction company. 848.03LJ2 j. engineers .esti mate, 848.818.00. ! W. w M ,f 1. . "Teddy Bears" Free To Josrnal Scbscribtn To all subscribers, old or new, to the Dally and Sunday Journal paying 66 cents for- a month's subscription. In advance, will be given a ".Teddy Bear," as shown In the accompanying cut - 1 ; . Get The Journal, the most pop ular paper published in The Ore gon Country r and a "Teddy Bear," ths popular novelty to old and young. Call, at, or address Tbs Journal office, ss agents will not handle the Beara -'' joxnuraxk, romTAn,os. ii M ONE OFALBINA'S OLDEST" . IMPROVED SITES SOLD , . " ,if, r Fred Gausneder has Purchased from James Brooks the SO by 00 foot lot on the corner of Russell street and Missis sippi avenue for 112,600. This Is one of the oldest Improved sites in Alblna and la ons of the four corners on which the first business bouses were . ereotsd la what is now known as Lower Alblna. A two-story building occunles the site. Ths Diamond Realty company mads ths SaiS., i 'J ' ' rr ' , ,1 ,. . f. ' MAY POLE TONIGHT of Pretty, Drill fty sixteen Couples Clever Skaters. All is in readiness tonlxht for the big May Pols Party and fancy two-step drill. A private car last night brought tne skaters to tha city after an hours hard practice at ths close of ths regular session. Special car service toirfght: no long wane; straight to the Oaks. Although grand time will be had and consider- able- epne has been incurred to tonignt a grand success, j no extra charge will be made and the rerular prices wi prevail - If you can't skate, now is the time to learn. A pretty pro gram and lots of fun at the Oaks tonight, 4L .! -: - ton can move to a better locality read the "furniahei rooms' ads la tbs Journal " - " , Yea Csa Ahvsys Do CeUtr ca fce East Side Czl cf U:s ci-h Oest District oiiiloMMKOT . EAST SIDE DEPARTMBNT STORE Corner Qrand Avenue andf East Alder Street TXi w ICdDo Caltcricli Patterns cr. J Pntlicclicrj AU Patttrcs lOo and 13 nona Wghtr MM v imi I lays l pcial Although our new building is considerably delayed, vast quantities of new goods, which were intended for the new store, are crowding upon us in our present place, which is not half large enough to properly display these goods. That's why these radical cut prices each week. . We must reduce the stocks, . : 1 -' Invcstiflate These Ollerlngs on Tiiursday,Friday and Saturday 1 Stylish iciiiur ihuuc Dress Skirts Your Choice at 25 PerCent" Reduction SB - J. Any skirt in ths bouse suffers this same rad ical cut in price. NEW PRICES $2.62 AND UP. , Special Values In Wash Shirtwaist Suits, $1.48, $2.48, $2.98 All entirely new and up-to-date, made In best style of dainty Lawns and choice Madras cloth. A very nobby lot of Suits. Another Big Lot of White Lawn Waists Worth to $1.35 at 98c " ' ' j ; . . ' ' They are certainly exceptional bargains. Per: feet fitting- and very neatly trimmed. Supply your. wants early. 15c Turkish Toweis 9c . A gTett snap Large 20 by 42-inch unbleached Towels pf splendid quality and weights- r " Several Stylish Swell Cream, Gray, Black and Blue Tailor Made Suits , for Women At about half Tvest side prices. We sre mak ing a special cut of 25 PER CENT OFF of our usual low prices. Two Big Snaps in Table Linens 60-inch half-bleached Union Linens, worth 45c st, yard 29 60-inch bleached, handsome patterns, values to 75c or 85c, at '. Se . Ladies' Fancy .Hose 25c Very large showing of exceptional values in fancy and lace Hosiery. Snappy patterns. Up-to-Date White Parasols, Values to $1.50 at 98c Better provide now with this most stylish ar ticle at this special price. Women's Rubber Heeled Juliets, v Value $1.75 at 98c . Patent leather tip and the. most comfortable of Shoes. All sizes, 4 to 8. . Patent Colt Bntton or Dlncher Welt Oxfords Vtlses S3 to $3.50 At $2.48 This season's very newest styles and thor oughly dependable. " .t. , '.. ' ,' ". "" ;' A splendid Showing of Hammocks We are showing a most excellent lot of Ham mocks at 'very reasonable prices. Two extras: BEST $1.50 Hammocks. .............. .f 1.18 BEST $2,50 Hammoclcs.i.. ...S 1.98 A Big Lot of Remnant Bargains Including Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Crashes, Draperies, etc., all at greatly reduced prices. Choice New Patterns Women's Short Kimonos, Vals. to 75c at 49c Very handsome new light and dark patterns. While Canvas Blucher Oxfords SL50 Grade . This season's newest style. : Medium light soles. New toe. All sizes, 3 to 7. Folding Adjustable. Go-Carts, $6.00 . . Grade at $3.98 Wonderful bargains, strongly and substantial ly made. Rubber tires, fancy reed back and side arms. An Extra ValueChildren's Three Thread; White Lisle Hose , at 25c Very fine ribbed lisle Hose, In perfect white. All sizes. - 1 ; .Young Men's Worsted and Serge Suits Worth $12.50 at $9.90 : A splendid new assortment of plain and fancy patterns. All double breasted, hair doth, shape retaining fronts and swell fitters. Geese Feather Pillows, Worth $3 .. at $1.98 ; 1 Fine, clean, sanitary geese feather Pillows, size 21x27. Fine quality ticking. . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmm Lace Curtains, Values . to 75c at 49c Pair Jmt the thing for summer homes. 15c Brass Extension Rods at 9c - - Each - 4 Size from 30 to 52-inch. - Madras Cords, Worth 15c at 11c Yard The ideal wash fabric for Suits or Waists. Choice new patterns. , , Men's Suspenders, Worth 35c, 40c ' ' at 25c.' ,'';'" ' A great assortment of regular and lisle webs, with splendid leather or mohair ends. Great choice of patterns. 25c Boston Garters at 15c Ths very best style of Men's Garters. ; Assort ed colors. Boys' Caps, Values to 35c at 15c A splendid assortment of all regular sixes. nam ana zancy patterns. Men's Suits, Values to $14 at $7.95 A big Jot of good,neat, serviceable Suits. Well made and perfect fitters. Simply broken lots. That's the reason for such a big cut. ' THE BEST $3 HAT IN THE WORLD The Monarch Typeyriter Wins! i ' Cable cGspaches from Paris report that the Monarch Visible won against all visible writ ing machines in the En durance Contest just held. M onarch Visible . For practical working efficiencyquality and quantity of work and convenience of operation no typewriter equals a visible and as the recent contest proves, no "visible machine equals the Monarch Visible. &ssd for aw Frniustrat4 Booklet to V " The Monarch Typewriter Company, Syracuse, N. Y or Coast Afiency Co., 231 Stark SU Pcrllind, Cr. 80.000 SOLD, 'NOT ONE RETURNED BEN SELLING Tbs kind avsry man should swa for warm weather wear. Ths most try, inr times for ths busy Jbustnssa aso is when the hot sultry days rfmni. Tben Is when ths comfort of th petfect-fltUng shirt la spprecl.ttf 1. If you will aall upea ths "Custom Shirt Makers" they wtU .be jKnw! t . , settle ths "Shirt" qusstlon to your complete satisfaction. LEADING HATTER THE JACOBS SKRT C 1087. SS1H ttara Street, Between 4th apd t'. r,-; "