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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
in OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1CC7. HACHIfJE AfJD PEOPLE WILL FIGHT AT POLLS in' W - I ' - ,:- i r i . , -. m i i t i . ' r r , X. m i w'"Ul t . . . - v- 1 .. Battle in June Between Man Standing for People's, Interests : (t, and Etoss Rule Lincoln Republican Says ; Mayor LaneV ... ; Has Served City and Disregarded Politics. i The present maniclral camoaiern la i battle of man and the policy of the peo pie against that of machine rule, ac cording to Phllo Bi Eames of S75 Mlchl V' avenue. ' Mr. Eamea la one of the - ! mp resldenta of the city and baa live! here during all the different re- rimt s for. many years. He, la an old- H1" 1 publican, a Lincoln man who lit a i, i ported the cause of Republican ism since the civil war, In the pend Ing campaign, however, he, has pinned .bis faith on Mayor Lane and. will vote ana work" for his reelection.' ' 1 ., ."The time has come," said Mr. Eames this morning-,: In discussing- - present conditions, "when the voter should look not fot the party . tag on ,a candidate. put ror the stamo of aobroval aet by nigh, principle and. deep regard for the ngnts .and needs, of the ' whole, people. In Mayor Lane I am confident that we bavj that man. ,7 ' -'j r:-?..' '. - . Man, ' Slot Party, '-.I- have watohed his administration and have "noted the-blocks thrown 'in , his way by-the. opposition In Its effort to prevent the accomplishment of those things be baa deemed for the best Inter - est of a clean city. In spite of these thissw-he has given' the best admlnia- ration Portland has seen for many a day and he should be placed once more in the posiuon to carry bis policies to ; completion.! ; if 7 In. city affairs it Is foolish to look to party for everything. ; Tbe time has come when It is necessary to look for ' the man who will fill the office fairly and justly, Irrespective of party dogma or political creed. Two years ago I voted, for Harry Lane,'-thinking? that Mf the people put him In office they wonld , hare a better administration - and a cleaner and better city. He went' Into office and the people have not been dis appointed; , ,f ';. ., ';,;.r, 1 Dr. Lane baa been buffeted by some Of his own party because, he did not put only, Democrats In office, those who made . thla - criticism, overlooking the fact that he was sworn-to abide by the civil service laws as weir as to work for the best Interests of all the people. He has been opposed-by the Republican politicians because he is a Democrat, and because of that aloneS ;. - "t t -: s Towed Bettor Kecordej 'r . "A coldness has sprung up between Mayor -Lane and City -Auditor ' Devlin because when Mayor Lane went lntoof fice i he - went uown" Into . the auditor's office and Insisted that : all the books of that office be kept strictly In the In terest of. the people- He found some laxity there,' and because he found this condition and Insisted that It be over come the mayor and ths auditor have been at loggerheads practically during the entire two years of the present ad- mlr.jtration. Thia la not to the dis credit, of the mayor, according to my belief, and should be one ot the thlnge taken Into consideration by the votera when they go to ths polls to cast their ballots.. -i ... : ' ... "I. am a Llneola Republican." .con cluded Mr. Eames. "I was brought up that way and have stood for what Lin coln represented during, all ths years that have come since hs-lald down the great principles of Justice which -made him, so beloved to the nation. . And now in advocating the, election or Dr. ane I contend that I am still a Lincoln Re publican, 'as. well as Lane Republican, for the present administration stands for the clean and honest administration of publlo affairs' and for the direction of civic business to ths end of public decency.- He noes not represent ma chine rule, class or special dominion, and stands for no Interest but ths in terest of the whole people of Portland." Selling Out the Stock We Need the Room for our Growihs Dry Goods Business Mu3t Have Space Groceries Occupy and at Once 'Beginning at 9 o'Clock Tomorrow. Morning We Start the Ever held here, elsewhere, anjrvvhere; our entire $18,000 stock Is thrown on the market regardless of cost or less. The entire stock must go . . . in the next three days. . ': - ' ' ' ' ' ';" , ,' , PMces Cut No Figure Now; The Goods Must Go - ' ' Not a single dollar's worth reserved everything in the grocery line goes. Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Canned . Goods, Flour, Preserves and the thousand and one other items that constitute a grocery stock are slaughtered at any price they will' bring to sell them in the next three days. Small dealers "and boarding-house keepers, this is, your chance to stock up at 20, 30 and even 40 per cent less than wholesale prices. At 9 tomorrow morning this greatest of all grocery sales begins and you want to lay hVa supply for months to come. MARRIED COUPLE ON HONEYMOON : SMOTHERED IN FOLDING BED - Hugh Taylor and his brld two well known young people of Portland, met with, a "harrowing experience while on tbelr honeymoon, at Creston, lows,' ac .cordlng to letters received by friends In this city a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were on their wedding trip and stayed at a hotel in Creston. Late St night a chambermaid, passing the , door of ths room occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, heard muffled erles , for help, and, calling assistance, broke In the door. ' ., , - The bride and groom were found folded away In a folding bed which had engulfed them. When round Mrs. Tay lor was unconscious, put recovered In a short time after being rescued. The chambermaid was presented with a handsome gold watch as a reward by the groom. ' - CITY HAS 38 OFFICES OPEN :T0 GOOD MEN AT GOOD SALARIES SoliihgOat; lEo GROCERIES We Need the Room for Our Dry ' v , . Goods Departments . ; CTITCg CLOCK CI YAHKJIUFRC Clodng Out tho Grocery Stock Everything Must Go in the Next Three paysr-There's No Reserve THI5 IS THE WAY THEIW , Thousands of 6&cr Items Besides Tfc Arl it f aa fa Annrn a a mm ai rrn iirf 1 1 nil nrr ffl mnm 1 1 Large '10c Cakes All Our 20c and 25c , MIXED TEA au in ime vov u. Deaplbt recent r.mnlatlQns In, the aelty civil service, there still exist va- eanetea in the police fire and engineer- Ing departments to the number of IS, Call of which carry good salarlea Flfr 7 teen positions art open in ths police department with a salary of $90 per month. - la the firs department there '' are about the name number, and ths ' salary la from f 80 to 0 per month. . Engineer, Taylor has . positions await ing five competent men. Three of these vacancies are In the draughting department, and placea - are ' open for two instrument men. ' Draughtsmen are paid 1100 per monthv and Instrument men lo. as assistant nuuaing in spector Is wanted at a salary of, $125 per month, and two plumbing Inspectors can also get good, positions at ths same riOTEO Y. I'J. CJ. LEADER IS. M ". " ... ' : ' ' . . Miss Elizabeth Wilson of Chicago Guest of Honor at Re- ception Tonight - Miss piisabeth, 'Wllaon. head of .the training InaUtute of . the W. C. A. of " Chicago and one of the foremost seore- hm in the work, la In Portland and vwlU devote her time to the' local aaso : elation today. She Is ak guest at' the boms of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wetson. A mistake was mads In the announoe Jment of -a reception to be given Jn her honor at the association rooms pn oixm and Oak streets. ' This reception will be given . this evenln at 7:80 Instead of (a morning as erruii-5vui """ (embers and rnenas oi Booia- tn m 'Invites to meei ur m Miss Wiladn will give an address on 'The Northwest Conference and Its Ad- vantatea." Miss Delta Watson and Mlsa Mem Brown will sln. and Mra Alice '; nwfk.Marahall and' the T. . W. C. A. .: M.n4AUn club wlU . play. Mrs. W. X of tha state board and Mrs. ' James Falling of thorclty board will be the hoatesaea..:.:'.'-,v;..vv.;,a f This morning, thers wan a conference of the lty board at tne noma oi iwra. ; TT.ien : Ladd Corbet t and - Miss Wilson .ni4nntd a. auestlon box. Special . at tentlon was -turned to the departmental plan of rule which has recenUy been ; adopted by ths association. Thla alwaye displaces the committee plan of gov omment as aoon v. as : the , aasoolaUon ) grows large and a . vice-president la placed In charge of each department and .a ha- ! nwr ' Committees., all P QVIUIU MW- ." . ". r -. , - being responsible to the president, at nreaent there are four departments In the local organisation the business department unaer airs. w. w vampueti, the travelers' aid and employment de : partment under Mrs.; W. X Honeyman, the educational and extension depart, ment under aire. Helen ldd Corbett, anie religiose department under Miss fHOxn HolDrOOK.; Mrs. jamw ruiiuiK iq the. city president but she has resigned and .the nominating committee Is con sidering the oholce of a suocessor. Miss Wilson will meet In conference with the state board . Thursday at the I association , heedquartera. Thursday Miss Wilson will begiven a breakfast j by Mrs. C. T, Tinker of (81 East Burn- side street. Royal Baking Powder, OQa large 50c lb., can... 'All our finest 50c andOQp 60c Teas go at. . . . . ? Best 10c Corn Starch, MlA package . '. . .......... .2 Extra Standard 15c r JTCclS, vui. . ........ Reg. 35c bottle Olives OJ for. Minced Clams, 2 cans O C0 for.:..:;...:. ....... .3V Reg'. 10c can Dutch ; , Cleanser. .......... All our 5c cans Mus- Op tard Sardines. ALL $2.50 ORDERS AND OVER WILI DE DELIVERED 1 13 Extra Wagons Will Make All Deliveries Promptly 10c 6 c 7c LARGE SIZE CAN Carnation -Cream Gold Medal Maple 70a Syrup, gal . Reg. 10c pkg. Humpty, Dumpty . . .... . . . V y Best 25ccahPine- i apple..:.r.-..T.;;'.i.1wt 25c package uold 17 iDusti : , ;. . ,4 1 10c Magnetic Starch, n0 pkg . , Potum or Figprune fl a Cereal., ARM & HAMMER V !0c Baking Soda g Goes at, Package... , S:: 5,000 cans Oysters, cut to.......;....... 35c can Baker's OJTa 10c Seeded Raisins, pkg.,; -.v..:.:. 35c can. Ghirardelli's OCn ground Chocolate . . : V Finest 50c and 25c 4 MA can Apricots .V. . . . . All our best 35c bulk f ftp Pepper at......... 10,000 LBS;: REGULAR 7c Broken Rice QJn While it lasts, lb 19c 8c lasts, Large jar pure" Strained Honey All our 8c and 10c : h a Prunes,- lb .v.........1' White Navy Beans, lb............e... Large 10c box of : 1.500 Best Matches. VV Reg 10c and 15c" bottled Lemon and Vanilla V fta Extract. r-. .. 3c SAPOLIO fate All Go at, per Cake " Best 20c fine Shredded i Qp Cocoanut, lb..... Large 4-lb. pail Cotto- M Q lnft for. , ii . J: . U v 10c can Corn or ?r I 7a Peas... .. ... .e.V... lC Shredded Wheat Bis- IAa cuit, pkg. . . tit i w; ; 4v All finest 35c and 40c 91 n M. & T. Coffee, lb,... 104b. bucket Pure. .J 25 Snyder'sCatsu reg. p jgg Gloss Starch, the best, 7 p w . v Fb Going out of the grocery business for good and foreveci We not only need the room, but knowing' that hundreds of small storekeepers de pend upon the grocery business for, their Hying, we believe that it is but justice to them that we retire from the grocery: busmess. At 9 to morrow morning we begin closing out every dollar's worth in stockeverything goes not a dollar's worth reserved. Buy groceries now while you can buy them at nearer to notmng man ever uciorc ouc ucgu ai wwi INVADE ST. JOHHS Both Ask Franchises - From Council Work orTCity Hall Progresses. " TEN DAYS Irom Coffe to :PdSTUM; has done much for MANT. t It may do much for TOU. . "There's a Reason" J. H. Thatcher, district manager of i tbe raoino Lumber company, attended the meeting; of the fft , Johns council last ' night and presented a franchise for the approval of the council.' The terms are similar to thoas mads by tbs Home company recently. The xrancMso of the Horn Telephone ' . DAVID HARUT.1 HORSE BASIS FOR LAW SUIT Docile Animal Without Hitching and Had Other Well- Remembered Characteristics. a e 'Unwritten law." the kind that flrtres In the code of tne norse . iraavr uu handed down to auoceedln generations ""?"' ' B" P"8.00 wMono reaaing - TCllrt. ta firure in ana last readme cannot be . ' .vl, " V.r nf the -it etde ft CM va ew-- - - I . t. smb.. Jk .a.. Attn A T. TTaIi charter. The friends of both thess oom- Jusucs couit. . t" Ir V- . and the third taken until next monfh. ecordinv ta t I a case on vuKiivr. iui irienus or pom inese com-1 L .t... K..tAn In a panle. wlU make a bis; tight and Inter- P fffLt vri r JIUTB. u, niw . - uBYBjopmonia are expeciea. ; At vr tn h nerfeettv sound, present the sentiment the ; council resent ISlvli y nM ,lii t,, l.--..iwx auaHflcatlons that might b Yarf- a long or'ZZ ouely -TC Qi tllsl e eaiiv;v u.vm - " " - Yr was transacted. -A number of hlUs for tne city nan were audited and ordered paid. A petition asking tbaf Charles ton street be not vacated Was read. . Work on the elty hall Is progressing rkpldly without any friction of any Kina. ; - Tne - counou cnamber baa now been plastered and the rooms are be ginning to assume a completed appear- anoe. NEW CARS WILL RUN r ; ON PORTLAND STREETS Ths. new cars which were purchased ror use in this city by the Portland Light, Power & Railway company will reach here about June 1, The first con signment Of SS new cat's is expected to arrive here by that time and : will be placed In . commission at y once. , They were expected In April, but were de layed In shipment ' a a. - One Hundred new ears nave been brdered and the' next consignment of 15 cars wlU reach here In October. Ths remainder are expected to reach. here In November. Thirty of the new cars will be placed on the O. .W. P. llnss. . - - .I,. . - State) Board Men Appointed. Olympla. Wash., May . IS. Governor Mead announces the appointment of Dr. J. B. Eagleson of Seattle and Dr. K. D. Olmstead of Spokane to -succeed them selves as members of the state medical examining board for the terms ending May 2J, 1910. Charles Collins of Olym pla has been appointed a member of the. board of Darner examiners ror tne term ending -June 14, i10. succeeding Charles w. WhisUer, term expired. he i had been beatenvout o$80, a 180 watch' and as' a climax bed been handed hii lemon in the shape-of a horse hardly worth the powder and shot to kill him. -i r , . ' OLD GENTLEMAN FOUND ; . WHO WANDERED AWAY Robert Shannon, the old gentleman who wandered from his home at 489 tow tfBTraBUiro If you suffer from rheamatlam or pains, for Ballard's Snow Liniment will bring quick reller. ' It MS a sure our ior sprains, rheumatism, contracted muscles and all pains and within the reach of all. Price uo, owe, t.uu. . omun, Tenaha, Texas, writes: "I ; have used Ballard s Snow Liniment In my family for years and 'have found it a free rem edy for all pains and aches. I recom mend it foe pains in the chest Sold by all druggists.' 1 There are fewer, nerves in the tea drinking countries . ' , " Imagine ? a y nervous v Dutchwoman! Tear trecer retarat year Meter It yes seat Aie Sckilbsg'e Beat; we say aus -. V . Jefferson ' street yesterday : afternoon, was found this morning at ths North Portland hotel, near the end of the Six teenth street car Una, where he was taken in last night , by ths hotel ropr rletor and given shelter. r Mr. Shannon left home late yesterday afternoon,, wandered down to Washing ton street where he boarded a Sixteenth street car. When found he was unable to tell where he lived, or the name of his people. He was taken oars of at the hotel last night by the proprietor, whv this morning notified the chief of police. Mrs. J. H. Scott his daughter, with whom he lives, went for him this morn lng. but hs was unable to recognise her. He is near 0 years of age and bis mind has weakened In the last few months. M. '.- ' 1 1 1 1 t How to Avoid Spinal Mentngitis. When , you' se il approaching, turn and cross ths street, avoiding personal contact with the same care that you do when likely to meet a buyalltls baclUi, vulgarly known as a real estate dealer. Retain your, presence of mind.' Don't get excited. Above all things, .keep away from tbaelovatlone surrounding ths city which can be discerned with the Baked eye on a clear day and can be reached by automobile at r ft an hour in almost, the same time, where a rough and Jagged city lot might fall from a balloon crushing you and mar ring ... the , beauty of the heights, ter races and crests K by scattering; your cerebellum ' over 4 the scenery. .Don't buy a lot so narrow' that you cannot see it when approaching It endwise;. It might tear your garments and lacerate your feeUnga, Avoid lotteries. You might draw a lot that would embarrass you to pay the taxes on it or it would be so plastered with installment cou pons that thers would be no building room left; and, besides, an editor was recently indicted lor drawing a . sub- acrlptlon blank or something similar. Lotteries are -; dangerous. P-ii'T-i No person who buys a level, cleared, sightly, full site lot in Rosemead wUl never be troubled with afterthought or regrets. '-A. ' G Palmer, third floor, Buchanan building, opposite Perkins hotel. . ' , . : , " " 1 - , . i : . - Uncut Diamond Exhibit. W What IS probably the first and only exhibit in this city Of diamonds in the rough in the different stages Is to be seen in the window of Marx A Bloch, 74 Third atreet. ' Tew Portlanders have ever seen any except the finished dia monds, and many, will avail themselves of thejopphrtunlty to aee thla interest ing exhibit It can be seen tor a lim ited time. - The wages of the men who cut these diamonds range from $4S to $90 per week, and the polishers receive from 130 to ICS per week, . . r '. DRESSER'S ASSORTED KISSES . DRESSER'S FANCY MACAROONS:;. DRESSER'S CARAMELS. ASSORTED. Hi GENUINE, VERMONT JAPLE. SUGAR; new crop . !a . ww-k a rrrr ttT vrwsr , i. ....... t !a.. 1 -je II jn u i a, new crop, extra quaiiij. Emm HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD THINGS. PORTLAND'S LARGEST MOST POPU- , . s LAR STORE " , . , - . A0f Ib'-regnlar Oc ...40(lb-ferular 50c ..'.30fT lb regular 40c 20 lb. Imoorted Red and White Wine - ....qts. 75 to Sl.lO-regular 85c to $1.25 You have missed a good deal if you have not seen Portland's newest store the Home of San- ; r ' . A itary Table Supplies. rrz - J, ' . , , s ' 0;R FIFTH AND STARK rC-. Branches :East Fifteenth and Washington and Seaside, Or. CAN TAKE HARVARD EXAMS i . .... t . ' i . . j Portland Students WlU Zave the Opper- tnnltv to Take the examinations at the Portlaad XJbrary, Jane ta to St. So that Portland students can. take the examinations for admission, to Har vard university and Radcliffe oollegs at Cambridge, Massachusetts, the dates be tween June Jl and. If. inclusive, hae been set aside for them In the rooms of the Portland library. . ' ; 1 ' V Tbs terms for admission and ay otner Information can bs obumed from toe descriptive., pamphlets which .may oe had unon anDllcatlon to Harvard uni versity : or the Radcliffe' college. Cam- UrlUBJO. ASsBCIlUsaVl.ea. - Th Advertisement lt todyi JouraJU gom into the matter tulljr HARVARD UNIVERSITY XXAItTVATIO rOB ADIOBSZOV WUl be keld la Portland, la tbe lacture lota of tbe Portland Library, June U to ffl, w -ec elaahra. Tbe Mrrne edmlaaloa, raea, muh ad prtwift ia ear or all separtnents of the l;nlTnltr mar be loantea troia DJE. soairnvH rAXfxzjrrs whi.. mi be bad ea applicaUoa to the atrttary. RADCLIFFE COLLEGE OAjroisATZt ro asmssioir and atbar woman who wlab te taia th HarrarS KxamloatlooB will' be examined ia Portland, at tbe aaaae time ea tbe tmmJMataa for admlaatna to Barvard UnlToraity. All infonnatton wlib retard to thaoe exambiatlosa mar be had oa eppueattoe to tae eaeratarr ei cisocuri vm lra. CambrMy. Ma. In six weeks the secretary et the Myrtle Point chamber ot commerce baa i L recelvel anl ' i I! I! ! I - V J-i '; v--,., ,':. ? . v':V"-