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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
THE OREGON . DAILY JOURMAE, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING; MAY XJ5. Itt. " 17 17. rr Tnim'Tfmlwi lOHIOHT'i AKT7SEXZVT8. Fakar. ErnDlre "Tha Whit. Cim" ., Vrand Vtud.Tllle .........."Behind tbe Mk" i- -!. ll'. liliiul" Professor O. H. B. Detenne, once Wealthy, holding excellent positions, M admitted to the county hospital at poor farm yesterday, suffering with uberculosls In Its last stages. Pro- feasor DeLennee drew the plans for the . Celllo-Dalles canal, and waa at one , time . a professor at Willamette uni versity. He Inherited' a large sum of money from relatives Jn Germany, but ' little by little he spent It In efforts to shake off the white plague that bad attacked him. i He spent all his money, i and with position and health gone he , was compelled to apply to the county : v tor aid. .- , , - . , f, While driving along the Mllwaukie road south of Midway with a load of . crushed rock, Q. Chrlstensen lost a 1276 borse In a. singular and terrible ' way. - , Large s(el rakes with long i wooden handles used - tor spreading -r crushed rock were lying In the road. When the horse Btenoed on the rake the handle sprang upward .and entered the ' animal's abdomen. Each jnove of the norse served to drive the handle far ther into Us vitals and be bled to death in less than five minutes. ' v Orient lodge. No. IT. t O. O. F- will celebrate Its 40th anniversary next Sat urday, May 1J. Orient lodge, with 185 wmta is next to the largest lodge In state, exceeded in slse - only by Samaritan lodge of Portland. It was or . ganlsed to 1867 In East Portland with six members of whom J. Jereloman Is the only surviving member. The his tory of the lodge will be recounted and ; an address will be made by Dr. W. T, ' Williamson, past grand master. There will bo special muslo and refreshments. The Oregon conference of the Evan gelical association will meet tomorrow morning in the German- Evangelical church, Eleventh ana Clay streets. This will be the twenty-seventh session of the Oregon conference. - Bishop Thomas Bowman, i senior ' bishop of the Evan , gelical association. Is expected to ar rive In the city today.' The board of ' ministerial examiners meets this morn - Ing and the missionary society .con venea at-f 'otook this afternoon.' ' Sheriff' Steven took John Schuyler Kandell Harrison, the millionaire Phll ' adelphla tramp, - convicted ot stealing 1114 from the Bkldmore Drug company, ; to the penitentiary yesterday after- I noon to serve an indeterminate ssn , tence. John i W, Smith, who I pleaded guilty to stealing 160' and gold watch from a roommate, -and was sentenced to an -Indeterminate period In the peni tentiary, was taaea to saiem at . uie same time. . f . , s-. .Miller Murdooh will open the local option campaign In the "Oaks" precinct tonight In Campbell ball, Sellwood, un der the auspices ot the Sellwood Civic league."' The league will hold meetings every Wednesday evening throughout the campaign and an interesting speaker has been engaged for each event A tremendous effort la to be made to put the "Oaks" and several adjoining pre cincts in the dry column. .... . , , Don't neglect your eyes if you have reason to believe they need attention. - We make no charge for examination: small charge . for . proper . lenses. If needed. George, Rubensteln,. The Re liable Optician. 181 Fourth st, between Yamhill and Taylor, :'.- .. Sheriff Taylor of Umatilla eounty ar rived In . Portland last night en . route to Salem, where he Is taking three con victs to serve,, sentences in , the peni tentiary. The prisoners were lodged In the county jail over night and were taken onto Balera this morning. -. Postmaster Mlnto has announced that ' a new substation will be opened tomor row to be known as station 21. It will be located at the office of 8. Ban & Co., 24 North Third street Money orders will be issued and registered letters will be received at the new station. Th following federal : civil service examinations have been announced to be held . In Portland June 11: Electro typer-s helper, salary 13.20 day; Lan ton' operator and Mergenthaler ope ; rator, salary 24 a day; electrician, sal ary 11,000 a year. Eighth grade examinations through- out Multnomah county school districts ) began yesterday and will be concluded thla evening. : There are 65 districts 4n the county and something like ,111 pu pils will tak'. th 'xamlnatlona v;- i '.! Th finest If ever used. That's what they say. You'll say the sara after . trial. ' Regular 40o coffee for , 26o per -pound : t morrow (Thursday), i Oregon Cheese Co., 124 6th St., Swetland Bldg. it of the Sunday excursions be- twvrrat?rtland and Seaside Via A. ft C R. will be Sunday, June I. After that 'date the 11.60 round trip rat will b withdrawn. e , ' t J ' , ' . Th Thursday afternoon teas. of the . Haselwood cram store are , becoming more popular each week. Special music. . :30 to 6:30, -.!. ;:"; Dr. Evelyn Dudley,- graduate Wd ex perienced optician, 71-712 Swetlabd bldg. Office hours, I to 6; Sunday, II to 2. Phone 769. w W. A. Wise, T.' P. Wise, H. A. Sturde- vant, dentists, Third and Washington. Main 2029. Painless method used.: The new book for th clerks' offices of the United States courts hav, been received and will be placed in us this week. 1 C. X Harrlu, Inapector and examiner of the of flee and clerks of the United states courts, has seen in FglV.BALTES - r.iAin' 160 . inviTEiYoun iriQUiniES FOR FIHST AND C1X STREETS . Bulky Articles W receive trunks, boxes and - bulky packages for any length of time. And we guarantee the safety to the extent of the value placed thereon..- v . ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS We Pay 4 Interest Write for our Free Booklet, . "Banking by. Mail" - Oregon Trust & SiSavirigs Banli Sixth and Washington Streets, "A- Prt1anr1 ftp. !;,;Vlt ''"'.)" I.'- ''i''' -e ; ',,','. 2 4 A RESOURCES f2,500,00O, W..H. MOORE . ,". ; , . President i E., E.XYTLE: ..Vice-President W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier : Portland this week aiding Clerks Ed ward I. McKee and Captain 3. JL Bladen in placing the books la use. - Allen's , Kushion Komfort Shoe, the only shoe made for tender or . trouble some feet It's construction is perfect 401 Morrison street i- 'v.V-N - Steamer - Jesse Harklna, fcrr Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leave Washington street dock I p. m. .... s ;,i;-j,.vt., ,,t rormeny at , eixm street. . v : , Eastman . kodaks and supplies. L Leessr Cohen, 111 (th, the Kodak store. Dr.' William Cavanaugh, dentist, ha moved his offloe to 601-4 Buchanan bldg. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal ell and tin gasoline. Phone East Tit, Dr. M. Mont Bettman, dentist ha returned., Of flee 403-4-6 Swetland, bldg. Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street. lunch 11:19 to i; business men's, lunch. Levy's Musle House, 121 Fifth street ...... ,, ,. ;. ., . ,,t , ;;, . ............ Photo mounts. Woodworth, 14IM 1st Gowns. Madam McClur company. D. Chambers, optician. Ill Seventh. Berger Signs 184 Tambllt PhonA Good 11.51 shoe. Marks Shoe Co. - .f Bark Tonlo for Rheumatism. -Beck Jeweler 206 Alder. - . Klser gcenio photos. Imperial hotel SPANISH FLY AT BASE OF f BRAIN FOR MENINGITIS Spanish fly blister applied at th base of th brain and along' the' spine Is a cure cur for e spinal meningitis In it early stages, according to Mrs. Clark. ; .,a trained nurse, who says she X suffered with ' the dread dis ' ease and was cured In that man- Mrs. Dark says that when she was a child she wes stricken with meningitis. She lived In v e Michigan at th time. Dr. Boat- wick, a famous physlolaa of that state, treated her. He ap-' piled the Spanish , fly blister, i to th bas o th brain and along the spine es soon as th first symptoms developed. ? Th ' - next morning a large blister had formed and th , child recovered. ' t;Xf. 1 1 1 m ' ; . v Mr. Caswell Retires. J. E. Kelly of th firm of Caswell A Kelly, Family Lifiuor store. 164 Morri son street, has bought Mr. Caswell' In- tfeniat and ha iitannd ts eondunt tha business individually at the present stand. While these gentlemen were n bsiness together they worked uo a very I large and desirable trade, ? mainly ' be- causes or tneir courteous 1 treatment, liberality and gentlemanly disposition. Mr. Kelly says that he i now In a posi tion to serve his old-time friends and customer better than ever, and eollclte the business of new customers who ap preciate that kind of treatment, making a specialty of family trade ae well aa wholesale and general retail,. All goods will be. delivered promptly ' and eatts factorlly. AU bottled . beer can. be bought at the" same price a tt the breweries. , Mr. Kelly has one of the finest stocks of win, port sherry, To kay, Madeira, claret,-Relating, eta, from 11 per gallon up. All the popular brands of whiskies from $ I per (gallon up, and 1 distributing agent tor Old Joe Gideon whiskey, a whiskey tor medical pur pose. An Invitation Is extended to the public to eome in and lnspeotthi large iock ana uu; u over, or calf up Main aa. WILL TRY ALBERT OLEMAN FOR KILLING HIS MOTHER In th custody of a demit sheriff from Columbia county, Albert Oleman, th 14-year-old toy who klUed hi fos- uer-motner, Mrs. Ayres of Warren, waa removea ;j to bt Helens yesterday. The boys trial will occur during the session of court which, convened at 8t Helen this morning. . ,s . . . SaaaMaaMSsMaswAHasmsaBsBBasSBBBBMaaaaBa ' " SELLWOOD CIVIC LEAGUE WILLr HOLD MEETINGS Th Bell wood Clvio league will have several publio meetings during th cam. palgn. - Th first on. 4 tnbe heldto morrow evening In the Baptist church. Miller Murdock, president of the Port land Municipal association, will be th speaker. '. - t GOOD. HAUL IS MADE BY ILLINOIS ROBBERS I- ' ' I"'' "'-' '-' mmmi " m-" ": '' ' ' 1 . .,1 . m ... ' d - vM- I ' ( iuariuii Dyicni nmci .f v Bates City, Ill May ' IS. Th sat of a bank in this city was blown open and the ' robbers : escaped. The - safe contained 128,000, and'th amount taken has not been learned . - - it - in coumv i Residents In Eastern Part of the State Enumerate List of' Grievances. f Numerous residents of Burns; Oregon, address a letter to The Journal which they .voice apparently some of the grievances which that section Oregon holds against the Willamette valley, the Portland ' papers and the business men's exourslon Into'' eastern Oregon. V , In speaking of the recent trip which representatives of Portland's business houses made over the O. B. A the letter states; "When the Junketing ' eommerclal bodies of the metropolis visit the towns that contribute to their wealth they can hardly . be induced to leave their Pullmans, and then only for the purpose of Jollying the Inhabitants Into supporting - a - monopoly of - through freight rates to the end of the road to be paid again by the swindled retailer by the unfair and unjust tariff dis crimination "In a recent Issue of the Oregonlan, containing an elaborate and highly Il lustrated special tourists' and home- seekers' edition, every article was de voted to the country west of the Cas cades and Blue mountain range. The great Inland empire was sot given llne. v :."-::';,. 'Harney county today has more acres of meadow land, more good building stone, more horses, cattle, sheep, more money per capita, and pays mere per capita Into the state treasury, and get leas credit than any other, county In the state. .'.. "We have more land tor the landless man. progressive towns, good schools. more church organisations, according to population, and last, but not least, the best DeoDle on earth. "We do not possess the pull with tne 'dirty dosen' that control both political and financial aohemea. and when w turned down, sometimes of course ac companied with the -courtesy of regrets. Henceforth we will ask no favors nor grant Quarters. Ton oppose progress we lnvtt It Tou fight Harrlman w abet him. The Harrlman Interests have done more to clear away false Impressions regarding this country than all of the commercial bodies In the state.- -f ; - Th letter la signed by the following! J. T. Garrett, , Theodore Miller, W. C Brown, George 8. Slsemore, P. T. Ran dolL H. B. Mace, J. C. Turney, H. M. Horton, R. D. Burrow, F. O. Jackson, X. Geer, G. A. Rembold, J. Schwarts, V. J. Hopkins, ,J. H. Culp. J. Gemberllng, James Smith, H. J. Hansen, H. E. Fal lon, W. E. Huston, i William Hanley, J. C Welcome, A. F.' B. George. M. A. Lewis and George W. Toung. , MOTHERS' CONGRESS ' WILL ENTERTAIN VISITORS There was a called meeting of th executive board ot th Btat Congrea of Mothers yesterday to arrange for i the reception ot visitors from th na tional congress at present convened at Los Angeles. Among the ladies who will visit Portland 1 the national presi dent Mrs. Blrney. and arnngements are now being considered that will en able th people of Portland to meet and hear her. PERSONAL John . Kelly, bailiff of the United State courts, has returned to his du ties, after a week's siege of the grippe. Ex-Governor Miles C Moor of Wall Walla, Washington, 1 at the Portland. Governor Moor report great prosperity in th inland empire and look for th most prosperous season In many year In th great wheat belt ' W. A. Carter of Gold H11L grand master of Oregon Odd. Fellows, waa In Portland yesterday en route ' to La Grande to attend the grand lodge meet ing of th L 0."0. V" -'-''A ; That th Alberta country la unfit for cattle raising Is the verdict of - Neal Nevin, ex-county clerk of Grant county. who was In Portland yesterday return ing to his old home, after residing In Alberta the past winter. Mr. Nevin took a -herd ot stock with him to th Canadian territory a an experiment and lost nearly all hi cattle becaus ot the severe weather. ,V ". ; R. J. vennings, th mining broker, ha returned home . after, several months' visit In th east Mr. Jennings was ae eompanled by his brother, P, J. Jen- "" W. T. Matlock, ex-mayor of Pendle ton, is at the Imperial hotel. - " - For the Finest ' We pride ourselves-on the ex ceptional quality of our bread and pastry flour.' jfA 'We carry the very; choicest kinds of flour, readyin any de sired quantity. W sell all the famous brands, j which are not best because most advertised, but K'inost advertised becaus best. Our stock is kept fresh and dry, and you'll notice the difference it makes in your bak ing, first time you try it, Otiri prompt delivery sayes many a bake day, too. , D. C BURNS CO. ; 210 THIRD ST. atwaya Bay Collars 2?u:$rr JWI Shrunk. tmsv aeerv i H--LIOCOKU' erel MtMoakeie. KMylobawa. . IwiHMi ae. r.iM a, IlilS i Lll B sa ewisa- - a 11 - r.- a.;.. JvTr .. . . V NO . ill Ai isv n ii m mi nil iv u i. i' -t it ii hi of 11 . , II I I A1 Ll II ! , V II II 111 .II ' ' ' III p- . .11 -.', If -' ai . ... imrnnnin miiiri1 i'i 11 ... a. r. i 11 - ' II. III "wr I - 1,1 ... Cm Dam a ClMa In II III I - - VI Many New and Ex- . II : . . : P ' " " r - II - elusive Stvles ' 'If ' , ii- - i.j i : - 11 . II ' ri , f I ' - ' - II - 'B frA H A II . II D1PARTMINT II ' i . ii - - ii i 1 - ., ..... - ..,.- 1 - innuirii Fireproof, rcenforccd concrete building, occupying full block on Bumside street, between Fourth andFifth streets. ' Low Rent, Suitable for grocery, drug, shoe stores, barber shops, meat markets, 'etc . . Plate-Glass fronts, cemented basements, modern plumbing. . s RENT $75 PER MONTH " 4- GEVURTZ & SONS, 175 first St. rb1 :m,A WEE ll WILL DIAEIONBS, WATCBES Mmm AT,' PRICES LESS THAN OTHERS "ASk WHEN YOU PAY THEM CASH. , , I EVERY ARTICLE STABIDARD JEimRSTCISE r 183 THIRD 11 ' 7AV '" III!' A I v itl : tt ii t 1 t : : 4 I - UJ 1 i a v 1 - V I I , 'v II AV WW V .V l . ,11 w f 4 II III II' tft7r ' V C 1,1.. II! II ; . ll II 'If' i M. 1 II- - 4 II' ' f W wl J, ' fr" a ' ' III ll f.r i i t n M - II LJ1MI1IIIK lllll'X II 11 MUaIIUaIV kUIl I I h. "J " If L II jtA dTk II II'' M III WMb II ii 1 - . ri ii ii ! JUV1NILK Ii ' ij ' I CARTEKS Stores long Lease i MM SOLD ON EASY ,, ; PAYMENTS GUARANTEED STREET. ll Phona Main 30JO ' I I lllrire Klgkts, Saturday aad goaday Manaw. VMnrnnfln TnntsrhL FANTANA Prlces-Me. 80. TSe. Matinee, IBe. S0.Be Afflc mi from 10 . m. to 10 p. m. uoors oBtm at T:S0 . aw Cartaia at S:M . m, sharp. ' wir l rP!iTrs ... MlMlt. miUWUV twiM , II lib Mlltaa W. Betaan, Kaaater. ' lyaufbt ail Wk tba Oreatoet Modem . Wlralrama, itvu -uf u it a Bia.1- . A MirflMiis and tatcm story of KeBtneky ntum. . snll atranith at tbe eoeular Smdu Stock eoapany, Dlraetio Mr. Borbert Aaaio. Matineea weaaMo na niaot, too. aue, '"i.". ,.V'-V:--.'-..-----V';t -..-.",V BAKES THEATRE Pernisently Leeated Tfc ramoes Baker Thee tre Oompanr fmentlBf AU Thla Week Clar CleoMt's Idrllw Comwljr, . "thb mew soamnov." A hMBtlfnl atorr of OI4 Vlrclnla. Btat onder MraoDal dinette Arts or atacklay. . Mall- nee Saturday.,, . : Branlns. Sloe, aoe, nm aiaimw, joe, zoe. Vast Week "A COITTZXTED W0KAV.M i ; . ,.', THE GRAND Weak ef Kay IS. , TandevUle 7 DeLaae. The Baker Trespe. Maivftlena Coax ay. Aorobatlo Bioyoliata, . Special Alaet s ' Xaatara, :.; tCKSOSX S) MUtf If. Barry W. Babk Oe. Xke Baaaatt Siatera. Barrlart.' . Earry A. Brows. Tredarle Koberts. Oraadiaaepe. ' THB STAR TEX WAtKnroxov ITBIXT tTOOX CO. PraMBta tba Oraat Sconle Drama, "sim'i laLABD," la t Acts. Mattnaaa TuaadaTa. TborMaja. Satordara and nixiaya. rrieaa iue an sue. rr aventot at 8:13. Fries I0e, SOe d SOe. Beearr easts by pkoae. Mai MS. .' LYRIC THEATRE Pkn. If.H. 1MI ', ' Tblo Weak tbe Alias Btook Company PrataatiSC : tbe How Beau clonal Majoaraate Succwia, ' "BEHHTOi THB MAJK." Matinees Tneedar. Thuradar, 8a tarda r and Sunday. Prices lOe, aoe. Brery eveBlof at 8:15. Pricas 10c, 20c and SOe. - Raaarvod aeata by Phono. Met .4635. Office open from 10 a. . to '10 e. m. - .- COFFEE? - y- Y fir. 1 vim n t r uf? fiL(g)ii) ST IZA-A ; J-i ULtJ I m .- m m COCAIXIS "::-y NO OA3 ' . NOtTUDENTil . We Set the'"Pace Have your teeth '' fixed befor warm weather seta In, as bad teeth are a menace to good health. Those . who can not pay cash can hav their work done on th Installment plan. - . r . Bxtraetlsg, v poslttvely pain- 1 . . f .., .fOel 3-X ' Oswwm. ... ...... $5.00 Brldg work, per tooth. ;.. $5.00 On best phVn plat. . . .i ,fS.OO WXMYOVM TVOTZM and thoM troubled with heart weaknees can now have their teeth fixed with out the least danger. We lnvtt very man, woman and child In Portland and vicinity to call and have your teeth examined free of charge.' Ladle In attendance. Open Sundays till IS o'clock. IT offices In United States. Testi monial furnished upon applica tion., Chicago Dental Parlors ' - : ' -" . ....... .. . ; trade new management. Co. Wxtk and Washington. B yo are in th ngu potee. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine v Garter's Little Liver Pills. Uust tear tlgnatur of v See Pec-ltalls Wrapper Betsm 1 ircaiuri::!. lrca cuzixEts. irti tiusitszzss. niTSsnauYUa fH CSXST1FAT1S3. rei tmowsui. rci THCC6KPHX':a CURE SICK HEADACHE. ., os rosiixAKS OatssaoM mmrtmtttJ aJ Clmtmxt seahr ' INSTJItEa AJJU KINDS OF UVB HTOC3C AQAXNST ' DKKrmvRoyiXsY CAUSE Wv R. Sadth T.PMa, I. H. Gna Goal MgtA kta. M.OW toefourr B.I.StaaUr Oaollaam. ' tUof St KriU Oaaarol Coanjot . , ' tonUad CbMbcr of Cismius Ponlasd Board of Tfads aiyiaiNCBS , ewfee Tt sad Saviass Bank Partba4flSai The Bfadauset Caataar a. Cb Daa S Co. Coanctdal Afeacr ; v fra SMe aa Bfaadte'v do aaf I Wefeyasiaadoa: .. taakwap "fV:; i& v'-V'f".' .-vTi-.j-.'-A.. . --! ; IIOMS OFriCB t-T-t LAM TBTT8 BUMt Cm rAwtos W SlMtk rutin Or A fouue: a handsome box ef t V '.- c acceptable as t..v t '"v bav .many v: .i '. articles in our '- U ' - e-3. Tar 1- 1 i SUM Vrp tv---,