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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
0 EDITOHAL m3B WWEm '1. V.. fcV'i ft-i OENMi THE JOURNAL " AN 1NDK1ENDINT HEWSPAPERi V C. B. JACKSON... .rbltbr sumes to or thinks should be the I tioa for the bead of that Institution. J Ellen Terry, head 1U article, "Lore Democratic party's principles.: Now, That he was born and during 4oy. at 69,", But who said anything Mr. Sherwood's proposition 1b, in ef-1 hoodwhea he knew no better, was I about "love. i feet, -for the Voters of Portland tola Mormon has no more to do with juniiibeo nrr nin( (crrpt Snndar)n4 1 read these articles, and for all who I the case, since , he long ago re I When the other factlonists In Ohio tairnith nd v?mb!u trwii, Pofti.nd. or. agree with Senator Beveridgo to vote I nounced that , species ef ; religious I were weeping bn each other's Bosoms Katr at . poatorrtct at Porttan or., for ror uevnn, ana all who agree , with I manifestation, man wai ms greaiiana saoaamg nappy Harmony tears, fcTi1?.1"10", tUroo'' iB" !, T0" BrTo to vote for Lane,' entirely re-1 grandfather was red headedif such old- Fire Alarm was only "possum- Sports Tliat Are Dangerous : TELEPHONE MAIN TITS. . An department rearhed bj thU somber.. , oiwur mt aprtrent yoa wmu FOBKIOX ADVEBTI8INO REPBB8ENTTIV ,Vrli,l-RenJmln flpeoliil A1.rtl!oe Afer: ?rnuwlrk BnlJdlnK. 225 Fifth man, Naw orkj Tribune Biilldlnr, Clihrafo- j, -,' '' '"A.. ' Snbantptloe Terme by mill to ear addreae la the liolt4 Siataa, OnJ or Masfee, . Po yMr.w....:.$ i om iMth.......f .K of loyalty to party, llstenl vm rtr.. . .DAILY ixh HtlNDAT. On aar... ...... 87.30 ( On month. ......I M gardless, of these two candidates or were the'ease, wi of any locat conditions or considera tions. Talk; abontl party '"princi ples" in a municipal campaign may be properly reduced to this manifest absurdity.' ; ,yf t'1 r.'L V Behind the talk of "principle" and Ton can ling. HESSIAN ; NEWSPAPER t .OR- vvvv.;,.-.:;-. gans. trtiiV'" ft HE time-serving newspaper or- I . ran has had Us day. If - It 1 .1 .I2.S0 I Ona month.., .... JS I " uiuiuou uiubio v , vu uia- aND 8CNOAT. , I chine: look hannath this anrfac tf fealty", yon can -discern In dim re- 1WHY - DECLINE THE k CHAL- X isn't already In the boneyard, .; with" its ribs 'exposed to time. and the elements, it ought to be.. In spite of Its ' former prevalence, its , By fells ' Wheeler Wilcox. ' ' (OopyTlrbt, 1B0T, by Amerlcaa-Jounial-axamiDar) Except that the earth would be over-. run with human beings It all of us were wlae In our method of life. It would eem that each olvlllaed nation should pa a law. to prohibit two popular yc vu unw wuicn way jump, i distance swimmina. ; , beautiful alrl of leas than .0, who had dietlnrulahed herself br many remark able aauatlo foata. v , -i t '-,.. . Bhe hod won several medals, each by remaining" In the water several hours. - She died. Of heart failure. . No comment was Dublicly uttered at thf time of her death by press or phy sician on the causa which Induced her malady. Tet every: physician must baths are and took good care to Jump without warning to Foraker, ave I our M oney ay ieainca fminax. , The other day a woman died In the New Haven almshouse and was buried LENGE?" WAV lief as vat tha'ainlstpr features, of ervlce to the country Was niL ' ItSj at the city's expense. There was not a now how depleting overlong ba HAL- "er as yet tne sinister features or independence so stultified lfj mourn her. and yet 40 years to human beings. -4 x?j k - the Machine.!. i i ' j C 01 raepen,a B0 . , UU" ,7, " ago she was the Idol of the public. A little girl of It made rem Portland cannot" afford , to pass records as a swimmer a remarkable few . seasons Thomas C Devlin , to Harry votes of Its "undesirable cltiiens" to l,ane, does anyone suppose for a mo-1 be of the majority. ; : V; BASEBALL. ' '"' Y Her name was Catherine Morton, and r tub challenge to a joint debate I again .into the stifling grip of a par- " F ri"Av .r. wiu, th7 & BaieTc7rcuV is-A- - .:V:.T""":-" Ivon me issues or me mayoralty tlsan. or factional machine, nor can ""C,M uu l She commaded an enormous salary. ' ene omimee passed hmirs in hi - I ... . . I orders from that source,' taking for I of which she did not save a cent and log suit and swam long distances. '. Urora tO aUOW Uie inilUencea : 1 ... I flnalt h nntry,l Ik. l.hl - EhS died at 11 With nnaumonla.-from US poTUon vne piwance ao ouM drinking. Her ending was what might whluh she was unabl to rally after the from official patronage. With such have been expected. I crisis passed; because of weak heart ao- an inspiration it. horlson was "Hh.rlalaw rowed, its Judgment warped ana Its spared spending her last days In theT t"t summer many contestants tried motives mercenary. It saw, or pro- j almshouse. Of course her love of drink I to win prises and glory by swimming EOPLBJ must have' amusement. I fessed to see, DO good save, in tneidid not UT, anything worth menUon-l All remained In the water from four Toung people In k rartlcular ranks of Its own political cull. r " ossan annaing. wh least eint noura. The strongest ' I 'in Wnfrlr) a evAmBM ewhik Aaa nex I asma mm a S Mittaat aHA.W need and demand It. : Bnt It Is A fact that th s country suf- r. ""rr,. ""r.T" L ir"7.-r "V , ' . -.1.. I " ii 1 eweV SJS. UIVWUWV VaV Wr UlUBJel SJ USUIIQU, , - . ' 7 T , . .. ' older people, too, ' almost all fera at this moment from effects that guilty of the greatest f oUy. The temp- This Is nothing short of deliberate at- By people need some sort of amuse- an Indent ar fearless JournaM ment, recreation, sometning to maieiwm migni. bsib proieuwu. .iwimu ami or ui ruture wnea sue wmies any human belnr of averaae wetaht fighter, one who prefer, honorable them .laugher smileorat least to son why, the public conscience bq fVrTy,lx' ".Ifl t9mn' . Tw,nt3r nereai to Ignoble victory or ;cjw j interest mem pieasnraoiy. Binceiiong aiumuereu ""liess. , , 1 r . . I An obese man or woman with great sirdly comnromlBa. ' - .1 ' 'V . . I amusement then, is not only nat-l were so long neglected was in pan I V c"1' ,r'. a1" expects o marry, iriunty and much blood can remain an I Inent tha Lane would dodge or de- dine the challenge? The mere eug ; BeBtlon J is ridiculous. The people of Portland have learned to know Dr. Lane pretty well, and they know that when he is in for V fight, he , fights in the open and strikes out straight from the shoulder. .heritage and ' by Instinct he Is a I ruent, recreation, something to make I ism 'might, have prevented. v Letters Froin tke People . ; v' Railroad Rule in Idaho. ; : Payette, Ida.; May U--Te the Editor of The Journalla the editorial col. umn of The Journal of the "Oth insfc you say In' "fact that no sute, . unless It be New Hampsnire, is so completely dominated and controlled by one cor. poratlon and . enjoys such a smalt amount of representative - government as California. Now, then. If I. may bo permitted to correct you In a matter of this" character, I will say that I was bora and raised in the Golden State, and having taken more or less interest in n a, nnrfrt The great day Is here at last ' : - i Finest kind of baseball weather. ' e e , Maybe the Beavers ean do better at home. : i,. t ; . . 'Foraker Is named all riaht: ha la a lively foe-raker, Seal signs of spring have been quite apparent for a dav or two. - . v ;. ... ..... ' : , a; e XJrops win be good." says the Xs Anaeles Times. Tea, on Irrigated land, at least , nr. . -- ... . ... . . . . . ' politics all my Ufa. 1 am thorouahly N "M .raBon Pawenesjwwa the. .. vaoirin ''w wnt " ana grumbiea about the weather,' . convinced that the Southern Railway company has completely dornl nartv of California for rears, and as I0 ' ? "7 th n Try Isn't that nartv has been In newer there the 10 " 4 iiiubv vs a aAV tiAiAiv as ai w aav b-wvv. ..IMM t.U tk.t aawaa OK at I railroad la responsible for the oorrup- k,01!": choolboys think vaca tion and dishonesty . that has existed liL"""";"" "J1" wua w opening of there so Ion, and which has been serious handicap on the greatest state m the union. ' . , But having had such experience "as I have told you, I was In a position to slt up and take notice" upon coming the baseball season. Corey satisfied most of his relatives by liberal gifts, but he has aaly just "Trouble Ahead in 'Russia la rh. Also trouble in TiY.hA . fw ra itn. anA as I have been a Democrat all my Ufa and hoadllne of an edltorlsj. was one of the II Democratic members I oenmo, ano on au sidea of the last session of the Idaho legisla ture, and chairman of the house caucus, and the man who Introduced more rail road reform measures (Including a rail road commission bill modeled after the Oregon blU) than any other man of that body, Z know whereof I speak. And Secretary Taft and John I Sullivan look somewhat alike In their. Minted K.wurm, nut viuerwiso IflST Bre (TMlS different . The reason why Taft wants te get on 7 " I oan say without f eari of successful f ? racetrack early may be that then or e,veirattempted contradiction that I w s room for anybody to get the Oregon Short Line Railroad com- P"t him. . . r r , . - aaeaai a e Ji . wa a a. i . Mr. DevUaha. not replied to the "al, desirable, necessary and India- due to a Journalism that was Hes- tfcU. and to' any ease, it is a fine thing 7p 'tima fchallenge to meet Mayor" Lane on pensable, it is important that peo- sianlsed and bosslsea. For uie sa o nave a uttie money of your ;own But water is not man's natural ele- the .tump, but it is seml-offlclally pis', mindi and action, be directed of party or a petted Interest it N "n ZhSt ' win ""Sh-l- -.If-. announced that he will decline it.M ""ch a. possible toward' lnno- J been; too often the habit of news-J quickly row interested In your growing phiblous animaL Only webfooted orea- Why should he da thiat H i cent amusements. Vicious amuse- papers to anathematise that wmcn V.".-'ri,i. i"u" 5? tures or creatures with nna are intended " . . . i- ' " m .t.t.1. ".c"r""0 w" to live m the water. jiiiuwa as a ready ana Bole public I onts are, as a mauer vi course, iwoa iuiuuu, uu tmi a-v i". nuivi, ana inuiuof your eyes to me lempia- Deaker. Ha will HAiihUaaa .a bad. danrerons. renrehenslble. and was reaUr reformatory. Though La or pretty iruies tnat neset you. - " wvwMMUDsi r v i w - - sr r - : - I YAM nrt aa Svaa sa pvl at A Siai warn aAwil 10 Man's proficiency in swlmmlnr Is an aoqutrea. not a natural habit remaining too .Ions; la an ordinary bath. To remain for hours even In salt water n,,rh trt ..w i,. n,aa .. Pnlletta has regenerated Wisconsin. ..r.- . v.?. .! vT.r " Almost everyone has at some time ex- - "-auaiu I --" i--p""- - .T;: v I P",ncJ lassitude resulting from oom in aerense or nls own admlnls-1 mucn as is possible consistently wnn i no is even now nooieu ai vj Ulj nin r0u'knOW , " vmUMm tration ahd in criticism of Lane's. I our ' "free'" institutions, system : of I his own party newspapers. j .N I JS.?. marrieii woman finds it .Why not aay these things In open government, and customs of conduct J ; JusUce to an opponent and fair-Jvary aaUsfactory to have a little bank ,g .naming eventually, however one debate with his competitor, -where Hence, any Interesting amusement ness to an enemy is me true test ox tl - r. -t- h aia M0' x' "unMuatea aa an immediate ra the opportunity for ; presenting the 1 that Is also absolutely innocent Jn real Journalism, ana tnat is com-1 that her husband cannot weU spare it in immense amount of nervous fluid facts will be full. free, and eaual? Its nSture is to be welcomed, en- pletely hostile to the ancient and out- D.t .l 51"... .T. ..l1: and vital force . goes out through the s w v ui a-AAOAar assav aijbkbs in liinir uuauanuai sava. . a . . . . . ffm "va asp ivst sba twa n wmv flclal result of the salt bath passes. . The depleting effects may net reveal themselves immediately, but the profea-1 slonal and long-distance swimmers rare-1 ly live to an advanced ace and seldom rally from any severe ninesa .' -There is no ouestlon In my own mind I "UJ?W",S that all the deaths recounted above were jr, tuwrv iwi7 man wuub- nan 1.,,. ..I , honor la sadly, deficient and they think rKA B.V77a"L Z?7 ine 'aDian policy is not a glorious couragea, supported, applauded, v I worn organ. ,1 ne inuer is going i the time of their marriage; . some of policy and we opine that Mr.J Devlin I ? Such is baseball, if jthe element Just-as the poUtical4 boss 1. going, themeven turn ; them over to their will stand considerably higher In the of gambling is kept out of it, as is beyond recajl or resurrection It ! That Is a very foolish' thing te do. estimation of the public If be picks largely the case.11 It is not only in- the survival of . the fittest, and the The girls have earned the money and tp tb. gage, of battle which has nocent. but cbnduclve to the; public people want peither. V Both were full rtgffinJtodn Keen nung at his feet. - Don't be health, physical and ' moraL ,It or harm ana aeception, ana tor tnerai taking a girl's money, but unfortunate- afraid,; Mr.' Devlin -the little doctor J brings people out into the open air, is being substituted the principle of won't eat you. , jthat does , them ; goodt It diverts the public before the party, as ex- iucir uiiuua tor a muo uuio occas i cuivmiw . w . v... THE CITY CAMPAIGN. lonally fromtha grind of Routine Lane. . It is he shibboleth that It business cares, and that does them properly pursued will quickly regen- VftainW AAm1nal aaai aaJ aiai1ilf alr Mtltmll the political situation In Idaho as com- . That ll-y ear-old boy who stole a pletely and as effectively aa the South- 6or "d buggy and drove It 10 miles ern Padfio does In California. . I0s watching or he will be steal- It waa absolutely sickening to see the J" snd running off with automobiles hireling of the Short Line giving enter- before long. f talhments and banding out annual r. ; " ' passes to members of the legislature. u..vh governor eould. along wltn a who for this paltry and filthy bribery fV"" ?r f Proie of Jim White, oom sold their birthright for a "mess of P1 ftrious Btll" Smith to aooom-pottage,- and the recipients ef these "is former partner to the pen for blue cards are now traveling over the i " pubUo would be country for the vote which they gave oWlgea.... i " . , , , f . ' .,, to a eompany that ought to have Its . , ' " V 5 franchise forfeited for Its Bhameless ,' f" iaeIpWa Telegraph: r Peary has bribery. , consented" to the Oregon school ehfl- ' It may be that X ShaU be a candidate " eoUeetlofc. for his next for some office at the forthcoming eleo- 1X110 It would be weU If the Uon, but whether I shall be candidate ,r" f01?0.1 suthoritles register their for representative , in congress, for als??nt t0 le ednsent. 1 , ; which I am being urged, or whether I ,. ' ' ; ' ' ' am simply a private " olOsen In the " ',eonstltutlonal,' It would ranks of the party. I shall continue to l0 the next legislature oppose the raUroad In-all Us corrup- u"' bl reward to the man whe tlon, as well as all other forms of civil 7.?..J"r oUJB commercial quan- unrlghteousnesa As I am aa acquaint- "1 "rnps the Portland ance and friend of Francis J. Heney, "ommeroUl bodies mlaht do It Z am, of eourse, thoroughly In sympathy ' ' J ' 1 - with his work of trying to punish all p,B1to Tribune, printing a political, criminals, no matter whom tfl"?' ft" ot they may be. possible Demooratlo candidate for pres- I appreclau the Btand" The Journal i'l!n ,fM Jnc retirement Is taking In the great work, standing fm. th MBte he has baaa pracOclng Mmvi.w wwu.. duv uow van a i. ii. i ii- .-a . ... I in an nauve lown. But now nn a nothina ttt aaftlna- a a-lrl-a -,... an. I ' r0 one ioves tna-wxeroise more man I t"1' v I farfaral 4iulaa then llttlnV her T ' ? the writer of this article. Ana It Is be- fforta to educate the people along the f,r1 J1 f lawt sous civio conscience. - J, I SBJAWELZ , a DETERMINED effort is being good. The exercise of the players erate this unregenerate : country. i . .maae to vrork the business j,;; rather X violent, but It seldoxn Citisen first and party afterward; it -TJLV r hooslng city officers of harms a sturdy,' healthy young matt. Is. the spirit of Polk, and of La Tol- : " ' Be,e,ar men for the purely I ' Hence, we may all welcome base lette. '' i. the spirit that per- sibiiity you win feel. uuBiuesa purpose or Handling the af vaa n.M h M.. M. ..a, I have known the disastrous ef- and lend It to no one. " . " , ". wnax,-i-anaoiy wauigeo. Tpn do not want to turn to friends or "TT oarneo even relatives for aucoor In the days to f"fJ pr??u5 w,aK"V" na come, v i (physical disorder, that X make this ap- If you can save enourh money te In- WM," ox ne sport. sure for yourself a comfortable old age I ' ' : ,. . - ' . . J you have no Idea how free from ranon. As for mountain-climbers, who insist . . ' ........ A . U . . , Some one makes the following Indd explanation r . If aroan la getting 14 a day for running a maohlae of some kind. n,M fa, MKnlnffitia. I !?. " .7 m wau or aoing aome- turo lor axenxngiua. ,. thins- that mak.a a ,hta n.. ..a Portland. May II. To the Editor of ouffs i uncomfortable, ha la afti The Journal Here Is a simple remedy I wages. Xf he stts at a desk and get t that can be tried for the euro of spinal la week, has soft hands, wears white IhnIT ToVo In that ,mu ' nftan fairs of the people as a wholeback noaMhle. an! tnfn tnr th- nn InO the Old, discredited, disrupted, th- rrent A marfn nr10- r.f faa disgraced and discarded machine whnon it in rnr th hnm t.m , system. The appeal Is to be made to hurrah for the one that wins. K Get partisanship, and the spoils of office. out arid get Interested in an lnno- the patronage. Is to be promised, or cent, active amusement occasionally, hinted, at. to, ten times as many a visit to a good, close ball game Is TTt wkS nd Harryi 118 tbcre Uke a cobweb brush.. It is a good w, JO0S ior.-T uui tne machine thing for all who try it can t run without being well greased. .and so candidates are heavily "as- ManinaHHa TXMII VAil 1saaiaia TkifKllsiK lr J Allffal. sAllsit At U ft. .a- - a " - -w , . . a. u a. a a. mwiiuaniaj wea afe-i P I wrwaaaw -suv USJk liSj MfJLM SB. SSSai Al tV " . a- at al I 11 I. V.a .. an aa ear.. I WIUIOU. Of Wllfl KlliaSB. IOr IDt TIIAFbI I J ini. W s. k " 1 . - vaaes tne columns m evwry enoss rra "r r."!. oleasnre of aavlna thev have achiTvafl m.f ""u ' .V ........ - - - f,u Mn rtthai. Hn1 -'. ",W.T""ZJ"' """" aM -a-i-i n- illlZZ iiaxaeea pouiucaia uicnea out. v.n, . 1 Monnamw iu of newsnaner is' worth the having. I strength . m aaT -.. i i " . - I SS U mim u VUU U1U WUDU U1BJ . BJaUBVI T VTBSl I er w - nor wortny tne name, s v i v t vau m b. .bl. ta wonfl. It Is a poor and silly ambition at best ana pun wnicn can ao tne wona no gooa ry increases so aoes your aeslre xor t, ' , . , ! Mak fiaxsead poultice six Inches O 1 1 V ding it If you can only have the feat .the lncreaslna; list of deaths Ull th( of Bp,n, f Jrrttnti NirJMwli4 gth OMnlnd to Uve on the same " horrible acoldenta speaks ail that Is t pible. wnewlng UlueilgntS aa you did when the salary was Mf?l!"rT t0 B&T: ... ' . .. . : Ifreah ones every four hours: also rub . One of the speakers at a partisan fully. Just think of that famoua nirmia I When realised. nnean. At An. Mm, itmnr oanahl. I 1 lit man wno nSKS Ml 11TI in tna "rallv" last evening was Judge Al- idolised, earnina- a larra anm of monev. I cause of selenoe or humanity ean be ad- frerl IT : Rears Jr ' lndze of tha clr-l,lnd t1111 dying la poverty and lonell-1 mired. But he who risks it merely for irea V. Dears, wr J""K" Wl. W .... tr v . ..Zu ailvantnra antrnal tnarlta tha aMnv. VI. CUit court tor this district, in The I at her wasted youth and opportunities, mutilation or death usually causes some Journal's opinion, and it believes it I snd how bitterly she must have re-J loving heart ... ' . ... I rrettail har axtrava rnnul 1 - ' - '' ' expresses the opinion or tne punno ,t ti , b-t lt aoubl -njrfl' nt M, . . L l1.".. !..?, TA," l." a V. i. a -'"" sua lev Blue wwi. "'" fresh ones every four hours; also rub the' back of the neck and between the shoulders with camphorated oil three or four times a day; use plenty of the oil and rub lt In well; it will soften the muscles and keep the head from draw Ing backward. Also let the patient drink freely of fresh water, as it will not hurt him and will help break the fever. I have used this remedy with suooess Polk county farm era ara clover. ' . .. ,. T .y v; a a :V':'-r:, r . :' Baled timothy hay brings HI a ton at Athena. .. ,f,, - . ; Uany cement lid la Dallas. e '. e sidewalks are being Bessea,"and no doubt the "inter ests," And various people who want a great many things "open,", and, ome other things closed, or hidden, will contribute a large sum in the aggregate for what? ; . There' are ; some legitimate 'ex- T MR. LOWNSD ALE'S PLAN. I generally, a Judge is decidedly out I sad to be old and poor and frtendiesa of place In taking an active part in HERE is merit In the sugges- J party politics. , Judges, above all I tlon of Mr. Lowhsdale that an J other public servants, should adjurei apple fair be held in the wil-1 partisanship while in office, even lamette valley thij autumn. I when not on the bench. " Justice Don't run the risk of finding yourself in the same position. Save your money ana enjoy a comrortanie old age. If world's fairs, world's expositions, should be totally-blind to party.. state fairs, county fairs and other A Lesson in Thrift From the Astorlan.' There is In this oltr an attractive little home, the dear possession of a young couple who, by long-drawn, pa tient tnnrt, nave gathered the main timbers and solid elements of the struc-1 thlnr to snend lt on another. lure, xrom the tides that swept by their 1 , HAIBySkull-grass. noma jioi twice a nay ror tne past two ' IjAF The baby's eosey corner and nece ny pieee tne strong ana the youngster's snug harbor. By Wex Jones. BOAT A small craft rocked . from side to side by any fool that may be in it j Little Busy's gone away, . . in the skies to float: . . 1 .. She rowed along with Dopey Dick 1 ao a ne rockea tne boat. M Dippy Dntlea BOBCAT See Teddycat jbjuumx saving money en one MRS. P. T. SMITH, Science Notes. By Wex Jones. The Monroe doctor says he Is out ef a job nobody UL ,, Timber claims are beln fHed en nu merously yet In Curry county. Ten thousand head A"a atl&a. aaaiak A company has beeij formed to put shipped out of Eoho one day recently. Kimitan mi tha tnarlrat aa flatlrnna . I . ... penses connected with a municipal 1 places: of competitive displays are I The governor of Idaho gets a aal campaign, but they need not be very worth anything there is value in Mr. ary Of several thousand a year, but Heavy. . Printing bills and rent of Lownsdale's plan.; The principle of on account of the perils that have I years. rooms, or halls and the nav of men the One is the orincinle of the ether. t i.fa ht that offiAa mnat neonla i serviceable materials have been aath-! Hush-a-bv. Babv. in motherir'in'a i.n for. necessary and proper' work are Competition ; brings ; out i the t best would rather work ini1 powder fan- SSSf JZWU1? SlnA "a 'f? "ttie chap: EiEST legitimate' expenses,. but the infld-1 there Is in man, in horses; in indus-jtory at;$40 a month. hAa&, a. they I bunded, and then with meagre outlay,! 'Cibrother--;vr , i , . - Ballooning is 1 encing or votera In other ways com- try And in nations. The Incentive to run railroad trains nowadays.' it i. l?;.wr 11 iiap out his troubles in the lap ot ftis - v t . ... .. .... 1. . . , ... "u in. euwr wu ' vu jiasfc is nuv legitimate, i oe oesi js me wen spring or striving, hardly more safe to riae on one or embellishments, and skillfully wove and if It 'IS attempted it OUKht to Und Striving Is the key that unlocks tham than in ha envernnr of Idaho. h?nl into the completed habiUt and .... ..' ' 1 ' ' - IT " X J .- ' I toaay tney are living in marked com ..... wtt mra w. (incr om uui. -- l , ' x I tort with a brldeful sense of thai: a a. . - i ' A '. . .; 1 " I . . - ...r . gecurea ror those who use this sort " 'The object lesson of a beautiful Harvey W. Scott returned yester- nm.e" schievement Of influence. . I display Of anttles is educative, and is Anv frnm hi a Rnronean trio, and tha I -fi. .L , Becretary Sherwood of the Bepub- an Inducement to growers who see Oreeonlan has at last found where ItjAmerican who would devote his time jican committee says lt Is not a It to surpass it. teThe sight of a box ;"at' In the 1 contest ' between Mayor Lane and I or plate of clean, perfect apples fills veteran editor has lr. n..ii. i.t . n . .. . I .t t , .. t . I . . . . .. I eirnhanara ha ' Mhnv lf h rhmt .uo ,vvj.uu-inio ioviuv. mm, fiuyuoo w jiwncia8iaii iiiai uou i ; vu , iuo i nelahboT for the bulldine- of It' Bill cunji jhi. lican and the Democratic, party." . In duce something, like it, We are not next mayor and does not propose to all the same, an . the raoe character- slmIai1 ,06' Monologue. " the latter etatemenV at leasts he i I of originators, we : are , imitators t allow the Oregonian to go down with Uo" "l1' "U1 h,om a A-toria tni.t.v.1, xta . ,j :.r7j.w--'.-;j-1-.ti-.i.v1.ii. L - ..-i: . I sUnds . for an expression of devoted . ... . .. - - t w w - . ; ii ,, M" .ww. . flounders on the market as flatlrons. In view of the street - obstruction caused by the poles supporting electric wires, Nikola Besla proposes to have the lower half of each pole out off. Professor Bawe. the famous astron omer, predicts that the -first message we get from Mars will be, "Are the (Hants sUU In the lead!" - ; A.Troy firm has obtained the con e e FridAy SO! I-vear-old itam shipped from; Ontario to Omaha' and Kansas City. wXIJ" f,alnd that the California Northeastern is the best eonstruoted mountain railroad on the coast T. R.Hlbbard. who reeenUy reOred mothers-Father Ooose Rhvmea OTSTEB Now on his summer vimu tlon. 'v"'-.-i.-.:-..i.j; ..:,,..;.v ;;;;.;,, '.. POLTROON An. adult mollyooddle. MAP (l.)-A chaat showlna how far places are from Najv Tork.- "Here's a place called Chicago, on the map." , 4,.;.. , v Huh I that's a Ions; ways from Broad- . I slahanaVA Vi 4at lahae .- -La A .at . ups and says I'm an undesirable says I'm an undesirable citisen and I changes his map around." tract to supply ail the giraffes In Africa a," !r.riIDOara', w" rently reUred with collars. ' . rom mMT. rears' service in the Sllver- becomlna a .popular 1 B'uncu' n" uvea were almost sport with .those who are too timid to play chess. . By harnessing an English sparrowto a phonograph, an Inventor has succeeded in producing a London accent . Advertising pay. A', fisherman re cently advertised that he would ground bait a stream at a certain time, a He found the place ' swarming with fish, some of which had come from neighbor ing rivers. - . - " . A ferryboat captain ha a good plan for 'navigating the river on foggy days. He sends; a deckhand ahead . . with a shovel to dig out a passage. years. Thieves Stole half a harrat m v. belonflns- to a Corvallls man named Bier. - They thought Bier should not need more beer. - ; u . ,h '-'-j -n . e . . , ; ';;;;;:v ' ; Newport hae banished boose, and PrfM side will probably do the sameaafV.. Itors who must have It will haveto take it with them perhaps. Wty-lfr ' e i'Mf (utW'M Rats having burrowed1 under a Wash. Ington eounty woman's -henhouse, she ' flooded them out with water from a I without parallel. The Ducklings. By Wex Jones. like It to be made a partisan con-1 ambitious to excel.' It is a national test, and induce every Republican J American trait to be superior, and .. A Minnesota paper is delighted be- to snut uis eye. to every other fact I that is why we have, among other cause , the Minnesota legislature except .that Devlin is a Repub- things, the fastest horses, the swift- turned down an initiative and refer- Once there was a hen that with many Jican " and Lane-'- a - Democrat lest railroad trains, the greatest la- endum amendment, and so are tlie j.f'0!" ?? Sl!lck.., a a. Rnt this Shr.n1I nnt ha tTia idHMu th, hoot rnnnm anrf th. U1lln.i "Wai - " "K""'. ,v "V"r the- contest at alL The politics of j most skilled, workmen. . ; .. f; j newspapers and political bosses see I when "ne took them out to scratch, 4the candidate Is of very slight Im- If an apple fair Is held It will be things through the same glasses', Wm horrifTeTtc Sm her dear. .a-. .kk a Tin. A '"- a,. . a .1 a a a . at . I .J :i " ..... .... ',,.'. I . . i - - " iauca. j wnai tne r peopio neea I or great vaiue to tne appie maustry f t, . ", ; , i caing towards a pond. and want la tha haa n.sfKu .4 . i. tti. wni.msH. v.itair rt .til ' tv ' in., ku'.. 1" mL'.' a. ' ! Coms ibAck. Come back, my children!' . . yvpwuiy .u7wu!.. , . .., I viMd m uuu oaia.1, wi l , .-w. m mi .,. u. . .... r m unairH. i Ana i uie euowing iwai can uw maue, ivcub longer nis vacauons. remaps anerisut the fluffy littler duckllne-s iat And the showing that can be made, focus I longer his vacations. they care nttle or not at alLwhether J attention on the apple industry, the awhile the big salaried fellows will tha man who will do this best is a possibilities of which are little com- strike for higher salaries in consld- Republican or a. Democrat I prehended Held and reheld in re-juration of taking vacations the year Mr. Sherwood. ' Tea; but not any J stimulate , apple growing, ' bring ; un- uca,,, principle" as he has in mind. Jder, apple production;. lands in the f Moyer's criminal record of over He means party , principle," or what Willamette valley that Tare now over- j 20 years ago has nothing to do dl- ts vaguely SO-called:. but tha: real I rrnvn with wild hrnah ' and ralHAlMAMv with the crime with whlrh he .... ... 1 . . "I ". " .. .. flopped In and swam around. ' MORAL. When your chUdren - would ao swim- mine don't utter foolish clucks. But let them paddle for themselves If you're very sure they're ducks. Bernard Shaw aava tha nnhifn for piffle." 6haw does hU best to meet the demand. , , "principle" at issue Is government of the city In the interest -or the' Whoje people a. against Ilk government more particularly In the interest of a political machine and of certain classes or bunches of cltlsens, some of them, we fear, ''undesirable.'' In a magazine Senator .Beverldge Is advocating certain principles of government, trying -or assuming to tyeak for the Republican party.; Mr, Dryan is responding through the the price of these lands from a few dollars to hundreds' of dollar, per acre. V it js a plan worth while -Really, there seems to" be. no oc casion whatever for all this discus sion of President Kerr of the Agri cultural college, since nobody hag at tacked his y ojuallflcatlons": r Tha board of regents arevery sensible, capable men, and It; Is to be pre sumed, until he proves the contrary. vaicle, expressing jrhrhe as-that they have made a good selec ts now .on trial, but lt cannot easily be put out of mind. t "The douma 1. saved again," says an eastern exchange. ; Then: lt wonld be a good time to kill it O Jot much comfort for Mr.. Devlin In -,the Oregonlan'a first campaign utterance.' . . : .; The Indianapolis Star, comment ing at length oa the marriage of ; a a How to Be Rich Though Married From Meggendorf er Blaetter. , Hello, old : man! Haven't seen any thing of you since you got married. How goes ltr "Thanks fairly welL But marrtnaa ia a cosuy jooi jr you only knew What me aressmaxers cnarger t . "BoI suppose you rerret ltf " 'Qh,- no; I married a dressmaker r. . , .. . . ,V' i-tk-tg . " Reasoning From Home. -. : v ; : - i .By Ally Blopen,' ' f Teacher Who was lt supported the world Upon his shoulders? ! Tommy- Atlas, sir.; Teacher Who supported At lasf Tommy The book don't say. but I 'speot his yifa did, A movement is on foot to change the name "bleachers" to' "freesers" at tha beginning of the season, f;,v; .,!,;.;; r irr.;;y;;;j Recently a steeplejack' fell from the M?0r and the water and a dog killed p of a 80-story building. With rare t one slaughter. top presence of mind he shouted so loudly that the echo from the pavement broke A Washington eounty woman told her his falL The fall Broke his neck. , t-. I husband whom She married last fall A train on the Q. & O. last week oovlthat he was a fool and aha oniv ered 600 miles In such' a short time that him to get a home for the winta- and .V.. ..-I-... h.a n M h.k my, A I. I k. ..... a.- .1 ' ;' A London scientist Is suendln a lot Of time trvlna- to find out whinh . er"a MO" ,n UGn'm "nor4 Mm" mat mm w get a nome for i pUons wink wlth! had to go back and do it so he sued for divorce, the otter eye. - . on" w,nk over asain to give the oonduotor,: a ' , , 1 V(. , . ... . . 1 - . t i onanoe to coueci vu ucaeta. ' Msy Days. f '' By Wex Jones. - ' " i By Optimist and Pessimist ' ' At last the balmy days are here When all of us catch cold ' ' Tha InvAna rh11r1hnnM nf f V. ... i i. uxe it oetter oia.- I v Again-there's f reshnesa In "Y And. I've rheumatle pains This Date in History. 1 1464 Yorkists victorious at Hexham. (War i of tha ttoseaj - j .1026 Anapaptisis oeieaiea at fxanx- enhausen. - ' 1791 Lord ; Cornwauls i routed the army of Tlppoo Balb. the air :'The sunshines out; the skies are fair Ana tnea it oiouas and rains. - tv.'.-..;y. : ...... :..;-'..- Come,- throw your overcoat away vOee, that's a chilly breeze And don your bright and light array peror fled to Innsbruck. - .,v .uu vvuau ciuu Buovae. Losttne correspondence nt n.t.n4 NewB-Record: The rush Is still on to -the mines and locatlona i ir,n..n. The mining season will soon be open and a great stir Is expected in the min eral regions In our seotlon. - i r ' e , , ' 1 , John Day Newer' Grant county Inter-' wBKinamg to unite. A Stock- 1820 Florence Nightingale,': pioneer men's ntunni.ttA. ki. of army nursing in Crimea, born. elation are' a. good start- What'a tha 1833 Edmund Kean. famous . Bhake-Uattar .fh Zl A.lT-.WA ".."5 antnr AiA . Wrtrn 1T8T I " . - ! - -vu. aasOOIKUOn . ;r,Tr-Vrn,, t,;; V-. wapaper association m.:I : r.r iV I nw association! 'and a 1848 Insurrection in . Vienna.- Era- The summer days are coming fast When subway travel's nice! - We'll douse the furnace fires at last And break on buying- ice. . O, happy, happy days of May . O, hateful, changing- season 1 0, all the world Is glad and gay i And what on earth's the reason T - 1. '' ;; '.- m mmm matmmu. ' i ',' ' Little Doubt of It From ' the Forest Grove Times." '(Rep.) . Dr. Harry Lane has been nominated again for mayor of Portland, and there is little doubt of his election, Br he will carry a large number of republi can votes the same as he did two years ago. One look at the majority of voters in some of the precincts that gave large majorities against Lane at that election would- be enough to decide an bofiest man which way, to voter , - tinisDoro Arams: Waka i.WV wk 1885 Louis Riel. leader of the re- y"-.yesi Are we in Hillaboro, or v.iii. ..,k.. . r-... i i a Burins; mxni a a ream? t. mn. dered. . ?t City council Is to pass an ordinance 1895 Hugh Conway, Author of "CaUed vconcret' walks are to be laid In Back." died. """" section of the city this .. 1 anI Hancirnl -RllllJll Ae-tAlttilsliA IlllMrlAak 1 South Africa. ' Midnight Oil Et Cetera." From Success. . A Baltimore man tells of an addrfss made to some school-children In that city by a member of the board, of trus tees: '' r , " .' s.'- ' ;:-' " ."My young friends," said the speaker, "let ma urn unon you the necessity of not only reading good books, but also of owning them, so that you may have ac cess to them at all times, why. when I was a young man Z used frequently to work All night to earn money to buy books and then get up before daylight to read .thsmf - , The climatic and soil "oondltions of Klamath are remarkably similar to those, of the Grand. Ronde valley to ja H,nii;i3,v hlli h.eno bsQlutely in the way of making the land produce SLnJr. -ys . the Klamath m MM MVI SaaUa ' : sJl the projects " . . "iaing matertalise. It will-' DO B long Until Lauta I. . work of steel bands over which the big V forests or fir. reduced to commercial , lumber will be whirls .inn .k ilcf-n,rr7.av,04 'rom the power ' ex bsr. ewa stnamav - - . , . '