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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, V PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 15. 1S07. i:::;:cn:tration of thcGbssard Laco Front" Corsets by Miss Faris tliaVcgt t " ' ' - 1 ' """" " ' ' 1 " 1 "' 1 ' " '"" w '' - ' BMeierMFranli Store iMeierMFriik Store lhMeicrg Frank Store M15aMeicr Drank Stc re 12 For today and tomorrow we give up'over 1000 feet of counter space in the center aisles to the selling of remnants at one half regular pnceA sensa tional clean-up of remnants in all lines of yard goods Materials for wearing" apparel Materials for household uses-AU qualities, all styles, all lengths. -The greatest of all remnant salesThe following departments are represented; Laces, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, - Silks, Dress Goods, White - Goods, Ribbons, Wash Goods, Linens. Flannels, Linings, Curtain Materials, Upholstery Goods, Veilings, EtcThousands and thousands of themMaterials for all purposes and : the saving offered is of the greatest importance to all economical buyers Remember. "Remnant Sale" continues tomo row Take advantage of these, the best bargains of the year I Remnants of Fancy Dress Silks , Remnants of FaricyTWaistSilks 7 r Remnants of Plain Colored Silks Remnants of Black Dress Silks 'f nn-Tt -r-lwnni-Tmi imrnrrrrrt-n'TTn-i'iiirMnririnM r ai irmi irsnirii ni i mi i n h i i-inisns-a Remnants of Wool Dress Goods, Remnants of Cottonst ahd Sheetings Remnants of Fine Table Linens , Remnants of Toweling All Grades Remnants of Curtain Materials Remnants of Tapestries, Velours, Eta Remnants of S wi s s, Nainsook, Etc. Half Price Half Price! . fti i . ) " t . Half: Price Remnants of Laces All Kinds , : - frfl a j'f Kemnants of Allovers All lengtns . Remnants:of Embroideries All Grades FflCQ Remnants of Fine Dress Trimmings -;';'' - Remnants of Ribbons All Kinds Remnants of New White GoodF: ; Remnants of White Wool Goods ' ' RaestaBSSaSBWaasaBasManB " " "' " Remnants of Black Dress Goods j 'y Remnants of Flannels AH Grades "Remnants of Dress Ginghams; ; ' Remnants of New i Wash Fabrics c Remnants of Dress 'Linings, Etc. ? , ) Half; Prici Half Price Great Sale Laces and Embroideries Beautiful AHover Swiss Embrol . dery with lace tripe, plain white , and white with colors; exquisite styles' for waistings, etc; values . up to $6.50 the yard, at... f 2.69 Better come early it you want some . of this beautiful Embroidery. Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric tm broiderv and Bands for shirt waists, etc; edges 4 to 18 inches wider bands 2 to 8 inches - wide; handsome patterns) values up to 65c; on sale at, yard...f Allover : English Eyelet Embroi dery for waistin--beautiful pat- Keirular values to .u 08 terns, ai ....... . .4 ......... Handsome ' white Baby Irish All over - Laces, for yokes, dress -trimmings, waists, etc.; magnifi- cent qesigns; specialty low- .:4.5 ..mill, VtlllM A o w at h,.- ........ 98 Another great 'special lot of fine b rench and round-mesh VaL Laces and Insertions, in especial ly attractive patterns; large as ' sortment; values to $1.75 the doc yards; at, do. yards........ 59 CUE AT SALE OF SILKS AtiD DOESS COOPS 6000 yards of this season's prettiest Silk for waiata and ultln; ' . atrlpes, checki, plaids, polka dota, ' and a full aasortmant of oolor- lnsrs. Great aaaortment; silks sell. Ins regularly at 11 ul fQ. 11.25 yard, for ,OVC 1000 yards hlsh-srade Dress Goods at low price all new, hlrh-clans materials silk and wool eoll : ennes, chiffon, silk - voiles, silk , and wool poplins, silk and wool crepes. . Regular tl.BO and QAr II values; your choice, yd. Saleof Towels .U SiUVB) 16c Hemmed Union Linen Hack Towels, 15c values; f1 A. bur all you want. ea.. IvW Hemmed Union Linen Hack Towels, 18c values. ea..f Hemmed Union Linen Huck Towels;: best 22c values, on sale at, ea Hemmed Union Linen Huck Towels, 25c values, each f Hemstitched Linen Damask Towels; 30c grade, ea..21f Hemstitched Linen Huck Towels high-grade Towels: regular 45c Values, ea.".32t 9c hemmed Cotton Huck ' Towels, on sale, each,...S BATH TOWEL SALE Bleached Turkish Bath Q -Towels, on sale, each 7 w 15c Bleached Turkish Bat Towels, at. each ... ....13' 20c Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, at, each . . . of 25c . Bleached Tarkish Bath Towels, at, each . . . . . . . .20 35c Bleached Turkish - Bath Towels, at, cach........26f Go-Cart Sale Lot 1 Reclining and Folding Go-Cart, reclining' perfor ated back, teat and footrest; rubber-tired ; wheels; auto ear: best model ot z Folding and Reclining Go-Cart, perforated seat and back: wicker sides and foot- dash; rubber-tired wheels, au to Rear: S450 model .?. Lot 3 Folding Reclinipg Go- Cart, wicker sides, back and dash; wood seat, rubber-tired wheels, auto gear; best regu lar ,$6 values, at, ea. .? .o Sale of Silk Petticoats $9.50 and $10 Vols; $5.85 Ar ' Great r . h JSi friends to j-flb I bargain of ATm flounce with or deen. dou I ' IN blu pedal gale of fine ' Silk Petti coats for this week The quantity is suf ficient to permit inviting our out-of-town share in the best Silk Underskirt the year Splendid styles made best quality taffeta silks Deep six rows of wide stitched bands hl4-tucked flounce -Gra vs. tans. fficd, brown, green, lavender) Ight .and dark greens, black and full assortment of change able coloringsWell made, full widths Every skirt in the )ot regular $9.60 and $10.00 value. Buy all you want at, each... , ; , kail Ordara Filled. $5.85 SILK WAISTS REDUCED Entire stock of black and col ored Silk " Waists at arreatlv re duced prices; fancy tailor-made and Marie Antoinette styles,, trimmed in wide and narrow tucks, fancy lace yokes, etc.; plain colors, checks, stripes, dots; grand assortment, at the following low prices: J ,i $5.00 Waista on aala at . .93.9S $12.00 Waists on sale at.. f 9.45 $6.50 Waista on sale at . .f4.PS $14.00 Waista on gale at ;.f 11.2S $70 Waista on sale at . .fS.98 $15.00 Waista on sale at V.f 11.08 $8.50 Waista on sale at V , 86.08 $16.00 Waista cn sale at 7.f 12.88 $9.00 Waista on sale at . .87.45 $18.00 Waista on sale at ..f 14.25 2000 Pairs W6meii?s Slides Oxfords Best $3.50 Vols. $2.45 Pr. Buy your Summer Footwear this week and the sav ing will be about one third worth saving, isn't it? 2000 pairs of high grade Shoes, and Oxfords All new, Up-to-date styles and leathers Summer foot wear from the most reputable manufacturers in the land Shoes are in patent colt, vici kid and runmetal L . leathers with extension soles ButtonTBlucher and regular' lace styles Cuban - heels Oxfords are in patent colt, velour xalf f kid and gunmetal Light weight or heavy soles, Cuban and, military heelsl All new lasts Blucher and laca styles All sixes and widths Every pai regu lar $3.80 values For three days at the extremely low price Great Hand-embroidered Croat Stocks, suitable for wear with - tailor-made shirtwaists and for riding; made CQ of pure linen; r eg. $1 values, on sale at, .v7C Linen and Pique Coat Rever Sets, made, of fine A ff. quality material; best 65c values, at, the set..VJw Embroidered and fancy Windsor Ties, in plaids, stripes, fancy polka dots and plain colors; 50c values at..38f Women's hand-embroidered and hand-hemstitched pure linen, Collatand Cuff Sets, embroidered in t? polka dots,' rosebuds and sprays. .Reg $1.50..wJC Women's Lace Yokes in elaborate styles, suit able for-fancy wash dresses, etc.; . CQ 75c to $1 values, onv sale at, eaeh.'.J7C Lace Chemisettes, in about' a dozen different patterns, 75c and $1 valdes; great EQ. special bargain at this. low price, ea..' Women's fine Lawn Turnover 'Col-'. . lars, in 100 different patterns, at. . Extra fine Swiss Turnover Collars, with edg ing of Irish lace; 35c to 50c values.. . 18 .MAKE SUDDEN-. MOVE TO; BETTER-CITY STREETS '.v '"vVi" ':$-'-.-!. "J,-; ' v : 'i. - .''v, . ' .-'4'-' 'V.' i-'Viv"1 . "Mv. - Portland; Waking Up vat Last to Value of Improved Thorough faresWork in Progress Now and Outlined for Fu- -ture Comes .Close to Coast Record. !SSS ' Withlil streets under preparation for construction, but not yet under contract, ' and 88 streets uoon which construction . work Is In proaresMPortland. la. doing work probably; not. equauea Djr any- ciiy, on ths coast A Ths Increase In street Improvement and. sewsr construction ,in ' April 'over last year' has bean almost phenomenal ''and 'the J Increase ovar -the preceding; monin ou own so nuiw s to cause. comment, In March of this year 291 streets were In preparation for construction. ana won -was aciuauy do- int flone on 87 streets. jin enormous Increase IS noticeable In th. streets which have been cross sec tioned under , permits srranted property tlie . number Of lineal feet of gradlns will amount- to -41,471. In. the preceding month the number of lineal feet under the same bead was 8,00. The lineal rneure of grades and lines set for side walks under permit, to property owners amounted In April to 20.861 feet. This Is slightly under the March record of 22,817 lineal foet t Unes and levels ran for establishing grades that have not been previously es tablished . numbered 63,211 - lineal ; feet Jn March the number of lineal feet was 28,870. Surveys for streets opened, widened or extended equaled 8.1.1 lineal feet The total for the preceding month was 4 8S0. ' Bestaking of work under construction" In April measured 85,015 BO TOW "COTS rour bebyT Tou wonder why he erlea iiuy a botJie of Whites Cream Terml 1 ue and he will never crya Most babies Ikve worms, and the mothers dont know It Whiw stream Vermifuge rids the child of worms and cleans out Its vstem in pleasant way. Every moth er houiJ keep a bottle of this medi cine in the house. With It fear need ! vr enter her mind. Trice 260. Sold K. 4 oiuggista v - I, : as compared with 88,154 lineal feet In - crpss sectioning nurmg April pre paratory te making estimates in accord- the city engineer's office unusually busy. In April, 4,828 lineal feet were cross sectioned for macadam, 8,127 feet for graveL- 8,420 feet for stone blocks, 1,870 feet for btthulitle pavement, 200 feet for bituminous macadam and 18,523 feet for earth grading. The streets upon which this cross sectioning was oompleted are in different portions of the city. TRANSFER OF SOLLARS - WOPffly.B FILED r:Ni...:V: ". - ' :C -J' iS I $ ' W. C. Alvord Takes Title to Prop erty Adjoining Y. M. C A. ; ... Building Site. The sale j of the Hollars .property at the southwest corner of' Taylor and Sixth streets, which was . made at the time of the purchase of the T. M. C A.- T. W. C A. building site, was closed yes. terday, W. C. Alvord taking, Utle. The consideration was 147,000. George W. Bates has nurchaaed from the Macleay estate a quarter block building site located In Ardmore for 87.SW. , The property has a , frontage of 101 feet on Ardmore avenue. A sale of 40 acres on the Sandy river, In the eastern part of the county, was made yesterday at little over 1100 an acre. This Is considered a fine price for jproperty la that section and Indicates FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. 226-228 Aider Street, Between First and Second Streets 1 "Fighting the Beef Tnist" ova , rata am rxn- , Eono. . , 24o preaervatlvss, bo adolte rations, no dyes, they're not necessary la an bonsai Business. Oar Hamburg .; (10a pes lb.) Is simply puts chopped beef our sansage (ia4o pey lb.) la flavored with, a mixture of ordinary Sable- spices.' Onx Corned Beef (So per lb.) Is made with nothing but salt. f t Our Kama (17He' per lb.) and Baoon (17 Ho par lb.) are made wlta sugar amd salt. Our lard (lSHe per lb.) la geauiae, pare Xxd. . ' OTTB KBATa) AM'1 They ' are bandied is a cleanly maaner and kept 1st cool, clean, airy rooms. They are not ex- . posed : to the aust and germs of v the street i .they're. kept behind glass until they reach yon, the consume.,, . Bound teak, per lb. I0c : Beef' Sib Steak, MVie. i teak, laVio. boulder. Steak, 8c "O" Steak, Bo. Beef for Pot Boast, So. It's mighty good , when- siloed oold, OVB MDBATS '5 They're Oregon meats. SO VATBOHXSB 1010 XBTOtrSTBT and eat them. They're dressed In ear own city abat toir, .' Boat' compure ' Smith's ' meats " with . Beef .Trust meats, whtoh are shipped Into J. the city, - soma : from Chi cago, . soma . from yranclsoo and from any and every old place 'where v the .Trust And bargains. Sonp Meat 9a. (Zt , makes a . delidona beef Jelly) Beef for boillag II I MM! GET A LOT AND BUILD YOUR HbME IN i ON VILLA AVENUE " r- , . , 'V , , se , HIGH LAND SIGHTLY BEAUTIFUL that the eastern . part of Multnomah codnty Is rapidly filling up " with set tlers, '".v ; ; ;v':rf Mrs. J. B. Montgomery baa sold to a Seattle Investor four lots In JUpper, AJ- bina, commencing at the Intersection of Knott street and Rodney avenue for 318,000. One. year ago the lots were selling at the rate of 81.000 to 31.200 each, while by the recent sale they went at the rate or nearly 14,000 apiece. - Transfers were riled for record yester day1 aggregating in value 187,681. There were si separate instruments. In 17 of which the consideration was nominal. - ':. ' emMssBMiMasaawaMhwMaNHBWMMMM - ', 'Attorney Reynolds to Portland. ' (Special DUpatlb to The loarstl.t Salem, Or., May 15. John W. Rey nolds, a voung attorney of this dtv. who kas been dean of the university law school since 1903, will remove to Portland early In June and will become associated with Attorney , A, F. J iegel In the practice of law. . ' ' ' . . ' : Itcn! Itohl j Jtcht -Scratch! Scratch I Scratch! The more . you scratch, the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment It cures piles, eczema, and skin Itching. All druggists sell It , AT THE THEATRES J " : " V " "Pantann" Coming, r ' This evening the Uerqnsa Oraad, the SMtt popular theatre In Portland. reoocDS. ' The sale ot seats, which opened Batnrday afteroooe, la- oicacae uai ue ueaore wiu puy to capacity for the balance of the week. "rsBtaaa," the opening attraction, isNsaid to be one of the most successful n an leal oomeeies erer wrtHm. For two years It plaed la three cities la the east and this will he the first time It has oeca DTonfnt te ue Dortnwes t. . - , "New Dominion at the Baker. The Bakar eompanr H acorinr ala thia week In Clay Clement's beantlful aenrr at Vlr. glrlna 'The New Dominion." There have bees large audiences at erery performance and la. terest will likely oootlntM , throughout the fo gairement. - Mr. Idsar Banme, the popular leading man, appears to nnnauallr eood ma. vantage la the play. Thrilled by "The White Caps." 1 Aa a genuine thriller "The White CaDa." which is the bill at the Empire tola weak, has few equals. ' It baa nleaaed large audiences at every parformaace 'and ' Aaservea the ea unalssa tt has ateoaea. Iflss Urgar. Pitt, m Discriminating people seek high ground. . It is a delight to be able to look from g j ryour porch or downstairs wndowsover-the tpps of the-h 1 mr iiiii?a vfiiii iiic liii m ki ii I w-l ri i ii irzi I iiiijuiiirfiiiM i iir rirv mi I in niin. iu i n ii i n ADDITION is a sanitary feature as well , ; " ; ' ' ! ONLY A FEW LOTS LEPT THEY ARE SELLINQ FAST 1 $65 and $75 Per Lot 1092 DOWN PER MONTH 'A Three minutes' walk from Montavilla car line, and line soon to be extended past S property. v If you are interested. we'll whisk you to Rosewood Addition in an 9 " ' . - ' automobile. 1 ; ,' ' " - ' S AMERICANBANK & TRUST CO., Agen j ' - g Ethel Jooes and Baynead score heavily la the play. Whittakor - , "Behind the Mask. ' The melodramatic hit of the seasoa la New York wae '"Behind- the Maak." which la bslnc glvea at the lorrle this week by tbOvpopular aueu company, ana uia.tuay win naoouDUCiy prove as. popular here as la Oothant. It la thrilling la toe extreme, yet the situations are logical. .' Matinee tomorrow, - Saturday and Sunday.; Seserved '-'.seats may be ordered hr telephone. :.':. ; .:f::v j, ?,:,.; ,,L ' "Devil's Island" Utlnee. Tomorrow Were wilt se a matlsee' ef 'Devil's Island" at the tar, taestia, This aewr play, preaented by the new stock com pany, la' attracting attention, foe the story , la founded ea tbe famous trial ef Captain frr fus. The principal events la the ease -are used la the play sod. the dramatist has de parted very little from the test. The scene st Devil's Island.' where- -the here Is Imprisoned, and . the courtroom, - are- bandied la a novel manner, Matinees - Thursday, : Saturday dud Sunday. Beats now ea sale. ; . Efjtera Ileadllners. ' Headline acts from the principal ' theatre of the eeat are on this wk's program at the Grand. Tbe - Baker . troupe ot acrobatic comedy blcjrellata, la a senaational end eon), leal number on the MIL This I the strangest set ef the kind that has ever beea ea a loeal vaudeville stag. The ; acrobatic ' dance el Bhrode end Mulvey-1 a bit and, the Bennett linger are lively singers and dancers. "The Sheriff., Laramie" to a western ranch nlar. ktMaterpreted by players from the legltatate' aaaTsB-ev reel Oared by - "The- Household Biirreon.M Drugtste ZtZtiWMk' AntlseptiO Metsg-er lite"' your eyes for "II. 141 Washington street, .corner Seventh, formerly at 111 Sixth street Fref erred Btoek Canned aoedsb " 4Jlea Lewis Sest Brand.