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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, ' MAY 15, 1007. li IXR J. ALEREAL INSTATE Alier Serins: Acres Dr. Cardwell of the Oregonlan building I ..""'"g platted to put on tlit market In a few ., 20 tr,c" af acre fuck adjoining hi Nrly all fie th Salem leerrie mad, will be carrying psssentrar from Aide w yery iw mootu. There la t ftiarantacd contract with th4 "mpany XQt M fart. ,.-, -,. They will ram In price from $700 to $300 r- ,u;isj lue- a quics ai A acre of land equal eight loti at tb auai ouxioo set alia. Tba fh mat la either at tba rata ' 1100 or IhT SO ner Int. which la less tba half wbat ellglbl lota areseUInf f or In th am vicinity. ,.'..-. ; lb lann af payment win b easy. ' fhe acre ar fast oatb ( hi mansion and aljr thre nil from tba (onrtbooa In an air us. ., . , Be Dr. Cardwell to boar mora ar aee him at hi Aldt Sprlpga bom Sunday. , fsea-KtCB lot In Sunset Park! bargain. $1,300 Splendid lot la lrvtaftoa. A beanty 1 1 , s $1.400 Pretty cottag and lot 60x185; ground t - i ' wortb tli money. ', 13,400 fl-room hoaa and ale lot aaejr Unloa -are. . J,600 WEST SIDB, two eottat Clay -. . at.; rood InTMtmcnt. . $8,600 6-room bona and lot 00x187, acat &: naax Aiucenr ear narna. 1 oTOOOll-rooin hooav -U-,.Mxt tplandld iBrveiinent. I'M 11000 Beautiful 8-room haute and eornet i lot aa Broad way. - 4, 800 A t traetire 7-room bona la awH real- eeoc section, wat alda. Dea't buy your bora or tnrest rear money main rm irajiwi onr liat. eimmermav a riramii.f .. - Boom BIO Bucbanaa bldg., 286 V Washington v i. SWELL HOMES. - PORTLAND HE IftHTSJ. '. BWant bom, lot TBilOO, terraced lawn. Mfnutcent nnr: nomea of thfa aort are rare HAWTnOKNl AVBNCH. , 1 Matnlftcent 11-roora hooaa (new), broad verandaa, rry modem eoaTanlenc; full quarter corner, - terraced lawn; so of the aandanmaat baoiaa on Hawtnarn ara.t wltflia walking dtatioea; wlU aell fnmlabed If de alrad. Thla la rallf a barf aJa; don't mta lb opportunity. ' j For niieee and term ZIMMERMAN A VAirflHAlf. "' aVoom tlO Bucbanaa Wf., I84H Waahlaftoa, GOOD PBOPOBITtON IN TANOOCTBR. I12.B00 Half block. 100x200. on hlork from boalneaa Center and poatofflc; three awxi Dooaea on tna piaca, iu-room, B-rooia "and S-room: nlenty of room for a bnilneea bnlldlnci honaee alone will rent for 140 per . montn. orulweaurn Rmirr vo., an im- menial blk., or 404 Waablnftoa at., Taa mm, waan. . - Portland Helehts . Quarter block and food 4-roota bona oa Myrtle at., aaar 17th: fin Tlew . and anr roanded bf beautiful bomea; a barfala; price , TBB TETKRAN LAND CO., r . ., 166H TAW .r , . ACBR.f, all In etrawbarrtea, fruit, elnrer or i ouwrwia improved: mau bona, food well; . ,-i aauea enat l my. near arreetrar una. Ohio Realty Co., 408 Oomnwrclal bldf . -. Wbo - wanta aomethlna rood for little money? 44-room hotel; thla tnclnd tb -ImlMlna; and rami tare; on leaned around at $10 per 4nonth, 10-year leaae; booae la foil all tb time; on corner Grand are. and Dirt atoa at. ; $3.000; , 12.000 , eaah , down; good reaaon for aelllnr . ' ronma, soodera, lot ' WtMr), 86tb and Tanrart at.; fine rlew; dlrf cheap; 12,600: ai.OOA eaah cf. M. CAMKBOW RBALTT ro- 411 Coin mere 11 blk., Second and Waahlaftoa. TOT want,, a ew that can't b beatt 'We : bar It. FIT room oa flrat. floor, larir attt. t food rooma can be made: booae modern, cement walka; no, better neifhbor noon, Kerny near om: iiyto: ii.ouj down " ' Nice anburben horn for little money. Alnd ara T-raoni eottaf. 6 lota. 230x100, ale lawn, fruit tree, an in eultiratlon. all aat front, at Flrland! $2,650; half caab; 1 block ' of ear. - e-rooa' hna, modera la arery way. walking - dlatanc. 22d and Clinton tta $2,700; half a rooma. modern. 1 lee than actual coat ; lot 44x141, with all kind of fmtti No. 1228 : a CAMBB0N BEALTT CO . 413 Commercial blk. : " $1,000 DOWN, balanc la aaymnta -room , modern bona In Irrlnftoa; run lot, aoutb fmntare. fin lawa and ahad: both carllnea; Wfll be aold thla week; rare chance to fet om la beat part e! Irrlnftoa. Mala 1M3, SPLENDID BOMB FOB 8 ALB AT SALEM. , ' t-room comfortable hon, ' lane froanda, aplendld ur . rounding, lota of frnlt, abont V a block from atata capital, ' $2,000; would conilder atcbang ' "for Portland home. ... ' . OTTO, rBOCKBTT " ' " V HABK80N, v lBBVi Flrat atreet FOR SALE By owner, T-room new bouse. 08 asaat aata at, roone xauur uu. ' . . A SPLENDID BUT. ' $2,400 New d-room honae, porcelam bath, ? hot water, fa, electrle llgbta, concrete baa ment, fin lot 60x100, atreet Improred, good -aelahborhood, near 88th and Baat Ankeny eta.; term If oeaireti. : - . E. J. GK1SEB, J31H Morrtaoa at.-s SNAP $700 bay email cottag and corner lot on jsaat Htn ana ww. S21H AforrlMa at. . - vfifnM TKiioo m enoicast locality. HallcVk at., between Hat and SBd; wm make bargain prlc for quick aale, : 0wBr, S14 Lamber Exchange wag. annu tumm. 1 Vrtar T-room boa. 1 lott oa ay term. Sea 0. Thornton, 148S rera h aw Woodlawn.' - 8 Per Cent Net Investment Bnaln property, corner, on beet carllne, $8,0uu; adranc In ralu will make IB pee cent In three years; po trlflera; lnTUgata, ,s Addreaa O 200, ' car fonraa t . n ! Do yon want a anap In B-room oottaeat NIc reception ball, baaement, bath, patent toilet, gaa and rerythlng In th flneet condl. tlon, not far out, half block to two carllnea, and all for $2,000. Mala 8280. , .-,.-i,.'v':--i';kV.'.. $12,000 V;-'1'1? "iH'" ' ' Bny tbt 14-room double - bona oa corner oOilOO, 14th end Kearney ate.) room for Urge flata;-beautiful location; kicotn. , -, DIAMOND REALTY CO., '.kW'.- 253 Alder t. vvi. 4 IP YOU want a good home, or wlah to- bay A ' lot to build on, w hare Juat what yoa ar looking for. If yoowlh. to aell or trad '. we can accommodate you. Diamond Realty - Com 263-Alder W room 10. :;. . 13,000 e- ROOM cottage, Holladay JPark. Begla- . ter Co.,, WT Third t. , ..-ni..,., HBW W anod odern 10-room boa, lot 75x162, atreet wtJbth nda, $3,600; eaay, Urma. V. U. ower, TJnlrrlty atation. - Ij $8.300 TWO S-room honae. lot 60x100, Booth Portland, near failing acnooj; far Darraia. Beglater ft u.i J"H nira at. . t t., x 94.000 GOOD S-room honae, Bolladay'a addl v tlon. Beglater Co., 107 H Third t. $3,600 Two acre near th reaerrolr,. aonth , alop Mt. Tabor (wall Improred)., Beglater . 4b Co., 10TH Third at JW (. I HAVE on band a few fin bargain la the i t way of Mreral Inexpenalr hooaea on tb went ; aide, lo a few on the eaat aide, which were . taken on mortsacea In th hard timeat hare Inatructlona to close tbem ont. Tea can mak -money, on them. Vammelar,; Halelgb bldg., ' Blltlt Waahlngtonata. s HOW WILL THIS, SUIT TOUT Modern 8-room bouee, wood-fiber plaeter, porcelain bath, toilet and alnk, fin pantry nd cloeeta, good location on 60x100 corner, Al. tor $2,000.' . . , On for $1,600 that' can't b beat. See u today for genuine barvalna, . U0MS LAND CO., 146 ii flint aU ' iVli 8AL13 HEAL i:STATJ , BTKK.TLY modern fl-room hoirne, ftirnace, lsrae cement basement: full lot; good neighbor- hood; pew; g;i,7.riO; tpims. , Room a9, 28 Htark at. ; ' A brand new T-room modern borne; full lot; piped f furnace; choice neighborhood; (3,300; term. , Room 20, 208 Stark at .' . flood racant lot on Iranho at,, St, Johns; owner wanta money; Inreatiirat una. ; Room 20, 208 Htark at, , Only 10 Iota left to" OlenwortJ Park;" price go np In few daya; nicest lota on v"""i treat graded, water maina lam. ' Room 20, 268 Stark at. Fcr Sale By Owner ' . - On lot 86x70, on 80x70 and one 80x100 ' on East 11th and Darla at.; also on jut a 24th and Eaat Ankeny ata,; - the county, iay Bp An and la exceptionally ' fine for berrlea or fruit; for a bom pecnlii tlon thla cannot be beat; It can be cut to ault the purchaser, allowing a large frootag: CO road it oeaireu. All of tb bor can b oM on aay terms, . For prlc and term phono Union 44, or d dreaa R. P. 1. No. 1, Lent, Or. ' VERT PKSIRABMH ' C BAWTTTORNH PARK ,1 , , ( - RESIVK.-SCH. J $6,600 Modern, T rooma, large reception hall, full cement floored baaement, furnace, two large colonial flreplacea; concrete aide walk and walk, 60x100 Jot; plan of hoiu xcunt; aouta racing. BEH H. W. LEMCKB CO., . , Sixth and Waablngtoa at. - KM MODERN S-BOOM UOIIRH. $? .800 Oppoalt Walnut Park, full cement baaement, porcelain plumbing, flxturea, ln , terlo dsrk oak finish; gl.600 cash down. BKB H. W, LEMCKB CO, . BUU jj,,! Waablngtoa ate. CHICKEN ranch, close in; cow, chicken, bee. fruit. 4. uoiiiaier, commercial die., MODERN 4-room new bona oa aplendld 60x100 .. corner, among gooa new nomea; riDer pn . tared. nD-to-date porcelain plumbing, bai , ment. eoneret foundation; neat ootalda d alga and well arranged, fin finished Interior; Nut aulck-car aerrlc lu city I only $2,100. Also bar adjoining house nearly, aame a aboT for $1,700; discount - to buyer taking both.- Horn iana vo., iDt rirai at. , 10 B SALE 6-roora cottag and , 60x100 lot. right m carlln by owner only, inquire i 15U2 Eaat GUsan it, or pbon But 6607. ABSTRACTS examined by xpct examiner. Boom 16, 803 Vt waablngtoa ft, raon ataia 6289., D. A. Tuft. , I ' ' 1 FOR SALB New t-room modem cottage and J lota, oa corner, snap; from owner. H. NotUr, Woodlawn. Phone Woodlawa 762. FOB SALB T-room honae, 408 Broadway at.. oa ear no, inquire sw wubiagtoa at. FOR SALE House, to mo? oil .premise at Blxtaonta and Brerott at. ' . C R. Donnell 8c Co. . . - BEAL KSTATB. Boom 12. Sua Stark at S-ROOM cottag, furnished, $1,600.' 20S-Foarth t. jet. tactile or waia im - . - S-Rocm Cottage 80x100 1 block from ' Hawthoraa are $1,200; $260 and $16 per month; owns ha a position la th east, and meat aell at one. . C R. HotchMss&Co, i 808 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. a ROOMS oa carlln. would make floe boardhig- aou, near iarg anop, 2.wv; oy owner; easy term, t Pbon TJnloa 2703. Com quick. MUST sail before Jun 1 4-room house and baaement in Vernon j prlc f 1,780. icqulr of owner, 808 Eaat 'lnth at, north, after C p. m. ; . ... .. ;. ABSTRACTS examined by. expect examiner. Room JB. 8084 Waablngtoa C , Pbon Main 6288. D. A. Tafta. v t A TBRY desirable residence lot m Holladay Park near E. Xld at., 60x100, cement aldewalk, parked atreet, sewer, gaa and water mains; restricted district; cheap tor cash. Addreaa Y 185, ear Journal. :.,',..: : 4-ROOM modern bungalow, new,. $2,450) $800 cssn, gza monmiy. : riuma owner, woooiawa $2,600 BUYS a Dew T-room house and lot SOx iuo near two earuna. inquire noune Menefee Real XaUte Co, 68 Third at. 100x100 ON Tillamook, price $860; aew modem S-room bouse oa Knott at., price -.2,700; a new modern booae en Bortbwlcar at., reat fog $4.1 per month, ' price $4,760; lot near Steel bridge. $2,230. 187 Holladay ar. Inga; a (pleadia ooy; owner in nonse, rxs East 44th St., oath.. Phone Tabor 64. Prlc $1,850; terma.- . y ' f FINS lota oa 44th (t., S block aonth of Haw thorne are., 83SO, 4WJ and oa any ' term; owner oa th ground; graded atreet. water la. rnon laoor zo. . A PRETTY T-room bona, modern, eaat. front; wnere pnee em ,".".. lawn 682. f ' . i. '- ' BOOM eottaf, la Stereos' addition; $2,000, If taken at one, ni aaaousuau .. LOOK here. 4-room modern none, corner lot. 60x100, on railing, near jaiaussippi ?.; $2,200; term. JM Madiaoa. - . ST.600. Wa hare a very fine new tad awdern home, T-room and S room la the attic, erery thing of the beat; large and slghtl ground; m eoAd earllne. " HBNKLB HARRISON. ' 217 Ablnftoa Bldf. A. unnicRW B room boose oa Bast tftth St.. $600 caa arrange for oaiance on payments or jq per monta. lu u. uicKinaoo,, wa vommer- cUl bldg. $660 EACH boya 3 good residence lota, close la on xtooney ere.; mi imtiiuicuraui, to. . nefi tor Co.. 107 H Abiro .. ; 200 FARMS, amall tract and lota bargalna na O. w. r, eiectrio line. v. n. uiuuai,-ani. Ore iroev-. Take Mt. ocort car, ao. irna HALTS 4-room cottag. 60-foot lot S900: ball casn, oaiance io per nioum, owner en place, 1080 Dlrmon at., oppoaua uaoy noma. MOJ1FRV T-room bone tor aale by owaer: T choice location; o,iw; , nair casn, oaiance terma. Call after o p. m. Tel. Eaat 4659. FOB aa tnreatmcnt propoeltlon 'that takea ad vantage of aorancea iwenuetn cenrury anal neaa method to put horn within easy reach ofi earnest seekers, regAdlesa of extent of Income, write Box 18(, 4'ortiano, or. TWO bouses and full lot, 23d t, -near Thur- man; wiu n cnep. nuue aoweagaraw na pr at. ,.:,. -.y - -. - - H0C8B with S room. TOT Johnson at. also one Of S room, )m near rianaer , jq, qulr B. Lowengrdt. S3 Paf K t. t 1 " $2,250 $200 DOWN,' balance asm a rent . srricTir- mooern oranu new o-nws cotisxe. rffunnraide. . A. P.. Smith, owner, 414 .Com mercial DIX. WEST BIDB BARGAIN. $T,000 9-room booae, modern hi all de tafia, and a fractional lot, located on Serenth at., ee than 6 block from th Hotel Portland. This 1 a map and good for a quick turn at a big Increase. , JAMES J'FLYNN, .- S13 Chamber of Commerce. - IF you want to 'bay, eell or exenenge your property . can on or aaareae ueo. w.. i urner, 803H WaehlngtoB at, Portland, Or. FAXON - PARK lota 100x200, la enltlratlon. lerel and aignwy: pnee w to aoio. u. tu Addltoaw LnU, Or.; Mt Soott ear. Be. , ' 100x100, iCARUTHERS at, near Front: om Income; amy ,uu, rusioince wi poi, be. Jonna. i - BOOM honae, almoat- aew, fin corner lot between Hawthorn and W. R. cars; esly $8,000; $600 h. 243 Str at: FOB BALE Nw modern f-itory bouse, well located; Bice sot, anruDoery ana rmin near Highland achool. Address P 186, care Journal. ANOTI1EH BARGAIN II aerea, mostly cleared. gooa nonse - aiw, ms un, m-n, oiusi are cheap. The Title Abstract Co., room 4 Mulkey bldg. Second and Morrison eta. I NEW S-room' house, reception hall, plastered downs tslrs; two tois, lencewoaxn. Dig enerrr tree; $1,200; bargain, . 0 185, car Journal. CORNER lot with two aew cottage tm center of reiaenc aiamcr, rancourer, nun.; in come 10 per cent net; price $3,000. t3. R. Perclrali owner,, 408 Commercial blk. FOR SALB New modern S-room cottage, lot 60x100, Msnnnttsn at., near union miti. K. Swan, -1160 . Lnkio , T, , Corner . KllllDg. worth ara, . -..- ' 1 v.'-v- -I--: i-- --- VOll RAI.E -KEAL ESTATE.- PRICK $1.300 In Scllwood, centrally located a B-rooin cottage, MixloO, 8 bearing fruit trees; will aell at f.K) a month, no interest. Hy owner, 4J0 Hpokant are., Bcllwood ata tion, Oregon. , i MODERN fl-room bouse; concrete bsaement; natttut nlsster: electric llrbta: well built. i'rlirr $2,ouu; wortb $.1.0ou. Must be aold thla wek; owuer leasing city, 80S Gar ;"fl-jld arenue, t , : i;v. DID yon see that new (-room bous on Sharer and Utrfluld are. I If a map; ae It. 80S i GarSeld arenue. FOR ' SALB 8 cre rich lrel land, rery de : alrably located, land fronting on Batacad . carllue, oppoalt switch and atation; natural ,. anrinita or water, com, pur ana la anundanee; JIS minutes' rid from Alder t. tatton; my price cannot b beat for eloee-la property; $400 per acre. See J. 0. Frost at Stanley at a (loo. .,. ... NEW ADDITION Fin lota 60x100, tret M . feet, near car atatloa at Lenta, 6c far, only fll; term. ?ak Mt. Soott ear. O. Addl ton. Lent. Or. i , , : ' $2,000 NEW B-room cottag. East 221 at, only one block from ear. Register 4 Co., 107 H GRAND horn lt with ansnrpaued rlew! alee mall house, 4 lot, Mt. Tabor, trad. Phoo -. Woodlawa 83. . . - SOUTH P0BTLAND SNAP. Flo corner, unobstructed rlew. la 85x110. only $1,600. 208 Fourth at. TL Pacific 812a or Mala wm. -4w TWO lot 40x100, 4-room hon, aary term, i Owner, Paclfla 789. 3snsuaasBEwaj ; '' FOR S ALEPAKMS y Realty Xo. , . $8,000148 ere, mile from Wsse gel la Clark eoooty, Washington I ' 48 cleared, 10 acre greea timber, balaae easily cleared; all fenced, all lorel: two-story S-room boos, fair bam, acre orchard. 4 horse. 9 wgon. new mower nd rake, cream sens ra tor, all farm Impiemeata needed on a farm. 60 hesd of cattle, 88 mlleh eosra, IS bog, aom chicken; oa mala eoonty road; $ good iprlnga, one near bouse; bsat of black oil; mllelo achool; half aah, baUae S yara at. ear cent. .-.. ys. $80040 'acre ar La Oeatar. Wah. 1 acr cles red, som good timber, creek thronga J'lace. com fruit; new I room boe, soms umber oa froondt good oll; terms, caab. balanc 4 year t 4 per tent; a anap, '" ' -" -; .'. . "' " . - 240 acre fbva land, all lerel. afly cleared. 4H mile from railroad, good location, best of toll, 24 mile from Portland: price $16 per acraj good term. ' . $1,800140 acre la Clarke county. Wasn., S ml lee from railroad; 12 acre la eultiratlon. S acre bearing orchard; S-room house; 80 acre leri land aaail eleared, beat of black oil; thla I a anap. e onnA oiz. n v n .1 I ,n.?l?r1i2.feirf. "oSt.iJi wllbf' In Clark coantyV Wash., 22 miles from Vso- conrer: 10 acre la cult Irst Ion, 100 acre rlrer bottom, family orchard; new S-room ruatic booae, cost $00) amall barn; t head of cattle, 6 cow; all farm Impiemeata: SO ere fenced; floe aoU; loretIgt thl before buying. 15T acre la Clarke cnaary. Wash- 5H mile from Wasbouxal; 13 acre cleared, t acre bearing orchasd; S-room bouset 80 acre lerel and easily cleared, balance rolling, fine black otl; prlc $1,800; good tarnwj food location.,...' .i' ' , 'v -. $1,70050 acre near Taaeoarer, with 11 acre tax ettltlratloa; 4 acre mixed orchard, 4 acre bailing prune, 1tt-torr 4-room boas, barn 18x20, with aheds; R. F. V., near achool. near railroad and boat landing; good aoU; fir term. $1, TOO 86 acre, 13 mile from. Portland, In Washington county, 0 miles from Bearer, ton, 2 mllea to railroad; aU fenced; all lerel i 43 acre In enltlratlon; aom timber; balance easily eleared; family .orchard; on .acre fine eranea: 4-room boeae: amall etable. ' fin aprlng,- on -main eoonty road; fine loci , tkia; R. F. D.j acag achool; beet at (oil; -fir good term., ;.--,,. ...... $3,00080 aeree. SH mile from Hlllabem, ' 13 acre la eultiratlon, 8 acre ta hop; amall orchard; all reaced and lerel; Bouse, para, ' boo-house. etc. t U eaah. balance 6 rears. I . per cent; will exchange for Portland city .'.property; nne loaatioa. . . . . , $1,70084 acre. iu mllea from WaaboagaL Clark count ri 18 seres in enltlratlon: soma fruit; food B-room rustic honae; large barnV rustic ana pa in tea; an leneea wua wu-ea; nne location; new mower ana rake; plows, barrow, email tool of all kind; $900 caab; Dsisnce a years, a per cent. $40010 acre, near Tancourer, 314 acr eleared; balance alaabed and aeeded; en county roaa; near cdooi; na Mil; term. V CrUWl K biwh 1U m,I1a Sw,m - V.mwm. . . - wb.n, V 79 . . , j ... , .... 'V. , .J. , new S-room bnuae, new barn, all fenced; all lerel, R. r. D. ; near school and church; oa mala county read; thla la a pp; glr term. $.1.200 180 scret In dark countrj Waah.. .4 mile from railroad and boat landing; 30 acres cleared, aome timber, balaaca. easily ciearea. l acre oearing orcnara; e-room bona: near school: fin soil; half eaah, balanc 8 year at S per cent; wlU take part to x- cuange iot city properly. . , t - ' $2,60040 acres. 18 mllea from Portland; no acre in cuuiration, a acrea line oops, ; 6 acrea fine timber; all fenced and lerel: near.: achool and church, B. T. D., 3 mllea from the Portland ft Malem electric carllne. fine location, 8 mil from Sherwood railroad atatloa; good team, wagon, harneas, on cow, ome hog and chicken, all faravlmplementa; : Ulia w snap. ' $4,60080 acre aeir Washoogal. Clarke county, Waah.; 70 acre In cultlrstioa, SO acre meadow, come timber, S acrea beartag arcberd, meetly apples t all fenced ad croa. fenced with 4 and 6 wires, cedar Doata: fine ( aprlng near house; o-roora Douse, targe barn; rini-cia son, oiaca am, no roc a or grarei; U mile to achool; 8 head of fine horses. 1 colt, 13 cowa, 3 hogs, some chickens; all 1 crop In; mower and rake, all farm Imple ment and bouse hold rurnlture; ail for 84.300) thl la one of the beat buy oa tb market: half cash, balanc 10 year at 6 per cent; srould take-part la exchange for Portland property; Inreatlg at thla before buying r 200 acre la Clarke county, -Wish., S mllea from boat lending ana railroad ; iu acre in tin, , mi. ui cuHifBiiuu, piwu biujuwc, balance paarnre, -all fenced with post and wire; 6 acre Ma ring orcnara. a acre appiea, euerrie and pears, balanc prune; new 7 room house, . eot $1,800; one large bara . 40x100, fruit dryer, milkhonse with fine aprlng water in it, otuar outDunamga. oucasmitu hop and tools; personal property goes with place; good team, t wagona, 1 new; 1 hack, new; 1 toir buggy, new; new Osborn binder, all kinds of farm implement; 14 milch cow, 1 fin bull, 4 head young hogs, 125 chickens, new cream separator, with tread power; 60 ton hay, 600 bushel oats, om wheat aad apuds; near school, R. F. D.I thl la a beaatl ful place, beat of black eoil; price only $S pen acre, Including peraooal property; glr terma. - " . :.' . --. '. -.. at imjn ace T.a rvtntee rnarlr county, Waah.; 16 acrea la enltlratlon, 36 acre meetly eleared, 40 acrea fenced, with 8 wire and cedar poata; all lerel; 10 acre brash and timber $300 worth of timber ready aale; sawmill Joins place; good boose, 4 rooma, i8x24 good barn; aome fruit; A mile to good achool, R. F, D.; beet of black olI, mall creek on place. If yoa are looking for a bargain Inreatlgate tbl before baying; guaranteed : aa adrartiatd. ' i . .- . i't ' -:-i:ri-'v The abore place are all fuaranteed aa garertisea. Above bargain are but a few of the farm tm oar list W hare the largest list of farina of any firm In Portland or viclnttr. Price ranr from $30- to- 830.000.- Writ r call if yoa are in tba market for a farm. wS! 'laity Co, - s , 108 Second St., Portland, Or., ' ' , Aad (00 Mala t., Vanconrar, Waah. , . Paces) Mala JMOA, v Ton SALE FAItMS. ;vW.W.-:Espcy;:v'. , ROOM Sl8 COMMERCIAL BLDG.. y Corner Second and Waablugton 4ta. A Big Bargain -Would Cut . Up Into Small Tracts. : 87 acre 10 acre clear and la meadow and crop; 20 acrea of good timber, will cut be tween 2,000 and 8.000 cords of wood; a creek of erer -running water; food well by th house: good orchard, good soil o rock or grarei;' new house, 4 rooms down atalra; op etalri not finished; new barn 60x50; cowshed attached. Tb following go with the place: 1 bora, 10 cowa, 1 heifer, a few plga, be tween 60 and TO chicken; op new Mo - Cormlck binder, disc cultlrator, mowing ma chine, horse rake, plow, harrow, enltlrator and other small tools, new wagon, new buggy end most all household goods; located cloe to O. W P. earllne; oa flu crarel road; , easy drir td the city. Price $130 per acre; , beat buy Dear the city. , .' . 40 Acres Flrat-claa farm land, 80 acrea Improred, 80 mile worth of tb city, 1H mile from station and railroad; a fine market for erery- , thing raised on the place' right at home; oa a good grarei road from the atation; (tore, etc.; a good S-room house; large fair bara . and a first-class orchard, the beat rarietlee of fruit; th asms baa takea first premium for certain rarietle at th Lewis Clark ' Exposition; a fin berry ysrd; chicken bona and yard; wood bouse, tool booae and other " buildings: one good spring, S well; R. F. V. mall at front gate; on good team of horses, wsgoa and harneas; one light wsgon, single buggy and harness; T head of cattle of which three sre milch cow; other coming In; 8 good aoga, 60 chicken, 1 mower, rake, S plow, harrow aad aU other farming loole; on good ateel range, 1 beater, tables, bed ateade and other household furniture; all new; fin outside range for stock; good neighbors; : hay, potatoes, sereral stand of beea; fir in auranc on bous aad content; all for $3,000; $1,000 caa ataad at S par cent; Urn to auit buyer, ; . . ,. . ... .. . . V 1 -. , .. ' , , -, :B l';J:;'80 "Acres ; rinrt-clssa land, about IS, acrea clew; on ; th earn road aa th 40 acres; ana mile further oat; good biilldlnga and orchard; ' ererrthtng for $2,000; time ea part If de , aired. . . iv. 40 Acres Nearly lerel land. 30 acr la eultiratlon; fin orchard of 80 trees, beat rarietlee, amall trait aad crap; floe water at the bans that caa be piped Into tb aame; oa good county road; 6V4 mllea from railroad tatlon, etc.; price $2,000. . 80 Acres - About B0 acrea la raltlTatloa aad la crop, oata and vetch, a early cardan; a good orchard of 4 acrea; a food S-room honae; woodshed, storeroom aad bara 40x44, beu bouse, smokehouse and other buildings; price $4,000: half down aad balaaoe to suit; there Is 1 horse and 10 cowa, a hof and other thing aold to the buyer of the above place at a low price; milk check for cream from the 10 strippers for mouth of April $97.67; unr xruui raiiiosu station; man route or n JhOB ' house; win carry rrom go to 6 cowa; caa make .$200 per moath, a few mora cowa. . SO-arre farm, finest sandy loam, land close to railroad aad rlrer; 88 In eultiratlon; good buildings, good orchard; best bara In tb eoonty; water piped Into bouse and barn;. 3 "rroua on Place for 2 res re will nav for nlace: . srice $9,00O term aa part ' ; .W. W. Esuey . Boom 819 Commercial Bldg., Corner Secoad and Wsshlngpn. ' FARM FOR "SALE. ' . 18 mile ..from-Portland, oa . wast aid of giver, 2 , mile -from boat hanSiDr," S mile from and of atreg at Hoe: 40 . - acres, . 25 acre inilr plow; , . good house, barn, good orchard,. well fenced; 19 Jit, In tluj i her, esed as pastors; good (pan ' . t of horses, 3 qnwi, 4-6 hoga. 6 doscu A I Air saws as " axuul a aAa, doubl tad (prlng waron: all .. growing crop; for $8,200; food . term caa be had. .. . Also a large . list, of farm . along tba Willamette valley at very good figure. Several . 6 acre tracts cloee to tbe city, OTTO, CROCKETT sV , HARKS0N, , ' ' 138H Flrat treet. . FOR SALE 0B EXCHANGE. 55 acre, all cleared, facing . . Willamette rlrer; doer not overflow ; great deal of bottom land: no buildings; rain $2,760; would eichange for Portland borne. , , OTTO, CROCKETT e ' 1 HARKSON, 188 Flrat atreet. - TILLAMOO& RANCH FOB SALE. . 820 acres, oa food era re led road, S mHea from Tillamook city, 14 mllea from achool and cheese factory; mostly rich bottom land, eaelly cleared; fine dairy or stock ranch; will keep 30 cowa bow; eaa be mode to keep 160 head; soil suitable for potatoes or onion; In on tract or la tracts to, ault purchasers ; 140 an acre; easy terma.. Addree bos M3, Tillamook, uregoo. ;. vl. .'...-.:--?. : FOR SALE 178 acrea of fine land, with food Improrementa, within 1H mllea of good school; thla alace Is adapted to the ralalnv of stock or dairying; fine out range; most go ., soon; nargaia; terms, Aooress v.: w. Vail, canton, uregon., ' . $20,000 :; WILL boy a rich placer claim, 80 acres, in in xamon Aitnou aiatrict In io-phlne- county, Oregon; very rich In gold and plattnam; plenty or water all the year round; mis wiu stsna inrestigstioo; aaaav $8,000 la gold and $500 In platinum. Ad dress Herman Peper, BjflJ Unlon are, Bortu, rortiana, ur. :. .-.t. . ,.:.';; BARGAIN $2,600 SO acres, 20 fat crop; bous. gooa nam; a mares, o coin, a cowa, la a eaa bogs, 60 goats, 1 heifer; good wagon, boggy, hark, harneas: chickens; will take half Port land property. . 0. W. Hudson, 60S Commer cial bldg n of phone Woodlawa 640 or Main $6,600 10H ACRES garden tend la high tat or cuitivaiwo, oa b. r. su it.; jeasea a year, $460 per year. Her 1 a genuine map. T. R. Imbrle,ronm 13. gronnd floor. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' Telephone Mala 1680. :...-. :.-fi -f : TDIBER. " - TTMBBR LANDS. - ' ' To the Owner of Timber Landat W warn -timber- lead In--targe- end amall tractir,- etna ie claims, in Oregon, wasningiou ana laano; it moat be direct from tbe ownere: we doa't want any option until we see what you here , to offer at your lowest net eaah price; send a your descriptions, a ma or iimper. hJ your eetfmata if too bare lt,r ' Writ a and find ent what w eaa do for : yoa. We are hi tbe market at all tlmea o ' any -deal that is right. . t. , : GREGG BROS.,., . 81T-18 Fenton bldg.. 84 Sixth St., Portland. - ' LOOKING FOR TIMBER t Wg offer you erery adrantag throagb onr System of expert examination which enables yea to, determine tbe suitability of a tract without spending tlm-or money. , If onr general report Indicate that w bar what 'yoa want our estimate by two and a b.lf Acre ar eaelly Termed. 1 -4 TRY "THB LACEY WAY." FAMES D. LACE Y ft CO.. 823 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. , . B0T Lamber Exchange, Seattle. TO OWNERS of timber claim and timber W will Day roe casn any gooa timoer trin tsrr to i the Nebalem rlrer. Will deal with ewaera only; write, giving foil particulars. Xehalem 1 ores t men iw bw coamoer at Commerce building, Portland. Or. . . CERTIFIED ecrlp, any stxe, lowest price. G Howell, osg uismner or commerce. ' 160 ACRES, WhwleTwmtyv-aoA.loaatioii, I cruise aoout o,vw,uuw pine,, v. a, vox, 1WS Itaai aem st :. " -.,-.- CAN locate party. oa timber claim, clo to. caeap. Aouraw sos, ciw wouraaa. HORSES, ES, ... VEHICLES, i ; XL and hagglea foe rent hy HARNESS. BORSES and hagglea foe rent by day. week ad moata; pecjai rataa to Bnsin-aoo. Sixth end .-Hawthorne, last T3. , BERT work and light hsrneaa, price lowest; we tare rour oia narneae m exenanca ror aew, Jatllw Uaraees Co, 49 North suth at HORSES, VEHICLES, HARXESS. FOR SALB, reasonable, ' 1,800-pound msre;' or Iride for small hone and hurry, l.'l Portland boulevard, 8 blocka north Piedmont car barn. FOR SALE Rubber-tired Studehsker runabout, In perfect condition. Apply 6H Lumber Ex change or tulephon' Main 10H3. . SPAN of 4-year-olds, chunka, 8,000 pound. 14.17 Ksat Serenlh at, north, Woodlawa. .( Phone Woodlawa 6a8. , ; r , HORSES for (ale, at Reliable Baggage Trsnsfer company. 804 Ankeny St. Phone Pacific 414 or Horn pbon Aa206. ; FOB SAO5--LIVEST0CK, S MILCH cow. 6 cale; must aell st one. Pbon Tabor 678. .... . MCSICAL 1STRTJMENT8, VICTOR Tslklng Maeblnea and record; Stein wsy (o other) piano. . 8hermaa, Clay Co.. Sixth and Morrtsoe at., op p. P. 0. $50 PIANO to b sold at a great sacrifice; excellent condition; oo res sons li le offer re jected: ao agents considered; opportunity f lifetime. Address B 15, care Journal. ' LESSONS 60c plstio, guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin; piano $06; organ $23. Oleasoa blk., ' Flrat and Aab 'V BARTER AND EXCTUXGK : LA ROB stock - of fsnfl Implements, a good wsrehouse, en railroad, and a rood, wall wen . tahllshed boslnes, with ao competition, la Ik food Oregon town, located In a good farming enitory,, Owner retiring and will aell at In mice c will xchang rot good farm property.- For Particulars lnqnlr Lafayette Real ty Oo., 818V Wsshingtoo at. , . FOR SALB excbsBte for eordsrood. elty . property, on 6-borsrpower ataUoaary, one , la boraeiKrwer portable engine. Call phone Eaat 424. r at 48 Albma are. . OLD book bought and aold at 168 Fifth at aad 311 Second ft. By land Broe. ' 1,600 ACRES, with (boot 38,000.000 feet of timber, to exchange for Income property. P. O. Lassen ss Co., 874 First at Portland. SMALL (tore to exchange for uborbaa prop , erty; honae and lot .preferred. ., Phon East ' 8,190. " .., , , v,... FOR SALEMlSCmLAJfEOU8.' SINOES and Wheeler and WDaoa ew1ng ma-' - chin office. We eell, lease or rent aew ma chines: old mschlnee tskea la part payment; eeond-band machines 86 aed op; ether makea : af aew maeblnea $28 and apt needles for all makes of mschlnee; si kinds of machines repaired and guaranteed. S. S. Slefel, agent SBC Morrtsoe t Phon Mala 2188, FRBB FOR EVERYBODY Ring aa Mala 4290 ar call 218H Front st. Wa hoy snd sell fur- - altar, elothtng or any old thing. HOLDEN'S RHKTJMATI0 CURB Sura ear for rheumatism. Sold by el) drugglsta. BILLIARD iKD POOL table for rent ar for sale on essy psymente. THE BHCNSWIOK-BALKE-rOLLENDEBCO 49 Third at. Port lead. $ $ $ $ PHONE MAIN 63T4. $ $ $ $ f Extra special farnltura and atores; largen asenrtment. cheapest price la new and eeond-band roods of erery description! glr new ana rlptlom glr as call "and be eonrlnceg $ $ $ $ $ THE DOLLAR, a a 233 First St., Near Ma OLD BOOK STORB rsmoted to 14S Fifth aad . 211 Second tav. ; .-i ..: .-....-. -. . , SHOWCASES and fixtures, aew and second band, Carlson ft Kallaromt 388 Couch at. - FOR BALE Nearly aew wagoa aad ksrnaas. caaap. in n. iu at !-.,. A 4 -CYLINDER 12-borsepower Franklin ante- mobile for aale cheap, Phoae Pacific 1902. . Extra Star A. Star SMngle& LABOR OR SMALL ITTS, : ',' S. E. GILBERT. 114 FRONT ST. - NEW typewriter and roll top desk cheap If tsken at once; leering city. Call 708 PlrS aloa W apatalra. ' ... 1H, 3 AND B horsepower auto mart a engine: pnt on In your rowbost. 808 East Morrison. FOR BAMS Extra special bred canaries (alnr era). 1171 Hawthorne are.- Phoae Tabor 98, OAS store for sale, almost aew, 4600..- ... ; A : - Phon East CHERRY bedroom auit In good order, cheap, . Call morning at TO East Eighth atr north. GOOD camera for sale cheap. Far particular writ P. 8. Trelber, Hood River, Or. PERSONAL, HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure ear for rnenmstism. son dj u snnnis. NOTICB OF REMOVAL. . A. Reiner, the farrier, will Lewis bldg. March 1; looking for ettbl ' location; for present may b found at resi dence, 252 North 19th at. Phooe Paelfle 2407. Will eaR and gire eatlmat aa aaaai. PILES Itching, bleeding, protruding, fissure. fistula, constipatioa ana sii rectai oisesses eared In 10 to 80 daya, witbont tbe knife or llratnre. Can or write Dr, T. J. Pierce, 181 Flrat (t, Portlaad. Or. - . ( . , , GERMAN hooka, magaxtne. nereis, etc. i "Ger man. Engiisn. rrencn, npanisn. oweoisn ana Italian dlctiorie: forvlga - hooka af . all kind.' Scbmil Co., 329 Flrat at y SUITS preasad while yon wait. 60e. 1 Ladle aklrta pressed, oue. onnerx. iim outa st next to Qnsll. Phoae Mala 2088. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta Nerra viootii. un monta a treatment, ezt : months,, IB; sent securely sealed hy mslL . Agents, Woodard. CUrt Co., Portlaad, Or. MOLES. srrlnkles. aunerfluoos hair No charge to talk It over. Mr. M. v. Bin. room B0-Field nsr bldg. Phoo Pacific US. DR. BING CHOONO. Importer Chi bi edict nee: aell Chin tea. certain cure for all dlseaaea. . 191 3d. bet XamblU aad Taylor. BALM OF FIOS for all female dti 628 Eaat BelmoBt rnoo Eaat 4084. MANICURING, -face massage -and aealp treat. ment. Try room i, auata waanmgton x. MRS. 0BROCK, gradnat mssssos; cabiaet bath, sslt glow, alcohol rub, cream mssssg; references. . 189 Seveath it Mala 4963. BE ATTRACTIVE! Pimple blotch, freckle, blackheads, red vein, coarse pores, ecaema and falling hair cared or no chsrge; trial treatment free. Addreaa Dr. T, J, Pierce, 181 First t, Portlaad. Or.. .. TURKISH BATHS, 800' Oregonlaa bldg.i Isdls aaya. gentlemen aignta, Maia laoa. BACK . dates of marasinM it 8 cents. Jone imx)x aiora, jmi . a joss e...T. -.-- ?r DR. T. J. . PIERCE, apedallst. dlseaaea' af women; all IrreguUrttle corrected; no ex posure: medlclnsr by mail. Office 181 lint ' t., corner Yamhill, Portland. Or. MISS LB BOY, 201 H Alder it., altos S and Massage and ecaip treatment. t RECENTLY opened manicuring parlor remored rrom aoiia to morriaoa at., room 3. - WANDA the Palmist, 229 Fifth st; don't need pig ads; ner petrous advertise her. Reeding '. 26c and op. . 'r YOUNG scientific masseuse gir4f' electrical. alcoholic aad medicated treatments, also tub batbs. 41 Raleigh . bldf.. Sixth and Wash ington ats. . DON'T be dull and toanttve; Sexine Pills cor an weakness; i a oox. a xor as; run guar antee. .Address - or call J. O. Clemenson, drugglat Portland, Or. . - MISS GIBSON give acalp treatment; dandruff xosiy worrisoa at, room ax. BATH parlor at SOTH Third at.; ladle aad gentlemen ueatea; apatalra, room j. DR. MRS. J-O. MACKIB. osteopath aad electro. patn; ladiee treated la the rorenoon, gentiemea in the afternoon. - Room 23, 145 Sixth at MI8SL RAYMOND Masseuse, -2fiH Morrison St., roouv-1. Phone Main 6811. EXPERIENCED maitJeWse-'glTee treatment for rheumatism. 2U4Vh Waablngtoa su MANICURING and chiropody parlors for alej well lurotsnaa ana eeotraiiy locawu. ou, care Journal. MISS LB BOY, 201 H Aider U anltes 8 aad tdaseaga ana scalp treatment. .. - -.. - -.: JOB BAKER. please call at Rometch'g and n, card YOUNG lady fire treatments, 839 Yamhill, room a . - i - , , v 1 RtSIXESS rEKSONALS FOB Inmber of 11 kinds, rouith or nnTscert, t call as up. Whether , your orders ar lartto .. or amall, we deliver promptly. Xrarla Bros.' lumber ysrd, Ksst Eighth aad Hawthorn are. Pbon East 202. ,. rf, Xr, FOB your contract apply to P. Lamard or boy; day; cast aide, ft3 Dlrlalon. Any kind of ' abort Joba of cement or plaster work, baae : ment bricklaying, chimney, painting a an. dally; prompt attention glren. . p.. Lamard. INYENT10WS booght and nld. Coreneot Coo. - tract Co., 427 riled oer bldg. Mala 2t)L ' 8KELLY CO., 14th and Flanders! floor, feed, bay, grain. Pbooee A IflU. I'sclfl 61L EXCAYATING done. Phone Tabor SOT all 403 Ebey at., Montarllla. ATTORNEYS. P1G00TT, FINCH BIGGER, attorneys st lew, 4 Mulkey bldf., cornet Secoad and Mar- '' riaoa. 1 i ' : ' - - ' - ASSAYERS. GARVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO., aad Montana Aaaay Office. 188 Morrison st RATHS-MASSAGE. MANICURING. fc nd clp treatment; baths and massage. 1W sour in si. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. COVET. - '. -r Agent Fieri' Great Arrow. Locomobile, Cad v lilac and Knox. , Temporary, locatloa Club ", Garage, 15tb aud Alder t. ,.' . - ' ARCHITECTS. ERN8T KRONER, arcbltoet Plana and ipedfl- catioea; also baOdlng superintendence. . H. C. DITTRirH, architect, $21 Wllllsma art.. CMiuea ac rsmne aaat ART. FREB LESSONS IN Emhrolrtery Ererr Day." B NEEDLRCRAFT SHOP. 8S3 Waablngtoa at . B. H. MOOREHOL'SB CO. Artists msterisls, . picture molding, plctnr framing, atsreoptl- isntera suae, in auw n LANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS ft K1LHAM, lOft-111 Second at. Blank book mannractared; agent for Jooea : Improred Loose-Lesf ledger; tb new Eoreka leaf, th best ea tb msrket BUTCHERS' SUPPLTES BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 8. Blrkenwald Ca., 804-806 Evrett t.j largest batcher supply bona oa tbe coast. Write for catalogue. BCTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekatn, I81-18S First st,, came a run nne ana com plete assortmrat at lowest market price. . CTLEANTNO ANT DYEING. CLOTHES clesned and pressed. $1 per moath. uaiqne Tallorinf ua, ,w atara st- , - B. vT. TURNER, dyer; esrpets dred a special. ty. ouo Jefferson st main xoio. COAL AND WOOD. Portland SAwmnrr SLABWOOry Co, nno front, soceesaon to r a i ion nw fir. osk, slebwood, coal. Tel. Mala 1836. FOR prompt delivery of slabwood eaR Mala 4S7. Osk, ssn, nr ana eosi. rwwi Wood 4V Coal Co., Iflth and Sarier ata. WESTERN ' FEED FUEL CO. Hons snd blacksmith coals, coke. Chat coal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST T. - F. B. JONES ft CO.. ?. Wood and Coal. 181 East Water at.. UBHlun rUKli W. IS now issiu "jjn wood and coal for tutor delivery, aa aiut CALL Steel Bridge Fuel Co., phone Eaat 424, for ebole No, 1 fir eordwood. dry or greea elahwood; prompt dellrery; ootn siae nrer. ( Office nd dock foot Bsndelph at - - CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. ""' Alwar Cnnsnlt th Beet ; ' ' PROFESSOR KHIMO, - Greatsat Ilrlng atrl deed-trance dalrvoyant ' of th age; adrlaer oo buslne and all af fair of life: tell your full name and wbat you called for, whom yoa will marry, bow to control tbe one yoa love, evea tboegh mile away; reunite the ae pa rated; gire ecret power to control; doe all ethers sdrerti to do. Hours 10 to 8, daily nd Sunday. - Office, No. S and 4, Grand Theatre bMg., 8624 Waah., Bear Park at Phone Main 1267. MISS MAY ANDREWS Card reading, 25. . 335 Blxta ex., corner aitrn. 1 PROFESSOR WALLAfTB. lHtstlswA'a r.Tnrlt. elairrorant. nalmlat and medium raadlnge 3Se. 841 H Mor., cor. 7th. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON. 304 Foarth sf Office and tore niter bout ana remoaeiea; so owes see aad coasters,' Phone Mala? 1787. B. MELTON Office, store fix to res; general lobbing. 67 First at Pnone Main Biao. CARPET CLEANING. THB Pacific Coast Carpet Benovatore cleaa Kior carpets oa th floor without restoring ralrnrt from rooma. Wa raise no dnst - remnre all dirt and frees pots. Pb'n ' Pacift? 419. , -. trTANDARD CARPET CLEANING OO Largest plant oa coast! Loting aad Harding ats.: phon : Eaat 380; carpet cleaned, renrteo, aewea ana . laid: steam snd compressed sir proeesst re. orating mattresses and feathers a apedalty. JOYGB BROS., proprietor of th Electrle Cleaa. hie ararkai eeroete cleaned and laid, both dry - and com pressed -air cleaning; carpet refitting ' our' ipeclaltyi work, guaranteed, rnoa maia 3673 and A 3672. 270 Grant at. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DBVBNY ft E8TEI.LB DBVBNY. THB only aclentlfle chiropodists, parlors 208 Drew ' Mdg.. 168 2d at. Pbone Mara iui. CHIROPODY and Pedlcartag. Mr. M. D. Hill. 880 Pleldacr Bldg. mew racine iso. CAFFS. THE OFFICE 2SS Waahlaftoa t, phooe Mala 7TI. Ham oal vigneax. DRESSMAKING. MRS. VAUGHAtrexperlenced i dressmaker. , 802VS Eaat Burnslde t Phon East 2617. MADAMB ANGELES 343 Fifth. Pacific 983. DANCING lesson 2T!c, elaaaea and I .private, daily. Prof. Wal Willson, hall 804 Allsky ' bldg.. Third aad Morrison sts. Social dancing walta. twe-step. three-atep. eta.; atage danc log. buck and wing clog. reel. Jig, Highland fling, Spanish, etc. "..; x"- "7--:; 'i WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Clsa Mon., Thar, and Sat. eve.; ooclaL fancy and atep dancing taught; 8 assistant taebr; clas and prlrat Uason dally. Western Academy halL scond sad Morrtsoe) sts. Pselfic 163a DENTISTS. DR. EARL 0. McFARLAND dentist. Bnitea T10-T11-T18 Swatland bldg. . Phon Mala 2261. DR. W. B. KNAPP bae returned from east Office 10 Bamlltoo bldf. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WAL8H CO 811 Stark at - , Electrle and Gaa Fixture and ' HoppUe. Mantsla, Tiling, Grate and Dogtroua. , PACIFIC BLECTRIO CO. Engineer, contrac tors, repairer, alectrl wiring, eoppltee. 4 Flrat cor. Stark. Mala 658. R, H. Tate, mgr. WVSTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 61 Sixth St. Contractors, lectrl8 snppUe, motor snd dy bsmoa; wav Install light aad power pi a ata. MORRISON ELECTRIC Ct F1 fj t W-t ' 1 a'lxUusa, wltlua. IAaLUiC j. KDrCATIOXAf, OHF.'iON KXI'FKf tl' Comui.iiwealih Ituil'hce, ath a-i a phone Msln fll. Telegrsi-ie. h .v typrewrltlng, penmaaahlp, I -.aii-h l.ri, Indtridual Inatriictlons. specUl HOI. M ICS Bl'StNEMH Col.l.Ki.E. ; Wsshlngton and l'h gts., Fll"ii.f h',. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Trswrlin, an i . English brsncbra taaxht, both day and l . FINANCIAL ld to 1x worthy yonng laci. who wish to Isho a slinrthsad enurso, Ait1 at once at off!e-i, 517 Common wealth bill , Sixth and Itnrnslde ats. EXGINEERIXG. 0. H. OOSjUCTT, nlnee and snrrcnr. frtc Bil , Washington Mdg., comer Fourth - sn.t Washington; residence filenwimd. slain t'-U isin ii ii in '.'.ism in i" mrawm na i FENCE AND WIRE WORKS, PORTLAND W1RB IRON WORrs Second end Ererett st. Pbon Mala 3000. GASOLINE ENGINES. .V ' , - ' GASOLINE ENGINES. -- f i' Stationary and marine; elesttrie equip. ments; launches; accessories; wholesale - rtall; engln repnlrlng. Rdsrsoa Machinery Co.. 182-4 , Morrison st SHEFFIELD msrtn engines. Any propellers. . Falrbank. Mars ft Co., First and Stark at. HARDWARE. PORTIND HARDWARE CO. oMett ewwrterv. ity te quote price. T4 Sixth . Panlfl U "liOTEIaS, HOTLL Portland, American plan. $3, B per tag. BELVELERBi Bnrooeea plaa; 4th aad Aide ata. : INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITB, fire Insures o. L lock bldg. . ... , 844 Bhar W. U PAGE,' Insurance; employer Itsbllltr. so rery bonds, hnrglar and accident Inauraacea Phone Mala 82a. , 304 Falling bldf. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employer liability and hx dividual sccMent seenrtty bonds of all kind. Pbon 47. - 803 McKay bldg. ', LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES I. MASTICK CO.. Front and Osk ata., leather and skins of erery description fnr all purpose; eo - and tap cuttera; nnmng. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for aale All kind, teeradhtf . appro red forest reaerre scrip for sorveyad, nor ' enrveyed, timber and prslrl gorernment lead. B. M. Hamilton, "Tb Portland," Portlaad. A MONUMENTS. NEU ft KINOSLEY, .268 First St. PorUana a leading marble and granite worka. . MONUMENTAL BRONZB CO. Most durable grave headstones. Room 12. 288 Htark at. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN ft CO. Mining, aawmin. Ioe gln machinery; hrdraalle pipes, easting: all ' kinds repaired. 104 North Foarth st THB H. C A I.BEE CO.i-fJeeond-hand ma ehlnery, sawmills, ate. X40 urana are. MONEY TO LOAN. hMt$$$$t$t$$t$t$t $!$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $$$i$$$i$$i$$$$M $ OUR 8PF.CIAt.TY 9 1 V ' ' B ALARY TX)AN3 II it Trt ttvit-RV OMR WnilKINa. lit : III mil " " ""-"' .... ; . LOW KA1T.5, . . n- EASY PAYMENTS. ml NO MORTGAGE $$$$ NO INDORSKTL $$$ STATE BRURITY CO., Ill rna nuitfTTXf TVT.Tlfl. - tit iiitis I .ttlt j JJj j 11 HOURS 8 A.M: to i. M. - $ SATURDAY TILL) ?.''.. t$$$t$$$$$t$l$IStlllll$lll$$l$lllf $l$$tlltlllt$$lll$ttlllllllllllll" MONEY TO LOAN On Improred city property or for building purpose, for from i to 10 yeare time, will prlrileg to repay all or part of loan after l.n ... ra. Loana annrored from plane emt money edraaced as building pro 111. V gage tax en op ano repmrau. - FRED H. STRONG. Financial. Ageat 243 Stark et CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aalarlea, famraace) nolle Ira. piano, rurnitnre, ware dot rmiu--, etc.; eny deserving person may secar lib eral edrance, repayuif i by easy . areeklF eg monthly taatallment. NEW ERA LOAN. (TRUST C0MPAJTT, - , 308 Ablngte bMg. MONEY loaned to aslaried people Juet oa yont ewa aame; dan t Borrow ontii yo sew r system la th best-for railroad men, clerk, bookkeepers, etreetear men and all ether em ployee hnsinee trletly eoafldentlsL F. A. Newlon, Bll Buchanan Wdg. Washington at. betweea Foarth and Fifth. . MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and otbere apoa then? ewa name wtiuw Ity; cheapest rates, easiest payments: office - en wiiurfn.) etHea- aara roarself money 1VLMAH, X2S APinxtOB Dius, awois WANTED Notes, mortgsgea or eentracTe aw nv kind or real estate in vres '".. " mgton: aecond mortgge pnrchaaed If wou aecured. B. B. Nobl. 313 Commercial blk. DON'T borrow money n ssTsrv wntil yoa sea Kuttcn creaix to. B13 Dekum bids. MONEY to loan; large loana peetalTI else building loan: lowest rata: fir lnaurane. WlUUu G. Beck, 812 Falling, bldf. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg. Money to lend oa sy-pyment plan to wage , ' earners; trlctly onf WentlaL , - MORTOAGB loaws at cwrrent rates; n eoes- mission. -Columbia Life Truat Company, ' . i Lamber , Exchange bldg. i - -r ': v : - ;. MONEY to loan oa an Binds of ecwrity. WOi llam Holl. room 9 Waablngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Sams to suit oa chattel aaenrity. , B- A. Frame. 614 th Marousm. IjUTCK loans oa sll seeurtt! S. W. 48 Washington bldg. Mala 6100. King. ON mortgae. $200 to $3,000: coat papera only. Ward. Uwyer. Allsky bldg. A LOAN for th asking Unlsry or chattel, The -. Lea- er'410-Pehm;-bWg.-" e"'" EASY payment loan to aalaried pwyK Tm ployes' Loaa Co.. T16 Dekum bldg.. Mala 324. $500 TO $1,000 or more to loan en well in - proved 'Inside property at . S eaat; .,. A ... TUfAeiM siav Mia . elf. - THB V WEBBER - STUDIO Manfloiin. aaaje. guitar instruction, sewn wmuuhw . tf l vn riolln. eantef. trombone, clarinet. Pre- fesaor E. A. Smith, 84 12th at Mala 470.1, OSTEOPATHIC PHYiSICIANS. PR - LlLLEBELLn PATTBRSOM. apeclallet ea . . . a i i f it BeerooB, ini, wnwn '- 21f Featoa bldg. Pbon Pacific 1180.' DF ADIX ft NORTH RUP, 15-1I7 Ien"t bldg., mird fHl wasnmetoB at. rcu,, Main 848. Examination free. ess i mm ii i mil ii iiiii ' i I Tin mirnwi 1 1 lulls in rv , PAINTING AND PAPERING, FOR reliable work, reasonable prices;' ' Bro 2(v4 Yamhill,, near 4th. i1n P. A. DOANB will glva yon th b - foe, tlKfact"ry wmk. SB tatiit.i,, f-v-PLrMnr.r.i. FOX ft CO. ftsnttar;' Main and flni.n. p!nrptH-rs. DONNEnrrna No. Sul Unrn.' ' US'. r. r.