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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1C07. 10 Sin Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Markct,St., bet. 3d & 4th UTiniiiiinn( abtt sub- bCAirTIOXB BCJJITB. k Oregonlnn when In San Frnelco can hav their matt nnt In ear of Tb Journal offlc. --k. : ARTHUR I nsH Rprntntlva i ii ii "'v'l ' NEW TOEAY. -v- x',- Mils OtTara tha araateat Inducamant to bom builder. Frloe of lot ara the moat reaaonablei ta th best Invaatment, aftalManati a7 VMsti aBll raft anflanl alCaS aaUSQ aTBLUlU Increase In raJue of any addition In til, a ii imuuu muM. va.. advantaa-ea of Porter Addition wm w . . - - iumA.Lt. An inTeauamuon am wmraw th moat akcDtloa Oiat lot la Porter's Addition is th coat bur of any addi tion yet placed on th PorUand market Haa 'luat been planed on th market, and tha man In that direction baa only fairly ooromenced. Why not t 1a on tha around floor before nrlcea AT ad vnnced? Ton will be telling- other later about what yon could bar don, If only you had. to. Vain tegrata ar poor consolation,, and , malt alaagre- abl bedfallown. . , Bererai gtlo bom will soon b erected In Porter' Addition.' At. th rat which lota ar going tber will b non left In a rery nori tun. DISCOUNT On one lot to theflret Jjer- on to build la each block In PORTER'S ALimnun, law TiAinniu-nuvu- BTIVir imr line, wilt annn ba 1rMlbla- tracked. ! Then watch, th movement Of nrooertr In that part of th elty. n Thl 1 conceded by all to b the ..,! uikiirh n thm. lt nf PnrflAnA next a-roat moromrat around I . I hi t J I r!nn J Ve mutn lrnprovementa Of a sub- and. th th cltr Mora arenuln euntial character wtu or maa on in irr , i ik a m.,IIu. BMW .,)... v"' ' section of Portland. :;-:r;. a 4k , v- -.i - Jt inn or uiw uuuib i mn . Fn bbiii Aboal "rf.rv:v-';(..: Porter's Addition re" VI .he m W .w ! aV llaL aafl don't have to uae automobile. V" i I beautifully situated, with (ntl lop toward tne city. . la high and alghtly oyerlooWnf city, Haa no srravel or rock. I nicely parked with natural Tr- .. g-reena ."-. . ; Ha graded atroota Haa bulldlnB r trlctlon no shacka Haa 16-foot building- 11 n limit No stable within 60 reet of front or iota Don't bar to wait for car line to be - A Will soon bav double-track Una. . I In a rapidly growing- district ' Price of lota will more - than doubl In next year. - -- - : ' Size of lot 48x100 and 60x111 feet -' Price et lot $260 up. Term, $10 down and $10 per- month. , J. Frank Sorter B23 wAaomrcrTOar bt.. botx rxoB-E. Addition ' Largre lots, 1 block - from our tin; wide treet and allays; high, level aad cleared. , $10 caah, $6 month, . $160 and Ip Includes watraBlrta Call si our offlc right .- at - Tremont SUtlon, Mt . Bcott lln. and lot as show you then fin lot. Offlc open all day, Buy now, Tb lots sur to advano in value. " Pursie & Company BIS or ooxxaom. A NAR : 100x100 Quarter Block With 7-room house In excellent nalgh- borhood. but ha been neglected and ' allowed to run down, caa be bougbt for ea.ouu, m oociaoa oargam; wim an out ; lay of $150 to $200 thla should bring ,uuo or even io.hoo. ., , , ' x chance for aomeon wanting a bom to move rignt in, nx up ana clean up himaelf and make a good thing; 5 rouse can do ouut, one on tha corner. It will pay .you to investigate before Porter Addition 30lrCel Brace Duying.- jLrrop a cora to , . . 1 A. HOSEACK. 346K Stark St Apartment House Site TM Is. t; ? beat bargain on tb mar ; ket today, a full.tjuarter block aoutb of aiorriaon trot and cloae In. Bom In come. Inreetlgate and you will buy,' ;' r R. Fa BRVA1N -605 Chamber of Crnmeroe. Main 1983. ., -xxsgexeaiBjax Varren & Stater v ' Th Xvdlng meal BataU Broker a I, McV.Inavllle, Yamhill Coanty. Ortgoa Xtav Xany mole rams fog Writ XT tot Particular. nr Vi, -..f $350 Double Lot ,, On comity road betwee-r. Gray's Crossing and. Foster Kfmd, , $200 caah. Bu lance - terms. 9. St. SCZCaTEaU " 310 AUgky Bnlldlns;. - ' " , NETV TODAY. Seventh Street ' B-roorn house, am All lot. In One loca tion, went Ida. very hand v. Will Raima ft XAsmisoir. 17 A Morton Bid. Choice Lots Fin corner on Ankeny street not out, iovs9i; good Novation; etreet ail improved. Term. - yr- . . IT Ablngtoa Bid. WHEN AWAY FROM BOMB Ooolee af The liamml Ma fcn antalnaA the following cilia. .d town, ef Oregon. l an of the nlacea: IVLFaX, bVIDITTVIKAW a Vat ara WAIXA WALLA. WASHINOTOM Walla Walla ncatioaery Comaanyi Rocera-riotwall Coot- ruyt Hotel Decree Newa Stand; Valoa CKa taad: Cramil Nw (Vmhiii. . - . u,i i ...Hi -iiuiri ,.w taad. Ill, Hour a roorU atreet( Ceatral Newa Oa.t rnr,Wm Newa rVv BATTLB. WASHINOTON Ralaler read Hewa Mtaed! laiarwilmi Newe , Aeeec Newepaper Waama; Botal Seattle Kewa atandt Baatera Kewa fla. . . , AN D1BOO, CALIFORNIA A BM Kewe Ooa- pany, Newepaper Wat-oa. 8POKAHB. WASHINGTON Joha W. Orabaal 1 MiKiSntr.t',WVai''''y I aaaIri in TkhA aawsk aMarai "yriSfli"81 Biianru ana uure srreeie. irhth and mm . t, r Ansas city, MISSOURf Torn Few cata - , v.n.n Hr. f'ntna A nana Nn ru nnn.t rrni... Chicago, illikois p. o. ; New Oompaay, DENVER, Stand. COLORADO Onto - Depot Kewa LOS ANGELES, ' CAUrORNrA-Ajao New ' Connane. NearenaMr Wum. 4- . OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Amo News Oonr- Psny, Newspaper Wagon; Hale Newe Co. rwaimwr rpjrn i ri la nvwi v v, NCISt. CALIFORNIA N. Wheetler an tha New Company. Newepaper Wsgoo; Foster A t Orear. Ferry building; Jobnaaa Newe Oat- psny, ieri rwoore street; Amos daw ue., I SALT Lakb crTT. tTTAH BeeenreM A Ran PVatarsl mamaWatiai aoa. Newspaper Waroai O. U Dsrlea. Hotel Kenyan; Barrow Bra. 48 Wast Second street aonrh , r OODBN. UTAB-OraF New Oemaaay. Depot nwwm bub a. OMAHA, NBBRA8KA UQlard ' Betet Hew sraaa. NBW TORS' CTTT Arthur Hetaltaa. Bi neper Waaoaa. BORFOLK, A. Krug A Could. J WEATHER REPORT. Th north Padfle hlrh preeeur are bu mored aoutheastward to Utah, and fair weather coatlnoea eterraheie eat tha Pacific aiona The temperature has risen ta eaatern Wsahlng toa, Idaho, Montana aad Nerada. and aa fmat m TimTiii Hreported TenerTirthrough! eat Utah aad ColorsdoVand rUary froeta kare axtrtaaaapaiei it V.t aauHa la a. I a, - a. v j womn is Bortnern Hew iiexim. Oki.knm. I Kaaaaa. mnA ka Ikw.. ' n.. . i. or low pressure erer the MlsaiaaiODl Taller haa derelopen fate a storm which I now ceatral I e pner Uke region. Moderately heey V.UeV. and th, T7pe7 l. region; Cloodlneas Is Increasing fc thV AtUrrSo " Is muck colder In the Mlaalaaippl i,,, fro low. aoota to - Bare ISk Uen I the MlaslaslppI ralley. the! The mdicationa are for .n.r.n. c.t. 1 . ' . - . " I ia uiia uisinci tontgnt and Thursday, .... .y,. - Temp. a-' fV- t , HI. Precln. -vt awwajsai nu 62 1.64 I McliiAtt ,.'W 44 .48' 04 r 84 84 a- so : 84 62 68 42 82 42 48 68 .0 .7 .08 .0 .0 .0 JIO 0 .01 .0 .0 .04 ,.10 wm$l I sM..i .aa all N,w. "ork, New Xork.,,.; 82 I Omaha, Nebraska ......... 40 fblladelphla, Pennsylranla. 84 Portland, Oregon. v. ........ 7S St. Louis, Missouri....,,, 72 St. Paul, Minnesota.,...., 40 Sslt Lake. Utah........... 0 Saa Frsncisco. Callfamla. 72 Washington, D. O. ........ 84 .0 .0 .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Harry' Brran. 101 'West Park street- a, and Bather B. Crawford. 18. - Paul Brlgga Power. 28. and Mildred 8. Cum. talnga, SO. 7,." - ! t Samuel St. Brow. 47S Jeffereoa street. 98. and Freda A.' Hawkea. 18. a. P. Stanley, )16 Iron street, 22, and 011 v C. Slnmao, 20. . Chsrlea Ree Day, 182 Chapman street, 37, and Na M. MCAdams, 27. ' Cheater Orrin Kellog. 187 Seventeenth Street, 22, and Katherlns E. Hanner. 1. - James Johnson,- 48 Beat Third street, 21, and Antlouette Crass, 21., . Edlsoa MurrsU, 80, and Boa Adama.ll Wedding Card. W. O. Bmltb A Caw Wash ington bldg, cut ear Fourth and Washington eta. All kin da of plants for sale at 413 Vancouver are. prices reasonable. Phone Beat 6870. . Toaaeth A Co., flociata, kind. 128 Sixth St. , for flower ef all Clark Bros., Florist Fin flowers and floral assigns. 28 Morrison t - ' Fun drees suits for rent all els. Tailoring Co, 0 Stark at Uatqae WEDDING INVITATIONS Latest and best; $8 per iw. a. a. nivi ., laotfe mir at. BIRTHS BOUTS May 18,' to Mr. and Mrs. 8Ilaa S : Boots, a danahter. . BART May 14. to Mr. aad Mrs. James Michael Hart, a son. - , , P ALLA NT Msy , to Mr. aad Mr.. Raymond rauaui, a caugnier. . . . BARR April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank t uarr, a asm - MONNBR April f,-,' to Mr. and Mr. Frank Monner, son.: JACKBTTB May 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackette, eon. .1 BALVORSBN May 18, to Mr. and Mr. Grant O. slaivorsea, twin gn-ls. DEAT ZTTMATEB May 18, - George .Ettmayr,. 408 Sacramento street, dilation of heart wlm fatty degeneration.' . SUTHBRLAND May "14, ' Jane Sutherland, 68 - Locretla street, general debility. BROWN May 18, John Andrew Brown, 058 Everett street embolu of pnlroonsry artery, FUNERAL"TVOTICESr r. WHITB In this elty. May 14, 1907, Joha West f ley White, aged S3 years, 1 month and 7 '.'daye. Funeral will take place Thureday, May 10, at 2:80 e clocr, rrom erematarlum. 1 Friend Invited. UNDERTAKERS. DmrnlnB. McBntee A GUbaugh. ndertaker ahd embaimara; modern to every detay. Seventh nd f in. Mala mn uaoy aaaiatant. . Brickaoa TJadertaklng Co.. and. embalming, 40 Alder t , Phone Mai 61S5. Lady aaslstant J. P. Flalev A Bona. Third and Madison ata, Offlc of county coroner. . Phone Mala .- era. 278 RasaeU. Bast 1068. Lady assistant. A. B. Henwtoek. funeral director. Bast 13th and Umatilla. Phone Sellwood 71. Lady aastatast. Edward Bolman. ndertaker, 220 Third at. CEMETERIES. RIVER VIEW Single gravea, 810: family mta. Liuv m i,vuu. t io oniy cemetery u rorr ind which perpetosny maintains and cares for lots. - For full information, apply to W. R. Msekeatie, Worcester block, dty. W. U. Ladd. president ROUS CITY-Slngl graves, $10; family tote, . wmi to To. Buperlntendent et cemetery, rer- . her of Fremont St. and Cully road. Phone nttt v a, ... . ..... - mrj-a, mVK IV11 fill III lUailUD WUUlf IV Frank Scblegel. 02 Commercial blk. Phon Mala 2828 . REAL ESTATE. TRANSFERS, Msy B. Swigert to Charles B. and Leona m. wncox,' iota ' and 7. block l, BUMivlaloa ot tract K, M. Pattoa'a tract A4..aA.AJM..L..u,..aA.AeUA.. . $6 " REAL ESTATES TRANSFERS. Charles b. 'Bad Leon F. WUeoa to liana Oasbus Granville, lot T, block 1, subdivision of tract K in M. Patten's -tract Elisabeth Byer to Elisabeth L. Ashley, lo( and 6, Byar'4 addition..,......, . "., ,61) ' JO aH Elizabeth liyar to laora V. K. Basey, Jul a a ana o. Byer a solution. ... ,. alma 1. Drlsner. lot 4. block 20. , Council Creat faxk. ................. . William Q. ad 0. Maa Wsrtdel to Fred Melltcmi, lot T, Palatlna HUI......... Mary and R. B. Cahlll to B. E. Mene fee, lota 4 and o, block 12, Duon'e dllttoB Mli-roll Prsakenetela to Flora Marks, lot 1, block B. Tremont Flaw... Jam and Nellie Robertson to Fidelity Trnat com pan, south 63 1-8 feat of lot 9, block 4, Wilson's addition...... Beleaa and P. F, Jacobean to Marv A. Bates, lets 13 and 14. block 3, Beaa volr ,.,.......i... ' . 600 1.250 3,W far L. H. and Elisabeth Bala rich to Gnstav and Chrlstlaa Kubn, aoutb M feet of aat . of lot 8.. block 15, Alblna ciomesieau . ., ...,...... , B. H, and Aurora W. Bowman to Samuel - v, White, lot a, block 6, subdivision of lot 3, RlTeralde Uomeatead......... wr' fa m? B Oorraa to rraacea and 4. block la. " Paradlae Hnrlnaa tract...... 1500 Joaeph M. Bealr to Madorla 0. Jack- aoa. lota 13, 11. 14 and 15, block T, Colombia Helcbta - Komaa t'atbollc arcbblehop to Cbarlee L. Blcner, lot 104, aactloa I of A. Calrar cetDeterr i . W,D" " 7r..Y in kST I F- McOllnchey, lota 11 and 18. block I . Park. . ... .. ..v.... . ,j. . . . 290 I . u. nimrmm laiHtnn; jm M. v. n ii- lonirhhT, lot 18, block t4. A. L. Ulaefa . j adllllnat lot J, bhick 84, A. L. Mia- 1 ar a arfrfltlna! .In a hkwk M ctlwl 1 lot 11, block S. Term In oe addltloa; lot 14, block ' a. Termlnna addition; X lot 1 block J, Terminus sddltlon; a, Dioca city.... A. C. Bordlck (administrator) t Colom- ia valley Traet company, iota 47 ana 48, block 8, eubdlrlalott of Iota 13, 24. i - JtB. M ano zt. (JionhareB rara. ...... i to, 1 n. t. - and -jora at. nooen to w. bj. 300 William M. and Mary A. Ladd to B. U ' Plckard. lata 6 and , block 6. City tlew Park addition. 800 Moor lOTeatmetit company to Mary and k. a. Peterson, lot is, pioc no,, er-. 600 B. L. Bterene (sheriff) to A. Gra ham, lots 81. 84. 8 aad 40. block 11. 81, 84. Peninsular addition N. t. ............ 100 B. L. Stsrene (sheriff) to A. D. W1I- kmgbby, land commencing a-. center' line of Beat flerenteentb street ex tended and aooth line of Belmont street: alao kit 8. block 11. Xork : 10 Th Maeleey Estate company to O. W. , Oatea, 108x100 feet beginning at a. olnt ta west line of Ardmora arenae where aame la Intersected by the dlrld- Inc line between lots so and block 2. In amended slat of Ardmore. T.000 Robert W. aad Minnie C Wilson t SeenrttT Bsrlnea A Trusts company. lota and . block SOS. cltT..... 10 Charles N. Walker to Joseph O. Boas- ton, sot and T, block wit rorta. month ....v.... 2.500 Joha W. Gray to, Joseph 0. Hooaton. lota IS. IS and IT, block ST, Porto- ' mouth 1,000 : ) ?' " -; Heely tp I. O. Prleatly, let; IV. Bnci ao. , IWV riMl , u.liu.n. ...... i Virginia Wateon Blackburn at al. to Allle b. ruck, let a. dioci ml rugn- land Park 825 B. B. Holme to Mra. 8. K. Taylor, . lota 9 and 10, Block oo. renuisour . addition No, 4 228 850 W. B. and Bertha Oarher to Edward B. Langdoa. lot 4. block 15. Olencoe Park Jamee mcfd. aaa Kneuoy . noomsnai .to Adolph Rosin, northeast H -of eouto- H action I, townsnip s boom. rang 4 asst. 4,300 Moor. Inteatment company to Carl A. Wetther. lot 10. block 2. Vernon... - Kste Darla Jones et 1-' (trustee) to Beaaia B. Van , Wasaenhore, lot 18. 300 block 4. Kenllworth..... 226 Orerlook Land company to Ore Thomp- lota T and a, block 12; lot 12. block 19, uveriooa - Thomas H. and Josephine Reynolds to : Clarence H. Jones, west H of lot 1, block 41, Eaat Portland........ Arlets Land company to Christina Hets- enrlter, lot 8, block 14. Ina Park..... Moore Investment company to R. Nen- bauer. lot 18. block 37. Vrnon.,..(... Monro Inveatment ' company to L. T. Demorest, lota 8 aad 6, block 18, Ver- non .... v ... . . s'. ........... Ibex Land company to Security Savlnga A Trnat company. 6x100 feet eommenc ' tag at a point on eaat Un et Hood street 80 feet north of aoutbweet corner of block P, In Oaruthe addi tion to Carnttaer' addition....... School District No. 1 to Security Sav- lnga 'A Trust company, lota 1, 2. 8, 10, 11 and 13, block 66, Fulton Park., A. J. and Eva Eklb to Samuel J. Raf- fety. lota and T, block 1. Piedmont addition ...... .,J Fred B. and Mary Welle Strong to L. M. Rhodes, lot 6. block S, Creaton.... 3.250 3.600 !10 600 TOO 360 10 1,800 . 405 v. and Reo Hollar to William n. AlTord. lot 1. block 181. City 47,000 John P. Ksvansugh " (guardian) to Mar garet F. Hollars, art l, Dioca city; to Edith Stubbs the aoutb U of lot 3 In said block, and to Richard WUliama the north V of lot, 8, block 181....... For a b tracts, title Insurance or mortgage loans, call on Pacific Title A Trust eompany, 204 6-6-7 Falling bldg. ' Get' your hi an ranee and atetraeta re real estate from the. Title Guarantee A Trnat com pany, 840 Washington et, corner Second. NOTICES. PROPOSALS for Brick Asylum Wing. Salem. Or., May 18, 1807. Sealed proposals, indorsed e tha outetd of envelope, "Proposals for Brick Asylum Wing, Salem, Oregon." and :addreaaed to W. N. Oaten, clerk of Asylum Board, will be received at th executive of fice. State Capitol. Salem, oregoa, nntil 3 " o'clock o. m. of May 27. 1007. for furnish Ing materials and labor required to construct ..and complete i a brick asylum wing with f lumblng, hot water besting, gas and electric Ight, water and aewer connection, la strict . accordance with plana, specifications and In structions to bidders, which may be ex amined at the governor' office, Capitol building, and W. D. Pugb. Salem, Or, For . further information apply to W. D. Pugh, architect Salem, Or. W. N. OATEN8, " - : - . - Clerk. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. -: Notice Is hereby ' given that I have filed my final account aa administrator ef the estate of. Laura J. McQuald, deceased, la the above court, and aald court has act th same for hearing and settlement en Monday, the third day of June, 1907, at 8:80 a. m. All persons having objections to laid account ar required to present the same In said court on ar before aald date or be forever barred. '..";..-;.',,!'. - J- 0. McQUAID, Administrator of the Estate ef Laura J. McQuald,' lewad, BEWTON McOOY, ' - . ' . Attorney for Administrator. 'Doaala wIR be received by the board of public commis sioners of the atate of Oregon at the canltol building, Salem, Oregon, st the hour or 11 a. m., jnua 6, 1907,. for lighting tha capitol building, penitentiary. Insane asylum, reform . school, mute school and blind school at Salem, . Oreaoa, . with--aad Ineandeacent ' lamp. Information, specific tloua and blank pro posals may be obtained from the clerk of the board at the capitol trulldlor, Salem, Or, W. N. GATENS, Clerk of Board. THB partnership, consisting of J. Mi French end O. L. Chapel, known as the Eureka Lard Co., ha thla dst been dissolved by mutual i consent. The business of the Eureka Lard jCo. will be contained bjrl. M. French at the same place.. w , a Portland, Oregon. May 18, 1607. v-.'" .-' . - . J. M. FRENCH. . . - ' 0. L. CHAPEU MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION : KliIGKBOR Something Doing: BETTER COIffi v MEET ME. NHIGHBOB, ' .; r Tomorrow' Night, And .Every Thursday Night , ii ! In Our New Temple. ' 128 lltb at. WASHINGTON LODGE NO; 48, A, P. A A, MHtsted eoramnofca : ,tlon thla Wednesday) evening, . o'clock. Burkbard building.. Work , F. ' C. jjaigree- i Vlsltora heartily weleom. fc order W. M.- J. H. BJXBiJOND, Secretary. M W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 8,40(1, meets Wednesdsy evening, Allakyt Mdg Third and Horrlsoa sis. . , . . i If. W. A. Oregon Grspe Camp No, 6.976. Mo- 4ayr ITth aad atarshAll, JlUon wilaima, . - V Vr UHMV j . f CAMP a w.o.w. 1A?ST AND FOUm roCNI A place to bare katr mattreaaaa reao , Tated and returned aame dar . 828 front at. Main 4T4., Portland Curled Bait Factory. H. " Metarer, proprietor. (- roSTWhtt bnll terrier blteb pup eara re. centlf clipped; anawera to Mlek. Oreenley A Crawford, 204 Va Waetilnfton at.-; Phone JO LIBERAL reward If offered to party a eked op furn near William are. bib wan nbela ara. 1 r t ; , i-:-..p.i-.v"-.".-v.,' LOST Pointer dot, 1 year Old, Urn aad white I Fred Wagner,' 148 Third at.. . ino LOST A bank book aa Ladd A Tllton'a bank. no, ji'io. . r inoer return to aie uiwaa ' Jae. - Xonla. -j . .. 1 ' " 1,250 1 tOST JSorrel mare pony. Finder pteaaa call aiam oeun. 600 HELP WANTED MALE. 400 8001 WANTED Two lire yoanf mea of neat appear- anea and fair education to learn oia aoTerris Inf bnetneea; thla la aa excellent opportunity for a ceople of hoetlere. Answer at once by mall, statin ace, experience and salary ex-, peeled. Addreae R 187, care Journal. ; 10 I l FIRST elsaa fraternal' Inanrance solicitor for work n city, naiary to aina or woman wno caa fat tha . baalnees, and f oroteb recom snendatloaa. ...Inquire room 0C6 Commercial Duiiaina-. - . PACIFIC 8TATIONEBT A PBINTfN) CO. 20&-20T Second at. Phone Maht 21. We deelra and Install toe moat modern and itroprorerl office ayatemat eomplet line loose "leaf fUlav daelces. .-.-,. (... WANTED Rahwmeai many make 8100 to 8180 pr aaoniBl obi wrrm wmrwf "iwi cwia, p ivy ii n , m.i . , iv.. , im .vM. v,u cash sirs need weekly;, choice of territory. : Addreea Washington Nursery eompany, Top penlab. , Waehlngto. ' y -. MEN AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade In eight weeks; are ana tee ear from m to t25 weekly: expert Instructors: catalogue free, laler System of Collegee, 88 North Fourth t Portland. ', -h. r ;- ; ' ' I WANTED High Clara aalesms for choice tee- ritorhe; highest aommlssloB paid; ererythlag famished: cash adrsnced for exnenaea. A rare ooDortunlty. , Address. - aulck. Oregoa .' Nursery, Salem. Or. MEN aad Vtys wanted to learn plumbing plas tering, hrlckisying. elect rice I trades; tree catalogue: position secured. - Coyne Trade Schools, New Xork end Saa Franc lacs, i WB get work for ear members; special menv . oers, ga. x. sul, rearm aaa ximniii. WANTED Boy rrer 1S year to work I candy factory. Alden uaaoy oo.. lots aa uiuaa. , , WANTED At ence, ' first -class -, cartag painter. 104 Unloo are. . -. . WANTED Railroads reoulre mar helpi ear aradoatee ret 5 to 876 per moatht caa do . this for you. urego college, bo Uom wealth bldg. . : v -. BOTS wanted; factory work. Apply America ia uo toot lata sr. XOlTNG MEN Don't be aatlafled with a email salary, do aa thousands of others hare done. . let the international tjorreapondence seaooi i of Scrantoo explain bow yoar pay may be mereseed. . Local orrice oil Mcnay niag. BRIGHT young men wanted to learn telegraphy; pool t lone when competent. Oregon - umege. pan commonwealth Blflg. , . .... ,,r MEN at one for clerks or ear rrleret Portland P, 0.1 opportunity to advance. IWe pre- oar vou for examination. . Call or write Immedlatelv. , Padne State -Schoola. Mi Kay butldlag. dty. MUSICIANS for read; good pay. OaU at ZHBH least aixtn et. . COLLECTOR, to collect on 100 account, per- centage; must furnish references and boras and wagon., 402 Washington at. - ' BOT, 14 or 16, at Allen's Pre Clipping Bu reau; fim month.' lvv necon at. ROT. about 18 reara old. to deliver oackAgi and work ta store. Lion Clothing Co.. 188 Third st. '..; .. . 5 WANTED Me to 4 cord wood; $1.20 per cord. - Phone Bellwi 4W. I BOYS about IT or 18 year of age. reliable aad energetic ; Apply at one at oiaa, wort- man a King. ', v.--.i v. , BREAD baker wanted at Log Oabla Bakery, 114 Russell n. s . :,, ,.,i.v i i , - " i , PLUMBER for general work; eteady Job for sober man. Address J xsi, care journal. SAWTERSr,fDers, engineer and yardmen, mlll- .... . . 'I . n. V , rti. . wriguca ana woooanieii. vuajuuei-a, , : Flrat at. . -.. BARBER wanted, 60S Washington t. a good opportunity for non-union man. WANTED Boy about IS year old to work oa machine i. a. Toercn, isinia ana invw sua. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TOUNG LADIES TO LEARN TELEPHONE OPERAT ING; GOOD SALARY, SHORT HOURS, PAT WHILE LEARN ING; LUNCHEON SERVED FREE OF CHARGE AND LOUNG ING AND REST ROOMS IN ' CONNECTION. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TELEPHONE ; BLDG.. WEST PARK AND AL-., 4 DB 8T8. . ,- t '.:,-'..":''r' i.-c: EXPERIENCED OHOOOLATB , DIPPERS HIGHEST WAGES, 0B0R0B A, M'NEIL COMPANY, WHOLESALE CONrECTIONEBa, 110 N. FOURTH 8T NEAR GL.18AW. FIRST class fraternal Inanrance ooltdtor for work In city. Salary' to maa or woman who can get th business, ana rurnien recom mendation. , , Inquire raorn 60S Commercial building. '" ''-.'' 'Vi '; ,.- HANSEN'S LADIB8' AGENCY, 848 Wash ington at., corner Seventh, apstaire. Phone u.f. OnOO VMnaT. hln mlMl ... , .1 STRONG alrto for candy factory. George A. McNeil company, wholesale confectioners, J10 . North Fourth,: near uiisan. - . OIRM WANTED Operators to work oo shirts " and overall. Lesson given re inexperieuceo. Apply at Standard factory Ne. 8. Grand ave. -ana cast layior si. '. .. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory Me. a, urana are. aaa mat -znyior at, . WANTED Girl to work on hemming. Inquire FIta-WeU, factory, 75 First. ) s , GIRLS wanted; factory work. . Can CoM foot 14th at. - Apply American WANTED Girl for general housework; goad wagea; three la family. 088 Hawthorne ave. CAPABLE woman for noaltion of treat; aalary. promotion rapid If eatisfsctory. G 185, car Journal. . v - - - . X0UN0 Udlea . wanted to learn telegraphy; .positions st good wagea when competent. Sregon College" 608 CommoawesltH Wdg. , ! WANTED First-class waist finishers at once. 135 10th t , PLAIN and fancy - etsrehed clothe Ironera. . Apply Star Laundry Co.. Union ave. and East Ankeny at GIRL wanted for general houaework; four In family. 706 Loveloy at, : This maiter of rent- ing furnjshed roo'ms is' cither a 'very annoying and. unpleasant one-Tor, a very pleasant and profitable one. ' Your ability to "want adver- , tisef decides"; " ; ., . " HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A alrl for hooaeworkt email family of adults. 367 lOtb at. Phone Mala 0O2W. WANTEIV Two chambarmaida, 1 waltrea. Lin dell hotel. Market at., bet. Third and Fourth. GIRUH 16 to IT year of ate, who want manent place, apply at once at Old. WOft- Bias at nuii. who WANTED Skirt and dreeamakera, ale ppren . tlcee. 88 Waahlnfton at. . . ,- . ;. WANTBD Tounf Udy, t aaawer phone. , I V IUW Wtm Slie ' ( ' '"- ' WANTED Olrl to answer phone. The Reliable Baggage Transfer Co., 804 Ankeny at. i WANTED Olrl to aaalst In small boaaehold. Apply 40 MID at., near 10th, ... WANTED A houaeglrl. Call 620 Hoyt at. mornlnga. ..,..-. CaU WANTED Olrl to help with light ho see work. Pboae Mala S41. ,-r-. . . - HELP WANTED Colon Laundry company. GIRL, 14 or 18, at Allen' Free Clipping Bu reau, iw necona ex. JACKET and eklrt bands wanted at once; good permanent posltloa to competent and reliable people, i appiy. to uiaa, wortman ning. 01 RL for second Work. S3 King at. Phone Main 2611. 11 ' i i .ii ii. DININO-B00M girl wanted at Linda U botal. Market St., between Third an Fourth. 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 a WANTED Olrl 14 to 1 year of age to care for i-yaer-oia cmio. n. A. ueiiaemper, je nrat su " , -. . ,- - WANTED Flrst-elaa dressmakar, wltk refer - enceai excellent enenlaa to rieht neraon.i Addreea box hC McMlnnrtlm, Or. , WANTED Girl for general houaework. Good wages, , Pboo Mala 1240 r call 223 North :. Hat afc'-S .." WANTED, Immediately, neat respectable worn .an a houaekeeper, email family. In country. 2SOV4 lamhlU at. ; 'Mala 6418. SEVERAL experienced salesladies: hosiery, on . derwear, fancy goods: also girl for pattern 1 counter. Apply 1T1 Third at. (a-. ...',. -.. . , . . . . - .,, i , MALE AND FEMALE HELP. U. S. HEALTH A ACCIDENT INSCRANCB CO., 8aglo4W, Mich., sell , beat dollar par month policy a market; stock company. See Aldrlcb, wester manager. IMS , Marquam Agents wanted. - WANTED Ambition people to eaU at 182 Fifth at. and ktTaatlgate the opportunlUee open to them by a course of study with the inter national Crrreepoodsaee Schoola of Scrantoo)' no experiment; Indorsed &y tnoaean as. HELP wasted aad sunollsd. male or female. B. 0. Drake. 200 Washington at, Padfle 1870. STENJM RAPHEB8, both male aad female, good positions open with beet firms: -n charge. I Lsoerwooo Typewriter uo., as aixta at. .. MEN or women, part or all of their time, 8LM0 - to . laH Bixta et., room si. SITUATION WANTED 5IALE. . GOOD laoaneae laborer want steady lob on oggra railroad, sswmiu or rarm yara x - Kato, Poatofflce Bog 78, Independence, Or. TOUNG man from tb aat, 85 rear of ace. wlehea position with large retail or wholesale establishment; willing to start at bottom) not afraid or work. Addreea r 187, care Journal. I rKBUBi r;u gaaoiin maa - wwnea aresny employment at marine work : ha United Statea license; best, referencee. Address P 188, care JouruaL MA LB a arse; good reference. - Phone Main 6421. WtTTATION wanted a flrat-elaae lsandress. private family or hotel and restaurant tr hotel wal trees or chambermaid or housework.. Addreea M. K, 84 Couch at Phone Pacific MAN and wife (on child) want position, cook for small camp or farm, i Address a ion, car Journal. ; .:::" ,s-j'. . i) ii n .. ! FIRST-CLASS ehef cook, all sronnd, wishes I situation. Address B I8T, ear Journal, EMPLOYMENT 'AGENCIES. ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOB MEN. ':,. 38 North Second st. Phone Main 1636. -ORTI.AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. 205H Morrtso st. ....... Phone Paolfle 3 1 27 North Second at....... Phone Pacific 1300 1 vRED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a anecialty. 30 Noeth Second at . Phone Main 6290.,,. We pay all telegraph charge. a K." EMPLOYMENT OFFtC-77elp furnhihed free to employers. 22. N. 2d. Phone 8707. WANTED AGENTS. OKI hastier In eaoh towa or locality to handle medldoea or aoap; write quick; Ms rnone. B. M. Plummer. 800 Third t . AGENTS WANTED Can yon eeR goods? If .-o. w neeo you; complete outfit rree; cssn weekly. . Write for choice of territory. Capl- iai tity norsery uom psny, naiem, tir, - ', .WANTED TO RENT ' WANTED TO BENT Hooeee, eottare, flat. ; torse, ort ice, rooming-nous, eta. . iaad lords will do wen to call on - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. , Phone Ex. 72. H. B. Cor. 8d and Oak. WANTED To rest atall la privat barn. Phon Main aoa. . - WANTED J?EAL ESTATE. THOROUGHLY modern residence in HoOaday rare tor. aaie oy owner: iwiiuw, aet out to fruit and rosea, O. L, Ferris, room 20, Washington hldg. PURCHASERS of lota in South Harbor plat at Coo bayf will find it profitable to answer, giving address, number of lota and price. Address 6 18T, car Journal. - WEST PIEDMONT corner 100x100, on Ksrhy St., tor sale on liners i terms.1 . o. L. Ferns, room 20, Washington bldg. , . k BBSIDBNCB lot In Hollsdsy Park on Wsseol at; grading done, lawn made, eet to rose and fruit; street saieesments all paid, r G. L. Ferrla, room : 20 Washington bldg. ' ,- u,.v , v m.i,ni,ui ,i: iim. mi i , a WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Furniture and household good of every description nought, sold end exchanged. . - tb ,) rim si. wain oji. WE haul -dead horse and cattle free. ' Oregon , Fertlllrer Works, or notify CsrneyH Vetrl-1 nary, Fourth and Gllaaa ata. Main 1966. WANTED Snot cash paid for your furniture. etc. Prompt . attention always given. 894 Best Clay st Phase, Bast 1007. ;!,.r2r P.0"!0010 ' J!:9 JL.UU irBs-a. mm r.cmc oov. .. ... , ! CASH FOB ALL THB FURNITURB WB CAN GET. PORTLAND ; AUCTION ' BOOMS. , MAIN 6655. , WANTED Men east-off clothing snd shoes; " ,,,0.i"w' h,?0L1 Toir.,"hl?,,i..BilS.1,!r,t .P'' CJ? ,h,-olWlr " M Tnlrd. t'booe facinc lix.. -' .i.," :",.' WANTFD Furniture ' and household rmt, of tny kind. See, Johnson before yon cell, 1 33 I Union ave. foone nan 4l. - - I WE nay th hlgheat price for (eeond-hand clothing and hoea. See na at 71 North Third. WANTED -To ' know what brand Too drink. Try "Ardmore Coffee," for aale by Boyd Tea I FURNITURB AND : CLOTHING WANTED Highest cssn price psia. Fox m wNorth Third at. Pboae Main 211L A Brewer, 83 1 A It , , - I 1 ' WANTED To rent (mall noneeboat for saa son. ' nepiy e cara journal. , - . WOULD ,11k to buy roomlng bonael nangt be cheap for caah; state number ef rooms,-price and location, Addres D iOOtin Journal. . Wat will buy your household goods and guaran tee the beat prices, - Call or phone. S. J. and U Hunenstein, 170 Front et, opposite jiiuuuii uoiei. . racuiB AevA. .y .-' LOAN of $2,000 wanted on residence nronertv.i tmupn . .iT!na ; improvements, valuation I S OOO- will n. 9 u. .... , , W . . I $3,000; will pay per cent. Addtna X 186, car Jtmrnal...,,.';. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB TAMIULL. 8R1 Yamhill at., corner , West Park Nicely fornlahed rooms,, alne ! and e aulta; transient soiieiieo. r' THB) RICH ELI E0, 8S North Sixth at. (antly turnlahedl fteam neat oo - per - THB (TBAND, 45 H North Third at. Kooina "fit gentlemaa. per. week and P 0WBN APABTMBNTB, 880?4 Russell at. - - Two furnished apartment, eieo smiie rwu.., aonable. v : jf - '; . 800 THB WIOWAM. SS8U First at., la now p for -patronage. Mrs. Addle- Aeher. . NONB better, few so good; elegantly frrrnlihed - froirt suite. 87 week; single rooms, 84, 84.00, 5. Hotel Oxford, Blxw and us eta. NEWLT furnUhed front room, suitable for two; bath, gaei prlTSte family. Peooe Mala ' 4707. a 14U at . UNFURNISHED ROOMg.V LA SUITS f ( rooms, newly reaoTsted, ft Bet month. 4S0 Stephens at. ROOMS AND BOARD. I OOOD fresh eows, Darbam; gentle. Madlsoa at. ': . i 49 Bast ' FOR RENT nOUSEKEEPINQ.j 81.60 WEEK CP Lara, clean furnUhed boose keeping-rooms, Isunilry an bath, . 184 Sher i man at, aooth, Portland. ' f 1.8 WRIK l!P-daa Furnished housekeep ing-rooms, parlor, oath. laaniry, turoac peat. yard. utanpoa si. u .ear. . THB MITCH BLfy Honaekeeplng and transient rooms, reasonable, . Bereath and Flandera at. I IIOimEKEEPINO-ROOMS. kweat rates; electric . light and phone Included., 801ft Water St., HOtTSEKERPfNO rooms 8-mom aultea. ground floor. f2.o per week. 807 Beat oak at.. UNFURNISHED housekeeping-rooms; gas, bath and. pnon. , 9s2Va Hawthorne-ar., corner WANTED To rent two or three furnished housekeeping rooms; walking dlatance. In quire at 884 Third, corner Market. ' "" . ' FURNISHED bouaekeenrng-rooms, newly pa pered, with phone. 104 North 10th at. THREE unfurnished! bousekaenlng-rooma wMh pantry; eloaeta,. bath and llgbta, cloae In. : 284 Clay at. , . " ... 'u, ' TWO pleaaant hoonrkeeplng-rooms, clean, neat ly furnlelied; bath, phone, gas, furnace, pan- . try; reference. 086 Irrlng et. - TWO bright, cleaa front hoaeekeeplng-rooma. Bos joboaon au, near let. FOR RENT Two large furnished housekeeping rooms: bath aad gas. 24 North 17th at. . BOOM with us of parlor and kttchea to mar ried couple, 88; reference. . Addreae Q 184, . car Journal. ... -t. :' i ii 1 1 LA ROB furnlahed housekeeping and alngl rooms for rent, ground floor; cloae In. Tele : phone Main 400. - ' - FOR RENT HOUSES. . ( STRICTLY modern '6-rootn cottage. Bunaydd; 8200 down, . balance same as rent, A. P, Smith, owner, 018 Commercial blk. WB rent end sail pianos. . A Co. Sherman. Clay S-ROOM bouse, goo location, modera. 828, '. Phone Main 1410. I rOR RENT 4-room pottage Garfield v. Phone Eaat 208. $96 . BUTB a houseboat. Why not save rent 1 and wood-money T 242 Madlsoa. . T-ROOM house, walking distance.- near Haw thorne Park. $16, Hatfield A Smith, 166 ., rourth at. .-... ; , . f. FOR RKNTWNew 7 haa a lit If venlencea. Inquire 96 Bast (8th at. Pboo cast WBU.t ' FOR RENT FLATS FOB RENT fl -room flat, water furnlahed. 815 per month.- SOOVi Bast 84th at OaU at .206 Bast th-l;,)l; lll .iiiiiii'iii,,;' HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURB FOR SALE. FOR BENT 7-room boose; furniture for Bala. 807 Jeffereoa at; no agents. FURNITURB of 12-room house,- central, beat - location, lease; full of steady roomers. ror , particalara phone Pacific 997. No agents. FURNITURB of 9-room boas, full of roomer; low rent; only aaoo,. ana Third et. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. I LARGE office and deck room for rent. Beaver Real Estate A Investment Co., room 8 and 4, Odd Fellows' bldg. SMALL atore or ahop, 202 Fourth at., near Tay lor, inquire room ooo loamoer ot commerce. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. s. i-mw.'w i "w i"i-i , iii, i a 1 BALLROOM and todgeroom,' new, ' with all modern convenience, na carllne, . Phone Mala sue; Automatic ' A-iavo. y 6-R00M house and store for rent or for aale; rent zb: on canine; Monravuia a best Dual- nees , locatione Owner, , 807 , Commonwealth - niag. BAKERY in city of ever 6,000 inhabitants in the heartor the treat Columbia River . bssln, doing a caah business of over 850 epee oayi or ir a ouiraing, iron ironi; will Bell building, lot fixture, stock, two horse and ' wagons aad good will for less thsn cost; have got to aell on account of sickness. Here t a cnance ' tor oaaer to atep right Into aa , old-established business, . T. R. Imbrle, room it, ground iioor, unamosr or vommerc bldg. ' .. Acicpnone aiam Auoy,.'.,,' j FOR BALE Bakery or creamery . panel-top .waaun, irucap,- m ax nuesvu' sc. . ;.;; Restauraiit ' A Fin location on Sixth at.,- doing fin I boalness: a moner-msker and'oSy ! 700. THB VETERAN LAND CO, I iwa nira II. ; I t Bakery - Doing guaranteed hualnee of $178 weekly caau vunnirr iiaun. rem onir eio, long ICBUCl ,nap; price $1.760,, or , ;I11 trade for city THE VETERAN LAND CO, " ' ., , 165'A Third it. ' . f.B SALrrocern. nd feed store in good Valley' town, doing $2,000 a month. all Ion; will Invoice about . $4,0ti0t will sell at cost; will run stock down to suit. Addres i ee aas( juignui ac. norxn. I WILL rent Columbia . beech reeort for the season. see ma- waay, Hi Maulson at. : HERB IS A FINB BUT. - 66-room bouse, good new frame tmildhig, I L modern, doing big business, finest location ; , well furnished r building end furnishings to be sold tat a graat bargain. Let me tell yon about It " ' - A .tine country hotel, worth $5,000) $8,600 ;. taxes it; nau caan. P L. AUSTlrf A CO, -. 126-120 Ablngton bldg. BARBEB shop, modern, 8 Chairs; owner waving city, vuo A.umor uxenang. $4,600 BUTB half interest in bakery aad dairy. lunch. Ice cream parlor, etc.; we do our own , paaiDa, niivwuni n.wu Hmuviij two year' lease; $20 month rent- making j good money; gentleman or lady will do. Call J. from 10 to 12 o'clock a., n., apartment No. 0, 270 Seventh et -y.y--..--j-,.-. ..... SNAP for om man and wlfst grocery and confectionery atore doing good business. , In- quire t 40 Bast Seventh t, elty. y : ; B0OMING-H0USB for ala, 47 rooms; win tak 1 part real eatate in exchange. . 23H ; North Tblr et. : - I, -T - - - 00-ROOM hotel paying $800 per month above everv exnenee: the Isdy that runs tbla hotel It suffering on account of 111 health and la eompellfd teell; $4,000 will boy it, but the sale muet be made at once. Thta ta O. K. and will beer Investigation. Lafayette Realty Co 818V Washington at. .1. , , nifiAi. bstaxb ouaineaa . BMney-msker; , . . -. . ... I but moat sell st once. Msk me en of far: I atooa A, flk snai waaaingtoa to-set. ... -. .. .... . I BUSINESS CHANCr.l. of - le Ble - Cipr aid News Stand : Hak lis sa offer for the cigar and new tand at 101 Sixth St., corner of Stark. It para but tnust be sold. For particular tea . PISTE-MUELLER CO., ... ;---yj;. 008-5 Swatland, Bldf, ' inr - r 82.160. ... ' ' SO rooms on Wsahlngtoa St., ezeellent le eatlon; beautiful furniture; finest of velvet carpet. Thla place la clearing 8180 a mis soots ex penes, it yoa want aomeuiiof good -ee this, j; -.;, . r-. ; , . ,,w ' CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE, ' 88 Raleigh bid., Sixth and Washington at. " FOR SALE Carpet Cleaner, best, largest, most up to dst In the city; will stand fornicat ' snap ir Uke at ene. Addreae B 174, care Journal. , .. . SAVB MONET Anything ta printing see. Mid. den. Odd reiiows- Tempt, ruat as At ta.; pstalra. . - ... HAVB opening for parties, with email ar large capital, la heavy manufacturing enter prise, to establish to Portland : will stand closest Investigation. For particular ad dress D 188. care JoomaL . ... FOR SALB OR RENT A cood boteL trade.. Address J. Jay Cook, 1181 Oak at Halem, Or.-' . ts .; - t , . . , FOR SAIlB Reataarant and lunch counter m wssnmgmn St.; louse; gooa piace for two . fartnars; will stand strlcteet Inveetlgatkm; 760. Addr 0 IhO. car Journal, 'T ' - : : 18,600. ' 85 moms In new comer brick; modern: newly furnished throughout; one of th beet locations la tb city for transient; (2,000 will bandl it. " ,,. ...... . CROWN BUSINESS BXCHANGB. 88 Raleigh bldg., Sixth and Washington stt, A FINK opening! half tatereaf In an ol one ,f tha firm retiring; email capital re quired, tail room zv, zus star at. GROCERIES, provisions and hardware stock ' -. a, uui , A i . . . ... hiv, va.ow, ut lur'PHTj wiq trail vaisv- 11a bed; Cheap lease. - 8S Union STB., north. EMfLOTMKNT aad real estate builneee doing w per roomo; too mucn otner Dusinasat mast sell; 150 cash. North Third St. 14-ROOM boardlng-houae. good mcatton, doing ;.- fooo ousinesa; win wave city. inquire UHrenganit, so rara at. FOR 8; A LI Suburban drug store: snap, $1,000; ooing goou Dusinees; gooa reaeon for selling. Addreae U-1W. car Journal- ... IF YOU ara looking for a general xeerchandlse store with tx .(office and exoraae ittvi m connectloa, addreae D.. Macleay, Or. FOR SALE A meat market doing fine bnarne; alchneea cause of Bslllng. , 0. W. Tall, Care ton. Oregon. . 1878. 0 rooma, - nicely furnished la rood Iocs. thMf cleara $.10 above expenaes; cheep rent; thla must be sold at once; $2S0 cash; bal ance monthly,'.- CROWN BL'SINEiSS ' EXCHANGE, 88 Balrlgb bldg.. Sixth and Washington. A PARTNER I 14 ton boat, draft 11 Inch. D- D. Wood. 816 Williams ar. 18-BOOM bouse - 8-year leaae; t In heart ef city; rent $40 must go. 243 Madlaon. FOB BALK or trade for farm, country a tor near Portland; doing a good bttstneea. Ad dreea M 187, care Journal. FINB grocery, with 4 living rooms; rent $13 snoniB; gooa reason ror selling; invoice about 1 $1,300., Address D 184, care JonrnaL BARBERS. NOTICE Two-chair shop, very . cheap; must aU ea.eecouBt et sickness. 269 Fifth at. .'- ,i.,-. ?, , ...... BLACKSMITH chop for sale, . Including tool ano wmaing. a. reterson, aariow. Or. . 0008 BAT dre gators for aale, for particulars BBoresa nenry engstkB. MarahrielO. Or. 13-ROOM hour, close In, $nob. 12 rooma.' between Thir ana Wnmrtk Jeffereoa, $650. ... , . -ro iwui, on riicn, sirsT-aissn, f4,KBa, 28 room on Siskiyou, $1,800. 34 rooms, Bast Morrison at., $1,000. . , - Aad aome more aa good. HABBT BALL, 28 Raleigh hldg.. Sixth and Wash leg ton at. FOB SALBw-Mat market doing good business. auuui ai.uuv per montn. Addresa O 187. careJonrnat . .. , . , . . MILK hnslne la tb city; plenty of customers: i uai acre w tana; new Darn, miiK&onae; city !"-' amau uairy. vua aeauy ue.. u Commercial bldg. . v FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. - $2,250 8-ROOM house : with fruit and rose, , on East; 2S0 cash,: balance ' easy.-. $3,009 S-nom gew bnngalow, strictly mod ern and beautifully built. In ene of the finest suburbs of tt city; $800 cash; balance eaay. $2,760 7-room houae, bran new, fine plamb ,, .,, Ing, nice large fireplace, balcony, full V- - . lot, aoma fir tree; beautiful home; ' easy terms. - $2.600 7-room house, bar, lot 100x112; , : large fruit trees; grape arbor, ale- Sent shrubbery, fine rosea, summer ouse, covered with cllnihlng roses; - beautiful home; half caah. $4,600 7-room bra new, strictly modera . " house on corner Bast 22d t, 100x100; the cheapest place for the money la , "' , r the city; eaat and north front, room' for two more houses; eaay terms. $0503 lot on corner la Al nelgbborhoadi '. your terms. - . ... $370 Lot oa carllne - and - graveled road; . . asm aa rent. '' . R J. Stetnmctz & Co. Tb Home eller. -", .. 198 Morrison Bt GOOD UNTlIi MONDAY. 1 v , 3ah. As It most be sold br that time. a wa ' 0 Will tak It off tb market, -Three-room house, with full basement, JstyTT -. 60x100.. nloa, lawn and flowara: Bloa-rfST ... city water; price $1,000: $400 eaahf6aianc " - " 1 long time; three block Woodlawn ear coat , : , I sna we win anow you this. Odd FeUow' Bldg., First and Aider , aeon , . . . -. . . -SLJlfa "ftPI JSLl.ftt .f0J; i. , . " u ty ' e n....- . i. ... ' ... ' $1,400 Pretty cottage and ; lot 60x188; .Miuii .vim ioa una.. . $2,600 4-room house and ale lot near Union avenue. 1 . 83.600 West sMs: two cnttaa-e eat Olajr . gtreet: good Investment - ,i,oa-ro-room nouse ano? lot- 00x188, neaf Bnst Ankeny car barn.' , ' 85,000 11-room, bouse, lot 80x80; splendid Investment i ". .. -..... 6d.000.npantlfnl ' S.eooin hon mmm lot on Broadway. s, ... 16.500 Attractive 7-room hona In nrell realdance section, west side. :- wn t Dur your home or Invest your money until you Inspect our list. .",. ZIMMERMAN A VAUGHAW, Room 810 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washing- ARBOR LODGE BARGAINS. ' Nice homes, ana 8-room enttae. ewt bslance $15 per month; plenty of lots;- choice acre; best location; be wise; come quick. - W. . U raa A anaa T .A sa- aa snta. X . w. nusijaiiwi laWUHff sla&4Vla BJU rfODIkl CeaX Phone Woodlawn 120. , . .. , OWNER wants offer for a nice lot. -Arlet I'ark ; moat sell at once. H 200, Journal. BAST MORRISON ST. 8-room modei4vkona owner going to - the coast; aruing. aiaiB iuu. Ml BLOCK with 40x40 new modern bona. . will sell each quarter separately; good car service; houae new and modern k-,n. aupervisloa of owner; beautifully -lecsted-fine fiw of mottntaln and rfrer. Main 1942.' SOjWO BUXS new modern 8-room heme, 75-foot ra m irTingmn, one block from carllne: an eonvenlema modern. Main 1942. . . . . 4-ROOM brand new modera cottage In Braoklvnf . nw at Ann- ir .k . T . "iwaijni ,r?'1.. S?1!?, S" ? ohBs,-4 block ," ? """""" ".ol lerma. i Ohio Realty Oo.,. 408 Commercial bid. LOTS in "Fortune Place," near the Willamette boulevard and Peninsular Ldmben flsT mlllaf Instaumenta., Ohio, Realty CoV 3ommere al , bldg. v . , .7, . uoiaxnfen yxiSArwooo ouye new 4-room . .. . n. A. T cottage la Ldureiwooo rara; fine fence - na tana. Cben wnr, fala 689a. - uiw. ,sw. X