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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
T 110 Mil Agents for the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Walking: Skirls A. good sale i lot 'Vyednesd'ay; 62 Skirts in the .lot, come ' in fancy checks, ') striped patterns and mixtures, nd sell regularly for up to $7.50 each; (JC special, Wednesday ..$UVD -Walking Skirts The suit ' salon, rortlaml's largest and best style store, of fers smart, snappy styles in Women's Walking Skirts, worth to $7.50 each; special . fro fiC for Wednesday .....,$? J ACROSS IVATER .Steel Magnate and Actress Bride .r. l.f ,1.11,1.., , ,, A. Human , Beast Steals Sixteen- Year-CId Girl and Carries Hor Away to Forest. FIFTH STREET . -, on Way to - Europe for : WASHINGTON STREET SIXTH STREET -. ;ij Their Honeymopn. COREV'S START . h - , . ., ............ .. . . ' , . I! r 'yMYXimmed;:sMtl GROOM" CROWS ANGRY. V: 7 ; AT SICT lOFv CAMERAS Threatens to Efreak Machines in the 11 Hand ot Reporters, bat is Calmed bj "Sponse and Finally- Wishes ' Good Lock to All New York. . iionrul JlnMlal Itenrlce.V . New York, May 14. For a brief period Of tiro this morning It looked as though a storm . of wrath- was to be the un suspicious beginning of the honeymoon of William Kill Corey, president of the United States St eel corporation, and. Ma belle Oilman, the actress, who- were mar m rled at the Hotel Gotham shortly after midnight Corey, who far monthvhaa been ' harassed by ' photographers and newspaper men, at the pier this morning t became enraged and declared he would break their cameras If they did not ce- .. Slat' , v ... ' ;wr;.-, , ',.: Ing that her husband was fast ulna all control of himself. Mrs. Corey reatralned him and soon had him In1 a good humor.- Bo happy was the .steel magnate after his little fit of anger bad passed that he genially declared to ths reporters: "I wish you, and all New York, the pesi oi JUCS." (''. ':...v-v'',-r-. Elaborate planning was not In Tain In .the Corey-Gllman wedding and the en tire ceremony passed' without a hitch. The 'wedding supper was served before the ceremony, as had been announced, anQ the couple were united In marriage be fore an altar in the double salon of ths royal suite."- - ': " - : Leaving the Hotel Gotham at an early hour this morning the bridal party was driven to the pier from whence' the Coreys set sail ' for Europe for their honeymoon at' 7 o'clock this morning.' ' Those who attended the wedding were; Mrs. Jeanette Oilman, - mother of i the bride; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Thomas " of MeKeesport, Pa., brother-in-law and sister of the bride: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peck of Gloversvllle, N. T.; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Corey, father and mother of the groom, Braddock, PS.; - Mr. and MraAA.-.-. Corey Jr. of .Donore, Va- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stanley; R'fga of New York, brotber-ln-law and sister of the' groom; Miss Francis Erskine Bhaw f London; Judge -and' Mrs. Elbert H. lray of New York,Mr. and Mrs. Alva Dinkey of Pittsburg,' James Gaylor of New Tork,, Alfred Carr of New York, Charles W. Baker of New York. VT. BJ CLARA KERSCHER FOUND - IN DYING CONDITION Fisherman : Hears Groans, and Dis- 1 covers Child While She la Breath ing Her Last on Floor of Dirty Hovel in the Woods, v ' r'i ,"", 0 TOtT ttOTB your br.byT ' You wonder why he cries. Buy a botvle ofwhite's Cream Vermi fuge and he will never cry. Moat babies have' worms, and the mothers don't know It White s Cream Vermifuge rids the child of worms and cleans out Its system In a pleasant way. Every moth- 'er should keep, a bottle of this-medicine in the house. With it, feat need never enter her mind. Prlos 25a Bold by all druggists, ' s " - Suits Trousers tt1 $20 m 1 U to (Josraal Kpedst Berries.) ' Munich. May II. Bavarian police and the peasants around Aiterhof, a village near here, are - scouring the - woods In search' of an individual believed to be "wild man." He Is charged with an atroolou crime ending In the murder of Clara "Kerscher, , the ls-year-old daughter of a peasant. . . Two weeks ago Clara left Aer home 10 miles away to . visit- relatives at Aiterhof. She was to stay with them for several weeks and so her parents were not uneasy , when they did not bear from her. ; Prospecting for fish on a lake In ths midst of a forest near Aiterhof the other day a fisherman heard ' groans, He Investigated and - discovered they came from a rude hut concealed In dense undergrowth on the shore of the lake. He forced his way through the reeds and entered the but There he found a girl clad only in a single gar ment She was In a dying condition from want exposure . and ; 111 , treat ment '" rr ! s ' '" -X ' -' - Before she died she managed to tell the fisherman her tale. She was Clara Kerscher. Ten days before, when pass ing through the , forest at dusk, . ahe suddenly encountered a man. ' She at first took him for a wild beast. He wore no clothes, but was enveloped In long and shaggy hair. :' Ths i man over powered her and carried her In hia arms to the hut : For a long time she was unconscious. ,Tbs "wild man" visited her, but gavs her no food and she was too exhausted to help herself. She bad lain ten days without food, warmth or ciotbing. - l ; .- , Police have watched the hut but the "wild man" has not revisited It He Is described as resembling a gorilla, and it was at. first. thought one might have escaped from the Munich soo. Th- po lice and peasants In the man hunt are determined to km or capture the brute. I I I .'!"i! IX. II ia --rsT' aam."T.1VvV4 vC7, 'r&. , Hals That Will Sel the Millinery Styles for the MS Season for Haiti Value No Reserve. . Every Trimmed Hat in our entire stock goes for half price Wednesday. A' sweeping sale that takes in hundreds of pretty Hats, in the most authentic styles. Milan chip, horse hair, Tuscan and Java braids, trimmed with flowers, feath ers, ribbon, etc.? Hats that are per fect gems of style, and marked originally at a price less than mod est, on sale Wednesday at . , . . . ... .HALF PRICE This is truly a splendid sale; there are plenty of Shoes, they are all good styles, they are. the kind 4.1 a. t!i. s . i l i - r:.. a! m. . u umi in, u we uavc experx anov xuicra uiai wui , ; see to it that you get the right shoe for your fooL About 1,500 pairs ih the lot that we place on sale for Wednesday, high Shoes or Oxfords,' just the right lasts and weight for this ; summer s wear, come in patent leather, velour and gunmetal calf; lace; or button styles; and have; light ;."or-heavy soles. You'll readily agree with us that they are as good as any $3.50 shoes; and you'll fn ........ &L,.OU ' ' ... .' f ind them, on sale at, the pair Men's Shoes, in many different styles and lasts, and. all leathers ; lace or button styies, a shape for everv foot, arid auoerb dualities that have anM teemtariv (nr nn tn. J nn (,. if . r them are discontinued lines of the' famous 'Florshiem make. ho vatuea vm will t aa a find it impossible to duplicate; spedal price, the pair MoCormick of New . York. Oeorsra M. Woolsey of New York, p. O.' Kerr of Pittsburg, Lieutenant-Commander Cle land Davis' U. B. N.: Frank Maver of rauaaeipiua, Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett Mehan of New York, and J, H. Slocum, r. jorey secreury. , r:: CAREER . OiPlEEmCOGSWEU To Cthe Coast In Forty-Six' and Dies at Ninety-Three Ro- ' THERE'S ONE THING EVERY PATRON OF THIS TAILOR SHOP IS SURE OF And;' that is absolute satis faction No man who ever had a suit 'jnade by the Co- lbia Woolen Mills Co. ever had reasonable ground for complaint for it's one of our hard and fast .rules never to deliver a faulty gar- ment or to allow a patron to' express dissatisfaction- with out taking heed,' righting any-romji-micorrecting , any error. If a man carries, away hard 'feeling; it's,-all his own fault. ' , . A - garment . tailored Co lumbia, wayr very seldom falls short of the high stand ard we setbut' if it does we're not the -sort of fellows unwilling to acknowledge it. No, sir.: A square deal, to every man, every time, is , the policy here. , v . . ' Columbia tailoring. will please any mart who admires artistic ' . .clothing; -our methods will sat isfy; and Columbia tailoring; ' Will save you money. " '" , OQSM GRANT, PHEGLEY, Manager, Elks' Bldg, Seventh and Stark. mantle Courtship. r Here's a Fine Towel on Sale al Only 12c Each Fringed Towels, soft and absorbent, and of good size ; Towel thatsells regularly for 75c the dozen ; very special t?A at ...................... ...................t.. Hemmed Huck Towels, with colored borders ; a fine big Towel, 16x34-inch size ; a wonderful value at 10c each ; , - O special Wednesday . . Viik. ; ;x . ,. . OC Linen Huck Towels, with red or white fancy Jac'quard bor der, 18x36 inches; . 1 o 22c value .IOC r 4 . . . . I t Extra Large Heavy Huck Towels, all white; n I -worth 15c ; special ... . 1 &2C All Linen Huck Towels, size 19x40 , inches, nicely hem stitched; regularly worth 35c value; special, . b each; special OC Wednesday ItfC at ZI)C Heavy Huck Tdweis, large size and well hemmed; a regular 12c quality; just forty dozen at this special price. 1 A"' each, only ............................................ 1UL Fancy Tacquard Huck Towels, iyx3y-inch size; a splendid 25c Large Size Huck Towels 20x40 inches, nicely hemstitched, and a splendid 15c value; while they last, ' " 1 ol Wednesday, each . ... . .... , .... . . v. ... .V.;. . .... ; 1 C2C Huck Towels, with; fancy open work i borderl a; 'grekti special Wednesday at,'i iK OA: each, only. ;. .r;.Zi7C '"' - ' 'X.'" i'v:-''". Fringed Damask Towels, with ancy colored borders? a spe cial worth-while:; y 0 1 1 each, only ..' . . ..I awl C Irish Linen Crash Toweling, a very good quality, that sells regularly at 20c th yard ; spe cial for this one day, 4 r the yard. . . , . .i, . . . . . .; 1 OC ; Soiled Napkins and Table cloths, selling Wednesday at great reductions. ; 1 Front Lacing Models in Bon Ton Royal Worcester Corsets The Bon Ton front lacing model forms the correct dress foundation for all closely fitted gowns. The length of waist, height of bust , andV smooth .1 back, combine with a perfectly rounded hip, assures to the smart dresser the right lines and contour desired for swagger gowns. They are made from white coutil. Come in and Let Our Corset-fitters Show You These Women 's Lisle Vests 12c Very pretty ( Vests, ; lace lisle, daintily trimmed and finished, and( regular 25c qualities ; low neck, Sleeveless style; a broken line, so we selllihem for less than half; 25c grade, Wedriesf- 1 1 Women's Lisle Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless style, in the knee length ; . the regular price of these suits is $1,25, but the' special '-.V i'Vi iyJ price. is only;..;'..f.'v.vil.'", '..' OC Merode Union Suits,' low, neck, sleeveless styles knee length and lace trimmed; a splen- $1 E?A did garment ; priced at ,. . . . . : 0 1 e 0 U Merode Vests for Women, low neck, sleeveless style, or high neck with short sleeves; also the high neck and long : a 1 sleeved style; priced a75 and ....................;,jUC Merode Tights, in ankle or Merode Tights, knee length, knee length; priced rA lace trimmed, for AA at 75s and Z ... 0C 75s and ... . . .. . . . 5 1 .Ull house Cleaning Helps Liquid Veneer, makes old. fur- J Gregloo, for removing grease niture look, like new, has no I spots and stains from carpets; equal for removing scratches, in bottles, at 10, rA 25tand DUC Lawn Mowers, a special . sale this week. A 12-inch Mower ' for S2.60 : a 14-inch one for $2.75, and a 16-inch one m" v i a auvaa . vu V wa 75, and a 16-inch(fo A A works wonders in brightening up a carpet, in cans at rA 25s and 5Uc Samples Free. Jap a Lac, for all sorts' of paint ing and refinishing:' Can be used for dozens of articles for iron work or wood work. WS1C " (Bpeclal Ottoatch' t The 7oarnaLl Eugene, Or., May 14-John Cogswell, one of the oldest rssluents , of Lane county, and a pioneer of 2846, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Idaho KL Campbell, In Eugene yesterday at noon,, after a long Illness, at the aire of JJ years. He was born at Holly, New Torkv- and In boyhood came west with fats parents to Michigan, and to thla coaat In 1845. staying In California one year, ana coming on to Oregon in 1847. He took up a donation land claim several miles northeast of Eugene, and until his death owned the farm. Up to P eared hale and hearty, and was down Commands Mother tO Dash Boil- town - every day greeting his . many friends. When he finally began to fall In health he went 'down rapidly, ' and for several weeks previous to his death ths physicians could give no hopes for ius recovery. The deceased waa married to Miss Mary Gay, whom he met for a moment In an emigrant train on the plains dur ing one of his three horseback trips to ine eastern states ' rrom Oregon. On his return he sought far and wide until he found and won her. To them aiht children were bom, W whom four are now living ana were at his bedside- at tne time or his death. They are: Bol iver Cogswell of Muddy, Unn county. Mrs. xoano vv uampneu ot Eugene. Mrs. B. : H. ' Ingham - of Portland and Mrs. ueorge M. Miller , or Eugene. , IS FED TO DOGS ing Water Over Her In f ant, and Is Scalded. WOMAN'S QUICK WIT IS ' V MEANS OF SAVING XIFE Angry Peasants Fall Upon Xnnatic, and After Hacking Hiin to Pieces, Throw Hia B9djr to'tho Beasts In the Street. T(f SELL GOVERNMENT aaal Boeelal Serrlee.) nt Ptmhurr. May IS. Her tiny TIMBER IN PflRTI AMn baby boy waa the only solace of the widow or - ivan ruvn. """"e h.nut m Brlansk. Her husband had been killed, perhaps by a. Japanese bul let, nerhaps flogged to death by his superiors. The - boy was born aXter ths father had bencjedway th nther night there came to the window of her lonely nui me tap oi pilgrim. The widow aamiiiea m ma m.n who narrled his arm. In a sling. He waa cold and hungry and at his request teh. hunt nn a Mi tire In the stove and placed on top of It a huge pot or water. - . ., ' Rnnn th - water boiled and the pll i .kkui her to bring her washtub to the atove. Then he commanaea nr to undress' her baby and place him in the tub and then dath the pot of boU- inr water over hlnr. .. Thm mother at first was daaed. 'When th mil srrlm declared that the gods de- WMAkrfVaj rra nrriTirai twr amr uiuv aaui. New Tancouver, BC.lh nereeived that he waa a maniac. f BMCiai uuoarca ta tk Jn.n.1 . "i ; una aiso , naticea wmv . uw - Vancouver. B.1. C' Mav ' wir..l vith a knife and the hatchet. Phoenix Iron works of Seattle will es-j The womajri followed Instructions. She tablish a large foundry .and machine I placed her boy In "the washtub took a snops in Vancouver, An investment of pan and fined it witn tne noiung waier, 1200,009 will, be made at once bv that But she -threw this zuu -in ine pu jAmv4M -y.:. iiy. . v... . Je. a A. a. .IaA Vi (Waihlagtoa Bantas of The Jaantl) Washington. May 14. The reolama. turn service is endeavoring to secure purchasers . lor S a ;v large auantitv of Standing timber Immediately-, aurround- mg lakes cieaium, Kachess and Keech elua, all In IUtUtas county, Washing ton,' This timber Is now occunrlna tanas wmcn wui oe sunmerged. when the storage dam which the reclamation service is ulldlng at the outlets of the above named lakes are completed, and sealed proposals will bo received at the office in Portland, Oregon, until Sepeem- oer i zor its purcnase. .; :. Tha contract will Involve about IS.- uuv.uvv reev a. n. ot merchantable tim bar, v2.000 telephone poles and - 10,000 railroad ties. Purchasers will be given ij years wmcn to remove the tim ber, t Dr. Carroll of' Vancouver: Dead. . (BoMlal Dlsoatcb te The Journal.) - Vanronvr.' Vt. C... Mat 14n T i Carroll, a pioneer physician of Van cour and one of the wealthiest 'men in British Columbia, ' died-, last night tie naa neen railing ror some time, - S0Z0D0NT CLEANSES AND BEAUTIFIES TEETH grlm's face, seised her son and fled out lnta the night, shrieking ror-neip. Neighbors snatched their natcnets and scythes and ran to her assistance. Quickly she .told .her story. , entering the hut the Vielghbors,, found that the pilgrim had been terribly burned but was feebly trying to- escape;- 'VThey took him outside. In a few minutes he was - hacked to pieces and 1 the pieces thrown to ths dogs. " - DICK SEES NO HOPE' .? FOR PEACE M OHIO ' (Journal Bntelal Service. 1 Akron, O., . May 14. Abandoning all hope of political peace-In Ohio, - United fitates Senator Charles Dick has issued a statement calling off the proposed con ference of the Republican leaders which was to have been held at Columbus May 18. . . , Senator Dick says that the purpose of the meeting was misunderstood by some and misinterpreted .wilfully by others and that It la apparent that party harmony could not result from It, there fore he had postponed it indefinitely. NATIONAL OBSERVANCE BAPTIST ANNIVERSARIES ' . (Journal Special Setviee.) Washington, May ; 14. The national celebration of the Baptist anniversaries waa begun today In the Calvary Baptist church of this city, prominent Baptists from all over the country being present The anniversary of the Missionary union was held today. ' Tomorrow ths general meeting will begin, to be fol lowed In turn by the anniversary 'meet ings of the Publication society and. the Home Mission society. ... i - The southern Baptist convention Is to assemble In Richmond next Thursday, At the close of the northern and south ern meetings delegates from- both amo tions will go to Jamestown where In the convention hall of the axposltlon will be held tha second meeting of the general convention .of the ' Basnsts of norm America. .Tne meeting will have five sections, covering iwo days. LARGE NEW SAWMILL r-flUNNING ATPRESC0TT l- (Special Dbpatefe te The Joeraat.t ' Rainier, Or.. May 14. A sawmill or a capacity, of 100,000 feet every 10 hours haa ust been completed and put In op eration at Preacatt, a point on tha Co lumbia between Ooble and Rainier. The Beaver Iiumber company. Edward X. Prescatt president is the Owner of the new mill, .which Mr.-'Prescott says Is one of the most modern and complete qn the Pacific coaat As soon as help can be secured it is Intended to operate the- plant aay and night. ' i FATHER MURDERS IIS SOU'S BRIDE Madly Infatuated With Pretty Girl and Commits Double Murder When Rebuffed. (Joaraal Bpecbl Berries.) lags of Romenflno la situated the farm ot tha Rlbblnls. Carlo of that name was a young- and lusty farmer, pros. perous and good looking, with him iyed hia aged father, Lulgi. a few lays 'ago that" young farmer, married a pretty girl of the district. The bridal fete lasted three days. Old Luigi took part In all the merry-making, the dano- Ing. and drinking. He suddenly con ceived a violent passion for the pretty brldSU He made advances to her, which were repulsed. But the oia man's in fatuation grew. He beoame mora In sistent .When spiritedly rebuffed by the youthful wife he seised 'a long butcher knife and stabbed her. . Her husband rushed to her aid' from.' ths neia in response to ner -screams, as he entered tacked him WMTfte! bride and groom . ; clasped In each tuner arm ua w uwb umi-.'.i The - murderer fled to tha . tfuibuUd- j lng.' He, barricaded himaeif in a. barn. tempts to capture hlm.'The'arablneers who had been summoned -ad to take the bulldlnf- by assault before, they were aMe' to' make 'tha old man thels prisoner, f' - 1 "''' Fort Stevens Officers Transferred (Soccial' BIsMteh : to The Joahatl 'Astoria,. Or May-JU- Advloea have -esponse to aer .creams, . as 1" th room J his fattier at a, also stabbing liim.4 - :. etabrtTWve' the -"found WW "Coin' FisHin'" Jimmy's happy nowi and getting fat. Ilka Johnny, since his mother Is careful to supply him with good health-giving, -Table Queen bread. He'a at last having - a chance to make a man of himself, which ha is doing so fast his mother can hardly keep him in clothes. He and Johnny are going Ashing, with a whole string of Royal doughnuts, delicious Table Queen bread and butter and Jam for lunch. 8je next Xoaoay what tha boys are doing. ook for the word "Boya!" im pressed la the bottom of tha loat. ; ALL GROCERS 1 i (? saMHmHBSaMBaaaSB Highest QuautyBread been 'received here from Wasbinsrton. D. XTh&f orders have been issued by the war ' department i transferring Captain Bishop of Tort Stevens to the Eighteenth field battery " at Havana, Cuba, and transferrinc Lieutenant Canfleld, also of Fort Stevens, to Fort Rosecrans, San Diego. , California; The officers will leave for" their new stations early next week. . IBobh : v.4.r.l- The Best Scooting Soap WU&t A Sconrioo; Soup ' 11-; . A MetaJ Poltsr X Glass Cleaner ' NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 0E MANUFACTURERS MEET ' tJcmnul SdccUI Serrteei) t New Tork, . May 14. -No more Impor tant, catherlnar of men of business has ever neen neia in America uian mai which wUl assemble in this city next week on the occasion of the twelfth an nual convention of the National Asso ciation of Manufacturers. It promises to be not only the largest assembly of Its kind ever held, but the most prac tical, it will be composed of men rep resenting every braneht of Industry, as well aa every section of the country. The association alms to , develop all American Industries to the highest point and to widen tha scope of Ameri can trade with other natlona. The speakers expected to make the ohlef addresses' during the business eetlngs - and- at lh banauet - the closing of the convention are: Speaker Cannon of tha house, Senator Uolllver lows, eecretanr of Commerce and Labor Btraua, Admiral Sigsbee, General Bell and Judge Prouty of tha Interstate commerce commission. The addresses and discussions will re late to bankruptcy, child labor, consular reform. Immigration," industrial educa tion. Interstate commerce. .merchant ma rine, patents atifl patent lnv-4, rostni af. fairs, pure food and tiri:; i rocty. 15b Portland PORTLAND ' ORXOONL tU&OPXAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS Everrthlnv to. aa anil Iri.h ... : It eosts no mora In the Portlawf Hotel Ratb.lceH.r than elsewhere h the eity. Every weekday night from : to jl sr. a sowxu, isa aa. STRIKE OF SAILORS VI THE EMPRESS OF cm: (Specll Dlptfli to Tf)' Jmrn,I Vancouver, it. C. .m . i , sailors of the Kmprex f r- on strike this morning 1 - ' receiving $25 ana r, i crense of $.. As a r of the stcamfr f -r seas uii.u may 1 -! To ,