The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 14, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Quarref Between Coupla Irreconcilable Husband ' Hifed Notori-
ous Ex-Convict to Manufacture Evidence Against His 4
r . Wife to Procure a Divorce.
time ' arrestedon as many different
charges, is understood to. have offered
to produce for Howard Gouu w
mtmv aaralnst his own wife. -, W,
Hawley began his action It was on Ht
face merely for breach of contract, but,
JthouKh : his lawyer were unwilling
to embody his statements la their com
plaint, he really egea that he was to
get money to prove that Mr. Gould
had a.' husband living at top time she
married Mr. Qould. Axne cnarga was -selutely
falsa, Mr. Gould astute law
reft DeI9yvNl?on 'advised Sa client
to have nothingto do with Hawley .
When Mrs. Oould was informed of the
length to which her husband was said
to hare on in his bitterness against
her, ahs herself .decided to fight, and
If the suit in courf which now seems
InevlUble is begun. It will be a cele
brated case. I The exact nature f th
cause of action will not b dlsolosed Un
til the summons Is served.- . - -
A close friend of Mrs. Gould said to
day that the public war be shocked by
tha suit to be begun In a few day. ,.
,'.-'W A- Kleaaderstood womaa. ;1 j
Mrs Gould Is at the 8t Regis and
positively refuse to make any state
ment . Every, Inquiry at the Waldorf
Astoria, where Howard Gould Is living,
finds Mr. Gould a inaccessible as his
wife ta at th other hotel, ,
Mr. Gould did not know her friend
mad th statement, but so close is this
friend that h apeak for -Mr. Gould
In many matters, ;
jf rnvtv in Mara or more." said th lady,
-. inward Gould ha been one of
th misunderstood women In th world.
of the opinion that any old plank is good
enough. , .
Lightahip No, Fifty Towed Back to
';, ! Position Off lUrer,'"'-'
' fRiuMil VHetV f Th Jnarnal.1
. ' Astoria, Or., May 14. Lightship No,
SO, .which parted, her moorings during
storm last week and wa .brought
for-repairs, was towed to her position
off the bar thi morning" Ber; new
master J Captain Matt M. Brander.and
ah is now manned by almost a nw
CreW., ' " '-' K. r vvy.:'.::; -ft ,7:- '. i '
Captain. Brander wa ehlef officer
under Captain Harrl mart, who resigned,
and he will probably be given the com
mand of the lightship permanently
. 1 (Joarnal Special PerTlce.) -
New York, May 13. Friend of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Gould learned with
regret today that their eight month of
separation had at last reached uch a
Stage of bitterness that all hope of rec
onciliation is lost and she will soon
begin an action against him. ..' :v
Those who know the Goulds express
sorrow that their, romance should end
in tragedy. .
Mrs. Gould' friends say that when
all tha circumstances are known it will
be seen that her husband haa 'forced
' EnaoBhot of lin. Howard Oould In Her Automobile.
her to take th aggressive In a family I When the whole story of their mamea
quarrel which his own action mad Ir
reconcilable. 'v,V .',"
: .Th thing that decided Mr. Oould
that peace waa Impossible was th fil
ing of th suit of "Blg-BlU" .Hawley
against Howard Gould for breach of
contract for 1250,000. , The publlo un
derstands this Action only In & general
way, but In Mrs. Gould's mind It sug
gested a willingness on th part of her
husband to 'rata- 1im.ft-&&:ttvt
; , Hawley,, one of the .. most, notorious
criminal in the world, having been T
life U told in the courts, particularly
that part of It that has been enacted
in tha past two years, it will be seen
to be a moat remarkable tragedy. Many
part of it seem to te almost beyond a
woman' endurance. ..
i "Th facta concerning th ault are In
themselves a chapter Of Mr. Gould's Ufa
that h probably would be glad to erase,
and Mrs. Qould, because of tha love she
one bor for him, tried to ave him
from being publicly pointed out for
what he 1 until she knew ha wa will
ing to bring out her destruction." ,,
a duplicate of th steamer Pleiades,
which was her some week ago and
took a cargo of lumbar to San Fran
claco. Both steamer are owned on the
sound. ,:. I'i'-'Jf'; ;.v-.
It is believed that large Quantities of
wheat will be ahpp4 south if bottoms
can be secured, a there is a strong
demand for wheat in the neighboring,
state. Th demand for lumber contin
ues - strong, but railroad ; tie are en
croaching heavily upon the apace here
tofore devoted to building material, be
cause the railroads are making exten
sive improvement ,: throughout . the
south. - The Southern Paclflo has Just
purchased a cargo of heavy bridge tlm
bera for delivery at Oakland. They
are being placed on board the steam
schooner Kedondo, which arrived in the
harbor yesterday afternoon under char
ter to the railroad company. S?very bit
of her apace wilt be devoted to lumber
and she will possibly return for a sec
ond cargo a soon a th on now going
Bister Ship rth6'Pieiaqe, which on board ha been laid down at. it dee
- . - ;. . '...-ai.rt ':.iT ' I unauon,.-' h t 'vf
took uargo or ijomDer from liere several a!ling Vessels arrtved at th
various mills along the river this morn
i Ing to load lumber for California.' The
liar full Uarzo OI lllidee XlmDer. 1 lour-masxea scnooner expansion, a.p
lain nuaun, wnw mj uis ouu ui iuo
Chartered to Load Lumber and
Wheat at This Port for ,
; ' , California.
to California Southern Pacific
- Th American, steamer Hyade wa
fchartered this morning to carry a eargo
of lumber from this port to California.
Eh will be base soon aa possible from
tha orient, where aha 1 now , deliver
ing a cargo from Puget .sound. Bhe is
Portland Lumber, company, to load ties.
She berthed directly astern : of the
steam schooner - ISxoelslor; which- will
be ready to start for San Francisco In a
couple - of days with her third lumber
i cargo since purchased by the mill peo
ple for the lumber trade out of thi
; '.Here's? another good
;thing which! goes inf
pairs-. ' . ,
t We make a special
display this week.
Here's ari opening for
any man to step into.
how shoes .will have
the call. If you are par
ticular call here'n . . ,
,Vici kid,:patent
leather and' russet calf. 1
-:- ... . ft,'-.. t.. -A ' - ' '
f- '-iV' . ' --'-y; -vk-'1 ;' ' .I"i.'ij.;:"-:i"lE-"
lien's and Boys' Outfitters.
1C3 and id Third St." -
Off icon and Crew of the Nlcomedla
Hare Exciting Time.
Great consternation reigned on board
of tha Portland ft Aslatlo liner Nlco-
medla yesterday afternoon at th flour
I mill when it became feared that one of
th coolie crew had deserted. Officers
and crew, Immigration inspectors and
custom-house officials ran peU-jnali In
k 1 - .. ... ... ' . A .... . . . .
nopes 01 nnaing a trace 01 ins missing
maJU-but he had not left a much as a
footprint on: the soft, mud -flats' tbat
surround th' roilL '
Of course he had not left any Jfoot-.
prints. ' The reason for this was very
simple when once discovered, and It
took on of th Chinese stoker to solve
tha mytery. 4 ;Tha toker- accidentally
had to go into tha deepest depths of ,th
hold last nlght. and he nearly took
fit upon- discovering- that home on wa
Dtowlinar about In the 4ark. lnvestiga-1
tlon Droved that It was the ship' car
penter Tor wnora everybody was searcn
Inff In th belief that he had deserted.
The carpenter had lost hi bearing In
tha dark, and hoping to soon 'find hi
way out, continued huntlnr" o.uiUy .for
the. exit H admitted, however, being
on the verge or giving vent to n is reel
ing of lonesomeness- with , a wild
wild shriek, had his friend, the stoker,
not stumbled on to hi path when he
cargo when they stay with th vessel in
port, Otherwise longshoreman are , n
gaged to do th work. Thi morning
work was commenced on th Expansion
by the officer and a couple of helper
because no arrangements had been made I Alesia, from orient,
with, th longshoremen sine it waa
supposed that possibly the crew would
remain, and an hour or so elapsed be
fore ther could b summoned.
Captain Whaldron repotahaving had
a fin trip from Ban I'edro. it took is
day to make the run because, light
wind prevailed everywhere axoepting
near the mouth of th Columbia river,
where it blew pretty hard from th
south. The schooner waa outside two
day and led a float bf eight vessels
over the bar Bun day morning.1
Vessel in Harbor Ignore Ordinance
. ,r for Safety of Men. ,
Despite the fact that'an ordinance
provides that ships in th 'harbor should
have net suspended beneath the gang-1
plank, nearly every vessel now her 1
violating the ordinance. Of several ves
sels vi Ml ia una niormnf umjr-vn nsa
a net under the plank and th net in
that particular case waa practically use
less. ? ' r :";.Ti; f 'r.'y ;-,i :.
Several sailor havs lost their' Uvea
here in? recent years because -te net
ordinance haa been violated and yet the
same careless manner of f sticking out"
a plank continues in " vogusv Harbor-1
master Speier says he will sea to it that
nets are provided." Borne aklppers seem
The steam schooner Kedondo," Cap
tain Bendergard, la loading at I ha mill
of the Eastern Western Lumber
eomnanv. :
The German steamer - Eva flnisnea
loading wheat for China last night and
win coal this arternoon. one wut proo
ahlr laava down this evsnlnsj.
- Th Norwegian steamer Norman Isles
Is still at th coal bunkers, nui win in
all probability laav down thi fter-
noon--v.vcr':--...''--', ,
The aasollna schooner Berwick I ex
pected to sail for Rogue River this af
ternoon. She ha a cargo i general
merchandlsa.',;v ''"- w
The government anagboat Hathloma
is belnar hauled out on th way at
supplea boatyard for repairs. Th
dredg.Columbla on th port of Port
land Is on tha dryooc. ror repairs.
Th steamer Oeo. W. Eiosr arrive
from Baa PedrA And Way POTt thi
mornlnf. v "-:: ;'.V"J' yf'
Astoria, Vt 14. Outalde at a. to.
barkentln John Bmlth, from Ban
Pedro,--- " ' -, 1
San FrajBclsco. ' Mav : 14-Arriveo,
steamer Roanoke, from Portland. :
Astoria. May II. Arrived at ii noon.
schooner Lettltla, from Ban Francisco.
Balled at 1:10 p. m bark Alden Basse,
for San Pedro.' Baited at p. W.,
British steataer KlrklMl at 1:40 p. m.,
5 Russian steamer Bolenga, both for
i Shanghai and way porta. Arrived at
' . . n . Iff . PM..
from San Pedro and way ports. Arrived
down at p. m4 steamer Caaoad.
Hamburg. ' Slay It. French . bark
Martha Roux. for Portland, was dam '
aged by oolllslon; plat atovod inj willt
be surveyed. '
' Valparaiso. May 11. Arrived. BriUsh
htp Brodick Castle, from Portland.
San Pedro, May it. failed, schooner
Kokomls, for Columbia river. 1
Hongkong, May 14. Sailed May 10.
German steamer,, Numantla, for . Port
land. - v '
Tsingtau, May 14, Arrived April It.
Norwegian steamer Tnyra, from Port-
; Tientsin, May 14-Arrived May t,
British ateamer Aytnarlo, from Portland.-'
r ;. - .
San. Francisco, May-It. Sailed, Brit
ish steamer Strathyr, for Portland.
Arrived, steamer Costa Rica, from Port
land. ((: .-V '-, - J,
Astoria, May 14. CondlUon of the bar
at I a. tn., smooth; wind north. 10 mile;
weather, clear. Tides at Astoria today
High water, 1:11 a. tnw .T feet: l:4t
p. . feet Low water, 0:11 a. m.,
0.1 fet; $.Z p. nv i t feet
ji';.;-V',VH.:--''M'.f-''''.';i' '' , .', t ' 1
' Ksgvlar liaars Saa is Arrive, .
O. W. Elder, from St a Pedro and way,. Kay M
Casta Rica, from San rTSBCisoo. ..May IS
Alliance, from Coos hay ..............May 1
T. A. Ellbaro, from Ban Fraa. aad way-May 9
Colnrobla, frpm San Francla-o May S3
Roanoke, frum San Padre aad war ...... Mar SI
Nnmantia, from orient... ........,.... .May SS
Arabia, from orient. ............... ....Jan M
.Jaly H
' ' Kernlar Lhwrs te Oaaart.
AUUaea, tor Ooos bay.... ...... ........Hay 14
Mcomedla, for orient. Hay 15
O. W. Elder, for San Pedro and war... .Ma Id
Columbia, for Saa Francises .......May II
Costa Rtea. for Saa Francisco... ....... .May 11
P. A. Kllborn. lor Baa Fraa. and way.. May tl
noanose, i or hi rearo ana way.. ...... Hay yi
Numantla, for orient.. .................7nM
Arabia, for orient.,..,,., .June 1
Alesla, for orient........ ..Jsly FT
t - vsassis m Fort. ; a
J. Marhoffer, Am. str t Willamette I. Was.
nayonna, rr. sn.. at Irving dock.
Dlmsdale, Br. bk, at Astoria. .' : 1
. Wlcbtlet, Ft. ba., at AstorU.
Yola, Br. sb., at Eleratar dock.
Jordanhlll. Br. bkv at B. A W. mflU. ., r
Normal Isles, Mor. str., at coal bnnkars.
Bra, Oer. str at coal bunkers.
Eclipse, Am. tr at Bt. Helena.
Zlnlta, Br. bk., at Greenwich dock.
Tellns, Ger. bk4 at Columbia No. L
Melrose, Am. scb., at Kalama.
J. M. Griffith, Am, bktn., at Lmstoa.
Tottenham, Br. str., at B. W. mills,' -
Polaris, Am. scb., at Vanconrer.
Nloomedla, Ger, str., at floor mills,
' Btrathelyde, Br. str., at Rainier.
, Berwick, Am. gas str., at Conch street. ,
' Columbia, Am. str., at Stella.
Washington, Am. barse, at AstnrUT "
, Qnlnault, Am. str.. at E. A W, mUla,
' Bintram, Am. b at Stella.
Smith Bay. Am. str at rural.
Alliance, -Am. str., at Coach atrset. , ;
' Redondol Am. str., it 19, V, mills,. .
Whang Ho, Chlnaaa Junk,-at Astoria. y v
' John Palmer, Am. bktn., at Kalama.
. Excelsior, Am. str1., at Portland Lambs Co.
Eipanslon, Am. sen., at Portland Lombat Ca
'Alrena, Am. sch at Ooble. ' .
James Rolnh. Am. ach.. at Weatnert."
Emily Reed, Am. stj;, at' Astoria. , , .
Agate, Am. u, ii vanooorar. v .....
William Olsen. Am. ach., at Astsrl. ,
pVraonal Lnowledm U tho winning facto In tK culminating content of thi
compotiavo age and whan of ample character it place It fortunata possessor ta
th. front rank, of of vM.
A vast fond of personal tnowledg I reaHy cuontiiil to th acjuownatnt el
1m highest ezcenenc in uy fieU of noman oifoft. . : '" .
' ; A KnowUdg) pi Forms.. KnowUdf of Tiinetlotis nd
Knowlodg Of Product, ar all cl the utmost iraloo and in qnestlon of
Lf and heakh when true and wholesome remedy is desired h should be remem.
fcered that Syrup of Fig and Elixir of Senna, manufactured bf the California Fig
Syrup Co, i an ethical product which has met with the approval of the most em.
tnent physician and give universal satisfaction, because it i a remedy of
j ; Known Quality. Known Ezdollonoo and Known Com
ponont Parts and ha won tha valuable patronage of million of tha Wall
Informed of the world, who knew of theli own personal knowledge and from
actual ua that it 1 th first and beat of family laxative, for which W oxtra-;.
Vagant or unreasonable claims are made, ,.
ThU valuable temedf hat been lonf and favorably
known under th nam) el-Syrup ciRgr-and has attained to
worloVwidexptatMMthemostexceJlentfamflylaiatrr Ae
b pure laxative principle, obtained from Senna, are wefl known
to physician and th Well Informed of the world to be the
Utt w hav adopted th mora elaborate name of Syrup of
' Fig and Elixir of Senna e mere fully descriptive of
the remedy, but doubtlessly ft will alway be called
v fot by theahorte name of Syrup of Fig and to get
. i.- I CJ-t & If.. .L.m mrm- vketn Tin rr KuirMV. .
u y VV the fuB'tiama of tha Coinparr California fig
whether yon call lor Syrup etj-iga
or by the full name Syrup of Figt
and Elixir of Senna. ; .
1 3
w , . . : 1 .. ., ,,. 1 .. .... t.. .r .. .. -kvi
n DigwrUng Slament Left Out,
r ' ,
Makawell. Am, bktn., at Aatorla.
r.. . . n . , i -.j. , 1 .
ai Aiaaworta wnart.
Columbia. Am. Str.
W. a Porter, Am. str M at Llnotoa.
Arryll, Am, tr., at Porramooth. , -
LeUHa. Am. sea., at Astoria. '
Oeo. w. Elder,, Am. str., at Martta' dock. :
, Lamber Carriers Xa Keate,
S. F. Whitney, Am. bk, Makawali.
Elwell, Am, eh., Saa Pedro.
Ullebonna, An. scb., Manila. '. , v " " '
tncllle, Am. ah., Baa Frsnclsco.
Mabel Gale, Am. scb.; San Francises.
B.trlersr. Am. bkt.. Ban Franclwo. -Aurora,
Am. bktn., Bsa Frandsco.
John Smith, Am. bktn., San Padre. . ''
Btnta Ana, Am. str., Saa Francisco.' '.
W. R. Home, Am. sen., Ban Pedra.
Mnrlel, Am. scb. Baa Francisco.
J. B. Stetson, Am. str., San Francises, J '
Tfrerton.Am.-atr., Ban Francises, ' :
Pslsy Freamaa, Am. str., Baa Fraactso. '
Irene, Am. sen., San Francisco.
Vlrclnta. Am.:, ach- Baa Frandsea. ' , ,
Churchill. Am. ach.. Baa FranclaooNt .
Kins Crnu, Am. sch,' Ban Psdro.
sailors .quit schooner
Entire Crew of the Expansion Takes
' Vacation. , ' .
Ilardly had . the .cbooner Ex'parialon
ma4e her lines fast at the wharf of the
Portland Lumber company -. thi morn
ing before her - entire crew-, jumped
aanoro an waveo an ariectionaie aooa
Ion th on craft,! which I mor than the
verae, iar , cares- to staaa.. xor
customary anions; ssHor. men to quit
everytlm 'they reach port and alsTn oh
I another vessel. ' Tlic ilk variety.
it U Bfi to Jtte tft .is to fcajiil tM
Bread dyspepsia it eommon, It affect
th bow! because -white bread Is near
ly all atarch, and starch is digested in
the Intestines, not in Ahe stomach prop
er. ' Up undr the shell of tha wheat
berry nature haa provided a enrtous de
posit -which : la . turned ' . into '. diastase
when It .Is subjected to th saliva and
to the pancreatic Juice In the human
mis diastase is . absolutely necessary
to digest starch and turn It into grape
sugar,, wkioh I the next form; but that
part of the wheat berry make dark
flour and the modern ' miller cannot
readily sell dark flour, so nature's val
uable, digester is thrown out and " the
human system' must handle the starch
aa beat It can, without the help that
nature intended. - . -
; SmaUX wonder that appendicitis pert.
tonltlaL MiiatlMflna mrA nil asirta rt
trouble,' exist, when w go so o6ntrairfverr""rr-g SijSf1"''
to nature law. The rood experts that
perfected. Grape-Nuts ' food,' . knowing
these fact, made use, in their expert
ments, of the entire wheat and barley,
including all' the parts, and subjected
them , to moisture, and long- continued
warmth, which allows time - and the
proper . conditions tor developing the
diastase, Outside of th human body."
In thi way the starchy part la trans
formed into grape sugar in a perfectly
natural manner. Without the use of
chemicals or an outside ingredients.
The little sparkling crystals of .grape
sugar . can be seen-on the -pieces of
Grape-Nuts. This food therefore is nat
urally oredlgested and Its use in rlace
of bread will quicxiy- correct the trou
hies that have been brought about by
the too free us of starch in the food,
- Thysictan aad V. 8. Pur Food Inspector will not buy, drink or recom
mend adulterated or spurious Imitation whiskies. They KNOW that the only
safeguard they or the public bare Is to buy a whiskey tbat complies with th
National puj Tood Law and "Bottling in Bond Act. ., -
The Pure Food
undoubtedly obey both of these federal Law. Every bottle of Bunny Broor.
Rye or Bourbon is bottled under the direct supervision of the V. B. REvF.NUEJ
OFFICERS, who affix over the neck of every bottle the Government "OREEN
BTAMP." guaranteeing AOB, PURITY and QUANTITY.-
Of the hundreds of samples analyzed by the North Dakota Pur Food Depart
ment Chemists acknowledged to be the mont rigid in the U. S.eUNNY
BROOK wa the ONLY whiskey found NORMAL. . , ,
: BLUMAUER A BOCH, Portland', Oregon, Dlatribntort.
bye to -.Captain':: Whaldron and his twolnd that Js very common in-iha
I officers. The tars had made two trtmfl race today. - s " ' '
The effect or eating orape-Nuts jo
days r." two weeks,, and the discontin
uance of ordinary whit bread, is very
mamed. Tne user wut gain rapiaiy ini
strength and physical and mental
health, "Iher' a Baon,, ,
Abble, Am. achV Baa. ftsaclseo.
Za Boats With Oamaat aad Oeaeral,
Bncclaaeh, Br. ah., Hambnrg.
Brenn, rr. ca., hou.
Conway Castle, Br. bk Aatwer.
DalKoaar, Br. sh, Bamborg,.
Rnrooe. Fr bk.. Antwero, '
GeaatleTe Molinos, Fr. bk., Loadoa. '
Laennee, rr. aa., bwansea. . y
U PiUer;, Fr. bk Loodm. - ...
Martha Boux, Fr. bkH Hamtmrg,
Mosamblqoe, Br. ah., Newcastle, B,
Samoa, Br. bk., Shields. ;
fllam. Oer. ah. London. '
Socoa. Fr. sh, UaweaaUa, A , ,
Vlneennea, Fr.' bk., 31row.
Mareehael Tnrrene, Fx. bk., Bsmberg,
Vllle da Mulbonae, Ft. bk., Antwerp, .
Ouethsry,. Vti bk Antwerp, ; , , ; ; ,
PlerM lotl; Ft.- bk., Aotwarp.
Walden A6bey,-B. 7 an.. Ant warp. . - .
Oleneanlln, Dr. sb Antwerp. . '
Versailles, Fr. bk Lelth.
General d BokKleffre. Fr. hk. teadon. , ,
General de Negrler, 9r. bk., London, ' '
i - ' .Coal Skips Ea Bout.
Belea; Fr. 'bir..Keweatle, A. 1 " ' "
Col. de VHlebois Marentl. FT. bk., WswcastlsA.
Clarerdon, Br. b Newcastle, As ,
.WUlaoott. Am. bkM Jwcaaua, A. -
Tram Steamers Za aotrts.
Ascot, Br. stru Buenos Arras. ' '
Byadfard. Br, tr Ba FraBclses, r -Croaan
Mara, Jap. str;, Japan.
African Monarch. Br. str- Baa Francises.
Hercules, Nor. str., Muroraa.
Stratbyre, ' Br. tr., San Francises, , .
Tallns, Not. rtr- Saa Franctaaa,
ark, Nor. str. Baa Francisco,
laorl Klnf, Br. str., Bhanaiial. . ;
Knlsht Temnlar. Br. atr.. orient.. , -.
Henrlk Ibsan. Nor str.. Saa Francises.
tuae AJaiaadxa, bt, str., aiadxaa, .
Is approved by a vrlder circle of bread eatefa thari' any
other ,one kind baked in Portlandr " - A .
' ( Popular because of its superior goodness, '
Stents .
per loaf
' A A
(V ? ..ikiJj. L
At all
'Ask for Butter-Nut and refuse) a substitute. Look for
' ' 'the label on every loat,
Kallbla, Br. str., tan Francises. ,: , :
Manaha Mars, Jap, str., Salinas Croa. , ' .
Byadss, Am. str., orient.
00 Oarrier Za Beats. '
Mararlck,' Am. atr., Saa Francisco. - '
- (Special Dispatch, to Tbs Joornal.) '
Pendleton, Or( May K. A unknown
Insane man 49 years of age wa brought
to thi city Jast night He wa found
on th waaiungxon Columbia Kiver
railway track near thi city, shrieking
and terrifying people, y It took four men
to hold him. It cannot be learned
where he la front, or. who, h ia. , He
either fell front tne train and wa hurt
or wa beaten by hobo. . ,
(Special Dlisatelk to th JonrnaLl .
'Pendleton, Or.," May 14. The funeral
of Jess C. Kurriv 15 years old, who
accidentally shot himself yesterday near
this city with a 23-callber rifle, will, be
held today, , .
w Brickyard at lThltd Salmon. n
(Special Dispatch to Tha Journal) ,
Hood River. Or- May . 14. Owlor to
the high price of lumber and the great
demand for building material at Whit
Salmon 'and Blngen, a brickyard has
been stabllshd at the former place
with, a capacity of 8,000 brick a day.
The yard la now in operation, and It is
expected to make 1,000,000 brick during
the eomlnf eaaon, ,
Interior Decorations
Can be applied by anyone,
at a very slight cost Made
in 24 colors. Ask to set our
. color combinations, at '
. a1',- , . . '","''.-, -f'',y. -t
tijt Taavonoo's rzAonra commoiai .
Jtora, coaiAnmra tot boohs.
The St. James
naioir it. a th rcss as?T
:'0;4:fi aur niacmuio.'&',:;:yi;
:';'.;.'V;4Awav' . egga,' Mgr. v? .
Is situated la the heart of th bnslness die
or let. Moders aad handsomely furnished. Prt
rate hatha, talepbooes la every room. Sample
noma for trarellne man. Rates from 110 ta
M OO. European plan. Aceesalbls to all depots.
Bltnated la the heart of tbe shopping and bust
bees district. CJoss to tbe theatres.
ni siAvxxrvxi nv,
Hotel "Key Route fnnM
22nd Street and h Broadway
Bunny' rooms, private baths, long-dla-
tanoe reiepnones, compressea air clean
large lobby, cafe a la carte with
na and service. unaumaseaA. , Vot
rates, etc., address , v
, -N. 8. MULLAN. Manaeer.'
Formerly Assistant Manager Talac.
Hotel, Ban Francisco..
Single rooms or ea suite. Klerator, steam 'Jv
encas.. Strictly irst-class, COBenlut to sbop-
iNne owuier.. vn ain-ci jiae rrom rerry ana '
Third end Townaend depot Rates 11 n.
sua sius si. near vaa yeas arsooe. '
& . OANTER. Mar.
out of ;bia;pr
' fear greeer ratsrai rw, money tt ye seat 1
llkilti ire ear him.." ' ' .'.
The lumber induatrir is amwlna, tn "
Klamath county, on mill cuts 10.00
feet a day. . .1 ...... . . ,