The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 14, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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;;elso sexg
Bessie Kflore Sulked Sunday,
' i Left Her Home and Now -'
' ; Cannot De Found..
Kelao, WmIi, May, 14. Searching
parties arc out looking tor Bessie Kll
gore. who ran away from homo Sunday
about noon and has not been seen since.
JBhe la about It years old She became
angry over sqme trivial matter - and
sulked over It all the morning. About
noon she refused to answer the call of
her mother and went toward town, i The
mother did not follow, thinking It bet
ter to let her get over her mood. When
ana. did not return In the evening In
qulrlea were made and the search be
gan. .: n : 4- ; , Y
Dr. Bird traced the girl to a point
near Castle Rock, but lost all -trace of
her about three Quarters of a mile
short of that place. He continued the
search for It miles beyond Castle Rock,
but found no further clue.- Her parents
are frantio with" apprehension, as the
In la of a peoullar temperament, and
her perverse determination , may lead
ner into grave dangers, ', ;,.
dasoc ..sipft co:es
m. im fro:.i old lie
Professor Horner of O." A. C Re
ceives Emblem From Wood
. ,; stock Push Club.
(SmcUI Dispatch t The JoaraaLI '
Salem. Or.. May 14. Amona the artl
' eles - of Incorporation' filed yesterday
with' the secretary 'of state, were ,the
, ., louowmg: . . .: :' ;
The Springfield Banking company
incorporators, Alton Hampton, John
Hampton, rrank N. MoAlister and I H.
' Porter; capital stock, $10,00; head
. quarters, Springfield, Lane county. ,
The Daniel Land company; Incorpor
ators, a. D. Toung, M. O. Munly and 8,
; a S. Jackson; capital, stock, 110,000;
, main office, Portland.
- The Myrtle Creek "Water, Light . eV
1 Milling oompany; Incorporators, C. O.
- .White, T. A. Sheridan and A. M. Kel
. say; capital stock, 120,000.
:... The Oregon Produce company; inoor
s; poretors, C Q. Hemenway,. W. A- Kuy-
r ksnoail ana V. U. Hemenway; main of
'. v fce, Eugene.- '
r The Spalding Bros.. Lumber company;
I Incorporators, William Spalding, Fran
T els Spalding, Francis J. Spalding; capi
tal stock, 110,000;. main of ilea. Grants
FfcasV .." ' : :;..,; :.;V:v ,
- The Hampton Bros, company; lncor
porators, Alton Hampton, John Hamp-
ton, Frank N. Mc Alls ter and Iy H. Por
r ter; capital stock, $10,000; main office,
: Springfield, Lane county.
. The Sheridan Lumber' company has
;. Increased Its capital . stock to. from
$100,000 to $150,000. Its main office
Is at Sheridan, Yamhill county.
; ' Probe Cotton Rate. '
(tarsal gpdal Servlee.
. Washington, D. C. May 14. The In-
terstate commerce commission today
heard arguments of attorneys for the
If Interested railroads in the case Involv
ing an alleged agreement between .the
roads and the Sues and Pacific steanv
hip lines to maintain exorbitant rates
, on cotton fabrics from southern ports
to the Orienti .Attorneys for the roads
- declare that they " were . not represented,
at the. meeting -when such rates were
.. agreed upon, but admit that certain
men who represented' steamship Unas
in -the -conference ajlsd" represented the
k i Great Northern. Northern .pacifta, 'Union
Pacific, Canadian Pacific and, Houston
A .Texas Central roads. - -.
ADelal Dispatch te Tb JoaraaL)
. Corvallis, Or.,. May 14. The rush
club of Woodstock has just sent Pro
fessor Horner "Of the Oregon Agricul
tural college a fine Ziasonle pin. This
Is the way It came about: ' 't
In a recent lecture before the olub,
the professor related the story of meet
ing a native Egyptian on the Nile last
August, who was wearing the Maaonlo
emblem on a- watch . charm. Making
themselves known to each other, . the
native threw his arms about the pro
fessor's neck ,' and kissed " him up the
right- cheek and down the left, i The
professor, .who claims he never before
kissed a man, said he was very much
embarrassed. However, the osculation
continued for soma moments, (ill the
train pulled up at a depot, when an In-,
terpreter who came aboard said: c '".' '
t-Thls man wants to tell you that, sl-
though he has always known he had
many brothers' In Egypt, he never till
this day knew that he had a brother In
America. ,, In accordance with the cus
toms of our country, he wants you to
take a present from the vails which he
is now opening.", v.-; .vJ;
. The professor, removing his At Kader
shrine pin, placed it on the lapel of the.
native's coat, while the native gave a
present in exchange which Is now on
deposit with Albany temple. To replace
the Shrine pin left in Egypt for inspec
tion by tb 40 Maaonlo lodges which
claim to be older than Solomon's temple,
the members of the Woodstock Push
club procured for Professor Horner
very dainty jewel mounted In ivory and
gold, or which he is extremelyproud.
liFisran riu tii
lESfllf lll.llPSIS
Young Couple Separated and
Commit Suicide While Father
, Dies From Grief. r
Attorney General's Liberal Opin
ion Cures Immaterial De- ,
fects in Petitions.
(Spedal Dispatch te The loaraal.)
Salem, Or, May 14. Present indica
tions show that ths petitions asking for
the referendum on ths law passed by
of Multnomah county the perquisite of
reeding the prisoners will be filed and
that ths bill wll have a sufficient aunv
ber of signatures to refer it to th peo
ple, notwithstanding ths fact that mors
than 17 per. cent so far as th count was
mad yesterday are defective in some
particulars. Many of th signatures
either do not carry the correct address
of th signers at all, r th address it
self is either insufficient or la the
wrong column Of the blank provided for
K. .. w
A strict Interpretation of the law
would work havoc with some of the pe
titions, but the attorney-general has
given a liberal Interpretation of the new
act, and the secretary of state Is being
guided in his work thereby. . . , ,
The petitions contain an aggregate of
some 0,000 names, and slnoe it requires
but 4.646 names to refer a measure, in
Spite of the 17 per cent Of signatures
i that, will, be found defective, there will
be 'a sufficient number of names re
maining to refer, the measure back to
the people , Moreover, it is said that
more signatures are forthcoming.
, To Try Indian for Murder.
" r (yoarsal Ssectal fervfce.V '
Rochester. N. T- May 14. Ths United
Btates circuit court which convened
today Is to be called upon to try Harri
son H11L a full-blooded Seneca Indian,
nn a charge of murder. , Hill is alleged
to have killed his brother-in-law, Elijah
Peters, on ths Tonawahda Indian reser
vation ' last January. It Is the ' first
time In a number of years that a full
blooded Indian has been tried in New
Tork on a serious charge
(Journal Special .Serviced .- '
St, Petersburg. May 14. From far
away Kirln comes th tale' of a tragic
rumano in the highest military circles.
Colonel Belroussoff was in command of
the Klrln - garrison. ' The handsomest
young officer under him was Captain
Tonkhins. .The captain was a general
favorite, but a poor man. '' .'
Colonel Belroussoff lived in a great
villa surrounded by beautiful gardens.
He was a widower and had an only
daughter,. Vera, renowned In St. Peters
burg and Moscow for her good looks.
Llf s on the frontier Is not an eternal
rush of gaiety, but th young captain
ana th coioners aaugnter met oawy.
They loved each other and for a time
wer secretly engaged. " :
.News came a short time ago that there
was no .hop of any of , th garrison
troops returning to civilisation for two
or three years. So ths lovers deter
mined to get married as soon as pos
sible, captain Tonkhlne, at an audi
ence with the colonel, asked for th
daughter's hand in marriage. He was
angrily refused. He took nls sad news
to th expectant girl, and ah in turn
Interviewed her father, but he was :
lentless. He had other views for her
a rich and noble husband, not a mere
captain of cavalry with only his army
pay. Captain Tonkhln was refused en
trance to the house and - grounds, . and
also forbidden to communicate with th
colonel's daughter. ... . :
A week passed, and then at night a
revolver shot was heard in Colonel Bel
roussoffs garden. The colonel ran and
found his daughter lying on the ground
with a bullet in her bosom. Ths dis
covery affected him so muoh that he
fell unconscious aoross the girl's body.
That same night he died. . Father and
daughter were buried together three
days afterward. On the day of the fu
neral captain Tonkhlne committed sui
clde. ..-, ,. -r .
Yea Never Know tht Rloment VslieYi
This Ir.fcrrr.sticn May Prove
cf Infinite Yalue.' .
(Special rnspatcs. ts The Josrsal.)
Koseburg, Or- May 14-The largest
docket of both civil and criminal cases
sver known in Douglas county is now
complete for the spring term of th dis
trict court, which begins next Monday.
Th civil docket consists of 114 cases,
14 of which have developed since the
last term; 81 were carried ever and one
was remanded from the supreme court
The county jail contains IS prisoners,
ths largest number ever confined within
Its walla. One of these Is serving a sen
tence for petty larceny and the ether
II are awaiting trial. Two of these are
charged with murder, one with criminal
asatult, one with robbing a postofflce
and most of the otbsra with burglary.
One Za Every Three Affected.
:u , .. t , t
Of the 75,000,000 people In th United
States, It Is estimated that 15,000,000
, or one In every three, 1 partially dis
k abled from a broken down nervous sys
tem. America is the greatest consumer
of coffee In the world. Can you draw
: ths Torrect inference from thessMwo
faetsT ' -
- Many a person 4 will exclaim: "Non
sense!" It is easy for any thoughtless
person to Jump at a conclusion-that a
philosopher will study . carefully over
before reaching. Think of the members
' of your own family. How many '. of
them are perfectly and completely well
: In every respect T How many of your
laAa m . narf wtl v healthvf Innulr
Hjjf them and y.ou will be Sdrprised to
-A "liiTrrsj Jlnil the average of one in every
" three, who are sick, In the main, stands
true. Health depends, primarily, upon a
v : perfectly poised nervous organisation.
' and the greatest known, enemy to the
nervous system Is . coffee. Its actlv
principle is caffeine, which. Is a pro-
' .nounced nerve destroyer. The action Is,
' first to attack the stomach, then the
'' pneumogastrlo nsrve which lies behind
the7 stomacn ana-wnicn is airecuy. con-
nected wita.tneBrsjn-Jii
The H aisoraerea conaition . passes
. Mr. Caswell Retires. ;
J. B. Kelly of the firm of Caswell ft
Kelly, Family Liquor store, S54 Morri
son street has bought Mr. Caswell's in
terest and has arranged to conduct the
business individually, at - the ; present
stand, while these gentlemen were in
business together they worked up a very
large and desirable trade, . mainly be-
causes of their - courteous -treatment
liberality - and gentlemanly disposition.
Mr. Kelly says that hs Is now In a posi
tion to serve jus oia-time rnends and
customers better than ever, and solicits
the business of new customers who ap
preciate that kind of treatment, making
a Specialty of family trade as well as
wholesale and general retail, All goods
will be delivered promptly and satis
factorlly. All bottled ' beers can be
bought at the same price as at the
Ufe Saving Crew Almost Perfsh
It Is worth-considerable to any cltl
sen of Portland to know . how to be
cured Of painful, annoying and Itching
piles. Know then that Doan's . Oint
ment Is a positive remedy for all Itchi
ness of the skin, for plies, scsema, eta
On application relieves and soothes.
Bead this testimony of its merit:
Martin Salllvan, employed In th
street, department, and living at 621
Third street Portland, , Oregon, says:
"Lioan s- uimmeni is, witnout any ex
ception, the best preparation on earth
for the purposes for which its use is
recommended. For two years I was
troubled with ths worst kind of Itch
ing and bleeding hemorrhoids. .- I tried
one remedy after another and . was
treated by physicians, but I. got no re
lief until I procured a box of Doan's
Ointment at a local drug store. The
first application gave me relief and In
two or three yeeks I was completely
cured. Slnoe then I have been v free
from the tormenting affliction. (From
statement oi saoruary iv, ivqb.) -CONFIRMED
On January 16, 1106, a member. of
Mr. Sullivan's family said: "Three
years nav passed sine' Mr. Sullivan
mad tb above statement and I 'con
firm every Word of It Not only- that
but he has time -and again advised
others to use jjoan s ointment He has
great xaitn in iu j.
' For sale by all dealers. Price 10 cents,
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork,
maim agini ir uii united Biaies.
Remember th nam DOAN'S and
tax no otnsr. f
i thence irom ins . orain j mu paria oi
, ths body, and In some It will : show in
terpldation - (well-known nervous condl-
' tlon); In others this is hidden, but the
work goes on from day to day, until the
;- accumulation of ' forces climaxes ' in
soms organic diseases. It may be the
kidneys become effected and JBright'g
disease sets up, Ifc may be weak eyes,
may be catarrh,' stomach trouble, pal
pitation and heart failure, (which is be-
,- coming more and, more noticeable among
Americans), . : :'?ir-' .;.Vf'?;.'
Somewhere, 'you may depend upon It,
this work will show forth in the form of
disease. , It may become so fixed and
' chronic that It can not be thrown off.
Jt is, hard to Induce a man or a woman
to r USB up coffee when they have be-
yK addicted to Its usebut if such
eople can be given Postum Food Cof
fee they i will ouickly s change ? for the
better, for the- food drink,' when prop-
erlr made, has the color and ! the dell-
clous, toothsome flavor of old govern
ment . Java of the milder and higher
priced 'grades.. ""-.' .
Ths work of reorganisation begins at
onoe, for the tearing down element of
: coffee has been eliminated, and In Its
place the strong rebuilding effects of
the elements contained in - .postum go
directly to work to rebuild the broken
down and delicate gray matter In the
nerve centers and -brain. ' This Is just
plain, .old-fashioned" common-sense that
any . thoughtful person can-, make use
of; In fact hundreds of thousands of
brain workers In America have already
'discovered the fact and are using- Post
' m Food Coffee, to their very great
i benefit and relief. 'There's a Reason.'
i Read "The Road to Wallvllle,'' in pk
- in a Fruitless Attempt
at Rescue.
. fSpeeial Dispatch te The Voaraal.t
Astoria, .Or,. Mar 14, Carl Juntilla
and -William Jarnt, both Finns, are the
first men to drown since the opening of
the fishing season. This occurred yes
terday in the cut-off channel below the
Republic spit on Sand Island.-' Bat ween
10 and 11 o'clock, while the Cape Die
appolntment-r llfesavlng crew was out
practicing in their new motor llfesavlng
boat they saw a f ishlng-boat capslse
In the breakers. One of th men Instant
ly disappeared, but the other clung to
th upturned craft Tha llfesavlng crew
mad all possible speed for th boat
and when about 100 yards away the
other man; who was evidently tangled
tip in th nV threw up his hands and
sank. -
The llfesavlng crew had a narrow es
cape from drowning, as part of the net
got wound In the propeller of their boat
and it was with treat difficulty that It
was extricated from its perilous posi
tion. The crew managed, however, to
secure the f lshlng-boat and a portion of
the net ' The boat was towed to Fort
oanby. Jtitaa marked 'Xi R P.
No. S, Oregon, . Y 1
II per gallon up. All the popular brands
of whiskies from IS per gallon up, and
Is distributing agent for Old Joe Gideon
whiskey, a whiskey , for - medical pur
poses., An Invitation la extended to the
public to come In and Inspect this large
stock and talk it over, or call up Main
z , ' , Making Faces
By a sculptor Is his business, but mak
ing men 1 ours.- Many a man has been
mads by Echaefer's correct clothes. The
fellow who wears them wins on his ap
pearance alone Schaefer's swell gar
ment just snap with success and the
successful, stylish dresser Is snapping
them up at J. C Schaef er A Co., rooms
10 and 11 Raleigh building, IIS H i Wash
ington street
(Special Dispatch te The Jmraal.l i-
Woodburn, Or., May 14. While using
tne road grader yesterday afternoon on
a piece ef road between -Townsend sta
tion and McKse, Supervisor Fred Xless
ing came near losing ". his life. ' The
grader struck a rotten telephone pole,
which fell to';, the . ground and struck
th supervisor and three horses ; at
tached to the grader. The animals Were
instantly killed by the livs , wires and.
Supervisor Hessing , was, . unconscious
for some time from the shock,: hut
Anally revived, t The horses belonged to
jonn Lents, Charles A. McKes and Mr.
Bollwebber. - - . ;
Society Wedding in Gotham. ;
' (Joornal Special Serrlce.)
New Tork,. May 14. The fashionable
St. . Bartholomew's ' church ' ' was the
scene of a small though notable society
wedding this afternoon when Miss Mary
Coslns Lefferts, daughtes of Mr. and
Mrs. Marshall C. Lefferts, became the
bride of Henry Rawle. The bride, who
made her debut about three years ago.
ts related to many old New Tork fam
ines. i.Mf, Rawie, th bridegroom, was
formerly In th navy, but resigned Some
time ago to engage in business. He is
the Son of Francis Rawle, Sr., president
of the American Bar association, and Is
relatM te the Dravtons. WllHngs; Cad-
waladers ' and ether old Philadelphia
ramuies. ,
Though H Still Favors Roose
velt Policies, He SayV Makes
Statement at Roseburc. '
(Special Dlsoafaft ts The JoantaLt
Roseburg, Or, May 14. Congress
man Willis Chapman Hawley , has de
clared himself in opposition to a third
term for President Roosevelt ' He wss
in Roseburg for 20 minutes yesterday
on his way to Lakevisw te look Into
the Irrigation project there. As he
emerged from the Southern paciflo sta
tion he mads the foregoing statement
to a reporter. However, he qualified
his assertion by saying he still fa
vored the "Roosevelt policies,' whatever
that may mean. . r
As Senater Bourne, aoeordlng to spe
cials froji "Washington In Oregon parti
san newspapers, nas , assumea control
of th president's campaign for a third
term, Mr. Hawlsy'a rather startling dec
laration is . Interpreted her to - mean
that the inner workings of th Oregon
delegation do not resemble The Hagus
peace conference. v
;;. tmmmmmmmm mm-, bmmmmm
The next big movement for higher
wages on the part of ths railroad '
brotherhoods will be directed against
the eastern rail systems,, and the lead
ers of 160,000 employes arc preparing
to take joint action. Every branch ef
labor will be represented with the pos
sible exception of the switchmen,. who!
got an increase last fall.: .
. ' '. r- : ' , '.. v.a v 4V;X M
i ' i'f .. 'i ii i ,i i as ... am ivVv ' '.i"" J ....."' .
At Convincing Sale Mces
OUR enormous Spring business in the Youths' Department
has resulted in numerous broken lines before the season is
half over. These broken lines consist of regular and outing
styles in both single and double-breasted models. Light and
dark shades in handsome patterns and mixtures. Although
the lines are broken, full range of sizes can be had in the
various lots. '.' V They have been arranged in the
following price lots, each of which is an exceptional bargain:
$6.65, $7.50, $8.50, and $10.00
1 A if "
-iMgjgagggpjg gsjpjp, BBBM . 'BB '. .' gg. .'- --ig-g- .' g--- -. A 7 ' ' '-' eVasgsjaBsssssaaBsnsjaseka
Of Portland's Busy 'Business
Streets : Is Caused by the
. Conductors Meet at Memphis."
. f Ooamal gpecial Sarrice.) ' r
Memphis. Tenn., May t14i - Before
noon today Memphis was almost run
ning over with delegates to the conven.
tlon of the Order of Railway Conduc
tors, the ; number., of ? visitors being
greatly in excess of What was antici
pated by the local arrangements com
mittee.: The accommodations are amola.
however, and' all the visitors are being
wen carea ror. Among in visitors are
Included several hundred delegates to
th convention of the ladies' auxiliary.
" May Injure Exposition.
Norfolk, Va., May 14. A demand for
an increase 4n wages of SB per cent, i
beginning tomorrow has been made by ,
the marine engineers operating- ths
steamboats on the Potomac, -with the
alternative of, strike. Such action
would tie up transportation bv water i
between "Washington and Norfolk, and
would greatly Injure ths Jamestown ex
position, , - .
f To Abolish Courts Martial.
St Petersburg. May 14. A bill In
troduced in the douma,' which has for
its object th abolition of the drumhead
courts-martial, w""Come up for eonsid
eration In the upper house of the Rus
sian parliament tomorrow. Public sen
timent, demands the repeal, of the dee
potie law, i which during th last year
has resulted in the executions of nearly
1.200 persons and the Imprisonment of
almost 1,000 more. The law nominally
became a dead letter some time ago, by
flat of Premier Stolvoln. nut scores of
executions imposed under the drumhead
system' hav sines taken place.
.- Drore ': In : Frost 1 , Train., ,.v '
Spokane, Wash., May 14. By attempt
ing to cross the track ahead of a moving
train, R. . E. Cabel and his s daughter
Sadie wer thrown out of their buggy
and , the former was. killed:" Tn riri
was badly Injured, but will recover.
-t :-500 CANDLE POWER PER POST 1 -k - V' A'
stop omtrHBitira .
if you suffer from rheumatism or pains.
Tor canard a snow Liniment will bring
mu"- iciiH. . n is sure cure 'Tor
sprains, rheumatism, contracted muscle.
and ell pains and within the reach of
aii. -nce zae, sue, c R. Smith,
Tenaha. Texas, writes; n have used
Ballard s Snow Liniment in m famiiv
ur inn una nnv xouna 1E'& nn Mm.
edy for all pains nd aches. I recom-
mena it ior painsi in th? chest." Sold
by all druggists.'"''-.' .-. ..,
XV-U? : .V--i.V:. " ir.-f7. - ' ' - 'V ; ' ''' '. f. ."'. i. .
r-t,. ,;",'i '.::''.',,' ':','?: '.v.f ',:-,,, : ";v,r: j:-- :;-.'::t si,''" 'i
At presorit in Opera tion 'on :
the following streets; : : " :
rV f
iNaume roc installation tcrmo
1 1
-TTO-atE OAS mmms.