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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
"8 THE. ; OkEGOto ; DAILY ' JOTJKNALV PORTLAND; TUESDAY EVENING, ; MAY' 14, 1ZZ7. GRAVE DANGER LURKS IN PREPARED FOODS Health Officers and Others Tell of Adulterations and Poisons ' t . Found In Table Edibles at Meeting of the Consumers' v ; - - League Wheeler Prepares. Ordinance "for Purity. " At , meeting olt , - th Consumers I la partial)? decayed .to be told m fresh, league v held yesterday, afternoon ; tbe they indue chemical changes in the matter of food adulteration and clean liness In market! were considered. ThU Is the first: of a series of meeting -for - a more general enlightenment on, the .. nueetlon of pure foods. ' ;." v.. " Mies Montgomery, the president of - the league, was tn the chair and Intro duced the speakers.: She said that the ' national - pure food low concerned pri marily the matter t transporting adul terated foods, but 'did not prohibit their - manufacture, The Oregon, state law, however, demand that foods be hon - eatly prepared and properly labeled. Mrs. Barah A. Evans, market inspec- tor, told of the difficulty la persuading dealers to Improve conditions In tbe which is operative, with the exception ( of i that minor one, which., prohibits berry boxes from being need a second time. 6h said that It Is the consumer who holds tbe key to the situation,' and that housekeepers should., feel person- ally responsible . lor the conditions which they infcVr'v4 ..-'. , ? rood Shonld Covered. Housekeepers, should do four things to help thJe-omsade against uncleanll ' ness, said Mrs. Evana. First, see what they buy and do their marketing in person, Instead Of . by telephone; second. insist upon the personal cleanliness ,of im aeaier ana nis employes; toira, in sist upon well-ventllated and sanitary market tana - some bt our markets, she says, are in a filthy condition), and, fourth, 'see' that foods are covered In the markets. ; ' .;- ; ..5. :, Miss Tingle, the first , market In. apector.'and instructor in domestic sci ence, spoke of the crusade of two year ago, and noted that conditions are better than they were then. : She also Insisted uron the responsibility of the woman who jrpends. , 'peanliness." said Miss Tingle, U not Inherent in the human race, and the only way It can be en forced tkto make It profitable to the aeaier. , : -:.x-. Mis j Tingle laid atress upon the mat ter of Investigating the milk supply and suggested that the .? women i In one neighborhood who have the same source of supply appoint-a committee to make a personal inspection of the premises occupied by the dealer, see what meth ods he. uses and assure him of their Interest- - -X , .Tell of adulterations.' , Div.Tenney of the state board ef health presented an able paper on food adulterations, which are accomplished In two ways, first, by the substitution of an article having poorer food value than another and, second by the addi tion of deleterlousK substances for the purpose Of preserving foods. Where the quantity of poisonous matter added Is sometimes minute : long eontlnued use of the article may bring on acute or chronlo troubles. Some of the evlla of the use of preservatives are thesv . Then adulterants permit food which substances whioh makes It ' harmful as food and they retard digestions. . Some of the poisons used in foods are borax, boracic acid, . the sulphites, sulphurlo acid and formalin. . ,The use of formalin in milk' retards the process of souring by six hours and therefore retards di gestlon, making It extremely dangerous as a food for infanta. Salicylic acid la used as an adulterant in Jams, Jellies and catsups. As a matter of morality and sanitation housekeepers should in sist upon pure foods. i ' " - " Prepares Ordlaanoe, - ., Dr. Wheeler Bald .that he baa had prepared an ordinance whlcj ls now In the hands of the olty : attorney which Is extremely stringent In regard to the preparation and adulteration . of food supplies and he believes that the coun cil will pass It The work has been much hampered because we . have had no ordinance which would fit with the needs of the people. ,He has asked for two more assistants, so -that th city board of health will be better equipped to carry on Its work. Dr. Pierce of the Open Air sanltorlum spoke on tuberculosis as a preventable disease, urging the duty of housekeep ers and mothers - In insisting , on pure meats, - since the . tubercular ' germ In cattle and hogs Is Identical with that In the human system. Our tests for tubercular trouble are now scientific ally accurate,. and conditions are better than they used to be, but there is still much to be accomplished. Germs may be taken Into the human system In three ways, by abrasion of the skin, by in halation and by alimentation. . Every dairy should be Inspected, milk should be certified and pasteurised, and . only by the demand of the housekeeper can these things be accomplished. - Vse Moisture While weeping. "Banish the feather duster and the broom." says Dr. Pierce, '"for by these means me germ-iaaenea oust is thrown again ' Into the atmosphere. Dusting and sweeping should be dona with the aid of moisture or preparations which absorb tha dust" . Dr. Matson showed .some of his cul ture media which -had been exposed to the atmosphere on meats, cheese, figs. candy, strawberries and one upon which a fly had walked.' All of these when developed : showed - large - colonies ef geajns. A germ reproduces. Dr. Matson : says, la about JO minutes; one germ under proper conditions can - produce 17.000,000 in a day, and If all the germs in the air wer allowed! full, develop ment In five days they would fill the ocean. -. -. Th)s was rather staggering, but Dr. Matson hastened to assure the audience that many agencies, such as sunshine, agitation and cllmatlo changes are at wor to destroy the spread of dust and said that one of the greatest means for preventing the -multiplication of germs was a proper inspection of the milk supply. WEDDED AT FOREST GROVE . it it A V i : im M ii MitiesaviiMijiieeWiWW I '- ! V ; v, FIFTY GQTHAM FIREMEN . OVERCOME BY FLAMES " (Journal Special 8erri.) . Kew YorkMayl. Klftyflre- men were overcome and a num. e ber of. them will probably die . . from the ef fecte of fighting the ' . worst fire ever encountered by , : the Kew Tork department. The conflagration was In the Rem-: f Ington . Typewriter ; company's e , building . on Broadway, and . the e ' property loss was slight , v Flames were discovered in the cellar of (h Remington building e thia morning, and an alarm ffirned In. ' The department , re- ; aponded promptly, but met Its 'match in a little blase which ap- 4 peered insignificant but proved a aeauiy ; enemy. - xne xtamee , w broke out In the midst of great , piles of carbon paper, whlch only ' smouldered, but filled the build- ing with poisonous fumes, with which the firemen were unable , e .tO OOpe. ' . ,. - r.: ' , Water waa poured on th fire's in th basement but this made the situation worse, and it was but a .' few minutes until one e after another of . the firemen ' bad to be carried out of x the : building In an unconscious con- ' ; dlUOn. i .,-. ' a ;r ;s ; . IV f(0T Til IT? DO .V 1. YOU BATS XBXtThlATZSlC XMX TXAXf " V '. .- ....... ,. .i ;,' If Ton Do Ton Are Doctoring tba BymP- tome Only Dr. William s Pink ' . ; Pills Oura tha Dlaeasa.'. . GRAYS HARBOR LOGGERS CONFER AS TO SHUTDOWN (Special rHsDitch to The Journal.) ' Eoqutam, Wash., May 14. -Loggere rrom a number of the oampa on the various rivers contiguous to tha harbor neid a secret session at Hoquiam re cently to consider the closing down of their camps for a time. No decision waa reached. It is not considered un likely, however, that the shutdown may occur soon. There la a shortage of logs at tne mills and If the oampa ar shut down the mills will soon feel the ef fects and several hundred man will be thrown out of employment ; - , - The Montesano Planing Mill company nas oeen incorporated by Chris Olson. Israel Taylor and J. T. Durdle with capital stock of 110.000. The Stock be longing to J. W. Hall waa bought by the new company, which la already overrun wiwa oraers. ; The bride, who was Miss Alios Rey nolds, Is one of the most popular young women of Forest Grove. The groom is Mr. Marion Maury, a young and ris ing business man of Lewis town, Mon tana. The wedding took place at the home of the brlda at Forest Orove last Wednesday. '. r. ; , : , 1 ....; PORTLAND COMING CITY? . (ConUnued from Page One.) , what la apparently a severe setback has aet In. Although Seattle business prop! erty, such as First and Second avenues, BURGLARS OVERLOOKED POCKETFUL OF MONEY (Bpeelst Dlspateh to The Joe rail.) - Baker City. Or- May Bur-lar forced an entrance Into tha Baker City Mercantile company store Saturday night and robbed th till of about It.lS ana probaoiy took a few cigar from tn case. j. W. Selby, proprietor of tu store, noticed Sunday morning that the till had been rifled and immediately nouBw iM police, out no trace of the robbers ha been found. Entrance was affected by breaking in the door to tha cellar. . Tha Intruders left br tha back the waterfront and tide lands, 111 no Soi7tvini ll" . 7 r doubt hold their present values after ?rii f owiLtD J nd ,Blo? www. W4.IU.. AUW Mill J 61 Uf ASH by th robber Is a screwdriver -with the coming slump, and even steadily ad' vane within reason, outside property, such as remote lot bought on the in stallment plan merely for speculation, la perhaps 10 par eht lower right now than it wa 0 lay ago., Rump Kits Seattle, which they pried open the cellar door. There waa between 1500 and f 600 in th store, but th burglar did not dis cover it ;V -: . . rtcea have not faUen so much, but SMALLPOX PATIENT IS SENT TO PEST HOUSE GEARIN TO OPEN (Continued . from -Page Ona),k. Armory with the impression that he has , not been Interested and instructed in the . rules of city government : , &aae Stock Ooes Up. -... The flood of activity at the Lane v headquarters In th Canterbury building at Third and Washington streets haa . keDt R. W. Montasrue and Clinton A. ' Ambrose, chairman and secretary of the city central committee, on the Jump. Lane stock is booming, aooordlng to v : the reports brought In from every pre- . cinct or tne city, xne umtea support I and cooperation of th Democratic forces of the city la a foregone conclusion and accepted aa a fact, but it la the pledges of support coming in from every quarter v that la causing, the leader to see victory , i ahead. ;Vr . - . - Iietter and personal assurances ar '. " piling up the foundation of assurance of success in June. . one messeg receives from a prominent ".Portland ' business , man, a Republican, bow in southern Ore ' gon, tells of a straw vote taken "at a I hotel where he was a guest '. At the ya place were eight "Portland men.' all Re publicans, .and aeven out of the number . gav positive assurance of their support i for Mayor Lane in June. Reports brought t In from the down-town business district ( by Lane workers indicate that a large . majority of the prominent business men tare Lane supporters and will give him their votee and fnfluenea on election day. ' Watt for Debate. ; : ; 'y; t Chairman Montague ' la . waiting to Th bottom'haa dropped out of th lot market and when the next few pay menta come dua and are not met on a "Republican 1 ailing market then you will aee the ' There are almost aa many ways of treating rheumatism as there are doo i Mo'st of these treatments ar directed at the symptoms and . are f considered successful if they relieve th Daln and stirrnoss. nut the blood has not been purified and the rheumatism Is sure to return, especially after a aeason of ex posure to cold and dampness. The pa tient goes through this experience year after yeafandieg!n to think that per manent reuse is impossible, The only way to treat rheumatism is through the blood. This la the method of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill they not omy cleanse me blood of th Impurities which cause the disease but build uo ana restore tne oroiteo-aown system. Mr. John v Riley of Cazenovla... New York, says: ";in my work as a . black smith, I am exposed a great deal to Change of temperature, Soma time ago I noticed that my health wa breaking down. - The symptoms - were ' general physical weakness, los of appetite and nervousness, -,- . -it was eviaent that my blood waa weak and Impure. . I became no better aa time went on and finally this condi tion of my blood, with th constant ex posure, brought on rheumatism. It of th inflammatory kind and was very painrul In the Joints, especially of the feet and wrists. Many days I could hardly walk and suffered intense pain. I took to-my bed several time for a Cay or so and one for aix week. V'A fellow blacksmith advised m to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and aa I had gained no help from other treat ments, I decided to give them a trial. Within a reasonable time X noticed that I. waa getting better and in a few -week was cured. That th eure 1 perma nent ia shown, by my- not having -loat a oay at my trade sine then. X can truthfully aay that Dr. Williams Pink Pills put me on my feet again.' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills hav cured anaemia, after-effects of the grip and fevera, general debility and sick head aches, dlsxlness, nervous prostration, even partial paralysis and locomotor ataxla - r----.!...' -:- Dr. Williams' Pink PiUs are old by all druggist, or sent postpaid, on re ceipt of price, so cent per box. aix boxea for 11.60, by the Dr. Williams Medicine company, Schenectady, Kew xorev , , - . mm vUMLJ U ILu lL4aJ-at1 E GIRLS AT BOISE ARE OUT Oil STRIKE hreat of Wage. Reduction Met by Demand for Raise . Strike Follows Refusal.- AVc're ready for the man who looks keenly at every vital part and who demands perfec' tlon. ' No detail of excellence is overlooked in our Chesterfield Clothes. ; Xhe workman ship is equal to at of . the highest priced ' custom tailors; and e:r;guarantee Chester field Clothes to retain their 'shape' for one yean That is, if the front of "coat breaks 5 bacje or otherwise loses its shape in one - year's wear, we ' will give customer a new. SUU irCC. tfd-' .v-,.:.,' EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS STRICTLY CORRECT 269-271 r.:0RIUS0N STREET - . . - . imiui y muii ir not mat on 11 ...... .. .. hear ' tha answer of th "Republican! falUng market, then you will aee the ?r..V yesterday by city central committee to tha challenge flood gates break loose and It will be Z.' , 1 " M,.or "r" Haat' for a 'ioint debate between trLan and Mn' SeatU as It was tones fn r Tm I ,4A adr street Th attack Mr. Devlin. The oueatlon will htukn after its boom, or In Dahv in I u one,, ana u pauent waa Ira a.' fn.n. k- . rit. mniA f' i-,.--.. l- ifc.t I mediately removed to the nthoiiii pubUcan city central committee, which hot cakea for and HCNlown to friT W!if M mployad in a lodg- r ei at AAiieaM niAatin rtw that im . nr 11m urn in inn n a - r Ainiai tha Ua i wvwoUAf ueuiuiiB n jT reaVaa I TiHt IS he.. Kaawe aiA- JA I P08Sa WBll PrTOrmln hr dUtlSl tTh is out of the city, having been called tol And this-Is Just what Seattle real estate I vT F??a? taken jn obarg at Salem oaiora, oui otner memoer or me com- -""" "K - r- v.. - "717 '', " .V?" dlvidnala. lmorlna- tha nnlnn. .nii . -ine raiiroada coming into tbe sound : Jv.7" "'. or wo ago wnn fn m7im. ,- J-T- V mntrv bv th w.. r Ptt,A W city. I tormyt wage, which . the girl de (Speeiarinspateh te Tbe taimal.) Boise, Idaho. May 14-No material progress haa been (hade In th strike of the Independent Telephone company I operators, wwen waa called Saturday. The company, haa brought to om of it operatora from outalda station and secured some Boise girls to take the places of the strikers. Committee of I striker meet incoming train to dis- suade prospective operator and ar do ing similar work among tha girl of thl city. It is said the company pro posed 10 tajte in operator back a In- mitt show th sentiment, and it 1 not for an acceptance of tha challenge. "This Is not a contest between Mayor Lne ana uity Auditor Devlin." ex plained Secretary eherwood this morn ing, fit Is a battle between th Repub lican party ticket and that of the Dem ocratic party, both nominated accord. ing. to law. It 1 not th desire of the Republican committee to bring a per sonal fight Into the campaign. It le a ngnt of principle. If we had a Joint debate Mayor Lane would in all probability ask Mr. Devlin now n bad kept bis books, and Mr. Devlin , would ask th mayor why he waited until SO daya before the election to put the slot machines out of commis sion. That would be all there waa to it and the committee la laboring for the sueoea or the Republican ' ticket. . and not making a fight on any one candl date,", The Republican committee has ??L:l!lu BURGERS AT EUGENE r aaebvwr, . al bUJ SStTVI, V UlO 1- iN- N tUl; TWO HUNDRED country byNthe way of Portland, from the south, added to th coming-and even money whole thing, "I hav sent in snr ranort. ami ft will be published shortjy ''inv Sucoeas. In nuUhell, after- studying- th whole situation without ; prejudice and also without favor to any on point, I hav reported that the' boom in Seattle ia over; that th boom in Portland haa Just begun, and that in tha far future the entire trade from the upper north ern pan or tne united States to and from the Pacific and beyond,", mnst flow down the Columbia, loading on shallow 8eselal Dlaoatca'"a Th. t Eugene, Or, May 14.-i-Robbera Sunday iiHui nivereu me arug SKOrv Of W.'"! ieiano in Kugen and alter drilling .iru ; uuira : ta tne aoor. or -Ihe .safe woraea 1 the cash fedTn root. talSniTpane out'ofkVl.St 22;!?Jft J2iT?. cllned. The operatora hav held fre quent meeting at Central Labor hall to talk matter over. Other members or organised labor ar aiding th strik ers and the electrical worker emnloved by th Independent company may walk out - ... Th strike was for an lnoreas of wage and because of the discharge of one or tneir number who they claim was discharged without cause. They were getting very low wages, and when the combination, takln away IZT9 felun5 VJ7 ,ow n nen t box. conUtolngibouf J?00 they leerned th company intended to ,e valuable lVLM t the scale down they decided not only star vnarnr 1 ... . .. .... and medium draft vessels here at Port- and letting themselves down bv . F? ". Body land and into deep bottom. 40 to . They left by a rear door and escaped !iJ!TO.vJS;i ranged for a rally to be held Saturday nigai mi oeiiwooa. in otraniman'a hull A brass band haa been secured for the oooaaion and th various. Republican candidate will epeak.,;'.;i-t ..f A very short Journal "want ad cam paign" will eii. that property. ,. foot In time to come, at Taooma. Columbia the Jtoadway. - "It Is not a matter of so manv years when there will be from . fanr tn . I railroad tracks running up 'each side of the Columbia, for the space la limited and the traffic of the nation through the one gateway on all the coast will be terrific. You will also sea Portland connected with Puget sound by a ship canal, probably at Nlsqually flats,' and from there by hlD canals with Gravs namor ana in Hood canal. These ca nal can,,- ana will, be bunt within a undetected. , Tha officers hav no clue. ' MENTAL WRECK KILLS ; " FAMILY AND HIMSELF ing sanctioned th action of the ODer-l atom. FARMER FATALLY HURT RETURNING FROM CIRCUS! (Special Disfatdt to The Joornil) -yancouver, b. c. May 14. William waioie, a rarmer who lived near Oanan-1 oqu Ont, laat night tilled hia wlf and iwo cniiaren, agea I and 4 years, with a hammer, knocking out their brain. while they lept Waldle wrote a note Millinery at V4 What . Other , Stored Ask Did you read these three import mtitemy far lasr?vcIlngorpapefs? THE BIG MILLINERY SALE ENDS WEDNESDAY NIGHT . . The big sale of railllnery at 'retail for wholesale prices and less ends on Wednesday, Those who . would save paying the faey prices asked by local milliners for -Summer hate should call today af-the St. Francis Milliner Gem pany" alaughter sacrtrtee of fine milli nery at 26 Washington street. Open until thl. evening. ' ONLY 2 MORE DAYS OF MIL LINERY BARGAINS Only two more days' IsTwhlfeh to get beautiful new millinery .from the mak ers and importers at mere cost of ma terials. U e big sale at 126 Washing ton street, conducted by the Shafer Whlttler Co.. ends Wednesday nirht Open this evening' until o'clock. LUMBER FOfi SALE. CHEAP 1,000 feet of new lumber for sal at a very iow price. . Must,, oe -sold by Wednesday, this week. Apply to . , THE SHAFER-WHITT1ER CO-, Sl Washington etreet, over Ooddard & ,Keiiy Kh - store, wner uie te, 100 and Ific store used to be. opxst nas TTXVTSQ, y SHAFE.R-WHITXILR CO If FT Hu. I I I 111 111 e fSMClll risnatrh to . Th Xmmml Pendleton. Or May 14. as th result of aa injury received while he waa re turning home from th circu . here Thursday night, Carl Fuxberger died In the city hospital Sunday night : With hi aenerktlon or two. an a the n..t f .11 saying1 the. murder wa. tha wmnit i . w" mno. Ilv' ifuXDerger waa thre will not b more than" New. Tork a mental wretk. . He afterward committed I woil?Jn t?.?nr' n .. . ' . .. 1 i.a- m.x . . . a uurnniHit iKrm wnitn n wu t n passm rie canai wnen me present improve I suioiue oy cutting ms tnroat. ; i w GOVERNOR UNABLE TO; ments on that thoroughfare are done. 'Although I think that In time the third city of America la to be Taooma. all Its. railroad traffic must come through the canon of the Columbia, as there is practically a f 1,000 'embargo on every train going over the Cascades compared to the rolling along the water level haul of the Columbia And what this means to Portland, even, a blind man can see. - Except th harbor, Port- l&nd,.hM jftvefl . better ;trM.lotiQtt than New Tork City, and ; within the next generation will have-1,000,000 neonle." ' ' . Mr. Thoma ha visited every large ourtn or, 9iiy oration at Jacksonville. city on the coast and hia deduction '"V " " " " . ... i ., have been drawn after close study of mi nBAnn tllhIO ClfJUT a could I wvfc.wnniu tinsvj 1 lull I Lorensen farm when he wa thrown from hi wagon Into a chuck hole, the big wagon passing over bis body diagon ally, causing fatal Internal injuries. He UFI D pti nf a t -. I WM orougni 10 me nospuai at once, out , fltLr O I ART A. Y. P. nothing could be don. H wa 40 year VI u.o. 5 ' (SpeeitI Dlxpstch te Tbe JoorMLt Salem, Ori May 14. Governor Cham. oeruun naa received an - Invitation to ne present at the ground breaking ex ercises or tn a. .T. p. exposition at Beactie June 1. present - Diana and state 'business wnTpreveht the governor rrom being present. Th governor has accepted art invitation to deliver 'the every source of information he could procure from United States engineer' report to commercial bodies. He will spend some time In ' Portland - before leaving for San Francisco on hi return to New -Tarfe--: Mr." Thomas r" wag-:- in Portland in February and March, CHEHALIS DIVISIONISTS .ENJOIN COMMISSIONERS (Speeltl Dlptcb to The JoaraaLt Aberdeen . Wash., May 14. Samuel Benn, - as a . taxpayer, having asked through Attorney Agnew for an injuno- tlon restraining the county commission ers from using the $5,000 lately appropriated-by the county commissioners to fight- countyrdivislon, Judge Irwin yes terday granted a temporary injunction and set May 21 for a hearing of the esse in view of a permanent Injunction. OVER ARKANSAS RIVER (Joe null BDseial Bnr1na.t .. - rWaahington, - May . 1 The - supreme 1 court naa dismissed the petition of the llnited Jtfttes and the state of Kansas asking an Injunction restraining the tat of Colorado from further divert ing the waters of thi Arkansas river. Th court, however, announced that th dismissal or thl petition would not prejudice action -when injury 1 sus tained. ,. ., - ',..' IDAHO REST LAW WILL '. BE TAKEN INTO COURT HBois;- Idahor Mar H. Th newStnf- oay rest" law went into effect Sun day and most business , places were closed. - The sentiment regarding th law 1 about equally divldad, but it will be taken to the court to test it constitutionality. W. F. Dolan, a produce merchant, haa consented to ba tha teat victim, -tand waa ' arrested yesterday. Attorney C O. Cavanah. who was a member of th last legislature, by which the law - was passed, ha been retained by th defense. - " - HELD WITHOUT BAIL ; FOR SON'S MURDER , " - (ml "tlpeclal Eerrtee.) ' - ' Indianapolis. May 14. The case of K P. Greene, ' accused of the murder or nil 17-vear-oia son, has been con tinued until Thursday. Greene la held without' ball. , INSTALLING NEW BOOKS . IN THE FEDERAL COURT P'l-!f,:k!:i'S':' sesasseneaMMaaB '-: tv '---,rf G. A Harris, inspeotor and exam iner of- the offices - of clerks of th United State court la In Portland. aiding Captain J. A. Sladen and Edward D. McKee, clerks of the local federal oourts. In Installing -a new system of books whloh recently hav been ordered by the department of Justice. y - -1 ' - 1 - - , - J Were you one of the many visitors to The ttouse of Quality" last week, all bent on seeing and hearing the wonderful , e ; A. B. Chase Player Piano? If not; join the stream of popular piano interest this week and inspect this marvelous instrument These Are Its Distinctive Features: i "THE SWEETNESS AND PURITY OP ITS TONE completely aispet uc iocs 91 a wccnauicai aevice. 1 THE PERFECT COMBINATION of a MANUAL and a nlav.r . t . ii. e ... ... - are?" .piano rnaxe 11 possioic to use eitner as ens wm, with perfect eat. THE MECHANISM U lo NICELY ADJUSTED (and entirely beneath the keyboard) a not to interfere in any wty with the actios of, the piano; the part are much reduced in number, aiding compact ness, ana increasing auraDuiry.. , THE ARTISTIC BEAUTY OF THE INSTRUMENT ia marred by the appearance of any part of the 'player mech above the keyboard 1 j. .1 . s . t , You are cordially invited to. visit our music parlors, at. Any, nour, any aay, wnetner or not you wjsn to make a purchase for "The House of Quality is the house of a friend to every lover of good music " v- . . , ,t . All Purchasable'on the Small Payment Plan Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Everett Belllnihanu Sociane not Sherman In. j Go "Sixth and MorrUon Sts., Opp. Poitoffice, Portland, Or. ft Tonght '. Crettysbarf.-' v : Ditvld Parker Of Fayette. NL T.. who trio Bitters have done me more good STEAMER BUILulNli AT. than any medicine 1 ever took. For J u 1 u"' 'Ly l.Jf. U M 1 ' several years I had stomach trouble, and : Mid out mucn money ior meaicme to ittle numose. vntil I besran takina IDlAf-fHn Hitters. I would not take 1500 for what they nave done for me." Grand tonio ror tne agea ana tor remai weaK-nesses,- - Great alterative" and ' body builder; best or an ior lame bacK and weak kidneys. Quaranteea by 2led Cross i'bannaey; 0c . -., - - - .DETROIT IS BURNED t ' (Joornl Rpseist Bsrvtee.) - Detroit Mleh May. 14. The steamer City of Cleveland, being coostructefl at the Detroit. shipyards, burned yesterday- and , a complete loss except It steel' bull Th loss U 1800,000. COFFEE Don't drinb poor stuff; the world is full of it , , This is 'the ;coffce dountry; don't drink poor stuff. : ' : .v - , . " . Teer treeer rehirai year geeey If ye doa't Ike Schttllaf Best; we Mf hist. , - -. ; mm. i t , i r::3r::zzzzrzzT--- .,... SSS "Teddy Dears" Fr-cdjr To Joarcil Snlscrlbm !P, To all subscribers, ! old or new, to th DaUy and Sunday Journal paying. 5 cnt for "" a month' subscription, in advance, wlU 15 given a Teddy Bear," aa ahowa In th aooompanylng cut ' - Get The JournaL tha most fiitn. 'Lular paper published In "Th Or ton Country," and a "Teddy Bear," th popular, novelty to old and youn. uau at, or address Th t Journal offlc, a agent win not nanai tn Bear. ... H J0TjraX, VOBT7U.ITD, OB. ' 4