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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
:,' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAE, 'PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY If... 1CC7. XI LEUIf HilE 10 FREE WATER DISCUSSION LEADS VOICE PROTEST ' JIGAIIIST PIJIII v a r-i oat r-' n rr'k fan TO FREE USE OF PERSONALITIES They iWantl itl ncxtlthc ,s!:in;. rx$ That's' why tthcy'buy our, vrvderwear . rspeclally when they nave the brand of parity. Smith's meats are absolutely para. They are put np In a plain, oleer FORCE REPORTS brine. Ho adulterations of any son. ' ' ' SALT MXATS. ' .').' ii5o strong and yet, sv thin, la A sf , - ' r ., " Dr. C H. Raffety, member of '- the water board, and H. . D. Wagnon of "free water, fame enlivened th meet ing of the Mount Tabor Improvement as "an aggregation of old foglea" - Dr. ' Raffety ..resented tha appellation and began to tell a.few things about Waggon Among the charges waa one Corned Beef, per lb , ..,.5 Pickled Pork , 12H0 New ' Ordinance Will ! Extract , Heavy Penalty From, Delin quent Corporations. ' MUST FILE QUARTERLY East Side Residents Object to Council Committee on Car- ; '. , . bag . Crematory. Dry Salt Pork v....,.,.12Hf that "Wagnon was not a taxpayer and had a habit of letting his water bills association last night With": wordy battle that became, even bitter In Its nams, per jo. .....17H Pressed, Cooked Corned Beef...,12Hf go unpaid; that the water had : been personalities. i - shut off twice at Wagnon's house for ureaaiasi nacon X7MC The clash came over a discussion of this reason and should have been shut XKBSn MEATS. the water amendments which the club was considering. V Dr. Raffety arose to off 18 other times. , . Previous to this conflict other amend. Soup Meat Beef to Boll 5 EAST NINTH STREET SITE explain the merits of the amendment ments were considered by tha associa tion. The Madison bridge measure, the1 STATEMENT OF STANDING before the people and then H. XX Wag non obtained .the floor in behalf ' of HAS BEEN TURNED DOWN rot Koasts ...i... tif Round Steaks lO Pork Roasts .12H Pork phops ...n...... i..'....10 proposed new -Bull Run conduit the park i measure and street measure were all Indorsed. . The flreboat was favor ably considered, but the "dry" mains HE Re COMCS A free - water." Mr, Wagnon continued from a condemnation of tha meter sys CHIMPANZEE&RA Judiciary Committee Report ador ably oa Propoed Law Compelling tem to a reference to the personnel nof the water board, which ha characterised Base) Line Road Will Be Oiled as were passed up. ... '' . r FRANK.!, sfjirn Soon aa Sprinkler la Secured Companies to Show Receipt, Dla bursement and General Condition. ARGUES IF DEVLIN IS COMPETENT Committee Recommends Appropri ation for That Purpoae. . ; i R3EAT CO. - - The ordinance provldlns that all pub Ile eervlce corporations be compel!! under heavy penalty, to submit to the auditor Quarterly reporta ot their re ceipt!, disbursement and general fl nanclal standing, was favorably consid ered by the committee on judiciary aad election yesterday. ... a All corporationa holding franohlaea th ritw charter are reoulred to file theee reports, but the requests ot the auditor that tney be suDmittea nave not yet been compiled with. Tha pro posed ordinance la thought necessary to enforce properly tne cnnxier pruviaiuu. The committee also considered a com munication from the mayor recommend ing the revocation of the franchise of the People's Market association, on the block between Clay, Third, Market ana Second streets. It was charged by the mayor that tha association waa using; the block for other purposes than, those d est mated, and this area admitted by Attorney Frank Hotter of the . associa tion,' S." V :' :' ', 1 v'n ' v-"j. ' The association, which is paying lo0 a month for the use of the block, de clares that It la necessary to rent out stores In the block In order to- get on Its feet but that after tha people get the babit of coming : to me nrni block to trade the association will be willing to comply with their franchise, : and furthermore pay a heavier rent The committee .recommended- that the franchise be revoked, but also recom mended that the association be given another franchise with terms agreeable to the council. -.( , .' Repeated protests have , been ' made from . British . Columbia , to Ottawa against the arrival of large numbers of Hindoo Immigrants, wno are considered more objectionable-than Chinese from a labor atand point. . HE SHOULD DEBATE WITH LANE OMiI8(DT ' TH 02 Slioe Wt A cltlsen who has received the im pression that Thomaa C Devlin baa already refused to meet Mayor Lane In Joint debate writes to The Journal as follows: : ; . ..'.' ' T "Devlin has declined to meet Lane In joint debate upon questions pertain ing to municipal government and yet It la claimed by those who are boosting him for mayor that - he la better in formed and qualified for the office than any man In Portland, Judge Williams not excepted. In fact It has been said that he very largely directed the affairs of the city during Williams adminis tration. If this la true we have prao Ucally had one administration under Devlin and It was not satisfactory, at leaat the people did not want Williams for a second term. - . "Now. If Devlin Is so thoroughly In formed and understands so well how the Determined to prevent that council from establishing the garbage crema tory In the block bounded by East Flan ders. Eaat Eighth. -East Everett-and East Ninth . streets, over 10 east" aide residents, both men and women, waited upon the ways and means commute yesterday afternoon .' to after proteat against auch action. , t Tha committee listened to the reasons urged against tha building of a garbage plant on the site in question, ana tnen city should be governed why does he informed the delegation that aa a corn- refuse to meet Lane In public and argue I mtttee It had only the power to readver- and explain these points to the people? There must be a screw loose somewhere. Let the truth be known." PLAIJ FOR BIG .,; : ; . ', ,,'v..iifvv;- :. y ;'.':,... V- ' E HOIS Oil FOURTH Celebration in Portland This Year . Will e Long Remembered.' - BUSINESS MEN MEET.. ... IN CITY, HALL TONIGHT Committees , Will Be Appointed and Complete Arrangements Made for Program on Independence Day Letter Sent to Commercial Bodies. v I7e Reed Room Since We v Accepted the Agency for na&etf Co. Dioh-Gradc v r Clothing ." Shipments are 1 arriying every- week. , Our . 'shop proves 'too small for the amount of stock carried. To gain room ' quickly we , are forced to give up our Shoe Department and therefore offer our entire" line of Misses' $3.50 Shoes at All new and this season's make. ; All leathers and styles are represented. Tc? a Doltom S!:o?: Tcp to , Bottom Outfitters, ' CC3 Wasliinkton St . " If the plans of those Interested ma terialize, Portland will this -year have rousing, old-fashioned - Fourth : of July celebration one that will long be remembered . by the children of this city. It baa been four years alnca this city had a real, celebration of the Fourth, It Is said, and plans are on foot for the biggest one this year that ham aver been seen in., this eltv. 1 To consider the matter and arrange ! the preliminary details a meeting of business men Is to be held this evening at S:tO o'clock In the council chamber of the city hall. The meeting will like ly be largely attended, for a great deal of enthusiasm has already been mani fested In the movement. The follow ing letter has been sent to various com mercial, Irodles and individuals through out the city explaining the meeting: "Pursuant to a call of Mayor Lane, a meeting of business men waa held In the council chamber laat Wednesday night for the purpose of taking up the matter of a Fourth of July celebration. A temporary organisation waa effected. Mayor .Lane being elected! temporary chairman, and a very enthuslaatio meet-: Ing waa the result - - -: "Adjournment was taken until Tues day night, May 14, at 1:10 o'clock sharp, at which time a permanent, organisa tion will be made and -subcommittees 'appointed. ' '"';-'';'" you are eoraiauy invnea to ne pres ent next Tuesday night In the council chamber, city , hall, and cooperate with this committee In giving Portland a cel ebration fitting the nation's birthday. "Our boys and girls are as young as we used to be, and wejnust instill in their minds and hearts that the nation haa a birthday, and that the stars "SCnd stripes mean much to them and Amer ican institutions. Portland - baa . not had a celebration for some years, and with all her prosperity -she should haVe a rousing celebration of the one hundred and thirty-first anniversary of Ameri can Independence. "LEE M. CLARK, i " ' i . ' "Temporary Secretary1.1 CJIPIII OROl'JII DIES Oil PORCH Use for bids for a new site. The one against which the protest was lodged had already been turned down. . The committee will recommend tnat tha old sits be considered, as was sug gested by Health Officer Wheeler and others. The committee seemed anxious to shift the choice of a garbage plant to some other authorlt7. , v Want Bid en 7aU site. Bids will be opened again for a site for a city jail and police station. -"All owners of quarter blocks can bid for tne station, and the committee will reoom- mand to the council the site most suit able. Property refused a week ago haa Well Known Shipmaster Exofres advanced In price already. uoorge naauoro, rvpresenuuB; as He Leaves! His Home " 'Last Night . t the property-owners on the Base Llne road, was present and asked the city to pur chase an oil sprinkler, which is to be rented at once by those property-owners. Tha Base Line road la to be oiled and put Into shape by the property-holders. with the aid of the Automobile club, HAD PLANNED TRIP TO UQT fiPRINtt5 TnniV o that It will be one of the best and nWI OrKliaUO I UUAT .IM!Mii-.t drivewava etxmt the eltv. Ur. Death Came' -Instantly .Deceased Waa Imminently. Identified With Business and Maritime Interests of Portland Funeral " Notice ; Later. AS a. result of .' andden 1 attrV j nt heart disease, Captain John A. Brown, head of the stevedoring firm of Brown as McCabe, dropped dead at 8 o'clock laat night at his home. 655 Everett street He, - waa surrounded by mem bers of his family when he expired. , When he went to- bis home ' after business hours yesterday evening Cap tain Brown waa apparently in the best of health. ' With other members of the family he ate supper and was prepar ing to go down town, ne complained while at the supper table of pains In his chest, but considered It of no con- MARQUAM GRAND REOPENS WITH MUSICAL COMEDY , Tomorrow night the Marquam Grand reopens with the 8aa Francisco Opera company In "Fan tana." - This is the musical comedy which waa the hit of two seasons In the east, and Is now brought to Portland for the first time. The reopening of the Marquam Grand will be one of. the most Important events of the- theatrical season,. . The house has been thoroughly overhauled at an ' expense of 140,000, and is now modern and complete in every-respect There will be a season of musical com. edy at the Marquam Grand, beginning with "Fan tana. " . - " ; The San Francisco Opera , company has been engaged for an aatended sea. son. and this organisation, Is now the strongest musical company on tha Pa clfio coast : The attractions it will offer are new, and given under the personal management, of a New York producer. Beats are now selling , for "Fantana." i ., . - - , PATROLMEN WARNED TO KEEP OUT OF POLITICS Owing to the number of complaints that members of the police department are disobeying the order prohibiting pa trolmen from BarticlDatlnar in political discussions or actively engaging in rur- tnering the candidacy of any ornce- seeaer, chief Orltchmacher has again notified the men under his command to aDiae oy tne regulations or th depart ment or surfer the conseouences. It haa been reported tto. the chief thai a number, of , atrolraen have' ahowh great activity' in politics recently, and accordingly notified the captains of the three- relief to again read the order bearing oa the subject to the policemen Of the three reliefs. . ITutnra violatiana of the order will result in charges against the offenders with the police commission. . , - c ' Allens'"Kushlon Komfort Shoe." the shoe with the sola of health, a marked Improvement ovaj . anything in the shoe Una, tOS MorrlsuB street v : - i Captain J. A. Brown. sequence. At the conclusion of , the meal she arose and stepped oat , upon the porch starting down town. He staggered slightly t and fell upon the floor ; expiring almost instantly. A physlolan was hurriedly summoned, but on his arrival life j waa extinct When Captain " Brown fell members of the family rushed to his assistance, duc ne waa unaoie to speaic Telegrams announcing Captain Brown's death were sent to distant relatives and friends last night A message to his daughter. Miss Fannie Brown, reached her at Calgary. British. Columbia, where sne was on the train , en route east to Join a party of friends on a European iour. one ai once aoanaonea ner , in tended trip and started on the return trip to Portland. . Another message- was son.', who Is attending a school of technology in the east Captain Brown la survived bv three children, two having died. Those sur viving are George W. Brown. Miss Fan nie B. Brown and Meivnie W: Brown. Funeral arrangements have not been announced. - Captain ; Brown Intended leaving the city today for a trip , of several days , to Collins Hot SDrtnas wnn ivo - xrienus. i Captain Brown has for Jreara been. pruminenuy laenunea witn the business and especially the maritime Interests of Portland. He has . resided here since 1874. and has been an Important factor In the development of this city. . He waa born in Lubec. Maine. No vember 28. 1844, and at the age of 18 left home to. go on a sailing- vessel. Hla ' grandparents emigrated to Novla Scotia from Scotland in 1810 and in 1818 moved to Eastport Maine. Hla parents settled In Lubec, limine, . where his 'father conducteda large cooperage and fishing business. . After many years at sea he finally located at San. Francisco, where he was employed" by Simpson Bros.- aa master Of a tug. He afterward became master pf a sailing vessel which made this port, and seeing the future possibilities of Portland, decided to locate here. ' ,Ha was married in this city in lilt to Miss Fannie E. .Terry, daughter of William Terry, a California pioneer. He was a member of Willamette lodge, A. F. A A. M.. and also a charter mem ber of Mohawk tribe No. 28, of Red Men. At one time he waa a .merfiber of the board of pilot commissioners for Ore gon j,.--v- ',.. ;-r. 1 Bamford and C Tonseth have Uken the matter in charge, have investigated the cost of oil, and, in fact, have prepared everything so that the road will be oiled as soon aa the machine can be obtained. The ways and means committee rec ommend that the counoll appropriate $500 for the purchase of the oil sprinkler through a local Implement house, and the machine will be ahlpped to Portland from San Franclsoo aa soon as the deal is closed. It is considered that the pur chase will be a good Investment, as the city will make use of it when it is not rented to property-owners wishing to oil roads outside the city. . ; An appropriation of 8S00 was also rec ommended for the purchase or a launch for Harbormaster Speier. - The harbor master also-mad an application for a deputy, but this waa not allowed. An other appropriation of ILIOO was rec ommended for 'the flre-ajarm - telegraph system. ., -.. ' ' -' ' v Building Permits. N. Lister, "two-story frame 1 flats, Ncrth Twehty-thlrd street between Kearney. aad Johnson, $4,000; E. Tlooda, m -story , frame dwelling, Sktdmore and Borthwlck, $1,800; Clara Tlmmona, 1 -story dwelling, Madrona between Calumet and Claremont, $1,000; A. N. Dyer, one-story frame shop on Haw thorne between East Water and Willam ette river, $400; Oregon City Transpor tation company, one-story frame oifloa at foot of Main street, $100; B. F. Honeyman, two-story frame dwelllug on Twelfth street between Jefferson and Columbia, $1,000; M. Fisher, 1 -story frame dwelling on Harold street oetween Morgan and Garfield, $500; . John . M, Fayne, two-atorr frame dwelling jon Eaat Thlrtr;fourth street between Haw thorne and ' E. Madison, ?1,200-" A. D. Gile, one-story frame dwellings on West avenue near Hawthorne, $8,000; L. F. Be bolt one-story frame dwelling on Mis souri avenua between Fremont and Beech,; $900; A, W. Wright one-story frame dwelling on Mall street between , East Sixteenth and - East : Fifteenth ' streets, $75; Theresa. Snell, one-story i frame dwelling on Eaat Twenty-seventh ! street .between Gladstone , and Francis ' streets, ; $400; George , Langford, alter and repair one-story frame dwelling on Second and Caruthers streets, $200; A. Meyer, alter: and repair one-story frame dwelling on Patton road near Lam son avenue, $260; O. G. Graham, one-story frame , dwelling ' on Eaat Nineteenth street ' between Alberta and Wygant $100; John , Wiese, , one-story frame dwelling 1 on Belmont street between Eaat . Forty-fourth street and East Forty-fifth street, $800. - ,, . ,-.c t-.-itf. ' - . Pref erred Stock Canned Groeda. . ' .- Alien A Lewis Best BranO. , When vertise 'no longer wanted." It in the Journal. "want ad- The Outlet Clothing Company Comfortable .Qoflies 'during jthe spring and sum mer season .these are the clothes you need. 1 We have them in fit, fabric and finish r it The Best That's" Made 1 - Men's Apparel " in Onllcf CIolhinfl Co, li E. Cor. Morrison and First Sis. 836-933 Alder Street, Between First and t'..; Seoond Streets. , : ,,. -ricnraG mr cief TRisr AT THE THEATRES Hit at'the Baker, ::.t Clay Clesieafs beaatifal pUy. "The Nw Dominlou," is Hiking- great bit at the Baker this week. " It si a story of tbe Ncoaatracttoa days of TlrglBla and bas aa 'eiqutolte lore story. Mr. . Baene is adaiiribly adapted ta the part ef the are Bofacnatanffea, the ad- mlrable Germaa sataraiist aad ether Bimh.ii ef the company appear te good' tdTsatage. At .the Empire, The Whits Caps" at tbe Xmstre Is a thrill. ing swlodrama that is eanalng bo -end of inter eat. It has aa abandance of thrilling sltoattons oa is repwie wits neart intsrett. Tbe com pany is doing sa exesOent work snd todlrldaal members are scoring heavily la this nroduetloa. "DeTfl's Island. Another saeeeMful week Is is store ' for the w stock company at the Star theatre. "Peril's Ialaad" opened last night to a large andtanca and was wU reeelved. It a a dramatlaation of the principal erenta m the trial of Captain Dreyfos, the rrtnch military officer, who was falsely accused of betraying govemmeat secrets snd seat to Devil's island for several .year. There win be matinees Thursday, St tarda aad Sunday. 'Devil's Irtand" will coatinae antll ' Behind- the Mask.H '; J-,:. Last sight a large aadlence gave, seneroos approval of "Behind the Mask." the new sea satfonal melodrama which tbe Allen stock com pany is giving this week at tba Lyric. , The play is highly original and thrilling and par ticularly wall east. Matinee Thursday, Satur day and Bnnday. , Beats msy bs reserred by telephone. f-x - All' Feature Acta. . . 1 AU feature scta sis' on the hill at tha Oraad tfila weak. The headline attraetiea Is the Baker troops ef wheelmen. They sre acrobatic cyclists.,. While Portland, haa wltneaaed many excellent "bicycle acta,, this Is aoperlor to ail predaceeaors. Waiter Shroda and Llasle Melvcy bare the pantomimic he .daace,, , which - waa one ef tbe hlta of "Babe la Tnrland." In 'The Sheriff of Laramie" Harry W. Babb and company preeant a complete western drama , fet a tw mlnatea. , These are a few whua point to the manr strong features found on the pre. gram,. Daily matinee at, tbe Grand and two shows nightly. . iv.l 9 a a , 33 Take care of your skin in summer. ; Wear underwear that lets the pores breathe freely and you'll be well and comfortable - . : Trybeimei'sLinenMesh WW The Gentility Shop . . 311 Morrison' ' Opp Post Office V Started 1887 8t 111 Hera 190T Painless Extraction 50c, Plates $5 Up K Frqm this date Drs. W. A. and T. P. Wise wiU wait on ' as many patients as they can themselves: 'There are no ' others Employed here, except. Dr. H. A. Sturdevant, who has charge of the . laboratory work. Open evenings and ; Sundays by. appointment! only. Particular attention given to nervous people. , , W. A. WISE, DENTIST "Rooms 211 to 818 Facing Bldg Third and Washington Sts. r j . .,. ., ..... . , Don't rely upon finding any of - to day's want ads in tomorrow's Journal. Preferred Stock Oanaed Oooaa, ' Allen Lewis Best Brand. U1UK3 J FIRST AND SALfilON Offering is Made to Infliionce 1000 New Customers For Us This 500 Men's All Wool Spring . Suits. They come in gray, blue and black, are worth from $15.00 to $18.00 and are all hand tailored throughout.' (Truly noth ing better has ever been 'pHrt on the ' market at- , " e . , . . ... 1 v . -V :v ,I( ,.. .' .: ' : ' " !'''.'' '.' ' i:'-' '' ' i- t . as'' " - ' ' ' . ; - 'f , ' . 1 " -t ' t. '. :; V . ' " - .. ! V ' 'v. t ,-'S:''... :. . " ' ' - j . ' J. ! 'I " v jV-;,.i ; n i i ii i r mi i i mi urn in iinin i in., .1.11,1 iinl khii nii 1,000 Pony Coats for. ladies and chil dren. They come in a wide range of ; colors and are this season's latest de signs. These, coats were made to sell for $10.00 and $12.00. One day only W ' r u " !l