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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 1007. ! 1 y : U(i I rTi Other Classified Ad vertisements vill be found on pp. .16-17. NEW TODAY. 10 aorea about J mile from court house, all cleared. The finest platting proposition In or near city. On now Balem car line and but too feet from aid car Una. Land adjoining held from IT00 to $900 per acrvv'.,:i'.ri; Price. $3C5 Per Acre ' Tan minute walk from " Portland Heights oar, f U aorea, south alope Coun oil Crest Height, laya flna and la Just the place for an elegant home or flna 'v platting propoeltlon. ; Prlca ; for all, f f3,ooo. Easy terms. - , . 1 8-4 acres near above OH acres, an ele-i- gant little patch. Price for all 9MOO. - Terms. . , . Sellable Heal Estate v , Agency Boom ta ; Waahlngwja BuUdlngV i to Union Ave. Property Union Ave. TOxlOv and two good buildings there on, bringing a fair, monthly rental; slt- vaiea on union avs m. jo. cor. uavis si . 1 ' W - fe . t A business and flat location, having ; t frontage of too feet on Hoi lad ay ave., 100 feet on El Sd and 100 feet on Union : are. This la the best buy on the Eaat Bide of the river. -If tou are looking . lor aometning gooa, see thia. Mall &Von Borstel 104 Second St. arid 392 E. Burn- side. Phone 159 and Main H38 FOR TRADF ? nca B5-A.CM fruit farm, 1 una I jof P.. R, shipping staUQn In Willamette ) TsJlay, to trade for Portland property 'With Income from rent. T k ' A rm gm-ACita tract, nearly U u "'cultlrfctloo. W mile of a good town of i (.000 people in - Willamette ralley, to S trade for Improve ( Portland property. Hit Interested call on .r Title - Guarantee ; & r Trust Co. 40 wABamraTOM st&sxt,' CORNER OF BECOND. -. ASHBROOEC New acreage tract Just .put .on thai 'market; 2, 4, 0. 10, lS-acra lots; IT8 an '.. Ban an - upward. Flna . soil, running I water; I miles from courthouse; eleo-1 'trlocar llna; attractlva ' surrouqdlnga. Just the. spot for a suburban home. I . Easy terms." : :l: ' V, .,"rr- INVESTMENT CO. s. QiTAOzxmrsxc, none Xala 871. 844 Stark m. Seventh Street 8-room house, small lot. in flna loca tion, weet aide, very handy. Will sell just now for 1 8,800. and give terms on a nan oi iw 1 ' V TxBXTXa XAJlBXSOaT, BIT Abtagton Bldg. Apartment House Site hls is tLe best bargain .on the mar-1 rfchey. rail quarter block aouth of ket Morrison street and close In. . Soma in- oome. Investigate and you will buy. R. F. BRYAN. os Chamber of Oommsroe. ifalm 19SS. .,v,..s,;,,T:,.,J.,Jvli,.-,c Warren & Stater Tha lieading IReal Estate Brokers at , McMmnvillc, Yamhill Coonty, Oregon Sara SCany . Choice - Farms " for Sale Writs V for rarttoular. - . UNION AVENUfi 1.400 BUSINESS LOT 80x100 In the heart of the Coming husiness center; 8600 worth of excava- tlon done for basement;- easily worth 11,000. Particulars 810 Union ava, cor. Falling st. . - v FOR SALE 0 corner, store building, ware- ae and barn, stock of srooerles and ardware. on corner Millard ava. and Klndorf road. . Will sell all together or wiu sell stock and leaser the building, i tr Will sell building and lot without stocx. . Bee M, o. Brown at office, MU lard avenue, Mt Bcott car. ; . BUSINESS CHANCES.! OBEAT BARGAIN. , B1g roaMing-boaae la tb haart of Va- IVtTn., . v f nnl. aiK . nnntK . aHh1' wlpta roB from ISOO to t-vKl, mafclen larg 8.100 a OKHnta: we know of no bettar amnn. '1 K , "" a Hr eirar mora man i V maker; price I7,NX, wblcb includea bulWIna - sad-: furniture, I-t na tell you about Utla. HW. LEMCKB COMPANX, 4l 4 ; Blrtn and Wnlngton. . 't-- . Mala 8SO. . y - - ; ,,. -A 8S3f. ' CO-BOOM hotel paying (300 per month above . rry axpanaai tha lady that mn thl hotel la auffertng on awnint of Mil health- and la , compelled to Mil; $4,iMH will bny it, but tb aala mnat b made at once: Tlila la O. K. and will beiir lnTeatlfrarioB.- lafajatt EtaltJ Acreage Cheao MARRIAGE llCEXSES. Thomas O. Pataraon, tit ' Buroald t., tSj Anna M. If irciwrii, 19. ' ' . " - Drank andra, WmKlburn, Of., 49; Mr. Mag. gla 43. ' . - . ' I.mlwl. W BnmiMf K7 Teala Onelen. 86. Anthony M. Merertholeni 609 Gaotenbala ITS., 21: Mary Agnes alcAnnally, 18. - , Lewi Metealf. Ooble. , Or., S3; Anal 0. Sl.n.Ul, 80. ' In mo Uafwn, 29 Gartrod B. Howatt, 26. Wadding Card. W. O. tmltk ft Co., Wb. ragtoa bldf, corner roarta and Wart In to at. All kind of planta for aal at 412 Vanrosror ra. price reasonable. CMH Vast KMU. Tooaetb A Co.. flortat. for flower of all kinds. 123 Btitk t. Clark Bma.. riorUta Ftae flowera and flaral deilgne. 2& Morrleon at. v , ; , rail dreae salt for rant, all alaae. VaWae Tailoring Co, 09 Stark at. WBDDINO INVITATIONS Lateet and bMtl OS - par MO. A. B. Hawk Co., l6tt Third at BIRTHS CHENOWITH To Mr., and Mr. A. Q. Cbantt- wlib, May 10,' a daaahtar. WILLIAMS To Mr.- and Mr. Jereme Uama, May 1, a aon. Ho VIO To Mr. and Utt, ' Peal O. , Horlg, May B. a . , : ) ' - FENIMOBR To Mr. and Mr. Sdward U. CERKGHINO To Mr. and Mr. Umberte Vjraf- hlno, Mar 10. a dauiihtrr. BUKUKI To Mr. and Mr. ' PhllUp Boabkl. Mar 1. a daaahter. BERftAULUE le Mr. and Mr. Oltane Sr danlll. Mar 10. a aon. . , ' ABERNATHA To Mr. and Mr. Ira U Abar- Datna, May 11, a danfbtar. DEATHS DART The raaaral aarrtee of Oaorf Part will be bald at Ua Ut raaldrae. T Raat 11th at, at 10 a. as. Wadnmlay. May IB. frlanda Inrltad. latenaaat Ulrarrlaw ama- tary. . " WH1TB la thl eltr, M7 14, 190T, Joha Wet- lay White, agad U year. 1 Booth and T dara. PnuLIPS tfary . Phillip, May 12, TOJ Ivoa at.: rarebral apoplexv. , MORRIS Mia Mno Morrl. Bt. Tloeeot' bat- pluL Kalama, Waab., May .12; tubercoiar mrnlnaltl. PHILUF8 Baby Phillip, T60 Ivoa t. May iq. ..itl ; - .. . O'kELLY Frank O'Kelly. It Tlnranfa bna- plUI,.Ma 11; axbauauoa SHlowiiig empy- a.mla . MiLLiS R PWa Eoaehoa Millar, Bt Tlnaanfi aanitanam. May lot enable apical aiecuv aitia. HOttGBEN Eraaat Horrrea. Peer lalani Oj- tnmoia ematr. aiar Ji. 11. L00NE7 Aathony S. Loonry, 108 Eaat Sixth at. Mar 11: bronchial Dnaumonla. s ITONK May A, Btone, May -13. t0 BaatPr rimni uaiuiu apinat, BiviuDaiiw. j FEN RER Gottlieb rmrar, Hon the Aged, Mar 10: eenlle tfaear. - ' DART-Omrga Dart, 7 Beat Shrreath t. Mar lx; ennpieiy icercbnu.l '-. BR10KBON MartaratU Erlekaoo. BOO Waab- lnatno ,at., May 18) palrle baa. DANlIJt9rah Ball, j ... .11 Patcea Bone, nr.inv ir. r. nb Good .Samaritan boa- pttal, 948 Cook aa.. May 12: ahacce. OABIiOOK-Gorr Oarlock, Beat Thirty. 'u si,, sumy 4 a , wTinviv yiiw u?iuau vaa. MILLER Walter ' Henry Millar, T29 Eaat Twentieth at, May 9; earebro apical bmuIb- alrta. , - r - MILLER TVwence Miller, St. Ylacenf tank tarlam. Mar 111 earabro adnil mcnlnalHa. MILLER Teddy Millar 114 Beat Alder, May li ; ecreore apisai meningro. , -8TRMME Edward M. fitamme, 220 Third' t, aaay la; caraoro apinai Beaingiua. HELP WACTELV-SULE. OOMPBTCNT naa t aaalit Jb 24-eow dairy) good wife ta rlrht man. ' Oorner Merldlaa and Tllla are., city. , ...,.: WANTED Bay bet '10 fear eld to work maccine. i. a. i;norea, t wtwn. COLLECTOR, to -eallact ea 100 aceoonta, par- cent-; ai oat rarnun rarerencee ana aorae ad wagoa. 402 Waablnstoa at. SITUATIONS WANTEDIALE.1; I EXPERIENCED gaaolln naa wtobe ateady mploymeat at nartn works, baa United Btarea . llcenaaj beat nrerenet. , . Addre P 188,- ear Joatnal. 1 '- POR SALE RKL ESTATE. Arbor. Lodge Bargains ITame. ay payment; choice lets, beat eaUoa. Baa s Arbor Lodge, Bt. John eat. Phone WoodUwa 120. - ..I... i . 8 Per Cent Ret Investment Bnainea Pro party, corner, ea beet earllne, 88,000; advance In ralue will make 15 per cast la? three year; no tnurl lareiucace. W. B. HUB!', Arbor Lodr. St. John car. . - Pbon .woooiawa ut. PERSONAL. I DR. MRS. J. O. MACKIB, oateopatb aid elactro- DUi: ladiee treataa IB lae iweaoou, nauemaa la tne afternoon, hob ta, iwn w THE SISAL PLANT Weed Four Tears Ago; Now Worth $1,000,000 m Year to Nassau. : I The cultivation of the sisal plant in tha Bahamas has 'Increased so mnoh in th fnur vear since it waa introduced by Governor Shea that It is pushing the sponge industry very hard. i K writer in the Rosary Magaaina pre dicta that the full development of the fiber plant will make a wonqenui po aitlon tor tha HtUe island In tha com narolal world., ' ' w . -'u v A ' Tha aisai nlant has always grown wild on. the Island and has been looked upon a. .on. of h -J It was IliUlvBV SaJUJvrassasaw; av ' - ra ta eradicate it from the soil, its hardy bayoneta appearing In the midst of every crop ana reiueing vi u v t roved i v . - 'Governor Ambrose Shea dlacovered that tha fiber ' of - the leaves, when stripped of the outer covering of grcr, waa tha firmest And whitest of rope fibers, and, aoUoltlng tha aid of Bngllah eanltallats. he at once set to work to make tha sisal an imnortant item for commerce, and now the income Is nearly 81.000,000 a year to tne lsiana pi im- aau. An acre of land will proauca annual ly half a ton of fiber, and tha plants last from 18 to . years. Only the poorest and scantiest soil Is Necessary, and no climatic affects influence the growth of the plant ln,-the leaat. Ail tne avanaoie lana in ino tsiana has been bought up by capitalists alnce the aiaai boom, ana tn? government nas already receivea a iuiiu vi aaou.uuu 4 rum hmintlaa and arrants. Which will be used in public work on the island. The sisal industry - has spread ;- to ; neighboring Islands, and plery of employment is given the natives at rrom eu cents 10 81 a day, -. v.i . -t. : :y Hs They have also been allowed to buy government land fin 10-acre 101s at io each, paying for it. out of, the , lirst year's crop, In this way many of them have become independent, a ready mar ket always existing tor their products. Satisfying Congregation' Curiosity. ':y,r t Vrnm tha London Olobe. 'Tha Rer. C.- Ni Wright,-Wardie-Vi carage. Rochdale, jf or a pefsdnal remin iscence, wrtte:-iJ5n luythlrd-ilvlng jthere 'wfiji a ver' crowded congregation the first morning i orriciaiea. ;i oe par ishioners were evidently , curious ea -to the build, color er nair, etc., or tneit new vicar. As a matter of fact I was, though a young man. very bald. A little thought would have eaused me to make my first appearance on any morning but the 8th, but it was the 8th, and . In the Psalms, which - were . read and not sung, I had to sa,y: 'My Bins are more in number than the hairs of my head,"1 ... e-- ,.-; -s- LIFE GOES OUI i . Ill ill IflSTJIlI Horrible Accident Ends Earthly Career of an Old Pioneer of Gilliam: ' t (Speelit Dlapateh to The Jparnal) . Arlington. Or- May 14. James AV. Bedford, who was killed In an accident at Ban Diego, California, a ' few days ago, was a resident of this city and county for- many 1 years. J Ha was pro prietor of ' the Grande hotel here for eight years and was popular on aeoount James W. Redtord. of his hospitable treatment of all. Hay ing been a prominent pioneer rancher of this section, ha enjoyed the respect and asteem of a wide clrole of friends, who will deplore his traglo death. - - Mr. Radford's home of lata years has been at Old Town, Ban Diego; that la. the old Mexican town, founded by the Bpaniah padre In the eighteenth cen tury, He, with a friend, C A. QUI, was seated In a light buggy standing on a street of Ban Diego. A team hitched to a heavy dray and left standing at a freight depot platform took flight and literally ran oyer the buggy and Its oc cupants. Mr. Redford was Instantly killed and" hla companion fatally In jured.' :',,;.': ,-y. -y'.'H V'-' :-,".. ' - Interrupting Pox Hunt. 'V' From the Bystander. ; After a good hunting run the pack seemed within measurable distance of getting hold of their fox, when suddenly he disappeared In a most unaccountable Way..-. , .....:..v. . f - But soma gypsies, with a lurcher dog, wera observed by the roadside, and upon their being questioned as to the whereabouts of the fox It was discov ered that they had him In a bag. More over, before they would part with him theywanted half a crown which for pure unadulterated cheek has seldom been equaled in fox hunting annals. Not only bad. tuesa. businesslike nomads. with the help of their dog, stopped the run and purloined the fox, but they did hot mean to restore him to the members of the hunt unless they got something OUt Of It. r..,---"-'.- .-: .-,-, The situation .was not without a hu morous side, and It was with mingled amusement and indignation that .' the Buratow men "parted." Then the fox waa liberated, the hounds were aoon on his line, again and eventually got hold Of him. - , I Vv:-K .-p.... O-ji; ...' Eleven hundred ' bollermakars . and their helpers struck recently In Chi cago at tha plant of the Chloago Bhlo- building company after their demand for incraaaed wages had been refused by the company. Free W to Wi(Eirldl 1mm v before arid the have to ONE - Don't overlook tjtiis , golden opportunity. Waverleigh is the place tp ; , ; ; make money. Others.1 haye done it, so can you. But anyway vsit ; , ' Waverleigh today. Tomorrow join the crowds and see who are- the; . fortunate ones to get our ''. ' f$f:i0. :.: Fifty-One Free; ; fflttsYoe lay ..Be the lodiy-Oie . . The W-W car passes our office in WaVerleigh at Twepty-sixth and Franklin, streets, Phones: m m 1V1UU1 oou A 2537 ;o;;e cdtjsdggists io - ii.::dle spray poisons Attorney General Takes Such Dope Out of Hands of Grocers and Other. Laymen. ' (Special Dlapatch to The Jon real.) , ' Salem. Or., May lit -Grocers and other merchants, according to an opinion rn dered yesterday by Attorney-Oeneral Crawford, have no right under tha law passed by tha last legislature to have In store or to dispense poisons, suoh as arsenic and other preparations contain- ma nolsons such as are used in spray ing formulas recommended by fruit In- Doctors This opinion waa given In answer to & query from Deputy District Attorney C. I McNary -Bf this city, who stated that there had been no disposition to violate the law on the part of any one. and that unlicensed merchant who are now selling poison wouia aeiai ji i"y were notified that their act waa unlaw ful Tha oDlnlon says; ; i . , wWblle tha act Is evidently aimed at poisons and poisonous compounds used for medicine, the legislature evidently considered tha handling of polaona to be dangerous .nd detrimental to the public health and enacted tha statute under consideration by virtue of the Dolloe'nowera of the state and consld ra1 that limiting the manufacturing and selling of any drug or chemical of a poisonous nature to registered phar macists was a protection ra xna puouo, aa anch nerson are suppoaed to have knowledge and skill In handling such articles that ordinary grocerymen and other dealers of Ilka character would not possess, and therefore permitting tha sale of poisons by registered pnar maolata only waa the beat protection which could be given the general public in their uee."t After citing several eases tha attor- nev-aeneral says: "I am of tha opinion mat omy regis tered pharmacists are authorised under tha law to nave in atoca ana oispense poisons, although such poisons may be used for other than medicinal purposes." LABOR COMMISSIONER'S INSPECTION FEE RULE (Special DUpatch to The Journal.) Salem. Or- May 14, Lbor Commis sioner O. P. Boff la receiving numerous applications for inspections from f ao torlea and ahops throughout the state. Along with theea .requests for inspec tion corns various questions regarding tha application ot tha law. The commissionsr naa ruiea mat eaon place of business under a different roof, even, though owned by the same firm, will have to pay a separata Inspeotlon fee for each ot tha mlUa operated. In tha caae of mills operated ny less than five handa tha fee of Inspection Is but 8. Tha place where motive power is situated la not liable to a fee for inspection, but a sawmill which would be connected by a flume to another part of tha mill would have to pay two in spection feea. All fees ahould be re mitted payable to tha state treasury be fore an Inspection Is granted. CORNISH TREASURE TROVE Baried Gold Found by Farmer Is - Claimed Dy the Duchy. - From the London Standard. Mr. De Castro Glubb, coroner, held an inquest at Llskeard OulldhaU yeaterday oa 81 gold coins, rouna nunea in irem brase farmyard near tha town. The coroner stated that no. almllar Inquiry had been held In Cornwall for at leaat 100 years.. It tha Jury found that tha coins ware treasure trove, ha said, they would be claimed by the Duchy of Cornwall, who, no doubt, would deal generously with the Under, a, was tha practice or tn crown. James uroxer ajoveit, aon or ine owner of the farm, deacrlbed how he found tha coins while cleaning tha farm yard, v. -v.-- , , ; .!.' His mothsr'r family, he aald. had owned tha farm for many years, and he document dated July 18, VttAaal8asUl SI . Don't forget that the fifty-one'gifts will be presented at Waverleigh to morrow afternoon at two o'clock. Every person who visits .Waverleigh that hour will have an opportunity to share in these gifts. Rem other fifty gifts will buy to shaire in these. All we ask is for you to visit Waverleigh. next to f mm rf " H.'W.L 1 mwmmmm j 'ay if'.' Lai). ""I1.. . rVe have a nice line pyJLJ ? "JJLLr' ' ; from $3.60 up. Cab inets with sine tops, mirror front, same as ' the McDougall, . for $19.50 this- week. 1T48, relating to the Bnding or oo guineas in tha floor ' of tha barn by John Croker nd ; Dorothy, his wire. Mr. Yolks, Jeweler isaearo, many of the coins were rare. Eight were Portuguese mllrels, dated 188 to iTg. Tha remainder were Englleh, tne moat ancient being three gold, units, or 10-shilllng - pieces, - aiamea. . iu rh.ri.. I. while the rest were guinea pieces daUng from 1880 to, '';' '" ."' man Bone) waa foreman, found that tha coins were treasure trove, and the coro na handed them to me nnaer. ouuw .Mti thr wera claimed by Alex ander Webater, ataward of tha Duchy of Cornwall, and the matter wiu oe ura before the next meeting of tha duchy. More Indians Working. Oeadwood Corr. Bt, Paul Dispatch. BpHng on the Pine Ridge Indian res ervation this year means great activity among Jta Indian residents, numbering now about 1,000 In 0. Much of the auon1! work is weU under way, and eropa of com, oats and potato a, in ad dition to the garden truck, will be raised. While the land la essentially stooltrals ing land, not being well adapted to farm ing on account of tha dryness, yet more interest la oeing taken yearir in the matter of farming, and this ysar wlll see probably on third mora land under actual cultivation. ; " 5 : , The Indian" also are giving intelligent attention tha question of stockralslng. So far their stock consists chiefly of each be the first payment on a lot You the Clinton-Kelly m'ck Sixth STAR 'TIT) ESTATE M Arc the Wa guarantee every range for perfect cooking, bak ing, heating water, durability and do better work and , use less fuel than other ranges, because .they have sev eral improvements over, them. First, they have a low wide firebox, to give you a good lire and we guarantee to boil water anywhere on your stove; it hat a broiler and toaster to fit over firebox; a knife sharpener and .large storage closet lined with an extra cast lining over the asbestos; the oven is air-tight, has a register to insure even baking. We are the sole agents but have other styles of ranges, such as 'Acorn, Laclede, ' . Elite and others. Golden and weathered of all :, descriptions, from . 922.50 up,, like cut $25.65. cash. Goods as rep resented or money refunded. cattle and horses; but It la noticeable that the latter are improving much in quality. Instead of the tough Uttle In dian ponlea, Inferior In all other re spects, the Indians are now buying a good claee of horses, .v ,-;r v A--' , Many of the Indiana are engaged in tha business ot freighting from the rail road at Gordon to the reservation, and often aa many aa 10 or 40 teama may be paaaed on tha road with auppllea for the agenoy, and driven by Indian own era. For this clasa of work excellent horses ara employed. " , New in Teddy Bears. Tha newest thing In Teddy bears Is Mo that has for ayes tiny Incandescent electric lights, i. Not lighted up, these look like ordinary eyes but squeese one of tha bear's paws and instantly they glow with light - , v ' - t . Instead of ordinary stuffing tha also trio Teddy bear has inside of It a little storage battery with wires running to tha little lamps that serve aa tha bear's ayes and also to one of the bear's paws, within which is -contained the switch by which tha current is turned on. The eyes glow only wnus toe pressure on the paw la continued, shutting off auto anatiaallr when the pressure is released, and as it la not supposed that anybody would want to alt and aqueess tha bear's paw continuously it Is calculated that the battery will furnish current enough for some hundreds of flaahee and that It will last for from two to four months. The eleotrio Teddy bears, which, are bchool - and Wnc!:? Best by Actual 166 & 163 First St. made In varloua alaea and also In vari ous colors, as cinnamon, polar andl black, ara supplied with eyes white and red and green, and by . buying extra ayes one can have a bear with eyea of one color In tha morning, another color in the afternoon, and still another color at night, for the tiny lamps that form; tha electric bear' a ayea acrew into sock eta ilka any other Incandescent lamp, and you can unscrew the white eyea and acrew In the red enea if you want to. When the storage battery Is exhausted It can be taken out and a fresh one put In. .;;,;,.-;y,v:, v;;'-; , ;:Ct Adopts Chicken. .--i: From the Pittaburg Dispatch, . A hen belonging to James Parrls. sf farmer, of Chippewa township hatched) . out 14 chicks 10 days ago, and aa tha weather waa cold : Mrs. Parrls placed them In box In tha kitchen. ' - The next, morning Mrs.- Parrls found; her pet torn cat in the box, with tha , chickens contentedly nestling close , to him. "--v ' '' Since then Tom naa remained con tinually with his charges.. He washes them with his tongue a a cat aoes ner kittens, and at night he extends his paws and cuddles the chicks close, at the same time trying to cover them, without crushing them. He appears Im mensely fond ot his family. If voti ara getting Btoon-houldered' advertise for mora help In the Journal. a TTOTTOmnnr don't .4UL 1 1 - TTy'' , " rr ..... y ; ,J I U, tid)i Waaliluttva at,