Hugh O'Neill, famous English journalist and ma-azine v, :j',, f, j ports the J3oise trials for the Portland Journal and the Denver 1 V '.. His report is by far the best sent out of Boise:.' Read it. The rc t of the trial from the standpoint of the defense by Ge.orge.II. Sl c f and Eugene Debs, will also be printed exclusively, in The Jour;:..!. iU(ire ;o.eaiil':j on niav'vvQoa- .:.u nan I, The Journal is the only paper in the Northwest printing all the news on all sides of this most famous case NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER PAPERS UtUc Ad ta to JOURIIAL Journal Circulation ': :''-i','.-: ;"':::"' .vi---r ; Drfags Results. Costs Only Oac Cent a Word. The WeatherFair tonight: Wed nesday fair and warmer. '5! 1 " "wW VOL. VI NO. 59. PORTLAND, OREGON,. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 14, . 1907. EIGHTEEN PAGES. . Txrr . rpwre - ' oh roam awn'urwi 11 'y.K "''-v':'''"' -'"''".; ;!;' .:.f--' 'V " :-';ir:' ' ' 'y; GEARIfJ TO PORTLAfJDIS "Si SlilS Ex-Senator. Starts the Campaign for Demo cratic Candidate in Armory Friday Night Politician's Speech Will Be Plain Statement of Present ' and Possible Future Conditions ; From All Sections of City Re publicans Rally to Mayor. " i John M. Geerin,' ex-senator, of the United Ititti, will open the lne cam ? palm at the Armory, Tenth and Couch streets, Friday evening. He will, at that time, tell to the voter and residents of the city fathered te hear him, Jut what the present municipal struggle meana to the future civle administration of Fort - land. Ilia address will not be an ora tion, but a plain statement of existing facts and possible conditions. It will bel Interesting and Instructive, especially to those who wish to acquaint them selves withj the , principles and policies which gOito make of mar a city. - ? , Tbe record of ex-Senator Oearln as a ettlsen and public speaker, is well known to the people of Portland, and it Is safe to say that no one who attends the meet ing will be allowed to go away from the - ; (Continued on Page Two New York Magazine Writer Draws Deduc tions After Making Investigation - Great Gateway of the Columbia River Gives Oregon Metropolis Advantage Over. Competitors Predicts Population of One Million Before Long. Portland a generation hence with population of .1,000,000. BeatUe's boom at the present time declining, and trade conditions of, that section already favor; Ing Portland wntcn, witn me exception of lte harbor, has a natter treae joca- Uon than New York City., v These are the fascinating conclusions reached by Chauncey Thomas, a New Tork maaaiine writer. who has been preparing a comprehensive report on the Pacific northwest lor roe past ?. inree months for the Success magasine. : He arrived "In Portland last night from Seattle, where he has been- studying conditions. .- i, . "The boom la ever In Beatoer said Mr. Thomas, "and things are. a little cutet as they say over there; but It looks to me and to other outsiders that (Continued on Page Two.) Big Houses Reported to Be Tottering From Effects ot Blow Dealt Them in the ; . Wheat Pit ' tloornal Special Service.) .' , not shave until wheat reaches ILS0 Chleae-o. Mav 14. Wheat opened InJ bushel , and cotton eeUe the Chicago pit this morning wild, ir regular and unsettled, with frequent predictions that' before noon some of the large f irma would announce ) as signments. One broker wae caught short by yesterday's call for margins on 10 per cent and forced to buy 600.000 bushels on the market. The greatest excitement prevails, and reporte abound that the big houses are tottering. Trad ing Is light, the brokers fearing to get In. . The movement waa concentrated on The market closed fractionally lower than yesterday, but with the bull eentl. ment still extremely strong. - Jones , Patten, one of the -TaTgeat wheat operatora In the world, and mayor f Evanaton. has aecierea in u wuuiu a at 14 cents a pound. The closest he came to making good his assertion was at the opening of the wheat market when December option went from i9o to 11 a bushe). Cotton will have to move up I cent a pound before ' Patten can ' again visit the tonsorial . artist, the price of Jan uary option going Just a fraction over lie a pound today. Causae Merriment. ' " While the announcement ot Mr. Pat ten created more or less amusement among the wheat trade today, it struck wide at the bears.--He Is so well known as a Judge of markets and values, and his announcement will cause many to blindly follow his lead. ,. k .. ,. (Continued on Page Nine.) TO PUT UP THOUSAilD Other Republican Can didates Are Assessed Tenth of Prospective Salaries ; f mm ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENSE 1 Big Purse Wilt Thus Be Raised by the Central Committee to Carry on the Campaign in the Coming City Election to Be Held Next Month. For mayor, $1,000. For city auditor, fSOO. For city treasurer, f 480. For city attorney, $480. i For municipal Judge, $860. (. V For councilman, $(0. v These are the 'assessments fixed 'by the Republican city central committee at the price ot the privilege of being candidates for 'municipal' office on the Republican ticket The amount In each case is approximately 10 per cent Of the total salary for two years , allowed by the charter for the office sought. The edict has gone forth from, the Re publican headquarters . that the 4 city campaign needs money, and that stnoe the . candidates are the' ones who . will benefit financially by election they are therefore expected --to come through with a portion of their prospective earnings.. ";u,;'.-,i ."-' . (..:.- ; Tithe of tbe alacteev Harking back to the old Mosaio law, Chairman Cake and the committee have fixed upon the system, of tithes, and each candidate, must put one tenth of his hoped-for , emoluments : upon the altar of party euoceas. i.yr.;t,- --'X-i. -, All -candidates, so the story, has ' It, are not firm believers In the Mosaio law. and ' several pulled .- back in : the breeching when It was announced that they must part with so large a chunk of their dreamed-of . earnings. Two, it is said, have so far hesitated to com ply with the command, but .will !n all probability come In at the eleventh hour lest they be- bereft of the benefit of political clergy when the supreme mo ment arrives. . Berlin Pays Thousand. According to the statements mads by Republicans supposed to know, . T. C Devlin, candidate for mayor, has been assessed $1,000, a sum somewhat in ex cess of the 10 per cent ratio. ' A,- I Barbur, candidate for auditor, will have pay $600: George J. Cameron, tor municipal Judge, $360; John P. Kav- anaugh, who desires to be city attorney, is expected to contribute $480, and J. Werlein. for city treasurer, $480. In the race are three candidates for councilman at large and five candidates for ward councilman.. Each of these has been' assessed $60 each,, making, t total of $480. The grand total aocumu lated In this way will be $8,400. which is not all that will be expended by the city central committee. IN HAYWOOD TRIAL J . I I ! I I, " 1 1 I I 1511 II ! . fl?'e SMsenHHiHHHMHHMSMBBaasBa ! 1 V ! r : -!": k - ' WEI 01USED- BY TWO LAOTJS TO" Richardson Supplanted by Darrow : Slow. Progress Made in Selection of Jury Talesmen Excused for Bias Wealthy Hen Favor the Prosecution; Poor Men the Defense. Prom Left tQ RightUpper; Darrow ot Chicago of Sppkane. ' B. P. Richardson "of jDenTer; - Clarence Lower: John P. Nugent of Boise; Pred Millar MONTANA GIRL-BIGAMIST ; CAUSE OF SECOND MURDER -George "-Melville Admits Committing-Crime Because His Wife Was Insulted First t - Husband Kifled on Lonely Ranch nui.i niiniipk to The Journal.! V Helena, Mont, May 14. The coroner's .,ti4t. investigated the killing of n.tthrie at Bald Butte last Sun. a.- oft.rnnnn hmi returned verdict charging that it was an act of dellber ?ion on the part ot Oeorgeelvllle and ' the latter Is now eonnned in the Lewis ind Clark county JalL During the day ' counie Attorney Haywood expecta to ftifn Information charging first de- 'f ree murder. '- ".f' 't'i Melville and his wife were the chief eotors u In the ' eeienratea s sawviue NoTthey bigamy ease at Butte last sum mer. -.Mrs. Melville, It seems, waa mar ried to several men at the same time and would leave Melville, one husband, ostensibly to visit her grandmother, and would take up her residence with Northey, another husband. . The woman - was "kept In Jail some time, but the mat ter was straightened up by Northeys securing a divorce, Melville waa nalso alleged to be a bigamist.. j-x-S v Upon their release the couple went to Bald Butte, where ' they i lived .. with Guthrie. On the . witnes stand 'Mrs.i Melvllle testified : that Guthrie had abused her by word of 1 mouth, and finally had slapped her. She said she had a hunting knife in her hand for de fensive purposes, when Melville ap peared on the scene, and learning thej cause of the trouble, became so enraged j A: that he grabbed the ' weapon from her hands and started In pursuit of Guthrie, who fled to the ce.lar. : : Here he en deavored to defend himself from Mel ville's onslaughts by using a boiler as a shield. . The ' post mortem examination - dis closed five wounds, the fetal one being beneath the shoulder blade. Melville admitted the killing of Guthrie when interviewed today at Butte and 'said he had done so unwilling, only remember ing his rage at the Insults to his wife by Guthrie. V. . ! - Mrs. Melville Is a email woman, very attractive and young in appearance. She has had a strange career which le inter woven with crime. Her first husband was killed on an isolated ranch. Upon her testimony her father was convicted of the crime and is now serving a life sentence in Deer lodge. The father claims that the daughter, then barely H, perjured herself testifying' againat him. .'" At the age.jof 14 ahe eloped from Wallace, Idahb7 with a man named Wal bridge. Walbridge was arrested on tbe charge of criminal assault, because of the tender, years of the girl, but the matter' was compromised by marriage. Then the girl with her husband and father started, overland- for Montana, and while traveling in Granite county one day, father and husband went out STATE , DEPENDS Oil SIEVE ADAL1S Whether Haywood. Is Convicted ' or Acquitted Hangs Upon this Testimony, of Illiterate. Miner Who Made Confession ' George Melville. hunting. ..- The. father returned ' with blood on his clothes, saying that her husband was lost. ' Later the body of Walbrldge was found, and upon the evi dence of his wife, the. father,' named Thomas Hunter., was given a life sen tence. - The woman le only II fears of age, - and . has thus, been the factor In two sensational murder aXXeixs,; n i (Journal Special Berrlee.) TtMaa. Idaho. Mav 14. Whether Wil liam D. Haywood i and his alleged f el-low-consnlrators : wUl be , aoaultted or hanged by the neck until dead depends to a considerable extent upon an illit erate miner and farmer-named Steven Adams, i Under the Idaho law; the eoniession of m. co-consnlrator. such as Harry Orchard,-is not euffloiefc to- convict unj less corroborated ny tne eviaenoe 01 others. Adams, a former member of the Western Federation of Miners, made confession In which he corroborated the statementa of Orchard, - but later denied Us truth, declaring that IK was secured by means of threats made by Detective McParland. Governor Good ing and Others. ' WhaWweight the affi davit of Adams will have with a Jury under' auuw.. .-cumstances is an inter esting subject of discussion in Boise. It ia the crucial point on wnicn tne prosecution res i, v with life or death, hanging in the balance for theused labor leaaers. t ' " , Arrested la Oregon. Steve Adams was arrested on ' his farm in: Oregon, shortly after the kid naping of Haywood, Moyer and Petti bone, and brought to Boise. Despite the fact that no. charge had been filed against him, he waa lodged In the state penitentiary; to, be held- as a -witness against the Federation officers;' Shortly afterward Detective . McParland . an nounced! that Adams had made a con fession corroborating that . of Orchard, and Incidentally admitting other crimes. Including theJ murder i of t wo , claim Jumpers in northern Idaho. During the time that Adams was kept in the prison his Wife was with him, being kept in communlcado against, hit will, tahe now declares, r '-A ' ' - - During his stay in the penitentiary, Adams waa deprived of nothing ' but liberty." The ."best famiUes" of Boise visited him lnthls cell arid wined and dined hUn to his stomach's content Al though a eontesscd assassin, he. became WOOD'S SICK WIFE SEES TRIAL Invalid Wheeled Into Courtroom - -Young Daughter Sits in De fendant's Lap and Is Target of Photographers. 1 y j 4AUgiy v waaae w' v vvututif mvu v. ewa kiv vu vt VsJ v. baa va. 1 rortland JournaL) . Boise, May li. Qarcnce Darrow, instead of Richardson, o counsel for the defense took up the examination of jurymen being impaneled for the Haywood, Moyer and rettibone trial this morn ing, j There is nothing indicated by the change other than an in-t tention to alternate attorneys in the examination of talesmen. The same method is pursued, by the prosecution, Borah and Hawlejr examining on alternate days. ! -r . The change today, however, is dramatic in the ditTerence be tween the two meriT Richardson , is a big man with a sonorous voice and a manner that is somewhat arrogant and superior, lie seems to regard jurors from a plane of extreme and judicial aloof ness. There is a note in his voice that invites verbal reprisals. Yesterdav forenoon he labored for half an hour to cet some admission of partiality front Walter Shaw, the brother of a Repub lican member ot the state legislature, it. is more than probable that Shaw will vbe summarily challenged by the defense and so re moved from the jury, but Richardson failed to get an opportunity; yesterday to challenge "for cause.? - - - Talesman Shaw Is Unshaken. Shaw in answering Richardson's questions was perfectly simple and simply, perfect.! He was impartiality itself, indifferent to all the issues pi the case, prepared tpt do his duty. Richardson took him back and forth and in and out of a maze of considerations, con cerning "unqualified conviction" and "impressions" and "desires in the premises "kbut nothing came, of it for Richardson. ;Shaw will be' removed by the peremptory challenge in the end, but he could not be shaken yesterday. By , George H. Shoaf 'of the Appeal to xteason Btarr. Boise, Ida., May 14. Upon reeumnUon or court proceedings in tbe Haywood trial yesterday 26 ulesmen out of the 100 summoned were excused from Jury eervlce. Kach talesman wae excused only after Judge , Wood had saUsf led himself that the reasons given were legal and valid.. Much JUroe-waa-eea-gumed In the. 'preliminary work of dis posing of - the persons who desired to "cape jury service, and It was 8:30 p. m. oerore cross-examination . of the tales men waa resumed. ; . It is evident from the number of those who wished to be excused, and from the way the remainder examined responded to the questioning, that Ada countv citi- sens are not eager to alt in judgment on the federation cases. . It is alao evident, as waa developed by the cross-examination, that many well-to-do farmers-and businesa men are prejudiced against the (Continued op Page Nine.) Darrow might have succeeded in shak ing Shaw's attitude, but Darrow la dlf ferent" His voice is low and pleaaant and friendly. There is a droop of sor row in his shoulders, a quiet sadness In his face, aome .atutude of sorrow ; far the sine of the' World In his whole peot and attitude. He seems to say In some subtle way to the jurors he ex amines: "Now. we are soor sinners all of us. Every time I hear of. a man being hanged I think there, but for the grace of God, goes Clarence Darrow. This defendant may t have sinned, like'; you and me. When you eome to consider your verdict, don't forget that Darrow Invitee Trlaadllness. ' Men get a kindly feeling for Darrow, he Invitee teara and forgiveness, and yet there is not a more watchful and pjlert lawyer in this ease than this humble and rentte man, So when he took the examinaUon of John Waggon eKHtnother Juryuittnr-thia"-mwaiHg.7h eucceeded. In challenging him : In leas than five minutes. i Waggoner had complained to tbe court that after his inclusion in the venire an agent of the defense had approached him on the case. In making that com' plaint Waggoner had only done hie duty, but It la clear that it ne naa oeen in Bvmna thy with the defense he would not have complained, and the , 4e?i4 does not want him aa a Juror.- y - I Darrow got rid of aim - without any nouw nd pugnacity.1 Ho eonvtacad Waeroner that he should not serve and then. genUy led Waggoner to admit that he waa suffering from direct bias. Ana , Continued oa Page Nine. '.'XX. '-'-,X ..,'Jr. :XiX:.. :;:.,.., , X:, X..iXX':!XXX-.::X,X W RegisterLRegister! Register!: Registration: books will be open tonight until midnight and tomorrow until 5 p: m. ' It is the last chance to register before the city election. ? ' . Hundreds of voters from the north end and from the sa loons are being herded, to the county clerk's office by the machine. i If you do not wish these elements to elect Portland's next mayor see that your name is on the registration rolls. ' You need not register now ifyoU voted last year and have not chanred vour residence since then.. You need nnt t register if you registered this spring before the -.. .liut otherwise you must register tonight or tomorrow in or der to vote in the city election. iV lm llkelr that Darrow's own person alty as a maiv apart altogether from his very carefully screened genius ae- at lawyer, would go a lonr ways, if he ha4 charge of tha case alone, to get th de-. f endant aoaultted. ;. . . . , u ixx Bympathy fot' Baoew. " . . A man would be sorry to nana' at friend of DarroWa He would And It Vto that any man. even cUent; eould know Clarence Darrow ?t,t auffertng - a "change of heart The other counsel for the de fense are "just lawyer,- attorneys for the defense because t the, defense had the ' money. Darrow la different, he Seems to have deep conviction,- to bet very serious in his attitude to life, t suffer for the weakness and. heartburn inga of all the world, that he In com mo with the other lawyers who are "Just lawyere,, gets big fee le forgot ten. His personal Influence Is very5 great , ; ' (Continued on Page Nine.) JUMPED OVERBOARD TO SAVE FLOATING CORPSE (Jeonal Special SanW) Chicago May 14. Believing that fellow man was in peril ef losing his life in the waters of the lake, Henry Duberrv. a. e-allor on the steamer ; CoUlgan. leaped into the waves, risked hie own safety and ' reacued what proved to be a badiy deoomposed corpse that had evldanUjr been afloat for weeks. Dubarry waa etandlng by the rail of the ; ateamar when he heard the cry "man overboard." Ijooklng down at the water the brave aallor saw an object float ing helplessly la tbe two. Yv nti out further lose of time he slipped Out of his coat kick -l off his shoe and leaped into t , water. 8turdily battling with t , w waves, Dubarry, who la a trr,. - swimmer, soon reached ti;e t . , caught a line whioh was t r , to htm by hie mats en i hauled back to 'the ve...' surprise wee' t cover that 1 l l f i , i &. man f .-in t: 4 At! it'