TIH3 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MAY IS, - 1C07. HE DESCRIBED the fatal "night meant.' But Haywood's friends explain this by saying that Orch ard had Rpent weeks in Denver eettlne acquainted with Haywood, that he had secured the' latter', .confidence and that natiirallywhen Haywood got word that Orchard was likely to be arrested he went to the front for Mrn. . On ths whole, the case is filled with contradictions and the , evidence to be adduced by both sides must eventually confuse the Jury. . However, unless the Jam as . Dtula lrlnnta1 Klnmi Aa I state has much stronger evidence than I its attorneys care to admit at the pres- en ume, me worst xne .ueienso cuuiu seem to expect would he a hung jury, as In the murdet trial of "Steve" Adams IIIS FII1CES Plume "Owen Hall" to Sig it.' f. . A . A Iff mm v, v - nixy -uwing mi." WAS NEVER OUT OF DEBT AFTER HE LEFT SCHOOL at Wallace, where the Jury stood tto for acquittal. '. ".v. ,5 ' CHALLENGE TO DEVLIN .!''. : f '''- '' ' - . :, ; (Continued from Page One.) - that greatest; man of yours, whom I mentioned above, was so noble an ex ample, I respectfully ask your consent to a aeries of lolnt cubllo meetings' be- teite4 that 'Trno Nnn' Would tween Mr. . Devlin and Dr. tne, and peg that la person or by committee you ill meet with us at such time ana plaoe as you may designate to arrange the details. An early . answer a -11 oblige. Tours very truly, i :; -R. W, MONT Avium Well-Known Author Saw Humor ot - Hla Chronifl Condition, and Bog' Bar Been All Right. (Joamal Special Barrlae.) " London, May 11. Owen Hall, woo wrote The Oelsha'' and "Florodora.1 and who has just died, was not of onus, - named Owen Hall In reality, but plain James Davis. It may not be snown 10 Americans, ..however, that there was any special significance In X respects Aoeeptaaee. '.';"'".! It Is stated by Chairman Montagu that the challenge la leased in entire good faith with the. expeotation that the gage will be picked up by the Re publican committee and candidate. Sinoe Cil AI Ll'DUE THAT IS 40 YEARS OLD Baptists Hold a Two-Days' Cel- ebration of Anniversary ; , -of Organization." , the nom do plutne chosen by this ama. th open,na. of th eampalgn It has been tngly suooeeaful librettist ..But the truth is that Its selection was a grim pun on the part of Davis, who might nave stepped straight out of Henri Mur gar's "Vie de Boheme. "Owen Hall" stood simply tor "Owlna- All." and Da vis onn remarked that Derhaos It repeatedly stated - In the Republloan camp that Mr. Devils had "the dope" and that If he once turned loose his guns of oratory there would be nothing left of the camp of the opposition, v Mr. Montague has faith In the foren- slo ability of his champion and Is per- Y1S on" I jsm hive ben still mora fitting If he ;;tw willlner to pit him anlnst h s VBi1:4- Wm"lf 7rn NUB" "Pr eponenT U 1. premised t1t shouiS I A : ... " "V 1 .This faille writer made pots of money, yet he was always la debt and .--, frequently "broke." a year or so ago he wrot an uncommonly candid auto biography, In 'the oours of which he the, challenge be ' aocepted - the , rot ers of the city will be treated to some very interesting publlo meetings before the eampalgn w over, "I suppose I shall 'go on working in -harness till I get one of the only two experiences i nave never bad, death and solvency.- -The first earn to him re cently from acuta gastritis but sol vency ho never achieved. K . Could sTot Xaaere. WATER THIS SEASON. 0 KLAMATH PROJECT ' (Special Dteoatca to The Jooroal.) Klamath Falls. Or- May 18. Arrange- I merits are; now being made by the re clamation officials with farmers lOwn- "Money has always been mr stumb- tag land under the first unit of the lr img diocsv fie declared in his auto-1 ngauon projeoi, to suppiy-mem wixa biography. 1 never oould get enough I water during the season ot HOT. Con- money, and X never oould manage It I dltlons are suoh that it will be bnpoa- I. suppose I am oursed with an erratic I slble to Turnish water under ie I temperament, or a careless one, or per-1 clamatlon aot, but a char re of I1.B0 an naps a aisnonest one, but the fact re-1 aore zor the season has been rued, ana mains that no matter how much I have I this will apply Just to the actual nurn- earned in my lire I do not think I have ber or acres irrigated, and trot to the been out or debt sinoe I left sohool totai holdings. : as will be the case un- atw, owing a sjia t pence io (no tan i aer ui reclamation aot xne cnarge is woman." oonsldared reasonable, as It Is ths usual Most of the money that Davis made I oharge made previous to the govern' out of his stage pleoes was lost at the I ment undertaking the work. The oues- track. He is said to have reoelved 110,000 1 tion has arisen as to what will be done for the manuaoript of "A Greek Slave" 1 with the excess after the actual ooet and to have parted with every penny of of furnishing this water has been paid. U la three weeks. Small fortunes alio I Borne think it should be credited te the came te him from ' "rlorodora, "An Artist s Model" and, of course. ' "The Geisha,' but . they an melted rapidly, "for.", he wrote, . "I make it a rule to allow my weekly expenditure just to exceed my weekly Income." The Story ef bow Davis, or Hall, began writing musical comedies, is In teresting. While In the train one day he met George Edwaxdes,' who had just produced a aew piece at the Gaiety. Edwardes asked Davis what he thought or It and Davis, who was then doing Journalistic pot-boilers, replied that he believed he , oould write a better one. "All Right replied the manager, "you shall do the next one." Thus "The Gaiety Girl" oame to be. In writing It land ewaers upon their original eon traeta wfth the government and others that it should be placed to the credit of the project, inasmuch as those secur ing water get their money's worth. KEN0 CANAL WILL BE ; ? t DUG BY FORCE ACCOUNT (Spetlal IMirp.ua The tormtD Klamath Falls. Or.. May It. The Keno canal, to be construoted on the west side of the river by the federal 're clamation service as . a part of the Klamath project, is to be due by force eooount or nraotfaallv an. - TKa m2 m iavis praouwiy iuttoiw nw muw i submitted for the work some time ago. comedy as we know it today, and as which amounted virtually to , 7 oenU Mr. "owing All" or "Owen Hall" he lost per cubic yard, was rejected bv the seo- no time in-working the gold" mine he retary of the Interior, as similar work had discovered. , I had been done at 10 cents Derouhia vard. and he has authorised the offloale here to do the work by foroe a&bount it la the intention of the reclamation service to arrange the fepeolfloatlona so that small contractors oaa bid on the work and every assistance will be given them. Then - If the1 small contractors do- not 1 VOTERS GET LAST CHANCE . , (Continued from Page Ona) ' Rushlight was right in bin eontentlon - but Mr, MoNary held to his point and J bid , It win be done by. foroe account me council eccepiea ms view or the ' matter. -; A resolution was therefore ' . adopted, povldtng that ' the 4 books "be opened from Monday - morning until Wednesday afternoon at o'clock., There was no opposition to the adop tion . of thf resolution and after Its adoption an ordinance, fathered by Coun- , cllman Annand. was passed also provid ing for the opening of the books. The . purpose of the latter Is not clear, sinoe unaer city Attorney MoNarys decision the resolution le all that was necessary, Books Boopsnsa at Onoe. 1 Upon the adjournment of the oounctl the books were at onoe opened by Coun ty Ulerk Fleias and registering com menced. In the opinion of many poli ticians there are ruiir l.ooo voters In the clrv who have failed to register up to this time. It is expected that these will aa be placed on the books by the time they close on Wednesday afternoon. The Republloan city central committee has sent out men into every precinct In the city and has gathered lists ef all these who have not registered.' Eager workerswill see to it that these men all provided with a chance te sign james the registration book. - (flpMiai Olsptteta te The Journal.) McMlnnvllle,.Or., May IS. The First Baptist church of this place celebrated Saturday and Sunday Use fortieth -anniversary of its - organisation. ' The ohurch was organised May 11, It 67, with 21 members and now has a membership of 188. During that time .the church has had II pastors, Floyd M. Adams, the present pastor being the thirteenth.- .On Saturday at noon the church had. a basket dinner followed by an after noon session ' in which the history of the ohurch was recounted and messages were read from former pastors. In the evening a stereoptloon leoture was given on "The Passion Play at Oberamraer gaU." -.:' - ,; .' On Sunday two of the former pastors occupied the pulpit Rev. A. J. Hun- saker In the morning and Rev. W. T. Jordan, now, of the - Central Baptist smirch, or rortland, la tne evening. -r?. CARUSOTHROWS ROSE TO AMERICAN GIRL (Joe rati Speeia! rviee.) , Paris, May ; It. Slgnor i Caruso, the tenor, who is now much in evidence In Paris, where he Is stepping with his wife . and children, was yesterday re turning from a ooncert at Trocadero, where he reoelved aa ovation, and was driving in the Champa Elysee In i automobile tilled with flowers. The automobile was caught la the jam and stopped beside the carriage In which a beautiful Amerloaa girl, well known in the Amerloaa eolony, was sitting. Slgnor Caruso took a rose from a bou quet, kissed' it and threw it into the lap; of the fair American,' who,gmils lng, bowed and raised the flower to her llpa- The crowd saw the incident and shouted - "Bravo, ? Caruso." He waved his band as the automobile, re- d from the Jam, proceeded on Us 1 way. CAN BE NO TITLE IN I WILD GAME AND FISH (Speelal Dtspetak te The tarsal) Boise, Idaho, May 1 It. A very Im portant deolslon has bean handed down by the Idaho supreme eourt in the case of J. Sherwood vs. W. N. . Stephens, sute game warden. Warden Stephens was sued for : damages for liberating 780,000 .fish which had been oaptured from the Snake river and put into ponds in the vicinity. The court held that wild fish and game belong to the pub llo, and thst no person oould acquire title to them as could be done in the oase of chattels. It was further held that no one had a right to oonstruct a dam across publlo stream and there-i by endeavor to seonre title to the fish therein. - :' ;, X V NO COCAINE NO OAS XlIJ-J NO , STUDENTS We'Set the Pace Have ' your teeth ' fixed before warm 7 weather T sefs in, as bad, . teeth are a menace to good health. Those . .who , can not pay .cash can have their work done on the installment plan. ' vi. , JBxtraotlueT. " poslttvely jaia. less ..... , 60s) ea-K orowa. .... . . . . . , . f s.oo Bridge work, pet tooth. . . if 5.0O Our best plain plate...... f 3,00 sTZTOUS VXOPUi and those troubled with heart weakness oaa now have their teeth fixed with out the least danger. We invite every man., woman and child In Portland and vicinity to call and have your teeth examined free of charge. . ladles - In attend anoe. Open Sundays till 10 o'clock. 17 offices in United States. Testi monials furnished upon applica-. , tion. Chicago Dental Parlors i-: Vade new maugeaeai. ' Oo. Sixth aaa'Wasbiagtoa. Bs sure yoa are la the right plaoe. AT THE THEATRES The New Dominion. . Ia CUr CtoniMt' e bMntiral etorr ef the new sesth, "Tbe Mew Doalatoa" there fa aa es- qalalta humor, aa abaorblng love story and everything that a really good play aboeld eoa taia. it siayee te crowded aooaoe rettcrdav and Mas fair to be sooethlnt ef a record breaker this week. Mr. Bdsar Basse, the popslar leading man, is admirably sotted te tbe part or tbe seneraos aad tender-hearted uersiui Botaaiet. , V' TIMBER FRAUDS SCENE SHIFTS TO NORTH IDAHO (Special Dbpatek te Tbe Joarael.) Boise, Idaho, May It. Judge Diet rich and ' the other federal eoart offi cials are at Moscow, where the May term of ths federal court held In that city will open today- It is expected that the remaining north Idaho timber fraud eases will be taken up at this term.' The results will be awaited with much interest throughout Idaho. iJj TlirtllJjag Medodrams. "Tee White Oapa" is tbe aasM ef the ttrtn tng melodrama that is being offered at tbe Empire tbeatre this week. It is a story ef s Rentacar fend, a sabjeot that is always popoUr la tletloa aad en the itace. The Seaman eom paay la giving as exeeUeat iaterpretatioe and large erewds axe saewlag tbesr approval. , -u. v i "Behind the) laak.M "Behind Xbm Mask," tbe melcdrama wblob created each e rnutJa la Mew Xeik early m tbe aeeeoa, will bare Ha flret Pctfl eoaat prods otkm tenlfbt by tbe'sopelar AileaVgtock company ' at the Ljrc. VUtloeee Taeeday, Thenday, Saturday and Snadar. Tenia rW toe and all the favorites la the east i Re served seats auy be ot 4cd by telepeeae. s Best of Bicyclists. The Baker troupe i ef . acrobatle Mcyetlata, eMurtdcred tbe best la the world, are the bete. linen for the, sew vaudeville program at the Grand, startlpc today. "BUlle and tbe Act roes" is tbe title ef a eklt by Walter Shronde and Uarle afolvey. ia which they Introdoee tbe pantomlnle keg dance trom "Babea la ToybBd." "Tbe SberiM ot Iramle" will be toand a tabloid westers eomedy-draaa, pra eented by Barry W. BabbfA eoarpaay. "DeviTs Island.' Tbis evening sad all week "Dora's Mend I h TJSajyjMB SEEK TO EVADE (Continued from Page One) Attorneys Hawley and Borah, for the prosecution, have indorsed -onj the via dlctment the namee .of witnesses they intend to call and today presented IS : more. The prosecution admlts.lt will . open Up all of the lafror troubles - that i have eoeurred - In - the-western mining : 'fields since 18 91, and endeavor to con ' nect Haywood and the officers of the Federation with the disturbance, al--leglng they have at all times counseled vwer.; J." Then they will try to sub stantiate the confession of Harry Orch ard, who admits he blew up Governor Bttjunenberg, but claims he was paid to do so by Moyer, Haywood and Pet tlbone and Jack Slmpklns. Telegraphed for Lawyers. , ,; The state places-stress on the f aot that H&ywod telegraphed for lawyers ' . to defend Orchard even before he was arrested and without Orchard : making any request for counsel. This is de clared to Indicate that - Haywood knew wbstprchard's presence In Caldwell on TULE LAKE REMAINS . AT. HIGH WATER MARK ' (Speeml Dtapateh te Tbe iHntl.) Klamath Falls, Or May It. Tule lake still registers . high water mark. It is at present about two feet above ordinary high water, and It Is estimated that the waters will not recede to nor mal for at least two years. There are now under water between 4,000 and 1,000 aores of good hay and pasture land, although less than 100 aores Is la alfalfa. Those 'amlUar with the country . say mat asa wnoie this ' high water will probably be beneficial, aa ths land lias oeen- over-irrigated, . causing an aa cumulation of ; alkali, end the fiaaA waters will serve to take un and carrv away the alkali The plan of the re- ciamauon engineers is to .divert the waters or Lost river Into the Klamath, nence uere eannot be t imhitmim f such a condition, but meanwhile the nooa waters now in Tule lake must re ceae py evaporation. ' - ; WAGON TONGUE FULL LENGTH JN STREET CAR ' (Special Dispatch to Tha Jrmmlw ' Spokane, Waslu, May it. A team ran away yesterday and thrust the wa gon tongue inrough the end of a street car. . The team was hitched ta a 1mi of furniture. The harness broke - and the tongue earns down.' . The horses swung, one on either sideef a eomlng street car. i no motorman put on the brakes and got out just as the tongue penetrated the end of the ear and ran full length into It The nannla v.r. an in tne oacs ox the ear, so no one was hurt Another car was hitched to the back end of the wagon and pulled It back. In IS minutes after th-anni. aent naa happened the line was clear, Idaho Shooters Officers. " : " (Special Dispatch to Ths Jon real.) Boise, i Iilahn. Mi IX TVi. o.,. Sportsmen's association, at the elose of its very successful tournament here. elected the following offloers for the ensuing year:-, President, George A. Anderson; secretary, Harry Grauel; treasurer, w. j, ijemp, ail or Boise. TUG POLICYHOLDERS' COMPANY! . BEST FOR AN OREQONI AN HOME OFFICE SIXTH AND ANKENV STREETS, PORTLAND jLr Le MILLS, ' I SAMUEU - - r CLARJCNCB2 8. 8AMUKU ' President. General Manager. ' AsiUt&nt eUanag-wft Open Shop Threat at Spokane. (Speelal Dispatch to The Jesnal.l BDOkane. Wash- Mar it. The also- company, return to work or submit their differ- ".T'.Zrr. w r.Cl.'LZ. enoes to a board of arbitration. . the SpVl Z in tiT htor, ei Ttt7 eae. and will open their shops to non-union as well as union men today at noon, un less the workers take action before that time: The strike. is over the refusal te raise wagee from M to IB a day. will be played by the new Star Theatre Stock TBare wui ae mannoas -juaeuy. Saturday and Sunday. . "Devil's hta made s sttrrlng, exciting and entertala. ing story, 1 Brats are new eev sale Air all per formances: Klaer Soenlo-Photoev Imperial hotel. JACOB DURST TRAMPLED TO DEATH BY A BULL RIVER RISES SLOWLY Deserted Flatbottomed Skiff Adrift -"rj'-'-fl in' Harbors S'r fflnselal Disnatch to Tbe i'oanaL) MoMlnnvllle. Or.. May 18- Jacob Durst, aged 6, and a single man, who lived eight miles southwest of here near Bellevue. was trampled to death by bull Saturday evening. When the bull. which la dehorned, attacked him it first butted him, knocking him down. Xt then stamped him to death. Durst was a prosperous' farmer of Bellevue eounty. , The Willamette river Is slowly rising as a result ef backwater from the Co lumbia. This leaves the s water clear and practically no., ourrent ln the ar- Heaves a brother, who is also a well- nor. " ' ,--.. . ;"v . . I . i. . .. ., T.inh . rii,m n v th f!y TC?. . k th rlr?r known throughout the southwest part .l!r. 7 ''-JSZlZTiltotor from the Bellevue church. sa-a AVeva, m wivnweaaii wa4 a-asv vb. puvoti , " - mmmummmm! from the bank and started for the chan- HOLD FUNERAL SERVICES nei witn tne xiooa ana bod ox tne tiae. which,' notwithstanding the general be lief to the contrary, la quite perceptible i even in the aarborr! - J The eklff was picked up by Captain 1 Amos of the Eva, -who will be glad to turn it over to the owner upon payment of towage and wharfage obarges. This I is the third boat that has been found! OVER ARTHUR ty'EWEN ": (Atamal anedal Serrlee.) . New Tork. May II. -The funeral of Arthur McKwen, chief editorial writer of the New Tork American, who died in Bermuda May 1, was held at Fresh Pond crematory, Long Island, yester- ?KTlin-mM,tr,,am aurln NaT AwiTSZ TAC0MA MINISTERS WAR AGAINST SINFUL SHOWS v. (Saedal Dbnateh to Tbe YaemaLt - Taooma, Waeh., May lt-It is doubt ful if "Salome" and "Mra Warren's Pro fession.'! billed for a theatre here next week, and which have been tabooed at different cities of the country, will be allowed to appear. The ministers of the city have begun a crusade against them on eooount of . their alleged gross im morality and the authorities will be asked to prevent their production on a Tacoma stage. v ; , friends and former associates, and all members of his immediate family were present. : The ceremonies were simple. Franklin --K.; lane ot-tne interstate commerce oommlseion, who was' for merly associated with the deceased in San Franoisoo, came froni Washington and made a brief address. 4 FAMOUS EDDY CASE' POSTPONED FOR WEEK (Joamal Special Serrlee.) Concord. N. H.. May It. This was the the - date originally fixed - for- hearing arguments before the superior oourt in the matter of the petition of Henry M. Baker. Josiah K. strnald and Arohl bald MoClellan. the trustees to ' whom Mia. Mary Baker G. Eddy has trans ferred the management of - her affairs. I that they be suDstiiutea ror tne "next fSoMlal DlraatchVto The JoeraaLt friends" in the attempt to secure an WUlits, Cat, May. II. W. Hopper accounting of Mrs. Eddys property. By shot and Instantly killed X Berchtoldt I agreement of eourt and counsel for both near this city last night The trouble parties to the proceedings the hearing arose over domestlo difficulties. Hop-1 has been postponed for one week. per has surrendered.' FATAL AFFRAY OVER DOMESTIC TROUBLES k New El ec trio Line In Idaho. Boise, Ida..' May IS.- The management of the Boise & Interurban Electric Bail way company announces that it Is the Intention of .the company, to extend its line from Star 10 miles west of Blose to Payette, on the Oregon Short'1 Una The new line Is to- b a branch of the main line. of the electric road which extends! rrom noise to vaiaweii. THE NERVES ARE ROBBED BY COFFEE Think it over. : '. Boise to Be Four-Troop Post. ' ( Boise," Ida- May It. General Wood bury of the department of . the Colum bia, who has ' Just Inspected the Boise: barracks, says no more soldiers will be sent here until the Improvements being ...... - . . - i made at the .fort are completed, ; when four froops will be stationed here, PQSTUM Makes Red Blood "THERE'S A REASON' f!0 7A 7 " TV ilMJli II t . j .... I . ' , I . lis -0 Th V! liliCOl'ii 3 . '"i sday-Wciaesday-lliJirsJay Unheard-of Values Here- for-.- ... . , - ' . , 1 -:. a - . - - - - SEE, WINDOW, DISPLAY The purchase of 100 of these handsome Chairs at a remarkably low figure, en- v ables us to quote the prices asked. These Chairs have the appearance, the style ' - jt .1 ' " e nr rt.: - a. re.J- r .tl L J ana xne wearing quanues oz vnaira yet wc u c uuwmg , ucm iw uucc uajra aHALF PRICE, and on the easiest possible r terms. The i illustrations, made from photos, give an idea of their graceful lines, but the Chairs should be exam-y, ined to be fully appreciated. V On sale Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. y Days 0m$ mom AITEEK ( III - -- J . This chair it the picture of comfort. Not a line of its make-up was added without a view to comfort and style. The frame is cons tract ed of thoroughly seasoned choice grained oak, fin ished in" popular golden. Open bottom ' steel ' and spring constructed seat with spring back, adjustable. The covering is imitation Spanish' leather or. Boston leather,- of perfect enduring; qualities. ; The cheapest good chair on the market. 1 We invite your comparison. .Several styles to choose from. Certainly the greatest contrast between this and other Morris chairs Is In ; the price. 1 We assure you the quality is there. is NOT $25, but only. ?1 DOWN, 50e A WEEK . 12.50 LgoIe at TMs - alHC IfOF 17.50 At no other place in this town can you obtain such a leather Rocker for $15, yet our price is only $7.50. , With easy terms of $1 cash, 50c a week. Gevurta prices are always the lowest,' but here is an instance in which we break our own record for bargain giving. ' W deem it hardly necessary to quote other than a concise description of the material, as our Illustration should serve the purpose of giving you an idea of the style. Cut was made from photo. ; Front t of frame is laid with quartered oak effect, fin -ished in golden oak throughout. Covered in Boston or imitation Spanish leather. - Full roll seat, broad r back and uphol stered ' arms. For Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, only. . C 7D ier. -ewi rou $7:50 Goods Sold on Easy Payments Q2VlrrTZ CELLS IT F017 LESS" my II I TrD L : ' sVaaaaaaaasacaaJsl ' ' IT1 W7 Send Fcr Tree . Calalcjne THE' tmMMSWOQf PAINT STORE Tell us what you are going1 to paint and we will tell you the right materials to paint it right. x s f v ' , ' ' Sooklet "Haady SOats ea ' : ; , XoaselMl A MsttaC Tree TIPS, CRESS & CO. ' -i . TBOB 9AX3KT STOXX 145 EIRST STREET non naxir toss. A WEEK WILL i IttO DIAR10KDS, tVATCfflS APE JEIVELRY AT PRICES LESS THAN OTHERS ASK WHEN YOU , . PAY THEM CASH. v S l! M .VI' ' '' SBB1 I SIS . ,v . -. ... las. wnsLdws s ' V'- , essfcesa eeM byKtlUaes or yjl5,rlS 1 i iJ ii tllViJttlLiLJ t . J u w . 1 ehlldna wtille ToethtQl lot ot rlfty TJ , , i It aaotfees the child. eJhns J fume, ail.r. i i, ,. tTT..T , , all pain, our wind eoU and la toe boat Z 111.)" 1 ifemedyfnrdlarThra, I ; TWENTi.riva frnrrs a BeTTia- 1 V - , SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED "7 r