The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 13, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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Little Ad in THE JOURNAL
Journal Circulation
Erings Result Costs Only
One Cent a. Word. ' , , .
' ' '? 1 "" -
, Pair and cooler, tonight; a possibly i
, light frot; ' northwest winds. ' (I
Sunday f
PRICE TWO ' CENTS. , ffl5,BSmnil0"SS
VOL. VI. NO. 58.
Mnntague Asks Cake
f to Help Arrange for
a Debate Between the
Mayoralty Rivals
Democratic Chairman Suggests
to Republican Manager That
City's Voters May Best Learn
to Decide Questions Through
Hearing Them Discussed.
Thomas C Devlin, Republican eandl
date for mayor, hu been challenged to
open debate , with Mayor Harry ban
Democratic candidate. The gauntlet
ml thrown down this morning by R.
' W. Montague,' chairman of the Demo-
eratie central committee. In a latter writ
ten to W. M. ' Cake, chairman of the
Republican central committee. The let-
ter outlines the reasona why anon a
series of public meetings would be of
Isneflt to the voters of the city. The
letter follows: -r: , . - ' ' . '
"(Mve Totota a Onaaoa. '
"Honorable W. M. Cake, Chairman Re
publican City Central Committee, Dear
Sir The eleotora of thla city are now
entering upon a political campaign, the
results of which will prorounaiy ax
, feet tha welfare of every eltissn. 1
think yon will agree with ma that the
only rightful object of auch a campaign
In an Intelligent and enlightened demoo
raoy Uka ours, la to aire tha voters
the beat Boaelble opportunity to deter
mine, eoberly, candidly and reaaonably
how their votea should be cast, and thla
without reeort to Improper, secret or
unjust lnfluencee. ,. , -
Tou will at ree with me too,.! am
sure, that It la your duty and mine to
conduct thla sampalgn. as far as the
conduct of it devolves ' upon us, with
these ends and none other In view. Now
It Is. evident that In no way could a
better opportunity be afforded v fair
minded men to decide for themselves
between the candidates for mayor, than
a aeries of joint - publlo discussions,
where eaoh man must place himself
squarely before the people, on hie merits,
in tha open, and enforce his claim to
their suffrages, not only with fair prom
ises, but with tha aincerlty, conviction
and faith ho puta Into them.
Had Oat- Weak Fleoes.
"Ever olnce Lincoln-Douglas de
bates it baa been admitted that no teat
can better search out the weak plaoes
in any man or any causa and bring out
the very right or tne maer, ana wu
now. a vary- .distinguished Republican
and Democrat are engaged in aueh a da-
hate In mint.
Therefore, with that abiding faith In
the power and w.l of tna peopie 10 ae
clde right what la fairly placed before
them, which la a fundamental article In
the creed of my party, and of which
., . )
f 'Ui.
County Clerk Accedes
; to Request Made by
;City Council in Spe
cial Session Todays
Books Are to De Kept Open Un
til Five o'Clock Wednesday,
Including Tonight and Tues
day Night City Attorney De
- dares Action Legal.
"-May belle GllmarT In Her " Bridal Costume. :
(Continued on Page Three.)
. omen DDCPIflPTQ
mm urn mm -
f all Ml I 111 I I I II I I I
Petitions for Vote on Local Op-
tion Are Found Lacking Nec
"T" essary Number of Registered
Voters. v
County Clerk. Fields has rejected tha
petition for a vote on local option In
the subdivision embracing precinct 1.
82, 63, 84, 67, 68 and' 69, because the
petitions were. nine names short of the
required number. Twenty-nine signa
tures wore stricken off the petitions be
cause they were not those of registered
voters. The number of names on the
original petitions was S6J. , ' .;
The remaining five petitions ' have
been checked over; and found satlsfao
tory., Elections have been ordered In
these districts, and j notices are ' being
postaef today by the sheriff. The aub
4Vlslons in which votea will be cast
y h- llniinii , lna nraelnnta
n. si. . 8i nreclnot 8:"rrectncts 41.
48; precinct 85 precincts I6..84, 17, It,
' '.Under the law, if the majority of the
voters In any subdivision should vote
-for prohibition, then the entire subdi
vision goes dry. But If the subdivision
' as a whole goes wet end any precinct
goes dry, the individual precinct will be
- dry until the next eleotion, though the
remaining precincts embraced ' In the
; district will be wet
t'sj ( ' ,''!') 1 ' j''.:.,:'';;"-"
(Jonraal Special Serric.) " . f
Loa Angeles, Cal., May 18. -The sea-
' alons of the mothers' congress were, re
umKl tbis, morning. . Mrs. Frank HU1
of Taromft led . the dlscuirslon in .the
conference on the prevention of crime.
MockingdBird iMabeHe G i I m a n V: a rrd S tee
v night Roses for Decorations
Mew York, May 18. The f&ble of the
footllght favorite and the foolish mil
lionaire Is the staple of gossip on
Broadway these days. "Mocking Bird"
Mabelle Oilman is the envied of all
the "tenderloin bunch," as Mrs. Evelyn
Nesbit Thaw. would put it, while Wil
liam Kills Corey . ls-4ut what's the use
of saying It
Another chapter is to be added 1 to
thla never-ending romance Just after
the clock strikes' 1!,' after midnight.
when the millionaire president of ; the
United States - Steel corporation will
make Miss Oilman his bride. .
As the wediding will not be solemn.
ised until after midnight they will re
verse, the custom of having supper after
the ceremony, and the supper ., tonight
will be 'served before the", eerejaony
takes place.
Immediately, After the Ceremony the
eouple will go' aboard , a V steamship,
which leaves for Europe" Tuesday morn
ing. V. The wedding j supper at the Hotel
Gotham will be an elaborate affair. The
decorations of the room will' cost more
than5 18.000. Over' 11.000 worth of
American Beauty roses will . be used.
About two dosen guests will be In at
tendance. Including relatives of both
parties. Among the guests will be Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Thomas of MoKeesport,
Pennsylvania. Mrs. Thomas Is a sister
of Miss Oilman. Thomas Is a chemist
in the DuQuesne mills of the United
States Steel corporation, where he has
bee employed for noma montha, being
placed there through Corey. Today
Corey and Miss Oilman went out In the
morn taav spending most of the day to
gether. A',. ?' ': "AA.
-The steel king "has been constantly
attentive to Miss Oilman since she ar
rived from Europe. . , He . Is evidently
very much in love.'
. There are lota of precedents for. the
OilmanhCorey affair. In fact, it seems
to bo a favorite trick of men of . mil
lions te put away the wives of their
poorer days when wealth opens the way
to . acquaintanceship v with footllght
......I I i .I i I ' i ii ' r ' ' '. I,
Unregistered voters of the city will
now be given an opportunity to com
ply with the law and qualify for cast
ing their ballots June 8. Thla morning
the ' city council In special . session
passed a resolution asking the county
clerk to open the books for Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday and at 11:80
o'clock County Clerk Fields opened the
roll once, more to the belated gratifica
tion of a large number of expectant
voters waiting in the office.
According to program the books were
to have been opened at 10:30 o'clock,
but a hitch occurred over legal tech
nicalities, and while .' the council was
hunting for City Attorney McNary to
lead out of the swamp fully 800 voters
swarmed er the clerk's office waiting
for 'an ; opportunity Jcjt do that which
they should have do before. At last.
however, Mr. McNary vached the coun
ell chamber and cabjfted the fears . of
the city fathers, after which the meas
ure made rapid flight to enaction.
"Well, gentlemen, how manyV votes are
you shyT" said Mayor Ire to his strict
ly Republican council, when he called
the r meeting ' to order. . Councilman
Vaughn., the. sole Demo-at ef the body.
was absent, so 'there was no member
present who could appreciate the Joke.
. Xrneetaeas of Kr. Baker.
: In solemn earnestness ; Mr. Baker ex.
plained to the chairman what business
had brought the council together. He
stated that it. was a fact that a very
large number of voters bad failed to
register, but would do so if they were
given another chance. He also aatd that
County Clerk Fields would open the
books if the council asked him to do so.
Baker failed to see any objection to the
pian. T--".-'" ":""s'
Councilman Rushlight was . not so
sure. He did not know that the council
had authority to cause the books to be
opened by mere resolution, and suggest
ed that the city attorney be sent for to
expound the law in the case. Accord
ingly a recess, was taken while Mr. Mo-
Nary wee hunted up.. .. ,
When the city attorney reached the
scene he held the council had ample
power to ask that-tha books be opened,
Rushlight asked If it was not stipulated
in the registration law that all regule
tlona be made either by charter pro
vision or by ordlnsnce. ,
, Councilman Booths thought that Mr.
(Continued, on Page Three.)
Con tinned on Page Flve.
Advertising Record forlhe Week f
X . For the week ending May -12 the records show that "The " t
T Tournal carried more1 advrt?sinc trinn itrir tfi nronnian nr.
ua vciuiig issue. . me juurnai printed x,oii incnes, or -sxo
inches ,more than the Oregonian. ' Here are the figures: . '
Local display . . .......... . . .-. 7,103
' r ! j: f J it bah
foreign uispiay . . . oai
Classifield and Real Estate. . . . . 3,511
Tournal. Oregonian. Telegram.
Inches. Inches. ' Inches.
-5,402 5,676'
1,378 ' . 73? t
4,515 2,401
11,511 11,295
- v Local advertisers have discovered by experience that ' ad
vertising; in The Journal pays -it pays bectuse The Tournal
-has more circulation in Portland, and in ; Oregon by several
thousand than any other daily newspaper. , That these same
merchants continue to vie The Tournal day after day and week
after week,, is the best evidence that it is profitable for them
t to bay Journal advertising space. .'V -':. 4 ; :" - !'-'-':: ' : e
Twelve - Year - Old Youngster
Tires of Strange Sights at
Hillaboro and Ends Adventure
- , . - r i
In the Grim County Jail.
The eight of Dr. Banford Whiting's
horse and buggy standing in front of the
Hotel" Portland yesterday afternoon in
spired 18-year-old Warren Mallory with
a sudden aesire. to run away, ana ne
got Into the buggy and drove away to
Hillsboro. , By the time the boy had
reached HiUsboro his desire to get away
from Portland had left him. and he put
the rig up at a stable.
When Dr. Whiting discovered his loss
he informed Sheriff Stevens, who imme
diately notified officers In outlying
districts to 'look out for the stolen rig
and the thief.V Last night Sheriff Con
nell of Washington county found the
rig and arrested the boy. Sheriff Ste
vens went to muanoro this morning
and brought young Mallory back to this
city. ::'?v;v;:w x y'ix-i:-a-Hf:v
At the county au this morning, the
boy cried bitterly as he admitted taking
the physician's horse and buggy. He
said he had been kept la Jail over night
at HiUsboro. He lives with Mrs. Kline
at 1171 Mississippi avenue, who, he
says, has cared for him since he was a
baby,.! The boy knows nothing of the
whereabouts of bis father, and eays his
mother died when be was an Infant He
was brought, to Portland from Tacoraa
little ever a year ago by hie step
mother, who took him to the home of
Mrs. -Kline and then disappeared. Mrs.
Kline bad also lived at Tacoma. ' .
Young Mallory said he bad no reason
for wanting to run, away, as Mra Kline
bad always treated him well.':. Later in
the - day he was turned , over to- the
Juvenile court, -and the case will be dis
posed of bj Jud Fraser.. . j
W.: D. Haywood, Defendant.
Haywood Prosecution's
ir Tac fr -Wncf
crefs of Minina Camo
of Four Western States
"Mysterious Billy" Smith and
the White Brothers Engage in
Furious Street Fight to. De
light of Large Crowd.'
"Mysterious Billy"- Smith, proprietor
of the Atlantic cafe, ax-priseflghter and
ex-sailor boarding-house man. Is unable
to appear at bis place of business today,
for the reason. It Is said, that he is laid
up for repairs as a result of a Satur
day night fight with Harry White and
his brother Jim. sailor boardmg-houas
men, who received a conditional pardon
from the penitentiary Saturday morn
ing. Smith and the White brothers were
until recently partners in the eaUor sup
ply business;- ; v
The fight occurred In front of Mr,
Smith's Third street resort Smith was
lounging in front as the Messrs. White
passed. "Mysterious" la said to have
directed ' remarks toward the. Brothers
White In which he called them ell the
different kinds of vile names of which
a north-end divekeeper is capable, end
ing with the assertion that neither of
them should ever again enter his place.
Entertaining Street right.
The Whites "are also long on that par
ticular brand of talk, ; and replied to
"Mysterious Billy's" remarks In kind.
The dialogue grew: loud, blasphemous
and profane. 'A large crowd gathered
about the iiree,i who are generally
known throughout that part of the city
as"bad men," anticipating trouble.
And trouble came. Just who precipl-
"""" (Continued oh Page Two.) ;
(Joaraal Special Benrfce.)
Boise, Idaho. May 18. When theourt
convened thla afternoon the sheriff
presented 87 names from which an at
tempt will be made to draw a Jury.
Many members of the panel immediately
sought excuses from Judge Wood. Nine
tenths of the ' panel are farmers and
stockmen. They urge that their inter
ests would suffer If they were compelled
to remain away any length of time.
Only a (eW are permitted to go home.
The advent or the panel, wnicn la tne
largest ever summoned la this county;
caused for the first time the courtroom
to be comparatively filled, women seem
to lack interest In the trial. Only two
so far have oeen present, ouisiao 01
the Haywood family. ' , .
' rorymea Aggrieved.
The 11 men Who have been locked np
since Thursday knowing that they were
not likely to be retained, feel they have
been imposed on. :- Little time was lost
In the preliminaries this afternoon. The
clerk called the roll and the court Us
tered to excuses. The examination of
talesmfifn then began. Attorneys of both
sides think the Jury will be obtained
from thla panel this week. A number
of witnesses on both sides have arrived
and Others are en route.
(By Hugh O'Neill, special commissioner of the"
Portland Journal and Denver Post.) ;
.Boise, Idaho, May & Murder and assassina
tions cold blooded, deliberate, carefully-planned,
ruthlessly executed, is the charge that the "people
of Idaho," through , their attorneys, will seek to
prove against , William D.- Haywood, secretary
treasurer of the Western Federation' of Miners, at
the trial for which the jury is being selected here
today. There is no half way house in this allega
tion; it cannot.halt of compromise the facts: it can
not jgphalf proved, and ask for a penalty proper to
a more moderate crime. It must be proved up to
the hut. ; -. ! ; . , ;v. -j. b-i
It is a case of all or nothing. And whether the
facts will be available in the trial 6r not: whether
the testimony in support of the charges will or will
not be convincing and admissible evidence, there is
no doubt whatever but that the prosecution has a
profound belief in the truth of its charges. . ,
Cannot Go Half Proved. .?
No refined or evasive language is possible in
sirsinea meinoas wm ne possioie in
handling them in court They cannot
go half proved,
-To prove in law that Kay wood, Moy
er and Pettlbone contrived the murder
of Frank Steunenberg. ens time gov
ernor of Idaho, the state will not and
cannot prove that case alone. Its task
Is a much more serious and Impressive
one than that It must bring in irre
futable evidence, covering a period of
10 years; It must "expose the criminal
secrets of the mining camps of four
western states; it must kill over again
in the courtroom of Boise the dead and
forgotten men of Coeur ITAlene and
Cripple Creek and Tellurlde and Gold
fields. - ,
It cannot stop at proving that these
three accused men are only bad char
acters or violent persona or seditious
or dangerous. It cannot atop at prov
ing that they knew of or aided or abet
ted or suggested or connived at tha
assassination of Frank Steunenberg.
t bfin rur -mu rvr ' -
To prove that one . charge It must
prove that these men formed a secret
council, whose aim was Intimidation and
sudden death;' that they planned dellb-.'
erately, not one, er two, or three,' but a
long line of consecutive murders; ar- -ranging
coldly the cutting off of men,
from life without "benefit of clergy,-,
without leave to strike a single blow la
return; without any. word of warning.
Down the long line of dead and burled
or mysteriously missing men this case
must go, marking and proving them
one bygone, as the victims of this unbe
lievable scheme; showing a callousness
to human Ufa that not even Nero knew,
showing a mercUesa Intention to walk
cross a bridge of dead men to some -
wild dream of a western empire ec
If this ease la proved, as it must be
proved to bring conviction, the blood
stained record of "the "Molly .Magulres'
will be clean while la comparison. It
will exhibit in the twentieth century ,
Mrv nt TnttrtfA jwT rmtt mnA rueltv
common only to those days when men
that "Christ slept".: r
It la all quite incredible something
outside human understanding. :.. The his-
New: Panel of Ninety-Seven Is
Brought to Court, Composed
Principally of Farmers and
(Continued ea Page Three.-.--
. j, (Continued on Page Twa ,
(Joe rxuil Special Service.)
Chicago, May 18. Wheat advanced
cents a bushel this morning la almost
less - time than -it takes to tell the
story. Dollar wheat jwas a reality right
after the , market started. . December
option - going aa high as. 81.08 within
five minutes after: the trading began.
In aplte of a sharp reaction later on
realising sales the closing showed a
gain of About . 4 cents ovsr Saturdays
Buoh an Influx of buying orders has
seldom before, been witnessed on the
board. No one cared to sell and the
mad ; scramble to buy . recalled the
scenes of the famous Loiter .corner. .-
The first quotation on December op
tion was tha next instant a Sale
of tfie same option being made at 81.08.
This was an advance or wn Be
tween sales, an unheard of ocourrencs
la this market.' '-:iA.i. .ty v-,j -i: : ,
Liverpool and other foreign markets
contributed a good share to today's rec
ord-breaking advance. Liverpool penea
and closed about 8Ho. higher per
bushel than the closing of Saturday
and reported that at the end of the ses-
lon everyomE still wantea to ouy.
The sharp fed vane e in what varaa
December Qontinue Upward to a Dollar
? Three But Sags Back Net Gain -of, Four
...... Cents MadeShortage in Crpp
at the atari was aided, too, by the con
tinued sending . of damage reports by
various grain-growing sections . of the
middle west, as well as by unfavorable
conditions In Europe. It la snowing In
some parts of the American grain sec
tions and colder weather Is predicted.
After the sudden; sharp advance at
the opening of the wheat market there
was considerable profit taking. Ar
mour a brokers are said to be among
those who unloaded, and their sailing
was suppossd to be . on an extensive
scale. The market reacted quite sharp
ly. The top prtcee reached were: May
94cl July 99c, September JV0Oli en i
was at
ST'. ?
December 81.03
934c for J' y.
r Septp
At the c
j t e 1
ClOS'.r I
for July,
e f r I -
: ' t ;
advance of 4 cents bushel for Mi?
and July, Ho for -September and 4';. 1
for December. - . w . -.
The Record-Herald today says: "f -velopmenta
to ts are sumotent to I t
the grain tra of the world to r -ita
vlewa .Tse sharp advance in 1
the past fe-wTdays has been but ti
Umlnary eftorts of the most uv -1 ..
and sensitive portion of tdln t
adjust itself to the new lv". r.r
that seem to be In sight f .r t
Buyers seem ti lin rffi is
hancemert of 'valy