THE ' OREGON " SUNDAY JOURHAU PORTLAND. SUNDAY MOKHINO. ' MAY 18. ItCT. jl'lovm Topics j ' - in, i - 1 TO UK I Plilll 1CEPTI0I For the Fines! Plffl III II lOJUGHT'S AKUBEMEVTB. 1 ERS mm n!I1( Kmplre, 'Tin flowhov mul tha Ladr' no mi varvu mo mini V-uU ..,,,...,,,..,,.. Lrtk, star.. Vilint 'BrowD'f In Towa ,,"Tba BllTf King' The North Coast Co-Operatlve Lum ber company thai a handsome picture of a section of fir tree owned by it. hlch It baa bad reproduced in another ... part of toUay'a paper. This company , baa tor a couple if yeara been engaged in buying and Belling timber, and man - ufacturlng and exporting lumber, to the great profit of the shareholder of the enterprise. In lact, on all Bides there Is a cry fc: timber lands, and as the o North Coast people have a corps of cruisers regularly engaged to search the - forest of the state , for merchantable lumber trees, and spy out the owners of scattering Quarter sections, It is well w equipped to handle all the reins of the business that lead to profitable invest : menu In this direction.. Its plans pro vide for the Issuance of shares at 11 each, hundred, say. in abunch, pay . able f 4 down and 4 per month, and th profits of the combination are dl- vlded semi-annually. Those buying shares within the next few days have the additional advantage of participate . Ing in the October dividends, which will ' amount to a considerable sum. The company's Office In the Realty Trust building, southeast corner Second and Washington, is the citadel of some large, deals in lands that are heavily timbered, and theee seres, when logged off. will constitute some of the richest ' t uMt in the state Thus two profits re made in most of its transactions. one on the timber and the other on the ' ; land. - Be sure and read it ad. oday. , The United States ClvU Service' com ' mission announces examinations to se ( cure ellglbles from which to fill va canclea in positions as follows: .For .expert steam fitter, f 1.000, June 6, tor service .in quartermasters aeparemem, -' United States mllltarv prison. Fort ' Leavenworth; Kansas; for aid, 1800, end ' laboratory apprenUces. 4o to , June , for service in bureau of stand ards denartment of commerce end la .".' bor; for marine fireman ' on Pacific ' coast, any time before June 11, experi ence practically only requirement ana for computer, 1800 to 11,000, June I and 6, for service at the Naval observatory. -Washington, D. C. Further Information regarding thes etamlnations may be had by communicating wun wt post' . master in any targe cuy. V The first political rally of tha cam ' patgn will be beld at Selling-Hlrsch ball ' Tuesday nigh t - under the auspices of ' , . the - Union Republican club. AH the nominees of the Republican ticket will be nresent at the meeting and will make '''speeches and tell what they will do 1 if' Central Committee of Union , Labor Party to Meet Next Wednesday to Plan. . be Union labor politicians are preparing to nut their Union Labor party ticnei jn the field and candidates for different offices are beginning, to launch , their booms with the members or tne pariy. Wednesday night next the central committee of the Union Labor party will meet for consideration of the plans for nominating the ticket. . It la poselble that the full ticket from mayor down may be nominated then, but if it Is not a mass meeting; will be called for Friday night, wi-aa the nominations wui made. - ' M. J, Drlsooll. candidate for' council man at larae, and H. A. Beldlng, candi data from the Sixth ward, having; re eelved the anti-primary indorsement, and having been nominated at the primaries, will be pu: on the ticket. H. G. Parsons. who was Indorsed for councilman lare-e. will also be named tor the place on the union ticket. M. J. Allen will be another candidate for councilman at large. Robert Henderson will represent the First ward on the ticket, and 8. C. Klna- the sourth v ward, wnno tu Shlrad will be tha nominee for , city treasurer. - . No avowed candidates for nomination for mayor, city attorney, municipal judge or city auditor have been brought Into prominence as yet,' but It ' is ex pected that several ' booms will be launched the first two days of tha week. for the city if elected. All the candi dates for nomination who met with de- -. feat at tha primaries have been Invited - to ba present and assist in cementing .the bonds of fraternity ana narmony. .The guiding hands of the Union club predict that the rally will be a love , least ana productive or mucn gooa. Interest to mothers Do your children complain of eyestrain or watering? If a. a test made by Dr. Evelyn Dudley, experienced optician, will determine if child la in need of glasses. Dr. Dudley makes especial study of children's eye defects. ? Muscle trouble wl th children or grown people la often the cause of severe headaches, aiplophia or aoutxe r vision. Offices 711-711 Bwetland build- lng where ahs will be pleased to see her . Old patrons as well as new. Hours a to L . Sundays II to I. . Phone 67. ' - W, C Kelm. California manager Wr . the Towle Syrup company, left last ' evening for San Francisco. Mr. Kelm waa formerly connected with the Fos ter Klelser company and ma visit here waa one of business and pleasure. ' The Art museum wiir be open this ' afternoon from I to ft. The arts and crafts exhibit in the upper rooms and 'the naintlnga in tha lower gallery win be open for inspeclon, , No admission will be charged. u , v Attorney Harry O. Hoy, who has been associated with various title abstract companies of Portland for the paat two years, has opened a suite of offices at Marsh "eld, Oregon, where he wlll prac tice law. T. H. McCallen. secretary . of the American Mutual and Benefit aasocia tlon, waa married In Victoria, B, C, Frldav evening. Mr. and Mrs. McCal len will be at home in thla city after May 20. . . Mrs.' ' Millie R. Trumbull ' will apeak upon "Work for Socialist Mothers", at Alls:?-' hall tonight at 8 o'clock. Open discussion- afterwards of special Inter est to women. The publlo is invited. jt, f-Thla will remind yo that now la the tima ta have vour hair mattresses reno I ' vated and returned the same day. Phone I ; Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair Vi . ; Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor. TH TVasnington lump coai, price per ton. It is clean and good. Ask . your dealers for It. t Mr..T. R. T. Schikora, formerly with the Jacobs-Stlne company, is now asso- New Spring Novelties It Is ever our slim to secure the newest : and - most up-to-date novelties. Just such novelties as are always in greatest de mand. There is no other.' , JEWELRY store in' , Portland that gives greater attention or makes a specialty of beautiful novelties as does Heitkemper's. We have always; been very successful in selecting what was most want- ; ed, and J your5 selection at our, store will exceed those - made . jjywhere else.' unique ana ex-; Inclusive designs are possessed in our greatest varieties, of beau tifuf and exquisite hair and back combs, many of which are : imported. Bracelets, Necklaces Beads, Purses, Beauty Pins, .Card Cases 'and -innumerable -articles. , Children's Bracelets frpm $1.50 to $5.00. . . Our goods are superior qual ity, good values and the largest " assortments from which to se lect. . j . . Unparalleled Satisfaction. TheG.IIeitRemperCo. 286 MORRISON ST. Leweet-pried Jrwtlrr hrae for t tee goods elated wltfirMr. George & Underwood, the real estate arm, corner Fourth and Stark, as manager of the suburban de partment. He will have full charge of the Virginia Heights addition, on Coun cil Crest: also of the Edgewood addl tlon, and continue to sell Rose City Park property. - - . Last of the Sunday excurelons "be tween Portland and Seaside via A. St C R. will be Sunday. June I. After that data the $1.60 round, trip rate will be withdrawn.. ; -;-.;';'' Genuine harness sales are few and far between, and never before baa light harness been sold so low as now at the Keller Harness Co, sale, 4t North Sixth street, ..f.y-:" ':' Allen's Kushlon Komfort shoes have a new Idea in shoe construction that la different from any other kind. , See. them, at 40S Morrison street. Mre. Walter V. Bruce, graduate Ott School of expression. Chicago. Teacher of expression and spoken English. , 4S1 Ash street Telephone East 4111. . Portland ' Shoe Repairing Co., ,111 Yamhill street, between . Third " and Fourth streets, for good and quick work. Bausr at Stoppen. "- Stereoptlcon lecture by the Women of the Bible. Bt. James' English L.utn eran churoh. West Park and Jefferson streets, Sunday evening. ; ., , W. A. Wise. U P. WUe, H. A. Stdrde- v&nt, dentists. Third and Washington. Main v,",v;; 'T : :: Lery'a Muslo Bouse, III Fifth street Union Grand club will give another vaudeville and Unce May 1 4, Burk hardt'a hall, corner Union avenue and East Burnalde. . .V--.:. x -; 1 : ;t -:: - Steamer Jesse Harklna. for Camaa, Washougal and way landings, dally ex eept Sunday. Leavea Washington street dock I p. m. ,-.. S -.v.". J .' Why pay more?" Metsger fit your eyes for II. 141 Wash. St, cor. 7 th. formerly t 111 SUth street . The Loose Card Book company, ( Sixth street phone Pacifle 434. Office and society printing a specialty. The Foreetry club meets with Mrs. Lawrence Hubert, 1065 Vaughn street Monday. Dr. M. Monte Bettman. dentist baa returned. Office 401-4-1 SweUand buUdlnc, ' Eastm.-.n kodaks and supplies! L Leeser Cohen, 111 (th, the Kodak store. Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentist has moved his office to 40 J-4 Buchanan bldg. Acme OH Co. sells th best" safety eoal eU and fine gasoline. Phone. East Til. EL W. Moore, expest photographer. Elks building. Seventh and Stark Sta. Dr. M. Monte' Bettman, dentist has returned. Office 40 J-4-1 Bwetland bldg. See us for terrains. Mont Chris to Real Estate Co., 121 Fifth. For adoption, a healthy girl baby. weeka old,;. Main 741. Dr. Frank Q. Freeberger, 104-1 Bwet land building. - , - Committees Appointed to Enter tain .Masons Returning From . Los Angeles. - IMPERIAL POTENTATE TO BE ONE OF VISITORS Special Trains Wfll Continue to Ar . " rive With Shrinera 'From. Los r Angeles All Next Week Antoa , Are) Wanted by Committee. . At a' meeting; held In Masonic temple arrangeraenta were made to re oelve and entertain the many large dele gations of Myetlo Shrinera, who, return ing via Portland from the annual meet ing at Los Angeles, will stop over for a day In this city next week. The Los Angeles convention closes tonight and special- trains conveying the delegates will be started eastward tomorrow. Those who came west via the southern route will return via tha northern route and vice versa. V' .' -i ':'1 Tha following committees have been appointed by Potentate D. W, Taylor: A. M. Knapp. H. Beck with, H. Wll- lett George C. Bartlett F. A. BaUln. L. G. Carpenter. Jamea P. Moffett John Bet ts,- George JU Baker. H. M. Bush, A. H. Bill, A. O. Bachrodt J. W. Brown, A. J. Farmer, E. G. Jones, G. W. Phelps, John Flnley, H. J. Boyd. R. E. L. Sim mons, a, p. palmer, J. A. McQulnn, J H. Kelly, Dr. O. C Blaney, E. D. Jorgensen, , P. Johnson. . W. Davis, O. . 8. Cutler, A- T. Beach, T. ,W. vree; ana, as a reception committee at the union station; J. W. Pratt, J. 1 Werleln, J, W. Cook, P. 8. Malcolm. Captain Pease, Henry Roe, John An nanda. D. G. Tomastnl, Dr. Ernest Bar ton, J. F, Booths, Dr. J. F. Drake, Past Grand Master Thomas Gray, Slg. Slohel, George Hasen, H. A. Beldlng, Jamea N. Davis, W. J. Fullam, C. F. Welgand, H. J. Mclnnls, J. E. Acheson, H. .L Hamilton, W. H. Lang, H. H. KJar.n. and A. I Carlson, to receive the visit ors at Portland hotel headquarters. Mrs. Henry Rowe will act as chairman of the ' women's reception . committee, which will consist of all wives and daughters of AI Kader temple. H. Beck with and O. W. Hasen were appointed transportation committee. Portland Elks lodge tendered the use of lis elegant quarters for the entertain ment of the visiting Shrinera, but other arrangements ' had ' already oeea made. and tha temple gave the Elks a unani mous vote of thanks accompanying Its declination. - : The first special train to arrive here will have on board the Imperial po tentate and other prominent " officials and members of the Mystlo Shrine. They are expected here aome time next Tuesday morning. ' Special train .. ar rivals will then continue at least until next Friday. - - Shrinera or Al Kader Temple having automobilea are. requested to plaoe them with the transportation commit tee, if it can be done without incon venience to themselves." r. V ?- r It Is very desirable to have a fine display of cut flowers about the bead quarters, and though It is somewhat early to do the subject full Justice, It is nevertheless quite possible that many of the members may have some tor the good or ta cause. . The potentate and officers therefore request all who may have a small supply of flowers to bring them to : the headquarters and turn them over to the committee, who will look after tha proper distribution, All are requested' to keep In close touch with the officers, chairmen of the committees and the news columns of the- dally press. We pride ourselves on the ex-: eeptionat quality of , our- bread and pastry fLour. v.5; We carry the very choicest kinds of flour, ready in any de sired quantity. We sell all the famous 3 brands which are not best because most advertised, but most advertised because best ' Our stock is kept fresh' and dry, and you'll notice the difference it makes in your bak ing, first time, you try it ;:. . Our " prompt delivery V tavei many a bake day, too. D. C BURNS CO. ' 210 THIRD ST. , 'V. Creams, bldg. , . lotions Hudson, x Maeleay Gowns. Madame MoClure company. ' ' Dv Chambers, optician, ill Seventh. . Berger Signs IJ4 TatfehllV Phona., .Photo mounts. Wood worth, 14H 1st Good $1.80 shoes.. Marks Shoe Co. Klser scenic photos. Imperial hotel. SELLING WELL $10,000.00 Worth of Property Disposed; of la Opening Sale, Whitwood Court a 200-acre tract re cently placed on sale by the SU Johns Land Co., through R. Shepard and H. G. Ogden of St. Johns, appears to have met with wonderful i success. 0 110,000.00 worth of lots and acreage were reported sold at the opening sale, Thla property la located on tne St Helen's boulevard, near Claremont Tavern and the Wil lamette, opposite St Johns, and will Coming to the Oaks. ... Of all the splendid bands which have entertained the vast crowds at the Chi cago White City this season, says tha Chicago' Evening Post the Imperial Hungarian Hussars easily take pre cedence, having proven a revelation in every respect both to management and patrons who accord It universal and un stinted praise. This band is the only one whose engagement has ben ex tended and is now closing tha season In a blase of glory, fj: .'.".. It la distinctly a military band, the cadets having been trained by Imperial Instructors, which stand alone snd on rivaled, as there la not another band like It In existence. Their repertoire is said to reach over S00 compositions, ranging from the most classical to tha simple and latest popular novelties of the day. Nikias Shllsonyi, tha leader or this superb aggregation, is a young Hun garian about SO years of age, who en tered the school at Buda-Pest Hun gary, cf which this band la a part, and of which he is now the" head,-when he Waa tint nvn vmrm At a.M. C Ha ta a I commander, a veritable generalr wlth a musical knowledge and mastery tar be yond most bandmasters and greatly in excess for r his age, not only a great teacher, but a genius In the , art of training; he is said to play every In strument In m full regimental band. . Mr. Shllsonyi is a oultured. affable gentleman, modest in the extreme and? free from au of the frills and Idiosny eraoies peculiar to seest; band leaders. The band : carriea ; a -- complement '-of tutors who rehearse the youtha hi the manual of war, and also supervise their eduoatlon according to the contract With the Austrian government and in accordance with the Imperial law of their country. Their visit to Portland la distinctly an event' BALLOON ASCENSION. Dental Work Dental College I 'r , . .. . . .. - Persona., desiring . ,.; , ' dental work and oral surgery will receive " '. rrompt attention at he Infirmary of the (. ' North Paoillo College, , ' ' which Is open to the ? ' . .. publlo the entire "'i year. Hours from I ' A. M. to P. m. Corner Fifteenth and :" Couch atreeta. Tsurxovzrsi ' radno states, Mala UM. Some, Aiaa. HOTEL ''A UDUBON bav rijrciBoo-iroriAir nu onr. Single rooms er ea alta. Klevator, etoaai but, tleetrte lights aa4 all BKdara eeavral nca. atiictly flrst-clia. Conranltut to ahea. pins canter. On direct Uae froo tarry and third fewaaasd depot - Bates 1 ap. - S28 Kill St., aar Via yeas tTaaoa. ; V O. S. OAKTEB, Mgr. DUTIFUL SOU FOLLOWS OTHERS Pearse Miller Was Main Support of Meningitis-Stricken v,y;, " Family. . v FUNERAL OF FOUR f - m - CHILDREN TODAY IstlieFirstConsideration in Banking THE FOLLOWINQ 13 A STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE fecion IT rustMn 1 : f Capital Stock 100,000.00 Surplus ..i 7 ;;....'. ii. TC wooo.oo ; .... '"Undivided' Profiti - 24,121.80 ; 1!. Deposits Via". . . . . 2,464388 $2,633,420.18 Loans and Discounts. . . 854,810J!8 Bonds snd Warrants. . . - 85500.00 Real Estate . ...... ..... ; "i V 7,200.00 Safe Deposit Vaults, . a':: : .'!. , Furniture and Fixtures.; ; v 80,750.00 Overdrafts (lecured) .... 4,878.02 Cash and Due from Banks 8S5.431.fi3 7vl'';t'-:--l.;)$238,420.18 I, W. Cooper Morris, cashier of the above named bank, da aolemnlF swear thai ; the bove ment is true to tne neet ex mr anowteoae ioa boiibj- - v . r flubscrlbed and won to before ma thla 7th day of illy, lilt. :'V:F. M. ADAMS, Kotarx Public for Oregon, Another Daughter, Telephone Op erator, Dies Late Last Xlght- Subacriptlona Have Been Started for, Belief of Family. To Take Plaoe at 4:30 P, IS. It tha Weather ia Pair. D. . Keasey e Co. are o five a novel exhibition and present a deed for a int on tha Heights free to the fortun- ! w a, " - , iiuntui Atuej wuiytvj v m va vmw a-w b,mw a. ate finder. The plan announced Is that ' -paoirte railroad yarda are each donat rive deaths In four daya la the aad lot of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Miller, 711 East Twentiem street, ana todiv at 1 o'clock wUl occur simultan eously the funeral eervtoes of four of the children who were awept away by tha dreadful spinal meningitis. The services will be held at the F. S. Ddn nine undertakine; parlors. 41 4 Eaat Al der street. They will ba private and interment will be at lone Fir ceme tery. Matilda Miller died at St Vincent' a hospital at 10 o'clock last night. Miss Miller waa about is years or age ma was in the emnlor of the telephone com pany as an operator up to the time she wag taken ul Pearse R. Miller, the JJ-year-old son who died Friday night, was a young man of moat estimable character. He Waa a young man of sterling qualities and ,was the mainstay of the family who are left In destitute clreumstaneea bv the f catastrophe tnat naa over whelmed them. '.. ' J ' pubsorlptloas Started. - Toung MlUer was smployed as elec trician of the postofflce building and when the news vt his death reached there veaterday morning a subscription was immediately begun for the relief of the remaining memoers or tne ram ilv. Every employe of the building re sponded at once, and by noon more than 1100 hod beeni subscribed. Thla. sum will be held until Monday to give rail' way clerks and other employee who are out of the city an opportunity to on tribute uoon their return. " - - - - In addition to his work at the poet- office. Miller handled tha light a at the Heiltg theatre. He was also taking a course ' of electrical engineering in a correspondence school a. at which i ha studied during the . day time. He waa practically the mainstay of the family because of his father's poor health. To those who knew him, Miller waa always considered considerate and court- eoue and made rrtenas wun ml van solicitude for his mother's welfare waa always uppermost in his mind and he aided her in many waya - that would have been thought unmanly by ether young men bent on having a good time. With the money -he earned Miller waa paying for the family home on tha eaat side. - - - waa Palthral Bmplora. -y. Besides the subscription raised at tha nostof floe, employes of the Southern M 1 m m e ry Removal Sale OF THE L.S. Frakes Millinery Co. 352 MORRISON STREET Wc arc now making preparations to move to otrr LARGE NEW STORE AT 409 WASHINGTON STREET, NEAR TENTH. . During this time we will dispose of all our beautiful HIGH CLASS STOCK of the most fashionable styles and newest effects of ex- ' ceedingly clever and artistic hand-tailored headwear, the most ex-, quisite and exclusive designs. We have the finest stock of high' class Millinery in Portland and it is our desire to make this sale so complete as to sell every hat in this store before moving, and, i we invite you to come in and see them. It is ever our,pleasure it to show you, t Vaaii'l ' I " "' I ' " 'mil. ''' ' . " a balloon ascension by Professor Frank Miller will start from a point near tne old castle on the Seventh street terrace at 4:10 thla afternoon. .The aeronnaut will take with him 11 deed forms, 10 of which are . blank, but one will be duly executed, calling for a lot on the Heights. These , will ba thrown over- doubtless soon be covered with fine reel- board when the balloon is several bun- dencejs, being Well watered and of eaay access; beutirul view, ana ? only 4 H miles to Portland.i;;v';;:r;i:;.i-;V PROMINENT JOURNALISTS BODY IS BROUGHT HOME (Heartt Newt by LocfMt teased Wire.) ' , New Tork, May 11. The body. of Arthur McEwen, chief editorial writer of the New Tork American, arrived to day In - New Tork on the steamship Bermuda. Mr. McEwen' died at Ham ilton, Bermuda, a week ago. He hnd gone to tha West ladle to recover hia heallhr ' - z : , A. - , . , 'A ;; H--A-fA-. yA:--. dred feet in the air. The person who secures the executed deed will take it to .Mr, Keaaey's office, when the finder's name will be inserted and the tot ta hia ' ,..:: To add interest to the occasion. Pro fessor MiUer will drop from the balloon with parachute after he has let the deeda float down.: In case the weather should be unfavorable for tha ascension the affair will be postponed until next Sunday at the aame hour.' - ' ' ' This unique way of advertising the Heights is sura to, attract a vast crowd to the vicinity, and a scramble to se cure one of the deeds and take a chance at getting tha 'valuable one ia sure to areata ooalderabla amusement. Ing a day's wages to relieve the strick en family. Girls working at the tele phone office have also started a sub scription list -When the subscription was started at tha postofflce many persons who had never met young Miller contributed to the fund when thez ' learned of his strong . character. Postmaster Minto stated that , Miller's" death meant .the loss of one of tha most "faithful and Industrious employes who ever worked In the building and that Miller waa of such character that every one who knew the young man took a strong personal Interest - in him. v-, V The children who will be buried this afternoon with their brother are Wal ter, aged II; Theodore, aged I and Flor ence, aged V years.- . . ; .- ; Another ' victim of spinal meningitis waa reported yesterday afternoon by Dr. W, H. Ewin in the death of George Oerlook. the 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.' George Gerlock, 165 Eaat Thlrty- (Xeurtb street. The death of zounf Qer- fi Are- Br Good Set Teeth on Rubber Plata $3Best Set Teeth on ttclbcr Pkto C3 BB. s. ynaawt SOUND SENSE and : SOUND TEETH TRAVEL HAND-IN-HAND The wise man or woman never neglects his or her teeth. Result sound strong teeth, good di gestion and good appearance. T " .v - - Bad teeth means disfigurement and a number of ills easily remedied by a scientific dentist. We place the greatest skill at your disposal Jn every branch of the profession. No slipshod work at this office and our prices will be found as rea sonable as the best service will permit. - DR. B. E. WRIGHT gEpS? 342J WASHINGTON STREET, CORNER OF SEVENTH Phnni Main mSiJ&fili Tv.ClVC YccrS h ViA ' IIWIIV a r . .. lock Is unusually sad la that the fam ily moved to Portland but twomontns ago from their home In New Tork.; "Salome". Tonight at IleUig. 1 Oscar Wilde's greet drama, "Salome," ia the attraot-on at the Helllg theatre toalfht, ,WUire4 Ro' Kvr- jounj sUr. appeara as King Herod and Eliza beth Stuart aa Salome, , "iria Clvlliia Hon. a breeey ,aXetch,' la the curtBin raiser. Seats are on eale at the Ilr'.'.'j theatre' th'-i afternoon. If you r ., V f ' , ! . I ! I I I I li i ;. I j