The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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C . JACKSON.......
philosophy of the world never an
swered this VWhy?"- nor many, an
other mystery of life and death, - Be-1
fore these apparent freaks of fate
PobiirtM vnnr m)Bg wit 8ini47)i reason i motionless, philosophy Is
in, rma nd Ttmhu'i-tr t., Ponind. 1 dumb; even religion can only bow
Eotmi at tix pnaterric at Fortund. or., (or I us neaa in tne dark in faith and
rrannmluioa Uirouxh UK MlM eecono-ciaee
'" AO aVimrtmeata reached br thta nnmbar. Tail
the operator the department foe want.
whisper to the believer, "He doeth
all things well."
to register before the primary elec
tion, but desire to rote at the city
election on June 1, are thus given
an opportunity to register and so
qualify themselves to vote. There
art several thousand such voters In
Portland and as a civic duty they
. " The Shadow of the Cross.
i By Elisabeth Clephant.
(Elisabeth Clephane haa written only
two wea known hymns, the one here
given and the celebrated "Ninety and
A Sermon forTod
VtwUort Brojamtn Special Artrertlaln AfntT.
Hran.wk-k Balldlor. 125 riftk areaee. Jie I
IW Tribune BulMlny, caieafa.
' Snbeerfnrloa Tenne by nail to ear aadreat I
ta the Halted State. Canada or Alaxioe.
,' One year. ........ 8 00 I One Ifoath......
One year. . .S1S0 I One moot.......! J,
: PAltT AND 80NDAY. -.
One year... $7.60 I One Booth.. .....I Ml
, , There la nothing bo kingly
as kindness and nothing so
royal as truth. -Alice .Cary.:
- .... , .; -rf .
XTRAORDINARY efforts will be made when the
1 rmetMfmn Wire. W rA frtrr,Arrxr -nrnll I.-v. ".7 21. " ln? "nd oth of thett'Mr. Ira D,
I 'ro-"" ''"' v . vw uviivu vutuui i w n i v ' w vuiunu losnwr auu ruia, reuun I Banuev oomnoaad the tiinan vhlxh t,. ...
' voters from the north end and from the saloons. The who" do not take interest enough in na muc 10 wlththe ppui-ty and
purpose is to .secure the election of Thomas C. Devlin ai theIr c;Itf went- to rote, and Meiro., sootunr V Ta. "ora i
mavnr J ' ' " i ' , . 1 ' ' , , jrote as their Jest Judgment and con- 1830 and died in 189.)
' , ' l i. ' . . 't ' I wat I Beneath th cross of Jesus
In fain would X take my atand.
ne anaaow or a mighty rock
Within a weary land: -
A home within the wilderness,
" A rest upon the way.
From the" burning- of .the noontide heat.
Ana ins nuraen or toe day. .
Upon that cross of Jesus
Mine eyes at times can see ..
The very dying form of one -:
who ..suffered , there for me;
' . ' The' Cood Fight 1
"Fight the good fight of faith! lay
hold on eternal llre.V-I Tim.. vt;ll.
' : . - "rp, " . i r t i j '". ' " ' ' -Vl I cience' dictate, have no right to com-
N Oregon plan, is copied in I ne people of rortland are confronted once more with Pialn of bad g0Ternment. if you
..ama6ioB, ittsme Dinaoo. mc ijucsnon wncincr iney are ro De governed Dy macnine need to register in order to vote, im
ment of stripes for the better rule. vThe organization which has been formed, to elect Prove this last opportunity, at the
class Of prisoners in the' state I f , nli : el,- i.Lt.i-:- ...ui-f Ui- :.. aarlleat'." noaafhla hour. ' RurfatAr:
penIteniiary.' ,The plan Is an expert- f . . Hi4wc V"' Und 4 - " " ' 1 :
rn c iririTim r v wt am r n a r-i v erxy i pee wa m a , dMM am-r a f s -
ment. nut exnerlmentatlon i la, the i oiiivt unn-v ui imaiy iavy wmc uuu cutn.
vjauie oi progress, a nai oia mem-1 ti gc sums vi iiiuwcy wcic spem iu accurc His oixiiutiiuu i ; a mtine- f h a.,.
ods In our penal Institutions are not m the primaries and the sack is even more in evidence now aumers' league nnder the ansplqes
fully; effective Is attested f by the than it wa trin -. . t. v1-- of ita Dure food rnmmlttfl ' that: will
inyiii auu Biai iuuK uictbubo ui crime
In - this country. ' We lead,
any other civilised nation
percentage of our criminal
AN 4a apparently naturally balllr-
Bieiiu , nere iwi 14 ready "
reaponee to the call to fight.
The chief pleasure many people
get out of their religion and
their church Ufa la in the opportunltfet""
afforded to buckle on their armor and
go forth to the fray. It does not matter
raucn vno me roe may be ao long as
there Is a prospect of a. fight. ; ' ,
It Is inly natural that where religion
haa been made to consist In creeds and
oplnlona the lines of battle should be '
drawn according to ' Vthe achoola of
thought It la marveloua how warlike
the most mild mannered can become '
when an opportunity appears to belabor
soma thinker who has had the temerity
to strike out for himself. The warriors
who fight against so-called ? heretics "
I US'- r li- I t.: 1f - 1 -t.iJi.-iii J L- 1 batieM tnniArmw 1 conieee .
h I ' j-'cvxih is iiiuiicii t id.wrtiuiuiiiK.v;jiizcii auu ne iiasi " " v ixne -wonders of his glorious love
. UT lar, I . , , ... . . . a ... - . , . . . . I nrusn at A a'.Ia.V ..- T-I 1 aa w li
in th. high tne support ot a large number ot hones and conscientious ZiZ ' ' '
achieve- voters, but it is an indisputable tact that he is also the am,,..'-,, " r4,.. -
uiuiog place.
if ; the 1 unhappy: record J choice of the saloons and of the North End.t His machine, win be addressed by several ' iocai 1
Ai. man accused or crime in Great , r- .-- hkc every macmne, relies largely Upon the VOte trom tne pnysiclant and by Mrs. Evans. and content to
nriai -i- ,..n, mma either our social conditions are the it...i .t. ' tt!: - i Uti..ti..i-- .- - J Si-
U - j ' wont or our nunltlva. mthn tn ! a'""1 irom II1C gTOg SIIOUS. 17.15 DlClUrC may UC SCCH uuia-
XX unless the evidence iCluTlfl01 .tb 'tiverv bar in tni ritv nnrl in Tmimrrnn rftrt vvhlrh nri. tlon wltt be not only interest-ul
ahowa hi. innneanen. ana fi. P00reat- Perhaps,; both, .influences every bar in the city and in numerous resorts which are ,x
other sunshine than '
sunshine of hie face; -
let -the world go by
To know no gain nor loss.
smrul self my only shame.
My glory all the cross.
is not
Is the
because the Jury is a far .less de- ?T, ince it can do little harm. That
muvnm uio luuunuto, a.uu i.ut-1. ' .. ' . I ' a. . . 1 T " . I . t a t " I uu Uirucwe Will
lowing this policy an Innocent person ' . ' . """v" ' v. J"-Hur.,WMa",wi. "r - J v Xne importance of pure foods
' I nlan AV f AAff k AW an etui mm aa. aaa ailt a J I . al ., T A'. 1 . A I I
infrequently, convicted. This V4 T V . " wara nceiers are Dusuy ai, woric arumming up vagrant is now, generally recognised, and
more likely to happen there mmf Voters and preparing to herd them td'the COUnty Clerk's anything that tends to i enlighten the
office for registration. .Every one of them will cast his conner, giving them valuable in-
vAt frit- TWlin ' J . I formation and at the same time
. rp . ' . . .'. 't ' il ' ' . . t . ' v I arousing their Interest in the sub-
slbUlty upon the Jury and especially J"UKratedy Governor Chkmber- regardless of party, desire to see Harry Lane reelected as advance the public health and hap-
1 laltl Sl Sl faVAII ales TltAt 1 e t fsm'm tM (aMAa . I ar - a ' a - I . '1
mayor, liut too many ot them s. have failed to register, pines.
clsive factor in determining the re
sult than in this country. Here a
Judge is careful to throw all respoh-
is why it Jis desirable to test the
abandonment of stripes, and the pro
bationary commutation, of sentence
not to prejudice the Jury against the
defendant so as to lay the basis of
an appeal. . ' But there the Judge is
inclined to oecome prosecutor- as
lain, as well as the latter's discon
tinuance ot . sending broadcast the
nhr,tr,rnh. f .nr,i. ..... f.A Their last opportunity to do so will be afforded during
' ' . . . . .- - i - , .i . i i
from prison, if no benefit inures, toe nexi inrce. aays, wnen ine registration dooks win oe
A town that is in the throes of I
well, and he think, the defendant ?!P. . k ' . prosper, and while it is weakening
is guilty, or ought to be convicted, ;rv' "w yuii wouiu not oe recreant 10 your auty, aisioyai to itself In enduring these industrial
-w., wrw W , . VJW' Will Vtl VVI VU . iUW 1 viMV VWQI BUV , lUUi V , OaV.Cl Ul I
he so charges tha lurv that a verdict
against the defendant follows almost they, too, are failures
as a matter of course.
rmef rati'rtn Here f , HTwrt wmm inrn Vi o-in Vi 7fir
A wide secUon of citizen, believe "au
. a 1 a ai - a - i i'livri iiiiirni wf w i rvi r-i i i rum i i p vlj ii 11 itic ann i n is wm tti
Judge is not really prejudiced and forjnatory rather than punitive. In bling hells. Will ypU let these elements dictate HOW the
ha. no doubt of the defendant . i tureauy more-i vuuii.c ui a uumuu a iicjll iiiajrurr
milt. anL whera the def-ndant t ent in tnat direction. The aban-
hour, per day of labor: and
other matters, , resulting in I
strikes, lockouts, disorder, violence co.t Mcordl w , ,t
mvtn lAea aa A iMlnw eiAt ai1 a 4 V av I T
a.uu "J J u vui; w uiv
parties concerned, but to the public I
actually guilty. Under this system aonmeni 01 stripe, u. a ,maniresta:
guilty persons who are caught are tion t 'the higaer ideal.! It' mean.
. pretty aurely punished. ; But it 1. the convict ha. not dally and hourly
hard on those who are innocent, not- hel Deo' 1 Ka that he
withstanding the court', belief,' as 1" -the condemned and common
in the case of George Edalii. lust enemy. The brow-beaten and bullied
pafifdoned, afte. four year, of unjust ctlId ,n the home ultimately be-
imprisonment Once a man is con- comes , defiant and lullen, and the
vlcted it is very difficult to induce convict perennially confronted with
the govertment . to pardon him or Wence that he is au" outcast, that
lighten hi. sentence, so If it had not a11 the world ha. 1U hand against
been for tho effort, of Conan Doyle him, emerges at the end of hi. term
and Henry Labouchere, Edalji would bent 00 revenge, worse than when
have ' served his seven years" sen- he went in, sullen, defiant and hope
tence . and been disgraced for ; life. e88 It Is human' nature to, be so
These men, a novelist and a Journal- ai In many, an instance be goes out,
1st, eminent in their professions and not reformed, but ' deformed, and
Influential became interetted in the reaa,r for mor0 cm'
case and practically, demonstrated
a v f j. . j . a f It,, ik. V - - m . . ..I
.u mi - eiriuu : mn , wan i r vvuftu vrH uv aevere in ion bgatened? Or if noti what other
i owl no -a,b w yiiavuvr iraa iuvr i u ki uig, uv wuiici BUOU1U yet I mganS
cent, or at least wrongfully, convict- nave a measure of corrective ' kind-1 fi-
ed.So wes Mrs. Maybrlck.- No ness. would have a .alutary, effect .tructive wars? Or a society to go
American Jury could have been ta the claim of many thinkers. Since on indefinitely .ubmitting to them,
brought together that would have the opposite ha. failed utterly in acknowledging itself helpless to pre
convicted her. ., A prejudiced and many respect., experiment, may well nf tv.-
A I ducted trom their subsequent wages.
So a strike along the waterfront 'of
M1- tASnnpl lAWft ' Atiar1t4: (a Ka ank-
OCAL WARS between employer. V I li 77
- T; 7 ""5la wvw pressed at once. Give the men what
auu .;: wjuyeB, . over, wages,
dues will forge ahead of it. ; San
Francisco Is getting a worse reputa
tion than Chicago as a strike town,
and both workingmen and investor.
will avoid it 'Whatever the right.
and wrong, of the contention the
result 1b disastrous Just the same.
? Tor . wleka and week, the country
nil noan anunnartnm in antionitinn
. . J v www. . . fc...ww.WU I
.T;i v ""Tk of : the dreadful political tragedy
r .T "T. . a . .1. b,11ed to take place in Ohio, but it
.T v V""Bro' .uddenly awaken, to find that ln-
W-Ttt"i: . " ; " ,tead the .how l. a fetching eomlo
wuiu,-, U4 iy ww m- oaP -1th Taft 1 irr.V- I-
generally, to all c'lasse. ot "innocent LwJt .2 fW role, and Dick. Cox and th.
bystander.." constitute problem iIlrrrr " rT!.:' ! otnw warbling in the chorua.
that ha. long called and .till call. ' VTl.r. .tl "T "u
for solution. "Borne progres. ha. .tplk. lf lt trtn1r th . I.TJI unei HOrer is exercised over
peenf mad.,' problem of how long the world'.
adoption, ot the policy of voluntary 7&t?tM fuel .upply will last . .But, by the
arbitration;, considerable number 2?. w PW time the fuel i. finally exhaurted.
of such dispute, nave been thu. .et- S y ' Tm nnr of tho.. in the colone,'. day
twf hnt th,. ,f , la t0 out Policy, but they .nd reneratlon will he concemM nnt
TtV -.4 a. , a. : a : . .. I , w j,- w0. v.-p ( . v I I AOm nflr)a-iS.V Th nnVIU lee . -
. icyjnerem, mm. awiy .0W and unsatisfactory, Can it be v,:?." VZ . . ftD0Ut the fuel, but the ice .upply.
nt f -has
can , be; employed to suppress ' . ;'"T"" "T-- .
avoid these injurious and:' de- IIr Z IZTf " w .
aw. vmmwu, v aqxuui. ijicdv LUU . iro
And from mr amltten heart with tears J "carcely should g-o to heaven they get
so much ' happiness out of their
palgng 'hre. v.vv- :i, .'.. . v'V-:-:"
Ilae not the day come when men eaa
forget their dlfferenceeT No matter
nuw imporuni meir opinions may seem
to be, no matter what tradition are be
hind them, how lnslynlf leant all these '
things must -appear when, we turn and
faoe the treat fight that la worth the :
fighting, when we at last bear the clear
call to stand shoulder to shoulder and
take up the atupendoua task that Chris
tianity gives to tha church! f
- What Is the good fight, the warfare
real! y worth the waging T What and
where la the battlefield where ailh..
great regiments, some .with uW
adorned by the centuries, some per-V
haps with no nam at ail. may atand to-
gather In common cause, . with one
mighty spirit sweeping through all and
nerving all to splendid,' united, en
deavor T -S,- , . . -v ' , -
There Is a common cause, a common
purpoae, that which will aerve as a
common denominator for all. It la the
cause or Ufa, the fight for character,
the conflict of th hlaher aa-alnat tha .
lower. The great master said that he,
came that men might hare lifei hia
followers hav no other, or better gift
.w. w m u.a, w MiU
the power of a new and endless lit.
.The call f la -for thosywho will .
fight against the foes of Ufa,' th -,
forces that seU th Ilf. the spirit,
th worthy and enduring In. man, for
th baa and Ignoble. lt the church
flghs against th greed, the lust that ,
roba babes of their lives for a larger
margin of profit that eteala from did.
hood the flower and .lory of hi a being,
that debauohea the Intellect and under-
mlnaa tha will all aa a 4 ji.ii...
...... w v . t - . W TpUUMAW t y I
We need to fight against the tendency'
of every ag to settle down to gross
ness, to make eating, or pleasure or p5t
session of things the end of living, that
scoffs t Ideals and bids men mad for
things divine be satisfied with the dust,"
that blnda Itself to spiritual reallUes y.
and knows only thlnge tangible and of
the flesh. Let this gross content with
things baa settle upon us and death ' y
la our portion. - . - - . .
rtnl. aa a mi Jt V. ...'... . ' ,?
within ourselvev-th sloth and lust and '
cowardice, can' we begin to find life; i
only as we are willing to. pay th price, .
to los thr lesser, can w attain the
higher. ',Th evolution of man as a .
spirit comes only through struggle .
being and becoming Involves a magnlfU
cent battlefield; w win our war -up
l ... ... , .
wriu inia ana tauur.
' Only as w ar1 willing to pe good
aoldlers, enduring ' hardships striking
valiant blows, bearing wounds,-ean this
world be led Into the - larger llf for
which it was created. Th batter day
waits for th hosts willing to fight In
high faith that truth and right, th high
By Ella Wheeler Wilcox."
(Ooprrlfht 190T, by AmerlcaB Journal-Enmlnar)
Though obaoa and confualon
Upon th earth I see, ' 4
Tat still they aeem Illusion
- 1 Unto th soul of me.
Though race with race la striving .,
- , And conflicts do not cease, ' ;
X feel that Right la thrlrlng
. I near th sound of Peace, i
(-:-". :... ,:, : i-.-;
X know th wrongs existing
And growing hour by hour." r
And yet my faith persisting
Bees Justice high in Power. .,
X hear the vole ot Reason '
Enumerating Ilia;
,' r But doubt of good Is Treason
, And trust my bosom fUla
Though nation ware wtth nation,
. And men in darkness grope, -
. , av curious exaltation
Gives pinions to my hop. . -.
Though sorrows and dleaaters
Descend upon our sphere,
. My faith In wisdom masters
All sentiment ot fear,
yr ''.:: ....;:: '.. . ... ':;v- .
Along this world benighted,' C
, Where clouds and shadowa roll,
vne narrow pain IS ugnted - -
J For each Immortal soul; 1 ,
'k Th path of Love's endeavor, :
T6 show the Ood within, "
- t And who walks there win never
Be slave of fear or sin, . ,
; ' . . i
Mln is th mind of woman i
No logic In Its etore
; But ah, my heart la human, . '
: ' And love la at lta core.
' Th earth la Ood'a expression.
And lov Is all It needs, '
, And this Is faith's confession '
Wba U tack" ln creed"y'
Why Not taPollette? ,
1 o From the Commoner ". -. . -
The press dispatches report that the
presiaent is quit ooenlr suocortinv th i
canaiaacy or Hecretary Taft, and this.
too. OH th theory, that the ecratarv
The Spanish royal baby i. to be V 0 !n 9naUnVB reform and worthy must win, that, each, day
nirtat ntti fa .- vj. I " 1 i - y " . : , I reveaia nobler destiny for man. :
.t v-.u me wnat baa BecreUry Taft done to Indl- , Here la something worth fighting for,
flTIAfln mntner tnn Nnmlntl unUM Icate that ha la a MfAmi U.t 4k. .a T ...
?!!.f -1TW specially the LT'C1
- " " vyjivey a1 V3U" I "e vyviuu U VA VW9Tf
aoor long seatea j selfishness and sin.
mentally . , unsound Judge , consigned I he inaugurated, tinder, the reform-
her for many year, to a prison, and atory idea.
only Queen Victoria's death,' it is
supposed, allowed Justice to be done
to her. . ; ;
The verdict and Judgment in the
Edalji case seem to be utterly , un
reasonable when the evidence is ex
amined. , A stray dog could not be
convicted on such evidence in this
STILL ANOTHER interesting and
. Important decision respecting
the obligation, of a railroad
Usuahy, there - i. wrong on both
sides, room for compromise, equit
able demand for mutual concession..
Usually, we think, the demands of
labor have been just', and should
have been granted. Sometime, they
have been underthe circumstances
and disturbance.. After making com
batant. settle up a few times such
combat, would, be rare.
were: GOOD
LLINOIS ha. a watch dealer who
buy. American-made watches.
queen. Bne nas hout otreai librjatory wealthT if Secretary Taft si nut
erty, and how the royal) kid as he HjjLm pwident'srepreeenta.-
grow. up might envy the freedom of h. wSi'Vtand nn torVS
the romping, dlrt-begrlmed peasant Jlemand" of WoJl street if President
boy ' V 1 Roosevelt wants to leave the executlvr
Wf, ,t,,; ;. : ., v! l' V.;..-.i; f J.. of f lc In the haiula Rt a t)..,.KH
,UM,,UCftU 4 w
former, why does he not throw. 'lis
The very week has come at last: "V"0?. 10 8n"r LFoiiette The
the letting ln of heaven's light to evry
darf place, the making of llf to be
lire indeed, with the breath of heaven
and the beauty of th divine springing
up with the freahneaa of th morning '
and born one by th music of th
spheres. - ..
unreasonable, or at least not such M thl. 'country, "and, after paying the
puhUc sentiment woujd upport.V A J duty and freight, sell, them cheaper
!lhbli!:to,ffiatter5 .uch a time 1. a blunder than hta
WfHOOnailt. eanaAM Km SB aa a.J ' At- a
not In the United State. but in no th rest of the world 'wag. is record ought to appeal to tha 'president
Europe. He import, them Into Inconsequential when baaeball is at T?
nana. ' . ,,. imn-i.i,i-,--.r.,-T."C.-.r:a"'-;r.'T
ttuusroiit A Ulsf
10 ioucu tne executive heart and
customer, can buy the same
. .. . I a - al ' ! SlLAAJLV .flbl, BUUU BSk
a aa x ar- ' a a a S VHIWI M aW ' eaahialr : . a. a. ... .a J
country., uur .yaieta or criminal Bui B recently .n a whan'mrr with vinian-a a "T vou need to. Tu oiia-ht to vnt
. ... . . . i .. a..a i v a - " -. wv . .bvue, ui jiium inx , dr. -i n o I . .tt , . r - ' "
Wattersoh. Idea of Roosevelt
Dont fall to redster this time. If Izr.rtV1 m?,tn'!? :. the executive
, - i "iwm. - Denaior ,.XA oiletta. la
joxisyruaeuce m very auy, out wun i - ---- ' court oi ftgalngt nonunion men Who are Will-
ail u. iauiu is prereraoie to tne i r uecision mat
British system. We allow a great m De aa importar : precedent in
proportion of our criminal, to go J thie state in case of a test of the
unwhipt of Justice, but even this is new demurrage Taw. A lumber com
better than f fUl our prisons wltlj Pan hrought suit against the Yazoo
presumable innocent, like Mr.. May- .Mississippi valley Railroad com
brick and EdalJL The work of Doyle Pan7 to compel that corporation to
and, Labouchere, it may be hoped. PX one dollar a. day or fraction' of aLnmW.. fl rh.L
a u vivif ireigni car neid for
more than 24 hour, at any
on it. line. The demurrage
mutual a. I ;t.l -
I .... . . - , . . . . I huitk fctioov Trciea nvuiu wvu.ut
'Bui?p auu auiyuers ueing name to
WHERE KNOWLEDGE FAILS "nar demarrag charge. " The
i court held squarely in favor of the
incident indicate, how inordinate is
ing to work It become, a crime. On the profit the watch trust exact
the other band, too many employers, mean, of it. , "combination in re-
e.peclally head, of great corpora straint of trade," which combination.
iu a ; re
former rfrom awa back"! he la an
f an a yara wiae, so to apeak.
When Republican reform was, aa n
were, "without form and void." la.
Henry Watterson says In the Courier- follette appeared upon th soen andlclou1
Sentence Sermons,.. :
: - By Henry P. -Cope. . - -Th
mighty are always modest '
;i;:,5,.i'f, .S; :. 'V ;
Content gives eharm to every dream-
stance, , 4' ? r W .1,'.... -,.;;..:....
He who works " la faith ; will work
falthfuUy. . .. ,
Llf is early blighted if it knew a .
...a. ... . t. ' i t
. . , - . , ' ... nun. auiu
by force ot his own lndomitahia
. T'.. ' - - - . ' ' h.h,..l...... . --B"
Mr Roosevelt Baa broken all ' the I" , V "r'.n? Tn national
will not end with tha freeing of this
one innocent victim; it should re
suit ia the reform of the British
criminal system. . . , . T
tlon. who combine among them- in spite of the fact that the Sher-Lracoraa. Tyler, ruimor Johnson and tntnL29M,ih om,1td th
.elves, have ; neglected and refused man anti-trust law has been on the Arthur ,on p11 elr ineffectual ytti lambh halted T pauentiy abSt'"
tjo give lanonng men tneir just cues .utute book for 1 years, .till doe. ,J TIi Dim,i-" F nw n'n;j ana when elecuon tim cam n waa
i wivw . uwepuvo practicea, oy I wng m tarn wrong: way -DacKing ana I 'vuul vcpuoncns wno opposed
More sine are slain by smllea than
by scowls,-:.. j .. . ,t. -
who hunt trouble always shoe
away their Joys. - -
:-,vvi.? ii I-;':' ; 'A Til
A crook Is made by bending the mind
on self-satlafactlon. 7i
- wf So trom-both side, the noh-combat- the late Mark Hanna and other enell- filling, as the cas requires making is- f"r.m'' H " ln vor of rallmd regu- . -j,,..,,., " ? - . - s
fnTa tv "tiuhlic ha. buffered vast los. and binder. wU W abStSunS 2 ffirXV' 5?
,e penalty great ,nJury patJeotlyf -ft,Wiyi hopIng Wi't-fitA aamZ Sor. -
1896 preaching the tainted gospelltion, by turns a daring temporlser and
mat I'trnsts are a good thine." A i practical politician
crease ln number and Intensity and I raft,V.n.t.A"t.'-wt.--. . a... na rerormer among puriata lnconsla-
ix. -Z .a 7a v . 5 , " uruyo uj mis tent- as a conservative,' illogical ; as i
that both Side, would by . experience I dealer haa hnari nlaart In thm I radical there atill exiata in the onn
grow in wisdom ani toleratioii, Jn b( President Roosevelt along with a virt".?to S.ood-mtentionVbTUto!
a-w. . VV.V.M.. lotateujout u tacts, ana it l. ex- ana courage.
MrfHREE OR four children of one I law and the plaintiff, saying
. I . ta m tW twA nf tTiAm hrasn win. rm.. i. .a . .
1 ner. tor the rest are xlel -"5.? 'a prosecution of the SrKsCli VSufdroc'k' iS
H7uu,u w,ii-Hi ui watca trust will roilow. - mL I down. The good in bad men. th bad
; one after another ; with this
I - - vvtUKIUIl J
and th highest spirit of equity,
auali' a.a- i- J '"!rr t 1 ' s- r- . ... : .,
mysterious -disease. ; snlnmentngi- will' hX no "ioW" ace ieaaer 01 "clal ana In" ' Meantime, the million, of dollar.
Neighbor, with like children and
youth in the family ; are not visited M'oMn '
in ' good" men, are sometimes maanined
ana sometimes denied: but : her Is
man who gets credit, for good and bad
aiix. ana mere is notning so successful
as suocesa .' frwvK
"Tet nevertheless, and notwlthstand
ti..;and after ;.brieW e"
ter.'ot ihouiandi r emDtcar.: T" ' vaAe ,y ana needlessly paid in over-
ing unused ia railroad yards In one won 01 ineae inaustnai oodles with charges to the watch trust Is illum-
ectlon of the mnntrv i" a .. Mia ivmnh n nnnln fti. l I a it - ' . . ' . : . .. . . " T ' " . r"- ' ""u',u"
by the dread dwth'MgeL'tfliviMi to t other ferthe-want otT,uur 7J -m v. Il.;., ai:: --f" monumental roily of . 'ortan
household a youth.t cleans sound. Jft may seem strange that thta and ' V e. 1'?! aM aye "on. mor. -victory for
, . a . I - S 4, ...1- f w aHar atwt aV aa aaaia Ufaavwial LOlAia S.U S I J Sff . J. 1 1 M H B IlOw SB ygm ar B TM naa ear-a- aV a S A era a. -.-
moral, was tne sole support 01 a 1 some other dpofslnna ihatTha t.. I; 1 . " . . l r ,,,tU niUil ua ,epuoucana m ivua, aa mere -was
'varalvaed nB(f nelnU Wan,! an Kr.. af J WOfk "a5e"fy New Zealand, part
- , . . .--i v oi-zwurm; 01 and vmi this elves no noaitlva aa-1 Mln '.h.ffa. . 2 aapeapy cnange or naers
lHflm MAthaaia Itav exea aVaN Ti al a -a,J - - .. I w . ' . I -a- vaw vuwk.vt V ft UB1 Li Bat, 11 UrMRR fir I StflfV x a SitfaiTa fie haa f-.ll aka..4 -
- . ' - at - - aaA - ear bp a uuuav ivi kCkAJa, - em MV U V SS
1nfpm TriAffisar turn waa ta tran lner. f nnr4nn!M e.Alaa - . . . a . I
. fTgttem Ta " d0 80 Uhartlsa- -Pellbindera ,ia,,campaign third term i-'purest nonsin...
while iiv. vnnth. - .n".- ...w eV.A ai' .Tv-1:'' 7.. . . " . wymg. But we time. There isn't
, -"-.rrr v u6ui, u ouyyusea mat ininK tnat in many eases a speedier
needed as he was, with no on de- there had been and , would be no dls- and surer remedy might be em-
pendent upon them, are .pared; tin- pute of the principle, they .embody; ployed, namely, assumption of an ar-
touched. unnoticed, by the fatal -me but in fact. a remarkable, and grati- rested business by the nubile.' This
enger. Why Should ..uch things tying change i. taking place ln the might be done in the case of street
.u, iu vitep, are soreiaiuiuae oj me court, on tnese aues-1 railway.. ; If cars are stopped ? be-
lMKUl"" uayeuvnponi smgie f.m-;tion. or contest retween the rail- yond a certain number of hnnra it
a child in the
country now but know, the cam
paign cry of 1898-that "trust, are
Ily, no more deserving of ' punish
ment , or afflicting .visitation, than
their neighbors? ; Why, out of a hun
dred boys, is the" most useful and
! re-raising "Onef but "of" aT$udred
r'.rls the most lovable one, .o often
tingled out for apparently untimely
death? may say "Death loves
a sl.inlngmark'," but there is no
wplanaOan in this. , There Is no
lManation within the realm of hu
tiaa reason. AU the polemical
road, and the people. Up till
comparatively; recent,, date decisions
were usually, rot to say almost In
variably, in favor of the. railroad cor
porations, whenever their contention
could be-upheld by any . technicality
or Judicial twisting of the intent of
the statute. But now the people ar
getting a fair construction of stat
utes, as well as a square deal In the
a receiver of the property te sum
marily appointed, with full power to
demand aid from the police arm of
the city, the - employe, to he paid
temporarily what they demand until
the contending parties should agree,'
and enter into a contract ti agree
thereafter, the railroad company to
reimburse the public for all expense
and cost, and the overpay of men,
application ot general principle, to jit they had been overpaid; and their
bvcvuib asea...r- , ( j , - ..ishare of the public cost, to be de-
, - ... .r e : i .I.'.",1;, j ..,.4- . . ..' 'I-.., i 1 ...
How to Be Happy Though ' Single.
From julpplncott's Magazine.
Not long ego a young lady of Macon.
a good thing" was false and treach- 0eors"1 visited the home of her fiance
erona and that tna a -.. ln ""w nr return nom.
... . VM.uu auu iou-ian oia coiorea woman, long in the ser-
ple have paid a tremendous price by lv,c ' 'm,1yf asked: ; v
permitting themselves to ha fnA j. fine wn,n " m tow to git mar-
by; it :.f Fortunately, the boss and
bosslsm are passing,' and people are
coming to think and vote for them
selves and not for the party. - It is
the best of all the good signs of the
times. H f ii.
The registration books will be
open again for three day. only, be
ginning ; tomorrow, and remaining
open- until - midnight Monday and
Tuesday and Wednesday until 5
o'clock p. m. All voter, who failed
The engagement not having been Vn-
nonnced, . the Mapon girl smilingly re-
v"inaeea. j can't say, auntie. Perhaps
f aiioii iivvDr marry., . 1 . , . a
, c: Th old woman's Jaw f ell. x "Ain't dat
a pjiy, now; , mam saw. "But, after alL
missy, dey do say dat old malda la tha
happiest critters there.,!. one dey quits
trugglln." f . .
s A Bad Outlook.
From Smith's Magaslne.
MotherDorothy, I hav to be scold
ing yon. all the tlmel
. Dorothy Well, all I can say, maiima,
Is I m sorry for thi man who gets you
for a mother-in-law. i - ' ,
If the president ' will aak thafMti.a i - If you keen vonr tools kaan ha Wu. ,
It a ril .w ne trust magnates he will I w ww not keep you long Idle.;
J1" "iat they know LaFollett and fear
vn..u.B ne ear wnat he thinks
and means what he says. If th-res-Ident
wants a Republican who Is reallv
a reformer h will find It difficult to
lefects3 rUt""" t7 LaT0l,,tu na
Good Men : Needed fbr Office
From the Medford (Wrmi.
The attitude of a haw ram .... I
dldacy of Mayor Xne is usual, for it is
that gang who may b uh nn i
.k.l. l ' w
wrij in UT at
The great man never know aa littl '
men; they all are great to him. .
Many a Joy remains undiscovered '
until, our ayes ar dlmmtd by sorrow.
. It's no ns talking abent looking a
It your llf will not bear looking lnte. '
m a ' '- 1
Sunday uuLue may cover a multi
tude of sins, but they cannot hide them.
The crean of society Is not btalne
UT sl Wt At Iran a . i iriL.
mayor Is a candidate for rUMt .-Vi y removing th milk of human kirfd,
h declare that if nominated and elect- ne8,,' - . s ' :
d-he wlll'-put th "publlo ; interest" ' '
above party, personal or any other in- . B1B ho most deserves ear pity
tereat His attitude Is on to annaai tne Poor fellow who has ne nitv for
most people as blKhhr desirahin. - r,. I th Poor-
public Interest ought to be paramount ' ,u .. ' . " " " ' , - '
to every other consideration. Th rea-I a Thte best way to make folks hungry
son for lt is vividly illustrated hv for heaven give them a ta.t. n
ui nuna ia nan ranciaco. aratrni.1 "-"
Schmits sacrificed the nubile intarear
to private and 'partisan Interests, , and
behold th results. Th shama of tha
Golden Gat cltv would
credit forever1 any platform of a candi.
date other than paramount loyalty to
publle interests, and that is what makes
the attitude of Portland politicians con
spicuously InapproDOa. The times ara
caumg tor good men for office .Pub
no robbery as disclosed in many big
ciuea naa jib meaning, ana tnat mean
ing ougnt to ne jdistinctiy hostile to
spoilsmen, ' place hunters and bribing
corporations. The charge -aa-alnat
Mayor Lane ie that he la opposed to
sucn tnings, ana tnat as an official he
has not - tolerated them. ' Incidentally.
the official who serves th rubllo beat
serves his party best.
!At the Musicale. 1 i
Clara She Cuts lots Of fee!!na tntn
her singing doesn't, sheT . , .
Ferdy Tea: but U must be awful to
feel that way.. . ..
There Is not much virtu re
ligion whos yanlty you hav ftW0T
by argument, , ""sL
i - i '
When a man gets to be expert- at
raising the dust b Is sure te do It
well aavto 'choke hlmselt 'v"?
y Bom folks nvr" hav any eatlsfao
tlon ln fighting eln until they catch
their neighbors doing wrong. '
e '
' On trouble with conceit 1 that It
lead, you to bellev th doors "f oppor
tunity ar too small for you. wpPor . -
',J'!'1 ' ,-t'- T"' ; ' 1- '
. 3t.ttlte,.ubut; uttl " te get a .
twist to the eyes of cnnJZ. TTi "
you look? with bomnlaeana. r'.v."" -
crooked. ' ""n" .
No amount of ertHin. ..t . ,i
lgal fences here will ai.. ..'. !
nough waiu.Vtt.e
i ,