THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1S07. OREGOfJ wot DIOCESE WILL BE DIVIDED SOON IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT SMARTLY DRLSSLD MLN WILL WEAR THIS SLASON ASK DLN SLLLING Members of Episcopal Churches Must Hrst Ask It, Says - Bishop Scadding. . tGRANTO OF GOOD TYPE COMING TO OREGOr Development of Commercial life of - That Section of State' in Keeping With the tlrowth of Religions , AcUvlty. ' :'f;.f -SJA . . .' u i k - k V 1 ; . J. The i. Bt. Rev. Charles . Bcaddlng, . .,' blahop of Oregon, returned to Portland yesterday- afternoon from a two weeks' ' tour ot the eat tern Oregon pariahea and missions. . Wa ahidm hack anthuslastla over the prorreaa hla ohuroh la making1. .. f. ueugntea witn tne commercial scuvuy . : In eastern Oregon, running hand In 'hand with the rellgloua development In which ha plays so prominent a part. , , and over all glad that in both Port ' land atanda In cloae touch with the raat of th state. - ' y. . ". '.. While tbeent from the city Bishop Bcaddlng attended the missionary con- :. ference of the seventh mlaalonarr dls- tHjjaOi1 the Episcopalian church which rttuJudea all the dioceses lying weat of 'Salt Lake City, north Into Alaska and westward to the. Sandwich Islands. Bishops from practically all of these ' dlooesea were present at the gathering. JVo Diviaioa of Oregon. , I Two matters of particular interest rJ and Importance to , the Eplsoopal churches of Oregon were dlsoussed at - the gathering.! Flrat, . a quietus was Uald on the report that the Oregon eMo- case would bo divided, , Such action i would be Impossible until Bishop Bcad dlng and the parlahlonera of eastern ' Oregon ithameelvea moved for auch ao- ..JlOA.. ...t-;:-" j-.V ;.....'..-; v ,...,...-...,..;.. i 1 believe tn time the dlatrict will he divided," said Bishop Bcaddlng last night, "but that time baa not yet coma v It la simply Impossible for one bishop . to cover all of the Oregon dloceae, which j "" Includes aoroe (6,900 square miles, but ' a dlvlalon will not be affected until the members of the church themselves . request It- - '"' . . ;:- There are tremendous dlstancea to " ha traveled, but that can In no way - handicap the promotion of Episcopal work. Sometimes, I almoat refuse to believe that I live In Portland. From ? now until ' next January the work In ; the dlatrict will keep me almoat con- atantly out of the city. In fact,, I .-' ; ahall not be in Portland more than i seven daya In aucceaalon during the en? ; tire time." ;. :-,;y."." endowment rand tor Moeeoe. Another feature dtacuaaed at the eon 1 ference waa the endowment fund. This, -V It 'la hoped, In a ahort time will reach the aum of $100,000. the Interest from ' ' which will pay the blehop'e aalary and ,ihu do away with - the assessment against the various parishes and mls 'i s'.ona. - - . Blahop Bcaddlng la greatly interestea A Bishop Charles Bcaddlng. In ther- move, the auocesa of which will relieve him of being a "begging blahop," aa he styles himself, and which he alao refuses to be. Already 110.000 naa been aubacrlbed to the fund and this will be greatly augmented when addi tional approprlatlona are made at the , three hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Eplsoopal church In the United States, which will be held In Bichmond thla aummar. . : While making bla tour of eaatern Oregon towns Blahop Bcaddlng used the many pictures ha has taken of uregon Ufa as the basla for lectures.' These were well attended and more than us ual interest, he aald. . was shown by Oregon residents and strangers In ev erything pertaining to tne growta ana progress of , the state. -v".,- . ' mne Class of Saw Beetdeate, "I have made It a point to visit many I of the tourist oars bearing Immigrants Into Oregon," he aald, "and I have been aurprlaed and pleased at seeing , the aturdy claaa of new citizens which are Coming here. They are almost without , exception persona of the well-to-do class, educated, progressiva and with the back, bone and grit to leave comfortable sur roundings In fba middle weat and east and coma here where land, air, water and 1 freedom are freer. e These are good cltlaens that are filling " up eaatern Oregon and ether i sectlona. the kind we want,1 and I be lieve that religious work should go hand In hand with progress In the line of better educational facllltlea, develop ment of the great resources and general activity of commercial ilfel - It la Just i as much a part of 'religion to foster these mattera and thua make a better government as It is to spread the gos pel" ; .-.,-7 , . ''" ; ;' Bishop Bcaddlng returned to Port land on the morning s train yesterday from The Dalles, where be bad spent the night. Mrs. Bcaddlng went tq the latter plaea Friday to meet him. ' He will conduct services this morning at Pro-cathedraL , ;; v: - .. , ::;"!..; r I LAWSUIT III . ftOJ STOP WORK United Railways. - Will Proceed ' With Construction of Fourth 1 -Street Line. I Dedicatory Exercise Will Be Held In T. M. C. A. Roonu Thla t Afternoon. - -. ' Conatructlon ;, work 1 en the United Railways company's llneir to thla city will be pushed regardless of the litiga tion started on behalf ,of Oregon Trac tion company stockholders. Officiate of the company stated yeaterday ; that the Una on Front atreet. from the ateel bridge to the southerly terminus at Macadam street at Hamilton avenue, will be completed within the next two weeks. v ' It la aald the work up to thle time his been difficult owing to the refract, err character of the atreet pavement i that had to be removed to give place i to the track. The remaining track to be laid pasaes through pavement mat la easy to handle, and the .work-, will progress much faster than heretofore. The United Railways company holds the original . franchise for the Front atreet Una, and Its completion ! await ed by the Oregon Electric - Railway ..nn,n,. which must use the trackage from Hamilton avenue, in , the south. 4jjnrt of the city, t the northerly term nCaCthe ateel bridge. An of fical. of the twegon juieowio . ii aald laat night that this company will have Its road In operation from Port land to Garden Home within the next it daya. ; I BRASS TABLET FOR. RENO HUTCHINSON GREAT BUI fJIWCIED NERVE OF A LITTLE BOY lMr Mill A ' i jM'' . 1 V j - " " ' ,1 ' - ' '. . V- -. -V 101- ' .. L!-. I i-l' iiQ : , CORRECT CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS WITH ALL THE MERITS . ; OF THE CUSTOM TAILOR AT ABOUT ONE-HALT HIS PRICE $15 uo $40 ' 7 MOTHERS WHO VISIT OUR JUVENILE DEPARTMENT WILL FIND SHOPPING MADE EASY MM SEE LEADING CLOTHIER The- Ren.0 Hutchinson memorial tab let' will be dedicated this afternoon at the Toung Men's Chrlatlan Association building with appropriate exercises. It la a slab ot brass about three feet long, with the lnacrlptlon: .;;.".v :-f;Oyi:S 'f7- Endures Torture and Risks Death in Awe of Parental Wrath Over a Mishap. . (Special Dispatch is The Journal.) Seattle, May 11. The Spartan forti tude of little ' Tommy Gallagher ' may coat him bla Ufa He now Ilea at death's door with his right leg swollen to twice us natural else and with a high fever.1 The boy's condition is due to the fact that, after being run down by an auto mobile and all but Instantly killed, ha kept the aecret of his Injury from his parents until blood poisoning' compelled him to take to bla bed. Tommy and - two schoolmates - were playing marbles In the street, when an v. .ti tin i .v. 11 i rnuiu wui icmiuk muiib. .. . vum vj. 1110 moved to th.W building, 1. B. Rhodea. ""J! J RENO HTJTCHIN80N, - "He Called Me Through His Grace to Reveal : Bla Son In Me." Gaiatlana 1-11. : ,, - X87C-106. " : The dedicatory . . exercises will take I place at 5 o'clock in the reception hall, where the tablet haa been mounted on Shoe Satisfaction The Kind That Fit atnd Wear Good . . yaitte t: Canvas- Oxfords' 54 . and ..; ',....$2.00 Patent Colt Oxfords, 120 styles, at $2.50, $3,00. ; . .$3.50 Gunmetal Oxfords, 90 styles, at S2.50, $3.00 $3.50 ;V In button and Blucher, pat terns. - - -- ALL SIZES HERE . , ; a claaa mate of Mr. Hutchinson at the University of California, will make the addreas, and - all special "friends of the deceased secretary are Invited to attend the exerciaes. - 5 x- - , Keno Hutchinson waa a well known young .man both In Portland and at Spokane, .He. ta n the eon of CC Hutchinson, a resident of . this city. While In Portland ,he was connected with, the V M. C, A, here and went from his work here to Spokane to take charge of the Spokane .office of the T. M. C. A- He was act upon by an un known assailant one night while return-, lng to hla home and murdered. Mo trace of, hla murderer waa ever discovered, though, diligent search was made. 'i s . The regular Su nday - afternoon pro gram at the association will be opened at S o'clock by the association orchestra, which will give a reception concert, in the reception hall... At the men's meet ing wnicn roiiowa the special music will be selected by Charlea Cutter, the inaian oanione. of thla city will give an address on "success," although auttering Intense - agony ' from hia own hurts. Tommy picked him np and carried him home. Then 'for three days the U-y ear-old lad started . for school, every morning, fearing censure and possible punishment should he complain te his parents that he was unable to attend. Each morn ing he waa able to proceed but a short distance before he gave out. Then he would spend the rest of the day -either crying in the brush out or eight of hia playmates or hiding until the time came to return to his home In the afternoon. Finally he had to take to his bed and now he is fighting for his Ufa, with the odds against him. Jl,r!orrl!0 SL nenr t!t MALHEUR MEN HELD FOR ATTEMPTED ASSAULT (RDeelal Dispatch to Tbe Jonrnil.) Tale, Or.." May-lI.i-Bam Yarborough Rev. Hiram Vroomanland Heck Oaborne, who were arrested at westraii cnargecr witn attempt to aaaault Mra. Etta Eiarlcom and her 15 year-old daughter, were examined .here before Justice of the Peace Byland and held to answer In the auma of $1,600 and fl.200, in default of which they were committed to the county Jail to await the action of the grand Jury In October.. 4 ).: . ; ;;. :?: . . Judging by the testimony given at the examination, It was a very flagrant at tempt to commit crime, and the Cltlaens Examination for Postal. Clerks orwestfall are very Indignant over the Mra' Van Blarlcom lives at Weatfall with her children'' and earns a livelihood by washing. lAat March her husband was sentenced to the penitentiary from Harney comity Xoti aaaault. with intent to klU. V,- The: attempted aaaault on Mra. Van Blarlcon waa made about midnight May 6 at the houae occupied by her and her e ; FORI.. MY ENTER THE POSTOFFICE Shows Effect of the New Law's Passage. - M The largeatfederal civil' service ex amination ever held In Portland was conducted ' yesterday at the custom house. When mora than 40 ntnitr man and women took the examination for I children, postofflce clerka .t The examination was under the direction of Secretary Z. A. Leigh, F. E. Rose and Fred Blngley. If the candldatee are .successful a large list of clerlce wlU be added to the eligi ble list. for the local pfflce. . xne large ciasi is aald to he due to the new postal law passed by the last congress. The proviaione in salary in the new act are much mora liberal than under the old law and guarantee each clerk a salary cf 1600 a year at , the start, with a yearly .increase of tlO until the maximum' aalary of $1,200 a year is reachec The highest salary a clerk could receive under .the old law was 11,000 a year. . r . r- Contract Awarded. The M. J. Walsh Co. of this city have been awarded the contract to hang the electric and gas fixtures In the new U-etory Wells-Fargo buUrtlng; the fix tures to be- furnished by Black, A Boyd Mfg.- Co, New Tork. V;..-' v, v--" . The fact that so responsible and ex acting firm aa Black Boyd has sub let thla contract to M. J. Walsh Co. la another compliment ! . to the . local firm and shows that they have the con fidence of the large eaatern concerna There are about 2.800 fixture outlets in the building, end the work r of In stalling will begin about June let. NEHALEf.l VALLEY LINE Oiiiy mm iil'GOOD Details to Be Rapidly Cleared Up. on His Coming Visit to Astoria. : (.pedal Diapate te The JoeraaL) " Astoria. Or- Mar 11. The invitation of the special committee appointed by the chamber' of eommeroe to report on the Portland. Oregon A Beacoaat Rail way company's proposition to build a railroad 18 mllea up the Nehaiem vauey from Clatsop City, extended to Presi dent H Hawgood of that road, haa been accepted. - Mr. Hawgood has teiegrapnea tne chamber of commerce that he will come to Astoria as soon aa prior engagements have been met. Hla presence here will rapidly clear up all details concerning thle new railroad enterprise, and it seems more certain day by day that the road . will be - apeedily built, aa theae people evidently mean business from the start. - Aa soon as Mr. Hawgood has haa an opportunity to appear before the special committee la person that committee will report to the chamber, and it seems the report cannot be made nntu Mr. Haw good arrives. ELEVEN HUNDRED MILES OF PIONEER PHONE WIRE "-' anMtat tHinatch ta The Iflvraal.) : Prlnevllle. Or.. May 11. The organi sation of the Pioneer Telephone A Tele graph, company, with headquarters at Prlnevllle, marks a new epoch In the nroarea of this part of the state. The new com nan v. final organisation of which will be completed the first of next weekv will . control. 1,100 .mllea or . wire and will effeot connection with points on the railroad as well as cover the whole interior of the state. : The Pioneer com pany la incorporated at 910,000, and It la said has taken np the Interests of several amaller oompanlea '. The company proposes to erect suit able buildings In all towns where such cannot be rented and will . Inaugurate metallic circuits wherever practicable, eliminating all party lines, thus improv ing the service at least 60 per cent The offices at Prlnevllle will be open from 8 a, m. until midnight at present and everything will be done to benefit the service. ; -...' 4 - t The ' principal incorporators, w.'E. Juerln Jr. and others, were large hold ers in the Deschutes Teiepnone com pany, which line has also been merged with the new incorporation. This will be one of the largest concerns of its kind in the west, ;'.. SIX INCHES OF HAIL " ' ; . ON ALABAMA CROPS (Publishers' ' Frets by Special teasad Wire. Memphis, xenn, - May n. reporting six inches of hail that covered the coun try diatenee-f two mllea -between Cherokee and Dickson,. Alabama,' on the Southern - rallrdid, Traveling Freight Agent R. C Craig returned to MenrSde' Saturday with a tale of winter in tne arjrlngtime Mr. craig reports tnat tne xarmere along that line are much worried over tne weather conditions and see nothing t vrreat flnanelul loss ahead, unless there is a. decided improvement at once. llilf 364-366-368-370 East Morrison Street Do you know we are in a position to sell you the furnishings for v your house ata lower price than our west side cook petitor? Wc are, and : if you doubt- it, well, it is time for you to . Made of selected quarter-sawed oak, 8-foot extension, 48-inch top, heavy pedestal base with graceful curved ,Iegs and carved clawfeet, finished golden oak and with full piano polished, finish. West side price $45. Our price . ..... .$34.00 And, see for yourself and stop doubting. - Our store V.,. i-ll'. '" . .Wr"'. -.iv :''V', - ..ij,' '- covers a quarter block and is filled with up-to-date furnishings of - both me dium' and high' classi v' v Our Terms are Easy and ; . i " -' ,v , ;''-.'"' "".-''1,. - V " IVe Guarantee CMccIion. -Others from $6.00-to $60.00; Also Xhina'. Closets,. Chairs and :Buffets to match". '""And 'wheri" you con sider the saving by trading with us you will say It Pays to Trade on flie Ecsl S:f 2 in the Low Rent District f i