The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Wood For Burning
snanL wis ' week one-fourth reduction S;
' eunpN in graceful designs Temaj w wurn,
'T ' : "7" ' I 'We give ires instructions.
pyrograpblo Outfits .................. . .f 1.50 P
PIAQUES, " l-tn. slse, stamped In Dutch Flint,
: Fancy Heeas, mm, e opeeisi ..........,
P AVEuS In Bcsnery, ngure rieces or wr,
special ..; ,........ ;.m....'...t to-:
XAVO KXBX0B8 for Burning, 8Bo. Special.... 4 Tf
XAJTO KXKBOSS, large ,!, 11.00. Spectsl. . .T5e)
Tie Rack.. Tobacco Jans' Wwrks.
Neckties: your choice this week at ...QUAJSTSB BZatT&AX TMICM
Ih Fourth Street Windows for Baantlfnl Banners, Bums leather BlUows,
i t . : -iMm iia ,
Fever Thermometers
Teed by physicians and Trained Nurses. Should be In every noma. A per
fectly reuabla thermometer. -noe ......eta.vv f
Microscopes, BaUrtologtcal Stains, Supplies of every kind. '
Graduates, Beakers, Funnels. Test Tubes, Waste Bottles, Olaas Tubing,
Burettes, etc t-'.x' ., '
Purchases front this department peeked eerefully for delivery ea shipment.
Writs for Prices.
Mr and Sunshine
A comfortable Wheel Chair is as necessary for
the Invalid or Convalescent as good food or
the physician's car. Ws hare these chairs for
sale. Price ... $20.00 up
A rood lounging chair for the porch In summer,
rattan seats, rood springs, rubber tires.
Price .............. $20.00 P
Japanese Air Cushion
;Y Take 0U9 to tb Sail 0at witk jron. -
They're good to It on. P Mad collapsible, convenient for the pocket Also
. Price . , ....;.. . , . v ..... ...2Be te'f Z.trO
Trusses That Fit , a
' We adjust them to individual needs.-
Skilled men In charge of this department to wait
upon you. Private fitting-rooms. Every Truss
guaranteed. 1
The aew "TacttaPad" Trass. ' Brio..... f 1.50
Are You Fond of Music?
You can hear the best selections from the best
musicians right in your own home. ? Entertain your
friends. Educate your children. The refining influence
of good music cannot be overestimated. ; p,
In order to, place a Phonograph of unexcelled merit in every home
we are offering high grade Victor. and Edison Machines at prices within
' the reach of all. If. desirable, installment terms canbe arranged. , Full , line of all
records kept in tock. Visit the Gift Room, on the fourth, floor, and . hew these won
derful Talking Machine. 'All music lovers are invited to call 'V--.vr'.Y
Rozane, Art WareHand Decorated Pottery of Rare Beauty
'A magnificent array of handsome Art Pieces, exquisitely mdlded and decorated, suitable for, anniver
sary, wedding or birthday gifts,',;. iy:r'''-7.t; )'i7r7 .-'.'i'-. "' " -y 1 7; ;,'7 ,'-,'', : 7ityr;7;:
Egypto Vases and Jars, in cream or dull green overlaid with symmetrical designs in brown or blue.
Lamp Stands ..Mf8.50 - Tankards .;.i.,f2.00 to f 10.00 . 'Vasei ,,,t..f2.00 to flO.OO
Koyal Wares, in rich dark browns, floral designs and figures. ; hi". ".,: .5 . y-v-
Tankards f 2.00 to 6.00 ; Vases ...... ..................... $1.00 to f 10.00
Steins ........ ................. ...fl.TS to f 3.00 Cigar Jars . ; I ...... . f 3.00
Fudji Vases, various sizes and graceful shapes 4i.,:'J.'.'.;;,.. .,..... .,.f 1.50 to fS.OO
' ' : " " -; - .- ' ' - .-."
When In Y Hurry Call Ex. 1 hiOTKzXUries
" 20 Extensions? or Home Vhone' A1J39
Over 100 Salesmen Ready to Fill Your Order
PersonsCanadian ' Money 'Taken At r Full
Value Fret Delivery In Any Part of the City
Sparkling Cut Glass
Dozens of beautiful Dieces from our large stock have been
marked down and will be olaced on sale Monday morning at the :
unusual prices quoted. ' See the Fourth street window displays.
. ,.. : .. CUT GLASS. '
Colonial Tumblers, yi dozen, regular ...$3.S0. , Special f 6.88
Water Pitchers. 8-inch size, regular....... , 1S7.50. Special $5.63
Comports, it-inch, Whirlwind design,, regular. $6.25 Special $4.68
Sugar and Creamers, chrysanthemum pattern.S4.60. ' Special $3.42
Nappie, golf pattern ...... ................ .$2.20. Special $1.61
Celery Tray, cut in chrysanthemum ........ $6.60. Special $4.93
Bowl. 8-inch, Whirlwind decoration.....,........:.. ...... i.....
Vinegar Cruet, Fern cut.......
Pickle Jar, round or square shape
Handled Nappie, in star cut
Vase. 10-inch size ,
Water Bottle, Colonial cut.,..........,...........,.;..;.......;.
- 4
4 m
r . t i r sm
The Photographic Dept.
Camera Specials ot Interest ,
;, Ottered This Week ;
Haws you a Camera? Why not.
buy one and make your own pic
tures T- Bvery. Wednesday Night ona -of'
our experienced artlnts conducts
veloplng. printing, lantern slides,
transparencies and ' nlargements. ,
rTMs ivrovono nun.
Busts rown Film Camera No. ; , practical , for general use, :;stinpU toj
. lUiiU: Price ...H ......... .V2.0O I
Plate Cnmerv4x&. Kegulat 17.10. Special. ...... .85. 00
ruts Camera, SUx4U. Regular $7.50. Special. .$5.00
"Angelo" BepU viatlanm Paper.; A cold developer paper, at a discount of
BoyaX WtlxiV u P, ' H Reg 1.06. ' Reduoed to 20f Oro.
.:v.;....$4.9S.- SpecUl
.$7.00. ; Special
.....S6.25. , Special
. . $2.75. Special
...... ...$7.00. " Special
.........$5.65. Special
DeCastro's Tea
Made of Sacred Bark, for the relief of kidney and -liver
troubles. Its use increases both energy and am
bition, and induces healthful sleep. Pries, 25e per
package. . . vt
A Certain Cure
. For Constipation and Nervous Troubles.
Rectal Dilators, made of hard rubber, a set of four
sent to any address. ..Your money returned if not
satisfactory. ' Price .$3.00
Send for Booklet, "Aids to Health." .
Your EyeSlght
, root Olassss oanse endless -troubles.
Visit ' our - Optical Department and
have your eyes tested for our new
, Torlo 1 Lenses. . These . clear, ' strong
crystal lenses strengthen the eyes,
Beoommended by Physicians, gatlav
..r fastloa guaranteed. 1 f '
' iilpi ros txi szap.
' Instruments' of svsry kind or persona wboss hearing la impaired. . Prices
; from .j...7.,i. 4i.,....,.f2.oo up
V . Call or writs your-nseds. ; ... ,
ms or
Should Have a Comfortable Support
Klaatlo Qarments properly , mad and fitted relieve'
and curs lameness, weak ankles or wrists or enlarged
j Joints and all similar aliments. Call or write us your
needs. ; Attendant- tor both sexes. Bend for Belt-Measurement
Blank, ' 1 , ... (-
.- 9MXOM ' UT.
wristlets V ......75S $1.00
Knee Caps 1 12.00
Anklets . ., i,... .112.00
laggings (... ..,......., 12.00
Oarter Hose ...i. ....... I i.l.OO
Knee Hoe ....... .......... .;.,.( 15.00"
Thigh' Ks ..$10.00
XlaaUg.Xoslsry guaranteed la fit and anallty.
H N abox . mm sjtrppoBTBajSj.' ,;' .Vx'!'-',;k;":
Do your-feet achat Do you have cramps In your anklesT - Thousands of
men and women suffering from that very trouble have found relief wearing
the "lyoodlark" Instep Supporter. Always sold on approval. Pries. f 1.50
HaveYou a Bunion?
Try' One of Our
i New Protectors
Mads to fit the side 'of the foot eorafort-
ably, yet shields the sensitive bunion
from sressur. Of pliant leather, ad
justed to any foot. Price.,,,...... 504 flAT FOOT WITH ARCH BUPHUT"
For the Camping Trip
A strong Table, suitable for out of door use. Can be
adjusted to any desirable height for writing, sewing,
etc. These Tables are easily packed.
Priced $5M ;
Store Open Sunday From iQ A. M
LaTil 11 LJu2
Wonderful Mexican -STRAW
. Price, pet package ; 25c : :
r - ,
Charming Daughter of President
Tyler Is Totally Blind in
; " He: Old Age. '
a good musician and was the life and
spirit of his household. At the sge of j
IS shs became the "Wife of Mr. Sempls.
When the death of William Henry
Harrison made Tyler president he
brought a large and Interesting -family
to the Whits House, r Mrs. Trier was
an Invalid . and could never dlscnarge
the duties of mistress of the White
House. During the first few months of
Tyler's administration Mrs. Robert
Tyler, wife of a son of the president.
acted as bis hostess, while . the presi
dent's daughter, Letltla, remained at
their Virginia home with her mother.
Some months later Mrs. Tyler ' made
the trip to Washington, , accompanied
by her daughter, now Mrs. Bemple, but
succumbed to her malady very shortly
afterward and was burled from . the
Whits House, of which shs . had
HOUSE FOR HER MOTHEK I duties . of mistress, After the death
ck e
Harriman System Is to Begin Construction Work on Medford
W. L Finley Tells of His Recent
' Tour Throush th-i
6outh. f
Work at McKenna Junc
1 tion Very Soon. ;
and Crater Lake Road to
Begin at Once. ;
Construction of the packing house
trackage at the north side ot tns penin
sula, and the entrance for the tunnel at
y, 4 1 of her mother, Mr. Bemple assumed I McKenna junction will be Immediately
Is - sv. I he , duties of mlstrees of the White begun by the Harriman lines., urge
f ci.. nr.. 1'. I House, ' which she - aiscnargea crews and outfits that havs been work
; tn ucr jLuuut duo im wc nuuuu" with
Representing Portland and eastern
timber men, George Eates of the Ort
gon Savings at Trust company and Dr.
B try iter of Portland yesterday . pur
chased ths Medford St Crater Lake rail
road. The pries paid was 182,000,
which was an advance of 117,000 over
crace and tact until her father's I inar on the O. R. & N. company's szten
Comnanlon of Her Father and the I 'econd marriage only a few montha be- sion at Hermiston have been ordered tolth highest bid mads at the first sale. bany Eugene. Grants Pass,
" . Jfors'hls term of of flee - expired. 'His break camp at once and move to Ms-J Ths road was sold by Receiver X F. I an(j p0rest Grove, Hs also r
Life and Spirit
Household. .
Of ' His Entire I second bride was Miss Julia Gardner Kenna Junction, and push ths work on
Ot Nsw York.
Uvea In the Past,
Like most elderly people, Mrs. Bemple
ths new main line between St Johns and
These orews are la the employ of the
- (Journal Special Serrtee.) . '
Washington, D. C May 11. A happy
Tlrglnla bride at 19, mistress of the
Whits House at 21 and totally blind and
an Inmate of the Louise home in this
city at S7. Such is. the life story of
Mrs. Letltla Tyler Bemple, daughter of
former President Tyler, who was Si
years old today.
When It Is remembered that Mrs.
Bemple was a little girl when Lafayette
mads his last visit to America, ana a
lives In ths past Her last visit to ths Faemo construction company, wwen nas
Whits House was. during the adminis
tration of President Pierce, whoss fam
ily were Intimate friends. Since that
time, although invitations have come to
I her for every function given there and
I are still coming, she has paid no atten-
Reddy of Medford at . the Jackson
county court house In Jacksonville. It
was the. second time within ths last
month that the property has been
offered for sale. At ths first sale
Michigan timber men bid f (5,000. This
pries was regarded by the receiver and
ths court ss toe low, and under the law
ths receiver was abls to secure .
sals eon receiving an offer of 10 per
cent advance over the highest amount
At the monthly meeting of ths Ore
gon Audubon society at the city hall
last night President William L. Finley
read a report of hia recent lecturing
tour - through southern Oregon. The
object of ths tour was to arouse an in
terest throughout that section In bird
life that, the laws of the state protect
ing birds may be better enforced. :
Mr. Finley oeuverea lectures at ai-
made a re
port of his reseat trip to Sat)e, where
he organised the Washington Audubon
society. . : z
Following the report and the trans
action of ths usual , business ef ths
society, 'Mr. Finley exhibited a large
number of stereoptloon slides of ths
common birds found In this Immediate
part of ths stats and a few of those
that ware secured in the Klamath lake
region, v-., v : y..; U. ' "7:
i Rothschild's Polished Floors.
- - From Tlt-Blts. , ,.
Ths Rothschild - family are wall
known for their weakness for polished
floors. Every Rothschild mansion has
its floors glistening like glass. Some
years ago, on ons of these slippery
ways, his majesty, then Prince of
Wales, slipped one morning on his way
to breakfast and Injured his arm rather
seriously, r When his majesty's forth
coming visit, to Lord Rothschild was
being arranged the king wrote hi m say
ing he would bs pleased to accept the
Invitation provided he did not expect
him to walk bout on "Ice," as hs was
Lord Rothschild replied that he would
find, every particle , of the floors of
Tring covered with' carpeting 'for the
royal, visit On ths, king's fUsparturs
this will, however, be promptly
and ths floors will again assums their
glasslike surfeo.' ,v
Oat Adopts Rabbits.
From -the London' Standard,
At ths White Lion hotel at Spalding
ths landlady, Mrs. t Betts. has a cat
which Is rearing a litter of young rab
bits. ' Mrs. Betts had an Angora rabbit,
which died, leaving a - litter of six
eight-day-old young onesr , , , , . ;
At ths same time shs had- a eat bring
ing up three kittens, at that time five
daya old. v . As , en experiment two of
these were taken away and two of the
young rabbits substituted. . As the cat
took kindly to her unusual proteges ths
other four young rabbits were added; '
nu m cai iu now onagiua up 4ne lit
ter of six young rabbits.
' r
'i I , ',7 "
,'t ' v .f -
5 - si
a contract roc .atraigniening tns mam
line of the O, R. & N. company between
Portland and Baker City. The construc
tion company will bring 400 horses and
mules, tOO men and a large amount of
modern eaulnment into action on the
tlon to them. She leads a -quiet life In peninsula, and win hurry tns worr or oia. xnis aavanc was nrw oy us
the Loulss Home for Aged,, which Is track building all ths way from Bt. principals represented by the Oregon
rnui with mithirn ladipn tit rentia Johns to Troutdale. and across the low I Savings A Trust company, and ths
hfrth and culture. The home 1 not a lands to the Swift Packlna company's court oruerea a.roBBio.
charitable Institution, for each woman site for a large plant at Haydn island. , 1 Bids opened yesterday with an offer
must nav for her board and room. The Included In the program Is the open-1 of 170,000 by Mr. Estes. Stephen ar
rhana ia modest as the institution was lna- of the entrance for the new tunnell ver and another bidder entered the
handsomely, endowed by the founder, that is to be driven by the Southern Pa-1 lists and ths price was quickly run up
the late philanthropist w. w. Corcoran, i cms ana union raeina - systems, 'xorixo ssx.ouo, w uibmi pia n me ay.
who ravs It in memory of his daughter brlnaina in the main line of the Q. R. A I The sale at that prioe will be eon
N. to Portland, and -Bending out tnei xirmea ty me court.
t V 1 j
Louise, who died in her youth.
We hare given some remarkable Rocker values to
- AT Ul uauui ouu wiiuauh vu t, . uq I u iiivu ay w o w - ... I . a eva a e. ' e
main stem of ths new Oregon ft Wash-1 Ths purchasers have had a complete the people Ot rortiana, out wis lime
Ington road that is to connect Portland survey made to sutte vans, aoou u w- have outdone ourselves. YOU II
ana ino louna wiui lurnmis rua iouii irum buviui wi wu iuiuivu
. 9.
I Refusal to Grant; Franchise
Voold Aid the Oregon
The forces on this work will be In
creased If It Is possible to secure more
labor. It is believed the contractors will
be. more successful In., getting, men s to
work in the immediate vicinity of Port
land than they have been able to do In
remote sections whers construction work
has been carried on by the Pacific Con
struction company. ; . ;
Reaardlnc the alleged relations be-
tween Councilman Beldlng and the build
ers of the electrlo railway through his been? discovered at Hlnton Bt George.
southern Portland, , property, A. C Em- In the slaughter house at Earl Poulett's
Birds' Curious Nesting Places
From the London Chronicle.
CurSUs nesting places of birds hate
mone, attorney for ths United RaUways
company,' said: : x ;;.,, ? - -
Vsit. Beldlng IS ngni as t our roau.
ately begin construotloa of the road never buy better value.
to that point it is now operating as
far as Ekals Point 12 miles from Med
ford. It le. said that ; materials and
rolllnr stock have already been or
dered for the remainder of the line,
and that a force of men will be put on
construction work within SO days. Ths
road will tan a rood agricultural and
fruit country and the largest body of
standing sugar pine in , tne , united
States. .
;. v; m ...;.:f:
Dog With Ice Appetite..
From the Washington Post
There is , a tittle brlndle bull terrier
not more than ' three blocks from ths
keYTnels a nalr of enrdurnv ovarii la.
usea wne tarring or painting Is being I rose nuuaing wmcn mi uiuja ma i
done, had been thrown careleaslv ' over 1 unwonted appetite xor ice. Aacn morn-
. . Mrs. Letltla Tyler Semple.
.in; i , i i , ... n i . . H i.i ii . i i i .i
').: .'Foungv woman- before the Seminole In-
i eians. were - rwauy pacuiea in i-ionaa,
it would seem that she almost belongs
to another are. !She saw the first tele-
graph t wire v In '-'the United r States
: stretched from .Washington to Balti-
'. i . . i
the original Atlantic eable bv fl. F. B. Pfpperty is located along ..the. llne
Mors UlmMlti She was present at M2T
the , teunchliig .of the AHeihany, the P?ny JnsouPrUa?lM-,
first iron ,ehlp In the United States Fulton Park. The United Railways
Mfir to bt nran,iiiui.h ..tMnl, . Rk. company' and the Oregon Electric Ball-
was acquainted with such notable flx-l"y company are in a ' measure .rlvala
ure public lire as Daniel Webster.!0' possession ui fDni,wv,
The United RaUways line does not go a beam, and fn one of the legs a robin j hi as f hex wagon with the eongealed
nas diiui ana completed lis nest- ',' f -l " rt nu. m-a-ui
'-Within a yard of this m old coat had I door in an attitude of expectancy. Pi-
Hamilton avenue, near the Oregon fur- been similarly suspended, and in a tear I rectly that the smaU chunks begin to
nlturs factory. . Mr. Bewinrs property i m b. wren nm com-1 7,7 1? 7
Jl -Li J Jn oth of this ooint and Pleted a perfectly shaped nest Not- keeps the game - np;; until the . wagon
esj gsa.a c . . . ... .7 . .a'v. I - U f that tha lr.n..l m. I Tnllsl eiWfa.Tr;-. .Ar'iV-:' -i -4.V. (;.
frequsntly going In and out ths birds The driver said the other morning.
continued their work. I "That's the only dog I ever. ran across.
wita a tnirst ror ice. xney teii roe it
ji traversed by the proposed line of the
Oregon Electrw company, air. joeiauia
refusal to grant an extension - of our
franchise would henent maimy tne ure.
mn-. Kiaetrlo Railway company, - on
whose line his property. Is located.
$l.QO Down
SOc a Week
Only one to a customer. -
This . is an ' exact reproduction of
the Rocker on sale, It is made of big
flaked quarter oak and hand-polished.
Inetancoe . where a state legislature doean't I'm inclined to believe
oii. iintA Rrt- i I it s a real icsquimaux. strayed rrom
nose line iu prol.r.? ----- - ------ home. The owner teUs me that one flakl
The- pubUctlon-W-iaM.e.a..JO..i'ge wne W' l.. t.t.W. wh.n r w heu . ..a The -t i rnlllstf nH (th arm. are
i - ,i,... ( hv rntininmu nr a new conur are so rew in ,tne i - - - i --- l-- -
vri Ji-TTJC .'I ..I k., r the United Ktt tA h didn't get here on time, that darned dog strongly braced with five soindles.
iaf"..?r.. Th. RhT- T.d howled two soUd hours for see.-, r..fc, x The back is unholstered with genuine
legislature, after takur fl ballots, has
failed to elect a ? succeusor to. George
Peabody Wetmore. and it will not re-
assemble again until January of next
year, whereas congress will again be In
session in December of this year.- For
John C. Calhoun, Henrr Clay; WasMns 1 cUman Beldlng," Oy refusing to j grant an Interim Of at least ons month In
m imnt, nor Jackson, John I an extension ox tne uthto luui.iyi f u veiiuuma v.muu. wuin
quinry Adams and numerous others. (company's franchises, would favor the Rhode Island will, therefore, have only
Mrs. Eemple in her youth was her I other eompany, along whose line his I one representative in ue upper branch
ii,;.rrs constant eomcanlon. She was I property lies. ' i el congress.
. . All That Ha TtA.isM-'"
From the Atlanta Constitution. '
x:an you give bondr asked the
Judge. . "have you got anything!" 5 '
veage." replied tne prisoner, "sence
you ax me, .I II tell you: I hain't got
nuthln' In the worl' 'cent the Spring
chills, six acres or no 'count land, a
big family, a hope of a hereafter an'
.the er-'war rheumatism.' ; "v- ".vxv1
i Soanish . leather, and - is staved and
supported by six spindles.
WSiiil -SSS a ,-rs lj?. I
il .a - '
All the Credit You Want