The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 52, Image 52

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By William T. Ellis. .:' ., ,' I ed as a ': reformer by the, Tuaa Shlh
ner rmiitic in unwa is cumpre- i - .v"" " " " ---
hcnnlbl until the Boxer
break iaundertood. Air roads
, nf ifivMtiiriitlon lead: back to
1800 That wu the moat eventful year
In China's hoary hlatory. Already Ita
vast economic and political influence
loom! eo Urge that tn massacre
more than 100 missionaries la coming
to be regarded as a men pimae
rMit ennch. ' ' " -i
j Th Finier troubles were the birth
ii,f nf m new China. In those ter-
rible daya tha nation, all unwittingly,
broke forevr from her self-satisfied,
- mat. And the punish
ment meted out to her, tncluding all
the norriDie una viuimu -k
nroiim tronns. . and1 - everytnini
.i. jfhmt mn iromnrehended . within
- ik.l n.nrlintHl OrCV . Of lUSt lOOt
nd lawlessness, has put the, fear of
civilisation into tn nean i -
fries. Whatever '. reaction may,, come
amt 1 write In the. midst of one .
,. n.inti will never aa-aln array It
Viiinrtiv atalnst the world. Further
liftft rnnvlnred Chin that Chris
tianity Is here to stay; tha sword, the
fir, and th stake of torture annot
fcxtirpat It ,
. Since 1SO0 each year In China's his
tory - has accomplished ; more progress
than formerly was achieved in cen
turies. 4 Undoubtedly this country has
TMter . strides In the past six
am than In the preceding , two mil
Th change ' has been so
wirt ; mn startling, so , kaleidoscopic,
that th world outside cannot compre
hend it Mlaslonariea who come
fter a year's furlough, have to pinch
themselves to make sure that they a r
China's Greatest Man. .
t This Tirovlnce of China, which In
cludes Peking and Tlen-Tsln. affords
. mnut extraordinary erldencea of
transformation. Its viceroy - Is Tuan
KMh. Ksi China's greatest man, .al
though at the moment overthrown by
the Munnhu reactionaries ' who now
Monlnata PftWIn i.-It WSS TuMI Bhih
' Kal who created ' and controlled the
modern army of TO.000 men which Is
n of the asseu or new unina. n
iwaa Tuan Shin Kal who mad over
Into a modern city a Urge part of old
ratlv Tlen-Tsln. t-was. Yuan fihlb
v.i who establleted there and at
Peking a pollc system and a fir de
partment, and' Instituted regulations
which have ' diminished to an enor
mous extent of fllthlness of the streets.
It was , Yuan Shlh Kal who made the
narrow, rough and torturous .alleys
' which throughout centuries have pass
ad for highways, give way to wide,
smooth, straight, modern thoroughfares.
It was Yuan 8hlh Kal who fostered a
system of modern education of U
branches and who opened public read
ing rooms and lecture halls, thus In
stilling the leaven of modern progress
Into th minds of all young China.
Today Yuan Shlh Tal'o sun is un
Ber a cloud. . He has been shorn of
th command of the army, of all his
numerous posts except bis vlceroyalty,
"and of what. 'Is1 r aU-lmportant In Chi
nese politics, his enormous revenues.
The Manchu reactions rtles who com
nose the palace clique' are on top f but
no . one expects them to attempt th
slble th ,1'coud '.d'etat' whereby th
empress ' seised ' the-'reins of power
from the feeble hands of the emperor,
There is said to be a blood feud be
tween the emperor and bis most pow
erful subject, and all sorts of 'con
jectures are made as to what will hap
pen whenthe empress dies.
; But th .reform spirit grows dally.
The revolutionary society Is Increas
ingly formidable. Nobody here would
be surprised at a national political con
flagratlon and revolution which .would
be os different ' from the present
sporadic outbreaks as a war Is from a
skirmish. - But at the same time nobody
expects . China to go back to the old
daya, ; From what I could glean of the
opinions of Sir Robert Hart and - his
oldest diploma t. merchants and mis
sionaries,,,. general massacre or for
eigners la not an impossibility out It
will not be by government -connivance
as before. .: And whatever comes, China
s inevitably destined to become one of
th -nations controlled by th - western
Ideals of civilisation.
Have Not Made Convert!.. l- s
This much of the political conse
quences of the Boxer outbreak it . has
been necessary 1 to write - In . order . to
make plain the religious conditions,
with which this article Is primarily
concerned. On every hand I have heard
la America that "the blood of th mar
tyrs" had again proved to be "the seed
of . the church." It is a surprise to
find to what a slight extent this Is
true, undoubtedly extraordinary prog
ress ha been made In mission work
since 1900, for reasons that Will be later
explained; but for direct results of the
faithful testimony of the' many .who
heroically sealed their loyalty with
tbelr lives I have looked in vain. 1
have talked with th missionaries In
Peking, Paoting-fu, Tungchow : and
other scenes of the ..worst - massacres, j
They sadly admit that they cannot
trace anv conversions to the shining!
heroism of the men and women, native
converts and foreigners, -who laid down
their lives for the gospel. '. .-
'- Tnatead. thm-K kr vlllAres - Where all
the Chrlshans were murdered In 1100
Into which the .missionaries are now- un
able to penetrate, v Jb peopl say that
Christianity has caused them . enough
suffering; they want no nor to do
with it In . numerous , communities
where mission work was oonducted be
fore the massacres, there Is no mission
work now, although the missionary
force had , been . Increased. ' Similarly
for years after the troubles It was
found ; that Inquirers , concerning ..'-"the
Jesus way" who - had been , reached
through the street - chapels, medical
II" - "
iy. ft v
'4. S 'A--'CT':v-.;.vf: -J
' Tsf !
t i- f ' 'tr . - ''"j, ,!
0 V47, '
if V N 4
Tuan Shlh Kal. China's, Greatest
ManrNow Out" of power r
ern religion. China now knows that
Christianity Is here to stay, a fore to
be' permanently reckoned with. ' This is
an Immeasurable gam for missions.
The massacres challenged Christen
dom. They called forth' a vigorous re
assertion of the ages Old -Christian
faith and expectation of ultimat con
quest As one of the finest of the
Boxer martyrs, Horace Tracy Pitkin of
Poatlng-fu sent as his farewell word to
his little son the message that, h
should one day come out to China to
take his father's place, so the churches
generally answered China's deflano by
Increasing their missionary foroes, and
taking up the, work with new kill and
resolution. " ; "','.'
By th wiping out of mission work
I. XT.V. nirm .11 , tanflMl mil.
.V v Vi V . f .a iii p v Rakes of ths missions were obliterated.
mad follies of seven years ago.
vented by their families 'and -friends
from having anything to, do with the
church. -; All this la contrary to the ex
pectation and preconceptions of Chrlst-
ndomi but th truth la more sacred
than any ttforrrs- f
Wherein Boxers - Failed. ,
Certain manifest 'results rom ' the
Boxer days are apparent. As already
stated, that uprising, .which t was ;-prt-i
maniy oirectea against - unnsuans ana
secondarily against all foreigners, was
Halt-1 a futile attempt to stamp out the west-
The missionaries were enabled to map
but an entirely new plan of campaign.
With . the wisdom of experience, the
moat strategical places alone wer re
occupied. A readjustment of forces and
methods followed, which ha - - borne
fruit in a markedly increased success,
For th reasons enumerated and be
cause the spirit 'of progress which was
imparted to China at the bayonet's
point the converts of the missionaries
hav not only '. been 'more -numerous
since 1900 but also of a higher class
as well. Before that time, while much
The Ne China Is Going to School.
too much, was said .about the favor
of LI Hung Chang, of the presentation
of Bibles to the empress, et cetera, the
fact remains that the missions were
reaching practically only the lowest
olass of Chinese. - The "Ho Christian"
was , far more in evidence than today.
Now , th sons and ; daughters ef th
highest officials attend mission schools.
The social atandiifa of the ' missionary
has vastly improved. In Tungchow,
for instance, th proportion of "gentry
belonging to the church far exceeds the
proportion in th community at large. '
- This state of affairs runs right up to
the top. Pfobably no foreigners, cer
tainly no foreign woman, has met the
empress dowager so often as Mrs. I. T.
Headland, on of the Methodist mis
sionaries in reking.. on one occasion
Miss Sheffield Of Tungchow, met th
empress, and that shrewd, old woman,
who seems never to forget a friend or
ioneive an enemy, asked. "Are yon the
daughter of Dr. ,D. Z. Sheffield of-the
American board, who was -so kind to
Prlno So-and-So, and treated, him and
his house so honorably during the for
eign occupation T"; Upon learning that
her surmise was correct, th empress
sent grateful messages to Dr. and Mrs.
Sheffield and the other American board
missionaries; whose conduct had been
sd, greatly th reverse of looting that
they had saved the Uvea and property
of on of the Imperial princes. . When,
shortly afterward, . Miss Sheffield was
married to Dr.. Steele of th aame mis
sion, the empress sent her sumptuous
presents. '. It ; is said, by -the way. that
the empress ' has richly rewarded . all
who assisted her in that hurried flight
from th palace at tha approach of the
allies. . t .:
Tragic Memories. V ; '" j
On cannot talk for fifteen minutes
with anybody in China upon a mis-1
slonary tople - without ' being brought
face to face with 1900. A missionary's
name la mentioned: "You know he lost
all his children in th Boxer troubles,"
remarks your companion. You pick up
a photograph from your host's mantel-p'ece,-
and ar lnformedVThat, entire
family was wiped out,' from grandpar
ent to little chliaren,' in in bhh
ere." Something is said about the cap
ability of a native preacher whom you
nave met was mi Brovnn, ju
now. who stood so ioyally by Dr. Tay
lor and was killed with him, although
he might hav escaped. This man mm
4-swt.vws, through th sleg at Tien
"Are vou '"hbt glad "to hav had that
xoerienc?'" you enthiwlastloslly ; In
quire of mlasionarlen who had borne a
brilliant part in the siege ai mmg
"No. I am ' not", decWedly affirms
vounamother: "when a woman has had
to consider, directly and finally, while
a mob of Chinese who would - torture
and murder her and fers. Is howling
for blood .only a few feet away, whether
or not so Ja, willing to take her own
children's lives to save them from the
unspeakable vengeance of the Boxers, sh4
has- . undergone - an experience which
she would willingly have foregone." it
la said that persons are still dying, poth
among the Chinese and the foreigners,
from th effects of the; Boxer troubles,
Rubbing Clothes with Murderers.
The world has never learned either
the full extent of the horrors or uie
atrocities perpetrated by- the Boxers
and the allied soldiers (these last hav
In violated vrv law of Ood ana
man), or of the part played by the
missionaries In the siege of Peking.
On th former -point consideration for
the feelings of the families - ana
friends of th" martyred missionaries
has prevented a full recital or tne in
dlgnitlos to which their bodies . were
subjected. , If, a person were inciinea
to brood over , such subjects I should
think It would get on his nerves to re
call that th very men who slaught
ered the missionaries and ' th curmi
ians, and who , destroyed mission com
pounds ao completely i that not "one
brick waaMeft standing unon another,
and air trace of th site of th buna
ing obliterated, "are still walking the
streets, and- stilt or tne earn mi no.
Th magnanimity and the courage
of the missionaries now working at
tfce seen f th ' Boxer troubles are
beyond praise! They show no resent
ment-but only forgiveness. For the
ksake of these - murderers of their
rrienas - me missionaries ar giving
their Uvea. And - they are unafraid.
although they ar not blind to their
danger, y They know full' well that it
is only the dread of ths merciless and
all-devastating 'r-reign ; troops whloh
keeps the Chinese from' falling upon
them again. ' iAt Paoting-fu we wer
entertained at the
pound, and Miss Gowans, a quiet, sweet
faced, serene-eyed little. ;womaijv from
Canada, gave -up her own room to us.
Something was said about th attrao
tivelv simple white furniture. "It. Is
all mad from "packing cases end boxes."
came th quiet rejoinder. 1 "You know
lost everything in the troubles, and I
did not think It would be right con-
tderlng the possibility of a similar ex
perience, to put in more expensive fur
niture." . That was the only allusion
made by Miss Gowans to the presence
of danger, and she Itinerates freely out
in th country; yet she lives, unruffled
In spirit In th constant presence of
th realised possibility of following her
friends to a martyrdom. ,
Ha vina said-so much concerning, th
a, .
Boxer days it Is necessary to say more.
Most of the missionaries, In the siege
and Wt of it acted heroically; but they looters.
ar not bragging about their conduct
They have even kept to themselves the
fact oonoernlng , certain eminent offi
cials (hot Americans. b It said); who '
figure largely in th publlo records of
the siege, bur whose inefficiency during
thos testing day was only equaled by
their cupidity afterward, , when they
earned for themselves the reputation of
being -tne prise looters or reking.
. Whloh brings ,me to the point much
mooted, and certain to arise when Chi- :
nese missions ar being criticised: Did
the missionaries loot? That is a sor
point, and it has been the center of mora
heat than llgnt Sweeping assertions -are
made In both -directions,, and so
far as I can discover, neither 1 tru. -A
word as to' th conditions at that
time. Absolut chaos reigned. All th
foreigners, except thos in th legations
which survived the siege, were home
leas and without worldly possessions.
as were also the native Christians. . Th
Chines' wer fleeing, panlo-strlcken, for -their
lives. .So.alers and civilians were
taking pot-shots at them "Just for fun."
Shops and houses wer abandoned. So
terrified were .the natives that - they
would surrender anything en demand. -
A Chinese on horseback passed r along
on th street holding aloft a Discard
In English, suoh as th fear-smitten
people wer affixing: to their houses,
which read, "Don't shoot! Very good
people live In this house." An English
man, amused at th spectacle, asked the
Chinese Where h had got th hone. ,
Th latter simply , got down and -tan
In fright leaving the horse to his
questioner.- , An army officer ca lied at
the American legation on dayTrfceiji
ims penoa ana mtchea his horse ouP
side; a Russian soldier promptly appri
priatea in norse. - . a ;
Forgot property, RigVts.- '
- Th rights of private cronerty had
been forgotten; peopl seemed to lose
themselves utterly.. "! could have looted "
myself." said - a careful journalist a
man who participated in these scenes.
And some missionaries did loot, to a -greater
or lesser degree. On Independ- ,
nt missionary boasted In print of his
looting. While this must be admitted.
It Is only fair to add that th great ma.
Jorlty of missionaries wer fre from
stigma. ' - . ..j;
Tru. some, or alL"of the missions.
in tbelr organised capaoity. and acting
under the ad vie of th American min
ister, did enter abandoned shops and
possess themselves of supplies of toed
and clothing for th native Christians. ' '
wno naa oeenert homeless and penni
less by th Boxers. When the owners 4
could be found, I am told, payment was
mad for thes supplies; when not, a
collectable memorandum of th trans- .
action was left This passed under the '
head of "looting"; to did many of tha
purohasea mad later, by missionaries ' :
from sidewalk merchants. Nearly vT
erybody was looting and selling, Chi-r i
nese as well as soldiers and camp fol
lowers. Rich peopl irf hldtna war "r
also-selling their possessions for what '
they would, bring, la Order to buy food. '
So priceless treasures could be bought
on th street for a song; and some mis
sionaries availed themselves of th op
portunity. Others accepted gifts from
grateful Chines to whom - they gave
protection during thos days ,efdanger.
Th possession of thes-mementoes '
brought upon many missionaries the ,,.
suspicion ;. of having . been among the
Edited by Mrs. Sarah A. Evans.
Annual Report of
Portland Woman's tJrlfon. '-r -' ;
' J The report of Mrs. - C. A.S Cobum.
president ot the Woman's Union," which
' svas rendered at the annual meeting the
past week, again demonstrates the mag
nitude and the far: reaching benefits of
- Kfiis long, established Jnstltutlon.jsa
. The' Woman's Union is ian organisa
tion for helpfulness to women without
In any respect being charitable; It fills
, as fully, if not more so, the modern
and advanced conception of philanthro
py as any Institution in the city by glv
Ing girls and women the opportunity to
help themselves; ; Referring to wis fea
' tur of th work the t president la her
report vsaysr "rV;'?i 1'-' '-i.-' '
"This organisation .started out many
- wears ago' pioneer : In this field, not
only In Portland,, but In the Pacific
northwestto meet the needs ofwsrk
i ng women by Instituting a boarding
home or,.th comforts of which they
could afford to pay from such wages as
they f received. Not a charity In the
ens of that comprehensive word from
- which Independent sensitive, self-re
specting natures snnnic was ims orrer
ng; It was and is in ths broadest sense
si philanthropy, the basic Idea of which
. emboaiea lit tne Term. - sen neiu. i
Idea- that of helping self-respecting
! r1m tit hBln themeelves has
dominated , tb endeavors of th Wo
man's Union tnrougn au me years, im
hhrnnicles of this endeavor are not
v : .rfttn in hnsatrul words, nut In naJns
taking effort practical and persistent,
that has, as we believe, flowered , an
borne fair rruitage in many uvea.
Mrs. Coburn substantiates her state
ment, of the success and rapidly grown
' rtot nt the work hv arlvlns conclusive
figures as to the limitations set upon It
. . ' , n . ( u . Art
oj PI71I111 m.uyiiiuwuai .uu, auu
point jjhft---retiring president .'says: ,,
i -v E very . room In the building and o-v--ry-aeat---
the tables has been at all
' times voenrotss-wnile. there has been
large iwalting list'- upon' the super-
- "' ntndent's . books. ' We have, one and
all. felt keenly our. limitations in -this
matter, but we 'have also felt that the
" time was not propitious to go before
this public with an prgsnt presentment
. of this need, Jt 1 not necessary to
- enlarge upon a point so well understood.
,We have simply thought it wise to use
to . the beut i advantage the equipment
that we' have for the present and bide
our time, feeling that when, with build
' r Ing plans fully i matured we present
them to the business public, they will
be generously Indorsed."
: Miss Faillrg, . chairman, of the Wo
man's Exchaige . branch of the work,
' gave a very encoursging report In which
she says in 'part: '...;i-
tb me last six months, J think we
can truly say. th Woman's Exchange
baa 'mora than held its own. We have
been climbing slowly, but surely and
now1 are certainly looking ' up and our
business' is -prosperous; vry' depart;
ment Is In good condition, welr-organ-Ized
and in hand. The luncheons are
well patronised, the average number of
" persons daily much larger than a year
a0. - : ;;-t;-f: r::;-'':t
W have 100 consignors. , we paid
louring the yean-To largest fancy-work
consignor, 1878.55; to next Urgest fan-ey-work
consignor, -1135.49; to . largest
food consignor,: I1.88I 48; to1 next1 larg
t ooa conBtnor,' $800.15:"' paid COn
Srnors monthly more than 1700. ' The
exchange has lit members and received
from fees this year $443.25;. during th
year $1,156.80 was realized 'from an
entertainment given at Baker theatre."
Other committees briefly reported as
follows:.,?:!': - -. f
The recording secretary, Mrs. S. T.
Hamilton, reported there had been held
11 meetings during the year; on mem
ber having been present at every meet
ing, one at bH but one.; while several
missed but two during th year.
The report of Miss Helen. F, Spald
ing, '-. corresponding secretary, showed
careful attention to the details of her
office, through which feelings of amity
and 'good fellowship between . indi
vidual worlters and with other organ
isations are maintained. , -;
The report of the treasurer, Mrs. Wil
liam MacMaster, showed a comfortable
condition In the financial affairs of the
union. .
i Mrs.. W. J. Hawkins of th. educa
tional department reported 'recent
clasaes In physical -culture and vocal
muslo as its chief effort with -very good
results - - :-' , Isir'-Ji L.j
J Mrs. Annette Cotter for the social
committee reported little done In a func
tions! way, but showed exoellent - care
in the placing of choice, magailnes and
periodicals on the tables of the union's
attractive - library. '-" ,-'' ' ,
Mrs. H. Ik Plttockv chairman of the
membership . committee, reported ' the
life membership numbered . 33 . and ac
tive, member 335; death, having claimed
flv others (during th year. ' i if -
Mra Martin Winch of th Woman's
Exchange submitted a report of this
committee's most excellent -work. ; -
Mrs. D. H. Stearns, for th , press
work committee, reported kindly atten
tion from tii dally papers, also the re- j
cent publication of the union's new yeat i
book. ., ' .v'l-v '
iMrs. Coburn declined a reelection and
Mrs, ' P, J. Mann was elected prosldent
for the ensuing year. The other officers
ares ; First r vice -president Mrs..; W, P,
Olds; second-, vice president,- Mrs. C. A,
Coburn: recording secretary. Mrs. S. T
Hamilton;" corresponding secretary1". Mjse
tieien opaiaing; treasurer, Mrs. w imam
MacMdoters; directors, Mrs. Levi Wblte,
Mrs. Leon Hlrsch and - Mrs. M. A. M
An Enthusiastic Appeal
For Scholarship Loan Fund.r j ',
The following letter has Just been
nt to air tha clubs of the, state.
Dear Friends, ana co-worgers-A
word with you . today , concerning tne
scholarship loan fund. . At the last
meetinor of the Oregon Stats Federation
of Women S Clubs, tne jouowmg resuiu
tfnns were adootedP ,4Bee page ZH An-
nni Ttpnort -ot Orecon Federation of
Women's Clubs.) , .
;Th work Is already wen begun ana
ttve '"nucleus of a -substantial. final baa
neen rormeo.
is yOur-ClUO a meniuer i uruunv
tion? . We"lnvlt your cooperation m
this endeavor.- -.t ' i k -
"Is your club not a member of the fed
eration T We atlli invite ' your encour
agement and your aid, -' Four . ways Jn
which your club can neipi , , :
."First:" By awakening and sustaining
an educational "spirit1 a college spirit, in
the women of your community.. .v'
"Second: - By encouraging . neserving
young wmen to avail tbemselVes of
the opportunities which the scholarship,
loan fund is intended to insure.. r
"Third: By sending tns committee ,
suggestions 'and adding such Informs
tion as shall enable it to work intel
ligently under s full survey ef th field.
'Fourth: .By sending contributions to
tne rund.- - : . . ( ,
- "Whether your help be great or small,
it win do cordially , welcomed and ap
preciated. . We hope this 'message may
appeal to you and bring an - active re
sponse. Most sincerely,
"Chairman Educational Loan Fund,
I t at v '
W. C T. U., News ;
Prom Many Parts of State. '
Institute work has been successfully
carried on during these ; spring I days,
Mrfc Additon is statv Institute leader
and has been ' holding very successful
ones at many points.' r .
Mahams, In Marlon county, though a
small town, held a very enthusiastic in
stitute, four towns being represented-
eiayton, oatea, Manama and Lyons. An
original , poem was read by Mrs.' Krlse
and by request of the state president
will ; be sent, to the medal contest bu
reau .to be added to th indorsed red
tations. ; i,
Two exceedingly able papers deserv
more than passing comment- ' One was
on "Responsibilities of the Father" by
Mrs. AUc Hudson of .Gates, and on
on. woman's ResponslblUty in ' Citi
zenship," by Mrs. M. E. Krlse.
., Lan county held- an Interesting In
stitute at Albany. Ji On of the ' espe
dally able papers was on "Methods of
work" by Mrs, Richmond of Sclo.
At Corvallis, Benton county held its
annual institute and it was pronounced
by some present the best they ever at
tended, "f All , the , papers " and ' discus
sions were ably handled and interest
ing as-to bJectTnatter."Corvallls has
the enviable distinction of being 4he
first W. C T. U. on the coast -to hUlld
and own its own- headquarters ; and
they Jbave kept a puWl, J-eadlng room
open In that city for ti years. Cor-
vallls has , made - marked ; strides , in
progress and enterprise since, it adopt
ed local option and It has , certainly
proved a blessing to - Benton county.
Newport, our delightful , summer' re
sort was visited cy the state .: pres
ident, and three -very: successful meet
ings resulted In the organisation of a
local A union wltb the .following .offi
cers; President,, Mrs.s. G. Irvlnt vice
presjaent, Mr. De Mlnthome; record
ing secretary. Miss "Fleming;" '' eorr.
sponding Secretary, Mrs. Rae.
The W.-C. T. U. of th stat are
planning to erect a rest, cottage 1 at
Newport ' as soon as all arrangements
can be perfected. The lot hr already
secured near the summer school audi
torium and a series of temperance ral
lies will doubtless be planned for the
coming summer. To hold a summer
school . of method during the summer
is the; ultimate plan. , -?. . 'f,;-.i
Slay ton -4n Marlon county was br
ganized by the stat president on April
26, with Mrs. B, L.. Morton president;
Mrs.' Reese secretary and Mrs. , M... A.
Goodman tresSurer: ' -. j . v
Salem W, C. T. U. was visited by th
Stat president and found , to- be in
very . good condition, prosperous and
With an'lne'reangsiinembivMn;;:,
Cottage Grove rejoices In good law
enforcements; a does also Eugene. -
Astoria union has been aiding in the
work ; of establlahlng. a new home for
the seamen's work. . -n, -'i
W, C, T. V worX at h two Chaiu
tauquas Ashland and Gladstone-
promises to be better attended than
ever before. .Th Gladston work will
be In charg of the state president and
at ' Ashland ' Mrs. Ida Marsters, state
recording secretary, will assist the lo
cal oommltte and the good work to
be accomplished Is assured. " ' '
At' Gladston the Round Table hour,
following the afternoon lecture, will
be conducted by W. C. , T. U. ' and able
specialists will present topics touch
ing most vitally on social problems.
Contest work has been .most active.
Mount Scott will hold one next week.
The department of "Purity In . Art
na Literature" -which embraces th'
work for civic Improvement in general
Is at work in a practical manner try
ing to get more water fountains erect
ed. This movement screeds from Kla
math Flails in the -south. to Malheur
county on th eastern ' border. - Also
agitation . is setting peopl : to think
ing' along the line of ; adequate play
grounds for children, early closing and
a Satarday half, holiday for ths work
ing men and women. . ' --
; The W. C T. U' organisation has In
Its annual resolutions for several years
declare in favor of Saturday half hol
idays and to show that they are prac
tical, has also voted to refrain from
doing' any shopping after 1$ o'clock
noon. If all humanitarians would do
this It would greatly hasten this step
toward justice. . -r .
Social progress is always the result
nf a multitude of ameliorating forces,
hence the W. C. T. U. "do everything"
policy Is the historic verdict, rather
than trying for any j.obe panacea. -
Woman's Press Qub A ; ,
Holds Infesting Meeting. ' - ;
The monthly meeting of th Woman's
Press club was held on the, evening of
the 6th. la the Sherman-Clay hall, Sixth
and Morrison ' streets. The president,
Mrs. L. F. vAdditon, , presided, , A fine
program had,, been arranged and was
opened with a vocal solo by Professor
Jesse Parker. Miss Marshall and Miss
Alice . Justin both rendered delightful
solos during the evening and a partlcu
lariy pleasing numoer was a recitation
with ', piano accompaniment by - Miss
Alice Justin. 1 Miss Bruce. ' a drama tic
reader gave some isplendid ; selections.
Mrs Marshall gave a fine paper on -the
business side of press - work and an
original' story 'was read by Miss Monroe,
The Press club at its last meeting de
cided to go tnto the State Federation
benefit. The club is growing in Interest
and promises to be one . of i the strong
woman's organizations of the city, r
H t
Bureau of Inl6rmation '
Enlarging Its Usefulness. vvi '
That ' th Bureau of Information of
the General Federation is no longer In
experiment-Is demonstrated by the. in
creased demand ma'de daily upon It and
the. number of letters, of appreciation
received from thoee.jwho have-, found the
bureau,:- "help , mHHhwsof $; need.; Mrs,
Wood, , the- manager ;r.porta ' that, each
day's mall presents hew prpblems for
the bureau1 and new features- of Its
usefulness. Today a club in 'Indian Ter
ritory desires an outline and"; reference
books on .the Victorian era of English
literature; a Virginia club woman needs
tacts concerning ... child - labor ,- In the
United States and the work ot the Gen
eral Federation v industrial v and child
labor- committee; ; a' eommlttee In the
southwest is : arranging next ! year's
work and asks for an outline on munici
pal art; the husband of a club woman
In a western town desires proof of the
usefulness of the woman's club; a New
England rural club, suurt have tela on
home economics,'.: Requests touching On
the .Panama , canal, antique furniture.
and an Interminable list, of, subjects ar
being constantly made. " Tb loan Vb- proving a great success and; a
valuable acquisition to tb bureau. It
was aouDtiui, at one time, wnetner,
with, the many traveling Ubraries, often
maintained by th state, a library of
this kind would be successful, but It has
been found that remote clubs often need
reference books that ar not usually
found In traveling libraries, and the
small - postage charge Is Insignificant
compared wth th value Hf the book to
the club. ' 'V-.. : . .
There is no state that cannot derive
the benefit of this bureau, and no club.
provided it is a direct member of th
General Federation. - or has membership
tnrougn tne state Federation."
As th season for calendar making is
now upon us, tne Oregon clubs should
take advantage of this opportunity pre
sented to them,- and get what help they
need from a reliable and willing source.
. There-: is no charge mad for any
study outlined, bbok or information and
it can be had by addressing Mrs, Mary
t wooa, Portsmouth, N. H.
Heport of the ,
Portland:; Froebel Association.
The object - of thi association shall
be to further the best interests of chil
dren.. t!',i ii v m.: iKV ' d ,&:s;"4r':':'
Flrst. Through conference of parents
and - teachers on subjects pertaining to
this end. .
Second. rThrough th support of such
enterprises helpful to ail children, at
shaU be decided upon y the association.
, Third. Threugh th maintenance of
a library. "-,) .:'.; ;-..:- :.-'
Th s officers are: President, Miss
Elisabeth JEC Matthews; vie president,
Miss Helen M. Stafford; secretary, Mrs.
C. C, Chapman; treasurer. Miss Helen
a. Chandler. j-, v-Av
During th year Just ended. May, 1907.
much work has beeni accomplished along
the lines or . ''orvlo improvement" publlo
play grounds. Juvenile improvement as
sociation,, protection ' of - forests -nnd
birds, garden, both indoor and out of
door culture of plant life; ' excursions
for nature study, and consumers' league,
Tha association's affiliated with- the
Oregon State ! Federation. City Federa
tion, J uvenlle Improvement association
and cooperates in movements which
further th best development of "child
culture. ; . - j . -: .-..-v-- v " s
- The association was organised in Oc
tober,' 1904. Its motto is, "Come let us
live with the children." The colors are
green and white. - ,
National Art Committee .' v
Makes Its Annual Report. -
The , art committee met In Chicago
wltb -representatives , from - .-several
states, and were especially happy . in
having Mrs. Decker vand Mrs. Moor
witn ust Th program for' the biennial
was discussed, and many ideas suggest
ed, some of .which w hope to carry out.
Rprt of the . traveling ' art arallsries
of. American paintings were most gratifying.!-One
of the galleries has visited
towns In Utah, . 1(K in Montana, 14
in Minnesota, .7 In . South , Dakota.
and -21 In Wisconsin. Another , gallery,
has made a tour, visiting many 'towns
in Nebraska,' Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsyl
vania, , West Virginia, Jiorth . Carolina,
South Carolina, Florida, and haa Still a
tour to make In Georgia and some of the
New .England- states., Letters ar re
ceived from every town where the wo
men's; clubs have exhibited the paint
ings, expressing delight (a the pictures.
A third gallery ha been In Indiana.
Is now la Illinois sad - goes next to
Kansas, every day ' until Jun ' being
spoken for. - .;;. ,"vr;
Still other. States to be visited . this
yearar Texas with 31 ; applications,
Oklahoma and Missouri. s,-'i,i i ? i -
The first gallery will b in Decatur,
Illinois, under the auspices of tha art
league Another 111 be' a feature of
th Missouri Stat - Federation meeting
In Joplin In May.- -
, A special request from .the commit
tee . is that . galleries be forwarded
promptly according to directions. Other
wise tne enure rums must uo cnmigeu,
thus seriously :' incenvenlencing those
that have expected It on certa1neTttes,
and making the work of the committee
much more exacting in consequence of
the, great number of letters that must
be written.
Another request is that clubs desiring
the pictures the coming year will send
in their applications beforth closa of
th club year, as th rout can be mora
advantageously arranged when the list
of places is complete. The exhibits
have proved of great educational value
In the smaller towns, giving th chil
dren, especially,- correct ideas of art
and fostering a love of beauty. '
Secretary Art Committee.
a st St
Mary Merrimtnv Abbott, : - V- r:
Prominent Educator, Passes Away.
. The executive committee of the board
of directors, G. F. W. C, can express
only in silent sorrow . the loss every
member of the general, federation must
reel in the death of th warm friend
and oo-worker, th chairman . -of th
educational committee. Through ' those
wno knew her dally personal Ufa. sur
rounded wltb kindred requiring loving
car w should learn of : th happy,
buoyant spirit the broad view of Uf
and th broader tolerance of pettiness
mat coma not touch her upward search.
The last intercourse of the executive
committee with Miss Abbott1 Was held
in Chicago, where she gathered, at her
bidding, the officers . of the National
Educational association In conference
with -representatives of six. organiza
tions Of -women- concern rnr educational
interests of the, nation. , Every word eh
said in explanation of her far-reaching
plans was listened to with absorbing
interest. The report or, this meeting,
which promised so much for broad, co
operative educational work in the
United States, ' will be given : next
month. .,-Z:-ii .:.: v.. ;-:.: ;;
In her memory-"nothing would hav
seemed to her so happy as the success
ful result of this first meeting. - Let us
work with her thought her enthusiasm,
before us, until we make it a part of
ourselves and. carry her love of this
beautiful world into action. : . . ,
v K': . i '''! ''.'',:l H.-s;-.r-.
Tuesday Afternoon Club 1
Holds Annual Lecture Day. ; ,
The Tuesday Afternoon club held its
annual lecture day. at the horn of Mrs.
A, B. Manley,. 668 Williams avenue. A
large number . of guests had been In
vited .'-and the spacious r rooms " were
filled to overflowing. ? The. social com.
mlttee, Mrs. .A. - A.- Bailey, Mrs. H.- J,
Jackson and Mrs. G. M. GHnes, assisted
by Mrs. H. E. Chipman and the hostess
received the .guests , and had prepared
an excellent program announced: by
h president Mrs. Frank RVMlles. r
Miss Maud Bell ' rendered - a 1 piano
solo -which called for an encore and
was much appreciated. ; Following this
Miss' Delta Watson sang t "I Know V a
Bank," by Horatio Parker, accompanied
by -. Miss Francis Batchelor, and ! re
sponded -to an .. encore,, "I Love" But
Thee," La Forge. ' - ' m;
Professor Lester G. Paul, reader of
the Inciting seen from "Julius Caesar"
and, "Th Tragedy of CajnllM.1 by Ald
rlch. "-! .;' t -' ."-.: -
Th Ueturer.' Benjamin : A. .Thaxter,
or the Portland Academy, was then, in
troduced by the president Mr. ''Thaxter
Is recenUy; from the east a, graduate
from - Tale, and is now' occupying the
chair of English literature at th Port
land Academy. HI lecture on Milton
was masterly, scholarly, and proved a
great treat to th members of the dob
and their guests. -
-Miss Watson then sang "Love's Mes
sage,",, after whleh a social hour was
spent, during which time refreshments
were served by th special 'committee,
Mrs; E. E. Miller, Mrs. A Crofton and
Mrs. William Amos, assisted by Mrs.
Robert Smith and Mrs. J. D. Hayes.
: i; K '. t ; t-i;.;-V" !r :: .
Roseburg Club . ' .
Sends Fine Report' ' ' ' V
' In making up th stat
national council meetlner ths iiit,mL
dent has received th following encour
aging report from th 95 Msntal Cul
ture club of Roseburg: l
' W hav met on aoh Tuesday at
w 'tf ,;.6 rent th rlon Mra
W. R. Willis, as we id id last rear. We
have $7 -members,, having lost, two by
November 2 Held
at Armory. Th members gav Tenny.
son's "Dream of, Fair Women."
secern ner 4 Needlework, day AU
ladles with Invited guests had 'fancy
work to work on and tuy ..kt.i
- was, .
wss very entertaining. - - i ,
-January s German . art and maslo. "V
Th first part of tha- program conslstJfr
of German muslo; in short, a rnjS'&fc7 ; I
The latter half of th jprogfiinwas - I
uiustrsted with plotures on same. . .' -LrfP
"Indian day. Each lady
told history and legends of ths trfb
wnich-sh r6nrsentei. . hriiin.
Of StmS.a:;.!.'..,',.;'...:-!!,;..-;. ,
March bWW
Homr from O. A. C. to talk to us about
!:Iarel ln Buro."" which Urn
Professor Homer sent hi. i...
Athens, Pompeii and Rom (bound), as . -
" 1 r"Y 9y present! ,
Tr?n Ii w . curd Professor
Homer, who arava us
trated by stereoptioon slides on his va. i
cation on; the Mediterranean trip. It
was exceedingly interesting and thclub
was glad to payekpenses of both of
thes lectures. . This closed our club
year. The Interest Is Just as great as .
ever. W will stud-v th n.. irio 1
wSf8 fl."? Irela. Scotland and -Wales
this coming yar.
o Th.V orfloe,rB .elected follows!
President, Marl , Selden , Flint- (third
term) and th vota was
vWpresldent Mrs. Helen Smlokj sec. '
ohd vice-president, Mrs. Alfred Wollen
berg; secretary, Mrs. J. C. Aiken; treas
urer, Mrs. O. P. Coshow. - -
t st at
th ".Western Academy. of Muslo, gav sense of ths term.
Woman Elected T S
Justice of the Peace,' ,.
Mrs. McCulloch, ;who Was alwiteJ
Justice of the peao at Evansjon, 111.,
me uiuor uay, - is eminently qualified
for th office. Sh Is a graduate of
Rockford. college and of the law snhnnt
of th Northwestern university, In 1881
sne was aamutea to th bar In.IlllnoAS.
Mrs. McCulloch 1 th author of th
bllH. which makes Illinois mothers Joint; oi meir cniiaren, and of the
bill raising th age of consent from It -to
1, years. . She has served on th leg
islative committee of i th Illinois Fed.
ration of Women's clubs, la
of th Chicago Woman's club and legal
adviser of th National Woman 8uf
(rage association. - A slight woman
physieally and gentle of manner, Mrs.
McCulloch Is .womanly - in the truest
' J