Hill OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY I.IORNTNO, MAY 12, ' 1SC7. ,. '. i M , . , M X. 1 M : a I V 1 'w '.V" ',fe,.;f,-.i '(,'.,':" vVHtt kwrt"; . (Sop- W Saafc S Cna ID) to WVs IV, Do Not Hesitate 7. , These Dlustrations Are Exact Reproductions Fro Actual Photographs "Original and Genuine" Taken of a Woman Over 60 Years Old ',; v: I I have npany others,and many and many tcstimottals i from peoplew permanently restoring; that ! life, smoothness and beauty to the face, giving it the appearance; of that ; of a woman of 25 years of age. , V. 'V' v TP Vi i ri lr rf Vm i tC al f Your wrinkled face growing more and 1 1 " llUlJV.Mf;i;4.. UU1 owilfl more so daily, givtag you an older and older appearance day by day. and how much you would prefer, you would pray that it were not thus. How much happier you would be' could you but ; restore that beautiful youthful appearance once again that you once possessed. Well, that golden opportunity is now at your fingers ends, surely. You Cannot Afford to Overlook ; This Opportunity and Regret It Later On Now f . i ' " ' s f" sw . XDetOre Taking My Treatment I positively guarantee to remove from any human face anv marks, wrinkles or After Taking My Treatment ' . ; ' blemishes, such as yellowness of the skin, freckles, moth patches, smallpox '"T ' - ,' pittings, moles, scars, crows feet, deep lines, or flabby or dropping cheeks oneck. It makes no difference what they are, I can remove all of these banes to beauty positively and without pain or ouiiuyancc, wiuioui uie use ox surgical or otner dangerous instruments, ana witnout any one Knowing tnat you are treating OfBce Hours 10 a m. to 4 p. m. any one knowing that you are treating them, or noticing them disappear. I am asking every woman in this entire 1 i4m okl.'.... 1.. Li a a I11 T 1 1 - a 'i ' a J . at you permit me to demonstrate to ny time during office hours.;,' Special , 1 . vicinity wno has any of thesd to call and see me. It costs you nothing, there is no red tape, nor are you under any obligations to take treatment. All I ask is that you permit me to demonstrate to you that 1 can do just as I claim. Call and be convinced. It is my best advertisement It is always my pleasure to show you. I am constantly in my parlors at any time during office appointments by request. n PARLORS AT THE HOTEL CARLETON 455 Alder Street, Cor. Thirteenth Str'eet Musical Outlook in Neiv York KW TORK, Mar 4.-Th erocuie i mk it nallkaly ' that aba will arar 1m ara blooming- in union aqnara 1 bla araln to taka charr of afxalra. and our winter oparatlo aong fr 4 nuartar of a eantunr aha haa ivr 11 birds ara flylnav I mean aalUnv, away to their European neata. On tha big Unar DauUchland. which left Hoboken arly Tueeday mornlnr. and than waa dalayad nearly lS.boura la tha lowar bay, by heavy rog, were varuao, Bond. Van Rooy. Dlppal. StraccUrt. maintained the prestige of .Wahnfrled, and now It aeema to be allpptng from her. It ia no aeoret that there la die aenalon in the Wagnerian ranks as to who her auceessor shall be, and It aeema to be the opinion of thoae who Muhlmann, Nepotf and Navarlnt and thai know that the palmy days of Beyrouth three letropollUn conauciora. neri U9 put Vigna and Bory. ; Misa rarrar and Madame Fremstad sailed on the Lor raine on Wednesday. Mlsa Farrar goee to Berlin and Madame1' Freinatad, who waa accompanied by her nusoana, s. w. Sutohen. oe to Paris, where she will appear .In "Balorae" -and wilt also aing Mr. Behroeder, the retiring 'cellist of tne Kneiser quartet, muet Veel like a man who la privileged to read hla own obituaiiea. After 14 years in New Tork ho Is leaving ua and finding- out how much w think of htm. The prob- at three concerta under the direction or i itm ot finding 0ig SUOCessor bida fair Jean de Refeske.' Later she will go to Berlin, where aha will sing "Salome" under the direction ; of the eompoaer, Blchard fltrauaa. Both Madame Frem atad and Mlea Farrar eapect to be heard in new rolea at the . Metropolitan next year, Fremstad promising an appear- noe aa Isolde. The Baroness ne Bar- to prove fruitless, t It la said that the position naa been tnered to oerardl and to Caaals, but it la quite likely tnat . the quartet t will disband; al though that would be nothing short of a calamity. ' Mr. "Frans Knelael haa been offered on a three-year con tract- the leadership of the Philadei- iiaiMn better known aa Frital Bcheff, I bhl OKheatra. mirli vuut hv tha waa anotner paaaenger on xm iitii. i aeatn.of rnta scheel, and it la poeeibiet P gU- REALM OF MUSIC T (Continued from Pago Fifty,) Coell," aung aa a duet by Mlea Cather ine Covach and Mlaa JUlce Juston. On Wednesday evening Mlsa Covaeh aang "Ave Maria," by LusaL On Sundew evening the mueio will Include "Ave Maria," by Marlanl. with violin obli gato. ... ; , :;., ' Tha veteran conductor, Bane Rlohter, the great friend of Wagner, haa come out atrong tor grand opera In English and will make tha experiment In Lon don by- directing- performances In Eng lish of the "Nlebelun-en Ring." i Leonard LiebUng of the Musical Courier remarks that admission to '"Salome" should be free, for It Is dead-head opera. - ' . Miss Ada Alloa Tnttle has opened a studio In tha Stearns building In room t ia her olan to go dlrecUy to tne south of France, where ehe hopes to re gain her health, and ehe expecta to re turn to New York In the fall, Madame Calve Bailed on the Pannonta f the Cunard line for Naples, after he may accept The esteem in which Mr. Schroeder la held bv the musical public can be Judged by the following appreciation by Mr. W. J. Henderson, eritie of the Sun "A master of his Instrument when he inking the astonishing statement (fori first same to us, as wall aa a musician Ion) tnat ane iovto Amnriwuu or ioiiy laeaie ana reverent numuity. as SOrry 10 anvvi nuuma, vw s. u ripvnca w ma .ut I have received ounna; my "ijr umn or gracioua- meiiowneea, or opu In New York I have epent in American i tent beauty, of profound and serene clothes and American furniture, which I expreeaion such aa lie within the grasp - - a v m w e a i . ... . . I am taking noma witn mo. " i oi no oiner oeuist anown to mis puo so the prima donna must have done 1 11c. ' . , , ,, .nU. "atrenuous" shopping, forjihe I a "Possessed of all the virtuoso's eouip- aana nine times for Mr. Hammeraiem i ment. sir. schroeder, la never a virtuoso at (2.000 per sing- Bhe will return m I but always a modest, gentle and per- the fall lor an exienaea conran mur i auuiv , iruii. nil lecnmque le ais ....r tha direction of John Cort, a tour I tlngulahed lesa for daaallna brilliancy which will Include South America, and I than for - solid accuracy. The finger- late In the seaaon aho will lng in-opera j board -and the bow have no aecrets at the Mannatian. ' . i num uhu, vui di maio ia aver song-i . uiiitnt Bembrich ends her concert not dance. j, nr next week and sails on May 14 onl "Hla style rests first) Of all on the h. Kaiser Wllhelm. Madame Eamee I noble foundation of a bta, rich, pene- is now In Texas and returns here for a trating tone. It Is out of this that he ..rt on next Tuesday, from which I builds hla effects. Out of this ha haa it would appear that ahe doee not allow I constructed for himself a style of which the excitement of getting a dl-1 the principal characteristics are breadth. vorce to interrupt her work. - !- depth r and communicativeness. ' It Is Impresario Hammersteln. made a fly- chiefly an Interpretative style, and its Iflg trip this week to Montreal, where dlgniljr, solidity and finish make it Madame Nordics' is finishing the season supremely suited to the furnishing of with the Ban taneupw owmimny. i m luuuuauun tur m quarrel. his return he announced that tha Man-1 "Mr. Schroeder's position' in the pub hatun would open on November 4 witfi 1 lio esteem is unique. While his attain- wrrlatan and ISOiae Wltn ixoruica, i urcuua are tuiiio a.i lireir iru wuria. Hchumenn-rielnk and Dalmores, the teno'lhla peraonallty, modest, manly, aspiring who baa been staging, Don Joae and I In artistic Ideals, haa without conscious .4t.r, Branch roles this set son. wnati errort on nia pari pumisnea useii piam- y Jm a- . I. aiuatinn I till tha frtanria tit tha tTnataat nnir. n jnu uu tv i tit . iu.i. - i " - - fS it also remains to be heard how the I tet have taken tet have taken the 'cellist to their Manhattan orchestra will assimilate the j heart of hearts and there enshrined wonderful Tristan' score. - t . - Wagnerian 'pilgrims this year mnat make Munich their . shrine , instead of Bayreuth. The C announcement : that Ithera will be no Bayreuth festival this year Is followed by a splendid Wagner program for the Bavarian capital. The Munich feattval includes four perform ances of 'Trl8tan., hree complete Rlng eveies," two Tannhauaere" and two "Melsterstngers." The details of htm iH temple of affection such aa few ttMelciana enter." The MacDowell fund, which has. been erowlna; steadily, has now passed the 110,000 mark. It Is the desire of the promoters of the fund to bring- the amount up to lioo.ooo. - , . 'HAROLD VINCENT MILLIQAN. tar totj orf eueceed the first time uee Herblna and iwo f ,l"n" .- t JT? T..r; r et Instant relief. The great, conductors end cast (have not yet I Ut liver regulator. A positive cure announcoci. xni n. vvma .n i i0f . eonaupauon, ayspepeia, . malaria. This newa haa cause of eoneldersble speculation on thai chills and all liver complaint decline and fall of tne wagner family. I of Emory, Texas, wntee Fran Coalraa, who has been the power behind the empty throne since Richard Mr. C; ry, Texas, writes: "My wife has been using Herblne for hereelf and children for five yeare. It le a aura ir.nur'iifMlhlnVpnlriln 1S88 latnwlcurV ior eo"!"" ana malaria ie Wagnersaeatn in Venice in isst, is po which la auhstanttatarf hv what it has done for my family." Bold by all H rii feists ' - - . ,' i ' tio lonirer young, and !t appeara that tha stats of her health - is -such- as to 1 of 110,000 for next ' season. Mme. Bsamoay - shrugged her shoulders and laughed. "I could not think of It,' said the tittle Hungarian' singer.. ' It cost me 410,000 to live (with the long sound on the 1) and X would be no bet ter off. Thla season I live and I send 117,000 home." The grand opera im presario replied that if ahe had lived and sent $17,000 home shs'd better stay with Mr. Bavaga. Among the features of the Empire day celebration to be held at the Arm ory on May 14 will be a chorus of male voices under tha leaderahtp of Frederick W. Goodrich, organlat and choir direc tor of St. Mary' a cathedral. Tha chorus is to be composed entirely of English men. Irishmen. Welshmen. Scotchmen and natives of any British colony, and any who may not have received an In vitation to take part through not being known to tha committee- will be very welcome at tha next rehearsal, which will be held In Justice Reed's court. nira ana uaa streets, on iitMar ,iim.. ,, h.,nni. -hmiu. "-v p.w. , I Mm Waltar Raoil will alna? twa num W- . w, . iRmi watara" mA "Ph. Vt. r General - Manager Oeorge Marlon I area's Sons." MUa Lawler wiU etna writes xrom raris tnat ne x win oa t "Come Back to Erin" And "Klllarney"; abroad another month at leeet. The Mr. Crowther, 'The Land of Hope and last of Ihle month he returns to Lon-1 oiorjr" and "The Song of the Bow", and oon to witness tne rtrst performance i Mlaa Brown TThs Maple Leaf." in Engiieh of "The Merry Widow" for I The hall Is to be decorated and after Henry W. Savage, who wUl Introduce the concert refreshments will bo ssrved this interesting- musical 1 creation to from four different boothe which are to America In September. "The Merry be taatefully decorated by the different wiaow is tne latest unsuen uue ior i sections of the British empire. SOCIETY (Continued from Page Forty-Six.) TJie Luetlge -Witwe," the German mua- leal comedy auecees that is now being sun in no lees than IS cities on the continent w Before sailing for Europe Joseph F. Sheehan, the Englleh-elnging tenor, will make a brief concert tour starting with the Milwaukee -Lyric Oiee club on May is and Including four perform- w . A progressive whist party and" prome nade concert will be given In the St Lawrencs assembly hall, 'Third and Sherman atreeta, Wednesday evening. An elaborate program haa been ar ranged.' , f! . v The current topics department of tha Woman's club will be entertained Mon ancea with the St Vincent's college I ..- "iZ,, ," - - 7wr.. v-w- ' ... " I .tjtf- iMimltnnti to tha few-law. ,llt Of "Oth Vlscontl." ' Mr; Sheehan will be assisted by Mlaa Rena Vlvienne, one or the prima donnas wltn tne "ataoam Butterfly" .company. , Tha latest Paris decision on "Sa lome" la six performances to take place May S, 11. 14. IT, Jl and 34. The be considered V PERSONAL T Dr. Florence Marvin, whe bM.been oP'a Is to be suns- Uiere In arman. abroad for the last; year 'haf turned. with Emmy Destinn In the title role and Strauss as the conductor. So after whole teason of disputes Paris will at last hear "Salome." s .. ! i ...... -A. -1- Slgnor Lucchessi, who left here a few weeks ago, writes that he haa made final arrangements for' entering tha Miss Marie La Barre has returned to spend the summer with her mother. HTIaa f iafta" haa antit umHl i'vmh in -tne can visiting various emu. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kullsky of San Francisco are visiting their daughter, Mrs. carios a. unna. Mra. T. T. Lanegraff of Oreenbuah, department of vocal instruction in the! Mi,aanta .m h.r n.,..ku from the 8t Louis conservatory was re jected in xavor or me rormer. Miss Catharine Covach. ' a pupil of Mra. Walter Reed, has been selected solo soprano for the cathedral choir. Mies Covach has a pretty, dear voice of high range and Is soprano of the Nevin quar- are In town to spend the summer with Mrs. 8. Oleen of Forty-third and Haw thorne avenue, and Miss Lanegraft aaupnters or Mrs. ijanegmn:. A Xard Bab to ray. I owe a debt of gratitude that can never be paid off," writes O. S. Clark of tat ftha .Ttuwta trt n aaat fn, fn,th.,i vtmiuo.u. rwaa irom . , . y , a wo-mi.a. jj Aaaaeeaj, m vw ve lianjUTOr, Both lungs were So seriously affected that death seemed imminent, when I Tha Los Angeles Auditorium adver-1 commenced taking New Dlacovery. The used in tne Los Angeies ' Express of Match Z8, 107, the rouowmg new work; "Mammoth scenie Production of Rich. ard Strauss Muslo Drama . 'Parsifal. " Mualo for 15 minutes precedes the lectures now : being given br Rev. Father Sherman, B. J., at St, Mary's cathedral on Wednesday and Sunday evenings.'- Last Sunday evening the music ' Included '. beanUful ,'Regln ominous dry. hacklna coua-h oult tw fore the first bottle was need, and two more ootues meae a complete cure." Nothlna haa ever eaualed New ntiM.. ry ror oougna, coma ana ail throat and lung complainta. Guaranteed by Red Cross Pharmacy. SOo and flfOtO, Trial bottle free.-- w. "79 Wfr. ffl 4, T' We Set the Pace mmmMm-y Extrnctlnir . . Owing: to the daneroua and bad re sult i . from the, use of chloroform, gms and other anaesthetic. Dr. Austin, after much time and labor, has developed a process of painless dentistry perfectly, harmless to persons bf the most delicate nervous systems, or even in case of heart -disease and lung trouble.. This process is applied directly to the gums,, and pa tients retain all their senses, having their teeth extracted without pain or unpleas- t,nt. after-results. All other operations airs skillfully performed, causing little or tit j't-i 22k CoM Crown $S.C3: -CST-- Extesslca lYcrkla 22k Gc! J $5.C0 Per TcsCi no oain to the oatient. While we arc in oosicssion of Terr ' many eomclimentarr testimonials, we submit with kind mission the following references: 1 . - . , , - . , ' I have had nine sets of teeth made, some Jn London and others in the large cities of the United States, but none have proven as satisfactory as those made by Dr. Austin. MRS. M. SPAULDING, .J 974 East Eighth Street,' I had 9-tooth bridge and 3-tooth bridge mad by Dr. Austin, and cannot say enough in praise of ifce workmanship and painless operation. - ' . MR. WM. CAMPBELt. ; : " .' ' . , , , 200 Pik St, Seattlt, ' Aluminum Uned Plates, very light and ctrong... .$12 to 915 Best Maroon Plate, Ash & Son's Rubbermade natural. $10.00 Best red rubber, S. S, White's porcelain sections .$8.00 Gold Plates, pink gums, S. S. White's teeth. ... $25 to $40 INSTALLMENT PLAIN Those who cannot afford to have their teeth fixed a and pay , casn can make arrangements with us on time Some of Our Prices payments at the same price charged when cash is paid. . Opened from 8 to 9; Sunday 9 to L Phone Mala 3880. Dont get in the wrong; offloa. Chicago. Painless Dentists 323, terM Mr. and Mrs. C. C Redmond war at Sulsun, California, last weak on a. viait at the home of Mr. and Mra J. M. Oliver. Tbey were retarnlns; fram stay at Hot Springs, Arkansas. . t ENQACEMENT8. I Mr. and Mrs. M, Ostrow announce tha enjraa-ement of their daughter, Fennla, to Aiex uoiaaMw ox mis City, - ' w - Mr. and Mrs. F. C Bawkeai aanoance the -ansatement ex ; their daushter, Freda, to & M, Brown, - Tha wedding wm laxe piaoe in ue near future. Mr. and a -a. Charles . Fredeea an nounce tha enrajrement of their daush tar, Margmrst Maria, to Roscoe P. JDan- f OKL i . . A.4feJ. ; ; - i Charatr Not Batlsfaetory. From the Sen Francisco Argonaut There Is a story about a company pro moter wbo advertised for an office boy. Ha received 100 replies. Out of the 100 he selected 10. and wtta the writers of these 10 replies ha had a personal inter view. Hla flnel choice fell upon a bright "youth; to whom ne said: "My boy, I like your appearance and your manner very much. . I think you may do. Did you brlnr a character?": "No. sir," said the nor-. " can axl . -Weli" noma aao get u. i rot your cr A TT 0 Hr Wnrrnw'c v i uiui i v ii o nun iwiuu SUKXS XVXAaT MOIU FA Throasrh tha aesruus aye systatn. Z la s yunlj vegetabla aosaponnd. -Contains no oils or fats or any drug that ts injurioua or liable to produce habit IT IS THK CSXATXST TONIC W THXWOJULD j Kaeh - bottle eoataJma . a month's treatment and eoate . -ai any sret-class drtaa store. Prepared by the Aim-iEAiiiairiCKsca . Orefeslajk Bldg, Portland. Or. H n j u i; "Very welL coma kack tomorrow morning with it. and If It ia aatlafjictory I dare say I shall nirage you." Ijate that same efternooa the financier Vs surprised by the return of the enna-date. he tall, cipprily, ") r the oy, "but I've got j oomlng." The hnn V.. .I' "A S