THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 12, 1CC7. GLORIOUS TRIP IDillO DILL DE JAY GOULD IS Buttcrick , ' Patterns for Stay and The 9e llneator for June oa sale at pattern eo aster. Pennants Pennants, flars rtoM made to ctAe, la any else, any color, eny Sulfa, for atfy lavUitM on, as desired. 'J REAL GOOD JOL'J 1 r i Portland Business Men's Itiner- Sunday Law of Azure Hue In Mcthciyn-Law Kelly Scorea Two ; ary Practically Closed at and There Is Nothing to Do But Rest r Points Against Oppomm In Great Monday Sale lLmbracing lLvery Style arid Fabric Shaniko Last Night Family Row.; NO SUNDAY STREETCAR DENIES THAT. SHE HAS BUT HAPPJEST MEMORIES : NOR SUNDAY NEWSPAPER BEEN CAUSE OF WWH IS IIG1 bint Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest ;' - Trip Officially Closed With Itosoln- . tlons of Prij and Appreciation '-. for All Tbclr Many Hosts and En ' tertalners Lit Day's Doings. (Bpedil Dispatch to The JosraaL) SI Shenlko, Or., aiay-U. The Portland .business men's exourslon today visited Biggs, Wasco, Moro, Grass Yells and Bhanlko. s;,:, -fv.-i-- ''-::,':;:,;??iiV'p'i'"; U This afternoon at Wasoo a stop of 48 minutes was made. Thav-exourslonlsts i were met at the station oy committee of 14, of which John Medlar was chair man. A large number of ladles, were in the crowd at the station. Mayor XL B. Cstlin extended a welcome to the i eiiy. . Responses were mii hv f. t. . Burkhart, Tom Rlohardson and Senator ' Fulton. Valuable Bhlre, Belgian and , oucu norses were shown In the Main ireei All DUSlnesa houaaa Wara via. No Sunday Baseball, Nor No Sunday Anything at All, .Scarcely, Except Factories and Breweries "and Din ' tllleriee- Law la a Surprise., ' 0 S To Insure plenty of rain Wasco has jusi employed professor Charlea Hat . J eld of Los Angeles, the , rainmaker. He agrees to furnish six Inches of iratn .roro May i to July 16 for 11.800.' : Koro to Grass Tattey. ; At Moro there was a lo.mlnuta aton The Portland men were met by Mayor J J. W, Messlnger, JX O. Ireland and C- U Ireland of the Observer and shown-over . uie olty. The Moro business men had composed a - yea The Observer ; ex tended greeting through the caoer. call ; ing attention to the resouroes of Sher man county. The Wasco and Moro girl ,' , basketball teams played a game.. The 'score was Wasco a. Moro IT. B ore I vtous arrangement, of cltliens Senator iunon orove to see the lands In dta ! puts between settlers and the Eastern ' Land company. After viewing the land he met the train at Grass Valley. - ' A stop of 20 minutes was made at 1 Grass Valley. The visitors were met by leading citizens and shown over the CUV. " V- v.'.-V....-''- ':":-.; vjv, .. ' The 1 train arrived at Bhanlko at I o'clock for the last stop on the trip. The excurslonlstswere met at the station by ' Mayor W. X. Lytle, a brass band and a ', b arty of leading cltlsens. Mayor Lytic welcomed them, on . behalf of the city. ! Remarks -wero made by B. 0. Roberts of The Dalles, Judge B. V. Uttlefleld r ' and C. FowlleT Responses were made ;by H.' M. Cake, XX &- Jackson. Leslie j Butler and Senator Fulton. Resolution Si t were pawed thanking the railroad offi cials and newspaper representatives.' ', Excursionists' eaololoaev" v , A meetlnewas held on the train this : evening and the following preamble and resolution weM adopted: ' " '-" "At a meeting of the members of the ' Portland' business men's excursion on '.the train Saturday, May 11, 1W, the r following: resolution - jpfas read snd unanimously; adopted: 5 " ' ' ' " ' . 'J ' Whereas. C. 0. Jackson and David R Smith of The Journal, Leslie Scott 'SfTth Oreonlai,'atid t Perkins of to. 'felegrain, these being- represent ' uv newspapers . oc roruana, 'Oregon, have ' accompanied this excursion and sent back to Portland extended reports of our trip and have supplied us dally ' with f their respective papers and en deared themselves to all of us by eon sunt attention and courtesy; and, " 'Whereas, local newspapers along our entire route have also especially re ported the meetings and receptions and have extended courtesies , otherwise) now. therefore be It '' --$'. "Resolved, That the members of the Portland Business men's sxcurslon here , by express their appreciation -of the kindness and courtesy of the respective newspapers and hereby take great pleas ure in expressing to, them our slnoere . thanks.-' ' ' Thanks to Ball way Offloials. . "The 76 members of , the Portland business men's excursion desire to re turn their thanks to William MeMurray, general passenaer agent of the Oregon Railroad Navigation company and to Assistant John M. Scott, also to J. H. O'Neill, traveling passenger agent of the same company, for their most court eous personal and off loial consideration In handUnaona of the most successful business men's excursions ever given In the United States. .. i "Leaving-:, Portland . Monday morning-. Mav 0. we have - visited 88 points In Orecon and five cities of Idaho and everywhere have met with a most en thusiastic and patriotic reception, and for the success of our trip we desire ; to acknowledge our ' obligation to the railroad management, which has been In 'Urr detail keeping the schedule , to every stop. ' Spaolal Tribute to OTfeUL "As a special tribute to J. H. CNellL traveling- passenger agent of the Oregon Railroad 4 Navigation company, the Portland business men's excursion party named .Messrs. C a Jackson. A. H. pot ter and L. A, Coddlngton as a special committee to select a memento of their 'esteem, for vwhich money1 has been eol ' looted and "placed In th committee's hands to buy a token which will repre sent, at least partially, their , apprecia tion of the deep debt they owe Mr. O'Neill for his kindly consideration and (Special Dlapateb -to The JoeraaL) Boise, Idaho, May 1L The new "Sun day rest" law of Idaho goes Into, effect at 18 o'olook tonight, and an opinion given out today by County Attorney Koelsch is causing Boise people vigor ously to feeetlr themselves to meet the requirements o; me law. The statute prohibits the running of street cars, baseball where admission Is charged, the running of theatres, send ing telegrams except In eases of sick ness, death, etc, selling newspapers en the streets; , operating barber shops or shoe shining parlors, general business at railway depots, Sunday concerts, as, at Boise's famed Natatorlum, messen- j ger service except where medlolnes are delivered; la fact, practically all kinds of business exoept the few enumerated In the 'necessity' class will be closed by law; '' . .: :., v. .' ...!-.,'. Strange 'as it may seem, however, factories, breweries and distilleries are permitted to run providing the business end closes,, and cigar stands may ran. Very few people In the state realised the etriflgent character of the U siilsli he dp New York Longshoremen Have Enlisted the Aid of Various -Other Ui nt. ., . Lawful Head of Household Declares That Wife's Mother Has Worried Mrs. Gould 8j Much That She la . bnpairec in UealttL. o EXPERIENCE f j. at your oommand1 If yon call at ; it : D. DUBACK j OPTOMETRIST- . . successor to the Oregon & Portland ; OptfealCos . when In need ,of glasses . - Lsrccst and Klosl Complete : Griadisj oa Cie Coast . Prompt service an4 courteous .treatment our motto. . ITS Tonrti St, T. o. a Bld. ' (Hearst Kewt by taafest lisased Wbe.) ; New York, May 11. A general strike of all the anions allied with the strik ing longshoremen Is now threatened. The strikers still have the' agents at a great disadvantage and boPt sides are priming- lor a -desperate fight - Encourage! by the partial buooes of their effort to secure more adequate wages;, the longshoremen today, set in operation 'plans by whloh a conrpletfc tie-up of all tho harbor traffio of New Tork will be etfoeted. ; . As a beginning the 1,000 men em ployed by the 40 grain elevators In and about Greater New Tork cave 14 hours' notice' of an intention to strike in sym pathy - with the longshoremen If the demand of the latter are not acceded to by the trans-Atlantic lines. Simultaneously President Patrick Con nors of the Longshoremen's union an nounced that'meetlngs of the tee. maters' locals throughout New York would be held tomorrow to consider the question of declaring a sympathetic strike; and In addition to-the tugmen, who struck on Friday night against hauling strike breakers . to the . big piers, the harbor men and the tidewater, men, the latter being In charge of the tugs which haul ooiWo thi liners, are exceedingly rest ive" and threaten., if the strike Is not ended within 14 hours, . to follow the other men out. The fruition of these plans would absolutely paralyse traffio on the harbor front, Trouble Is looked for tomorrow when several big. liners are expected. There la danger of the strike spread ing to ether cities. Information having been brought to the strikers that some of the. steamship companies were di verting; their freight steamers to Phila delphia. - to prevent .their ' snips. - from unloading there, a committee ' was ap pointed to go to Philadelphia,: and an attempt Is made to put this plan Into operation there will be a strike of the longshoremen In that elty against handling- any freight consigned to lines on which strikes are pending. Boston Baltimore ; and other seaports '- will probably be served the same way. (Hearst Raws by Lea net Leased Wtre.1 New York. May 11. In the . lively battle between Prank Jay Oould and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Edward Kelly, the latter" today scored two triumphs. Despite the assertions of Mr.' Oould that he thought It pest that Mrs. Kelly remain away, from bis home at No, 14 Fifth avenue and that his wife also was tired of her Interference In the Oould household, Mrs. Kelly not only Induced ber daughter to take her shopping la her son-ln-laws automobile. but she later visited the Oould home and made merry wltb. the Oould chil dren. '- : , 1 Mr. Oould. however, was sot at heme at the time of his mother-ln-lsws visit. If he knew she was ooming. he did nothing to put himself In her way. Mra Kelly and her daughter seemed on the pleaeantest of terms . today. Mrs. Kelly was asksd If her visit to her son-in-law's home meant a recon ciliation. . '. -.-v "A reconciliation with wbjemr she answered with a sharply rising Inflec tion. . .'5 ' ,- . I "A statement has been made pnbllo by Mr. Oould." said the reporter, that both he and his wife were tired of your Interference with the Oould household..) that he bad never actually barred you from his horns, but that be thought it best that you stay away." T don t believe Mr. oouia ever sua that," said Mra Kelly. "My daughter and myself leve eaen oiner aemriy, just as we always have ana always Tea. tM" :. lntarruoted Mrs. Oould. "all this talk of such a terrible quarrel between mother and me Is nntrua it bad distressed us very, very much." There can Be U0 reconouia.uon pe tween my daughter and myself," con tinued the jbandsome Jrs, Kelly, brush in back a few stray hairs from ber elassloally moulded features, - "and the reason is that there is noiamg to recon cile.- As evidence of the kindliest food feeling between u-, I may say that we have spent most of the day together, we have been shopping, and X am now going into play with my little grandchildren. Nothing can ever keep me away from them." ,s . VV','1' '.'....v'-.'v ; "No. Indeed." added the daughter, with emphasis, "mother, shall. always see the little onea" '.' !'- '.'.-, "These stories of my causing discord between , my daughter and her hus band." said Mrs.. Kelly, "were obviously Invented to keep me away from tne Oould home. They have failed of their purpose, all being baseless, . anyhow. - I have never Interfered with Mr. Gould's household, either with him or his wife or bis children. The story that X have caused discord In seeking to direct re ligious training of my grandobUdren is untrue" -' ', Mr. Oould said today that the con troversy had so worn on his wife as to Impair her health, that In consequence the "row", would hevete stop.. "Mrs. Oould." he said, "Is as tired of the -interference of Mrs. Kelly as I am. I am profoundly sorry that it has ob tained so much publicity.. "I deny that there has been any Mo tion between my wife and myself, that Mra Kelly speaks of. The only Motion is what Mrs. Kelly has herself caused. NO MEDICINE NEEDED TO CURE attention during every moment, day and night, of the -trip, which began May and closes this evening." The -excursionists will leave' for Port land at 11:80 tonight, closing a thor oughly suocesaful trip. - ABE HUMMEL GRANTED ' STAY OF JUDGMENT .;. (Hearst Hews by Leesest teased Wire.) New Tork, May 11. His conviction on a oharge of oonsplraoy arlslna- from the divorce case of Charlea W. Morse and Clemence jpodge Morse affirmed. Aoranam tu uummei nan Obtained a Stay of Judgment until next Tuesday, v In the. opinion delivered by Jude-e Ingraham,. for the appellate division of the supreme oourt, the testimony -In Mr, Hummel's : case was reviewed at length and It was held 'that the guilt of the defendant was established. ; It was found, too, that Dodge, the former husband of Mrs. Morse, w-s Involved, his purpose being " to obtain money from those Interested In the Judgment by whlcn she .wae divorced. ; Specifically the court held that Mr. Hummel Was guilty of a conspiracy to Illegally procure : an order fit the supreme court-setting aside a divorce decree obtained against Podge by false representations. ... ,,;.wnaMMBMaBaHaMMBaaNMHH' r,' V:;' GIRL FATALLY INJURED t BY BLOW FROM DISCUS '? :".-. .' :-!' '".'U . " :'i " V'.' (PubHilwri FteM by : Special Leaaed Wire.) Milwaukee. Wla. May 1L While watching high, school athletics this af ternoon, Nora ' Kullman, : aged MS, - Was hit by a discus thrown by a contestant, an ber skull was broken. - She Is not expected to recover. -- r f -. BERESFORD'S NEPHEW - SET FREE AT SPOKANE ... ', ' -r;,-,:m y. Spokane. Wash., May". 11. Major Fits Royde La Poor Bereeford, who claims to be a nephew of Lord : Beresf ord, ad miral of the British navy, was today set free by Justice Hinkle. He was held for . obtaining money under falsa pre-, tenses, but the case against him was dismissed upon his paying the costs. Recognized Authority Makes Pa r tients Throw Away Drugs Atnd Take Plenty Rest. ' fRearat Nawa hw Tjonrt as4 Wtral Washington. May 11. '"Plenty of fresh air. plenty of good, wholesome food, and plenty of rest." This Is the consumptive I cure of Dr. Paul McCar rlngton, head of the. marine hoeplurs consumptive cure at tne jrort ntanton military reservation, :, New Mexico."" "t Xr. MoCarrlngton, Who Is considered to be the foremost man in the marine boaoltal service In oom bating the great white plague, IS In Washington attend ing tne medical congress, u Dr. .MoCarrlngton meets all of his patients when they : leave the railroad train, II miles from the reservation. While driving them across tne coun try he learns their personal history and Just before reaching the camp pells up bis team and directs the patient to spill all of his pills and medicines on tee j nralrle.- . W M MUST CUTlOUT GRAFTf ?s OF MISSOULA LA YOUER Helena, Mont. May ItThe ' - stats railroad commission today notified, the Northern Paclfio that the change In time on Its Bitter Root Coeur d'Alene branches was desirable; It appearing that passengers-' were oompeued to lay over practically : a whole day at ' Mis soula when going In either direction from one or the other et these lines. If the railroad la unwilling to make the change, proceedings will be Instituted to compel It to do so, under decision ef the supreme court In a North Carolina case. It is believed, however, It may be am icably arranged. CRATER MAY HAVE BEEN OPENED BENEATH SEA .V Rome, May 1L Mount Aetna tonight is throwing out ted hot cinders in all directions.' Loud explosions are of fre quent occurrence. The eruptions of both Aetna and Btromboll are increasing in violence. Every hour adds to their great foroo. The-last reports from Stromboll are that the situation Is more terrifying. The inhabitants ars prepared to flee at moment s notice. All vegetation on the islands has been burled under" ashes. From Messina lb is reported that a portion of the main- crater of Stromboll has eaved In, eaualng a greater eruption. The sea" has become greatly agitated near the island. It is possible that a crater may have opened beneath th "3 'v' '' iy These 100 Tailor-Made Suits in scores of stylcsrep resent practically every distinct idea for summer, 107' Eton ; suits, Prince Chap- suits, Pony, suits, ' tight-fitting suits and novelty effects. - The materials are Panamas, serges, cheviots and an endless variety , of fancy mixtures in checks and stripes in light, me dium and dark shades. Every suit is lined with silk, plain and fancy trimmed. The skirts come in new up-to-date full plaited styles. These suits are the carefully made and perfect samples of a famous New York maker, carefully kept in glass cases and superbly beautiful model suits. They are regular $40 to $50 suits, and even, $60, $75 and $80 ones.rWe advise every customer to be here at 8 o'clock sharp to get one of these suits at this great bargain price Monday h Sale Only mm See Big Window Display Brown Navy Tans Champagne Cream Steel Gray Black Stripes Checks Mixtures 55 Alluringly Jfealt $20. Values $11.98 For Monday sale in the Lipman-Wolfe School of Style 55 Silk Jumper Suits, made of fine chiffon taffeta silks in black, navy, brown and green. The jumper is made with fancy silk piping, some with fancy fagoting: The skirts are made extremely full, with fancy cluster plaits. Every fashionable woman will want a. dainty jumper suit for summer wear. Here a chance to buy one at nearly half price the) newest style, thoroughly well made in every detail, perfect fitting, superbly beautiful garments. Sold regularly to $20.00. (frl t A Q Special for Monday sale. . . . . . v. . . 11 O . No telephone orders, none sent ob approval, none reserved. We advise you to be here at 8 o'clock sharp, gee Big Window Display. w Regular $6 Silk Waists $3.38 250 Waists of finest quality Peau de Crrne and Chififon Taffeta Silks, In black and colors, elab orately made and trimmed with fine pin tucking, lace and fancy ornaments. New elbow sleeves. I A bar train that will crowd our. waist section to suffocation Monday. Sold reeu- rh , r larly to $8.00. Sale price only M...........T..... u)3e20 Lmbroidered ; Poplin 65c VaL 43c Yd. ! While the ofterlnc lasts Moncay, a i ' special lot of white . embroidered : Poplin, with array, pink, areen, red and white embroidered dots; always. , sold for sbo a yard; for . Monday sale, per ) yard. . . . . T C Monday 'Sale of All Taney Silks Thla extraordinary 'event win be for Monday only, embracing our en tire stock of all this season's novel ties In Fancy Silks. An endless va riety of styles and colorings. Includ ing exclusive patterns not shown at other stores, at these low prices for. one day only: $1.00 and $1.10 Silks 85c $1.25 and $1.35 Silks 98c $1.50 and $2 Silks $1.29 if n 1 1 triTTi Yii it . Sale of Suit Cases aM Grips Wholesale Prices and Less 'Here's a sale that will start up a commotion. It will be a hummerprobably the live liest sale weVe had in a lSng time. A BARGAIN CROWD ALWAYS STIMU- I 1 1 . . " '.i v . i. . - " i ... . . . LATES TRADE and these'taiitcase and grip bargains are found to attract an im ) mense throng to our Leather Goods Department. A fine, fresh, bright, new stock AT LESS THAN EVER OFFERED BEFORK A RARE BARGAIN OPPOR- 50 drab and brown Linette Suitcases, leather corners; brass' M OA lock straps inside; regular $1.95 value; special sale price, ... ? 50 tan Pantasote Suitcases; strong, leather , corners,: locks,. ( 4 C see s.e '- shirt ford; regular - $2.25; special 50 tan Suitcases, heavy corner leather, strong locks, shirt dJO 1Q fold, straps all around; regular. $4.50; special sale price,..; Palii 2$ extra stronirlarge Suitcases, large leather corners, locks, shirt fold, straps all around, 9-inch depth; regular $575; CtQ Q special , .... . .. . . ... . .. ,. 0Vf 50 heavy leather Suitcases, English locks, shirt fold, strap? AQ all around heavy, corners; regular $6; special sale price 'P"tetVs. 2S7 heavy cowhide Cases, stitched all around, heavy corners, dJC 10 English locks, shirt fold, linen lined; regular $9; special.. VePWetO; TUNITY. - ' ; yfA. .... h-: '? t-.?-i ;'; . .' ",' 25 brown and light tan cowhide Cases, fine English locks, "T An heavy riveted, shirt fold, straps all around; regular $10; sp'l.y f 'iu Light Waterproof straw Suitcases, Heather bound, brass & OO locks, 22, 24 and 26-inch, shirt fold; regular $3.50; special, Jo Light stjraw Suitcases, waterprQof, leather lined, straps all (0 OI! around; regular price $475; special sale price only...... ,.,0D Light ' waterproof , straw Suitcases, double size, leather ( A, Mn bound, strong locks, regular price x$6.50; special sale price. . J New straw Grips in 14, 16 and 18 inches, leather bound and fQ corners, linen fined; regular price $5.00; special sale price . . Club Bags, 12-inch; special ... . .. . . . . Club Bags, 14-inch; special- , .... . Club Bags, 16-inch; special