The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 48, Image 48

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ft- LtAUINfi WnMAN
ip3E coming week will be One ' of
- I lmportaace In -theatrical , circles,
I for It marks the reopening of the
A Marquam Grand ; theatre. : The
house has' been; dark for - more
' : than a year and great Interest attaches
to the event on Wednesday. , j ; i J
The reopening: of the Marquam means
more than the; mere Introduction of an
opera company, however good that may
f be. It will mean a renewed and really
sincere effort on, the part of the syn
dicate's representatives to - find , eon
venlent and suitable ; ouarters for 1 the
production of -syndicate attractions In
' this city. n ;-.':u,-:ivr
The Imperial Amusement- company,
which' has secured the Marquam, .has
made an earnest endeavor to make the
reopening- of the famous old house an
Important event. There is no doubt
but their hopes will be realised.
The house will be reopened Wednes
day night when the San Francisco opera
' company wftl present Fantana." That
will be followed by other operas and
popular prices will prevail. vv --.v ."'-.'.
The past week was uneventful except In
that It provided an opportunity for the-
tre-oers of this city to see the actress j
who has , for years ben . terroea tne
most beautiful woman on the staffs.
Miss Russell oleased large ' audiences
durinr her engagement here and lnd
dentally aroused no ' end of srgument
concerning ner right to tne tiue.
"Salome" ; closed the weE j at f the
Reopening of Marquam Qrand.
When the Marquam Grand -reopens
Wednesday night. May 16, it will not
only be the most beautiful, but also one
of the cosiest theatres in the west The
opening attraction, ' the San : Francisco
opera company, is no stranger to Port
land, having mads quite an impression
during a three nights' engagement at
the Helllg last January in "The stroll'
era. v:, ; ; w- s;t.;.;f:it'-;
' Aida Hemml, one of the most beautl
ful and talented prima donnas on the
operatic stage, heads the organization.
Miss Hemml is. the possessor or a brll
liant soprano voice, is a splendid dresser
and has a sense of humor that is rare
among, female singers,
Teddy Webb and George' Kunfcel are
the principal f unmakers. Mr, . Webb,
prior to his joining -the forties at the
Tivoli opera-house, - where he remained
as a comedian for some 10 years, was a
leading tenor at appeared with Lillian
ftussell, Dorothy Morton, Jfeannle Win
ston and other famous stars. Mr, Webb
also had the distinction of being pres
ent as a member of the company that
opened the Marquam many years past
Mr. Wabb will go to Seattle after the
completion of the Portland " engagement
! the Ban Francisco opera company for
several weeks, leaving the company In
August to begin rehearsals for - "The
AlasKan," the new comic opera In which
he will be starred by John Cortt. iv
George Kunkel, the big comedian of
Heili and will be offered again to
night ; It has some elements of merit, j the company,: is well remembered ' for
though Its gruesome theme win pron-1 ms success in jine eirouersr na pre-
ably prevent an extenaea ww w m vioub io inai naa on punneciea wun
company, Mr. Wilfred Boger, the, am- the Boston ; Lyrics and i the old Call-
bitlous young leading man who is re- fornia opera company, which appeared
sponsible for Its production -on the at Cordray's many years ago. , ,
coast, has made a favorable Impression Cart Hayden, the tenor, Is a handsome
In this city., c . i young ! fellow - and the possessor of a
The Heilig will be dark during the beautiful volet. : He Is equally at home
scorning week and also for the -week fol-j in grand or com io opera and his friends
to win. S Miss Henrietta Crosman . will l In this city will be surprised at the
h the next attraction at that house. I rapid improvement he has made.
Ehe will be followed by Miss Annie Bus-j .: Florence Plnnott, the soubrette, was
sell as Fuck InA Mid-Bummer Night's tent to Mr. Healey by the Shuberta for
Pream.1 Miss Ethel - Barrymore will I the production of their pieces.; Sha-has
close the season at the Heilig on July 4. been the soubrette with Eddie Foy in
. "SAI.OMK" At the Helllg tonight , ' . - -
. "FANTANA"-rAt "the Marquam, by the flan Francisco opera company,
beginning Wednesday night , , -
"TUB NEW DOMINION- At the Baiter, by the Baker stock company,
all week with the usual matinees. -,
"THE WHITE CAPS" At 'the Empire, by; the Seaman stock company,
. all week with the usual matinees. 1
"DEVIL'S ISLAND"-At the BUr, by the Btar theatre stock company,
all week with matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
"BEHIND THE MASK" At the Lyric, by the -Allen stock company; all
week with matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. , i i
VAUDEVILLE At the Grand with dally matinees, -
BAKER All next week, "Contented Woman."
EMPIRE All next .week. '"Wicked London." '
ways, Is not 'filled with , obstacles of
melodrama, the situations are logical,
ana the lines are not only amusing but
they are human. ,
A number Of beautiful settings are
scattered like gems through the various
acts, ana "The New - dominion" wen
earns the title of a genuinely attractive
comedy.,,'.' : -tv': :-- ---.-
Edgar Baume will be seen In the star
role, one of his greatest nafts In the
season of the old .Columbia stock com
pany, in November, 1904, and its repetl
tion at this time is at the earnest re
quest of many; admirers of this sterling
leading man. Miss Maribel - Seymour
will play the charming young heroine, a
part for which She is peculiarly suited;
Following is the cast .in "The New
Dominion": Martha Boland, Miss Lucile
Webster; Napoleon LaFayette Randolph
runcie Poly"). William Dills: Mr. Mar
shall Boner, Donald Bowles; Baron
Frani Vlotor , Hohenstauffen, Edgar
Baume; Mr. Edgar Norman Randolph,
William Lv Gleason; Mrs. Harriet Ran
dolph, Mrs. Mina Crollus Gleason: Mr.
J. Charles McVeigh. James Gleason:
Mrs. Josephine Dulaney. Miss Louise
Kent; Miss Flora May Randolph, Miss
Maribel Seymour. ; . : i
the single exceptions' of the productions
in san Francisco at the American and
Novelty theatres by Mr. Healys sing
ers, not: been seen in the west With
a run of one vsolid year ;at the Lyric,
New York; slxf months at the- Garrick,
Chicago, and four months at the Boston
theatre, Boston, and soma six months
In the nouses controlled -by the Shu-
berts on th road, Jeff : D'Angellis
achieved fame and fortune.
Owing to-the fact that the company
cannot open until Wednesday, "Fan
tana" will not be given for a, full; week.
and prospective' ticket buyers would do
wel! to reserve , their sittings : In ad
vance for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday nights, and Sat
urday and Sunday matinees. The sched
ule of prices Is as follows Entire
lower floor 75 cents, balcony 50 . cents,
gallery 2S cents; 25, 85 and 60 cents are
the matinee prices. Box office Is open
oaiiy from 19 a. m. untu 10 p. m.
Flenrietta Crosman Coming to Heilig,
change ; of bill. " ; ll-of-a-fludden
rPeggy is ; a ' rattling farce; witty,
snappy, ; ana rilled .- with laughter.
Mias Barrymore't Summer Tour.
Ethel Barrymore is now plavina- t
the Empire theatre the most successful
engagement she has aver nown in New
As Peggy oMara, Miss Crosman por- York, f Her engagement there closes on
trays a. roguish. Impulsive rin who is
always getting into mischief and en
tangling those about her. -The : Al
mighty Dollar" Is a . modern comedy
drama. As Beauty Stuyvestan t Miss
urosman is a product of present social
conditions In New York, who, satisated
with ' normal entertainment, goes out
side the beaten track in quest of va
riety, but does not lose command of
herself. Thus the chance 1a afforded
May lg. and she Immediately goes on
tour xor a summer season, which will
extend well into August - Miss Barry
more has been having: a; busy-time of
It Last October she went on tour in
J. M. Barrie's Play. "Allee-Sit-by-the-
Later, she . appeared In. - "Cantaln
Jinks," ' which she also used for her
opening play at . the Empire. 1 Follow'
ng this she has appeared In "The Sll
it - x
i , i
sotMUiino v. ieia ana caesari RffJ'f JfUl JVCWalUUtL
(Charles Conners) eecaoe to tho moun- "1" " Z t"iTAt
"The Earl and the Girl," played Trlxie
In the "Wizard of Or and was the orig
inal Daisy in Pixley ft Ludera "Burgo-
Maude L. Beatty! most - pleasing
contralto, who was en route to the Ban
Francisco Tlvell at the - time of the
, Though seriously handicapped by the
' departure of Miss Lillian Lawrence ana
- John Sainpolis the Baker company had
great success witn "Tne uowooy ana
th Lady,"! which was produced at the
Third f street house, during the entire,
wek. It played to large houses at every
perrormanoe ana anoraea opporiunmea i eartnquaae. jviamg iu suuipau; n
for exeellent Individual acting, notably Seattle and opening' in "The Wedding
".that of Miss Louise Kent ana wunam i uay, miss tieaicy, maae omuiwi niu
' Harris. ' The Baker company will offer j with a), repertoire of over 250 oomie
The New Dominion during the om-1 operas, for the most part learned while
: Ing week. . . ''M-:-.:f '-V'--. la member of the poiiara company. Miss
The Seaman company at the Empire I Beattv being the first Pouard grown-
"played a successful week in "She Dared j up to be seen in this country, she Is a
Do Right The company , has several
1 members who have l shown especial
merit - It Is said to be likely that both
the Bakery and the,. Seaman companies
will be disbanded- Jane t and a new
company organised - to appear
Baker. . " , ..l
valuable acauisltlon to any company.
J.' Albert Wallerstedt baa to bis credit
some-of the biggest successes at the
Tivoli opera-house, having a One bari
tone voice capable of filling the largest
at the I of houses. Last season Mr. Wallerstedt
shared honors, with the star in "Dolly
The Allen - company is ' constantly 1 Varden" and was also,-. successful
adding to its list of friends la H new I Richard Carle'a "Mayor of Tokl0.w
home, the Lyrlc and made a great suo. Sv-y Leicester and Melvln ) stokes
or "Brown's in Town" during the rplay the characters and Juveniles, re-
" vw-",tm new Biar company nas I snectlvelv. - Krea Roeers. kudy Norton
(.Uo "male rood", and . thoaa , whn ara I .r, "ndn rumnnAte in Jhi nMltfi
Un of. melodrama are rrdlng all' the people. The "chorus.- Is composed of
thrills they could desire at .the Wash-1 !! immkHm ,,lnunh Mlll.,ii.
ii;ton street hou
M.-tfer fits your eypi for l. 241
axhtrton tret. torntr Seventh,
foraei'y at 1X1 eixtl street, -
- as
sistant ger :ra'.- stage director for . the
Shuberts, has charge of the stage, and
! Kdouard von T'uechner is . the musical
director. '., .
The opening bill, "Faataoa," bag, with
Henrietta Crosman' will be at the
Helllg theatre May 21, 28, 29. She
comes here direct from New York, and
will have the ' entire company which
appeared with her during her recent run
tne bijou theatre when ' she scorea
e Broadway hit of the year.: The en
gagement in this city of this gifted ac
tress win rank as the notable theatrical
event of the season. -.-: -.y .'-v.t
In - comedy f Miss Crosman is recog
nised as the most fascinating actress, of
the present 'generation. Furthermore,
she possesses remarkable versatility, aha
the range of characters ahe, portrays
extends from Shakespeare - to , modern
farce, and in all she is admitted the
cleverest of present-day ' comediennes.
In proof of her wide talent it may be
mentioned that she has to her credit
the longest run ever" scored by a
woman in Shakespeare. She presented
"As You Like m for 100 nlghtf in New
York, City. " No Other woman has ever
bad . anything like so long a run in
Shakespeare, and only one other player
ever equaled IV That was Edwin, Booth,
who' at the heighth of his fame gave
100 performances or "Hamlet" in New
York. To Miss Crosman's further cred
it are runs of two, years each in New
York in "Mistress .Jfell", and" "Sweet
Kitty Bellalra." , . ::, ;
Of her Driuiant successes none nave
been " more conspicuous , than those
earned in "All or-a-euaaen, Peggy and
The Almighty Dollar," and local play
goers are fortunate in the opportunity
to see her In both these v plays. For
during her engagement in this city he
will change her bill. : She will, divide
her performances here between "All-of-a-Sudden
pegjry' and "The Almighty
Dollar."- ZLLm wW be .- aa aattre,
to see this great comedienne in two of Tver Box," "Her Excellency the Cover-
mf mwHi yupumr puiys ana two oi ner i nor ana ."cousin .Kate. "-MisaBarry
most admired roles. ( j, :-v; I more will be seen in "Captain Jinks'
:!rs w-T-Z:Jiy'K-1- oa tour. and lu visit this- city.
rfft,l3 l TT.-;- cu.-. t,i.- f Clyde Fitch
i. j t " " y. " lightful comedy, or conceived a sweeter
t Miss Rose Coghlan requires no Intro- love story t than that told in this play,
ductlon to the people of ; Portland, as The scenes are laid In the old New York
she has already won the esteem and ad- In the days of hoop skirts and Crinoline,
miration of the . people ver, this eontl- It la a striking picture of the days of
none, irom tne; Atlantic to the Pacific, I tne-; young gauants. miss ; uarrymore
and la acknowledged to be the greatest f Plays the part of Mile. Trentoni, an
interpreter or tne hetter class of drama 1 opera singer returning to ner own iana
on the American stage. k j America for her first appearance.
' . She brings with, her on this occasion I It is her best creation and. the one that
an exceptionally strong ; supporting
company, and all the lovers of the true
arama should not .fall to take advantage
of witnessing her excellent work In the
greatest Shaw ? play,"1 "Mrs. J Warren's
rroiession." autnor a:so of "Man and
established her as a star.
"The White Caps" at the Empire. v
A Kentucky romance In five eats, en
titled ', "The White Caps," -will be the
Superman," "Candida," etc The produo-1 next production of the popular Seaman
tlon Is an elaborate one, every act, scene I stock company. ' . t, .-'';;'
and property being carried, and will be
given in its entirety at the Helllg' the
atre may g, io, zs, -
This thrilling melodramatlo romance
will be seen for -the first time In Port
land. The play . opens' at Judge Ran
dolph'js (C. Kehoe) home, .Just after he
"The . New Dominion" at the Baker, has.made a pubiio speech denouncinrthe
,t.w ' f gang of bandits known as , the "White
uo bw dominion wiu oe tne Din i CJapa i - They vovt vengoanoe ' on him,
at the Baker .theatre, for the 'coMJln gland theit leader. Ooel Flinders (Herbert
week, starting with matinee Sunday. It 1 Aahton). assisted bv Jim Haul fLeo
was written by Clay Clement once one I LIndhird),' a rejected eul tor of the
of the most popular stock actors' who I Judge's inly, daughter, Hasel (Margaret
ever played in Portland. : Mr. Clement Pitt), are about to nail the death, notice
personally B carre a ' in tne : comedv In nn hla 4noi" when the are mirnrl hv
Portland and other- cities throughout Sheriff Dick Colter, (Raymond Whita
the country, and mode a fortune from I ker). :J: ';;;."';
Piayj.jaw ! K-.i'iM'-'k-ys: r I & He warns them not to harm the Judee
It la considered by competent critics lor his dauahter. and thus sains their
u one vi .-tne. tew aeiigiufui plays of I hatred, aided by Zltelia (Ethel Jones),
tne mooern stage, it can be considered I a quadroon, whom Joel lovea. : But she
In the same class with ' Auarustua I lnvea the sheriff and when refnani linr
Thomas' "Alabama," which is an Amerl- love, he swears to Hasel that she is
can classic. i'The New Dominion" is th sheriffs lover' and Hazel renounnea
pleasant and effective without being of I him. s,He calls toi , flridf- out. '-tha cause
a strenuous order, si'- and warn the Judge of a. White-Can-Mot
The story tells of a youn German I to kill him. They raid tha house hut
studenV' 'Baron Hohenstauffen, who I the ; sheriff arrives In time to, thwart
Visits Virginia for the purpose of nur-1 their scheme and-arrest them alL. , At
suing investigations in botany,. and to the trial they are acquftteoV .--.-S?.-'
restore bis health. While studying the Judge Randolph, while denouncing the
flora of the grand oW statLJihe baron Jury. . is ehot-bjhrHealy.-the-sherlff Is
falls desperately In Vv" with one of accused and Is about to be lynched when
the beautiful girls for which Virginia Hazel stops them. Hazel and Dick. nn.
la famoua. Their love tuna In pleasant eomsaaie4 b. two, faithful , gervaata,
The sheriff aucceeda In sending for
soldiers and the White Caps are. broken
up either by being killed and taken
prisoners. : The sheriff reaps his reward
by winning the hand of 'Hazel and all
ends the way it should.
The situations are powerful and. the
climaxes are exciting to a startling de
gree. While the story is melodramatlo,
It lssbubbllng over with comedy. Sue
and Caesar and Bill Dillon (A, Neale)
and his . wife (Miss Nell Gibson) and
an old hag materially assist in unravel
ing the plot . Some of the most plctur
esque scenery ever presented on the Em
pire stage has been painted for this pro
duction, and the manager has spared no
expense to uphold the New York verdict
or the play when once Been von want
to aee it again, ," . , ;v .
I Behind the Mask' at the' Lyric:
During the week Just closed the Allen
stock company, with Miss Verna Felton
and the other favorites,, moved into the
XiTrio theatre and gave the . delightful
farce, "Brown's In Town. to capacity
business. For the second week of the
company's -engagement Director Allen
has selected a new melodrama that has
never been seen on the Pacific coast It
made a great hit on Broadway early In
the season. It is original in Blot and
unique In treatment This new melo
drama is called "Behind the Mask.'
'"Behind the Mask" is unlike the usual
melodrama. It will not insult the in
telligence of anyone. There Is a de
licious oomedy vein; there is a charming
love story: there are, pretty stage pic
tures , thrilling, t situations that held
Broadway audiences : spellbound.'. The
drama wilt be given an exact copy of
the Broadway production, special care
being given to scenic and light effects.
All the favorite members of the Allen
company will- be In- the cast. y'iSX
a -'Behind the Mask" la a drama of the
golden west, , but Is tinlike any other
western drama. ; The scene Is set In
Colorado, v There are mechanical effects
that will startle the Jaded theatre-goer
Into the realization that, after all there
Is something new on the stage. . r
"Behind the Mask" will run for one
week, beginning Monday evening, , with
matinees Tuesday, , Thursday.. Saturday
and Sunday; Seat sale is now open, for
me entire weeK. ; Keserveq seats may De
ordered by. telephone. :Ku' .;
Vaudeville at the Grand,
acta and . plenty of
them will be found on the new program
at the Grand, beginning with the mat
inee tomorrow. - The feature is the
Baker troupe of . acrobatio bicyclists.
They re without equals on the wheel,
Portland : theatre-goers will - remember
this troupe as one of the sensations of
the burlesque season at the Baker thea
tre last year. The bicyclists at that
time proved that, they were no ordinary
performers but were offering the pub
lic a genuine novelty. . ; There Is oomedy
as well as daring. anPfjkill In this act
The Baker troupe has' appeared In Eu
robe and America and wherever they
have performed have been the talk of
the town. .- C7.:X: -:iv v.
"Bllle and the Actress'rls the title of
a funny arrangement which will be per
petrated, by Walter Shrouds and Lizzie
Mulvey. They will Introduce the com
ical pantomimic keg and knock-about
dance from "The Babes in , Toyland."
Thla lSi the added attraetion and It is
guaranteed as good, for Shroude !and
Mulvey are gymnastic dancers In a class
of their own. -i -s'. -vfi
"The 8herlff of Larramle. Js a west
ern playlet written by Harry. W. Babb
and stared by E. Loring Kelly. ... These
two, with Mlsa Mails Oliver, will pro-.
sent the little drama. The players are
not unknbwn locally, having been seen
here , on the legitimate stage. , The
scenes of "The Sheriff of Larramle" are
laid in Wyoming In the days when bad'
men were common as cattle and the no
tion occurs on the Bar Z ranch.
The. Bennett slaters have a refined
sketch Introducing singing, dancing and
comedy character changes, . concluding
with an operatic duet : Barrington and
bis company of wooden-headed perform
ers, is a ventriloquist considered a
clever voice thrower. Everyone likes a
ventriloquist and In Barrington thsy. .
will hear one of the best -Harry A.
Brown is a college-bred Indian who Is a
singer and a-cartoonist as well. Real
Indians in vaudeville are rare birds.
Frederick Roberts will have a new II-
lustra ted song and the Grandlscope will' ' ,
be supplied with the latest moving pic
tures imported from Paris. : t W) i
Thla afternoon and ' tonio-ht tha mi '
rent bill, which Is composed of 18-karat
laugh makers, wMl be presented for the,,
last times, Do not miss this enter- "
talnment, - ' - . -'
1 "DeviTg Ialand" at; the Star. ,
Success has been stamped fn large leti.
ters upon the efforts of the new Star,
Theatre Stock company. The last week
was Its Initial appearance in this city ,
and thera'la now no doubt of Jta aue-
CeSS.. ,.;,';,,.;.'-"'-'-;,. ': '
The performances last week wtmi '
witn as much smoothness as thosaRT tha ,
company had been working together for
a year Instead of. only a few days. The
management - Sullivan A Considlne, la
determined, to. give the patrons of the rf.
Star theatre high class melodramas on a
satisfying scale. Everything will be Of,
the best and at popular prices these pro- ,
duntlons will' be above carping criticism.
or tne second 1 week the new Star
Theatre Stock company will present a
play whloh has never before been eeen .
in tne west although it ls.walt icnowA
in New York, Chlcago-and London. -This
is "Devil's Island.'" The founda-
tlon of the play is the case of Captain .
Dreyfus, As the world knows. Captain
Dreyfus was falsely accused or selling
military secrets to Germanv. ' thna en
dangering his own country, France. He
was convicted on perjured testimony,
forged evidence and was sentenced to
serve a long sentence at Devil's Island,
the worst --prison settlement on the face .
of the globe. Here Captain Dreyfus '
languished for year until ho was fin-
uZ,ien' Beir" ,11 and-set f ree. ;
The Dreyfus case wa one of the most
noted and sensational -trials on record
and the Indications and adventurea of '
Dreyfus have been dramatised In 'the ,
Play "Devil's Island." "the Tniavhnirine-
it. alll. . ' W'-J - J. ..
tfim. line., xrom tne penal v setUeTNaflt
malnUlnod by-the French government
.w1;,. coasl wi. central America. A
thrilling, exciting- and sensational
has been woven and the Oomedy element
has not escaped -attention,; so - that
"Devil's Island" Is a rousini- ar,.i,: '
?k nt There wUl' matinee Toesday;-
4.,,nUo Diuruj ana oiinaay. , - Thie
afternoon and tonlsrht win h ti.V.i..t
performances of "The Sliver King. the
famous melodrama , m which the 'new
Star Theatre Stock comnanv a-
Its bow to- Portland. Seats are now on
sale. ' . . ,-. '
Appendicitis. 4
Is due in a large measure to abuse of .
the bowels, by employing drastlo pur
gatives. To avoid all i)inP .. Li.
Dr King's New Life rilTs.-the" safe;
gentle cleansers and - InvLnui..
Guaranteed for hendnchii in.
malaria and Jaundloe, - at - Red Cross
.k .... ' . ,. t. -.:. r:;V-,--.--
'1 .