The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 46, Image 46

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torlo associations through the long rest
denes there of Dr. Thomas Condon, tb
The Store Noted for nest Goods at Lowest
"grand old man of Oregon," who died
a few weeks ago. The placs Is covered
with rms trees and shrubbery and he
house la a ' quaint, dormer-windowed
structure. :
LSvfu - "
the lights above. Pennant In countless
numbers fringed the edge of the balcony
ana peeped out from mong the green
on the walls.. Fdnch was served In one
corner from a little woodland seen.
At the bead of. the room the '07 class
symbol shone forth effectively In an
electrlo sign when the rest of the hall
was darkened. The dancers In pretty
light frocks completed a scans of beauty
ana xresnnesa
The patronesses for the svenlns were:
Mrs. J. R Wilson. Mrs. 8. R. Johnston.
W 1 1 1 - i J M i' ! !! ! F I
.ill, liilMiiif, HJifvv r;
and ' Mrs. I. K, 1 Llpman, Mrs. Emtl
Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Isam Whits, Mr.
and Mrs. Marcus Flelschner,' Mr, and
Mrs. I. N. Flelichnen" Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Feldenhelmer, Mr. and Mrs. Chsrles
Feldenhelmer, Mrs. . .Herman - Metsger,
Mrs. Harriett Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Abe
Meier, Mr, and Mrs. Julius L. . Meier,
Mr. And Mrs. 8. - Julius .: Mayer, . Mrs.
Btelnhardt, Mr. and Mrs.1 Newton Kis
singer, Mr. and Mrs. I. Lang, Mlas Gar-
truds White, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hlrsch,
Mr. and Mrs; Charles Kohn, Mr. . snd
Mrs. Gustav Simon,; Mrs. Ah pel and
'". Mrs. John Manning and Mra McKlnley
Mitchell entertained together laat Wed
hesdny. afternoon about 10 of their
friends at cards . at - Mrs. Manning's
borne. There were 10 tables and the
prises went to Miss Hlckok, Mrs. (X X
jaoss ana Mrs. Francis. ,
Herman Metsger sntertalnsd
Idgs club Friday afternoon at
oncordla club. The priss winners
were Mrs. Julius L. Meier, Mrs. Charlea
Kobn. Mrs. Loon Hlrsch and Mrs. Max
Mrs. M. , F. Henderson gave a de
llghtfu! musicals at her home on Wll.
lamette Heights last week to Introduce
Mrs. Marshall, the pianist Miss Cle
land sang and won much praise, . ,
The Ladles' Annex of the Multnomah
club is to give a danos Friday evening
at Muriark nail, only members Of the
club and their invited friends will be
admitted. ;, , , .
Miss Mildred Meyer sntertalnsd a few
J V ' ttwlnv Mr, , r 1 Ttnlnh
Mrs. J. C Hazsard. Mrs.G. W. Weld- M" Florence Wolfe,
ler. Mrs. H. J. Blddle. Mrs. W. M. Ladd. . ; . - , t ,
uim. nu uaa uirutu una mr. n. " i ne aicm oiud 01 inn ir envren mia vu. 1.
A. Hows, v Mrs. Johnston was charming its last meeting for this year Wednes- brldaVFrlzee weriwon bv Mlaa Mil.
in black velvet ?'. cut deeolletts with day afternoonkt the parish-house, Fol- Rheln.trom. MUs HelesT RokeS-
lowing ths election of omcsrs and the fei,jtf Mlat iMUdreX;Orsenhood
khhhi m iuuvuwii w vi tv i pgjj. jfrancisco. ' "
with Mrl Mini nliunn nn1 Url 'llmu ( ' . . .
- . . . . . ... i u -.
uieaaon u nonor a-uesis. , mra. juinai . . .... ... - ,
. ' : black net over fewln- In Whit. i I. . .n I out, ror xne marriage
VW11,D cuviiie. in. Vai weea - -- - -- - - " " r; .T::." "t " -"r"-"""" ' or miss Bertha Breyman to Ormsby
uari wen in . m .way vi gmaji i ' . Z. ; - i - ' .... ...
me cjud xor me piay iney reoenuy gave
with such marked success. At luncheon
she was prssented with a bracelet from
the club and as a cjlmaz the girls prs
sented their club mother, Mrs. Fred D.
Chamberlain' with a ; beautiful - loving
bertha finishings of rose point Mrs. I
iDolph wore handsome gray satin bro
caded with silver, trimmed with white
lac and chiffon. Mrs. Weidler wss In
point d'esprit and Mrs. Howe In pale
informal, affairs for the greater "e?, cb'n?- Hh "r2ad
part A large tea given by Mrs.
. David T. Honeyman on Thursday and I w? C? f ue'. .Ann"f th?
,f s-nother on Friday alven by Mrs. Joseph 7mr wh . mJI a ""t
j T.oi . tr ti .. .1. i trimmed with whits lace Mrs. . 8. J.
tiont f ntiKMnni mni t h nMp MAnia tlarMr M blue ctamins and IsoS over I cuo. There were St of . the ntmbari
and among the young people the Portland ,u" Mm e- W ' blacicand whits I present shd the two absent 'ones sent
Academy "crom" was major in lmoort- V: . - i"1 I leners. jns gins are aevotea 10 ineir
ance. A few small card parties and f Jvwi" .jPi w f . - , cll!.b " ter Into Its work with soul
ainners . or luncheons wsre given . for bl,M:k dottl net rlth.v,,vet tec
.vlaillng sruesta. . :':. . I i''1'- ' -
Ths exhibit of arts and- crafts work I Mr. Joseph "N. Teal gava a tsa Fri-
and American paintings . at the Art lay afternoon in honor of Mrs. Ben Teal.
and enthusiasm and it hss taken such
a prominent part in their lives that al
though II of the members leave next
season to attend school In-the east they,
Mitchell Ash, Tuesday evening, May SL
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and, Mrs. - A,. H., Breyman. CII Myrtle
Miss Mabel Beck entertained Thura.
day with two tables of bridge and Miss
KUMMtn Rosenthal won the prise.
Mrs, .Charles K. Williams has Invi
tations out for an afternoon of cards!
next Wednesday.
Mrs. Owlght Edwards has sent out
For a great, Three-Day Special we offer Worn en'i 27Mnch ' Box Coats, Jn the much wanted
K ,f - black and white checks, with black velvet collar and new full
v sleeves and double-breasted front, with the latest pointed lapels. ,
These sell regularly at $10.00 apiece. A full range of sizes in
the lot, but they are bound to go in a hurry at this remarkably
:-low price) so b or hand early. ''-!'. '; ;-Vv; C ':
Best $8.50 quality Taffeta Silk Petticoats, made in several of the
' latest styles, with extra dust ruffle and in all the leading shades,
such as gray and white stripes, white, gray, green; &f IC!V
brown, navy, garnet and black; special apU40
Full length Jap Crepe Kimonos, in pretty oriental designs ,
faced with best grade satin, new full sleeve; a wide range of
dainty colorings and the regular $2.50 kinds; ; - , ,; 0 yir
special for three days only, each ...jt? lefts)
' Regular $12.50. values : Women's black Panama' Dress' Skirts!1
extra full, with two box plaits , forming front, panels, and side
'plaits in cluster effects; a splendid quality of mater- CQ -tal
and easily worth $12.50 each; special, Vj,'. I, .P703
. i Museum 'continues to. draw people, and
. many prominent men and women may
De seen there every aay.. - ' " : );,-!
Mrs. -David "Chamber Xewls gave a
."large tea Thursday afternoon in honor
., her ; sister-in-law, Mrs. Pavld T.
Honeyman ths formal ' opening of bar
i- pretty new home on Twenty-first and
. Overton streets. Ths rooms were beau
tifully decorated with flowers la abund
ance. In ths living-room and hall were
, spiraea and white Sootch broom. In
- the library . were richly colored wall
-'flowers snd in ths dining-room oopper-
tinted ssaleaa. Mrs. William C Alvord
and Mrs. Holt C Wilson poured at ons
. end of ths tea table in the dining-room
. and Mrs. George Good and Mrs. A. I
. Maxwell at the other end. In the 11
, brary. Ices were served by Mrs. James
. Honeyman and Miss wia. '".'.' '
! Mrs. David Lewis and Mrs. 'David
. Honeyman received together and 'made
an attractive picture each In her wed
ding gown. Mrs. Lewis, .who was a
.'.bride within the year was in whits satin
: cut princess and Mrs., J- ieyman, a bride
of three montha,n white chiffon over
Cloth Of Silver - :( V'T'-'V
Among Mrs, Lewis' guests were Mre.
- Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. Charles F.
Adams; Mrs. John C. Alnsworth, Mra
.-, W- B. Airer, . Mrs. Edward Adams of
Honolulu, Mrs. R. Lea Barnes, Mrs, Wll
.Ham C Alvord, Mrs. Harry Allen, Mrs
Frank A, Hart, Mrs, Gordon Voorhees,
Mra Vaa-neneellaer, Mrs. Holt U Wll
' i aon. Mrs. C. R B. Wood, Mrs. Genevieve
Jhompson, Mrs. Ben Teal of New Tork,
Mrs. Josephqi N. Teal, Mrs. J." A. Bladen,
Mrs. WaUer F. Burrell, Mrs. Walter A.
Bethel. Miss Virginia Wilson, Miss
Clementina Wilson. Mrs. Stewart B. Lin-'
thlcum, Mrs. Edward Heaths Brooke.'
Mrs. Whitney L. Boise, Mrs. James
.Falling, Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, Miss
May Montgomery, Mrs. E. H. McCraken.
" Mrs. Frank A. Knapp, Miss Leslie
' Knapp, Mrs.' Morton H. jtnsley, . Miss
Florence Kohn, Miss Qemerfllna Hlrsch,
, Mrs. B. G. Whltehouse, Miss Katharine
Johnson and Mrs. George Davis of the
. , Vancouver barracks, Mrs. Edward Wil-
Hams, Miss WUltams.- Mrs. F. O.
wneeier. Miss Barbara Crocker, Miss
ifc,Mae Whidden. Miss Margaret Morrison,
i jnra. ueorge uusseu, miss Martha Hoyt.
Mrs. A. K. Booker, Mrs. Norman Lang,
Jtfrs. Herbert 8. Nichols. Mr George K.
Wentworth, Miss Katherlne Bltton, Mrs.
Hugh McGulrs, Mrs. K, A, J, Mackensle,
Mrs. Richard Koehler, Miss Ines Bar
rett Miss Amy Heltshu, Miss Hasel
tWeldler, Mrs. Richard R. oge. Miss
Alice Salisbury, Mrs. John A-.Bhepaxd,
. ' faimm luicnei JOseDni ani jun. irni a
. The Junior "prom" at the University
cf Oregon, Friday night a week ago. was
. attended by a large number . of out-of-
; own guests. The large djince hall was
:f artistically decorated with quantities of
r dogwood, vine maple and Ivy. .- Mirrors
n the walls, madras curtains covering
; all the windows, pennants of Irmumer
J abls colleges, schools and frats, baskets
uuinuuu, iukb, wuumocH ana coucnes
t completed a pretty effect. The patren-
esses were I'roressOr Luella Clay Car-
-son, Mra S. C. Church, Mrs. Helen Duff,
Mrs. W. D. Fenton of Portland, Mrs.
' E. SL De Cou, Mrs. Frank Topping-of
, . I Can Francisco, Mrs. W. J. Honeyman of
, j'ortiand and Mrs. c. ZUber. The floor
t committee consisted of Bert Prescott,
ooraon aioores ana wunam Barker.
Ths out-of-town guests included, from
rortland.J;Mra J. .Honeyman, Miss
- Jtuta uoneyman, Mrs. Hugh Laldlaw,
. ; wra. w u. nton, miss ines Cummlng,
f Miss Marguerite Chamberlain, Miss
. Alice Benson, Miss Faith Powell, Mrs.
Alma Delaney, Ralph Cronise, Mr. Atcb
1 son; from Albany, Mrs. H. A. Nelson,
' Mlas Frances Nelson. Mlsa Vesta Wnl.
laoe; from Oregon CltyMlsa Edna Dal-
i ion ana Howard Xatourette; from San
s Francisco, Mrs. Frank Topping", form,
arly Miss Carrie Paine. -
-ine, lecture on "Scotland" to be
Fven tomorrow evening , by Bishop
, ,u.i ie ocoaaing win be ft social event
, n point , oi attenaance. The lecture
i will be given nnder the auspices of the
.Trinity Mission Guild, which was form-
art. m. Stl. . - .
uurea ijirois or tns
King's Dsughters. The members have
gsea in selling tickets
for . ths lecture and doubtleea many
j prominent people will attend.' The lec-
tu7 m11n"iv.eB.ln tB Prteh-house
and wlU be Illustrated with stereoptlcon
i -lews. The bishop has given the lec
ture before In various eastern cities and
I the comments are . highly eompllmen-
Ltary;4i;:K-: i;j-i'. ,t.yH y.. ;
. Th officers of the guild who have
Jt In charge are: President, Miss Trev
ett; vice-president, Mra Stewart B. Lin-
. thlcum; secretary, Mrs. W. F. MoKlb-
bin; treasurer, Mrs. James Thompson.
The" chairmen of the various depart-
. jnents includs Mrs. Fred D. Chamber
lain, Mrs. L. J. Goldsmith, Miss Helen
MacEwan. Mrs, Llnthicum and .Mlas
j Clementina Wilson. t
The annual senior "prom" at Portland
academy was given Friday evening and
was pne of the prettiest and most sat
iHfactory of these pleasant class sffairs.
The gymnasium was a bower of Scotch
fcroom and dogwood which with ths aid
cf tapestries entirely . concealed the
- walls. A pyramid of greens roue from
the middle of the floor and towered lntoi
who is her guest : from New Tork.
There weYs "simple decorations of cut
flowers In the rooms. Mrs. Joe Teal
- y f
wsro unwilling to resign from member- cps tor a bridge party this week.
Ship and the constitution had to be
amended to admit 'Inactive membera"
The new offloers elected are Miss
Helen Caldwell, president; Miss Leonids
FIeury,i vice-president; Miss Blsnche
BchOtt,' secretary, and Miss Dorothy
Morrison, treasurer. .!...;:? -'
The Pan-Hsllenlo society met Friday
for a social afternoon with Mre. Otis
a Wright.
Aa entertainment was given at ths I
second Baptist church Friday evening I
for the bensflt of ths Sunnyslds Baptist
mlaslbn building fund. FoUowlng la ths
The society is composed of I program given:
wore pretty white thiffon and her
guest was. gowned la, a handsomely flow
erea jace chirronj with predominating
tones of pink and made- an exceedingly
attractive toicture.. Mm Mnrtnn Tn'alav
Mrs. Charles F, Adkms, Mrs.'X J. Qlasy,
miss ciara Teat Miss Helen Teal and
Miss Genevieve Thompson assisted as
floaters" : about the reception rooms.
Pouring tea in the dining-room were
Mrs. Daniel Shlndler. Mrs. Georee Rus-
seii. .wrs.; wiuam c Alvord ana
Mrs. Walter V, Smith.' Punch . was
served by Mrs. James Laldlaw and Miss
JUJia iursctl. :
Mrs. Ben Teal leaves today for New
York to Join Mr. Teal who has found
It Impossible to come west at this time
to join her as-formerly planned. They
expect to sail xor Europe next month.
Mrs. Teal has won laurels on the stare
as Miss Margaret Oilman, chiefly as
ieaain jaay witn iieernoiim Tree and
LPavid warf ieid. She- la a sister of Mrs.
jtaoipn Bprecaeis or can iranciseo, Mrs
Teal was born In Portland but left here
when a mere child and has since made
her home in San Francisco . and New
Mrs. Homer A. Nelson and her daugh
ter. Miss Frances, entertained Tuesday
afternoon in honor of Mrs. Hugh Laid
law and Mlas Margaret ; Chamberlain of
Portland. Airs. Laldlaw is one of Port
land's-' charming -. young - matrons. ' and
Miss Chamberlain is ; a daughter' of
Governor Chamberlain, and has but re
cently returned from the south after
two years': visit at the old family home
In Mississippi.;: ; Five hundred was
played. Those ? in i'attehdance were
Mrs. B. W. Langdon, Mrs. E, D. Cusick.
Mrs. Thomas O. Hopkins,: Mrs. Charles
. Stewart, Mrs. o. Beam, Mrs. J. A.
Flynn. Mrs. Wlllard I Marka Mra
William Barrett, Mrs. Percy A. Young,
miss Arien Train, Miss Emma Sox,
miss Eva French, Miss Grace Langdon,
Miss Lena Miller, Miss Flora Mason and
snimm to wuttlng. - . -
Mr. BJld Mrs. AAnlrtH firnl n.-
inea last week in honor Of Mr. Wolfe's
uiriuuay. . i ner war. in .ki..
bridge -arranged 1B the . drawing " room!
""""T no awp supper was served
upsta rs in the ballroom which 7 was
beautifully transformed Into a grotto
witn greens . nif rim. t,it
FrawVand Charles Feldenheimer won
the prises. s . -,
o Among the guests, we're Mr? and Mrs.
Bol Rosenfeldt, Mr;- and Mrs. i Charles
wenieiai, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lipman, Mr.
college sorority women and Is purely
a social organisation. Ths members are
Mrs. Robert L. Donald. Mrs. Alan Welch
Smith, Mrs. George Haskell Marsh, Mrs.
Louis- H. Plnkham, the Misses. Fargo.
Miss Alma Delaney, Miss Hannah Con
nell. Miss Alice Benson, Miss Carolyn
Benson, Miss Jessie Goddard. Mra
George 0rllnger, Mra Wood Johnson,
Mrs. , Knowles, Mrs. J. C Elliott King.
Mrs. B. A. Lei ter. Mrs. WlUlam McVay,
Mrs. ' Frank Branch Riley. Mrs. Mary
Elisabeth Sears, Mrs. Luther F. Steel.
Miss Helen Stever, Mra Robert Tucker.
Miss Mllola Ward, Mra Otis B, Wright,
Miss Lenore Williams, Miss Grace
Stokea of Astoria, Mra Harry Stewart
of Forest Grove. .
Mra Robert Lewis entertained with
four tables of bridge Tuesday afterno'en
in. compliment to Mrs. Bramhall of New
York, Mra Howard Mather's guest, and
Mra Baker of Detroit. Mrs. Charlea
Scaddlng's guest - Japanese fans were
the prises given at each table. 'The
guests were Mrs. Bramhall, Mrs. Baker,
Mrs. Mather, Mrs. Scaddlng, Mra Wal
ter J. Burns, Mrs. Holt C -Wilson, Mrs.
F. 'O. heeler, Mrs. William Warrens,
Mra John Sbepard, Miss Hoyt, , Miss
Lewis, Mrs. Stewart B. Llnthicum, Mra
E. T. u Stevens, Miss Russell, Mra
Arthur c Mlnott and Mra C J. Reed.
The Portland alumnae of the Unlver.
sity of Oregon are planning a lawn fete
later In the month in compliment to the
girl graduates of ths Intermediate
schools. Last year the annual enter
tainment took the form of a dance at
tl I the Irvington club. This year the clan
has been changed because of a new Idea
which Is being discussed and which will
probably become a permanent custom
a large aance on Friday l after the
Thanksgiving game, which will be given
by. ths Portland alumni and alumnae to
gether and will be largely a reunion of
II 1 Oregon students and alumni.
Miss Fanny Brown and Mfss Mabelle
RendeU of Los Angeles left yesterday
arternoon., ror Seattle, en routs east.
They will visl In Minneapolis and New
York, thence going to Boston to sail for
Europe. Several . schoolmates of Miss
Brown will make up a party to tour
Europe for a year, with Mma. Kasoar.
of Washington, District of Columbia, to
chaperons them. . There has been much
entertaining the past two weeks while
Miss Rendell has been Mlas Brown's
groat, for both the; hostess and .her
guest ara extremely popular with "; r.he
young people. ; t
Mrs. C. B. Cellars gave a charming
ana original luncneoa to the i Portia
club Friday. Covers were laid for 17.
The decorations were of laurel and
dogwood. - -: t ts-. - r
Cards were played at the close and
Mrs. Fred Grant and Mra John Man
ning won the prises. '
A regular meeting of the club will
be held May as. when Mra . P. P. Dab
ney of West avenue will be the hostess,
An engagement of general Interest to
Portland people is that of Miss Ma
belle Brents of Walla Walla and John
Robb. Miss Brents has ' visited In
Portland a great deal where she has
many friends. Two weeks ago she was
the guest of Mrs. Walter Cook la Irv
ington, She Is a niece of Mrs. Joseph
x. xeai ana on ner visits here is ex
tensively entertained. The wedding Is
set for June S and a number of her
friends from Portland will attend.
Mrs. Warren F. Houghton and , her
aaugnter. - Miss Claire, , have nostnonad
their departure esst for a week on so-
count -or the storms. , They expect , to
leave about Monday week for Milwau
kee. Miss Claire Houghton is to visit
miss tieien osoorne in Indiana, and will
bring her back as her guest - Miss Os
borne visited her uncle. Morton H. tna
ley, in Portland during ths Lewla and
Clark exposition, ; .
Mr. and Mrs. John Marcus Freeman
announce- tns engagement of 'tht
daughter, Miss Daisy Bells Freeman, to
William Benjamin Gadsby. Ths niar-i
n n w mi piace in June.. Miss
Freeman Is an sxceDtionailv nmtt-v
brunette and has many friends among
the young people. , ..-.-.- ;
Miss Ruth Honeyman returned from
Eugene Wednesday night .after a de
lightful visit as guest at the Tan PI
house and with other friends.. She was
extensively entertained.
Mr. and Mra A. T. .Huggins and Dr.
. J. Barber left Tuesday nlsrht on a
three weeks -trip through California, )
The Kappa Sigma fratemltv at the
University of 'Oregon has bought ' the
oia. uonaon property in Eugene. ' This
Piano solo "Polonaise" CChapin) . ...
Miss Florsncs Wsstsnsruard
Song "Good Old U. a A.".....,
Mr, Ralph Hoeber
Reading "Mice at Play'1
.......... Miss Vsrna Powers
Dutch song Miss
Verda Wells, Miss Gertrude Hoeber
Redlng "The Little Newsboy V...
- Miss Pauline Talmage
Baritone ' solo "Down the Vale"
(Lphr) Mr. F. T. Crowther
Violin solo eolei.ed
............ jnias neoi wesienguara
Reading liter' First Call on ths But
cher" (Fisk) Mra McFaul
Character song Miss
Verda Wells,. Miss Gertrude Hoeber
Reading "The .Lost World".. (Van
Dyke) ......... i.. Miss Cora Shaver
Vocal solo "I'll - Seek1 for Thee In ,
Every Flower" (Gam) '
.....k... Mr. J. B. Gibson
Violin solo Selected . . , . Mf. Robinson
ocal duet "Watchman, What of ths
Nts tr v- ,-a-eant) ...... Mr, T. T. ,
Crowther and Mr: J. B; Gibson
- Accompanists Mr. Carl penton and
Mrs., Ella, Jonea
v.;.V' "v.s.- Krwt'r:
' Mr. and Mra Matthew - Steels eele-
oratea tneir nrteentn anniversary on
Saturday evening, May , at thetr Home,
S48 East Taylor street The 'evening
wa spent playUTg flve hundred,' after
which an elaborate supper wae served.
The souse was profusely decorated with
Oregon, grape and purple' lilacs. t The
lunchroom was daintily decorated with
festoons of white snd green ribbon, with
a large white bell in the eenter, and ths
walls were hung with mirrors, reflect
ing the decorations. Ths table decora
tions were whits lilacs,' narcissus and
calls lilies. There were 10 guests pres
ent Mrs. C. Slinger won the first prise
and Miss Grace Wilton the second. Mr.
and Mrs. ' Steele ' received many ' hand
some presents, both In cut class and
Bohemian glass. Those ' present were:
Mr. and Mrs. F. C Peterson, Mr. and
Mra S. B. Cobb, Mr. and Mraj N.- P.
Tomllnson, Mr. and Mrs. C Slinger, Mr.
snd Mra 8prsgus Burdin, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Adams, Mr. and Mra J. V. Swan, Mr.
and Mrs. P. W. Stewart, (Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Dubaoki.Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Steele
Jr, Miss D. Dickson, Miss Grace Wil
ton. Mrs. W. Wilton, ' Mrs. , Ida Ellis,
Misses - E. and II. Gerstle, Mra B, E.
Duback. J. L. Bailey and M. S. Magea
Miss Flossie Vina Cosper and J. Willis
Warren of this city were married last
Sunday afternoon at Greenville, at the
nome or Mr.- and Mrs. b. G. Cosoer-
Tuesday .evening : Mr.: and Mrs. O. F.
Phillips, uncls and aunt of the bride
groom, gave a reception in their ho: tr
at 880 East Ash street V A kitchen
shower followed the introductions and
cengratulatlona Refreshments
served late in the evening.
'Ths guests were Mra Lydla: Strang,
Mr. and Mra F1eury; Mr. and Mrs. E.
Sessions, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Ben : BelL Mr. and Mrs.
T. M. Mlnard, Mr. and -Mra Frank
Quilty, Mr. and Mrs. : Clarence Pf If sr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Langhead, Mr. and
Mrs. J. , 8. Mai Chester. Mr. and Mrs. C
D. Montague, Dr. and Mra J. S. Court -
1 60t and 75c 5ILKS 47cf y MAIL ORDERS
Ilonday,' Tuesday; and Wednesday Onfy
A thousand yards of best 65c and 75e Pongee and. Rajah
Silks on sale for these threa days at this extremely low pricel
Come in 7-inch, 32-inch and 36-inch wfdths and In-colors,
Diuc, green, gray, tan, tan ana ra stripe, tan and green stripe
aou cream. ie Biggest ouk Dsrsrain ever oiiered
in this city; best 65c and 75c qualities
$1.2i Suitings 93c
High grade fabrics that sell in the regular way for $1.25 and
JUS a yard ;on special sale .Monday, Tueaday and Wednes
day at 3f a yard.? Included are. Panamas, Voiles, Taffeta
Suitings, itripes, checks and plain colors. A large variety of
the latsat novelties to select from and hot a vard worth
less than $1.25. Choice of this entire lot at - : - no
special, yard ;.t..........'.."...:i.. 7JC
Special attention given to out-j
of-town ordes. .1 Satisfaction
guaranteed. We are headqaarv
ters , for fine . Table ; Linens,.
Draperies Curtains, etc., etc. t
; . v :r: . - - ; - - ::-
A special that every woman in Portland will want to share
in. Women's fine French Cambric Gowns, lace, embroidery
ribbon and tuck trimmed, in circular, square and V-shaped
yokes; slip-on and short sleeves, high neck and, long;. A7j
sleeves; standard $2.00 values; special ....'.'i.,,,..;. 7f C
72-inch white and silver bleach
ed" Table Damask, extra heavy
double warp; regular Cfi
price 75c; special UvC
60-inch satirt finish Table Dam
ask, in several - rich floral pat-
terns; regular 75c Ja
grade; special, yard .... 3UC
72-inch pure Irish Linen Dam
ask, extra heavy and best $1.00'
' quality; Special for ' ' 'Jc
three days, a yard I OC
18xl8-inch Table Napkins, extra
heavy and our best $1.35 grade;
special for three days. QC
at, dozen JDC
20x20-inch Table Napkins, heavy
.ana arm; -tne Kina ' we usually
sell at 5Z.0O a, dozen:
Special, dozen.,, v.".
Merits for
Warner &
Union Made
Reduced to
10c Each
ney, Mr. and Mra. Oliver' O. Hughson.
M'. and Mrs. F. C Alger, Mr. and Mra
Arthur Hedlyv Mrs. A. B. Hosman. Mrs.
Sam Woodward, Mrs. nn Ehelebe, Mrs. C.
A. Jordan, Miss Birdie. Holt Miss Con
stance Woodward. MlsS Leonide Fleurv.
Miss Mabel Lock and Arthur Wall, 7
The - Misses Etta and Kate ' Welch
6elden, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Morgan, Mr. and
Mrs. , William T. Wilson, Mra Jennie
SuttOn. Mrs. James P. Bart, Mrs. M. O.
Langdon, Mra Arthur . French, James
Toung, Wilson P. Qlenn, Peter O. Camp
bell and George Strong.
fV- '';i:.Tiy?..;;- v.k w -
The-; Union Grand club ' gave one of
its delightful dances and vaudeville en
tertainments Tuesday night at Burk-
hardt hall. East Burnslde and Union
avenue. The program was good. Ths
Union Grand trio, Charles Colburn and
the Foy s.sters, in their sketch entitled
"Dr'-iing in the Moonlight," Introduced
the waits, cUjstep sJnd their cocoanut
dance. ' Miss Mable rDowney played
few : selections from -a ' raraous opera.
Colbura and Woodward Introduced ' a
JLt "black-face sketch," which met with en
ere. ..... . a ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Douty entertained
the Wednesday-Evening Five Hundred
club at their beautiful home, SOS Kelley
street,; last Wednesday evening. The
house was : beautifully decorated with
dogwood flowers and ferns." The prises
wers won by Mrs. T. J. Mendenhall, Mrs.
Charlotte Bchellenbarger,' T. J. Cleeton
and C. M. Klgglna T The next meeting
will be at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. Cleeton at ZltM Fourteenth street
"iw ,-m" "V" .;" -;y H
MrT and Mrs. A. 1 D. Wilklns enter
tained a few friends Thursday evening
In eompllment - to their ' daughter, - Mra
William J. Allen, who is visiting them
from - Chicago. : The evening : passed
Mra. Andrew Bapp, J Miss; Lanegraff,
Miss Edna May and Lawrence Weir. -
charmingly entertained the members of Pleasantly with muslc. The guests were
the Bon Ta's club Friday evening with
a juvenile party. Their home was taste
fully decorated with festoons of, pink
and Nile green ribbons, these being the
club's colors. The tun occasioned by
the, unique costumes added materially to
the pleasure of the evening. After va
rious forma of amusement had been en
joyed a sumptuous Supper was served
in the dining-room, prettily decorated
with the clubs : colora Miss Jessie
Hagemann .and 'Jack 8tewart won the
first prises for their, costumes. . The
guests were: Misses Bessie BDraa-ue.'
urace s wprague, iuiu r Turner.., tElVa
unnsmger, Jessie Hagemann,
Downs, Daisy : Wltlow. Zubu
Laura Hansen, Jessis De Brain. Ada Mo
Nell, and .Ada Johnson,' and Max Read,
Will Fraser. Carl Rhea, Jack London.
Jack Stewart Sidney Mills, Harold
Magness, Fred Hansen, K. Keefavor and
K. Ireland.-''.Np,.'' "::; ;: i" .tv' -..'. t
Mr. and Mrs. AroM(ay entertained
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Brandon, Mr. and
Mrs. Willis White, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Busby, Mrs. Jane Ford.. Mrs. Carrie O.
Hepplln, Mrs. , Percy Long, Miss Wheel-
er, Miss Anna Falrwrlgbt, Miss- Jessie
Connor, Miss Bertha Hayes, Charles
Phillips, H. D. Carter. John . Mor
Kan, Robert B. Sands, Roscoe Wllford
ad Morns wiikina - , -.
'he whist party given, by the ladle's
lliary of the A. O. H.' last Tuesday
.nt was largely attended. Music and
ancing were enjoyed until a late hour.
and ' refreshments were served.. The
Madge J first prizes at cards were won by Miss
Whlte,jJra na Mr. uougias. and the booby
prises dj miss- VMauey ana Mr. j. js.
Malley. - v -;i --r.f--'''V;;, '"Z-? r--
The Portsmouth Study club met ' on
Wednesday and Mrs. W. C. 'Jones read a
symposium of current events. " Mra F.
M. Branch, Mra J. S. Hamilton and Mrs.
E. Hamason gave three trios "Absent
freshmsnta by Miss Calllo Hopper and
Miss Margaret Dorsey. ' The guests for
the evening were: Mr.'isnd; Mrs. John
t3e4AM a4 vl j.t .
: - - . s wutvuii, int. aui juis, cjinun jdulivt, xar.
plac tm Oit Ot th ItlOBt DiCtureaau AtiA Mn. Thomm Hnr Htt Afirl Hfrs.
Jhoe la JSugn ju.4 XUled with Wa-j Arthur Worcester, -Ur. and Mr Martin
at cards Wednesday evening in celebra- j (MetcalfX, "Highland Lad" (Scotch) and
tlon of their wedding anniversary. Dog-1 ''Drink to Me Qnly'' fOld English). The
wood and scotch broom were the decora-1 annua J election of offlcers of the club
uons. -me prizes were won by Mrs. wiu iaas piacs.aiay za. x; r -.i-x-
Arthur Worcestsr, Martin Selden, Mra f ; ;X ! : V
J. F.; Morgan and William ' T. 'Wilson. ; A few friends gave a delightful sur.
The hostess was assisted in serving re- prise to Mr. and Mra J. Q. Coyan at IM
Park ; SUset Monday i evening. Mr.
Coyan has recently returned from a
three months' trip. Cards and . music
passed the evening pleaaantly. The
guests Were:
Mr. , and Mrs.
Mr.i and Mrs." W. Kerns.
A pretty home wedding took place
last Tuesday when Miss Georgia Silvers
of Rainier was United in mar
riage to : George Doll of i South ' Bend,
Rev. Mr. Jones of Portland officiating.
The: rooms were beautifully decorat
ed with everareens, dogwood, lilacs and
roses. , The bride entered . with, the
bridegroom and stood beneath a canopy
of flowers, where the ceremony was
performed. . She . was gowned in white
silk mousseline, trimmed ith hand-
embroidered batiste and carried a large
bouquet of Bride rossa Little Julius
silvers and Marthlel Both, dressed In
white, acted as Slower, children... r ,' t
At 10 o'clock while the wedding party
wera ai supper, xney were auror sad
by the Columbia Concert band, which
piayea popular airs at the street corner,
I'ney- were invited in for mnnu mr.A
entertained theoompany the rest of the
evening. w-w w,
Mra Doll is one of the most nnnu.
lar of Ralnler-s younger set Until re
cently she was a pupil at the Oregon
Agricultural college, Cor vail is. .
Mr. and Mrs. Doll will make theif
home Axii Rainier after returning from
a three weeks' trip.
Miss Etna. Hoyt and Harry Warner
Were married Wednesday afternoon by
Rer. Jerome R. McGlade. D. D.. castor
of .the Mlzpah Presbyterian church. A
rew relatives were present,
Miss Marie Duval and Thomas J. Wll
Hams were married at their residence,
67 North Second street by Dr. Clarence
True Wilson. , -. . f
Miss Abbye Loomls and Laurence V.
B. Ridgway were married . Monday at
tne urace juetnoaist Episcopal parson
age by Dr, Clarence True Wilson, v.
i Miss Alice Reynolds of Forest Grove
was married to Marion Maury of Lew
iston; Montana, Wednesday noon, at the
home of the bride.- Rev. C." B3. Belknap
read . the : ceremony. Mrs. Ivy Hart-
rampf presided at thr organ. Mr. and
Mrs. Maury both received their educa
tlon In Forest Grove. .- v.'.;.... ,
Miss Ona Mae Morton and Clifford
wilmot Jones were married Wednes
day evening by Dr.. Clarence True Wil
son with a pretty home ceremony; it ney
wm resicie at Jiearney street, j
W; G. SMITH & Co.
VVaahlngttf n B a 1 1 A I a g
Mr. rand Mra 'A. King Wilson have
thrown open - their extensive grounds at
their beautiful suburban home near
Oswego for the entertainment of the
Home Training association on next Sat- .
urday, There will "be a basket pionic,
and all members are invited. Mothers
are invited to bring their children to
enjoy, the pretty country home. Further.
particulars will' be given at the rej
meeting on Thursday. - - -
The next meeting of the Home Train
ing association will be held Thursday
afternoon. Miss Elinor F. Baldwin will
talk on "How to Train ChUdren in Pat
riotism and Peaca" lit la a nrolifio sub
ject and an important one. At this
meeting details will be given rerardln
the picnic at Mr. A. Kina- Wilson'a a
cordial invitation is extended to all to
attend Thursday afternoon at a o'clock
in the city halL - - .
May 81st is the dav at th ta at
Patton House this month. Followlna is
the : musical program which has been ,
arranged for tha. day: ; - . f
Douglas Gordan" Kellle
' .Mrs., Chios MoClung Daneka. , .
Reading "An Easter Symbol"
............... Ruth McEnery Stuart
Mrs. D. S. Willlama
"An Irish Mother's Lullaby"... T. Long
. Ella Gertrude Dewart
Piano solo "Hunting Song" ....... T -
......A....,.,,...,..,,,, Schumann
. ' Tlllie Marie Dewart , - '
"The Swallows" Cowan
, . Catharine Covach.
The White Temple Shakean7!kd-oa
has sent out oards for its closing metsS.
Ing Monday evening at the home of Mrs
H. M. Clinton. 787 Hovt atrt ; - '
The East Side Athletic cinh hkm .nt
out invitations for a ahtrtwaia .,i. .
ths new Rlngler hall, Grand avenue and
East Morrison street Wednesday even
ing. Everest's orohestra -will imr. i Tha
patronesses are Mra W.- St. Masters,
Mra M. M. Rlngler; Mrs. B. C.JEly, Mrs.
J..E. Werleln and Mra C C. Newcaetle. -The
committee consists ntu mt m...
ler, Frank Brobst. Frank
Peterson. Frank W. Howell, w. W. Vin
son, Dr. F. Gillette and L. B. Smith.
ww. -The
musical program for tha unnuni
concert to be given bv - tha
British societies on Empire day, May 84,
Armory, is now complete, in ad-
Frank Waller, Mr. and
f -, . -,ii - -r ; .
(Continued on Page Fifty-One.)