: sEciioN five j: m 1 cm j o, a o &&s&&uM n Li C A 1 V PAGES a TO S'i 8& iwvr f MBMw ,. ., MBtk. 1 .jriHMMh C MM M r !- w m BF 1 aw"---"Bk BBaB"""""SM. . ' ' M M ',,. .nWP "ek. .SBBBbW J mil. V W j, (: I The most stupendous of all sacrifices. The news has spread like, wildfire. Seems 41s if the whole' town turned out yesterday so great were the crowds. So hig was the jam that hundreds could not be waited on. They will tell you so themselves; but with more additional; salespeople we . - . ' ' y expect to be able to handle the crowds tomorrow. . ' 18,099 PAIRS SCOOPED IN FOR SPOT CASH AT 40c ON TOE DOLLAR A Shoe slaughter of terrific proportions and almost unbelievable immensity; but when you see the stock, note the prices and I the superior, worth and quality of the Shoes, then you'll believe your own eyes and know that this is indeed just "what we " claim the greatest,' biggest and most sensational Shoe sacrifice you've ever known. Shoes for the entire family cheaper y than vou ever bought them before : The finest, the best, the handsomest of footwear. Shoes made for' the most exclusive Irade, from the most expensive leathers. v Every kind and styles ,5hoes tor men, women ana cnnaren, ana au at apnee tnai gives you two to inrce pairs ior tne usuai.pncc 01 one, :y At 8 tomorrow morning the greatest Shoe sacrifice ever held m tnis city.oegins again; xo.uuu pairs m au. avcry Kina ana styic one cuuxu wisn ana every pair at a pnee ww that you'll do as thousands of wise shoppers did yesterday buy three, four and five pairs at a timer-for values are so great that it is almost impossible to expect to give such sttU penaous Dargams again m years. 4 - . , ' ' , ' " 1 500 Paira Infants" Shoss 9c mmm, mm Throo Great Mohator Lots of - ; I MEN'S ; nNESISHOESi Thousands upon thousands of pairs thrown out at actually less than cost of leather alone. . Men, W .Sh6es now for years to come, Jay In a supply while you can f et two to three pairs for the usual pries of one. ,, ' One Lot of 600 Pairs Men's Work Shoes $11.4? Tir.'u -A irninar n T1 win mnrfi ahmit th. M tAMi mtlA a for yourself. Some in this lot worth up to $3JS0. Choice dim : ; You purtho Finest and Best of Shoes And There's Many la tSsSs Let Wcrtli Uploss Eljbss $3.50 ' High Shoes and Low Shoes, the finest of patent leathers, soft vid . Idds and bos calf, with genuine " Opodyear . welted soles, and yod ' know , they are' the best that's made. New, up-to-date styles,, all ! sites. Every pair guaranteed, and all finest $3 and $3 JO ahoes; pair. WOMEN'S FINE3Tj02:d6t WHITE BSMbhbV Canvas Oxfords Just 300 pairs of them, fancy made white canvaa Oxfords, ... .f - .1 1 A 4 AM I ..L' ' '( tn IOi iun mu nu m y,uu. i uioitc, pair ....... .. . j g . 9 Infants finest alum tanned Kid Moccasins, in all Sold the world over 25c and 35c All crrnns ciocnc:jYAMKiu.rr.o;i aiTO cna. hot tomorrow at. ; Ons of the Greatest Bargains In the Stock Is a Mixed Lot of 500 Pairs Women's $3.C0, JS4.C0 and $5.00 Shoes and Oxfords These are the small lots we have grouped together and marked, them all at one price to give you an Idea of how great a sacrifice this is. The lot includes Women's finest vici kid.and patent leather dress Shoes and Oxfords, and also party Slippers, Misses' fine patent and vici kid dress Shoes and Oxfords and Slippers, all mixed lots, but you must see them to appreciate the real importance of the offering, for never before and probably never again will such a bargain be offered. Remember, Shoes in this lot worth tip to $5.00, all heaped on one great table at, choice ..... . . . V ABOUT 700 Pairs Baby Shoes soles; every pair,for fine dress.wear and worth jH; jfip to 85c; pair, U -. . . . 'A W U V Metl Womens f U 1 Df ; 35c, Rubber Heels 1 , 1 171 And aH.sizes in the lot," too - ; ' ' i 11 ; 15c Botile of Best White La Rf Polish for 1 Canvas Shoes UK UUU 1500 PAIRS OF THE FINEST Chiles :15Sc Shoes made for, dress and all -solid leather fine patent v leathers and vicl kids,' all sizes; every pair worth $1.00 IcCy ' J to, $US pair ifa i.;.v. ; v.. ,:. , ; ; . !;.4i CHOICE OP. ENTIRE PURCHASE OF THE MOST EXQUISITE & FINES11 Orl!WOMEN'Sl$3.00 W6M$5m SHOES There is absolutely no reserve ; the entire lot of the finest of Dress Footwear dumped out regardless of cost and sacrificed in this stupendous slaughter. "Every kind and style of fashionable footwear is included. High Shoes and Oxfords, guaranteed patent leathers, vici and French kid, patent colt, gunmetal, etc. ; newest toes and heels ; beauti-' Cl fl Q fully made and finished;' footwear, that's fine enough for. royalty td wear; grades made to sell at $3.00 to V 1 1 vO 0 $5.00; every size and width and plenty of them. .Two great lots of them all and plenty of extra salespeople 1 1 c an to wait on you. Choice i.. t . 1.. ;.. .... -LLSz 4X 300 PAIR5 OF SAMPLES Men's 5, $6 and $7 Shoes mm All samples, 5 to 10 pairs of a kind and stvler hih" ' Lvl Shoes and low Shoes; all made for the finest dress r v v, V vi; blisses $2.00 ress Shoes j Every pair perfect, made of sblit leather, with - .': ! heavy or light sole. iThe greatest", snap ever ' f7A Offered in MissesVShoes. AH $1.75 and $2.00,; J, f . values,; 70f 'ptoztfm .jf,r:-UM Women's $2.50 High Shoes I just 3U pairs of these, blucher cut or straight A O lace; soft kid tops and patent tips ; all siseS'; ' YH f worth $2.00 and $2.50 at 08e pak, ' v u V A solid.week of terrific bargain giving., bix days of the most sensational selling :this city has ever witnessed. Thousands of dollars in profits tp be given .to our patrons' by way" of demonstratine: uxdt j4u otw uum BvaM, owyYt .wv V"v "wt .6ifc w v i, vr , s4" " M gwua. ? yown go uic pnces, aown to wholesale cost and even less. ; It s our way of proving in a single week that this store sells cheapest It's a sale that will cost us thousands in profits, but the additional tens of thousands of new customers we .gain will well reoav us Arid remember right here we want to say this is the store that guarantees its ads,' and lives up to them, too. Every item exactly as advertised, and void of all me exaggeration so common in thw citv It's square dealings and upright business methods that make this store the success it is, and the daily crowds is the best proof that it is, in truth and inrfact Portland's only real Bargain Store - i. Another One of the Great Store-Crowding Bargains - -! ' And every yard is worth 25c to 35c, for this is the one store that states' facts. Just from the New York auction, s.ouu yaras ox tne ttnest 01 tancy uvm ana urganaiei in silk and lace stripes; full 27 inches wide; all good lengths, for these are mostly dress patterns Remember we guarantee you 25c and 35c grades or your money oac. moiw 14 Mill Ends 50c Tahje Linen 35c Yd. bum ht Table Damask bargain you ever saw. or heard of. - Mill ends that we always sell at 50c, and that in the piece is worth much more, slaughtered at 35f a yard tomorrow; wide 58-mch widtn ana C f ill full bleached; beautiful patterns and all satin finish, 2, 2 Cfm and 2V yard lengths; about 800 yards -only, and those that Yd come Quickest get it. Choice .....r" T-M Oreat Price Cutting - In the Ribbons BTrr rul la tock rduoL- rtrrt, dm gnmt lot of U slU: fane? Xlbbont, lnoludin sorn of our tlM 6o AU 3, 4ttdJ inoH. 7Ur wid. All gx at. yrd 'V. 5ct 8c and 10c Toilet Soap 3c Cake BarfltofaSilte 50 pieces 27-inch Jap Silk, to all colors and black and white; our finest 65c grade; AJ for thia sale,',yard W'V.'i.jv'.-iVV;tl 10 pieces yard wide black Peau de Sole, an extra fine imported Quality, full 36- tfjl iQ inch and a grade made to seU at $2. V Extra 5 pieces 19-inch black Taffeta, an extra fine grade, bright lustrous finish and the best 75c black Taffeta in the city; - . ACn LSfonday ' onlyAU our ' wide 50.mch fancy Plaid Suitings, in the newest colorings, soia aU season at $1.25 and $1J0; - . : - . , gfj Af44c" VesaVicimchVartcy ' Suitings, In plaids, stripes and checks, fine mohair and wool; grades that have never been , AA offered less than 60c; yard , Wo mens Finest 18. & 20c Knit Vests tie 25c , All prln(r wlfliV low aook and plMTMt, lac trlnuatd and tapod nck and amlioUs. Bvory ono lt itu wbolosal oort. Oholoo X.4U ot 880 long aad abort iIntm, rooliet flnlab and 10 tpd at An Extra Bargain 500 Pair 39c Only one pair to a customer, and. thia offer holds good only as long as the 500 paira last; full VA yards Jong ruffled Swiss Curtains, good widths, well made. Never sold under 60c While they last, pair ... r ......... i l the CIovet a Terrific Monday Sensation 4 " $4 LoHgKifJIoves $2.59 Pair ZZ. L..wi?" LrT? JYm twa doesn't bring thousanda to the Counters we miss our sale Seas, for i(t!rbeyond doubt the one Glove ported Jong Kid Gloves, full lS-hntrm . rJLyZ?A C.1 K0, " "zes. Tba best of guaranteed $4.00 wwwm, uro yir to m customer; pair .... that'a Bieeest and best. Women's fine elbow lengths, in black, red ; 500,000 YARDS FINEST VAL. LACES Sacrificed at Less Than Half WholesalCost ; Per Yard C PER YARD I PER YARD Utlj Worth 12c Worth 15c Wrth6c ine wnoie enure tot to oe soia in tne next six aayx, even tnougn we aont make alngi one of the bargains with which we. expect to win ten thouaand new customers alone," f le oeanv at uiea 'a profit, for this Is e nricea are reallv ridiculously low, lower than you've ever known them before. Real French Vals. in the daintiest and prettiest of patterns Imaginable, including many that are matched sets, from up to JJi inches wide. Just the kinds wanted right now for trimming summer dresses, underwear, etc Not a yard worth less than 6c, up to 15c and even 18c the price of one, that we guarantee. Choice, 2 All go in three great lots, and you get two to three yards for gf and TfV yard. - ' ',,.;-ytl . DIG CUTS ON- ' WASH4GOODS A rM Be IUU 2nd sale of loo, lao and tSo Wuk Ooodsi mlxod lota of odds aad onda, flv UMd lawas and orruaiM, g-oOd Ungtbet vvy yard la tao lot worth donole and mora. . g Oboloa, yard i . f t , i ..... 3C Aaotho Hlg lot of that aUk flaislwd white Tr bIm XAwa-that sold so fast teat Monday S7 laohoa wlda, ehooa and fla aotaaUy ' , 1 A eheay 'ataoor. yard 'i ir$i .ii&i 14C JmXU our brt;S8o- anr Applltn Iwiii M 24 yard whit and ooterod rrooada with yolka dots of eontrutlnf ahadtsi all ng-ter SQo .. i O 4 rrad; yard ... , ... . ......... ... ..:4C. Mtn's Furnlhlrigi Reduced 10c Canvas Gloves 5c BOO dok Kan's Xandkorobtefs, white,' rods and hlnoai worth np to lOo. AH la on lot, aholoo.2 Kan's BalorUrran xrndarahlrta, paarl battens, an steoa and au aoo valnoa, g-o at, oaoh ,4.151 Kan's whit' and (Ink Balbrlgfan Vndarwaar, tapad aoams, full ent, radnoad from T60 to. .45e Kan's ray mix ad Bookford Cooks, also tea, and bteok uaoot all 100 and aaHo-valnasi pair... 54 Boys' wlda brim Straw Xats, SOO to got worth np to ISO. Choloa i.. , ,..r. U5e A MONDAY EXCITEMENT IN MILLINERY Women's $5 Trimmed Hats 98c Isn't that a sensation for you? Isn't that a bargain' worth getting here early for, and especially when these are ail, really, exquisite. wi naqT ana ocauwuji eireex naia in me- newest 01 tnu season s shapes? 'very one. elegantly trimmed with wings, quills, ribbons, etc All fee most wanted straws and Just the stvles most in An. mand. 1 feet Hats worth $3.00 to $5.00. and when we say $5.00 una, ucniu -uiwa uicjr, mrxi wunu 90.W. tU --Z 'v '$ Intone big lot and a whole .table full to. choose from.., Choice ...,. 52.19 Eii ;$3.98 Ea $5.08 Ea 98c Ctit-Price Grocery 10e Old fiutoa Claanaar ...... 6 So nn Sardlnae 30 lOo Arm and Hammer Sod. ..54 Bag. 80 JPronaa, Ik,, ....... 5 e roros, pkra. ...,25 ArTonokla's Ooffaa, a pk(s..,35fV 18Ho Saadad BaUlna, IK. . Snydar's Catsup, Tkottte .....19e ObirardalU's ' .Oronnd . Chooolato, ;...: .....27e Pint jar Pnro Btralnod Btony.21 Boyal Baklnf Powdar, lh-. .39 Kagnatte" Staroh, pkr. ..5 lOo bottte rappw Sanoo......K Mt. 150 glass JaBy .....t.'loi Carnation Craam, S eans . -Ssi Oanna Sonps, assortad, an. .8e too hot. Para 0Uv OU.U...682 iro Older Ttnagnr, bot.......85 Bast loo Dates, in, i.., ... ..,7 loo.bar SapoUo for T Bhroddad Coooannt, lb. .....12 Ckld Dnst, g pkrs. ,.v..i..35 K. O. Broakfast Knsh Bast Olnfar Snaps, lb. lO? Bo ralry Soap, bar .......... 3 $2.59 FOR full; 1 PARTICULARS r OP TUG Great 5aIeoi aoaIis,Siiils and Waists 19 See our. large ex tra ad on 50OO Men's Ddndherdirts 2c Each (MTMSAlDIimRIlS 1,000 large fnll slaa Oonoh Oovara, faaoy Bomaa Btrlpad rloh, bright eolora and frlngsd an aronnd. All regular $1.00 Oorars, go at, , gn ebotoe ; j . ; 470C BiOOO Brass Bxtenslon Curtain Bods, ,. a the lOo kind 4C White they last, S-4 . Tapostry - Table t Corars, faaoy panares 1 made to sail at , ' , fTA - ohoioe v yc , One thousand yards of SSo Madras Curtain Goods n X7e; full yard wide, white grouna witn graan ano niue ngurasi bast aso graao ana . never sold for tessi yard 17c - SOAP AND DRUGS BSo Oake BaarM Soanted Soap 17e aoo Cake Boar's Vasoented- Soap ........12ttf BSo Oake Baokart Tar Soap .........17 BOe Bottte Blnaad's Baa da Qnlnlna ........ 3! 1.00 Bottte Xarplolde out to . ,...69 40o Bottle Wttch Basal, apoolal ...........19 Bo Oaka ratrv Soap 3 aso Boa Orange utee Oomplaxtem Soap . ... 8 BSo Can gomodont ........ ...I..'...... .....19 SSo Bottle Sosodont Uo.uld r........ ....... 19 lBa Box Camphor Xoe 40e Bottte Borto Bioe Bay Bum 80 BotUs Batrolatum Jauy . . , SSo Bast Bristle Tooth Brush' aso Sharing Brushes out to 15e: 80 .18 .3 .12 ovary one tha ganulab badgar halr; wlU not shad bsttes, nt or oorroda, eraok or faU apart. The boa r SSo Shaving Brush on aartn. Choloa ....... 1 1 Many Cots of t H6asiery--Half Tee, evaa teas than half, rirrt. 100 dosan Wom an's black and tan seamtess Boss, spring- ft welghtj never sold nndar BOo,' cut to, pair. . . "C 'ot evat six pairs to a OTrtomM: , Specials la IfltCllS aai DOHICSUCS 18c yd. wide Madras Suitings, yard ...... 10 Best 6f4C twilled Toweling, bleached, yd. S 15c all linen checked Class Towelling, yd. 11 Good sixe $1JZ5 dark colored Comforts. .98 All $1.50 ones, f 1.25; $2 ones, CO t 8 1.75; $3 ones CL.Xj i) Full site $1.00 white Bed Spreada cut to. 74 9M9 large sixe colored, mnged Bed (1 in Spreads : j,'".' t-.",,-.,.". v1..,,.'... v Jl a a 12c large sixe unbleached .Turkish - ' TOWClat ' e .' 1 , WW 15c large 18x36 Huckaback Towels. .. .8 1-3 ASTour 20c bleached Turkish Towels at 15 Great sale of Sheets and Pillow' Cases.' hun-. dreds to go, and on every one you make the biggest k&d of a saving, a , ,t- - , 81x90-inch linen finish 75c Sheets ........ CO? 42x36-inch Pillow Cases, worth 15c, ach. 11 45x36-inch Pillow Cases, 18c quality, . : .'. 1 1 500 largest 81x90-inch Sheets, extra fine t- I one of the best made; worth 85c; r row - , Our Entlro etc Women's 01.25 r AH fUe bett anl flncat r" , r" f. , r, l-iclxi. r : ! rte vc (, LEI t '. , , try t! 1 . . i V