The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 41, Image 41

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    t, . - , ', TilE, OREGON-.SUNDAY JOURNAL ' PORTLAND, . SUNDAY MORNING,, t MAY, ', 12, 1907 -
the:; Oregon- Sunday journal ; Portland, . Sunday morning,; may ,2, ,907 ;
tJTKtott lping bu ifonn la
favor with recent fMn. Tim
iru when It was limited to
Consumptive iM faddist, but
nowadays ivory out advocates th preo
tie more r less, Especially Is It to bo
recofnhisnasd for Children as tending
lunui thlr strength u. ImproTO
tbolr health, fitting tbenvln loot, for
tho bottlo of ltf la a manner which
no ytm of favor atid pomparint
etfuia vf to.
This flooo not at Oil tneaa thil tho
nothod la to bo a rlcorouo on. Abovo
mil. ttto child dhould bo .warmly and
oafortably wrappod and proUoUd
from draufhto of all aorta, In tbo flrat
plaoo. tbla opon-alr alumbor la prima
rlly intended for daytime napa, and
should not beoome the regular nightly
practice unleaa tho whole household Is
aaoustomed to It, As to the sleepina;
OOBoh, it may bo cither a eofa on tho
porch, a oot, furnished as hereafter
described: a' owlngta hammock or
ores a large armchair. Whatever piece
of furniture may be chosen should be
well provided with pillows and with a
warm shawl, quilt , or steamer " rug.
Zven In summer this is necessary after
Sunset or on cool days, si the little
body becomes easily ohllletf when Inao
s One cf tfeNetf Canopied
The oot should be spread, as shown in
the illustration, with a mattress of some
colored , goods crs tonne or cnmiE and
a small PUlow to match. Then around.
three aides, excepting only that which
i. Protected by the wall or som other
. i...iua arw thin mat-
WJwwa) B weUMaf 4 eew ' v r '
tress Should bo placed in auch a man-
nerjaASeotually to shut out the wind.
riwiuy. with' this- protection; no other
cover Is necessary, extra warmth of ap
parel making up for any unlooked-for
tall In temperature.
Indeed, this Should bo th rule la al
most vry case, winter or ummer, ,
tor this outdoor deeping is advocated
tor all tho year round. Th youngster
should In cool or cold weather wear,
In addition to hi ordinary nothing, a
long poat mittens, a cap, and oven, It
necessary, leggin or a mu3er. This,
at course. Is for very eo)d or snowy
weather. In th spring, summer and
early autumn usually' extra; gar-1
Xo not be' daunted
by the ' word
"snow.' An Umbrella will protect hinr
from all harm and give him the clear,
pore elf to breathe. The same la true
rain, though in anything more thaa
m m ... - - . . mm 1.4- ... .. . . , , lumu ' 'n? i i i i i i i 1111
ibvot wita recent years. io im mi gguii, u nu wjuia titwuii Iiuuam. . I . I III l Hill aged. uimb n nu e soma po
W ,u when U was llmlUd to not kp him out in anything ap- iUM s. V.I . . a II II Hill
'f '4 lit as lUtf
- ",i : ; -J-,; y " ' - s X' M
a Shower It Is well to take tho ohlld
Into tho house, as you would certainly
not keep htm out In anything ap
proaching a bllssardl
Tho open air Is beet taken la tho
, early afternoon, . before tho child is
, dressed for tho evening. There will
be no danger of his not enjoying It.
tor tho youngster never erlsted who
would not rather bo "out than "la.'
or ,t ho did,' ko was one who had never
known tho delights of-l was about toj
say country life, but that Is bf no
means necessary. If you do hot live
' even in the suburbs, tho back poreh or
the back yard Is Just as pleasant and
.Just as beneflalal as the'laWa or tbo
forest The surroundings may not bo
Quite so entrancing, but when OnO Is
asleep that will make no dlflerenoe,
and tho air Is quite as pure and re
fraining, v e '
Whore the whoto family are advo
cates of the new system, or rather
place, of sluatfber. no special rule need
bo given for the younger member!
than that they should be clad mors
warmly than the others, as they catah
eold more easily, and with worse re
sults. Over the canton Hannel pa
jamas should be worn as? overcoat or
heavy shawl, and tho ooverlngs' of tho
bed should be light but Hot Insuffi
cient. ft
j h
Where the child IS delloate, or for
some reason the mother does not oar
to let him sieep actnaUy; la tho open
, air,' he may we jjtven the advantagea
of, the system without Its inconven-
7 JTl "i.1" "f""
: " wn sieep just in th
open doorway , of a barr or outbuild
ing, on a porch, or In a sun parlor,
Whose doors nave seen thrown wide
. open. 'Sometimes when th ohlld haa
outgrown th day ot th orib or baby
carriage, makeshift must , be pre
pared for his sleeping couch. All sorts
of furniture may then b called into '
service. A large clothe basket a pile
1 of rugs on tne floor, even and these "
I. are all actual 1 examples a discarded .
washtub may be utUlaed, though few
famllle would be obliged to go so
tar as this.
As may b judged, from these re
marks, this outdoor sleeping should v
begfn early la childhood. - Probably
when th child first walks la th beat
time to Initiate him. In this neV fad,
which Is. after all, not a tad, for It la
highly oonduoiv - to health - and a
point ot Interest to the mother ot
girl babies ig even said to Increase
th child's chances for fvtur beauty.
:83i w i I if .
i !
'A Cut fj ion,
as, Indeed, tny natural and healthy
living will.
II Is never, however, too late to
mend, and no matter how much older
thaa thla your child may be, let him
start now t6 sleep outdoors. Tho
warm weather will keep him1 from
any discomfort now. and by autumn
It will probably bo a hard task to
drive him Indoors at alt
one boy whose summer homo Is by
a tidal river, and. who lives in, th
winter in the heart ot a large ettv.
sleeps all the year round In a cnyarrs,t th walla ot their bedrooms. This
tent Where he baa the tiaae- h iim,.
The box which contains his bedding
is his special pride, and ho loves to
xhlbit t.h snip-shape condition of
his "Island homo.1 Tho only rule ho
Obstinate Freckles,
PLEASE send m th best lotion you
hav for obstinate freckles. I hav
' never tried anything, but should Uke
to do so. -f F. H.
Since the freckles ire obstinate It
would be beet to go to th root of tho
matter and use a strong bleach at ohoe.
The one 1 am giving you will not harm
you, but be very careful In Its use.
St. Shoemaker's Bleach. "
For Freckles an Brown Spots).
. Blohlorld of mercury, la
coar powder ., t (rains
Wlton hazel t ounoes
. Koaewater
i ...... t ounoa
Aaltate until a solution la obtained. Mop
- eve? the affected parte. Keep out ot th
way of lenoract peraon and children.
Reducing the freight
I am a young tlrl
of Just le.
and welsh
1 pounds. Would you please si
advice to reduo my. flesh T I
lea aive m aom
to reduo my, flash? I am strong
and can exercise, ant,
think best far m te do.
., : BMMA K.
or aayuuns; ju-
BMMA K, (a eouBtry girl).
lt you ar very tail you are not too
stout, though I suppose your weight
must be notioeably great or you would
not complain of it Follow carefully the
rulea 1 am giving you and In time you
will attain the desired end,
Rules for the Reduction of Flesh.
Avoid aH starchy and sweetened food. .
ell cereals, vegatable containing sugar or
staren, aucn as peas, oeana, wiu. puia-
toea. eta. liare your bread toasted
i; spnnsie.
it with salt Instead of using buttesv
' rarr.t tn aa.v. it 11 sura and a
una. i
good, IS
fattening. . eklmmed milk may be drank.
water ts an excellent
substitute for
other liquid. Add a little ef the.Jule of
le or
limee or lemons to It, tr yeu enooee.
your sleeping hours to seven, at th oulslae.
no nap M must taxe xereise.
If you.
eannot walk at least nv miles a
dev. and tto not wheel, 'go to one of the
iDStltutloae where ineohaulcai
1 1
tfaketVje Rustic eof Id eat
must observe Is never to bring a light
Into the tent, though he reads all
evening by a lamp placed at a safe
distance. It is really remarkable when
one considers the multitude of things
which this box holds. In addition to
his bedding, there are always books,
a store of apples, boyish relics and
Souvenirs, pillows, extra- clothing all
the appurtenances of the camper' he
loves to r Imagine htaoselfand the in
side ot the tent is lined with th odds
and ends with which most boys deoo-
boy, Of course, 1 oldJnough to be
trusted alone he is. Just 10 and as
soon as he is a llttfis older his small
brother will keep him company. Big
two older sisters are banished from
Sivn. BevaraJ of my correspondents report
xoellent results from this method of set
tins th viaurous axeruiee tney i4uire
The ayatem 1 thoroushly wholesome and
not expensive. In reduaina flesh, the one
n fact to recollect is that fat la carbon; oxy
en destroy or burns out carbon. You roust
consum th carbon by th oxygen roe take
throuch ;our lunss. The mar axerela, th
more oxrssn and consequent destruction of
fat by th on healthful method of etirlng
&trmore starch and usar you eat, the
more eareoa U burn away. ,
To Enlarge the Bust.
Kladiy tell me all about bt, Vaeealre'e
oust aviopr. ioea
th bust when taken, and la It barmlaw
What ia It prloe ana
how much 1 needed
to . aocomplli
tioa to be
results f If It Is B presort p-
fllled, pleas prescrtoe M ana
ti. nrlA. fn O&t Alltna!.
I know there Is an Internal
which da
aooemplM the deal red re.ui,
navar kaaB able to find OUt
tlt.a71LZZ.l Fjl
tofarnel traatt to act en thyUnds.
iw Vaitpaira'a Mmedv Is a Uauid med
icine, to be taken internally. - la prob
ably Just what you need, as It harm
less and very efficacious. I cannot glv :
the price, as It varies aocording to the
locality, nor the amount you need -to
accomplish the desired result, as this,
too, varies according to th constitution
ot th patient. Th formula IS as fol
lower '
Dr. Vauoaire's Bemedy for the :
Liquid extraof of (siege (geets
rue) M grama
Laote phosphate ef Urn..........; W grama t .
Tincture of. fennel ......... 1 grama
61mpl ejmib eOO grams
The dos Is two soupspeopful With water:
. pefore aoh meal, A',,if
Dr. Vaueaire also advisee th drtaklag ot
malt extract during masis. ,
7vi A
e r
tho back yard In the winter they did
.not start early enough to become
inured to Its hardships but in Sum
mer they share an ideal llttl lop;
cabin near "the big house." It has, of
course, yhly one room, and If pretty
aa It la healthful. Arothere not sug
gestions her for otherparntT
After all, this beginning with th
children is only applying on of tho
fundamental theories , of education,
and Is purposed to train them to this
sort of aleeping all' their lives, and to
teach again to their children. And
It la by no meana vain to assert that ,
when we have partially returned to I
"the way of the Indian" wo shall hav
a stronger, more vigorous, end conke
Quently more beautiful, raee, :
To Broaden the Shoulder t
1 am U rears of are and am vnr talL
X en atronx aial health y. and am becoming
Stout In nroijdjllon.
worries m Is that 1
shouldered, and I aho
ti. oiujr uwi lost
am rather nanoa.
only thine that
I should like you to help
am rawer
me to mas them broad. I eupi
suppose exer-
cis would do this, but I don't knew
. siua lo uut.
liie exercise 1 am giving you is ex
tremely good for Just thla purpose.
Stand with the arms related at tn
o Bides, and then, holding them perfectly
stiff, raise them slowly and gradually
. to a vertical position, using all your
energy, as if pushing against some tan
gible object. At iirst. three or four
'times will te sufficient, but by degrees
you can attain m point where tweuiy or
twenty-live times wlU cause only mod
erate fatigue, A few months ot sys
tematic pursuit of this exercise will
work wonders.
Letter Repeated by Request
, . J.
yoa please
I have aean
tihll.R aaln an aru
eie that
t must be about three
. mether treated her
montbs ago), how a
iOt use both feet axier
doctors had given her no hop of the ehii
w 4nius Hiuar .. . . . . . . k
nave a dauahtae I years old woo nws
ust a. day and a half; th doctors eau k
nfantll paralysis. It affoted right leg
and left arm. Eh
it tnr
hre weeks..
Thla la th. lattaV vou Imentioni
By accident your page earns to me,
and when looking It over 1 red this
i piece which I inclose:
. , .-cS nrvllf
, "Being a steady reader. I thougnj i
Would writ you for some-possible In
formation. I sve a little baby boy 114
years old. He le a fat. strong and
healthy boy, but one of hie legs (th
left) turne In a litUe. and both of theaa
seem weak from the knee .dowa. ,
. "Ho falls considerably when walking.
If you know et ahy device that would
aid him, will you kindly let me knowt
"W. W. K.
Tour baby's lege could be straight
ened and strengthened by proper mas
saging of the muscles. I advise you to
consult a specialist, who could Instruct
you as to the movements required."
When my daughter waa born her right
t arm hung lifeless, nothing but skin cov
ering the bones. Of course, we suppoed
It would always be useless. A friend
advised bathing It every day with
brandy and salt. Eh came every day
and took care of IL and In a Short time
we saw good results. Soon, the flesh
grew and strength came to It. so that it
was as goad as the other. .
.1 shall never forget the .virtue of
brandy and salt I do not know how
much salt to put In. as I never had
Charge of It, and the friend who bathed
and worked over the arm Is dead. Please
let the mother know of It
I know of another case in my family
where a child of three year could not
use Its legs. The, mother was advised
to take the line, tall and skin of salt
eodash and bathe tho limbs. She fol
lowed the advice, with the best results.
. , . . , Mrs. K. Ik C.
' Blackheads end Enlarged Pores
torltai An km, think It haat tn An far mV
faieTi It Is full ef llttl bole about the
sis Bf small plnbead. but not deep.
and I have blackhead on th noee and
chin, liy Up ar very pal. I would Ilk
to hav some thins to whiten th akin, as
mine is rather dark looklnr. I am ayoung
mother, U years eld. s Mrs. P, EC T.
Tour skin Is altogether in a very poor
condition. Wliat you need, most of all
is to build up your health, and then
your facial troubles will right them
selves. Take one of the many food
organic Iron preparations regularly.
Take also every morning before break
fast one toblespoonful of plain phos
phate of soda In a cup of hot water. I
am giving you formulas for blackheads
and enlarged pores. The darkness of
your skin and your pale lipa are due to
general ill health.
Blackheads of the Skin.
acid.............. I dram
i f ounces
a huiwi-
Us with frlctWa twice a day oa the sua
Lotion for Enlarged Pores.
feorte add . ......... li'Sl.
Dletllled wttcb basel.. 4 ounoes
" Apply with a eieee et old linen or a bit
ot absorbent cotton.
Dark Skin ank Red Nose
' What is a cure for dark skint My skin
Uillihl brown sad ltls aot from
I cannot advlee you about your nose
until I know more Of your case. Is It
dSrto over-eating, too tight clothing,
to too dry and delicate skinT Write me
Urther Sd I'WllI teti you what to do.
as to your complexion, take phosphau
if soda In hot water. The color of your
kin may bo due to-ilver trouble, and It
you suspect this, you would better con
sult a physician.
Blackheads and Pimples
1 you pleas tall me what to da
Mr Dos seems very oily, and eu
there ar a few blackhada und
and aume-
neath th skin. I should also litce sometnina
I SM mem on ine wreacsu.
- noaa and chin. 1 A D. L.
The tormulfc 1 am prescribing for you
will help both the blackheads and the
pimples. Wash your nose with equal
parts of cologne and water to relieve
the olllness.
Blackhead and Pimple Cream.
Petrolatum 1 ounce
Lanolin (anhydrous)......... 1 ounce (av.)
Dioxide of hydrogen.. 1 fluid on no
Aeetio acid 1 fluid dram
For Broad Shoulders,
Will you please toll me bow I can broaden
mr shoulder aad Increase th slxe ef my
''fs'ttiere anything besides rouge that will "
redden the cheeks , O. K.
A good exercise to broaden the
shoulder is given in answer to "U,-A.
kxercls will develop the muscles of.
the legs.. Long walks will aoon pro
duce good results. A fin exeroise Is
te extend one leg' aa nearly as pos
sible at rlstht ancles ; with the hod.
and, without moving this leg. te try to
touca tne noor wiiu tne.anee or tno
other. - -. . .t -
Nothing but rougo.or paint ot homo
sort will artificially redUea the
. oheeke, though an active, outdoor life
will usually glv them a healthy, nat
ural oolor. , , .. .
. Hair Tod Sof$ V
Mr hair Is of s VchCtade.' very elty
and so soft that I eannot ts any hair
hmild Ilk to hav m formula te nek It a
lltll driar and coaraor. Mow e(ta and with
What shall I ahamnoaf III kAl . Im this ml .
short. A camtant radr. - T, P.
I am giving yos a good ton to for thin, '
Oily hair. Shampoo once a month wlta
pure castlle soap and warm water, rtna
Ing In several clear, cold waters. This
will make your hair slightly coarser, so
that it will be easier to arrange, ,
Jaborandl Toule.
Quinine sulphur..
hur ! frame
camharldee.,,.., f fluid dram
t uf jaborahdi... I fluid drama 1
Jinciur oi ci
Fluid extract
Aloohol m I fluid euaoss
Glycerin founoes
Hay rum fluid
Rwwater it fluid i
The qulnln should b dlaovd tS the .
aloohol liquid by warmlnsj Sllshtiy, the
th Hhr lnxredlvnt addd. andth Wbol .'
flltertd. RuU into the roou et too keif .
evry nlchU I
Excessive Superfluous .
t wet told by a frl4 that etlvd ell was
rood for th kli: I hav bxd trying n aad.
find It baa a vary tofienlne enact.
. Now, can you ull m it thr will be sat '
111- (Tact from eonllguad 1H and Whathae
th (ac should be waahed before the ett
I applied T Just bw eu I use It to to
best advantar " i
Krooa the time 1 was IT X have heem
troubled with uperfluou hair ea th ehio,
Th hair I very thick and I am ahamd
et It. ' It 1 bet caused by ac. (or I am
youns; woman, I cannot afford the letiie
treatment, t bought and tnedVon eo-cailed ,
when th hairs returned It was with re
newed vlor. waa dUsutd and d I scour
avd. I think it will Uke soma powerful
remedv to eradicate them, as tier are
coarse and obstinate. Mrs, H. U. 0.
Front your letter I suppose that you
have been using the olive oil as a face)
cream or akin food. It is very good for
the purpose although this is aa ua-
tasual way to apply It Wash the faow
before using, aa with any akin food,
As to tho superfluous hair, nothing
but electricity or the X-ray treatment
will cure It permanently. As you say;
you cannot afford that, you will have) ts
use a depilatory, renewing the treat-,
ment whenever the hair reappecrA,
Any one of, those I am giving yon M
excellent .J
V Good Depilatories. ' ' '
Bulphlde ot soda Mi fratnei
eiaked 11m to gralne
B larch IV grains
Llmt Water, - eg. era, ..
.'Barium sulphide Is also used as a pasta,
for depilatories. The standard formula 1st ' '
Paiium sulphide.,,... j... 10 si alns
Chalk, powdered M gralaO
Mix wttb water. The barium sulphide
most be absolutely dry to be efreoUr
when It le mixed with the chalk. Enousb
water should be afterward added to make
a thin past. Sulphide pf strontium makes
also an etUuient .depilatory, it is mad as
follows; ':, . .t ,
Bulphlde of strontium. t dram
Oxide of slnc..........,...M...,.M I drama
Starch, powdered. ... eeeeeeeoeeeiao BaeaVtassV
Jffair and Facial Trouble
Mr nalr baa been falllne for aoma HtM. ,
New hair hav come, but It Is still iall
, Ins a little. Then is light dandruff. Is
uier mvuuvw max us
hair fluifyr
riaasesiv m sometnin
'rive me aometn ill
to fatten the
f ao and neck, and something to make the
' Ala kmAm . aa S ka aAaai.aa .ef
sievu i"ior auu wsa um V JUT
firm, i When I laush tiny wrinkles
there.1 Please give me also aomethtn
enlaraed Dorea. M. J w
While your hair is still fatlwgi I wontd
not advise using anything on It tef make
It fluffy. Use first the tohio for dry",
falling hair, and after this has had its)
effect apply a lotion made of on table
spoonful of castor til mixed with two
ounces of bay rum. the tonlo tor fail
ing hair is aa follows: - ,
' Ton railing Hair. v , ,
Colosn 1 eusMeg
Tlncttir of ' centharldes. .......... i ounce
0 J of English lavender............ U draaa
Oil of rosemary dram
Apply to the roots of the hair one et
twice a day. It le positively aeceeaary that
the scalp should be kept clean. Hhempno at
least once a wk. . ... . .'
To fatten your face and neck, massage
with a good skin food, such as th one
I am giving you, ' For flesh around aa4
beneath your eye, massage with alooa ,
hoi, using gentler motions thaa oa the)
other porUone of the face.
For the enlarged pores apply the lex
tlon recommended to Mrs. nftft -i
Orange-flow Cream.
(A 6kia rood.)
Vll V. ,"1,1 UiUUUU,,,.M,,
wnite wax.
i eeee ) 3
- 7l
BpruM ...,,M..M........I
Ulycerln ..,
orejise-otrwer water... ...... ......
Oil of neroli.....
l eunoe ;
is erope
Oil of bisarad toranse skin)..... It drove
' Oil of petit craln U : dxope
Melt th first thro Ingredients, add the .
glyoerin to the orange-flower water an!
dissolve th boras In th mUturei thee)
pour it slowly Into the biended fats, stir
Mug otntlnuously. .
.-How 4oVse a Cream.
Please tell me when to es cream et :
Keet orange. Is It harmful t Uae It
for golpg out? Ar oranga-flewer areaea -and
cream of sweet orange the same?
v . CARTKRg.
Apply t cream with massage night
and morning, after washing th face)
first with Lot and then with cold watecw
If you wish, you may apply It also
fore going out, using a good face pow
der afterward.
Cream of sweet or.tngea is not the
same as orange-flower cream. Th pre
ecrlption .or the former la a follows
Cream of Sweet Oranges.
';J-.J:';".'r..1,v.- A Bkla Food.) .... rf .. t
gweet oil of almond..,.....,,....., f entwa),.
Orange flower water........... 1 ounoe)
'VV bite wax., 1 drama
Oil ef sweet orange....... .......... 1 dram
bieriiiMU i,.t.:uM,u.MMUN,. s drSjoi
Half Bll the saueepaa with boiling wa
ter. Stand, a lam Jar In this, glue-t
the wax and speriuaoeu Into the jar. Lt
It dlseolve, Heat almond oil and add t
the wax, Heal oraoge-Uower ..a tor, .
it half a teaapoontul at a time, stirru,
th mixture ojulckly. aJft th jar out 't
the saucepan. tieet mlxtur with the
. whisk. Heat and aud ell of sweet eraria.
Wnikk cream until It is ould. s'ut la Lute
and cover with parchment.
, Superfluous Hair
Will od kindly advlss m what te d-i r -.
short hairs oa the back ot say net k i v
th eldee of my earst . . A. i. .
AS 1 have SO often said, there i i
permanent cur for supr' , i
but electricity or th X-i t
For a mild remedy, whict. tin,
newed whenever the t i r i
,the pumk-e treatment la U t. .
get an ordinary nve-cnut .. i
Ice stone not tUe b ,(
parte niTefi.-.l, b-ir,'
too banin. If the ,.,.. L, .
cold crata eft r :s tr.