The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 34, Image 34

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'By Tody Hamilton. '-''
' 1 ianr BL. . HaaOtea.)
A HOAX that W begun as a mere
. aimniv tn . mak emu
I tnantj anil that T W ' Over - lt
' ir nririntortf heads and : fright
, , uiwi ..New 'York for days, was
i the now famous, hoax of ths escaped
Tha Job was pot up by and with tha
editor of tha New York Recorder. Ion
since defunct but tha a paper ready
to dare and do anything for a sensation.
Tha "Dlant" waa started by . having
some ona telephone to tha papartnai
i thera waa a llo loose la n,.UbW on
Eighteenth street whafa tha cage witn
th. w.t bad - baaa i MmrwrerUr ;ln-
. ..Jam a tha foil
and ha rot thr with considerable elao-
rity o promptly, ,, . ; -rlvad
befor tha Hon waa out of hi
age. In tba meantime, however, thara
waa a crowd of neighborhood paopla ort
tha idewaih in rront 01 am n
thla crowd anon filled . tha atraat
..... . in tha atahla door tha
reporter got a glimpse of tha formidable
looking oeaai roaming
and that waa enough for a young man
. .... i..i.Mii . ITa wrote for 'tba
Wll'l iiinniuM.n -
first edition a two-column ac&re head
article,-- . ?''-'- '''- "'--'."
' All tba morning paper fell gloriously
' Into Una.- Tha Jlecorder printed bul
letlns that held thousands . breathless,
something Ilka these: ..-'s;,' ?. ,'
Something Happens 1 EveYjr Minute.
l:lS--Tba lion loose. in a stable! :
;: Stablemen ; fear attack upon
fcorsee In tha atable! ;
9: IS Lion aeema to . be .. mad , witn
10:00 Animal deahlng Itself against
Aoorl 1 ' ' ', l 2
10:11 Feara that ha may eacape lata
the treat! :" ' : , . ''
10; to Lion appeara at window witn
borae'a tall la lta moutht - ' r.
Tha axclUment thronghout tha clfy
at noon next day waa really extreme.
Parent kept their children from achooL
Tbouaanda crowded the etreeta of the
neighborhood. ' It waa the acta toplo of
convaraatlon. ' '. - ; ,
Tha day wore on and 86 one could
te found to get the lion into hla cage.
Meantime a dead horae had been smug
gled into tha atable by men with true
geniua for detail; tha carcaaa waa duly
mutilated with an ax, and - the city
presently thrilled to tha acoounta of lta
death under tha "talona and teeth" of
the "enraged lion." r -
The board of health ordered tha dead
horse to be removed; but the order waa
left atanding." becauae no na waa
found brave enough to undertake the
Job. The cordon of police waa drawn
then to prevent the people from paaaing
through Eighteenth atreet at that point.
Captain Wllllama of the police, fa
moua In that car ae Clubber Wllllama,
and then at the height of hla notoriety,
"got In" on the atory by declaring that I
If nobody waa found by next day to
put that Hon back Into hla cage he'd
do It himself. ,
But he didn't.
The Recorder waa etlll at It,' the lion
waa etUl looae, Huylera candy factory
near by waa entirely paralyzed, the pub
Jlc waa f rantlo and tha devil waa to pay
generally. ,
At tms atage of the game a telegram
waa aent to Bridgeport for George Conk
Jlng and Harry McDonald, . two of the
show's best animal men, to hurry on to
New Tork and put a loose lion baok late
his cage. . - " ' '
They came, bringing nets, ropes. Irons,
etc. They and I climbed to the roof of
the atable from the house next door,
where several 'news gatherer had
passed the entire night, and by meana
of ladders we deacended to the floor
of the stable Immediately above the
Hon. . -, ..v -,. , -' 1,"
rn thla fIon were not laaa thai tO
reporters. Our animal trainers lifted a
trap and cautiously . descended. I re
mained wlfh tha reporters . f
Five minute passed ; amid '-Intense
anxiety. V'-'--
Where the Child Worker
(Contlaued From First Page of This
Section.) , .
the- fields almost day ta and day out
' . . and see Utti more of th wild flowors.
' the birds, th waterfalls, th charms of
woodland, field and stream than th
city boy who has barrels , Of time on
tila bands, v . : -,'.,:."
This, perhaps, Is a repreaentatlv pic
ture of th kind of employment experi
enced br a majority of those 1,061,71
children classed by the recent census
-statisticians as ehlldlaborers ngaga
la agricultural pursuits, -v r ; ? i
gome farmer parents, to be sure,
- ovine little humanity In the treatment
of their children A small peroenUge
of the child workers, too,- ar hired out
to work for others., and in these in-
stancea it may i bo assumed that the
treatment and solicitude for education
and proper rest ar not so pronounced,
Considerably ameliorated, also, is ths
child-labor altuaUon by th inrormauon
applying to th ages of -the different
classes of laborers, as orougnt out or
these census flgnrea. . .'';:
. Technically, for census purposes, any
one of either sex between the age of
, 10 and IS years employed at a gainrui
aeeapatioa to classed as cnua-iaoor-r.
Commenting on this. Dr. Joseph A.
. Rill, who mode th nu analysis,
' y calls-4 atuntlon to th ; fact that th
translUon from childhood to adolescence
' occurs between those years, and npr-
mally ach year" Included In that period
v marks Important changes in th child's
- growth and development;-bene In any
' question relating to the education and
v welfare of th child a - dlfferonoe ,of
" only one year IS -significant"
'-1 ' - Pursuing this same course of reason
- ' lng, Mr, H1U said:
"Jt is evident that, as , regards the
problems of child labor, a child of 19
' to 11 does not belong to th same class
, as a child of It or 15. Recognising the
irnportanc of a more detailed age clas
sification for -this group of bread-
winners, i the census offloe made Its
' ' count and' analysts , of the children en
gaged' In joocupatlons .by . year and age. ,
although the classification of the Older
bread-wtnner was by periods only."" j
, And the figure show that of the total j
' number of child workers of all elaaaee.
l. per cent wer 15 years of age, u.j ,
per cent were 14. 15.J were , 12.1 were
at, .l wer 11 and .l were 10. 1
aa that more than on half of them
were over It; the number tinder 14 was
T90.1I, representing about it pef cent
of the total. - - r-ri. ."'wfi.
In this connection it may bo observed
that In some states, as Pennsylvania,
. where child labor law have been paaaed.
It is legitimate to hire children over 14
years of kg upon affidavit of their par
ent and school teachers declaring that
a certain amount of school work has
Wn aatlnfactnrlly completed. ' .' i
, j fays iw. Hill: ' "The extent of the
; evlia of child labor depends partly upon
tie S et he child aad partly, uvus
h.m ,i.nt afinf ,m haard-auB
deeded by hustling and acratch Inge and
more platel shota.. sihl-
. Afta kraathlaaa MtMIIM tba tlTtn
door waa raised autloualy aad McDon
aid called out to me to send hire dowa
a bottle of whiskey and aome clgara
Even then not a?, single reporter
dropped to the game. . . - "
Th whiskey and cigar were ooiamea
in th neighborhood, where t aaxloua
thousands, held back by tha polloe, ax
citedly waited. Th articles were passed
down. ' '
Then cam more pistol aheU aad
aome yella.
Send Down Another Bottle.
A aflanr-a an Innm m1tWMaAA that It
was whispered about that th trainer
bad been kiiiea ny in iion. An inquiry
was aet on foot The trap was Ufted
anil In rmnnnu a nail ram a from tha
heroes below for more whiskey aad more
cigar.. 'j . -i. -
Not a man of th SO brirht renows
there around me "tumbled", and J mar
veled greatly. ,
After ' another long, breathles watt
th trainer gave a about and annoaaoed
that old WaUac (a lt-year-old beaat
that could be led- by the fore top Ilk a
horae) was again aaf In hla cage, .
The ID reporter rushed away f t
their respective offices to wiita up the
sensational drama,.;" vf
There was only one evening paper la
New Tork City not fooled by thla press
axent'a little gam. Thla wag tha Even
ing Bun, ' - r. ry
An animal episode that resulted la
overdoing the . notoriety business, at
leaat in the opinion of showmen, was tha
affair of Pilot in Madison Equar Oar
den. . Those who are familiar with ele
phanta know that at certain periods of
th eharaotr of tho occupation la wMoh'iHrto pOrson mployd la ootton tnllla,
the child Is ' employed. - .
"There 1 on broad das of occupa
tions ta which child labor Is not open
to moat of th , objection ordinarily
urged against It These ar th occupa
tions connected with agriculture. The
work of the child on th farm la usually
not injurious to health or morals, and
does not necessarily Interfere with th
opportunities for schooling."
So, at the outset, there are thro very
important considerations which make
th child-labor ' figures seem far less
portentous than they are on their face,
These considerations are: ;
v First, that two thirds of tho total
number of child broad-winners ar em
ployed on the farm; second, that most
of these are member -of tho farmers'
families, and third, that more than on
half of th number are ever M year
Of ag."' lv' i'--;"V'v r-. i-i'A
Dr. Hill ! authority for th statement
that at th age of 14 or II tho evils of
child labor are not generally, regarded
ae serious, save in a few occupations
of an exceptionally Injurious or. ebeo
tionable character, the range of whloh
is somewhat larger for female children
than for male. ;. . .1 L-
. Ho much for ameliorating olronm-
atnaa. .:
But th flgurea show, at least that
th. war at th last census 1SI.151
Children between 10 and1 It years of
ag employed at other than farm work
in other. words, there er that many
.mninTnl ataxes when they
ought to be free, andfin occupaUons of
obJecUonablo nature. And Pr. Hill says
thSt there has probably been an Increase
hTthe number, so fittat 200.000, or more,
would be a ionseative figure for the
tho chi-laboProMem fat a. It
mav DO moaau-rou mj - " .
S for tho most part rostricUd to this
group, . ' At ,
,h. irat tima information on this
.ifJT .- available, for at no other
census war enumeratora. Instructed to
nanOUO WI quoi.un '
Briefly, th. occupau?n- .
some measur objwiwi- -
numbf or worxers -
ngaod in A them ar! . vBoolrteeper. atanoaTapners, etc., vw.
ah?7sho makera and repairers. IIS;
dEfymen, y backmen, "-
tjto; gussworkers, 1.481; laborers (not
specified), .-, 4M26; J laundresses.. U6;
messengers and orraad office boys and
girl. ,m; mental workers, 8.468; min
ers and Quarrymeni M00; packers and
porters, Ul; painters, glaziers and
varaiahera, S43: printers, lithographers
and preaamen, : salesboy and sales
girls: t.644; servaaU and waiters or
waitresses, 4t,4l; textile i mill ; pper
atlvea, JS.T44; textile . workers, i 0.700;
tobacco and cigar operatives, 1,621;
woodworkers, 1?,J28. vi
. TextUe jnili operatives axe subdivided!
their existence they ar Uabl te sud
denly beoome 'Daa- wnn na wm
arrives about th beat thing to do la ta
kill them and put th tost down to
profit and lose, , They bar become dan
geroua to their keepers and for .the
kriu te 1a atmnlT a auestlon of hav
ing humaa or. olaphant Wood oa Ms
head, v . V, ,- v.vv."J '--i
Elephant Beatek to Death.
Pilot had exhibited th first symptoms
at going "bad" by knocking dowa his
keeper with bis trunk; but for th time
1 vaanua e other attendants th man
would hare been killed. That Bight, to
subdue th elephant, n was muhoij
"thraahd"wbloh la in case 01 as
-naana that the animal la attacked
furloualy by th mea ad that there la
a great battle, auring wnico ne ru
IS beaten with sticks and . clubs and
prodded and pounded with cold iron.
Th object waa not cruelty or revenge.
It was to mak th recalcitrant beast
"squeal" the showman's term for trum
peting, Which Often sounds Ilk a squeaL
If th elephant aqueala it 1 a sign that
ho gives la; after that a child can man
age Mm, and for a Urn Ms oxecutlon
may be postponed. ' v. .
FUo fought back la stupidly sublime
silence and refused all he gentle over
tures for th propoosed amicable settle
ment of tho difficulty. Chained and
strapped to ! helpleaaness he with
stood tho onslaught and still re-
' t. , nib, .'" a aonnd. He
u annaal.- Tha fllrht BiaStd and
th men wr at Mm la relays and th
foolish SOttl Of tn Dig pig remain- vn
moved. And thA he fell down and
died; dubbed to death, but undefeated.
Th a P. CL A. waa very , much alive
about that time and Measrs Barnura
V Bailey wr Habl to bp hauled tip at
Is Employed
hosiery and knitting inlUa, silk mills.
woolen Bills, eto. The textile worker
embrace resmakra, mUUasrs, seara
stressee, shirt, eollsr end euff makers,
tailor and UUomssos, ete.-;-i
Under the head of Uborere Would
come, no doubt, many ehlldrn who with
more careful . olasslfloatlon should be
movd Into on of th other usis. mis
without qgostloa aeoount for the num
ba of "laborer" between . II : and It
years being given as t,41, whloh Is by
far th most numerous of all the occu
pations except s arrant and waitresses,
Who aumoer es.ts. t . " -Tnat
what nrooortlon of these ar
doing work which 1 very Injurious to
them M Is, of eourse. Impossible to say,
ainea undoubtedly a large number work
fan farms or amid the healthful environ.
ments of small townsr while owers,
such as young nursegins, may no n
rared In eanaanlal work, with the sin
gle objection remaining that they are
being deprive of schooling. , -
Coming r down to tho occupation
Which 1 are wniversally admitted to bo
obnoxious both as to ago and occupa
tion, tho lead Is aslly taken by textll
mitt operatives, who number I7.TT4. ; sr
f Ht one get Into the very heart of
th ubjct By no manner of means
eould th satisfied farm boy "wage-
earner," rolling from his norse'S dixk
to take a ewlm tn the -rook.; be -compared
with the sad-eyed, pale, sunken
cheeked Uttle girls standing at looms
pr spools In dark,' gloomy, poorly ven
tilated -rooms, literally spinning their
life tissue Into the warp and woof of
the cloth which soon becomes an at
tlcle of commerce, v - -.-r--:;vv;.-.-.o-'
; There are many bona-f lde ' Instances
of children so small that they have to
stand on boxes to reach their work.
In most of the northern states there
are child-labor laws placing tho ' mini
mum working aje limit at 14, 11 or II
year, and the . movement ha , been
gradually spreading in th south.
Not so very long ago it was widely
charged that children ' hardly out of
armschildren anywhere from ' to 18
years of j ago wer employed by ;: th
tens, of thousands hi these mills.
Two years after the census had been
taken, ES. G..Mprphy, chairman of the
Alabama committee on child labor, was
of, th opinion that th (4.000 children
estamated as having been employed In
th otton' mills of the southern states
in 1900 had Increased to 80,000.
At that time a conservative estimate
was believed to be that 82.000 children
under 14 won employed In those mills.
12,009 under 12 years and 6,000 -under
10 yea'rs;'.-'-v.:V;-.'-"'',ri'-"'.--,''-,-, -4; '.',' v"
:- To some Oxtent. restrictions placed
upon child labor in New England caused
many manufacturers to move , their
mills to the south. This Is the weapon
with Which they- fight child-labor leg
lelation. But many states have obvi
ously taken the ground that an indus
try which depend for It perpetuity!
MMna- t rl an account ' that
'wnuM nrnva a illaaaraeable advertis
,.n, i h hla ahnw. Wi were In deep
consultation almost an entire day over
the matter. Meanwhile ther was tne
dead elephant , with a hundred proofs
upon his .carcass. - ).jy'y-..:':;-f s"";
'j ... - - .
Elephant oil Their Hands. , -
What could we do with him. Tou
ffr'f anaalr a daad 1Dhant OUt 01 th
back door and around th eornryry
easily without publio Inauiry. i ruiy
haf an felenhant on our hands."
' The evening papers added to the con-
atarnatlon b "scare-heed" announee-
..n,a nt tha "Daath of Pilot." of "One
af tha bis- herd at the garden," ta. "The
cause of the deata was eviaentiy no.
guspected. ...V...r"''."
rtnally th Idea was svoivea oy ena
In tor Dr. Leotard, th celebrated vet
a-inarian. who aut the animal op. The
nraaa aaant f oand that Pilot had de
veloped symptoms of "musth," and had
haan hnmanelv shot. tO -death. ' It Was
nMnKnait that It, f jntird waa about
to dissect the animal la the Interests of
Mi.iirt. a Mil mat na wnmu kit u, uib
cover the cause of tho disease known as
, Ttoa.rarjorters were Invited to bo pres
ent at the novel operation. o cap m
climax, an Invitation waa sent to Mr.
Bergh, and th papers wer full of th
avn naxt dav. alvina tho Circus , an
amount of advertising more than quai
i- iniiM. tn th cnat of th elmhant.
u n.,.ti mrm nhapmait with the' flOUr
tesy of th showmen, who hugged them
selves to find sucn a promaoi vnu
of escape from a serious dllema.
tr thara la a strong flavor of ele
phant about circus literature It 1 be
cause that grand Dealt na always
formed th leading leaturO of Jtho show,i ant kananaa mora "bras
work" has been founded apon th ele
phant than upoa au outer animai put
togethr.v,. .; ; .
Vte telephtnt Controoerty.
Thla rant davalonad a ehm Which
was to lnvlv showmen la th expendl
tur of hundreds of thousands of dol
lars and tho newspapers la a contro
versy which lasted for year. It wag
th Importation of a whit elephant
t n naviord. an old time circus
agent was commissioned by Mr. Ballsy
to Interview King . Tneeoaw ana - try
ana, Th are considered sa
cred In Slam and India generally, and-
th King of Biam, was Known to pos
sess several. Gay lord got two very fin
nut mflr ha haA than, aboard
ship they dld mysurlously probably
at thr hands of natives whoso fanati
cism led them to resent tho sacrilege, r
Gavlord cabled tn facts to wr. uanay
and sailed for hom. Mr. Ballsy left;
New Tork for Ban FTanclseo, met Bis
m - . am a 1 iiiil tnlit rlav
lord to return immedlatefy and gat an-
other elephant ' - In vain tho agent
pleaded for a visit hom to gea wile ana
children, ".- .
"Tou must return on th next steam-
ar," said tho determined snowman.
And he did. He succeeded in getting
fair specimen of the. "sacred white" tt waa nroutrht to LondOB
...a v-.m nlanarl In tha an A on exhibi
tion. TM WOO tor tne aouoia purpo.a
of establishing its genuineness and get-
tin- imnt avnlnltailnn In tha Ruronaan
press. bef ore producing tho animal her
at the opening at tuaaiaon equarw war
den two months later. Scores of Eng
lish of fleers of the army, and navy had
seen the white elephants of tho court of
Slam. Thus if s genuineness was un
equivocally established, sad tho London
newspapers gav th beast wtd and ex
travagant publicity. -: "v. ;'.
Nine Kind of Whit Elephant.
It was called hlt";lphant as
w call a cream ooiorea nors wane,
simply beoauss of th absenc of certain
iA.., aa In tha anldarmla. - "LiBtA
,UUI1I'B .... - - a .
of th Sacred White Elephant" la a title
held by Siamese Kings, dui win are
pther potenute of India who claim th
upon the blood - of helples children
ought to be driven out r .
A southern millowner recently at
tempted to Justify the hiring of girl
11 year old from In, the morning to
I at night by. declaring It Impossible
to run a cotton mill without children)
that there te a kind of work which only
children can do or, rather, which 1
only worth the child's wage of 10 cents
a day, . But the statement has been
made that the wages of children la
some of the cotton mills run as Jow as
10 ent a day. v.;-1- .; : u. :
In th census report the 18,744 child
textile operatives between the ages of
10 and IS are olassed ae 11.847 male
and 11.237 female.. That girl pre,
dominate In such places Is taken by
some persons as an especial stricture on
the system, for ths reason that at 10
to 14 years of gge a girt te almost cer
tain to suffer deterioration In health
from such -employment, while ! bo
mlahC fare batter.' . "-" .- ,.-
And the census take no not at all ot
th workers, believed by some torun
Into the thousands, who are undey the
age of 19 years.- :,.
When an InvesUxatlon waa Wade tn
Pennsylvania four years ago when the
minimum age limit tor worxers was t
it was estimated by reputable author,
ltiea that 8ft per cent of , the ehUdren
suted to be under IT who' wer work
Ing in faotorle at night were really
under 18. Rheumatism, pleurisy, bron
chitis, pneumonia and va consump
tion are common amottg those pitiable
vittie night workers. , railing sight was
one of - the mosteommoa auments
'For? the most pH. these mill exist
in the hard eoai region or toe state,
where th ranks of the workers ar
made up from families Of foreigners
who have worked bard In tbelr native
land and expect their ehlldren her to
do as they had to da -..-.... A-j. .
So It Is bat natural that In the same
region another form of child labor of
perhaps a more dreadful sore ' tnnvea
This Is the occupation : of little ooal
mine 'Workers. r:-; :," .::.'-; "2
The census tells that 1,009 , children
between the ages of 10 and II were em
ployed in 1900 In mines and quarries,
and that II of them were glrle. It is
doubted that any of these girls worked
In the coal mines, however. ..-
That child labor; has not been eared
la ths anthracite region by the latest
legislation has been shown by ojulte re
oent investigation. . Boys who are man
ifestly much under the age at whloh
the law declares they may work are
found at many of the eotllris.
The breaker boss , will tell you that
the company ha o responsibility In
the matter, slnoo the ages are misrepre
sented wronr ages actually sworn to
before magistrates by the parents. He
will also ten you tnat -tno utile oevus
seem : to like- It; , you .couldn't drive
them away.". . " .AV-" "
" Which Is Undoubtedly true. For be
tween" school and . work ; many a boy
promptly chooses the ' latter. ' Only
when, after he should be In tho prime
of life, he sees his mistake, - . . . -r. ;
The breaker boVs work is tosit all
day ne trough throngh which icoal Is
slid to the chutes, and to laboriously
pick the slate from th coal . In win
ter, as a rule, the breaker la not heated,.
'v: A;: d&'crySw
mmMfll ::
f ' 1
ama tltla which creates a
certain local
aaman tar white" aleDhanta.
As a mattsr or root any eiepnani aiy
ferlng from the ordinary is thus made
"sacred" and called "white' There are
no lass than nine varieties of "wMU"
elephants in India, according to H. H.
Croas, an artist, who spent nine year In
India and painted a ploture of the whit
elephant of th King of Slam.
Bald cros to tn writer! -it an an-
' By Mrs. .ohn A, Legtn. ' ;
(Oepyrlght IOOT, by Aaierleen-Jooraal-Siamlner)
THtfftB Is no denying that the high
wages of skillsd workmen and of
effioient men who receive high
salaries from corporations and
r- ; manager of private enterprises
have had the effect of changing the
ambitions of a majority of their fami
lies. Many of them have acquired ex
travagant habit and ar no longer sat
isfied with th style of living to which
they had been accustomed In ths day
of conservatism, t v v ;'','r '.
They have an especial abhorrence of
all kinds of domestic duties andInsist
upon having servant jty thslr families;
they put up with all hinds of stupidity
and wastef ulnasa on th part of th
llly-tralned domestlo they are able, to
seoure, when If thoy paid attention to
their pecuniary interests arid gav their
personal supervision -to Atom detail of
their household affairs doing part of
th work themselves, making all the
purchases Of supplies. Of all kinds es
pecially thos used in the culinary de-partment-vthey
would sav at least
half th .expenses;' and if they saw to
It that all food wer properly pre
pared and economically usd they would
beyond question. Odd materially to their
comfort and consume much less of their
husbands' salaries. ;...;.., : A.'A-
In matters of dress they are equally
reckless, and as a rule are dissatisfied
with the style of wearing apparel which
Is really more appropriate . for them.,
and tho Uttle workers suffer consider
ably, -' Besides this, the constant breath
ing of coal dust is Injurious ' to : the
i The statement In the oensus report
that 1.438 glass ' workers 98 of them
girlswere between the ages of 19 and
II draws attention to a series of cru
sade that hays .beetLjn ad within the
last few years against the employment
of children in glass factories of New
Jersey, ...s,'i- .V--; xi .-f,x tX?:'--.i'?
That a rab of dwarfs -was S oelng
raised as a result of tho condition was
scarcely considered ' an exaggeration.
Boys In such occupation become " so
stunted in mind that they can hardly
remember their own names. For the
body-destroying labor which they per
form these children receive from 67 to
II cents a day. ...
There was- held In on- of the large
astern cities last winter a child-labor
exhibit which startled observers. ? Pho
tographs taken by i representatives; of
the Pennsylvania child labor committee
show little ones of both sexes working
In sweat shops. In. homes where- piece
work is done, going to the factory, de
livering telegraph messages, doing scav
enger work, selling flowers, doing cart
horse Work, tending newststands, mak
ing cigars and mining. 1
Perhaps, ' contrasted wlto the lot or
the little farm laborers who are in
the great majority the condition of
many of these could properly be termed
'child slavery v (
III,' J - jl 1
: tm U ' !;"''-
Vc-v--'""';-, f . ' 'iSr-J' . '
:' ? HigfeiSarielaKe
phant has a flesh mark or th forehead
It 1 considered tho work 6f Buddha and
becomes in the eyes , of the natlvea a
sacred beast" ' . .
ow the elephant we had on probation
at the London soo was a genuine "sav
ored white elephant' , with Buddha's
mark on different parte of Its trunk,
on the forehead and on about two feet
of Its trunk, end wae otherwise a perfect
specimen of elephant
They wish to Imitate their acquaint
ances who may be wealthy , and able to
afford xpenslv wardrobes. t '
In many of these families there are
children who never do anything but go
to school. If they are boys they must
have all the requirements for athletics
of every description. ' They must pay
their dues In tbelr clubs and-be fur
nished with money for car fare to and
from the fields where they practice and
play their game, and ' never ' think of
taking exercise by trying to earn a dol
lar by - securing chance employment
They seem to think that It is their par
ents' duty to : support them until they
ar tt, i.'.,;--'-;;.A.--"" -i- ."--: .:--iP :,;
Girls ar even more dependent, and
require greater expenditure of money
to supply tbelr demands for dress and
Indulgence in all sorts of things that
only ths rich are Justified In spending.
In many cases the president of the cor
poration and his family are simpler in
their taste and their expenses than his
high salaried employe and bis family.
One is very glad to see oapable and
faithful men rewarded by compensation
commensurate with their services, but
regrets that they do not emulate the
sxample.of economy of their employer
more -frequentljr-and'- savs--np for ad
versity, which is sure to come to most
persona r' :'h j.,-w ' -'," it:',-. Vy-i
The' doubling of prices of everything
one must have to live even comfortably
has not Seemed to make any changea In
th manner of living or disposition on
mmi"' .'r, i 'i
Mole Are Required for Woman's
i Coat. ;
The htimanltarians have given up as
hopeless the modern , woman, who sac
rifices the lives of millions of animals
annually for her adornment.
" The. following shows the number Of
animals required to provide seme sec
tions of a modern woman's costume; :
: Moleskin coat: 200 molea
' Moleskin toque, trimmed with bird of
paradise plumes: SO moles and I birds
of paradise, -
Silver fox stole and muff: 10 heads,
10 tails' and '14 whole fox sklna '
, Evening head-dreas, 1 aigrette and
I plumes: , S birds. r -
V Evening sable coat: .100 sables.,,,
"It seems almost Incredible that the
tenderest-hearted women, whose eyes
fill with tear If they see a dog run
ovmr., will countenance the most horri
ble tortures of birds and beasts," said
a well-known physician, who has ranged
himself on the side or ' Humanitarians.
'T can only attribute it to the wonder
ful ease with which the majority of
women banish a ; disturbing, thought
from their mlnda Y- '. - :
"The sable has . become almost ex
tinct and the mink is followipg its ox
amnle. ThS ermine is also becoming
scarce, owing to the unbridled demand
for costly furs." '
"waw. . -a. - -an nr.- L -s M J t .'
V-fltfK K ,: .
1 When Adam Forepaugh of Philadel
phia discovered his great rival had ob- ,
talned such an attraction he wa much,
perturbed In spirit. , He said: l will
Mso have a white elephant" Samuel
Waiinn. than in the confidential emnlor
of old Adam, was sent to Liverpool to
get a email elephant from Croaj.iOT: (
animal dealer, to make it wnue
te and to. j
fore our ,
hip -it at. once to New fork before
elephant oouia gee were.
Painted the Clj Uetst ,VVh!t. v '
U was an Mea worthy of tfce shrewd
old showman. Watson got the elephant
easily enough, treated It with chemicals
and sent it to New Tork.. The entire
city press was at the pier upon lta ar
rival. 8a was I. And though I knew it
to be fraud, and that no such elephant
ever existed la nature, . I eould : not
prove It. .. " j ' 1 J" ;.
The next day to our Intense chagrin
th pres teemed with laborat notices
of th new arrival. It was described by
all the paper as a "genuine aored
whl' elephant." It killed out real n
tTr1se completely. ... 4
" Kuwever, our elephant arrived, was
also exploited la the papers and duly
placed oa, exhibition at our opening In
Madleoa 8iuar Gerden, We surrounded
the animal with Hindu attendants, on
a raised platform, with expensive rugs,
eta, befitting hi sacred character.
I secured th attendance of scientists.
phyelotans, naturalists, .travelers and
many persons of distinction; jtsaUhe oer-
Uiimw n auL.11 moa mm pif",
a former consul at Slam; Frank Vlncb.TTJfv5 1
tha anthA- anI nt Mhara tnolunln, Dai
vld B. Ker, Siamese correspondent of.
th Time all of whom pronounced the
elephant a genatne speclment of the "sa- '
ered white" . species. But It dlda't go.--White
elephants were a drug In the mar
ket Anybody eould have one.
Then X proved It Some years before
I had, aa publisher of the Hairdresser,
beoome acquainted with a Mr. Mar-
ehand, manufacturer of peroxide of hy
drogen. This was for bleaching human
hair. I sought hint and Inquired whether
ho oould produce an article that would
bleach an elephant white. He said that
hO OOUId. ; ,''" -.;,.: :'- :.;"f".V,
How the Fraud Wat Exposed. , - -I
laid the scheme before Mr. Bailey.
who loaned ma a small elephant for my -experiment.
With th use of th perox-
Id and ammonia W .produced an ele
phant a whit as this paper. The pro
cess consumed 19 days. Then' I wrote
slrn, a follows, - . , ; .
,..,..,...,. 1. i, ......
- ; '.",- '. M'f ;. 1 .
t An Exaot CounUrpart of Forepaugh :
t ,: , Fraudulent White Elephant,' " j
i ; : t ' -'.-: i.t t
t But a Getter Job by Getter Artist a ;
................... ,(
Thl elephant waa exhibited ; to the
New Tork publio on the last day at the
Garden, then taken to Philadelphia and -
placed at the ' end of the street parade
of the - Forepaugh show, with banners
bearing the abov inscription. Tet th
Philadelphia papers, with a single ex-
ceptlon Indorsed the Forepaugh exhibit 1
as genuine. Professor Leedy, of . the
university of Pennsylvania wrote a let
ter certifying to Its genuine character, c
Later a professor of the University of
Michigan Indorsed It over his signature.
Notwithstanding tbo faot that I pub .
llshed a two-column affidavit In all pa
pers In every ttown where -Forepaugh
was to appear, which affidavit was a
confession of 4he fraud by tho man who '
perpetrated It, the university professors
followed eaoh other in certifying that
it was not a fraud. .. ; . ' w .
Finally, during tho 'progress of this
war, Forepaugh reaehod Chios go. Here
was his Waterloo. Forepaugh withdraw
his whits elephant amid a etorra of
publio protest playing to beggarly busi
ness. Both shows had spent hundreds -of
thousand of dollars in this war of
the whits elephant. Our own, th genu
ine animal, waa lost In th Bridgeport
fire In 1881. , . , .-,
th part of these wives and mother to
practice self-denial and strict economy,
or, to be ' more active In tho care of
their ( reeouroesiv They : ; only Inveigh
against trusts, : corporations and every .
supposed cans of the Increase of prices
and wages, '.i ,f;" h-'I yS'':i-f vi?:? ;
If ther took V different course, while
they , could not cure all the evils of
present .condition, they could minimise
tho Inconveniences 4 and difficulties -whloh
beset them.- - a ;
The wive ar not wholly to blame,
Th men. falin aura nf thali .nmfnH.
able salaries, indulgs themselves in ex- '..
Somebody once o.ected sutl sties taftA
prwra mai saianeo msn rareivservtia . -. I
any money, that the aurtyfir their
stated Incomes mads them Improvident
In their provision for the day when they -might
be unfit for dutyf that knowing's
at the end of a month; quarter, half
year or year they will receive their sal- "
arie or wages make them reckless and
extravagant i and It ' was found there
were but few who did not spend more
than they. were to receive at a stated?;,
time, -'v : ? '. -Ji : , . ;-; V,;:;s' j
Fixed sftlart upon Which 4ndlvlduale
can rely mak coward of 411 men, sine
th old adage, a bird In the hand is
worth two in tho bush," so well known,
deters far too many from making : a - i
dash for something uncertain, however'
promising, when they have a certainty 9 -of
even, less return for their labors. '
A large wholesale , furrier admitted
that It took 100 skins of th smaller
animals, such, as ermine, moleskin. ot
mink, to make a fur coat
VAt one time there t - we a limited
number of akin used In our business,
such : as ermine, ; sable. beaver, chin
chilla, mink, sealskin and- astrachan. In
Ume fox white, liver, amok and red
waa added."
Girl Lands Big Fist?
.j- From the San Francisco Chronicle.'
Without th aid of a rod. hook or line
Miss Ada M. Garlick Saturday captured ,
a 160 pound tuna in the eurf, .
Mis . Oarlick was taking an arly '
morning dip in th ocean and on going
into th water at the foot of Elm ave
nue discovered a huge fish floundering -and
thrashing about in the shallow
water. She Secured a Short heavy ' "
board on the beach and wading out be-
yond th tuna, stuck tn plank under it .
and rolled It ashore.
Her hands were badly cut -in the ef- -fort
but ahe plucklly rapped Jt on the
head until the tuna gave up the fight -and
died Her, atruggl with the fish
attracted early strollers to the beach,
who hurried to Miss Garllck's aid, but
were too late to help. .. , . .
- The. tuna Is decleared to be the larg
est one ever seen around the , wharf. '
Old fishermen think the fish was after SA?
smaller prey and followed them Into '
shallow water, ,
' r