The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 32, Image 32

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"crUanJAsonts for Duttricli Patterns; ,
fl II .
100,000 Towels;-Alii Grades
1 ' 1 iii II mi I I II
Sale" Price
Housewives as well as hotel and- boarding-hbusc keepers are
interested in the great "May gale" of Towels All sizesAll
' ' gradesThe very best values for careful buyers ' v
300 dosen hemmed Union Linen Hnck Towels,
the bett 15c values; bay nil you want ( f
of them at thi special low price, ea. 1 v
200 dozen hemmed Union Llnert Huck Toweli,
the best regular 18c values, on sale 1
at this ipecial low price, each........ i w
200 dozen hemmed Union Linen Huck' CLgs
Towels; the best 22c values, at, each...' 1
200 dozen .hemmed Union Linen Huck 1 fli
Towels; regular 25c values, at, each..lUw
200 dozen hemstitched Ljnen Damask Towels;
regular 30c grade, on sale at this , T I -special
price, each take advantage i.tvlw,
100 dozen hemstitched Linen' Huck Towels-high-grade
Towels, regular 45c val--ues,
on sale at this low. price, each.. I
9c hemmed Cotton Huck Towels, at, each.. Of
1,000 dos. bleached Turkish Bath Towels, ea 9e
15c bleached Turkish Bath Towels, each.. 12
20c bleached Turkish Bath Towels, each.l6
25c bleached Turkish Bath Towels, each.20v
35c bleached Turkish Bath Towels, each, 26V!
75c all-linen Turkish Bath Towels, each...42V
52.50 Daby Irish kaccson Salo at 98c Yd
G 1 .75 Doz, Valenciennes Laces 59c Vox.
1,000 yards of handsome white Baby Irish Allover Laces, for yokes, dress trim
ming, - waistsf, etc. - Magnificent designs, specially low-priced. ' Regular QO.
. values up to $2.50 a yard; your choice on sale at this special price, yard. ,7 OC
Another great special lot of fine French and round-mesh Valenciennes Laces and
Insertions, in especially attractive patterns; very large assortment; CO
Regular values up to. $1.75 a dozen yards, on sale at, the dozen yards. 'yJ G
5,000 yards of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Edgings and Insertions, IX 1 A
to 4 inches wide. Regular values up to 20c yard, for this low price, yard., i Vv
Lace, Net and ' Embroidery Robes in exquisite assortment all the newest
styles, and our, prices are most, reasonable. Let us show you. On Second Floor.
; A magnificent showing of. real Laces for June wedding gifts. Take advantage.'
"'. Great: "May Sale" of -
jW6raens Knit, Underwear
. . . . . . i .
Extraordinary Val
et os in AH Lines
Women's fine Swiss ribbed "Swan" brand
Union Suits low neck, no sleeves, knee
length pants, . fitted with or without;
shoulder straps. Regular $1.50 values,'
on "sale at this low price, , Ot 1 I O
each ............. ....V
Women's fine .'. ribbed Union Suits, , shaped
body umbrella pants hand-finished neck; silk
taped; very elastic . and perfect fit- QO.
ting; all sizes; best $1.25 values, at 7UC
Women's Swiss ribbed Silk and Lisle Vests
low neck and ( sleeveless; nicely made and
finished; all .sizes. Best regular 60c 1 AJ7 i
values, on sale at this low price, each.. C
.Women's Swiss ribbed; Silk Vests, low neck
tnd sleeveless; hand-finished; beautifully made,
. perfect fitting, all sizes; wonderful yal-. QO.
ues, on sale at, special, each 7Uw
Women's fancy Vests, Swiss ribbed, low" neck
and 'sleeveless; hand-crocheted k- yokes; white, '-,
pink and blue, all , sizes.. Best regular . $C7
75c values, on sale at, special, each C
Women's fine ribbed, lace-trimmed Urn
, brella Knee Pants, full sizes, pair....... V C
. Complete 7 stock of t Summer -i Underwear for
women, misses and children; all styles, all grades;
the best values in town guaranteed.
Fine Fibre Rugs Fo
Special values in Fiber Rugs economical and serviceable Just the floor cov-
ering'youwant for your, beach cottage, country home, servants' rooms; all sizes, '
' low prices. t' '.'',.. , . '
6 by 9-foot Fibef Rugs, in the best patterns; great values at, each. v..;. $5.85
7 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6-inch Fiber Rugs, in best patterns; great value.. $7.85
9 by 12-foot Fiber Rugs, in the very best patterns; great value, on sale at.'. $9.85
Fiber Mattings in a great variety of patterns sewed,, laid and lined at, yd'.52 '
o hrl2 Fiber Ru ps mission designs looks like carpet and wears (J 1 OB :
keirpn; Teat:yarie(y; exceptionalraluet at this special pricey
Great "May Sale' Dargains In
Drugs, Notions, Jeiyelry, Etc.-
Bathasweet," a perfumed ; luxury for
the bath; great special value at
"Royal" Tooth Powder, absolutely, free
from grit; grand value at, per can;,
"Brillrose" Nail Polish, imparts a beau
tiful waterproof, pink luster to
the nails; special at, per jar.... 1
.Satin Skin Cream, the perfect
skin beautifier; special value....!
Face Chamois, pure and white, ' every
one perfectly soft; special, at eachu.'M
Pure Sperm Machine Oil, just what you
' want for your sewing ; machine and
lawn mower; great values at, boitle.4e
50c i Scissors and Shears, guaranteed
good quality; great value at,;;
Torrey's Horsehide : Razor c Strops,
swing with canvas back; 39v
French Tooth Brushes, women's and
men's; many styles, great values .12f
Rubber Goods on sale at very low prices
Jewel Boxes, in French gray and Void
and. lined. with pink and blua QO
silk; great special values at ..70w
Hair Barettes in rose gold pat- AQ
tern'; large variety, ipecialat..
Parte A C.iiifi f!nmh ' nneriaH5
Portland H. S, Pins on sale for .28 j
Tf -ltiff fJnlra mnA firarfftin . .49
Sets very pretty; special at;,. ft. Sf
Vocal and instrumental pieces;- Fairy
Oueen. latest intermezzo; Dream Girl
Waltz, Beautiful Morning Star; Cinder
ella,, two-step; Under; the - Tropical
Moon, Can You Keep "V Se- ; I Cm'
cret? On sale at, special, each.. Iw
Your hoice from seven different folios
containing beatilifut vocal and instru
mental music, 50c value, on sale at 15f :
nil t , u . i r 'i of
, mmmmim
At 013.85 Each
In the Cloak Store for Monday and
Tuesday a great "May Sale" offering
of women's new Jumper Suits, made
wool "batiste with 1 embroidered
dot-The latest novelty of the sea-
son Beautiful ready-to-wear ap
parel in light gray, tan, champagne
navy, red, black and white with
light blue dot, navy with red dot and
brown with - golden brown dot.
Skirts are made with kilt effect with
deep hem" The jumper la strap
trimmed The entire costume is
"handsome in appearance and by far
the grandest val-
ne ever offered.
choice at
See Fifth Street Window "Display
Wirffli ' : S3R.CS SUITS '
XJNji V, lust received by express, a large ship-
in inc Tcry iicn laiaion jacnei uiji
rich in appearance, neat and serviceabl
in the very latest fashions jacket style,
The. blue serge outfit always appeals td-
the best-dressed ! women in the com
munity $2$ to $40. . i. t
Beautiful white Serge Suits on sale at from $22.00 t $33.00. ' . - - v
56. 50 Allover Embroideries $2.69 Ycrd
65c Embroideries on Sale at 35c q Yard
750 yards of beautiful Allover Swiss Embroidery with lace stripe, plain white and
white with colors; exquisite styles for waistings, etc.;' values up to CO AO
$6.50 the yard, on sale at the unusually low price of, the yard...... VVOV
Better coma early If yon want some of this beautiful Embroidery. - ", ,
3,000 yards of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery and Bands for shirt
waists, etc.; edges 4 to 18 inches wide.' Bands 2 to 8 inches wide. Hand-j C
some patterns; values up to 65c, on sale at this special lowrice, yard..aww
1,000 yds. of Allover. English Eyelet Embroidery for waisting beautiful QO.
patterns. "Regular values up to $2.50 a yard, on sale at, special, yard..., 7Uw
New Embroideries for ' infants' and children's wear dainty patterns, low prices.
Matched Sets, Edgings, Insertions, etc, at the very lowest prices take advantage.
Gbssard feaawilFiiit'' Corsets
Cornel come in your most critical mood;
come prejudiced ii you must in favor of
gome other Corset; come prepared to ap
praise with judicial eye, to examine most
minutely, to test quite thoroughly; come
with fixed purpose to find the flaw if there
be one ; come determined that you will not
be convinced of the superiority of the
"Gossard" over any and all other corsets
unless its supreme excellence is so plainly
apparent that it needs no explanation or
promise added to its visible and tangible
presence; come and see the Corset that
Gives to Every Woman
a j a Better - Figure &
The woman who appreciates elegance and
beauty, cultivates grace, cherishes health,
.understands comfort and seeks content
ment, will find all these and experience
the utmost satisfaction in her "L'lrresist
ible" or in her "Gossard" if she but lend
herself to our pursuasion that we may lead
her to rosy paths of ease and contentment
The single fact that they lace in front makes them superior to all other corsets.
Principle of construction is right right for grace, right for health, right for style
No.' 7 Nickel Tea Kettles, each & f ,K
No. 8 Nickel 'Tea Kettles, each.i 119
No. 9 Nickel Tea Kettles, each., lt.19
2- pint Nickel Tea Pots, special.. .87
3- pint Nickel Tea Pots, special.: 2
4- pint,Nickel,Tea Pots, special,, J 1.04
2- pint Nickel Coffee Pots,lsp'l vi; !'S7.
3- pint, Nickel Coffee Pots sp'I. . , .92
4pint Nickel; Coffee Pots, spl.J 1.04
Nickel Toothbrush Holders, ea..f .11
.Nickel Paper Holders, for each.. - .89
Nickel Bathtub Soap Holders.;; 1.09
Nickel Towel 'Racks for, each. . ' .79
Nickel - Towel Racks' for, ' each . 9
Nickel Towel Racks 16-inch.rr . 31
Nickel Sponge Sprays for, each. 1.39
Nickel Bath Sprays for, each... ' .99
B athtub Seats, $1 .00 value, each . .79
Great Sale of. Fine Hammocbsll Go-Carts $4.80 Each
Best Bargains in1T6ivnS3d Floor
Six lines , of high-grade Hammocks at: low prices. '' Hand-woven Hammocks in
uiciij ucsigns ina cuiurins, execpuunat tsiuo at incsc low prices; VBIUC.
$1.60; $3J0 value, $2.80; $5 value, $3.40. ,.t .
4Ux4 inch hand-woven Hammocks, reversible pillow and valanc; J
handsome patterns and colorings; $275 values cVvVI
40x84 inch hand-woven Hammocks, reversible pillow and valance;; 1 ' A t
handsome combination of eolorings; $4.25 values ....V. ...V'-f V
40x84-inch hand-woven Hsmrnock, extra heavy quality; reversible, pillow, deep
valance. A high-class; Hammock in every particular; $5.00 value, ' A 1 a
x ..... . ,
on sale at, each
i Porch and bungalow furniture in large variety. : Lawn Swings, Lawn Chairs
Porch Swings, etc. Our prices always the very lowest Third Floor.
"Vador" Porch Shades
f it
We are sole, Portland agents for ."Vudor"'. Porch Shades the; best Porch
Shades' on the market Come completely fitted with ropes and pulleys; all sizes;
low prices. Third Floor. k - ) , v ,
Another great special sale of fine Silk Petticoats is an-.
nounced for one weekThe quantity is sufficient to'
permit inviting our out-of-town friends to share in the
best Silk Underskirt bargain of thq yearSplendid'
styles made in the best quality taffeta silks Deep
flounce with six rows of wide stitched bands or deep
double-tucked flounce Grays, tans, blues, navy, red,.'
brown, green, lavender, light and dark greens, black and
full assortment of changeable colorings Well made,.
full width Every skirt in the lot regu
lar $9.50, $10 val
Buy all
at low price i
Mail Ordera Will Be Carefully Filled '
r .
i0, $10 val (ft (2 D C
Sillc Waists Reduced
1 Entire stock of " black and colored Silk .
Uiiiji Waists at greatly reduced prices; fancy
' laiior-maae tnu luaric nwjinciie iivies.
: trimmed in wide and narrow .tucks, fancy,
lace ,. vokes. ' etc.; plain -colors. , checks.'
stnpes, dot, etc. Jn. a grand assortment.' Note the following low prices:
$5.00 Waists on sale at, each, .f 3.95
$6.50 Waists on sale at. each. . f 4.95
$7 JO Waists on sale at each. .95.98
$8.50 Waists on sale at, eachr.f 6.95
$9.00 .Waists on sale, at, each, .f 7.45
$12.00 Waists on
$14.00 Waists on
$15.00 Waists on
$16.00 Waists on
$18.00 Waists on
, - - 1 . a Mm
his mx, cacn.
sale at, each. $11.25
sale at, each. $11.95
sale at,' each. $12.85
sale at, . each . $ 14.25
$ LQ0 and $1.25 Sillis 69c YfJ
$l;50and3 Dressbods 98c
. '. '. 1 . 1 " v ' " J" ' " ,UJ." ' "t"!1 ' ' V ' '
5,000 yards of this season's prettiest Silk for waist and luiting; stripes, check,'
plaids, polka dots and a full assortment of eolorings. 'Very handsome "CQ
style in great assortment; silks selling regularly at $1 and $15. yd. for. ,UC
5,000 yards of high-grade Dress Goods at low price all new,. high-class materials
eilk and wool coiiennes, chiffon silk voiles, silk and wool poplins, silk and wool
crepes; beautiful styles in a grand assortment. Regular $1.50 and $2.00 00 "
values; your choice for a few days only. at this low price, the yard....Ow
e" Women's Neclsvoar
Women' Lace Yokes in elaborate style,
suitable for . fancy wash dresses, etc.; 75c
to $1.00 values, on salet, ;, ; ;', '
Lace Chemisettes, in about a dosen differ
ent patterns, 75c, $1 values; great C(.
special bargain, at;, each . . . . . . . . . .J JG
Women's fine Lawn Turnover Collars, in
abdut 100 different patterns; great 1 A
values at ...,V...ii............i I vC.
Extra fine Swiss Turnover Collars, with 'adg- ; 1
ing of new designs, 35c values, at, each ...... avlv
Hand-embroidered Croat Stocks suitable for wear with
tailor-made shirtwaists and for riding; made CQ ,
; of pure linen; $1 values, at, each ...... ..w... J -C
Linen and Pique Coat Rever Sets, made of A Cif4
fine quality material; best 65c valueson lale, at; V f C
Embroidered and fancy Windsor Ties, iri plaids, stripes,
fancy polka dot and plain colors; regular 50c r2liw
values, on sale at, each i..iiJwU
Women's hand-erabroidered'and hand-hemstitched pure
Jinen Collar and Cuff Sets, embroidered in '? C-'
polka dots, rosebuds and sprays; $1.50. values at.
; SHvrware aiid Gut GlHss Specials!
;4-p!ece silver-plated iTea-Sets, regular $12.50 values, sale a
-4-piece silver-plated" Tea Sets, Tegular $13.50 values, on ale at, the -set. .f 10.T9-14-inch
ilver-plated Tray, $4.50 value, on sale at this ipecial brice. each. $3.33
Silver-plated Butter t)ishe-gbod style; regular $4 value, on sale .at . . 3.19f
juver-piaiea rrun isnes. oesi. regular a values, on sale at, apecial, each. . f 3.99
Silver-plated Bon Bon Dishes best regular $3 values,; on sale at, each, ,.$2.1$
Three-piece ,ilver-plated Water Sets, regular $1, value, on sale-at, set....$T.9S
Silver-plated Baking Dishes, best model, regular $9.50 value, on sale at. $T.58
'Four-piece silver-plated Coffee Sets, regular $10 valuesqn sale at,; -tfet''.f 7.98
8-inch Cut Glass Vases for, ea;. f $2.98 ; 5-inch Cut Glass Nappies for. . $1.19
8-inchXut Glass Bowls for, e. $3.98 $30 Cut Glas Center Piece. .$23.70
$4.25 Cut Glass Qhve Dishes.. i, $3.38 , Great! variety of Cut Glass--Basement '
$4.50 Go-Carts at $360 Eacli
. . All
Three greal : values in Folding Go-Carts:
Lot 1 Reclining and Folding Go-Cart, re
- clinmir perforated hart "
rubber-tired wheels; auto. gear. Best $4.00 J
. . . . a .
price, eacn -... ........ . . . .
. Lot 2Folding and Reclining Go-Cart, per
'ss fi I t v wilier , nuei ana
JrtW fJL? foot lah; rubber-tired wheels, auto s-ear.
- sf I jL M t ' 3Folding - Recfinlng Go-Cart, wicker
, J ?r7 ' ' ltl tack and dash; wood seat, rubher-
regular Rvalue at, each .....VSOU
Go-Carts, Baby Carriages, Perambulalors
v - v f - - nird tioor.-. , r
GARDEN ATI 50c Garden Sets on sale at this special low price, the set.40
v P.C "A11 35c Garden Sets on sale at this special low price, the set.. 27
jfcf J Single Shovels on sale at;.12e. , Picks at this low price, ea. 124
r, Garden Trowels, in all grades specially low-priced, on 3d floor-