f- THE HOST III VALTJE3 woEsen'q' .'Siimme'?:' "iJndoi?-: We begin the list with t ipecial offering of Women's Summer Underwear, fine white lisle thread, vests and pants in all sizes; veits made with long and short sleeves and nicely trimmed yokes; pants made with French waistband, .in both knee and ankle " length; genuine .Swiss Ribbed Underwear of fine white lisle thread, soft and elastic,' , . well made and carefully finished garments; well worth 65c each. Specially , OA-'. priced at .......v...................... .v. ........;.0C I r - . ' . r its,.'-. ' . ,. . . . Gloveo. and Apo- Gcodlo Very Special Yalueo v Women's Silk Lisle Gloves Women's 16-button mosquetatre A r) wrist-long silk lisle gloves. ' Specially priced for Monday at..... .oie&D it v xjt f Cushion Slips Good quality printed Cushion Slips, variety of orettv si i THE BEST Ilf QUALITY designs to choose from. Specially priced at, eacn.;.. ;..,,.. ...... 2? EEEBEO20MSK Y - T- 1 . '7 I An advertisement concerning this sale seems necessary only as a medium of Information not solicitation. 'Judging by the" response to our announcement of last week, the best argument for your attention is merely the statement of oar preparations for It Hundreds of oleased purchasers throneed our aisles eacn day. w (meet still rreater crowds tola weeK. lor gooa values nave oeen made still better. Revardin these notably l than a feature, v The feature of this showing aside from its mere immensity is the QUALITY FOR PRICE presented in all grades; therefore, in noting these orlces.Dlease consider them only as the natural result of unusual circumstances. Unequaled Hundreds and 1 week, for good values have been made still better. Regarding these notably low prices, we prefer them to be considered as an incident, rather facUities for purchase and disposition procure us the opportunity for collecting unequaled quantities, and unequaled-for-price follows as a .mercantile matter of course. Thousands and thousands of beautiful new Embroideries, all crisp, fresh and bright. I An endless assortment to choose from in the newest and most attractive patterns of the season, frpra the modest edging to the most elaborate wide, widths. .This is the greatest sale of embroideries ever aeia in cms city, ihe styles, qualities and quan tities will surpass anything we have ever shown. The variety of styles and patterns is too large to describe minutely you must see the new, dainty patterns neat little figures, rge and small floral effects, with combinations of English eyelet; small ana urge scroll patterns, wita or without eyelet stripes: also a tew urge bold leaf Japanese and Frencn designs; urge, open-wneei patterns, etc umoi : : ! , . - l , '. , .,, ii f , ' ' - -- and beautiful suiting. embroideries. broideries for every purpose, shirtwaists, flouncings, allovera, trimmings, bands, Insertions, panel fronts 20o Binds at Flouncing ; Embroideries,4 from 8 to 6 inches wide. ' with insertions to match, ; t!ractive new battems. made , of Hamburg and Nainsook, finished with 1 fine firm edges; excellent' value at 20c a yard, t Spe cially priced for -f this sale at......i. 1 IC 256 Kinds at ' ' 12o : Flouncing Embroideries, from 8 to 12 inches wide, with insertions , to 'match, all new patterns in both blind and openwork, . splendid quality nainsook and cambric, best of work- ( manship j best 25c kinds. . Specially priced '1 O " for this sale at.'... 1C 45o Hinds at Flouncing and Shirtwabt . Embroideries, rom'J2 to ;16 inches wide, the most beautiful v new. patterns, embroidered on best grade Ha m b u r g, Swiss, and , " nainsook ; best 85c and 45c kinds. Specially priced .for this sale ot- at .......;..ailC A : : 65o Kinds ait ' Flouncing and Shirtwaist Embroideries, from 10 to 20 inches , wide, with in sertions and 4 bands . to - match, all new, attractive patterns, good, dependa- ' ble qualities;, worth from 50c to r65c ;'. Specially priced for this QQ i ; sale at:; .......... OOC 01.00 Kinds at Flouncing and Shirtwaist v ' Embroideries, from 10 to ; ,18 inches wide, the very finest St .Gall embroid ery, beautiful ' handwork, '' in pretty floral, scroll and 4 open patterns j sold every " where at from 85c to $1 a yard. Specially - M Q -priced for this sale. fftJC 01.25 Kinds at ; 50o Shirtwaist Embroideries, from 18 to 22 inches wide, embroidered on fine nain , sook, Swisses and chiffon cloths, in all the novelty designs, beautiful small and large, floral effects; !; openwork ' and cut :: pat : terns ; values from $15 to $1.60. Specially p .priced at.......... J)3C 02.50 Flouncing: mbroiderieo 131.19 45-inch Flouncing Embroideries, in an unlim ited assortment of new; up-to-date patterns, deep embroidered designs, on ; best; quality Swissr just ; the wanted , kind for pretty sum mer skirts; regular, $2.50 grade, v ; :! it A Specially priced for ,this saleat. . V 1 ! f 50o Kinds 33o Corset Cover Embroider ies, full 18 Inches wide, handsome new patterns, embroidered on fine Swiss, nainsook and cambric; best 50c quality. Special ly priced for tni 'r OO saleatr.V.V?.;.vOjC S3.00 Allbver , : : Embroideries $1.39 v.-.,1 t ' 22 to 32-inch Allover Embroideries, in a, great; , ' assortment of beautiful St. Gall patterns, lare ' and "small fl9ral designs; Ismail : patterns Jn pin I dots, hundreds of ' handsome designs in open work; made to sell from $3.00 to $4.00 1J . 2(1 a yard. ; Specially priced for this sale ) 1 0 s i 35o Kinds at 23o Corset Cover' Embroideriel, full 18 inches wide, large as sortment of deep embroid ered patterns, finished with fine firm edges, this season's best designs ; real 35c grade. Specially priced for ;:. Q Q this sale at. ... ,;,.Vf&3C Wide Embroid- y - ; reredBando Dozens and dozens of patterns to choosy from in all the most wanted designs, specially rriced at half regular , to 8-inch Bands, 45c kin4s, at. .'. . . . . . . .29 8 to 5-inch Bands, 60c kinds, at... i:S3 4 to 10-inch Bands, 85c kinds, at. . f . . . . , .48 5 to 16-inch" Bands, $1.25 kinds, at. . . . . .C3 Iluolin Underwear at Special Th) Is not an offering of very cheap foods at ridiculously low prices, but the garments women like to wear enerous as to size, made ot nice fine materials, daintily trimmed and priced lower than goods of anal quality are usually sold. Women who appreciate dainty garments will be particularly pleased with 'what we offers . ' ' ' v...,-; ,- ' '' ;' ' '''' GQWNS V-ehape sows, Mw ot' two rows of torrihon laoe lnaertlns. font elustsrs tueklnc and hamatltohed ruffle at sack and lMres: others trlmm4 -In Uam, mbrolderj Inserting, . tuoklnc and Uoe df J1 fof this sale- Cftr ,A fine Oown of nainsook, high round nok cf.laos InaerUng; beading, ribbon and lac at neck and !; aome pn down front, othsrs aUporer style, also T shapM of -embroidery Inserting, tuok ing and eambrle rufflee - aJ ail at . ........................ .OXC downs is TBe-gTrJ styles on this table to round, : aauare - and V-sbape neeka, la fine nainsook, trimmed In tor chon and Valenclennea laoee and 'em broideries, ell dalnUly made and full eises, at ........ JJ C Our SSe Table oonalete of Oowns made of the beat nalnaooka, trimmed In laoee, embroideries - and lnsertlnga, some trimmed back and - front, others high square necka. band embroidered effeot , in i yokes, aU fl.SI gowne,' PQfJ SKIRTS Mualln Skirt, with deep lawn flounoe, i with wide laee InaerUng and v ; -;t a ' onderplece - at , ....... ....,.,'.vC Cambrlo Skirt, wth deep lawn flounce. Uce inserting and lac edge, others with r. nemeutcnea lucxea rionno ana f r extra wide flare, 4t ..C DRAWERS Cambrlo Skirt,, deep lawn flounoe with three rows lace inverting and four clus ter tucking and lao edge, also foot raffle and underplaoe, a 1.SS . nn. ralue, at .............. . . ; . i. .X OC Skirts V In ' fine eambrio, ; with deep flouneeev with lac lneertlngs, A-e n r tucking and embroideries, u,t..!fiJ $1.71- Skirt win be. . SO t.64 Skirts wUl be.. ........ ...il.OS 1.11 Skirt will :...... .....fa.50 ""And many other at higher prloe. Short Skirt ot cambrlo, with wide cam brlo hemstitched ruffle, for tr this ai , . .... . .. cj C Fin nainsook Corere, ' round yoke of three rows lao inserting1 back and front, three row beading and fr0 ribbon, Ifo cows at i.,.w.... A fin line f Corset CoTer In Valen olennec lace and fin Insert- gi cn tag. at... ...... 98, 01.25, l.U Iiifamls9 liiiid Cliild 5 ren's Wear infant long Slip,' blahop style, aeok and sieeres with nemsutchea : " )( I ruffla, at 4 Children's Drawers of Huaitn, with wide ruffle, com with cluster tucks and hem, slses 1 to IS years, : , Children's Drawers of good muslins, finished with oluater tucks and: wide embroidery ruffle, slses I to 10 tr years, at ......,...i,..,......XiJl I ' Cambric Drawers, umbrella style, deep '. lawn flounce with lao edge and hemautcnea tucks 9 1 at .. . ''. t,. i'".' ..... Also wlth'Wkt Uwn flounc and wide ( hem,,: ; y at ! ..... .,.. . .. . A fin cambrlo Drawer, deep lawn flounce, two rows I vrennn vi laoe Inserting end lace edge: also a fin cambrlo Drawer, deep lawn flounce with cluster tuck and ruffl of Duehesso lacs; ii.qo value, . ,:j v "Jq Pin cambrlo and nainsook f)rawrs, come with lac In serting, deep lawn flounce with lao edge, other with hemstitched tucking and embroidery ruffle , ?flr tat :' '.''; rww Drawer of sflne cambrlo and nainsook, with two rows of fin Jac inserting and lao edge, wide and jtr- full, at . v-. ,i ....... , ;j.jC.j FhM nainsook Drawers, all mad with French bands, : wide lawn ruffle;! drawer ha two row lace Inserting above ruffle, beading and ribbon flounce, a i a( with two rows lace, $l,5a garment, at.. MV... : Shoots, Spreads and Pillow Cases 1 42x36 Pillow Cases, made of . excellent - quality ; , - muslin. Price, each . . ... ...... 42x36 Pillow Cases, made of ; strong even thread material. f Price, each ........... .45x36 Pillow Cases, well made, neatly ; finished, good quality, each 72x90 Sheets, made of good quality muslin. Priced at. ' each . . . . . . ..... 50e 81x90 Sheets, ; extra heavy, linen finished. Pr(ce,ea.TOf rftd Spreads, full size, white' crochet spreads, well made,, neatly hemmed, each. f 1.00 ' Bed Spreads, full sire, crochet spreads, nice soft finish, , hemmed, .Price, each. f 1.25 'Bed Spreads, extra size, good heavy quality. . " Unequaled value at, each ... i ..f 1.50 . ; ' '. .. Ejctra Specials 1 in Domestic Section . English Long Cloth 100 pieces English Long Cloth, nice soft finish 12 yards in piece regularly' sold at $2.00 a bolt. Special for Monday at .......... . .f 1.69 ; Best Dress' Percales 350 ' pieces best 32-inch dress per cales, unlimited . variety . of styles regnlarly . solds at 12jc. Special price for -Monday, yard . ' .... . . 10e ; lew :Tailbi-lIad Suits at . , Extraordinary Values in New Spring- Suits These garments, of which there are about 25, are all new this season, beautifully .tailored, in such styles as the newest pony, eton and fitted coat, with skirts in the latest pleat and kilted effects. The materials ' comprise worsted suitings in 'novelty checks, stripes and mixtures, also plain and (plaid Panamas. Here is a sale of suits worth while, not only ': is the price about 50 per cent under regular quotations, but the suits are . this spring's most stylish garments. On sale Monday and MA Oft Tuesday only values up to 25 your choice vlUJU . Rainproof and Dost Coats 07.50 Here is the best lot of coats that has been offered in Portland this year, and that is exactly what you will say when you see the coats. They are made full length of fine imported material's; great rgany are of Priest ley's celebrated crarenette cloths in all the best colors, such as can be worn in wet or dusty weathei. Not a coat in this lot worth less than $15.00, and great many are worth up to $25.00. On sale Mon- 7 Cft day and Tuesday . . ,, , . . . . . ... I U 1 Covert Coats at 05.00 Women's Fitted or Box Coats, made of the ' best double and twisted coverts; some are satin lined, others unlined, worth $7.50. On flft sale Monday and Tuesday .$eUU Children's and Misses' Coats An excellent selection of girl's Spring Box Coats, msde of handsome novelty materials, in short or long frn fA lengths. Priced at f 3.50, f 5.00 and....................... O.OU Children's Wash Dresses in dainty lingerie and white lawn effects; also many pretty styles in gingham and chambray, well made and Cflje ' neatly trimmed, in- sizes 2 to 14 years. ; Priced from f0.50 to... OUC Cloaksfor Little Tots, sizes 2 to 6 years. We are showing pretty baby: styles in cashmeres, corduroys and piques; all are handsomely QC trimmed with braids and embroidered. Priced from 5.50 to. plD Special; Values in Black Broadcloth, and plaid jackets for ' f A Af misses and women at f5.60,-fT.50 and .............. t..$lJ)) Now Summer Skirts ' $10 .00 1 sti Skirts i for $5.00 New plaited ' skirts m checks, stripes, chiffon. Panama and Voile good values at $6.50. , On sale Monday and Tuesday jj QQ Voile Skirts for $10.00 Altman Voile' Skirts, cut ex tra full, handsomely embroidered with silk and plain tailored styles $12.50 values., Spe- A fA cial for Monday and Tuesday .OlU.UU Pretty Summer Waists, hundreds of styles to select from, . fine lawn and mull waists, handsomely trimmed. Four extra special values for AO Monday and Tuesday, f 2.25, f 1.95, f 1.25. . 70C Dress Goods Sillio :'( All new patterns all new colorings and all fairly priced. We are: ; showbiz a wide ranae of Fashion's favorite weaves in rreat varietv of weaves and colorings. JYour attention is directed td tha following : f H ' REAt $U0 AND $1,75, VAttJES, 05t.; Heaw Scotch Coatings. 54. inches5 wide, best imported Roods in all ooDular catterns of basket weaves, ombre and broken plaids in new shade of grey, tan and. green Silk and Wool .Novelty Dress Goods, ' au me very iincst lorcign inu uumcsut weaves n an ciaooratc as sortment' of popular weaves and ' colors excellent $1.50 and -fl C 1 9C wfkli.d . . An rMifim ' frtr this' nal Afflv: : mMmmC ; . : GOOD $143 AND! $1.50 VALUES, 894? i: NoVeltv Dress Goods This "assortment includes Priestley's 54-inch novelties, the celebrated Jamestown worsted : Panamas, . and f other : ' novelty suitings from 46 to 54 inches wide every desired pattern Sn fUfir Vrin faiirv. tA hroWfl ntairi. n(t wafit.r rrtfrtr mn unsurpassed assortment, f Regular prices range; from: $145 to ; OA I jv $1.50. Special for this sale only ; V S i i ;'V V .. i .OvC y " '0 GOOD85c;; ANp1$1.00yALUES,:';f WMSW Jamestown Panamas,: 50-inch Jamestown Panamas in the new greys," nam tan. new blues, etc- neat small hairline stripes and checks, made jr , . .,,,!!-. a. i af. i at ru ...... - . nr nsor rtn an prrpn wen is. i, irriii it iiihi dju h i i i i jm ih; va hps. m m m Special sale nrkeiperiyard.V: '.' , GOOD 75c AND ' 83c VALUES, 59. Novelty Suitings A rare showing of -46-inch novelty dress fabrics, all the new colors and color combinations, the Season's most fash . ionable weaves, such as vigereants, Panama-good, solid worsteds well worth 75c and 85c; special Ior,tnis sale only, sQr' 3' TWO EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IljL SILK DEPARTMENT New Foulards, 'T5f 23-inch all-silk satin foulards in. navy,' cadet, ' ? new green, the new leatheroid shades, brown champagne, light blue, etc., etc " Unprecedented values sold elsewhere , at 85c . and . 7Cr , ' $1.00. .Special,;'per yard ..,................... .,...., sJt New Pongees, T5 27-inch Rough Pongee, a new washable and very noDDy weave, exceuenr"rmiiauon oi uic ivajan sun comes in cnitn- 4 pagne, cream, navy, green, etcwell worm xi.uuu special, per yard ... . .... ..... . .. ..... m ....' ,75c Silk Petticoats Of rustling taffeta silk in black and alt the most de sirable colors, having deep flaring flounce, finished with strap bands, extra nearsilk underlay and dust ruffle. Special for Monday and. Tuesday JjQ . Sateen Petticoats Sateen- Petticoats in a half dozen different styles, made of excellent quality black mercerized sateen, well made with deep flounce and dust ruffle, nicely trimmed with tucks and pleats good val- ft fl ues at $1.25. Specially priced at ............ vOC pTomei's Umbrellaa Best $3.00 Quality at Qd (05 Offered Bee wtadow Sisola ol t Aaothe fsmou Soeolal la Pmbrellasf Met tTmorena Value We Save Ever f Our Umbrella sale of a fw -weeks nyo swept the town by etornii We established a record in the sale oreuas mat wiu oe flimcuit to Deat. uver buv umoreiias were eoia at tne , price in the two days' selUrijf. aq. viuuw Bivn in lumurrow a vaio .urua nnyiuuiM; wo n,VB ovvr oiierea w . uie PUDllo oeiOre. : WO have a . m iwBi nun m in ianj, ana ninerea in one Diar in sale such as Portland has never seen. Ther are exactly the earne Umbrellas that we carry In our regular stock large quantity, over 2,000 pieces, bought from the best maker In the land, and gathered la one lot for a' at 2.00 each at any other time. Coverings are of excellent quality silk and wool serge, a fine, strong fabrlo thnt rolls closely and wears well. All Umbrellas are fitted with eases and tassels to match; the frames are the lock paragon -no better made; all have steel rods and full 26-lnch else: a handsome line of "S -S English boxwood, horn, pearl, gunmetaL silver and gold bandies to select from. Tour choice I fill a : ... . , ,4. ... , .'S . . icngusn doxwooo, norn, pearl, gunmetai, suver ana of any of these tomorrow at, each, HALF PRICB. . Unprecedented Sale of StyliBh Belts By an opportune purchase we have secured an entire sample-line of belts from an eastern manu facturer. ; Oyer a hundred dozens in the lot comprising belts of all styles; nobby gilt and tinsel belts,'. ' elaborate creations in silk, latest styles in kid, in every popular shade; in fact, every style and design 4 that fashion has deemed correct is to be found here. Each one neatly finished with gilt or Oxidized buckle. Priced way below the regular cost price for Monday's selling: : ; ' ' ; - - 75c at . and $1.00 values ;49c $1.25, and $1J0 values at ... ...... .. (IQm- and $2.00 values at 79c Our Hen's Department Has always proved a most satisfactory Men's Store; It Is sow cram 'full of just the kind of furnishings' men like most styles that ara ' right, qualities to be depended upon every article excellent and tastefuf Specials for tomorrow's selling are: -..- ' '1 ' 2 Shirt Bargains lor Monday and Tuesday ' Special shirt bargains for men in soft negligee shirts come in whit ground with small dainty figure -made cuffs attached or : d1Q detached regular $1.50 values, special tomorrow at .....tel Men's Soft Negligee Shirts with soft 'turndown collar ; that buttons down; mercerized to look like silk, but. wears better, than silk; comes ; in blue, tan and grey regular $2.00 "value, special .to- gf 5 1 O t morrow at .'... i. .' . ..j . . ......... ri , j.-..;.P Vv'v : V Suit Oases and BagsJ.- , i v Just received another large shipment of Suitcases : and Handbags. . making the largest assortment t select from in the city. Don't fall to see this immense stock if in need of a traveling bag or suitcase. Prices will be found the lowest. - , ' All the newest (shapes, styles and colors can be found in JO f( our Hat Department prices, f l.OO, f 1.50 and ......... yiu wl Two Extra Specials in Shoo Dopte I. f2.85 Pair for Men's Shoes and Oxfords, $3.50 to $5.00 values in.: J the following well-known makes; Spence Shoe Company's $4.00 Ox- fords, Rice Hutchins' $5.00 Shoes, the Churchill $3.50 Shoes, Macey Bros. $3.50 Shoes. About 20,000 pairs sl told, this season's most popular styles, in all the fashionabl leathers,' vlci kid, box calf, patent colt, eta, in both plain lace and blucher styles; medium,1 light and heavy soles; not a pair in the lot sold for less than $3.53; most s'l Ure $4.00 and $5.00 values. A11 go atone price your f 9 r f l.OO a Pair for Womena Shoes and Oxfords, only a f -v ! pairs left at this price. ' 1 Women's Shoes, Oxfords a-1 t ? , ; new, up-to-date styles, in all the best leathers; vici V ! . . ; colt shoes, vici kid and patent leather Oxfords i i loth I' 1 ; colors; also vici kid and patent leather ce an 1 two-" medium,' light and heavy sole?; rrular $2.1 J an 1 I) g' ' Specially priced for this sale st o;.,y .