THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 12, 1S07. , 1011 SALK III2AL rSTATE. :S1 .-..,,-.. .IIVM'- HOMR RPRCIAI.8. , II, BOO . Good modern house sad fall orner kit on Eaat 10th at N.' . ' 13.000 will buy beautiful horn n Beat , Salmon it., -Mar 2.1(1; aew, and etrlri r mod ern; rooms exceptionally wall sn-snged; . furuaee bast; pore I a I a balbl full bauniant) , . tbla la In a nice aelichborbood and waa built (oe t Dome) urgent rvaeons for selling . Small peymeat down end balance monthly. $3,000 iood 5-room eotta.; eaat front age on Bacon! at,, la South Portland; kt ' 6-ttorlOO; part taab. $H,loor-foon. house and BftslOO lot. cor .; per location on carllne; fine tlsw oa Portland t Jie'rhts. r - " 12,060 North Alblna, new modern room Bouse and 60x100 lot, Bear ear barn) tbla "J a smelt -11201 H a aplaadld buy snd cit.M bandlad with (mall pa-meat, ' 10 Bunnyslde. beantlfnl new 8-room BwUas and full lot, 1 block from earllnai . porcelain batb double floors, fia sad slec mcitr; seoo eaen. $2.200 -rcoia boos and lot 60x118, oa ICargaret at. ona block from Hawthorne eve. 0or Uat of homes la ona o( tba Boat twin plete la tha city) wa have them to anlt too awat feetlqioue la taata aa to kind, location , aad price. .) ,,..'.- DEVLIN A FTEEBAU0H. -lOt-SOB IwatUnd bldg., come fifth and Waeulngtoa, - 11,000 A GOOD T-roora bouse and a sorner 100a . 100, la Sontb Portland; wa tat aad aawar eon- ... sections giada. - $W saeb Level lota, BOilOO, atraat graded, ' . Wai-ao4 aawar aalna laid: waat aide. " $H0 eeeb Lota In Eaat Portland; graded ttreet, watar and aawar aialna laid; walking ,. - dletenc. ... Good B room boast aad i ahoies lota ana block from ear. t $1.8oo Nice eottara In Bunnyilda, 81th. at, between two carllne. '. ,. ,,. KENNEDY aV H1CK0K, ' US Lumber Bxchang. MODERN 0-reora botiM, fall eona-ste basement, poreelata baib. alnk and toilet; excellent fie bhi (In Improved lOzlOO lot la food lo cation; aurprlao yon to know tbla la for aula Monday aad Tuesday for 13,100, Another bow modern bvuni data for 13.000. . l.Boo Tea. anlr tl.BBO for rhie . BHHlara konaai a cracker jack; aea It todari ajulng, gotnf, tnna. Take adraatage BOW. rirat It : 4-BOOK good konae, bath, toilet, arwar, brlrk kaaement, ta South Portland; $3rO0Oi Urma. -room caodera eottaga la Wlllamiftte ad dltloa, kloeka froai aarUnai (1,T60; liberal tartna. ' . ' Whole block oa tVlaware it., kaar Port land boalaTard; fl.tOO; Uraaa. Fine bnalaeaa ooraar aliaalaaippl .( : fl.aooi terma. - t ' s C . KATiKR. - get Aider St ( Sealdenoa Pbeaa Mala 28, : ; Sec This ' ' A is large hoaee and floarter block at aft. Tabor, with fall rlew of city and mountalnat oaly aaa bUck to can tha lumber would goat gaera tbaa the price aaked. ., t. W, RUTHBBrORD, . - 1 ktata 120. "ill CommerclU block. forSalcbyAflmlnistrator g-reom honae and about 11.000 eqoare feat f ground; Ilea ery blah and rightly; with. ' in walking dlataaca of baaloeea centart muet no aald. laqulre at . , . BOOM MOHAWK BUXI . . . -' Corner Ihlrd and Morrlaoa. , i . II tbla aad pea will bap ft: fall lot la Holla day Park at IKK). 1. W. Rutherford, (IT ! Commercial blk. Main 0120. . MODERN T-room kooea ta Bolladaya Addition, cloae t two garllnee and Terjr aheap . at M.000. J. W. Rutherford, SIT Ooamereial ' blk. Mala U20. - 1 t' rtew raodara ft-roome and ham Jaa twj blocka to good car line, oa Beat Twentieth ,t. tbla arlll raaka a ale hoaM aad la a bar. Klt.'V.. Maln'dlSO. BIT Commercial block Hica lot oa Beat Tenth aW oee to two ear llnta and good rrbool; atreete Improrea, and , oaly 700. J. W. Rutherford, BU Oornmar- elal blk. Mala B130. v .- ' , -i - , IRVINOTON thU00 . , laaataaB. OB a fine houee: 10 roome aaa .aciae; KffmwS, H mm awnwwn ' i . . . . . 1 ,.Mni .n ta w tm worth 12.000. the houM Be.uun; thie propertp erne be bought "at preeeat f Call i Bp, , SOBVa Btark Bt. ' '.'"' Rccia Ccttare : . ' BOeiOO t " block from ' Hawthoraa aewi H.tuO; $260 and 1B per month; ewaer haa B poaltloa la tha eaat and awat aeU at oaoa. - C. R. HctcWtlss i.Co. 808 CUAMBKR Of COMMBBCB. - WB HAVB a few of thoM alagly acre traeta left: all cultivated, eloee la; with Bull Ban ' water, foe S5 each.7 If oa waat poo doa't iPHINX AOKNOT, i..y,' -vf f;:; 80&t4 Btaxk Bt. ' : h :". " ' APARTMENT houee alto 73100, at preaeat oa , onpled byl3-room buej choloa location. . weal aide; It carlltwa; muat be aold. CaU oa A. C. Oage, e24 tunibcr Exchange, for parttculara. Both phoooa duBl, 1 v PON T MISS; THIB Choice- roaldenea - lot . 100x100, Hne rirer rlew and handy ear ear. t rice; I offer two Of three of theaa fine eor. Beta. Owner, room 11, Cambridge building, . Third ahd Morrlaon. ; PAT THB RENT TO TO0B KIDS. ' ' Terj Beat 4-room cottage nearly new, Bice lerel : lot; afreet graded; .water la houee: cloae to atatloa on . Mt. Scott line; B-eent iaret $TT8; tlM down; 118 per month; or 860 down! flO month; - phoua tomorrow Woodlawa 814 or call 123a Mlaeourl are; no ' ageata. ' ! . ' ' "' ' ' ' ' Balance 10 per month, baya ehe(-e raeU dance lot oa eaat aide: cement walka and eurblng. Tbl week only. Addreag . I 484, ear Journal. - x',;:,"'f Y"' ; 11.000 FOTJK lota, half block. Korth Alblna, ' where lota axa celling at f 3J4 aach bow, j ' A. -O. Oage, 424 Lumber Bichanga, Both ' phoaea .t06U'.;-:-'-"- -. ( . AlOO HANDLES a eottaga and two lota, ona 55Sjrrerea. Puree, . BO dot today and let u ehow yon a fine lot; ; I lQVdowa and $5 month. Tremont aUUon, Mt. Scott line. Puree at Co. ROOMS oa carllne, would make Una board ing- bouae. near large ehon, 2.20Q; by owner; aaay tartna. Phone Union 873. Coma gulch. FOB SALB lota 60x200, well fenced, 3 amall bouree, unftnlebed, and rtlcken-bouae, oa Weet areVaear O. B, dt K. Inqulra 1581 Baat y QUeaa Jt., MontaTllla car, :,-ik .t . 1100 BUXS Jot on oaat aide; IB earn, pet f month; a good bay. . Addrcaa W 186. Journal. 13,350 BUYS a S-room TOttaee, 538 Eaat Market 1 it, oornar 12th. Boom 13 HamUton bldg. g 350 A BBACTirCI. -room Bfw - modem aouae, Wllllama ara., aaar Maegl. Boom .j la xiamutoti aw. ARB yea looking for a TjomeT "DoB't tire- yoor 'eelrrTout looking any imm i - numb! of the beet Wgatne to be found la e clt" tjoma laraetlgato . aad caarlaoa BOMB LAND KO.. f us riratAt.',' ? -ft,' IT SOLD before Wadneaday S2.T0O for acrea at Oak Grore. Bear Oregoa City carllne. , Street oa twe aide.; atnWug PPf, 0bl thle orlce. Phona owner today. , Jiala 8J84. j CBERTON 3 hlfh. rightly kta, treelmproje- and aliewalke ell paid: .geach for few d.ya; ..wap Jrafc- rl. eaca roc ibw uj, " - -other lota there; phona. owner today, .MalB 334, IRVINOTON Rare chance to get home under moat . farorebla clrcumatancea; only U flret payment neceeaary to arcure thla home. Both ? car llnea; aoutb- .frontage. Main m2. 13,000 BOYS alee 4-roora houae at rnrlad ,fina iew Mt. Hood: call at our Tremont of. flee, or 819 Chamber of Commerce; Puree Co. --- COST oom oottagei Bt "'. -J. 11,400; 1800 CMah; lift, Bioutbly. Phoaa Kat en. .. , ' ' ' LOT Bear Vernon eerllne, oaat troBt; 1138. Phono tomorrow, woooiawn EBRB ta a bargain -roo J bouae la oonatrncUon; nearly f Inlahed ; : old ec,u'"" haa not the money to flnlaht oa beat are., ' In city;'' H.000 will handle It. P, L. aaatla Co., 126-128 Ablngtoa bldg. f -ROOM and B-room . cottagea modern, en H block! will aeU tothr or a.paratoly, oe - ei -d by owosr. l-.i Last Third at. . rOU SALE- FAIU13. :.WasMngtGa:&; Oregon V l 18.000 105 a'crra, ailtee from "Vli t In Clarke rountr. Waablnirton; "" elearad, 10 asrea (rea timber, balance aae"J -elraredi all cncl, aU . tH 'Ml room boaoe. lair bara. acr orcbara. a . horeee, 9 w Mr ona, aew mower and , ,. wparator, all farm tmplerarnte "ll'a?"J farm, 60 head ol cattle, 88 milch fowa. 1 , ba. eome rhlckeua; oa main county rnaa, good aprlnge, one aar bonaei beat of black aoll; mile ta acbooli hU aaah, baUaca v reare at 0 pn cent ' lt ,y-, " 00 40 acrea Bear t-a Center, Wit.l J acre cleared, ema good timber, creek tbrono ; plana, eome frnltt new 2-room bouae. , eome lumber oa ground; good aoll; terma, ' aaab, baUnce d aara at par teat) a anap- ' T.X 11B aeraa, ' mllea north of Vaa roarer, in ml lea from Portland! TO acrre cleared, 20 aoree good timber, balance " , eleared, ' acrea bearing orchard; good trtrn houee, $ roome, good frame barn, email horae . barn, otber oatballdinga; t good wella; all fenced with wire and boarda. all 1T,,-J5 :. mala county road. R. r. D acr acboolj good j team worth 380. t eowai: all! 'T llSll! mental fine location, beat of aollj ft " ; t0 aeraa fine laad. all leral. aaellf ') mtlea from railroad, rood 'beet i aoll, 3d milea from Fortlaad; prloa !! '' par acre; good terma. v : ; - . ,r..-' HV- .7"" ' ', V. ij '' -r--. ll.ROO 1(M acrea la Clarka P. , wfJ I aillea from railroad: 13 acrea la eoHWatloo. k$ aoree bearing orchard 1 I room booe, ) , acrea leral land aaallg cleared,, beat of bUc aoll; tbla la a aaap. - - 'V. '' ' 'yt.MoWim' acrea m mllea from iHJ In Clarke ooonly. Weaa 33 mllea from Vaa eooaori 10 aeraa la enltlTatlon, 100 -rirer bottom, family orebardi new vruatre konae. eeet fflOO; email barai head of cattle. eowa; all fann Implcmejita. o acrea fanoad; fine iollf toraatlgata tbla before ".' baring.. - . '- t ' ' ' ' 1ST acrea ta Harka aowitr. Waafc, BU "mllea from Waahougall 13 acrea e la, red, I ' acrea bearing orchard: t-room bonaei 80 acrea ' lerel and oaally cleared, balance rolling, oa , black aoll; price l.o0; good tarmai good location. , -,..: - ; v';, 'J; If yoa want ta otehaago el It property ft 'arma. or farma for dty property, call ana wt.t n hare. W here the lergeex Uat of farme oa the market, from B-acra to 1.000-aere fans, 18.80 la 10 pat aara. l.WO-fO acrea aoar Tarear. wlflk-U acrea la ealtWettodi 4 acrea mUed orebard, 4 acrea bearing prnnea, lH-atory 4-ronia 'bouea. bara 1Bx20. with ';,I. near achool. Bear railroad and boat landing; good aoll; glra terma. - ; L ;S ; y y-i " ' " ' V-'" ' 81,70086 acrea,. 18, mllea fro 1 Portland, la Waahlnrton county, 8 mllea frota .'- ton, 21 mllea t-rallroed; aU foort."'1! lerel; 13 acrea ta enlttratlon: eome timber; balance eaally eloared; family orchard; ono 1 acre fin grapea; 4-room bouae; - tli! fine aprlng. oevaialn oonnty roadl tin toca v tKm; B. F. D.j near achool; beat of, aoll; (Ira food terma. . A ....... , . '( 83.000 8 acree, tH mllea from Hfflatiore, . 13 acree la eultlratlon, acrea to hope; email -- orchard; aU fenced and lerel; booaa, bara. ihop-bouae, etc.; H eaah, balance 8 yr. . per cent; wlU exchange for Portland dty property flae location. -;--iV , '' i ' -'1 '.V, f 1 TOO 84 acrea, 1H mllea from hahoagal. Clarke county; 18 acrea ta cultlratloai aomo . fruit; good 8 -room ruetle aooeer larga barn, . watte and painted; all fenced with 1 wtrea; .floe location; aew mower and rakei plowa, " barrow, emafl toola of aU kind; 8008 eaah .balance I yea re, per cent. .... ieOOlO ecree, near Tancoorer, 8H aerea eleared; baUnea cleaned and seeded; oa . county road; near achool) fine eotl; term. ; 8800-8 acrea, 4H mllea from Vanoourer, bow B-room hoaaa, new bara, all feaced; all -laret . P. D.J Ber 0oo and church; oa mala county road; thta U a anap; fire terma. 1M BWnn4' at.. Portland. Or.." And 800 Main at.. Vanroorer, Waak. Phone Mala 8404. - 18S-ACRB ColunfMa rlrer bottom ranch, an la bay aad paatura; ana of tba ftneet dairy propoeltlona In the northweet; boat tending Beer hooae: 13 mllea from Portland and T mllea from Vaacourer; Income from plaea orar 18,000 a year; 88 bead of dairy cower aoma young atock, 1 bull, 4 bead good boreea, aoree hoga. wagon, hack, buggy, barrowe, plowa. cowers, rakea, cream aeparator, hay fork and aumeroua other artlclee need oa a place of thla kind. If you era look Ing for a flret- claaa dairy ranch aeo tbla. Price 818.000. V- iu acrea, T mQea from tbla city, on frne road; T8 acrea Bnder fine atate of eoltlratlon end la crop, 10 acrea excellent orchard of aeeorted frulta la tall bearing; fine 10-room bouae, largo barB and all other outbulldlnge; 80 acrea fine aaw timber; place fenced and eroee-feaeed; team, wagoa, harneae, anrrey, , 2 cowaf chlckene, mower, rake, mower, Pjowe, harrowa, etc Thla la a beautiful bom. Price only 8T.000; terma If deetred. ' ' l aeraa. aU under fine eteto of ulttTBtloa and T toCTop; T mll from thla city A of a mile fronT eountry town, 100 yarda from "achool; good 8-roora houaa Bearly pew, bara 24i40, newand all otter outbuUdlnga; family orchard will bear aoma tbla year; place fenced iand eroae-fenced; teem worth 1500, good waroa, new rubber-tired buggy, plowa, bar row.. elHTBtore,; ate. l ? cow.; Price only ! f30 ' aU flna lerel land. 8 noj; r walk from city Ilmlta and only 1 mllea from heart at buaineae dletrlct; IB acrea of aaaorted frulta la full bearing; fine 8-room alaetered V bonae. fruit dryer, good bara and other oot ; bulUllnga; t eliterna aod dty water. Thla i la anltabla fo platting aooa h . i aable property. Price aWw. - " THOMPSON I SWAK. r , ! Oltlaena' Bank bldg., Tgnconrer, weak. FOB SALBU. 1T8 acrea of.fta land, with, good ImproremenU, wlthla 1H mllee 4 achool; tbla place U adapted , to the ralalne of atock or dairying; fine out raneafjmuet go 7 aoeti; bargain; terma. , Addreea a W. Tall, :.i Carlton, Oregoa..ffi '-. . - . . , , , BARGAIN. , . 40-aera farm, the beet la Clarko oounty, ' Waehlngtoa, 10 ' mllea- fromVanerer; 85 acree clear, the reet ta paeturo, aU fenced; ! 100 good aaaorted fruit treee. all hcarlag, ehrabWy. etc.; thla yeara crop alone will ? bring 3400: cloae teachool. etore, baa B. P, . D., telephone; on mein trareled road! PW 1 thla before Jane I and get It for $1,806. , , SMITH a ALGAR. , . ' 138tt Plrat at, room I. FARM' FOB SALB. V: 160 acrea, BO la eultlratlon. 100 aeraa Ideal V" fralt and farm- land, family orchard and berriea. good bulldlnga, dally mall, near tall. -read and town; nice eountry home, la the rneel, healthful' and delightful aUmata ob Pacific coast. Addrcaa X, H. B, Bog U, Woodrllla, Oregon. ,. LA RGB atock "Of frmr-,laplementa. a food .rarehoua, ob railroad, and a- gootl, wen eatabllabed baalneea, with oe competition, la a good Oregoa town, located la a good tam ing territory. Owner retiring ; and wlU aeU at taTolee, or WlU oxehange for good farm i property, v For partfenlara Inquire Lafayette Realty Co., 813H Waahlngtoa at, ' 40 ACRES tine land two mllea from Beaterton; cabin and well, orer 8,000 corda of wood oa 'place: wood will pay for Und; eery cheap if .old at once. . Inquire of C. H. Fry, Bearer- ton, vr. - - St OWNXB 200-acre Improved farm la heert "of Wlllamelte talley; rary cheap. r for eaah. 'i- T. Jackaoa, 4T5 Hoyt at. Mala 81. FOR - SALB 108 acrea rich bottom land, DO ... Mi.i-.tu, liclanM tlmhM ttn I M a acree ia m"i, " r-- ture; good boaee and barn; fine orchard; en county road and B. F. , D. route, only ,H4 a.un. Vlata. IX mils from wrtnA ' 11 1 iwm ..... . .. . . , v v . . . . . 1 . 1 tja wtMm j. rr -. . .... . f-room bouae, good,, barn: fine young orchard and email frulta; oa county road, H mile from railroad depot. 8 H mllee frorerBnena Vtata: fine location; price only $1,800, s-For fnrtaer Information addreae . - . ., , : 1. D. WINN, The Land Maa. -i:,:ys : v Buena -lata. Or. '.-':' 13.000 A SNAP acree, Arlington Belghta, platted. 8 mllee oat Iweet elde), top of Can ' yoa road. Bear Council Croat Apply at 88T Morrteoa at. - FOR SALB 4.BO0- acree good timber land In Ionalas counfy. Ori,, fir and cedar., Inquire of Karnesa A Thornton, loncalla, Or, Realty 6. ' FOR 8.VLC F AI13L3. , W..Espey- ' ROOM B10 COMMIRCIAL BLDO., Corner Second aad Waaulngtoa etta. ' A Big Bargains-Would Cut Up Into Small Tracts. ' 87 acrea 40 acree clear and la meadow aad ' Crop) 20 acrea of good timber, will cut be. tween 8,000 and 8,000 ear da of wood: a creek of erer -running water; a 'good well by tha houee: good orchard, food eoll 00 rock or 1' arerel; new honae, 4 reoma down atalra; up atelre not flnlabed: Bew bara BOaSO; eowabed attached, The following go with the place: ' 1 bone, 10 enwa. 1 heifer, a tew pige, be tween 80 and TO cblckena: one new Mar ' Cormlck binder, dire culUrator, mowing ma chine, boree rake, plow, harrow, cultivator and other email toola, new wagon, aew buggy and Bvt all houeehold goode; located cluaa . to O. W. P. carllne; oa a floe frareLroadi eaey drive to the city. Prloa li0 per acre; beet buy sear the elty. ''1' AO Acres -'. Flret-elaea fern land, 80. acrea Improved, - 80 mllea north of tha city. 14 mllee from atatloa end railroad; a fine market for every' thing raleed oa the place right at home; oa ' a good gravel road from the etatlon; etoree, etc.; a good S-room bouae; large fair bara . and a ffret-claea orchard, the beet varletlea of fruit: tha aame baa taken flret premium -for certain, varletlea at the Lewi a Clark Bxpoaltlon; a fine berry yard; chicken houae and yard; wood houae. tool bouae and other balldlnn: one good eprlng, 3 wells; B. W. D, mail at front gate one good team of horeee, . wagoa and hkrneea; one light wagoa, elngle . baggy and barneea; T heed of cattle of which ; three are pilch eowe; other, coming ta; S food boga, 80 ehlckena, 1 mower, rake, S " plowa, harrow and all other fanning toola; ' ona good eteel raage. 1 heater.-tablea, bed steade and other honaebold furaltura; all Bow; fine ootalde range for etock; good Bel b bore; buy, potatoes, aeverel atand of beee; fire In an ranee oa houee and eon ten tat all for SS.OOOi t 1,000 aa stand at per oeati time to auli . oyer, .. ...-..'.. i . '::T'':- 80 "Acres : Flrat-elaM lead, aboat 18 aerea aleer; oa . the aame road aa the 40 aerea; ae mile ' further out; good bulldlnga and orchard; , ererythlaf for llOOO; time aa part If ae aired. ..." . . ' 40 Acres Heart v lave! land. SO aerea far Altlvattoai fine orchard of 80 treee. beet varletlea, email fruit and eropc; fine water at tha bouae that ' can be piped Into the aame; oa good county road; flU mile from railroad atatloa, etcl : arloa 2.00a r.;,; - -T'-" K'- 80 "Acres ' .;f ' A beat 80 acrea la cultlvaHoa aad ta cvop. . oeta and vetch, - aa early garden)' a food orchard of 4 acree; a good 8-room houae; tWoodsheeL. etoreroom aad barn 40x44, hen houae, emokebooao and other bulldlnge; price 84.000: half down and balance to auit: there la1 1 borae and 10 eowe, a bog aad other things eold to 4bo buyer of the above place at a low price; milk check for cream from the 10 a tripper for month of April IBT.0T; 8 mllea from railroad etatlon: mall route by the houee aad a phoaa la tba hoaaa; place will carry from 20 to 28 eowa; caa Rake $200 per month, a few bmsw eowa. ., 00-erre farm, finest eaafly teem, lend cloee to railroad and river; 88 ta eoltl ration; feed balldlnga. good orchard; beet bara la the county j water piped Into nonce and bara; t crape oa place for 2 year will pay for place; price 80,000; terma oa part. W. W.Esijey, af'l.eaaiwam.Ba.l.l V14e' I ' Ooraar Second aad Waahlngi arawviu e 1 ar wuituan t. , :j 1 toa, -. Special Bargfalns In Farms i 1 tan aerea adVilnlna a VOTT thrifty AoWB Of 1,000 people, oounty aeat; lead will aooa be la demand tor platting; all fenced lata field and In cultivation except 40 acrea; a very bandeema 11-rooca colonial real dance, eoat ever 8fl.0OO; barna, warehouaaa and all klada , ak..r. hnlldinn- aood fi-rooui tenement honae; nlaee orodnced teat year- over T.OOO baaheie of grafu. In 1804 produced over 12.000 bushels. Ia undoubtedly ona of the beat farm in tha state; . par acre; Ilea aloe to eob. divide Into smaller .farm, or to plat lata towa lota. ' " ' 82 acrea, 8 mllee from Oregoa City, at. . Bated high aad elghtly, TO acre la culti vation, choice variety of fruit; place tiltl vated very largely la garden producte pad dairy; will ee& for i;wlU ., tU aU ; atocked and oqalpped for l,00. . . T8 acrea oa Camaa ereek, la Clarke eoanty. all of the very choicest bottom land, fenced aad la cultivation; very nice realdeaca, good barna, choice fruit: living watar; 84.000. ; - 88,000 For an 80-ecre place, Blodgett vaV ley. Benton oounty; heat anything In the atate for tha price: piece well fenced, good buildings, fine orchard, rich aoll, living ' water. 00 acre la crope. , TJie Dimn-LawrenceComFany 148 M Flrat It. FINS 80-acre tract, 11 mile eaat; 80 la caltl vat ton; fine bandings; - well watered by eprlng and creek; fin orchard) on of the . baal located farms In oounty; only IBll from earllne; 3160 per acre. . TO aerea food laud. B mile from Portland oa Salem carllne; , 8 ta cultlratloai amall houee and orchard: running water; laad lies well and bo gravel; wood eaouirh to pay for half tba plaeei 870 per aer; 31.BOO eash. '. Fin 00-acre tract aoar Falrvlew; 60 ra tultlvttlon: fin itreara of water acroa ptetol good aoll; 800 yard from carllne; f 128 pat acre) 82,600 caak. v ' . Fine i, 14th st., waat aide; rent T8 per gaonth; a good buy; f 18,000: good terms. v Good houae and tot. Beet 8Tth. oa MottI bob at. carllne. only $3.J50j $000 eaah, pal bbco $18 per month. - Good lot 85x100, Eaat Slat and Ash, $TO0 SK cash, $10 per month. 411 Commercial big., Phona Pacific 116. CH0I0B FARMS AND CHBAJP. , . $2,880 0-acr farm 12 mllea frora POV land, well Improved; floe all; easy terme. 385 per . Si for flrat-clae ljcr. dairy farm on Columbia. 1 mUea to PorVand fcandy to beat and atatltmi goodi i. " 350 per acre for 8BI-acr well-lmprovad farm oa Wlllamettajjaear Mwbergl aver. laating rich rtver bottoa and Ideal for dairy ing or any other kind of farming; boat land tag oa placet easy term! oe belter place, oa tb whol river. ,. -,a-.i.. 810,000120 acre a ear Portland, flrat-elato aoll. all good improvement-, running etock aad , Implementat thla ' beat buve around Portland; $3,800 cajh, or Srt payment ta dtyt property will, handl Slio'diy aad att axpeaoe paid If aot a represented. For food farma of any aloe aaa FaFuchs t2Ht Morrlaoa SC STOCK BANHrOR SALB. ! 408 acrea, 200 acrea ftrat-claaa botfcem tend. Bever overflowa, beaverdam and sarale; bal ance of land t-elato aaatom; thya ara also hundreda of acree of pa-tura land adia. cent to tha place that practically goto with tie piece; there ar aeverel nice trjama oa the plsoe) 80 aerea la eoltlvjtloB! TO aerea if which are 1 tote; food '7(nbard, konae, larga barn, and all outbuildings; this without doubt la the beat atock ranch oa the market' for the money: tt nnot be appre . nriee. 80.000: term cash: don't wait, ciated until aeeB. uome na mm 1 :r DETRICK at BLAIB," , . 900 Waehlngtoa St, Taacouver. Wash. - - SNAP NO. 1. -7 - ' 418-10 aerea, 8 mllee frota Bstaeada, an fenced and la culttvatloa; , aerea youaf beartaf orchard; good 8 -room hoaaa; price, - ' SNAP NO. 1. " 40 acre, new 8-room hoaaa, T ' aeraa ul ! tlvated. 10 acrea beaverdam, eaally cleared, - - ., ' . -. Mi axhf)A eaah. . o mues ma u. hi,i,vb, ---- ' : .HID Kn B SNAP NO. a. 2A0 acree. 2 rollea out of Eati atacada. granary . .. .. J . k .. . a i1aaJl and 11 . ann orcnarti, """7" . -- ' cultivation; balaBca.. One timber; prlea $30 " ADD BESS W WT, CABB TOTJBWAU 800 ACRES 800 acre ta eultlvatloB, 880 eerea In crop; will aammertallow 180 aerea: plenty ; of water, fair bulldlngaand oaly 18 mllee froni railroad etatlon. 1 mil from good achool; price, Including crop .and farm 1m. plementa. $16 per acre. Oa very aaay terma. , ! Will conalder pert trde; guaranteed ee rep. reeented. Addreto Uoee Aabbaugh, Elf htmUe, Marrow Co., Oregon. . , .: -. . . . . A CHEAP FARM. . 120 acre of good level, land with wator- right, new koejae and bara. 00 acrea la crop. ' 40 aerea ready to put la crop thla spring, all fenced and only 4 mllee frora good town; would trade tor good bouae aad f lva take difference; $3.2,10. - jT W, RUTHERFORD. . Vala 8120.. 81T Comsarclal hlottk.. ; ; FOIl SALE FARMS. . , FAUM LANDS FOB SALB, - . - U 8 ACRKK. All Bndeg CnlUratlon, on Tlgardvfll road and 1 mile from Portlaad-Halem electric car llne, 84J&0. . , . , 0-4P : 81-8 ACRES.- --''-: -f': ' B aerea aader tultlreUon, all good beaver dam land; new honae and good eprlng oa place; 9 mllea from Portland on Oregoa Water Power lino; price $1,600. part , . , B-l-M 20 ACRES. 14 acrea to cultivation, K acre in beaver dam, all good aoll, running water; bouae and bara worth $800: orebard; tt mile from achool, I I am irora yi new roriiana-aeiem eer no. on coaniy road, 10 Bailee from Port no; price j,vuu. - . . f.j ' ' ' - - SO ACRES. T acree la eaitlvatloa, orchard, and all Bnder good fence: hoaee and bara worth aboat $wu; good soil- 10tt trilles from Portland and v J' tToa PorlUnd-aalem sarUne; $8,0u0: , i U 40 ACRES. !. V;' '1 88 gcre la coltlvetioa, orchard, well lo ' cated, good aoll and oa county road; hoaaa . and bara; crop lo; 13 mllee from Portland) $4,800. , " .. .. P-41 : 80 ACHES. . ..',-: 28 acroa bow aader eultlvatloa, all good Boil and laya well, good orchard; heoee, bara, ; abode, fence and prlng ea place; price ia eludee cropa, team, atock aad all farming lm plementa; 12 mllea aonthweet from Port land; tbla la poeltlvely the beet bargain la thla secUoa of the conn try; $8,250, . B-8-T ' T2 ACRES. acre cleared. Bear Buxton, la Waehhur- toa county bouse and barn; railroad goee ' through thla and will put epur oa place; lota , at eorjwood; $3,so. , , f B-4-B .188 ACBES. V'. , . ' i "lit acre feared and la high state of eattl vatloo. Including 10 acree In orchard which cleared $400 paet year; 28 acrea good timber; , creek oa placet good 8-rovm bouae, small barn , and outbuildings; to mile from towa of WooeV vUle, la Hogu Blver valley i prle $8,000, , B-4-W STO-ACRB STOCK BANCH. ' 180 acrea fenced, 110 acree under lrrlga tton. 80 acree more aaa be Irrigated, 60 acre - la alfalfa, 40 acree ta timothy end clover, cut 800 to 400 tone of timothy per year; beet outran re for atock la sou there Oregon; good orchard;- 8-room bouae nearly new, 8 large , barna i water right elan 1 worth the money ; $8,000. . I aid DEVLIN FIBBBAP0H, 80S-8O8 Swetlaad bldg., oor. Fifth and Waah. : BAB0AJMI IN FARM PBOPIBTIEB . ' $2,700. - 20-acr home, 10 acree la aaltlvatloa, 1 acre - ta orchard, bearing apple, prnnea, peaebee. , rharrks and berrlae. Boll a clay aad aand - loam; plenty of wood oa the place) good Bew ' 8-room bouae; food frame barn, 20x30, wall . at tha houaa! 1 boree, heraeea. light wagoa, 1 cow, S boga, 20 ehlckena, all faro lmple raents, all la cropa; balance of place alaahed. - burned and aeeded; 8 mllea from Vancouver, Waah-t to mile from school; aplendld aeigh- . borbeod; H eaah; balance par eaat. . $10,000. s - . IBS acre af laad, SO acre ta high atate of eultlvatloa; 8 acrea la bearing winter ap ple; alao good family orchard; ale 10-room houee, -rock baaement 16x18; 1 bay bara 80x86; horse and oew (table, blacksmith ebop, : hogbocee, henhouee, etc.; throe good well . oa the place, alwaya plenty of water; 1 teem of gearee; all farm Implement, auch aa saow. era, rakea, plowa, drllla, binder and wagona; eowa, aoga and ehlckena: 10 Bailee from Van ooaver, $ tollee from email towa and boat landing: . 18 mile from Portland, Or.; to cash; balaac to cult the purchaser. ' 84.000. - .- ' 180 acre good lead; 20 acre la enltlra- tloa; all fenced, aloe etream ran through ' the place; new 8-room houee, alcely painted; . bara TBxSO; dairy aad cream aeparator; 1 good team; 1 light wagon) 1 beery wagoa, 8 : plowa. 1 mower, 1 rake, ail farm toola; also a full aet af blacksmith tools; 12 head of , milch eowa) d bead young atock; 8 boga, , ehlckena, etc. I Bew etoree and all household furniture; near graded achool, cburcbee, etoree, etc.; R. F. D. and telephone Its; to cash, , balance oa eaay terms, . . 85,800. - '' "': , - 110 aerea food lead, 40 acrea fa enlttvatloaj $1,600 worth of fir timber on the plaeei 60 aerea elaahed aad burned and seeded, clear . tag all la- oa body: all crope In; 8 acre la potato! 18 acrea ia grain; balance la bey , aad garden; fair f-room houee, good well; flan 63x70; food family orchard; applee, peer,' prnnea, plume and berriea; 4 mllea tram Boat landing; 9 mile from Vancouver, ' Will toll the etock aad farm Implementa. DETRICS at BLAIN, . 300 Waahlngtoa at, Vancouver, Waah. CH0IC8J ACRBAOB FOB SALB. - Aerea ga la the Rieley tract, ea O. W. 1. By. Una, tor aale ta tract from 8 acre to . 8 aeree at from $400 to $600 per acre. The very flaeet tend la the Willamette valley, ; oovea miles couth of Portland. Bxcelleat ear service. Bee B for full particular. PABBIHU, W ATKINS 4 CO.. No. 200 Alder SL , '. H. W. LHMCKB 00, ' IMPROVED ACRBAOB. ' BS aeraa ta Hlllaboro, Or., near S. P. B. B. aad the now elactrla carllne; 8-room houae and good outbuUdlnga: orchard, 3 acree togeo berrlee; thla la very fine property; good wen water aad two aprlagai. thla will make a very , fine homo and b a moaey-makeri come and aeo aa aboat It; w bt only gbl to da liver this fog a low. day. 'v SB aeraa at Sandy bridge , en Beee tin reed; 8-room hone aad banal fhl la a fin location for (tore and rammer resort; w caa give yoa a, bargain la this; doa't wait. 18 aerea at Clackamaa stattoa, oa 8. P. R. B.) food houaa aad oettralldlng.) all cleared. , - , r 84 aeraa ta Powell valley r fin rmprovw. mental fin orchard; atock and farm Imple ment eaa bo had with tba plaea. : 180 " aeraa Bear ? Chemawa BtBttoal good bouae' and build Ing; orchard, loganberries; we can divide tbla place j eome and see us aboat It. ; 400 acroa near Ollmar, Wuhinftoaf good 'bouae, 2 barna; 120 acree timber; 12 mllea from White Salmon, Call Bad get all tha particulars. ' ' H. W. LEMCKB CO r- Btatb and Washington ata, 7""" Pbon Mala 660. " " ' . BARGAINS. 80S aero. 178 ta high atate of cultivation; 140 of which la bottom tend, 108 ta cultlva- , tloa, balance f tead la ia timber, large part of Tt eaw timber, soma oak and maple tim ber; stream of running water oa place, 2 springe, a young hop yard of 8 aerea, bal. anee of cultivated tend la grata and hay, orchard and amall . fruit; good bulldlnga; cloae to Dallae, Or.; cheap at $11,000. 40 aerea of, fine land; ST. to fine state of enltivatlou: Al aoll; -room good honae, hern, : team of bond) a, . $ eowa, 1 calf eom ptf ':' and 100 ehlckena, 1 wagon and a doubleeat- ' d buggy; U kinds of farm tool; 10 mile out; bargain $4,400. H 60 acta, near Bcappooeo, Or. 28 In fin . atate of cultivation; good soil; ao rocks or gravel; running water through place, 'good eprlnf near house of 8 roome; good barn, woedahed and roethouse, ehlckea-houeo and other bulldlnga: email family orchard, of both lerge and email fruit: B. F. D and phona In the houee; Ito mile to-school, 21 miles . to Portland; the place 1 stocked, with T milch cow and other young stock; big bar- . fain Bt $3,000. - - , . Tbeae re only a few of .our farm list. Come In and eee what we have got. '1 Wa have aeveral farma to arching for W- UNO CO.. , 1 ' Room 829 Lumbar Exchange. 10 ACRES, mile weat of Clackamaa; un improved: beet etrawberry land In county. U aerea, 4 mile weet of Clackamaa; all cleared; 8 acrea in atrawberrlea. 40 apple treee, 40 peer tree; 12 cherry tree, balance In email fruit; good 8-room boaee, ham, fruit : bouse, toolboaee, etc.; $3,160. , IB acree. all cleared and fenced, M Mia ' eaat of Clackarhaa;. barn( ' well; $150 per acre,, oa easy terma; wlU trade for city prop. ' LAJATBTTB RBALTT CA,i s So ; ?;v''v ' SlSto Waahlngtoa St.- "c DELAWARE FARMS FOB SALB. Delaware fruit, truck, poultry farma, I TOO to 35,000: aplendld bargalna. free catalogue. Cha. M. Hammond, real estate broker, Mil ford, Delawsra. :..... r .'- -BaaaaBBBaaaxaa FOR SaLE IAIUIS. $1,000 BUYS 10 acre- at Beavertoa, near tb surveyed electric line; half eaah. balance an nual payment at $ per eaat tatereet. - $1,600 20 acrea I mile sooth of Beaverten: aeverel acree ontoa land; the timber haa all been chopped off end laad aaay to elear; aaly $ mil from Portland. - r-. . J. F. OOMPTON, - ' v.'.."---.- loo Ablngtoa bldg. $60 PER ACRE 160 aerea, an ta eultlvatloa, callable fog hope or fruit; close to market; beet eoll; good bouse end barn; farm caa . eaally be made Into amall traetej owner mov Ing eaat. Ilia agent at our office will take I prospective buyer direct to farm. 804-800 80T Ablngtoa bldg, , . ' 840 ACRES of fine farm land ta aaatera Oregoa, eooa Bnder big ditch t a bargain. From berg A Co.. 237 to Waahlngtoa St. OOOD fsrm. lota of fruit. aU Improved, , cloee . to earlin, oa easy terms. r Boggeea, 151 Front (L .' ....';. ''' 120-ACRB farm, 18 mile from Portland, within , to mile from railroad atatloa; house and bars: 40 eerea cultivated, 70 acre fin tlm -. her, 12 aeree ta hope) price only 84,600. .ft B. Kayser, 261 Alder at. Phone 858. - ' TtMBER. '.'V- SAWMILL. . 38,000 000 tn 30,000.000 feet of At fir vtav r her aad sawmill ta flret-elaea eoeditloo; ' bow la operation, near Colombia rtvar. Fa ctllHea bandy for ahlppleg by rail ar water wlthla 80 mite .of Portland. For particular U - THB TETEBArT LAND CO., 10 to Third SL. room A. TIMBEB LARDS. -' To tba Owner of Timber Lender W want tlmher lend la large end email tracta, alaele clelma, la Oregoa. Waahlngtoa and Idaho; It must ha direct from tha owners: we doa't want any option antll we see what yoa hare to offer at your toweot aet oaeh price; aend aa your description, kind af timber aad four eetlmate If yoa bav tt. - Write a and find oat what w aaa aa for yoa. W are la tha market at all t tinea lot any deal that la right. , ; , .... OR BG(J BROS., ' 81T-18 Fentea bldg., 84 Sixth at., Portland. n asnim at tlrnbae elatma aad tli We will buy for each any good timber trib utary to the Nehalem river. Will deel with owner oaly; write, giving fnU tortlealera, Kebeteat Inveatmeat Co.. 888 Chamber af Commerca bonding. . Portlaad. Or. I WANT from $6,000 to $50,000 acroa of choice timber Immediately from owner or direct representative) will pay caeh soon aa cm lead if uMafartnrvi erlve full nartleulere la first letter: references. Thome a p. Thornton. $18 Chamber of Commerce. Phoaa Mala 4201. CERTIFIED crip, say Shw. lowest prle. , W, . 0 Howell. 638 Chamber of Commorca. . t HAT a few' large timber tracta that ar " . , . ,1 1 ..4 . 4 mImM tlmher in m ar tem mill aroooeitiona and tie am paraina w. e-i.v-. " k - 1 piling;, If tatereeted. would be pleaaad to bear from yoa. Tboma Chamber of Commere. - Thornton, 118 18.000.000 TO 80,000.000 feet enrrlca yellow fb? ik.. Vwu. m mllee below Portland. Bear " tha banke of ifa4 Columbia river; Mbt prlea and -."terins; 0. ft Bbay. 808-80T A,6lBg eesy ton bldg V 10 PER CENT per month 1 flt-edg ecnrty fr . e . immm thmm BloO oe above 88.000, . mil particular by appointment. P VIST. care Journal. , ' v U0RSE8, VEHlCIiESmiARIf ESI 0.NB farm 'wagon, both pole and abaft. $18, mmtm aBkPlM eVafit I1SB. FOT 9VU. J ST StBtfeblkc road' art. toot $85. for $28: eDotber fine cart for $18; 1 buggy pole. J, eet ilngl barnese, light etogle fctoa. atoo 1 aew wona a raw pru ougsr Illi to build for $.150; or wlU exchange for real eetate. tit Allsky bldg. . - "snd month; 5.1 riu. to ajjlr-e-to. ' Blxtb -end Hawthorns. Bast T -4 " BEST work snd Bght hsrims,' price teweat: w take your old karnsae ta ea change for aaw. Keller Htrneae Co- 48 Merth Sixth at. POCB head of food horses fog tola. Call T42 East Tenth S. . . - .- - " eTFINB horeee for aale: some fine saddter and driven rrom mo eaewrn thoroughbred atock farm of B. F. Bwagga rt a. Morrow county. Or. Cr.ll Flrat and Mala at. WANT to toll good work bores, about 1.850, ehe.p.- iaT irn$t $U Arboy Lodf, a . St. Johaa Una. , -' - ' HORSB tor sal. Inqulro at tha Brickyard, 26 tb and . Cllntoa at -- : r" -- ' FOB SALB Good aoand 8-yar-;ld BprtoJ $78. J, V, Koninf, xnini aawa t m.-m mm BOMB fine, young horse at tb Onion Stock yards will bo sold cheap, v - FOR SALBTeara, faarrtess and cjmp-wagoa: leo good work teem; weight 1500 pounde) . $30 buys alee gentle pony) will , rid or drlva. CaU at 828 jefferaoa st, , ., - , BAT horse, harness aad gy. T bead good driver., best talty CaU PstaraoBS atable, 14 Ooloa ava corner Ash st. per-nreo runawufc, stable. 14 Pnioaavo. FOB SALIIilVaTOClL CHOICB fml1y.tow tor tolsr frtoh. ntl tnlik. BIT Bcimona ' " TINS Jerssy sow. ehtop; awaaf fotaf away. BVT gala St., rorai-vin". - v. . FOB BALB Cheap BJBga fbhora Bn young eow; will he fresh thla .tooath. 184 Eaat Eighteenth at. OPPOBTTJNITTjto fat Al '"F t,,mT rtt. raievu . l' v -f " - BOOS toloa 824. - rri;.;:rr'V'."v, - dubham cow. s r; - hem-fersey heifer calf, fine for ratstng. , 838 - Bast lOtsL. aorthi Alberta tar. - - FOB SALE A fresh Jersey cow and calf- ; MT . a . a TieBafShtB Alhltlal 49311. ,.-. rOUR rood ttmh wt, on Prt Jtff ftBtl t .tied roie. . w " 8 MILCH cow. $ caivee; must cU at one, hon. TabortiTO. r r2-i.-.jn WE have taken In trade for Tork in-trumente condition: On set of clarinets (A and B6), a. a - BB aaxeuSLa. rttJ AVaah f thi "MM the folios in e mstrumenu. ait xa juai A.i-JLraA n-r!. wnt- mm mooA M nw o9 gold bell, price $35; on French D-AlSt, tWHsJM' sa- a"--" " nlated. roid Mil, u .1 . . ..Hi.r alnMflV BOW. prlea '$21; on lkahUlon braaa B-fUt eornet. in Al 1 eon anion, price e-"" . Music Bouse, 227 to Btark St. v.--.- ; VICTOR Talking Machines and record; teia "wsy (or otberi plaaoa. Bhermaa. Clay 0- Sixth and Morrlaoa eta., op p. P. Q, $400 .1ANO $65. organ $88; leiisons 80s. sol sll lnstTUmente. Oleasoa blk.i Flrat and Ash are. aaapn hi . . 4jmjoaecc3aseepaaBawaaweae ,' i :- v.' 3 '-'" ':- ' ' ' " ":' FOR ) 8AJCXMISCTL1jAtE09 BINGES and Wheeler and WBsoa sewing ma chin office. Wo eeU. lease rent ": ahlnee) eld machines taken In fr.mmT:i econd-band machine $6 aad op: ether skee of new macblnoe $28 and apt aeedlea for aU mskra of macbtnee: ell .-'.r.LT w.n? re-Mlred and guaranteed. B. B- SlegeL agent. S. Morrlaoa at. Pbjoe Mala 2188, - FREE FOR EVERTBODT Rl ap Mata 48 or call 213 to Front at. We bay aad aeU fur ; alturo, clothing or any old thing., 8A80LINB launch, rt $3,600. for aal tor lees tha it half. P 18. ear Journal. BOLDEN'S RHETM ATIO CURE Sura cur to IheumaUsu, Buld hf U drunlais. a-. FOR 8 AlJRnSCTEIXANEOUSv BILLIARD AND POOL tables for roat ar tot ea le ea eaay paywente. TUB BB0N8WICI.-BALKB-COLLBNDBBOOU, 48 Third ea.. Pea-tlaad. , . . . . I I PHONE MAIN 83T4. $ I $ $ Birr (peciai furniture ana etovee; largest aeeortment, cbeapeat prtcea la new and aeo i end-band goods of every deacrlpttoa; give rlpttoa; give U 1 1 1 I 8 ll THB DOLLAR, mm m ami. an am mn t x nr.n . 283 First St;, Near Hal OLD BOOK STOBB removed to 188 Fifth and III second ata. - .-, 1 FOB SALB On 10-honepewer Stillwater tree. tioa engine, ia good cenditioa. H. a-Unkssa. B. F. D. No, i Mllwaukie, Or. EIOWCA8KS and ' flxturee, aew aad second hand, cariaoa aaliatrom, 2M Couch et. FOR SALE Recond-baad twe-to exprvae wagoa. 'veJO Belmont eU .' . .r- TOR SALB Nearly aew wagoa and karnesa. Cheap, lo p. ita at. - . FOB SALB CHBAP Complete moving picrnre machine outllt; nime, tic . Boom s, leBto BiXtb. , . ' ' :.' , .'- u A d-CTLINDEB horsepower Franklin rrt mobile for eaia caeap. roooe paciii 1902. 100 WHITE Legborna aad 80 Minorca, 10 ben ad male birds - for eel cheap, to make room for oar- young etock) these ere all fancy etork . and eaa be had for almoat market price, laqulre Wlodle Broe., pbon Onlnn 44, or north rait oornar Gray Crossing sad Powell Valley reed. . .'.- FOR SALB Oood mining (fork la Sampler dis trict, or trad lor auto; imm i;auuiac pre ferred. Adoree W laa, ear jonroai. -4, FOB SALBTwa bouae boats, a cow hot tome 1a nne eaepef cneap roe caen. vau ejuicxu ieo of Clay st. Jim Nelson. 21M rsXNCH horn, for 828. allxhtlr need. larri aiaaiv aiowev. ... vj-f i . . . . M mev -. . .i.mI,. Old King. ' . FOR SALB Two Rambler bicycle, coeater brakce, oa Udy. on gentleman s; cneip for caan. Mek box zui, uregon iiiy. ur. FOB SALE Tboroortibrad beff Orpingtoa erg for setting. 12U Mmaeeote eve. rnene m 878L .- 1 DOZEN ebole Orpingtoa hem sed aom email cnicta at a oargaio. xaat evis e.f oomer IJacoln. FOB SALB 12 8. I. Hsmburg hen and cockerel; lis. S71 a. uu . rnon noon lawa 1108. ' TWO fins canary defers for aale; call 822 tar, coraar M usee 11. rnone aasi eisv. FOB SALB Slightly ased Old automobile: very cheap. Phono Mala sum. ).-, FOR BALB Canary birds! flao stagers; $8.0 11T1 Mawtherne ava. a'eiepaoao laoor rrm BAl.m Tn foe terrier aunnle. thorough' nreda: can Be sees aonaays; evenings, ivia Height ava.) .0 ear. Extra Star A. StarShlnjli LAROB OR SMALL LOTS. L B. GILBERT, 114 FBONT ST. HERB'S a ehaac to buy 8 Plana and player attachment cheap; terma. , go oota at aoa nancoca touay. . SIX portabl telephone atand with tatterlee and wire. Veil SI in American apv awnnw- rs Co., second end atari ata. , FEW aoaea more fine barred and white Bock bens ana oocxereie. au auiai '" phone Sellwood 42a. .1 - - - ATJTOM0RILB, 1006 OavUlla runabout, $600, Phoaa 10 J a, lov xin LARGE portable hake oven, good eoadl tloa ell cneap. . ooggare. xea sioai. mv. .- a-na Tmnt iriav4.fM wall with Bolee, fly 12x16, au eompieto, .. vau ii " Txam are., between 8 and S Sunday. Pbon Union 8558 weekdaya. T:80 p. m.' mmmmwrwn e araaMeawaMiaiiiaaa iiaeiien BARTER AND JHCHA1CGE. -int a at. a ar avrhanae for eordweod. etty MMrtf. eaa a-boreeaower stationary, ane J IS-korae power porta Die engine. Bast 424. or t 48 Alblna ava. Call OLD boohs boagbt and told at 188 Fifth st. sad Sll 100006 at. nyune or, TO oxchangt for Portland or suburban home, confectionery, Borne eatery, cigar. 100.1-, mHau mm 1 ha otieaieltlont new railroad; tiding included, jxwa noa xew. vqtm, w. $20 NACRES No, 1 wheat land: WlU taia norses snd wsgons. Address m iin, U ACRES very flno lasd. all la cultlvaHon; no bulldlnga; soms bearing fruit, fronts en t gravel road 8 mllea from heart of I-F! 8 railroad fsr! will trd tor email reeldene and give terma aa balance. Benkla Har- Vrkaoa, 21T Abltagtoa blflf. - WHAT bav yoa to axebangs tor .Income Bron- orty in weneicnao, n,.., vi.i, .. -to $1.6001 AdJrea D. B. Pearcai Taocoaver, Waah.... ''-' " - U ACRES rich land, la fruit, high eultlvatloa. close to Vancouver, maniiyi home: 10 mlnntee' walk to graded school! , title perfect) will seU at bargaii log axchaaga :. for property fat PortltBd or subarbs. Addreae 184. earo Jouraal. ; ' -' -- SET double expre-a harneae, aew, for ngnl bona or sow. xuoi a.aa, . - em wcninna a nice reeldene la ------ - w . 1. sAm Ad- orove, ur., tor a iwdwi www. -dress 188, car JournaL . QTJABTEB block, S booses, located on aast eld, close ta, - alwaya rented, paying 6 per cent . tm Bin Boot orlce aiu.ow; wui uii. If yoa want PortUnd lneomo property answer . tola Bo. , van ounvuv.. ww-, ,. ' grova at, -.-" J 240 ACRES In tha well-known fruit and Altaif district, Uk eoanryi win m r- ev touring car. . postotiico no , my. , SO ACBES, Kelso, Wash., for Poland snburbar. lota. Z.eua uoaaen,, owsar, aw.w St. Johns ear, -- Personal. Rimlan Baths : 1 aryr THIRD ST., BETWEEN TATLOB ' ivivuiK'n POOL. STEAM tSri Sot A Ili RATH? FROM A- M, TG IS P. M. PBICB 28 CENTS. . OLDBN'S BHEDMATIO CDRB Snra tm for rheumatism. - Boil ur au ornsgiai. . ( NOTICE OF BEMOVAL, -. A Ti.u . Kaa aSfW-Mjav sjrlll tavr'ls bids.' March I: takhf Iw salteble - lavtlOB: for PrMVOT snstr touB si a w-r : M Worth 10th St. Pbon Paelfl S4T. Will call aad give eetimasee as aaaal. SBXINw PILLS ears all forms e aervwas or muscular wearessv rwr "-"" Pries $1 a boa, 8 boree $5. with full goer, sate;. Addreee or call J. I. Cl.we. arri. flsTBecond sad Tamhlll eta.. Portlaad. Or. PILES Itching taV. arotraBf. ftoree, fistula. conatlpatloB and cared In 10 to 30 daye. vrlthoat the knlfe 'or Bgature. Can or write Dr. T. J. Pierce, 181 Ftret at.. Portland, Or. - LADIES Dr. Eet chum, graduate aad toglatered physician, treats sny '11 your compUmrt with aklll aud weerea. 1T0V Third et,, aor aer TamhlU. Pacific 8228. , , -, . GERMAN hooka, maaataea. wovela, etc. t Oer Vmsn. BBgllab. French. Spentohwedlsh sad nlrtan llctto-nrlea: f"' ' ,U kinds. . Schmala Co.. 228 First at. - - antra nreeeed whlls yoa wait. B0o, Ladle' Skirts Bribed. 80c" SlJhert. ioto Sixth Lt Sit toelte.hono tMela SOW. r MANLT vigor restored by V-1? J1. Globules. Ons month e treatment. r: montha, B; cent eecure Jeealed by mjll. ! AVanta. Woidard. Clarke i Co.. PortUad. Or. HOLD ON There la one thing that will eer rheomatiam. Ask yoor druggist 'for berk ; toSTor Mtm cr eaO J. A. OameBSaa, drarglat. Portlaad. Or. - ; "' ' -; ;''', ; ? MOLES, wrlnklee. rnperrooaa kair remirjed. - Na co.rg to raie n . . . - "m room 830 Fleldnerldg. T Phono Pacific 13J, PR. BINO CHOONG. Importer Chlneee root medicines; sena umrw '" aU disease. 181 2d. bet. Temhlll and Taylor. MISS RATMOND-Mase. r8to Morrteoa St., room 14. rnone atsm ovi. BALM OF FIOS for sll female dlaeajwa. :4 East Belmont, mono aaai ewv MRS. POTTER M"-en. soirt. frnl sare, chiropody, a- n ai. 10 to B. MANTCTH'N lijeat, 'i 1 fuce a 1. TERSONAli, MRS. ..OBROCR. gradntte Baaaeet nMs.1 bath, eelt glow, ek-saol rub. ere. rr.-Maei refereaee. IsO Beienth at, kl,ia 4v BE ATTRACTIVBI Pimple blotcbee. freral. blackheada, red velne, coerae pnree. ecna aad falling hair rnred ea ti charge; t -1 treatment free. Addreae Dr. T, t. fierce, M First at. Purtland. Or. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oreimnlaa Mdg.t ledte ' ......,.. ...uiM eiaui ,vua. BATH parlor It SnTto Third St. I ladle and geniiemea irvatea; apaiaaa, room. la. DR. t. 0. MACKIB. osteopath sad alertrooathi lamee treated In the forenoon, gentlaaiea In the a ft era 000. Room 25. 145 to sixth St. BACK da tee of ma gestae at 8 cent, ione Book etore, 281 Alder t. , , ,. . , DR. T. J. PIERCE, tpectellaL dt dtseeeea of womena all Irrecnlarltlea enrrvcted: ao ex. peaure; medicine by mall. - Office 14 First sl, corner xauhlll. Pertlaad, Or. ,. . PR. FLORENCE MARION re runted from abroad to he old efflcee la the Failing bldg. , MIDDLE-AGED widower (worklBgrnent, atrkrlly leaperato, aever aeea xooecco. ooae Bor awear, wants to form the- aeqnalntance of aoma working widow or anfortuaete maid: bo ob jection to children; object, matrimony; pteae anewer If yoa BiaaO business. Addreee F ITS, rare Journal. . , ..- ... .... LAPIES! Ask yoor druggist for Chichester Pills, the maawnd Brand, - rrt s yeere known aa beet, eafeet, alwaya reliable. Buy of your ' drugglat. Take no other. Chi cheater Diamond Brand fill are Bold by ' druggists everywhere ; . , ?. , : GOITBB AND CANCEB SPKCIAUST. - Goitre, commonly called blgnack, proerptly removed, ' Cancera, tumors, ekla molea, per manently" eared; a sure core for, asthma; scBSUltatlOB free. -,v . ,v? DR. TOOSB. . . ; ,;i'V ifito Flret St. -'.V - c " A WORKING ma. 38. wtshe to hear from a lady: object matrimony, ox WO eetue. Waah. ., . . .... .-, ' , . ... . ., .. T0UN0) lady wants to meet a fentlemaa of tueine tnat 1 going ta Aiasxa tnis apring; a boalness propoaltloa; BO trifleta. Address B 187, ear Jouraal. MISS LB B0T. 291 to Alder et snltc 8 nd a jaaasaae anu vvap treaiuivni, LADIES)' Dr. La Franco's Compound; aara. 1 speedy regulator; 2B cents, dragnet or mail) Booklet free. Dr. Le Franca. Philadelphia. Pa. RBCENTLT opened manicuring parlor re reeved from 861 H to S4sto Morrlaoa st, room 2. WANDA the Palmist, 228 Fifth St.. don't Beo4 big ede; her patroaa advert la per. aieaainga 25c and up. .:...- 1. -t .":; CONFIDENTIAL eerreepoadlng club, for b onset. eoher elngle people. Adores af re. B. v. Wllbar, 406 Third at., Portlaad. Or. BLDERLT lady with fans would Ilk to oerro a pond with fentlemaa or 00 wita mesne, it 185, ear JournaL WESTERN gentlemen, 60, worth $80,000, wonld tnarry; eoartdentlal. . X., nox aa, xoieoo. Ohio. " MARRIAGB PAPER Highest ebe-aeter; lnoor porated; Ilth year; B.wo memnerei pape-s eealed; send lie. L. L, Leva, Boa 1000, Leaver,. .Colo.. - - WB TRACE and handle apecially English and Irish heirs and eatatee. urey et nicnarn-oo, attorneys. 818 Chamber of Commerce, Port . tend, Or. : MADAM ANNA LtJCKET, magnetic mental and electric vibratory treatment, ro.ini aad all nervous disease treated eucceeefully. face nd acalp treatment. Preach paate for removing wrinkles, manicuring; supposltovlee for married ladies. 200 to Fourth at.. Bear Salmon. . Main 2011. . v . TOUNO ecleoUfie masseua give electrical. alcoholic aaa meaiceiea uwmnv, hatha. 41 Raleigh bUlf ., Sixth aad Waah lngtoa StS. ' . 1 . BINOLH middle-aged laborer with som ; means, want to meet Catholic working girl, - maid or widow; object marriage, if eolted. Addreea N 187, Care JournaL , MI"S GIBSON give acalp treatment; daBdraff. 208 to Morrlaon at., room 62. .'- samea 111 1 ill' m 1 1 n 1 'In" 11 "7"" " "T" v S ' ' BUSINESS PERSONAIJf.. ' i FOR lumber of all ktada, rough or aniseed, -call ua up, - Whether yoor order, ere largo or small, we deliver promptly. Travis Bros. lumber yard, East Eighth And Hawthorne ava. Phone East 202.,,' INVENTIONS boagbt and sold, 0-eot Coa treet Co.. 427 FUedaer bldg. Mala SaBL 8KELLT CO., 14th and Flenderar flonr, feed, bey, grata. Pbonea A 1611. Pacific 61L CASH paid for all kind of eecond bead goode. Western aaivage w, mi eim.ira m. f Phono Pacific 788. A ATTORNKTS. A. H. TANNEB, attorney. noom mm, merclal blk- Becona ia rr - Phone Mala 1448. --".' " -v" . PIOOOTT. FINCH At BIGGER, attorney, at law, 4 Mulkay bldg., corner Secoad and Mor rlsoa. - " ' Assirans. GARVIN CTANIDB KXTRACTION COj Meataaa Aassy Office. 188 Morrlaoa at. aad BATp8 BIASSAGE- MANICURING face snd eeeln traatatoati hatha and massage. llOto Fourth at, ' ' , ACTOMOH1XES. . HOWARD M. COTBT.-' A geeit Fierce Great Arrow, LocookMIos, rad Tlfae and Knoa. Temporary leeaUo) Hub Oarag. 18th ad Alder ets ARCHITECTS. ERNST KRONER, erebtteet Plaaa and apodfl catloas) also buUdlag npertateBdeae. H. ft DITTRICH. arehlteet. 821 Williams seta, esmar McMillea et. Phono East 8831. artI"- FRRB LBSaONS IN - ' PJmhmldery Every DT. THB NEEPLBORAFT SH0e..,; IS3 Waahlngtoa at B. H. MOOREHOUSB OOv Arrnta metortsM, picture molding, picture fremlng. atereopU eone, Iaatora elides.; 318 Alder et. 1 BLAXTWJOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS KfLHAM. 10B-IH st. Blank hooka manufactured) egente foe Joter vllmproved Uawe-Leef ledgerai eeo tha Bow Enreks leaf, the beet on the market. . BTJTCHERS SUPPLIES BUTCHERS STTPPLIB9 S. Blrkewwald Co.. B04-BUS arveren sa. rr rrv koaso ea the coast. Write tot catalogue. BUTCHWRS SUPPLIES Adninh A. ; Pehom. ... . n mm . . ,mm m1 mmA ekun plate aaeortmoBt st lowaet market pelcee. CXEANTNQ AND DTEfXa CLOTHES eleaaed and preeeed. $1 pot Baoata. unique Tailoring vey sue mimrm , H. W.-TTBNHB. dyer; serpets dvedl a speci4 tyaw Jertertoaat. paiaiaiKa. ; ' COAl ANTJ WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLAB WOOD r v. Boo w mm, succeeaore 10 fmoa . 1 fir. eek, elabwood. eoaL - Tel. Main i FOR prompt dellvg of stabwood e'l 4STO. Oak. eaa. nr ana ei. 1 Wood (k Coal Co., lth nj WESTKTt N .Ffvri ) rtooe and b1-l''"H c eoal, kindling. l'Wi - J TF.LE1MK f T 1 a-.l t