THE OREGON" SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 12, 1CD7. IX)IJ RENTIIOUSEKEETINa. 1 1'fiMsaFD housekeeping rooma, with phone. 14 N. lot, i .-.'.. ft. !M WEEK UPLorge, eleaa furnlahed bonae. keeping-rooms, laundry -aad bath. 184 Sher- b;o et, eoulh, Portland. ,, , s . FOR RENT rMISCELLAJNEOUS. II 25 WEEK CP Cleau Famtebed hoaseksep. 1 tig-rooms, per lie, bath. la.Bdry, furnace best. yard. 808 iui at. , u ear. , TUB MITCHELL Housekeeping end transient room, raeooable.. Sevanta aaa riaaders ia. llOVSKKEEPlNG-BOOMS. lowest retee; electric lit: ht a and pbone Include. 0l Water it. $13 SEVENTH ST. Two very nicely famished bonaekeeplng-reoma; every coaTenleaee Phone Mam 1CUV. . "it ! .....!"; FURNISHED and , unfurnished housekeeping suites, alse single room a. 406 Baat Salmon NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; $18 Boatb. 208 Park at. Phoae wu m FOUR houwkeeDinx-wms. tewer flow; .ink rnnn'ng water, pentry, cement basement; larira yard; (or mlddle-ared couple. All Har rison at., between Mwwkh aaa tow. UNFURNISHED Sixth at. housekeeping 1 rooms. UNFURNISHED housekeeping-loom.; fa, batk . and phone. ; $82 Hawthorn, ave.. corner I atom. -,- HOUSEKEEPING rooms S-mom Battee ground floor. $2.60 par wast. , but saax wag si. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma. ft week. Apply Untoa. block, tl(4 Tire at, room 49. .. THBKB larra unfurnished boueekeeplng-noome; bath, erster and yard; telephone; Tory da- stralile; cheap. ,606-Water at. . -. FOR RENT HOUSES. GOOD 6 snd T-room booses a went alda of j river; $23. Will furnlah for more. Half eat . ui, i rooma on ground floor, 118) alao fur nUbed or unfurnished housekeeping rnomo, 1 for IS; 3 for $15. Key. KM North Twenty --sixth; Willamette Helgbta rara ta Twenty -. all lb. turn sooth half block. STRICTLY modera 6-room cottage, Sunnyeldet $200 down, balance aarae aa rant, A. r. Smith, owner, 616 Commercial blk. WB raat aad aell pianos. . Ca. - FOR your contract apply ta P. Laniard or boy; , day; aaat alda, bei Division. Any kind of ahort Joba of ceneat or platter work, baae neot, lwlcklaytn, ehlmney, painting a a pe nalty; prompt attention (Tn. P. Lamard. ' BUSINESS :', CHANCES. v-'. Rocmln? Houses THE9B ARB- ALL BIO MONKY MAKER. ' 28 rooma, atone black, leaae! rent 100 par; price pz,wo, wild tarma, or wiu traae. ' S8 rooma. brick block; leaae; rent $08 par; price ai,ouu, or (raoe. , . 80 rooma, brick block; leaaai raat t0 par; price $2,800. . CALL STAR REAL EflTATfl 00., 87 H Madlaoo. DU8LVESS CHANCES: -Conlecticncry - fSOO.ftn. ' ' Plna location, rent $'M rooma; dolnc a . bnalBcea f $28 prr day; will doable tble ' aunnnee. ' , :t BAKERT, - . i ' ': ' .i , - $1,760. v . ' - Ploe location, kn tnae, doing a enar ; anteed bualneaa of $178 weeklyi all caab ' eoanter trade; wa invlba Inreetlgation; - will trade far food property. , : ' , RBST A17RANT. v- - $1,700. ' Pine location, doing $() per ly baalneeal owner elrfc ana nuat aell; flxturee wUl la- Tolce price. THB VETERAN LAND CO., ' 168H Third flt. . V'-"'' " FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WDO WANTS THIS LOT iyxl00, CITT WATER, THRES BLOCKS FROU CABUNB. PB1CI $000: TERMS. . ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Alikr Sprln? Acres Dr. Cardwall of th ni.i x,iiMin I. kaTlng platted to put on tba market In a frw daya SO tracta of one acre each adjoining hie t realdenca, HERE ARB A FEW BARGAINS. - , ' 1 J-room boaea. well fnralehed: $300. ' , 13-room hotel, dlnlngrooai, kitchen, office, waanroom on ground floor; rent tau; jn. t ' IT rooma; rent $.18; S-rear leaae; $700, 40 rooma, rent $100; $1,000. , ;i '5 ' M rooma) a eaap: 18.000. . '.. : 00-room hotel; $R.oH; $4,000 rath. : , 81 rooma; rent $110; $l.tt00. ' 105 rooma. the beet bar la dry! 111.000. M-room hotel, wall furnlahed; I floa mouey maker;. $12,000; part eaahl, balance aaay I term a. ; .. P. L. AUSTIN CO.. , . 12312A Ablngtoa Bldg. f ,1 Clgu and News Stand Make aa aa offer for tba cigar aad aewa (tand at 101 Sixth at., coraer of Stark. It peya bat mnat be anld. For perUcnlara aaa , DI ETZ-M (J KLLE B CO., i . ,. vue sweuaaa nog. . Owner--, ;l''v;;Hv:' Rooma $ and 4. Odd Feltowa' bldg, Flrat and Alder. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATIV PTNB- BtTNOALOW Fall eaocreta , baaenent 6x42. modern ererr way. ' rtabt on car Una. 4-mlnnte car aerelca. Teleohane op addreaa H. B. Stemler. ; owner, At Union areBOe Narth. - Baat , S40S. 12.800; terma. s , Nearly all face the Ralam eui4 ! fWch will be carrying paaaencera from Alder Bprlnga In a ,ery few oionthe. There la a gnaranteed contract with the cvmyany iot a 90 rare. , . : ., .." .' They wiU range la price from $T00 to $800 per acre tor a auica eaia. $2.zfl0 $200 . DOWN, balance aama aa rent. etricTiy aaoaera brand new 8-room cottage. Bunnyelde. A. P. Smith, owner, fit Coav marciai but.-. . . . . ..,.-., 6BOCERT and fanenl a tore; mabltatied IS I yeara; in large an barb; will ecu at invoice; about $8,200; good will worth the price eione; oon t ran to lorrangare aa yon wiu certalajy buy.. HaU Co., Concord bldf. .. BOOUINd BOUSES. TOO rooma and boarding; clearing $ 1.400 8T noma, well furnlahed; Tleaee; money-maker... . . $1,000 SO rooma. At IneeMna, .,J-7jp8 ,"xma . pa . Alder ntl 'clearing $lfto per month. , , , o rooma, nicely farnlabedr leaae. $10. Boo 40 rooma. awell furniture; beat w."l,"n rawii a-year leaae. $16,800140 rooma; fl.yeer leaae. " THE VETERAN LAND CO.. ! , 108H Third St. . : WANTED A partner la a welleatabllahed baalaeea. If yea are) a good huetllng aollct- take Alberta car. .. . tOM. i CHOICB bnelneaa property paying IS per cant on ineeotmentf leaeed ror I yeara; owner financially Involved; $5,000. Room SB, SHS mark at. . ,, . , , ., 10-ACRB " orchard, winter applea, cherrlee. grapee, atrawberrlea. S acree timber; live at mm rana throuxb nlace: a mllea from city! good building; $2,800) terma. Columbian I Realty Co.. 82 Vi Third at. rooat S. $1.850 KORTHEAST eoraer t4th and Waaco eta. Hoi laday Park); . cement aldewalka. newer and gaa. I'booe Baat . B853. Addreaa D 1ST. care Journal, . .. FOR ft A LB, CHEAP Two BOxlOO lota at Wil lamette atatioa. Inquire of owner, S2S Ben ton at, , , , , ' A". VZ.? I""4 onl a'a-ht lota of tba nauai euxiwieei aua, , .- ;.; Than tbe coat, la either at tba rata ef aiuv or far.ou per lot. which la lea, tbaa half what eligible lota are Belling for lb the enme TKinicy. . ,..--.'.f . , Tba terma of payment will be eaiy. j ,. , aaaaieiaaaama). . ' The aorea are Juat Booth of hla manelon aad oniy tarea muea rrom tba coartuonae. la aa air one. s -' Sea Dr. Cardwall ta bear mora or aea hla , S( Dlf Alder Springe aoma Sunday. . FIRLAND. $460 Broom bouae, 1 lot, S blorka from , ear; $2o caab, balance $18 per . month at a per cent. ' $000 H-rooro honae, 1 lot. 4 blocka from ; car; $200 caab, balance $18 pet month at ' t per cent. - ' $700 2 room plaatered honee. 1 kit, well Improved, nice lawn, good cement walk, near eta (Ion; $200 caab, balance $10 per mouth at 6 per cent. $73ft New honee. 1 lot, near elation; $100 . caah. $18 per month. r gSOO 4ro.n booBB, 1 lot. near etatkm) $A0 caeb; $18 per month, at 0 per cent. 0 l arge houae. S lite, - $ . blocka from atatioa: $300 caah, balance $18 pe' month at ft Pinal fnt. ' - V $1,600 Modern , B-rrtom honea la Creaton; . $300 caab, balance $18 par month at 0 yer cent- ' ,f :. . , . ' . ll.ROO B-mam modern lionae. 4 lota, la . ri.i.nrt. arm) c.h. balance 823 oar month $1.M)0 0-room modern bouae, near car) $300 We have beautiful bomee In Fn-land and In other parte of the Mt, ocon ouirict iito $1,800 to $3,000. Wa alao have aoroe choice Iota oa eeey paymeata. . Wa bava mta n $oat location for $110. Call and aee eur llat Wa aaa aava yon PERDEW, DORMAN eV BOCHB. . rr.inirn ronniTT FARMS. k 11S acree, 60 acree onder plow: 40 acree of thla la beeverdam: all fenced, running water; hour of 8 rooma, axtra la rye barn FOR SALE REAL ESTATH' Roaemea4 Iota are all cleared, Urel. algh ' ly, near acbool, cbnrchee, carllne and are eelU Ing at actual valuea DO padding of ork-aa fop areata MmM.l..i. - . .u " T $200 CASH bnra email arocerr aa aealnenla carllne; cheap rent; callable for lady. $44 1 . otara at . . . Sharmaa, Clay 8-ROOM bouse, (rood location. Phone Mala 1410. 2S- SNAP IN ROOMINOHOCSB. ' Thla place acta over $100 per month, be aldee paying help and reeervlng $ furnlahed nouaeaeepug-roome ror yooreeir; T rooma. very cioae la on waanington at. : ' it; wa want yoa to lnveetlcata ' furnlahed, the othera mostly occupied ee emcee, tailor abopa, etc., making aura IB' Pnona. tomorrow. Wood lawn 814. imnlement bulldlna k-mm j.mi.. J a sidaiih wwim A..t bouae, good barn and outnulldlnge; If yon owner niuat aea Jenne, Trimble Trimble! want a blarkamlth baalneea here la your 411 Marquam, Phone Paclfle 1TB1. . ' ffualll), i 8 hor.power gasoline engine) I band aaw, BEAUTIFUL building altea overlooking rtrer 1 circle eaw, 1 power drill, 1 S-tncb "heevy. vicinity Bear new Leweliea achool. Take .... .u,,,!.rr, a giam xire-oenaer, i eet Bar-1 Bellwnod car, get off at crematorloto. Se u. NKriDg etopa, ma. etock of email tools La Compte. be will ebow yon. Phone Sell STef aTTlotlfmar mill. Doee from $0,000 to h wood 60. . , . . $10,000 baalneea a rear: will mt.r . I ' ' at 2 000 takea I , "l ,T'r1e pnrcbaeer If allowed to I FOB PA LB New modern 6-room bonae at rorta. atV ItrrSim. 7 1 nitf00- Ef W T5,, ,"t ,n,",,r ,WT ly occupied ae ano m.Z.7lC2i . """k teret. - roit RENT A beaaa and lot. Inqutre 461 . ilawt borne are. rhoaa Baat 303. , WB HAVE A NUMBER OF COUNTRY HOTELS HERB ARB SOMB BARGAINS. ' Country hotel, one of the flneet bargalna yon . ever aaw, 40 rooma, S-etory building, i 40x88 feet, ana block trota depot; parlor, din. ingroom, aitcnea ana oerronm: averytnuig $18 NEW modern B-foem cottage, block from carllne, Wondatock. I. 0. Boyca, 1166 I. oonmlet.. lot 60x100; price $7,000. BFAUTIFTTL 8-room corf a re! bath, range, gaa I a-aoom,, Botal; ... a eoay for conking; $17. HOT Kaat Taylor, cor. $7th, W-Z? . , . : . . I )4-room hotel; a snap; $2,600. a ill -.1.. . ,11 . a mimm m I r 80-TOOa hotel, $1,600. rJ - .VT 1..K..-K. ef.Ki. .1 , , ... P. L. AUSTIN CO.. : eoneble to a oouole. Room . S6S Stark at. I 128-126 Ablngtoa Bldg. The Homo phone A4173. 0 Waahlngtoa St.. Vaacoaver, Waa. IF TOU went Potto Boys Coneoltdered mlnlne If0? JLi08, uu M mow: nto of "re la 600 Baat Morrteen at. The dlrectora of the com pany, owing to tba continual Increase of valuea of their era and tt nd h,B done, have deckled to raise GRAND horn lite with aneurpaaaed view) alao email booae, 4 Jots, Mt. Tabor, trade. Phone wooauwa w. ' . TWO lota 40x100, 6-room bouae, aaay terma. owner, raciric ?ao. 2?a.PkiCk,toe'0.i.,Se Mv tD "mf 800 HANDLES aouee aad 8 lota. 102S Baat " r.rr tu mi inai i BOIB at. lortB. , ', aoma; WANTED AT ONCE A partner In weU-aetab- Prlce any dev. If von . i,' Boya Coneolidared Mining 'Ca., 860 Baat Mori'laoa at, FOB SALB Carpet Cleaner, beet, largest, meet v u, ma n ine ciryt wjll atand rn voire; 1 '"v ax onco. aaareee 174. FINK 6 room honae, close ' everrthiog modern, rent 6. 823 "a Washington at. to ear, alee garden, - H- m,'?S n,iU P"al SAW MONET Anytbhg ta prtnttag eea Mad. $18. OwnerT room required. - Calf 84T Madison at. . , . fm. Odd Feltowa' Temp, ytret ,n7 AlevJ FOR RENT New 7-room bouae. all lencee; large lawa. . inquire US Baat 18th at. Pbone Beat SOW). ' , . . . .- , ' FOR RENT 8-room ' modern cottage), toilet, hath, hot and mid water; lew rent to right perty; no children, . Call at hi urova at., north, Montavllla. 1 .' . ' rr $4.000 BUSINESS, leaae and flxturee la the SroflUbtfbu.l"" "lO thla Tauderllle makes It the beat location on Mor- ' ' rwoV,"'-! uo f. Pym reatanrant and hotel I HAVE opening fbr partlea, on Tint at. bldg, Mala 1841 . J04-30T AMngtott BUSINESS aad lodging-houee, being built at maegiy junction, only $2,800. H. L. Palmer, owner, rj Bast MU tt. -, 80UTHPORTT.AND SNAP. Fine comer, unobstructed view, alee WxltO, only $1,500. ZOS FoarU at. TaL Pad fie 1128 or Main B0P0. - WEST BIDS BAROAIN. $7,000 0-roorn bouse, modcra ta all detafla, and a fractional tot. located on Seventh at.. J ' leea than S blocka from the Hotel Portland. Thla la a enap aad good for a quick tnra at a Big increase. ,.-.. JAMES J. FI.TNN, ' - 812 Chamber of Commerce. A 00OD BUT 8-room modern cottage. St. Johns, close to car: for few daya, $1,680; terms. Room 29, 268 Stark at. closest Inveetlgatlon.- For parttcalara ad-lnnawn i.. T,. era. i apatalra. . GOOD HOMES. - '" S-ronin house on East- Sixth at., wtrj rent for $27.60, for $3,0U0; terma, Thla la a bargain. - " ' , . . ... ,. . . B-room honae, small lot. an Seventh at west aide. $3,800.' S-rom honae. email lot, on Caruthera' pear Third at., $2,600; now rested foe $23. Flva nice lota and good 10-room bouae la Sellwood: good barn: hot and cold water: only $8,000, or will divide. ' V 6-room modern honae on Baat 14th at, near - ine eaai eiue aiga ecnooi. T-room bouae on the Baat Aokeny carllne. 6-room modern bousa oa Esst Ash at. 4 room house, full cement basement, aa ' Wllllame eve., $3,600. - 6-room honee. aaw, 100x100 ground, ta Flr- una. iot e.uu, , 6-room borne, new and modera; $2,600. 6-room modern, vary complete: $2 250.,. T-room, new and modern, for $2,730. i 6-ranm honee and lerga lot oa Sacramento at. for $3,600. 6-mom modera house, corner KlUlrgswerth and Mlaaoorl ava. . t 8-room bouae, nice porch, bay Windows, ball, parlors, pantry, bath, large grouoda, good lawn, ornamental trace; rosea, flowere; iraiw, oemea, cuicaea para; near vroociya acnooi; Bail coeap. , . . 8 -room new modern boose, ' haU-.cToeets, porcelain bath, marble waah baaliv-orchea, baaement; nice corner lot, on Improved street, neer Anabel atatton, on Mt. Scott carllne) a nice home, and wall worth the price bow asked, $2.1oo. ... HENKXB HARRISON,., SIT Ablngtoa. Bldg. -V.' R. F. D. and telephone. Price gu.wu, crop Included; terms. Most productive term ta tna county, xen muea iivm , uv , " 60 "acres," 40 acrea cleared, tin aoll, 16 acrea In timber aultable for eurt wood) TO apple trees, alao berry rrnii; piece an jv". new 6-room bouae, good large barn and other outbuildings; well at aucuen ooor, n level, no gravel; H mile from achool and m mllea from oUroad atatioa. price aa.oou; tnrma. , :. im. eii ele.reri all fenced. Itt Seres In orchard; good bare, city water in u-, fronta on main county road, H. Garrison; good 6-room bousa. Price $2,200. "NORTHWESTERN REALTY COMPANY, ' Bll Commercial nig., rortianu, "r. ' 404 Waahlngtoa at.. Vancouver, Wash. To Show You We Lead Them : All In Bargains 1 Wa offer for $2,500 a beautiful Sacra place, fronting, on the river at Jennlnge ; Lodge, the very cholccat ae lection; It cannot be duplicated anywbera for the money. $2.400 A beautiful new, 6-room Queen Anne cottage ' finished ta elegant etyle, T6xl00 feet, oa Atlaotle at., near KllUngs- .. worth. $1.000 A full lot, with enelca variety ofj bearing fruH: finest ktnd of rosea and ahrnhberr. 6-room eottaa-e. near Woodlewa. $500 Foe a full half acre gardea place, the very richest kind of gardea land, besa- , tl fully situated; 4 blocka from Woodstock; thla la Ilka getting money from home. . Yon should not fall to aea . The Dunn-Lawrence Ca Ho. 148H Flret St. PALMER. 80S BUCHANAN BLDG,. arare caniiai. in aea TV minnfiolarin. Pflf. to eetebllah la Portland; will atand drees D 188, care Journal. FOR BENT-Restdenoa of 10 rooma, full brick h...... k I ,r-luin p. n .a aalnilAW ehedes, modern p'lnmblng; 6 large cherry I A PARTNER with $ 160: can mska It Bp first treea: close to carllne and school at TJalTr slty Psrk; $18 per 'month for one or more , yeara. Frnncla I. McKenna. University Park elation. Phone wooflmwu am. . -.( FOR RRNT Modera bonae, S rooma and attic. Call 68 Ella at. ' V . month. Call 247H Madlsoa at. SEB LA RGB AD MADR0NA HILT r?AL?J? BENT-A good hotel, good trad Addreaa t. Jay Cook, 1181 Oak at, oaiem. Or. price $2.400. . B. Swan. 1160 Union -ava- ear. . ner Kllllngsworth ava. ; . x ; , , S CHOICB lota, Hollsdsy Park, eeaeeut aide- welke, eewer, atreeta impmvad: a bargain; won l ma wn. . sen s, won BTara Bt, FOLLOWING atocka left with ae for aale: FOR SALB-Clgar atora doing good bualneaa BUTS a new T-room boose and lot tXH 6.000 Almeda Con. 36c, 600 Csseadla 25e, long toaeeVreierosbto rant? axceltont locattoT-' L00 MMh?T?' b!t Inqre Holmes 6.000 Butte Boys 9,c, 8,000 Alaska Pet. i $2,500. AddreeaO lSTVeaW Journal ke,O0'i Menefea Beal Batata Ca 60 Third at. FOR RENT Good Kerby et 4 room honee, $B. 600 Ablngtan bldg, city Coal 20c. 10,000 British Columbia Anulxa- aii . twf 4. 1 ' t;lm uo- iSB fob a A LB La neb counter la a lira mmber FOR BENT HOUSES. 6-room bouae, 1Mb and Florence ata., $18. . 6-room bouae, Woodlawa, $10. .I 6-room honae. lHHrJ F.ast 10th at.. W., $12.60. ' OTTO, CROCKETT as HAKKBON. FOR RENT A neatly furnished eottaga, with bath sod gss. Free piano. 262 Page St., aa Williams ava. carllne. Cheap. . COTTAGB on West avenue. In Norms ndsle ad dition, B moms, bath and pantries, yard, barn, roone facinc iwi. -t , SO-ACRB farm for sals; $8,600; will trade tor rooming bouae, or city property. P. L. AUSTIN CO- i 128-126 Ablngtoa Bldg. GROCERY etore. $1,800 or Invoice: good cor ner; ooing gooa business; new etore. Beaver BeaJ, Batata Co., First and Alder. . " m u.w l.HKm . town belt way between Portland t.. coma; fine chance for man aad wife; electric llghta, spring water, low rent; fully equipped; JL??"?-. ?50 Addreaa Mrs. Wstea Co trail; Wlnlock. Waah. ; . CONFECTIONERY atora for aale: baa lea cream E;l7v!lT,.n,.Toom ta mabla rent. 829 Vi First at. FOR SAMS Restaurant and lunch eoanter on Tfasoingnm at. i lease; good piece for two CHOICB modern noma ta Irvlngton Flue T-room nooee, everyiDing np to oatet owner going - vsai , ii soio oainra lesTiog, aa,ow; uall cash. Boom 2. 268 Stark at , WIDOW must aell at once T-room modera booae: beet location on Baat 10th St.; $2,200 - n laien inra wees; larme. inquire room 29, ana ana rTi tad ie iiwim a . Johns; good Iocs Hon. Inquire T. A. Sboa ; maker, 108H Union ava. - . I $1.600 6-ROOM house, within walking distance, eai sine, neer union ave. ) terme. - $2.600 New 2-atory 6-room bonae, . upper Alhlns; one third caah. $2,8604 houeea and i lota, fine location for a nice home; terma. . $2,T60 New 8-story T-room bousa la High land: near Ooing at, $8,000 2-atory 6-room house. ' modera la every respect; coraer lot BOxlOO, oa Shaver at.; neer Wllllame ava.; terma. $8,00014 block and good 6-room honae, aa Portland Helgbte; fine view. Terms. $10,000100x120 feet of ground on eoutfc weet corner Wllllaraa ave., and fine 9-room bouae aad baalnese building; fins Income; .floe speculative value: terme. VACANT PROPERTY. - ? $850 Southeast corner of 27th aad Weidlar at., 60x100, cement sidewalk sad street lav proTemenra in; nne noma eite, 100x100 Quarter Black " ' With T-room bouae ' la excellent neglhbor hood, but has been neglected and allowed to : run down, ran be bought for f S.5O0, a de rided bargain; with an outlay of $160 to $200 this should bring $5,000 or avea $5,000. A chance for someone wealing a home to move right In, fix np and clean ap himself aad make a good thing; S hooeee can be built, oae oa the corner; It will pay yoa to in vestigate before buying. . Drop a card to W, A. Hosaack, 2451 Mark at , - e,. aoa AB0AI.S. - , - $12,000 will bur KOiion. i-. -uk . well 14-room double bouae, room for Urge f lata; no better location oa the wast aide. $1,600 for thla elerinr B-rrwm Buwi. . cottage, neat carllaa; $400 cash, r , , v 21.600 baTa ffhta I.MM. ... u ' fruit, berrlee, nice yard, aa Grand ave. at' half cash, balance terms, j . : , $1.830 B-room cottaae. la amtklna i...... monthly "!d" ,.mU Wment down, bakaca $1,150 For thla B-mona Moa W,,00; ah,; balance' $13. Par' month, . - T BoHS-lll " tnl. bouae, lot BOxlOO; why pay rent 7 ,., WAMUM) REALTY C0. ' 253 AWcr. room 10. $2,0006 ROOMS, large bath, pantry, near car; lot 120x100, trait treea, etc.; terms. ' H.SiX) 6-room modern bungalow. Bear ear; , gooa iot; two caaa, Balance aaay. $1,6000 rooma. bath, oaatrr. baaement: $700 2 lota BOxlOO. near Aetuie Tyvtea im I . email narmant down, balance monthlv. feet Portland bonlevsrd. I $1,2006 rooms, good Iocs Hon; $200 Caah. Houses and lota from $475 ap to $8,000 oa aasy paymeata. .... Acre tracta on Install men ta. . Good lota at $8 per month. B- A. CHURCHILL, - , ' Phone Taboa 782. ' Laurel wood atatioa, oa Mt. Scott earl tna. A NICB Bttla etore. good toeattea, - long , -artnersi will atand strictest iaveatlgatlrejl acxatna .tan mmmr Tkri.. st.n J. ' lease: cheap rent; llvlnr rooma; trade grew. I $760. Address. O 166. care Journal I SEABIDB jrotup Bear Lock slsy Hall, aom lag) $400. Addreaa A lla, oare JournaL 4. I uraaas. xau, care joaraal.. phstely funitohed, cooking atenails and all. FOR RENT One of the prettiest houeea ta i ' the city, modern and complete la every par " tlcnlar. Pbone East 5S45. ' . ; v..?,, FOR RENT Modern 6-room bousa oa Johnson St., near 22d. Inqutre at TI4 Joonsoa at FOR - RENT 4-rootn cottage on Garfield ava. Phone Baat 202. - ... GROCERY aaet aide, aid established Ice cream Krur la connection, doing good buslneaej ise; low rent. About $2,000. Addreaa K 184, care Journali -, BAKERT for sale, or will trade for a lot: mod w-wwvr uuisa iirai-ciaas. , ao areas xt isn. I1 SEB LA ROB AD MADRONA HILL, v A good buy.- Sherlock bldg. Charles M. Hemphill. 867 1 GOOD coafectkmery atora, splendid location, i or saie. inquire sea wasningioo SI. --i T0 MATTER where yoa Bra we will bay or onus a noma or par on a mortgage ror you; loiEnl prr ctdi, wnia oacuniy POUO' Ing Co., Vx 1ST Portland. Or. . v , A PARTNER to a 14-ton boat draft 11 Inches. , , -" I A PRBTTT 6-room beaaa, alcely arranged, an VtdJ-JrJrW,L0m. .Pton. and bardwar. k 'Tr?.Too z " --"- wm;bi w ( w . i rnr i. aw. r mroic: rooa trad Mtsh. i : ::w --b., geiataa aaa be fi, axakSaaal I klk . , I a. . i . - WUXtia, sap sWaMaUmiVtM VlaBa inmdTchiipl ."smTO stsT, " Woodlawa TPS.. S-BOOM bouae, Williams are. gardea and fruit. Continental 6-ROOM modera bouse, 664' Mala -at, near - Chapman. Inquire 808 Washington at. IN SELLWOOD 6-room' cottage, near ears phone, bath; to adult partlea who will board .; aaa. bath; lawn, H AVB a saloon for $1,200; money-maker; I EMPLOYMENT and real aetata bnelneaa doing iUl Co, 248 Stark. Ftaf $30 per day; It wUl pay to Investigate I $250 per month; too much other bualneaa; " - aaauonrsj was ... - - - s . mUBt aBBalS aVlijaa pani., em ea XfaWTni 1H1M an FURNITURE . thla muat .so 242 Madison at SEB LARGE AD MADRONA HTLL. SPECIAL BAROAIN. Northweet corner Union ava. and Sktdmora. of 10-room house aeer elty hall; I AN latereat fa the beat taaadry In Portland ' JAxi T7l Zftvil0 to; aa reaeonable offer rsfuaed. tn aale cheep; a ana p. Lewis O. Conant - I ?.-. .!. PSJ?1? owmm bont Prtc- room id. zua erarg at, $8,000110x188 feat east frmiran Ba :. view addition: Portland Helxhts: fine heme eite. ' 4602 tots on Mt Soott carllne aeer flrav'a eroealng; tesuia Give ue a celt.' . j . THB VETBHAN LAND CO., ' 108K Third Bt . WA8HJNOT0N OREGON REALTY CO. ' 24S acrea la " Clarke rntrnrv- WaalilnetA,, v 150 acrea in meadow free from atampe, 6 arm, in waring orcnara. aoma green timber, balance pasture; B large barna. B-room boose; emsll creek and 2 good springe; all fenced with aew 6 and 6 wlree and one hoard hoe. - tight; R. F, D., achool on place; S miles rrom railroad and boat landing; best of blsck aoll; good team, 1 driving horse, several bead of cattle, ell klnda of farm Implements; 50 xone or . nay, aoma aogs, Z4 abeep, aoma chickens. Tble Is eee of the best buys on ths msrket; If you are looking-for a fine usee ana a enap investigate this before bny . ng; this la guaranteed aa ecjrertlsed: no roc a er graven oniy aea per. acre; give terme. WASHINGTON eV OREGON RXALTT CO.,' . 108 Second at. . . ring!. VnHem.rp.rtnuT.lilieT'S li-mOU ,- t location doln, WANTED Partner with cpltU for Be amv W 1."?!; Wfu'n AntrT? 72 di.lred.-A.Ulraa.Wca,. Journal, . . 4 fSLS.- & -,Zt -"i 9 TktT S- jirw Tm .no h.e. a hioch. Ceo. 1 ' n ' ""' healthiest suburb in Portland; well 1 Improved bhek ta ear; fine vlewi $4,500. Owner. Ad- ZZZr .l,0O?!rf,".?,.b?,,e,a,k,KJ!0" FOR SALB Reatanrant doln. rood fcnei-, , . ,: . .,. . . . , pound.. .11 klnda of amali 1 'frSlts. rt'ktaS Srese B 179, car. Journal. v Mt Scott car, haahvlUa. 212 Altsky bldg. FOB RENT 8-room bouae, all asodera Improve ments, near the 8teTena aebooL . 894 Bast Sixth at.-.- .:.,,,... fi FOR BENT $8 and $10 par month, S for. nlshed bedrooms; bath, gaa aad phone; ladles preferred, 884 Graad ave aoath, near B. Harrlaoa. -i FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR SALB Reatanrant doing good business Clears gooa yearly income; price f 1,000; 1 1,000 caab, balance terms. Addreaa Bos 41, Ar Vtta, Or.' rOR SALBSuburbaa drag atora) enap, $2,000; doing good bualneaa; food reason for Belling. Address 11 184, ears JoornaL A FEW dollars will start a prosperous mail order bualneaa : we furnish cataloguea and everything necessary; by our easy method failure Impossible. Mllbura-Hlcka, 868 Dear- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. grounda, all klnda of email fruits, cblcken- hmu t , ..Im S4 KAA. . . . Phone Baat 4763. or ddresa B1S5 Journal' CORNKR lot with two aew cottagai . In aenter i w (ibiuvhvv uian a v v, rairwuirii vtibUi lit LTTTLB HOMES ON BAST PAYMENTS. $1,0)10 6-room honae. lot 106x80. v $00 4-room house, Mlasourl ave. 8900 4 room booae, Baat 24th st ' $1,860 4 room modera - bungalow, lot ;0xl2o. . . , 41.900 6-room bonse. Bast 14th at. - $1.600 6-room nearly modera aew hoasa, ' top MtMVV . $1,400 S-room new bouse. Oxford et $1,000 4-rootBt honsev.on Going St. . (; Otto, Crockett & Harkson - ' . 1BB Flrat Bt' OOOD HOMES FOB LITTLB MONEY. v$3.850 Over H ' block with new 7-room 'bouae. modern; good terma. $2,650 On aasy terms for good T-room bouae; modern improvements; walking dla- tance; west side. - ' -: r $4.500 Nice 8-acre tract, an In high col- tivstion; good B-room aouse; iso eaoica rruit treea, haaoy to ae cars; tine ami; X ereeko; Ideal place for fruit and poultry; might can- . aider exchange ror gooa city property. F. Fuchs 1 221H MorrleoB St $1j0- facii '' $1 W HIOH'lot. heautlfnl tutlMin. .i. ... - ring. Irvlngton. - ... , 'T $1,200 Fine lot in " ehnfaa ' Vwtu. --. " " wu uume. f $2,600 Modera alx-room cottage, splendid coadlttoa. excellent csr eervlce. near Union ave., nice surroundings. - v.flooWsat side, two cottages oa Clay at, Income $80 per month. ' $3.600 Ut 60x183, six-room furnished mod- ara booae. good location- - ' $8,000 ll-room bousa, axtra large ' lot, fralt flowere aad Uwa, good location for ' boerdlng-bouee. - '" anklndaT M" CT, t00 ""T" ' V , BIMMf RMAN VAt'OnAN, . ' 810 Bachaoaa bldg. , : - 1 8-ROOM bonae, lot BOxlOO, near Union ava . , ea,vw. 4 lota, 50x100, "near Hawthorne ava. and $2d at., cement aldewalka, eewer, water aad aaa, fow eaco. A NICB B0MK. t rooma and modern, email lot, fine lawn and anmhheev eopne, Pnll . mmm! K. . fireplace, gaa and electrlcityr alee larae I 8E8 LARQB AD MADRONA HILL. : iwnij on iiuaenr canine; rioae in. HENKLE A HARRISON, : iai ADingtoa mag, pTc'iv.?. ."WcrrciM. Choice Lets In Patton, Tract All 60x100 feet, "oa ' L" carllaa. For Sale By Owner J S570. 80x70 and one 80x100 24th aad Bast Apkeny ata. . . . ' . . . or 16 acrea on beat road !a i i r P fine and Is exceptionally I V brrlM w ""; for a borne specula tion iom cannot ae neat; ireaa be ent to milt ' i5?Jp.;rSh.,'l ul"f larf fronUga oa road If desired. f .An th 0OT 'o easy terms. fOT price and terma phone Union 44, er ad dreas B. r. D, Mo. 1. Lenta. Or. - ' SUBURBAN ROMB. - 8-room bonae, porcelain bath, electric llghta . and Sxturea. 2 flrcplacea, hot and cold wa ter apatalra and down, large attic, 'full baas- -. meat, cement ; laundry treys, lawn, flow er, and shrubs, fruit and berrlee; at God- " - dsrd atatioa oa Bt. Johns Una. at corner of Columbia Park; everything convenient; it la aa Ideal borne la a growing section xf the city which makee a good Investment at $3,00n, locladlng carpets and aliadce: half caah. TOPAZ LAND CO., . . ...... . BOB Commercial blk.1 ' r f.LNoT-. p.r.F "RT miner would accent tern- furnished, electric lights, gaa range! fine ' rosea; fine location; can rent rooma to pay , rent. See owner, 212 Allsky bldg. T-ROOM modera cottage. May IB to Best, 1. 466 Market et. Phono Mala 6469. FOB RENT A modera B-room cottage, for ' nlshed complete. Inquire 840 East 8M at, - RenUwarth addition. Phone Scott 8823. . FOR RENT FLATS. TWO modern B-room flam, upper furnished. 846 ' Fourth et., betweea Collega aad Lraooln. ' Pacific 2765. y:.,,--,-...,; .-. ;.. v v..: .,- FOB BENT 6-room apper flat, IBS. 18th aad bmu.. Ham aiai. porary employment; all matter etrlctly con-1 fldential and correct Addreaa A 186, Journal. GOOD location tor grocery atora for rent, oa I wen sum; fzo asy traoe caa Be worked ap; J atora, witn tamuy rooma, tor rent, reason able. Addreaa L 186, care Journal. 16 ROOMS, brick building, paying well, rent $60, leaae: Bruesele carpets. Iron beds; $960. Hatiieia as Bmitn, loo, jrourtn at.. 12-ROOM boardlng-houae, $880 Income, floe fur niture, good location,; will rent. Hat-1 titUl Rm'th 185 sp""" at. A- PRACTICAL printer owning a Job plant or I having $600 cash to make payment on aame ; can bear or excellent opening ny saureeaing i box 686 Chehaiia, . rvasn. 66x160 on Willamette boulevard ovarlnnklne I JJ " - ' ' .. -,11 . i - - i KTKimT.Y monern cot Tape, n (. rwm k. ' ,UT f, UHBlflW riTBT. , '.S .. 1 T . . , - U.HI, I puir; iuu fCTiiimw, van-inc Iixmrea) li00 I reel rrom ni. nron line; ai.iuv; easy terms. SUcamI kmiM north of Tmvum, t , I MODERN S-room flat furnished : gaa. bath. IF TOU are looking lor a general merchandise rbone, yard; bo children. Call ap Padflo I atora with po" toff ice and ' 2260. - FLATS for rant, eoraer Ninth and OavM. In antlra 842 Washington, room 8. .. .. emrase agency la connection, addreaa P., atacleay, or. I for BALBiL meat market doing fine business: sickness cause of selling, u. w. vau, trj- ." ton, ..Oregon. v S ; t- ; ; 6 acrea at Jennlng'a Lodga, on Oregon City carllne: thla overlooka tba Willamette river ana wui maxe a una Dome; price $2,500, 100x100 on 21st and Clinton eta.) rhle ie a una ousiusse corner; oon I overlook this. Wa bava good buya la all parte of tba city! We have all sixes and klnda of farms la the Willamette valley. Come and get our prices. ' BEAVER BEAL F.STATB 4 INVESTMENT COMPANY, , Rooma $ and 4 Odd Fellows bldg. We are tba exclusive aaenta for tha alum property, a r ' - ' - ' A HALF DOZEN BAROAIN. . .J!.c!?f'.50" rooma, aad doseu lota. BOxlOO, $2,000. i Houaa, H dosea rooma, and H doaea tote, Honae. U doaea rooma, and H of H doaeu tots, $3,200. i - House, doxen ' rooma, deaea lota aad wis oi rruit, .s.euu. House, y doseu and of a H doaea room. ana k i doxen lota, $10,600, No house and 1 doxen lota In I hunch. ..$3,000,,.. " ..j -JrirOEDIBr"-,' - Grand ave. aad East Ankeny at..' - fT.800. - Wa bava a very fine new and modera home, T-room nd- S rooma In the attic, every thing of .the beat; large and tightly grounds; oa good carllne. - HENKLE HARRISON, 217 Ablngtoa Bldg. price $550 each; $100 dowa; balance $10 peg montn. . i $1.000 Lot 50x90 feet On Mississippi are.. la Cook's addition to Alblaa; $100 eab; bal ance per- month. . . .-1 , . . ,, For asla by . ' ' 1 . A t . eviAWOTi Office Willamette Station, - St. Johns ear, ' corner ureety ana mucob ata, . $2,8002 ACRES, ' well Improved, near the r0R AL-B acrea rich level land, very do-1 BIGHT WHKRB THB GREAT ACTIVITY IS reeerfolr. eonth alone Mt. Tabor' Hrimt.r at Co.. 107 Third at -t X., ' ., " FOB SALB CHEAP BY OWNER Good bousa sou m nixiuv on corner litnand Wygant; $200 dowa and $16 per month: only four . blocka from Highland achool. Pbone Wood- - lawn BOO. :. - ,. IF yoa want to bey,' eell or exchange your . property, eau on or aaaress eo. w. iurner. 803 Waahlngtoa at. Portland. Or. slrably located, land fronting on Estacada carllne, opposite switch and station: natural I : eprinrs of water, cold, pare and la abundance; 25 Bilnatea' ride from Alder at, gtetion; my I price cannot an neat for eiose-u property) $400 per acre. Sea 1. ; 0. Frost at Stanley .. siaiion.- NBW ADDITION Fine Iota BOxlOO, atreeta 60 : reet, near cat atatioa at Lenta, Bo fare, only ii;ni terma. isxe mt scott car. - O. , H. ' Addltoa, . Lenta. Or. ON ST. JOHNS CABUNB. 6-ronra new modern bouse, oa corner 75x 100: full baaement, porcelain plumbing, all nera ruisnea; rruit trees, anunasnce ot well kept gardea truck Price $8,360; half caah. : SEB H. W. LEMCKB CO., Sixth and Waahlngtoa ata. - FAXON PARK tote 100x290. -ta cultivation, MODERN 6-room hoaaa on Baat 2Sth at, $O0; HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE I WANTED Partner ta well established real ea- . i . mtm office- have mora tbaa I caa attend tot 1 1 bAUU profit, average $360 per month; the right 1 NEW suburban borne, 7 rooma, cement founds- r. z ' ' - i man can get in eaay n. inn uu. vau rOB BALB Complete furniture for four bed- room No. 37, Raleigh bldg. . v-a rooms: iren beds, solid oak dressers and . . wash' atands. b-ddlnx. etc.! gra. . I a dm an wart bona ntr.T. . . .UtlWM gui DllUUf II, . f. .p. . FURNITUHB of B-room fUt for aale. cheap. Call forenoons, ltT 11th st. - ;p. i HALF Interest In one of tha rx-st paying real .eatate efflcea in city, tot aaie; owner naa other buelness which calls him away; $500 on evxiicv, oniy i,nuu; aaauionai jots $200. ' Fins 9-rootn residence two blocks from I mwtnorne are. on East Main at, near 841 h; -completely furnlahed, new piano: onlr 85.000: terms, part cash. Sea owner, 212 Allsky V1UB. , U. IWWt level and sightly) prices $300 to $375. O Addltoa. Lenta, or.; Mt. Scott ear, Be. 100x100, CARUTHERS it, near Front; aoma I income; oniy a,ouo. roatorrica Bog 687, St - puuoa. T-ROOM bonne, almost new, fine coraer lot between Hawthorn t and W. R. cam; only J.wut fww ensn. . Z4S atari at. SEB LARQB AD MADRONA HILL. 4WJr BJZH ..?.. . We bava some very choice building spots on west slope of Mt Tabor, between the carllne and Base Line road. HENKLB le HARRISON, ' 217 Ablngton Bldgi caa arrange for balance on payment, of $38 per montn. H., l. vtckinaoa, 408 Commer clsl bldg. . C R. Donnell & Co. v REAL ESTATB. t Boom 12. 268 Stark at I-R00M cottage, furnlahed, $1,800. 208 Fourth St. Tel. Pacific 2126 or Main 8990. I HAVE oa band a few fine bargalna la tha way ot several inexpensive nouses oa taa west aide, also a few oa the eaat aide, which were taken en mortgagee in the hard ; have Instructions to close them oat. Yoa caa make money on them. 1 lammeler,, Kalelgh bldg., oixiu ana wseaingion e. VERY DESIRABLB - HAWTHORNE PARK , - RESIDENCE. : ; $5,600 Modern, T rooma, large reception : . hall, full cement rioorea baaement rurnacs, tvao large colonial fireplace.; concrete aide walk and walka 60x100 lot; plan, of bousa I excellent: eoutn racing. SEB H. W. LEMCKB CO., Sixth and Waahlngtoa ata. SBB LARQB AD MADRONA HILL. NEW MODERN S-BOOM HOUSE. $2,900 Opposite Wdlnut Park, full cement I : baaement. porcelain piumning, Tixturea, in terior dark oak finish: $1,600 caah dowa. BBS H. Wi LEMCKB CO, , . Sixth and Waahlngtoa ata. r. A GOOD INVESTMENT. ' $12,600 Three modern houses, walking dis tance, in jmngTOui .uw caan. HARPER 4V O DONNKLL. Pbone Mala 874X Fifth and Morrison at. F uJ.8rNei!, B"!!?'rJL?',,tor. bt' 'U WB HAVB all klnda of farm, and city property "QR ALr-room modern bona, with two located: nice lot. shrubbery and fruit: neap ' Highland achool. Address P 186, care Journal. 10-ROOM bonse for rent furniture fbr aale- a . bargain If sold et once, aa partlea ir ioin. eaat. 206 Harriana at . aWing FOR RENT T-foom bouae; furniture for aaia SOT Jefferson st; ao agents. 7 7 , " FUBNITURB af W lease; rooma full. at, -room o. .,-. .n ........ ...i a ...(.j,,..,., i; ball cast), balance $18 per month; owner on I eheao Tha Title a iaMrt rv. I ' i KBin nipiaioa mi i.u nUl 5'' i o'ract 1,0., room 4 WB WILL guarsntee 80 per cent on invest-1 place. 1080 Division at. opposite Baby Horn.. MulV.V btdi 8 msnt; alao a good permanent position: this if ACRES near city, $625; easy terms. tffrri fur a.ia on r..T ,.rn.- n .. n .f1..i Is no get-rich ecbeme, but a, legitimate Tabor 670. . r"M" ""5 L?J ToJx ' r.tent5TI mnn.T.maker. O 184. care Journal. . ' ' I M achool. Apply N. B., 29th and Surmaa MMn . , i 'i i i mi. , I WHY pay rent 1 We can sell yoa a aew bonae fnV ,,2i?r tew "eat, FOB SALB $650 will bny a confectionery, lea ..-. rooms, ' bard .finish, concrete toundaW tau at wi Second art. cream, clgara and notion business on east near lO-nrlnute ear eervlce; $160 caah: bell at. Take Alberta car. ruBHiTUKtti ot a-room honae, fan , -T alda. Address N 185,, care Journal. . era; low rent; only $300, 288 ThlrdatBCTa FOB SALB Hardware and furniture baalneea la ance $15 month: AILKWDBTa ft BPTON. End "M.-V." Carllne;. Tabor BT0, NEW B-room cottagei modem, baaement bath, toilet, electric iigntea, not water; atreet Im proved; beautiful view of mountains and entire city; only 400 feet from car, 17 mln ntea to Third and Morrison: $500 or less caah, for aale. at all oricee and eaar narmenta. Call , and -see as, dealers In real estate. Smith t Hornbaclc Canby, Or. SEB LARGE AD MADRONA HILL. WANTED Buyer for fine 7-room bouse, etrlctly modern, ' ana iot ouxiw, close to atatioa; price $2,460 If taken within a month, aa owner is going eaai; terms. . airs. u. K. Iota 70x166. Phone Tabor 867. FOB SALE $1.400 New; Oottsge, 5 large rooma witn ram, J orocaa aouto or Stewart etstlon, Mtt Bcott car, aire, u. Clark, owner. TWO acres, with 6-room bonae, ; barn, chlckem bouae; family orchard, au klnda berries, gnr-i aen in, iiowers, anruooery, jereey cow, chick ens, free oaature: near csr. 15 minutes' rida: a home to step into,, with almost a llring right nere; . lerms. Aaaress owner, X 18, . care- journal.- Holladay Add. i 60x121. lies fine. $800, ' - V 80x100, on Twelfth at, $1,200. 60x100, on Sixteenth St., $1,660. V . 64x100, on Thirteenth at., $2,000. -100x100, 00 Twelfth at., $2,600. 80x100, on Sixteenth at., $2 600. . J. W.. RUTHERFORD, . ' Mala 6120. BIT Commercial block. 22 ACRES on Base Llna road, Bear carllne.' running water; thla I a Ana place for chicken ranch. 2 acrea, near Lenta; this muat ba sold in tha ext few daya; make aa aa offer. , ' Wa hare a small nlace near Woodstock. , hmall houaa, fruit treea and everything ready ior raising cntcxens; mcuDator, caickena aaa en ioois go witn place. ' H. W. LEMCKB. CO.. ' none Mala 650. Sixth and Waahtagarita. FIVE .ACRES Good bousa, cost $3,000; 1 sera , in large iruir,. acre la amau rruit; oa aee tlon Llna road, near reservoir! this Is a beau tiful heme and cheap. Wa bava thla for only a few dare, coma and let ua ahow roa this home. . H. W. Lemcke Co., Sixth and Wash? tngtoa ata. ' Pbone Mste 660. -. FOB SALB .New B-room mod ara eottaga and a iota, on corner,; snsp: rrom owner. H. N otter, Woodlawn. . Phone Woodlawa T62. I FOB NSALE Flva cottages, west aide, 100x100; income gow-per. moou; oiy X4,uuu; aiwaya rented; in good oondltloa. 207 Goodnough bldg..- Tal. ' Pacldo 60S. - - v.-N -i 1 1 ii i- i' 1. 1 ii - -'.j. QUARTER BLOCK on Grand srenue, close tat ' ror tew aaya, ia,ww. Hatfield - ft - Smith, -165' Fourth st SNAP Finest buy In elt: new 1 Journal. -Ftaast bay la city la 6-room cottars; and nice; only $2,100. Address 0 185, For Sale, 8, Black, owner, 913 Stafford at., St. Johns. Or. SEE LARGE AD MADRONA HILL. Al elegant asw residence ra " Mt. Tabor, - 60x200. See owner, 1501, Bait Morrison at. -Sunnyslde andi'Mt. Tahoe ear. line, near Pretty man ava. -r- BIOBT-ROOM bouse, new and modern, one block from Hawthorne ava.. near 87th at : $3,000. Ha tfleld ft Smith. 166 Fourth at FOR REN-T-TORE8rpiCES. going' - I A. ilaMJ aa4ataB V. eaeati aw ra 1 1 i thiTZ. BorTthlv ..lea $1,600: nartle. A WnnsB of B room., seat f.M. ! monthly; blg bargain, no commimloa. going to California. W 166 JoornaL rbeeeaient, 86x100, S blocka from tlmS ear! O""'- waahlngtoa at, INTERESTING TO OFFIOB TENAKnen" Desirable furnished or unfurnished Lu I with ej.M - - . auiies I rart ats.f A MONEY-MAKER. $2,500 80-room house on Washington at. Pnti-lTt 2' Prt! f1-900- "fr M FOB SALE A moat desirable aabnrban-homaH atueeeu a. J .-, r. 1 --,-, . ft. mom nlaaferl honaa nP. " m.., . .uiiu, i kfw a-room cottars, cement baaamaniw it. ,h fronlawi raomai furnace. flreDlace. css. . electrfclfv laundry, aewer, trult, roses; block, from car line; one or two lots; no agents. 400 Pros- oott St. :f:..ij..s.ti-.f si,t.-i. f -u..,.' steam best; illumination, not and cold water u good living and over $100 ctnar en-rule elevator aad Janitor eervlce; aesir $1,000 cash will handle thla bargain, aula location; reasonable rentaL , - , r mens, Wti in r - t. . .v.,'.v. ... . . ...... m. ...v.. w i m a yeanr ivaav ibu cuni iui, luamiua i jsuiiLAii , -iwm uvuk .i,or - saie by owner I montoiy. I choice socanon, sj.iw; naif - cash: balance , IWBH.i V w- V 1. Ma : iBJ. OBSt 4669. TUB MILKER. 850 Morrteoa et, Formerly Lewis bldg. 221 Morrison St FOR SALB Furniture aad leaae of office, fctark at. ground floor, . 212 SMALL store er ahoa, 202 Fourth at. naae T... lor. Inquire room 636 Chamber of Commerce. in m si I im an I ib ii uiiimiM FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. ai.LRoom and lodgerooov. new, with all P"xera cncwnlencea, oa carllne. Phone Mala : Aalmnailr -A-I396V .. ". "T I Rin-iM ,ouw lcJ etore fur rent or for aale; re'it $'; oa carllne; Montarlila'a beat rjoal- , r- Auvs), banat. avl Cynooawaaiih a. . -,. FOR SALB or exchange, a good merchandising i business In Vancouver, doing a business -of I - $15,000; will sell or exchange for farm or I . cjtr property. Aaaress box JBj Vancouver, Waah. ,--,:-.u.s,,-, -.,...-i .,...!, I FOB an Investment proposition that takes ad- and farmlnr Imnlamenta: ' 180 wlnta apple tree., ether frulta and befVles, all In I run Bearing: ciucxene, aucxs . ana pigeons; i norxn ena or - oc canine, uaaareas a. ins, care journal. Willamette Bargains m ' faHMitaaawl ma.! ara v I rn riranTm rl mini I mI .:".""'" I".-,-;-:.-.'"rZ'V.' """"leaKAAwrnsi n Smuh eof.. aut. . ; ' . . . 010 nomas, aw .gnoornooa ana noa view I vYTV; -hiVw-n ViT reiT" iX.r rl.T w B"?L x,er" hot and cold water, full lot eouth fron feve blocks from Hawthorne; price $1,800, cash, - balance-- to., mitt. J. H. Scott' Eaat Grant. ' :, .... ,. .. 7- Datb, of the mountains; good Bull Run water, 20 minutes'- ride from city; lies between - two boulevards; fine place for home Builders and Investors; caaa or term... For farther llifor- vantage of advanced twentieth centnrr ki. I . . 'J . . I matlosi ness method, to put a borne within .p p.h I " . Zr. .Z'".."7rJ"ZZ I - C.'"A. ZYG0WSKI. T . . , .7.7.- j.T b. ,.i ' . .T of earneet eeekera. regardless o7 Zd'Jl I V ':nlL. 7 i.,.. .pit. Box 1" Popi. " '"'I : x.w. oargaiu. . it xso, care journal. J tie barn, chicken park, fruit, rosea, flowers and garden: lot aouoo; nan block to St, Johns and L carllnea; easy terms; 1177 Ai-1 blna ave,; pnona wooaiawn vet. r $2,000 ONB lot BOxlOO, on Mt Tabor, with ! line; auap. 408 Lumber Exchange. car- QUARTER BLOCK, Hnlladay'a Addition, tm Twelfth st, close, to Weldler, at $600; below ujuuiini pnar7. t,. , BUtBerfOrdV BIT Commercial blk. Mala 6120. . . " : and MUtoa ata.; St Johns car. FOB SALE grocery etore with $3,000 atock ana flxturee, centrally located, doing $1,600 business; must here cash; agents need not apply. Addreaa O 182, care Journal . , with M-mjmt ?T OTHERS ere making from $10 to $100 per evening with motion pictures, ff you hare a small amount of money you caa do the ssme-Klf- Kewmea'e MoUon Picture Co., 146, Sixth at. i ' xvsi balb Poultry and fish market; 8 yeara I 1 ascallaat locaUaa, BL.hUla, Hla, i nlned In basement: tble la tha 'k. .ul ever offered for cash; $200,- 242 Madison email farm la town.- Phone Woodlawa 126. b-room boose. B - late, la LaarolwaSHZ :' "i-"Di?..r" r -w m. till swtn4h Va-. . flll-. A UiujfJ BvJW aAjNe-OrrU vjr-rwiiJ CHrasaaaea. - J? . r, I f ,I5.dTi. S't'tl f orn' I 6-room cottage oa S choice lota; email pay r pled at once: don t miss thla. 243 Madtoon. ment. balance aame aa rent. 12-room house, suitable for two families; will rent for 820 per , month: easiest terms, rnn aire hone, ao . . Northwestern, Baaity 80., Sll Commercial JM ... lioa. Inoulre ana w..i,ir. V' Mock. "-a; v;''-v'-;' i.--: I v.,, ,.,i an, fruit treea . ' . . , ., ' ' . 1 " SEB aoma of those beautiful river views ka etcTeiS! WT. for ! an East : IioB tr1j1w kidmit HUI todaf. " fs ' a anan if 831 "na Mai ' 530. laqutra at 991 East 1 - ' 1 V D remises. xL-s ' Madlsoa at . . .. ; .-, . I HAVB a good 7-room modera homa. enemas 84tb St, TWO hoosea snd full lot 28d at., near ThuM man; vm sell coeap. inquire Lowrngardt. 32 . rara eu 1 --. -,- , Some choice vacant lots: rood anarolatlon! terma. . ore : - W. B. RrST. - Pbone . Woodlawn 120. Arbor Lodge atatioa. nrilTKl! with a room. 707 Jnhnan. ... . - iih 111a ai fin in-epnn i-iit esriii, rn, mi. mwnm AP a Mm., lliau Pl. , . - . I --- I - - -- - - ' " . ria'k'lweaPdt.' &A a7k mJT J '&.2- J l W fiOajMKl, house and lot 60x160, fine lawn, and flow em; improved atreeta. line, walklnk distance: tbia ' taken up quick. Apply on premises, $63 - Bacranianui ai. f . f- Portland Heights ; " Fine All block and rood n-room honaa mil bath; excellent view, and a bcsntlful site for FOR SALB 8-room cottage .and 60x100 lot, u K,n.a S I, ft mm e m n9 m ki..i,. . . l . . I ... . . . , -. . . . .. .... 3 " ' - v KB VI WDWI a auap for someone. Price $5,000; terms, yaa VETBHAN LAND CO- ""ia iuaai siia NOTHING grander then the view of tha city. river ana mountains irow aaaurona Hill. WHERE la Madrona HillT Sea large ad. rlxht onfarllna by vwnera only. Iuiiulre of 15U2 KastHiuasn St., -or pnans JCsst 6o97. Ilia LABQB AX MADRONA HJIA modera home, inr.ei mvt --. ovvw i., e swril OK Uawtnca-nai FOR SALB Hoost, to mor off amiskSMi raevsrou aaa as ijvi uiciejii wW, For sale. ' A fine lot two blocks from Bast Ankeny J"u5f 1,iW U t(U, a-haaVK