THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL", PORTLAND,' 'SUNDAY MORNING, MAY , 12, JC07, . rlOrTA ft . ... . trSVNCIL 77 JLJL JLJi J Ml UEfliHS P fnr rr .JJ) If the weather Is favorable;:, If not will be postponed until NEXT SUNDAY ' Prof. Miller will make a parachute jump at an elevation of more than 5,000 feet, or a mile above the earth. - , ; The person who secures the deed gets the.lot absolutely free. i'The ascent will be made from "The Heights Terraces," at the head of Seventh, -Park, Tenth and Twelfth streets, just above the castle,, where the "1905" Fair sign stood.- This sightly property is now on the market Lots from $500 up. ' A car line is being built to the property, and gas, water and ! sewer; pipes will ' be put in immediately; . 'v, , EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN ' . HEIGHTS PROPERTY ' Office' on the ground, also Room 7, Chamber of Commerce, and Portland Heights. Main1 2159, New Books And Their Publishers t HB FAMILT" By Elsie Clews I Paraons, Ph. D. Hartley House 1- Fellow and lecturer in aod oloay, Barnard college 1899 1806. The title page describes the work as: "An ethnographical and , historical outline with descriptive notes, planned as at text boos for the use of college lecturers and I directors or home-reading-.circles. ;:'v-. r..,.' There la perhaps no bock of the paat rn that h&n rGCftivmA fiifp.h hMrtv rv- proval or such severe condemnation as Mrs. v Parsons'; latest work. Tha . ap proval has always come from tha stu. dents of social and economic conditions those who see in -the evolution of these conditions a new order of things and who are willing to take hold of them boldly, weighing them not at their present market- value, but estimating them a-t the effect they will have upon futura generation.."- vf ::.f,-fp . To such readers Mrs. Parson's book Is an Illuminating work. The condemn ation has usually come either from the fiuperflclal reader, or from those who In their self-satlsfled condition believe her advanced ideas mean the breaking down of barriers and the .doing away of the traditional family.. The aim of the book !s quite tha reverse of this latter conclusion, - for Its sole object ' is to put the family on higher plane and the author believes to do so boys and girls must have higher education in social origins and developments, and the reluctance that-has heretofore been evi dent in imparting this knowledge must be withdrawn. t 'r...tHh;??::, , The -general nnwilllngness! to -lm this story Mrs. Parsons says "la per hnps the most notable of all survivals of primitive taboos and ,it still serves tha same purpose as tha primitive ta too, l. e. the preservation of the rroup's social customs and traditions." In concluding her chapter on "Ethical Considerations" tha author, draws this lorical concluslom J'-.'!'." .V' -K-f??-f?; "Vm a It the fashion for every able bodied adult person to be " producer a r:i as a consumer of social values tmich of our presen wasteful and un r':rU'd kind, of consumption would ,:-.n- j .-nr and (Other wants -among thera t, sire far offspring, would have a t . to become more effectual, ,. . jeaer! ecf.omlo apd culturtd ad ... i., . -4 J . i, FI a t vance of the nineteenth century suc ceeded In sidetracking most of tha sur vivals of the patriarchal family 'of our ancestors. The general division of la- oor more or less necessitated the carry- Ing on of production outside of the ramiiy. Freedom of migration tended to : disintegrate kinship i ties. Advance in sclenoe weakened tha religious sanc tion or custom in general and the fam lly custom in particular, 2 Finally the spirit of freedom for individual develop ment and initiative undermined marital and parental privllegea. This disinte gration of the proprietary family has seemed to soma people to bode that of every form of the family, They argue that any form of family organisation is Inconsistent . with our rampant individ ualism. Many facta seem, to. Justify this argument; nevertheless are there not more optimistic signs in view T Is there not a growing realisation that in dividualism and altruism are mutually dependent, that the state must develop through the Individual, but that tha i dividual must also develop through the state? And Is not the conception that child-rearing is a social as well as an individualistic function, a " natural co rollary of such a political philosophy? Through the working out of this con ception tha family may regain us lost Drastie."'.!: ? rii: :' v From this conclusion one can readily see the trend of Mrs. Parsons' tnougnt It Is a book to be studied deeply and earnestly, to be uroflted ? by' and v to strengthen convictions that are opposed to the author's, for even her? admirers will find points of difference, and will perhaps be shocked at coma or the oar ing theories b advances, ; but even here they will tarry and either sub scribe to her Jewa or -: become mora deeolv rrounded in those they hold. But above all the book should be read in a receptive wood and without preju dice from i flewtpaner criticism, ror therein lies the danger of losing the best of the mesaaga Mrs. Parsona wants to convay and which she has , put In such scholarly text and language, u. Pt Putnam's Sons. Price 12. ih Case ot Dr Horsie'WBy John H. Prentis. The author has constructed a fiction which 1 at once a fine psy chological study and a capital detective story; it is, however, primarily a study of. the importance of conscience In the detection of . crime. That tconsolence doth make cowards of is all" la re sponsible for the 'detection of crime, and the arrest of the criminal Is m mat ter of argument between Dr. ' Janjea Andrew Uoraae afia Kdwi - jfiraUaos c7; . This section of the Helghtsla on.the market The'" rlew from there Is sublime beyond description and Is be i 'C ing sought after as the best part of the 'Heights. The '.' V, new terraced streets connecting this property with the ; business section will afford the shortest route from the ; Heights and bring the' property within easy walking dis ttnce, while at the same time being the niost picturesque v . drives in the whole country, ever unfolding to the en chanted observer new and unexpected glimpses of most . magnificent scenery. ' f TAKE, A STROLL THROUGH THE, PROPERTY, TODAY ' Pnter at Sixteenth and Clifton on the Heights, Twelfth ' and College, or up the Seventh street road. ' both supposed to be prominent men of Detroit, Michigan. - Out of tha argument grew a plan to manufacture a caae of circumstantial evidence clear and positive, and con nect Wallace with ; It by a chain , of events from which no criminal could easily escape. V For tha purpose Dr. Hor aoe d reduced a cadaver, from the callage, whose general appearance resembled his own: . ha was dressed la tha doctor's clothes, placed in the doctor's chair and surrounded by every article that would make his Identity, as Dr. Horace perfect Ha was : then struck , on the head to complete, the appearance of murder and in the email hours or tne morning both men : slipped out of the" house the doctor to disappear from the face of the earth for a stated period of time and Wallace to go whither be would for the same period. If at the end of this time Wallace ; had made good his theory that only guilt leads to arrest he was to receive i,vva irora Dr. Horace, but if he got ' into ; the clutches of the law before ! that ' time be was to pay Dr. Horace tl,000. The murder of Dr. Horace when it was discovered, j was the aensatlon of the hour, and no on s discovered the ruse, even with the whole police force of Detroit striving to capture the bold and daring murderer who had left so many evidences of : bis Identity and taken so little trouble to, .cover up his tracks. ; :.,! t .::..!;. ,; According to the - contract Wallace was not to return to his home or busl nesa during thrs period, where of course he would be free from suspicion, and one. of the most Ingenious parts of the story is the clever way In which Wal lace manages bis disguises and the way he puts In the time which is; a, large part or the story. The autnor leaves hia two heroes to remark: "Progress Is the result of do ing new things. - A genius Is one who is able to do new things.- Ordinary men Jog along in the beaten path of cus tom, never able to leave so much as a wheel track or a. footprint on tha broad fields on either side. They bear : the world's burdens as their, fathers did. they do the" world's work In the same old way, and never see the possibilities Ox Oiner wmyi, .auu viuer imnn. nui every man who has the power of orig ination la a genius, He Is one who is able to . widen the pathway of human endeavor and add to the . breadth - of. human ways." Now.' Detroit's "detective force had such a genius in the person of young Hunter the "boy genius' aa he was dubbed by the rest of the staff, He bUev4 he bad Seed, vision, et some-1 Mi thing new. He felt ha had found hitherto unused principle of ' crlmlnol ogy: a principle that in tha dark and baffling mysteries of crime would bring a flood of light and secure the triumph of justice. , , : t ;. Hunter's opportunity came In tha case of Dr. Horace, How he put It into prac tice and how he, followed It up step by step, and how the opinions of Dr. Horace and Wallace regarding guilt and ine- cence worked themselves out constl tutes a atory of unusual interest and with a deeper significance than usually attaches to mere fiction. It is, more over, a well written story and is fully tempered with delightful humor. The aker it Taylor Co. Price, I1.S0. "The Master of Stair" By Marlorle Bowen. On April 25 this new novel was given to the public. As tha publishers previously announced Mark Twain has allowed this novel . to be ' dedicated to himself In recognition of the Interest he has taken in the work of this writer, whose career began so auspiciously with The VJper of Milan." - That Mr. ( Clemens should be willing thus to give his approval to Miss Bowen's work speaks deeply for his faith in her future career, as very few young writers have ever been able - to secure from him so publlo a sign of his approval. i i 'The Master of Starr" has already shown ' a marked . advance ' on Miss Bowen's earlier work, both in construe tldn and In reserve. -' . While those who have found '"The Viper of Milan" too unrellevedly gloomy and depressing will welcome' the ray of light that breaks In . upon the powerful close of this new story.; McClure. Phillips 4 Co. Price 1.60. vv i. zi J: ' ; ThS Balance, of Power By Brand Wbitlock. , If Mr. Wbltlock has written his novel 'for entertainment, unless the reader, enjoys , the horrible and finds pleasure ' in having every : cord of his sympathetic, nature drawn to its utmost tension, the book has failed in its object, but one cannot read the book and feel for moment that Its purpose has simply tha mission of ordinary current fiction. No one can doubt that the author feela he has a message, and one of grave and serious import which ha wishes to con vey in this form, possibly because he knows that fiction will retch a vastly greater, audience than will a book on social economics pure and simple. The story itself, as Mr, Whit lock has given it, la too tragic, too horrible and too extreme to commend itself by a single feature. Perhaps it is, as the uthor Intimates, only a little bit of a great part et human life a&4 misery; m ..-ari v " mm Z - fit 1 ffi and it serves well to bring out our economic conditions, at the same time It is hardly a necessity, and it is ques tionabla whether an expose of tha dark and horrible slda of poverty and crime tends to ameliorate It , ,::t'- The author baa taken his characters through every degradation and led one of them to tha electrical chair where he pays the penalty for murder; he has described with-minute partlcularlattlon the aensatlons, : v the feelings and . the thoughts, of tha youth who suffers the penalty, and In tha course of the book other murders, with throat-cutting and suicide follow. In fact tha whole story is a continuation of misery long drawn The strength, and power of the work no one can question, nor could they criticise adversely the honesty of pur pose which shines forth from every page. It la the earnestness With which Mr. Whitlock writes that makes the book notable, and .csuaes the .reader, to pause and wonder how far our economic conditions in real Ufa are responsible for the crime and wretchedness that drift to us every morning in our dally papers. - Bobbs, Merrill & Co, Prj,ce 'Tractical Problems . In Banklnr ahd currenoy," published .by the Macmillan company, an unusual book from ev ery point of view. In It more than 60 papers and addresses have been col lected from the most Important V de liverances of prominent, bankers and eoonomlets on various phases of bank ing and currency. ' : : The addresses cover the period since 1900 and include contributions bv such recognised authorities as Henry Clews, tne oantcer; .resile, m. Bnaw and Ly man J. Gage, i ex-sec re tarlea of ' the treasury; William B. Rldgely, the pres ent controller of the currency, . and Messrs. A. B. Hepburn, Chas, a. Dawes and Jsmes H, Eckels, . ex-controllers; Ellis H. 1 Roberts, ex-tressurer of. the United States: Horace- White, former editor of the New Tork Post; Congress man ,i Theodore E. Burton and . many bank presidents and officials. The addressee are grouped in three general sections; the first dealing with general banking problems, tha second with, banking reform and currency, the thlrd with trust company problems. The book is edited by Walter ' Henry Hull nd contains an introduction by Charles Francis Phillips, - -The Cruise of the Shining tight" By ; Norman Duncan, somewhat like Dickens, somewhat, like Barfle and somewhat like Stevenson 1 is Norman Dsncaa's remarkable new novel . And 'P3i ST' - 7 - - Mi 7? yet Mr. Duncan's story" is absolutely unlike - any of the stories of any of meat great writers. m ',...-:.:,'., ,:, It la so original aa to be absolutely unique a story of mystery, of love, of quaint numor ana vigorous action, It Is full of real characters that will live tne ooy uannie aDout whom a ell of mystery hangs, and in whose iove story the book ends an old man, Kicholas Top, who brings tha hor un to wear Jewels and fine clothes, to be al gentleman after the ' rules of . Ir4 Chesterfield, and to look down on his strange guardian a girl, Judith of Whisper Cove, whom Dannie loves from childhood, tha story of whose first kiss was as tenderly and quaintly humorous aa anything in modern literature. v A powerful . story, a lovable story a story that is full of f In manly, rellgloua feeling a story that holds one aa the great old-time novels , hold and. demands more than a single read- Ing. -Harper-&Brothers.-. Prloe 11.80. TJnder." the Absolute Amir" Bv Frank A. Martin. Tha Harpers have lust published a book on Afghanistan, Under the ' Absolute Am lr, written by a man remarkably quauried- The au thor was for eight years engineer-in' chief . to successive amirs and for the greater part of that time tha onlv Eng lishman in tna country, Tha narrative is so clear, so simple. so vivid, so written with the ; gift of the story teller, and so full of personal incident, as to.msxa U or keen inter The Illustrations add very materially to the i value, especially from the fact that most of them are from drawings and photographs made by the author. DODGING ROGUE ELEPHANT Indian Official's Game of Hide and Seek With Big Beast. 4 8. M. Fraser, chief comlssloner' of Coorr and resident of Mysore, met with an adventure In-Qoorg near the Canara border during his recent tour. t : Mr. Fraser, accompanied by Mr. Har ris, assistant commissioner; Mr. Mc Carthy and Mr. Haler, y, were riding along a narrow xlgsag path through an almost impenetrable jungle when, says the , London standard, ne neara an ele phant moving parallel with them. Mr. McCarthy rode to the;hext bend to see if the coast was clear. , At the moment Mr. McCarthy' turned the bend a tusker came out on .he path above, aid without- a moment's hesitation gave the Usual squeal and charged,- O Vi 3SK 1 x - y 1 Shouting "Ride," Mr, McCarthy gal loped down the path and with thia fly ingvsUrt passed Mr, Fraser, who had not got up much paoe, not fully realis ing the danger. The rest of the party disappeared aroundvthe next bend. MC Fraser turned into an opening in the 3 jungle, only to find It a trap of lnv - ; penetrable growth on all aides. - The j rogue elephant was within a few yards of tha horse's talL - - S , Without an lnetant's (. hMlaoh. v throwing an arm around a tree while pasalng he let the horse gallop from . under him, fell to the grouhd en all fours, flung himself to one side of the charging elephant's - path, and then springing to his feet, took refuge be hind a larger tree some paces away. . i No sooner did tha elphane miss the , man than he pulled up, turned around and, proceeded slowly to hunt for him. . Mr.' Fraser ; tn the meantime moved d silently around the tree, keeping It 4MJ, tween himself and . the elephant.- For--- tunately. after 1 some minutes the ale phant moved off and disappeared. ' Mr. Fraser emerged from his plaoe of con- cealment not damaged in any way. The whole party' waa unarmed. i 'Q-?v.;!,'f'3i'"''-"" '''"' "' '""'r ' ' "r.,: ' 1 t' Story of Fampns Hymn. "- j From , the Quiver, ' ' ' A popular hymn Is Theodulph's "Alt Glory, .' iAud - andoncr," belongintf to, the ninth ce,ptury, and said to have been written by the poet while in an ' Angara prison. 4 , t The author - of ."Hymns and - Their Makers" quotes a legend in relation te its use on Palm Sunday, (21, to the effect that when Louis the PIosm king of France, was at Angers, he tookpgj in the usual procession of ; clergy, and as f tha : procession passed the place where St r Theodulph. tha bishop of Orleans, had Jong been incar cerated he was - seen standing at tha open window of hiai celV--, and'1 tnere, amid the silence of the people, he sang his hymn, t6tha-dellght , of the king- who at once ordered him to be aet at liberty and restored to his sea. In some minor details this legend ia referred to-- by other writers as well. ... The original is too long to ba mm in modern services, as It has no fewer than seventy-eight llnea The verses usually found in our hymnals are but a fragment of the original hymn, -which, with mora or less , abbreviation, has been used as a processional for many conturles... . .. :.....,., ,. ,t A very short Journal "want ad cam paign" will, sell that property.?