THE i OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 12, 1CC7. SALES OF RESIDENCE PROPERTY THE HMV1EST ON GIVE EACH if,IE : ITS Oil HUE uii 1 IU ULIILIWIL Activity Pronounced in Su , Portland Follow Southern Cus- as Well as In Other - torn of Bestowing Distinctive Title on Jts Residences. jMANY PLACES KNOWN Sections. 1 NO LETUP APPARENT , , , ' IN BUILDINQ LINES BY OWN APPELLATION RECORD mm ii . Residences on Heights and Other ' Contemplated In City Win Be Given Individual Titles Jnrington IJm But One Bungalow, A growing custom among American people I that Of giving th horn a ! tinctlv.namA Thi had it origin un . doubtedly In th oustoms of th mother country, wbr th ancestral esiaiai mrw . designated by nam which baa gath ered around It tb traaiuons or .( and the dlanlty of mrt Tba trane- planting of lha custom to America org lesa of Anglomania than of a natu- ral affection for lha borne and a de- air to establish It aa a permanent fam ' Hy berlUge to be bald in affection by tba children aa they go out Into the wo no ' and to be to tbem a rallylng-piace an Jdeard by aacred aaaoclatlona and ten- . ,der recollection. - o In the old aoutn. eapeolally the - i board atatea Of Maryland, Virginia and ih. orniinaa thla custom la well-nlxh univarnL The names of these old. oil - lared colonial mansion, oeen through ... r ,-. atateir acre of wood land, recall th antebellum day, when the patron ym beatowed upon the home cf old "marater" waa held In reverence by hundred of slaves, who gloried In . the distinction and dignity which waa -..conferred by It," . ... r .'- Arlington Bast Xnown. Probably th moat widely known of theae ancestral borne 1 la Arlln Tton, founded by "lagbthora Harry" Lea, and 5 the boyhood bom of Robert E. Lee of .Confederate fame. Thla beautiful apot . la )uat acroaa th Potomac from Waah .lngton, and la now th , lt re ting place of thouaanda of Union aoldlora. Th Huaaon rjvar i una wun mag- ""aitW '.Torkera, th name of which are bat- . ter known than are th name of om .' of the cltie that Una th bank of that ' atream. ' - ; ' ' ' : ' . Th many beautiful acn among . which Portland, home are located giro , rla to the desire to perpetuate them, or the remembranoa of them. In the title beatowed on th home, auch aa th name Shula Vista, given to th residence of "A. D. Charlton on Portland Height. Mr. Charlton' home 1 perched n th hlll- ? JB!.l,!.wtt!.i 1 " . . belghta home. V - Portland Pattern Afte ttonU. Bonn(e Brao, th lovely bungalow ponging to W, T. Bridge and located on Twenty-first and Kim atreeta, 1 on of the ahow plaoea on the belghta. . -. . . . . J. C. Alnaworth'a HlUtop Hoose, nl i most at tt summit and peeping out 5 from among the tree, orerlooks all ef tit neighbor J. Inglewood, on Patton Croad, the residence of -i. Lea Barn, 1 ? a beautiful home appropriately named. .' Greenowlers, th K-.gllah way of pro? - nounclng "green alders." 1 the deaigna i tlon that 3. C. Curry haa riven to hia at- f. . . . . . . m 11. - tracur ispring-aireet reaiaence, ana in i near-by neighbor. Rose Crest, I th real- ; dence of F. I. Fuller ot the roruana street Rail war eomnanr. Cafa Madura la the pleaslnir and r. sweet-sounding Spanish nam that I O. Pfunder haa oestawed upon hi new and handsome Portland Height horn. -M. B. Rankin's home at Sixteenth and Clifton la appropriately called Clifton Place. Over In Irvlngton th custom of be stowing namea on homea ha not b . com o general a en Portland Height. yet a number of th attractive real denoea tn that district bar been given distinctive appellation. , jrlna-toB Some Also aTaaned. Sana Bouct la th nam given to th horn of the well-known realty dealer, P. J. Raley. Mr, Raley'a residence . 1 ; et tli Bast Twenty-first tret if , ! Dr. George TX Peters Is th poeeeeaor of th only bungalow in irvlngton, , hence, he ha fittingly named hi home tn Irvlngton Bungalow. ;: t';' Dr. Ralph Walker's new realdenoe, en echuyler near Twenty-seoond atreet, la luiown aa Clink rld. y'.-A," ; Sidney Smyth ha ri attractlv home . at Tl Wldlr, called Oak Place. A score, or more of .elegant home are ' under, construction In different aectlon j of th city, a number of which will be : given appropriate name. -HI Thomp - on of Hart man it Thompson I erecting j handaom borne on Portland Heights ' which will cist aomethlng Ilk I1S.0 . Mr, Thompson haa not yet decided upon '. ; nam for hi new horn. T. B. Wilcox la building a fin house on. Council Crest, which h will use fori ::: ..r.. ' 1 : .. . 't- " ' f , it v. - I 'ri' m v ' x H : I fir jV VI 1 y lr!f - Kew Store and Warehouse ot Pr&el, Helege ft Co., Thirteenth and Hoyt fcWlDENCE 0? CMA&K; umsmr horn, and which la to be called MapleWood. M. I Holbrook la I preparing to build on Portland Halgbta 1 near the Charlton residence, but baa I not yet eeiected a nam for hla bouae. I With the bulldlng-up of the hill eoun- try to the west of the city with the I magnificent horntf the wealthy clae thla euatora of beatowlng name on home will com Into much more gen eral us than 1 now practiced in Port land. SEEKS SITE HERE FOR - BIG MIRROR FACTORY MlcWgwi Manufacturer Nego- tiating for Suitable Loca tion for Plant It la considered altogether probable that Portland will soon hare a plant manufacturing mirror. 3. Tourner and brother of Orand Raplda, Michigan, hav agreed to establish a mirror fac tory In . Portland, proTlded a suitable totloaof th northwest has had location can be bad. vtw m a. matter in hand, and haa about auo- eeeded In concluding arrangements, When It la , understood : that about three carloads of mirror plat are ahipped her from the at vry month It will be readily seen what th eetab llahmeni of uoh slant mean to Portland. -- ' ' Th furniture faotorl here and in th Sound eltlea alone us sufficient quantities of mirrors of various grades to keep th factory in constant opera tion, without considering - order that would b certain to com In from other eoaat point. , ;, .... The plant wfll tarn eut French mir ror plat (la, Oerman Hoking-glase plat, American plat glaa. beveled plat . glaaa and other kind Of glaaa for ornamental and decoration purpose. It would lao b In th market to buy broken plat glaaa and remnants, which would be .used ' in making th mirror decoration usd la modern architec tural efleot. . THREE-STORY 'APARTMENT Jennings A Co. Will Erect Building ' on Twenty-First Street. Jnnlng A company, realty dealers, hare purchased the to by 10-foot lot at the northwest corner of Twenty-first rjrhtr Northrop streets from Isaac wal ton for 16,000. Th purchaser are pro paring to rct a three-etory frame apartment bouae that will contain IS four-room apartments, at a coat of 116,- 800. Work on - the proposed building win begin about jun 1. DJogenet Searched In. vain for- an honest man. H missed him because h didn't look In Portland. Every man who wears Sohaefer- Korreot Klothes Is honst with himself. He showed thl whan h mad th purchase. If yon ar honest with yourself yen nut admit that Bchaefer'a Korreot Klothes fit th back, pura and eon cieno perfectly. J, C. SHAeFEk & CO., Successor to Armstrong, th Tailor. Room is-ll Raleigh Bldg., S2IH Wash ington Street. , t . ' ' ' j . ' 111011 HEARS Numerous Business. Structures numerous Business oirucrures and Dwellings Are Under Construction. TOWNSITE NOW HELD TO Hfc V ALU AD Lb fKUrtK I T Two. Manufactorlng Companies Wfll ' Soon Begin Construction of Plants Which Will Add to Prosperity of the Little Town. . Ltnnton -la. on of 'Portland' enter prising suburb which haa been truck broadside by the building fever. , In ad dition to three new buslnesa biocK which hav been completed, many, new dwelling ar being erected on th height overlooking the Willamette. Other residence to . th number of a doien will be In course of construction wlthin SO days, besides addition to th I business center. ; The Northern Pacific j haa a larg fore of men at work lag m nn.u mum ox eiae iraca. New. roads in th suburb also give i evidence of its healthy growth. One of I th finest thoroughfares is the one lead-1 lng to th first addition 'to Llnnton, I which makes th entire tract aecessibl 1 to traveL Other improvements are be- j lng carried on a rapidly as posalbl. ResldenU there are looking forward I to a generou building boom In th near future, when two large manufacturing I eoBcerna heain the erection f their I plant. Announcement ha been made I that they wui ouiid close to property I owned along th river affjacent to he I deep channel Bid which afford admlr able shipping facilities. . Public - an nouncement will be mad as soon as MANY HALIMERS " ..(-!" ' . t - V final arrangementa hav been com pleted. . With th eonetruatlon and oper ation of theae two plants, Llnnton" population will b added to by everal hundred people, and It 1 expected that thl Inereaa will atlmulat further th steady -growth ef the little town. Llnnton la th first station west of Portland on th Northern Pacific road. whloh la alo need by th Aatorta Columbia Rlrer, and two mil below la th nw Northern Pacific crossing I ov,r wilUmtt.; with the lncre n jm ,eUyity in th ricinity, com- blned with th fact that th townalt of Llnnton U th only available one In that action, belief ia erpreased that ln alda of two years th town will hav th largest copulation of any within th suburb raaiua of Portland. Aooea to Lth! 15?? ha?1..0' busin center of th lower weat aid. TO BE RAZED AND CANYONS FILLED Contract Let for Preparing Resi dence Sites in Willamette ' Heights District Russell A Blyth hav let th contract for a larg amount of grading work In tn Willamette Height dlatrlot Ser- era! of the smaller hllla ar to be eroded down, the Intervening canyons filled no lay-land th whole transformed into choice puuaiag sues. - , The contractor will eat a steam abovel on what 1 known a Scotch Nubbin, which la now 110 feet higher than th level of th height. About 100 feet of the Nubbin will' be dug away, laavlng three terrace of deelrable residence lte. Th contract 'call for the removal of about 100.000 cubic yarda of earth and will require the remainder of th year to oomplete. I - ? Tin firm la tiavfViv la of improvement work dona In It new addition known aa Blythswood located at the far end of the Thurman street car line. An affort 1 being made to have the Thurmaa street car- lln x tended through this new addition and It l thought that th effort will be snccessrui, New Work for Telephone Girl. 'From the Sedan Lance. A atorw lllustratlna: th manr Imnna- i SIbl requests made of telephone girls Is one told of a Sedan woman who waa going out shopping for a few hours, put her baby to sleep In Its carriage, and taking , down the telephone receiver. placed It beside th Bleeping child. Then ah notified central of th ar rangement and asked her to lng to th baby if It wok up and cried. , .Warehouses, feelouaing to 1 I,,,, ,,, ,.,mm ,,, m - , ., ". . ... . . ..... ..-) i ; . . 1, ; - ; , asBsiiBaiiiii -- J "''''" jw X -..t, ..j v aaBJaneJJBaMa-fcjkaaA x 9 ptimmmmwmf r.HLES OF PAVING ajf-"-'1 '' ! H"SaJaJSaSSJBSSjS . ' Property Owners Stirred Up to Need of Improving Bad Streets In City. Saaa"" a MM : TALK OF LAYING HUNDRED . MILES. INSIDE NEXT YEAR Odious Comparison Constantly Be- - fag Made ' Between Portland's Bhabby .Thorooghfares and Finely Psvedjstreets of Seattle, A tngl contract for hard-surface street paving waa let In Seattle on day iat wees; calling zor tn expenditure of more money and th laying of more pavement than all th street paring that haa been out down in Portland during the paat 12 months, and this waa not an unusual occurrence in th ound city. But If 'auch a contract had been .let In Portland w should hav atood aghast at our own reclclessneae. Th beginning of such an xtnsiv atreet Improvement project In Seattle 1 but on Of - many vldences of the nperb publio spirit that prevail in that city. i Th Question Is often asked why I It that Portland 1 so far behind Seattle, Tscoma and Spoken In th matter of finely Improved atreeta, when It la r far ahead of these cltie In so many other way? - Portland' commercial su premacy In th Pacific norttfweat I un- disputed and It per cplU wealth 1 pn of t th largast In th United State. Portland BJeav Otty. ; ! ' "Portland is one of the few citie In th country that has grown great and rich with almost no effort On the part of Ita cltliens," remarked a well-known resident of this city. "There is no on thing that so rapidly builds a city and lncreasea property valuea aa atreet .pav lng Xet It baa been o far, practically Impossible to get .Portland's residents and property .holders to. stand together and put through an extensive and sys tematic street paving program. Every effort of this character has met with bitter opposition, which haa usually been potent enouan to defeat the proposed Improvement.' i j Th street of this city ar a dis grace to a town one-tenth It sis. . Th J Joseph Simon and William Gadsoy, DEUAIIO UAIIY OF PFUNDER Anmr a vrr ua iun , only hard surfaoe pavement that amount to anything la In th buelnea district and a portion of that haa been fnegleoted until It la almoat beyond r- - Oomparioa Xm Bad, ' Thr 1 a rapidly growing sentiment that thla city must put forth extraordi nary activity In permanent atreet lm provement or baOeft hopelessly in th rear of pacific eoaat progress. It la a dally occurrence for eastern tourist to eomment upon th unkempt condition of our atreeta, and at th same tlm speak with th highest praise of Seattle's hun dred mile of clean , asphaltum , pave ment . " It la predicted that unless Portland discard th present cumbersome and ntiniiaia mathwt t ...-. lmprovementa. that it will be a long tim in acoompllahlng.much along thla lln v. , r -.- .:., x Ther 1 a Try gen.ral entlment In favor of adopting tb district Bavin nlin tVl. haa Ka frmiA .W admirably In Seattle and other Waahing- ton citie, ana a modification of th ordlnanc to allow a 14-foot width of narement on hiMim .tr..t. .A n.,v. in. An atfh.r aMa a number ot th more publlo-eptrlted prop- rty owner favor a program which pro- Tide that not less than 100 mil of hard pavmnt b laid In th realdenoe aiatricu curing th nxt IS montha. FINE NEW TRACTS Qo. B. TJnderwood Bal Beta Ageaoy Coaduots Bom Big; Beala . , v.. v t.t. .i xzzsrvZtts ncTef s B. Underwood, Bellevue Tract and ad- aiuonai land adjoining th Ladd farm. on th Sandy road. - Th tract will be platted and put on th market-. Im provements will Include "cement side walks, curb, graded tret and Bull run water. ,, Th lots will b for i at the office of Oeo. B. Underwood, cor ner or rourtn ana stark atrta Mr. JVenefee haa also purchased fifty three acres of choice land adjoining council crest, on th city aide, which h 1 already Improving for high grade home. , a larg force of men ar clear ing the weat aid property tfuid Mr. Underwood will plan th lota in thla tract on th market In about thirty oaya. - . .. Mr. Menefee 1 on of many capi talist who e . th advantag of In vesting m Portland property. Th en ormous growth of th jclty, th steady increase of - lta population and It natural condition ar point which en courag th most conservatlv Investor. Th man with a small need onlomfwyp Tn man wun a small capital need only grasp th opportunity and atart on th road to proaoeritv by following th deal. of th larger lnveator who hav com to our city of rosea POST0FFICE AT SINGAPORE Trouble the Carrier Hare Making - Their Deliveries. .The postof flee at Singapore must p a Towr of BabeL Thr' ar letters for delivery to Eu ropeans, ! Eurasian. ' Malaya, Tamils. Bengal, , Parseea, , Arab,- Armenians, Sinhalese and other, says 8t Martin's- le-Orand. The postmen hay their work cut out, and when there comes a Tamil letter they often have to beat up the countryside for th man with no fixed abode, and they often have to read out th addresses ana, origin or an their let ters at each house they v(lsit " . There are Other obstacle In th war of the speedy delivery, of letter. - Dogs, for example. The Malay postman Is a Mohammedan, and whan the frlnnrilv dog accosts him dogs always accost postmen) th touch Is different . ' The postman must batba. And the bath must be taken before the next hour of prayer., Prayer ar offered flv times a day. . -';:'"vy..-'. , : Either th postmaster of Singapore has no nerves or he doesn't open hi x- ploslve correspondence. . . . under construction on Thirteenth, between GUsan and Hoyt,' I Transfer and New Dwellings on the " East Side Greater Than Elsewhere -Hawthorn Aveuue Present a Moat Remarkable Development. AmiAtk tram half a. doaan untnnruM-t. ant sales of lnaid lot, . th bulk ot last week' realty ' transactloha ; waa mad Sp of sale of residence and res idence .iota. Th movement in thla clasa of property waa never heavier la th history of th city than now. 1 A targe proportion of the sales la for dwelling valued at about 11,000 and for lota valued at from $750 to llrOWLNat- uraiiy, tne cast sia i to soeueqj moat of thl development, t In uppef Alblna. not les than two dosn dwell ing and building lota hav changed hand alnc tn tirat of th month. Th activity la home-buying In th upper Union avenue territory is quit I a pronounced aa in any otnr part oi I th city, On feast I Fifteenth and Claokamaa atreeta, a larg ten-room residence la to b built aa soon as the arrangement now under way can b completed. .The bulldlna la to b In th mlaslon type, a atyl ox architecture comparatively new In Portland. . P. H. Tynanv of Reed, Fields A Tynan haa under considera tion th construction of three douol flats on Clackamas , and East Third atreet. - ? ' ' " i v srw Plat Bnlldinr. W. H. Helman la putUng np , a $7,- 000 four series flat on Knott atrt and Oantenbeln avanu. . On Maryland avenue, near Shaver street, th Btanlelaua Polish catnouq I church haa rotd a 14,000 chapel. The Columbia unlvrity 1 planning to put up a dormitory on th oampua during tn i coming aummer. The in- crsd attandano at th univrlty I ma impraur no? avr-- v v.- I ItlitOrV rOOffl. . ' ' From WUunn avenue ce-st, onn aiong me ou ni .. no um ou or tn ioun,i I and aaw. In th vicinity, or jaaegjey I Junction and MoKsnn Junction a very pronouncd building activity haa at In. or tiM f w1UnM ' v" g-vaiu oi e.w """" trucuon in imniwa, I "at -prooaoiy , T atariea unn wiuui w a. Aottrtty fa Zrvlngtos. In th nw Irvlngton dlatrlot. W- - traM Thomnton. Mintntn J and Twenty-fourth. treeU, no lota are tesrs macadam and all sidewalks are to b of eonort and parkd, - ' Ther 1 no let up In th bauding pro areas along Hawthorn avenue. Th chang on that thoroughfare within th paat ix montha would be almost un believable anywhere else than In Port land, : Par out ' on th Hawthorn ear line, in th vicinity of . Mount Tabor reservoir, realdenoe ot a superior elaee are springing up on ovary band. ' Announcement was mad during th week that work would soon begin on a numbr of new business structure. Grant Phsgley Is preparing to erect a thr-tory brick on , North Seventh street for business purposes at a cost of about tSMOO. .-. Th xoavatlon I under way for John Matthlesen' four-story hotel at FronS and Harrison streets. Th bUHTdlng will cover a Quarter-block and will b so constructed that . additional storie can be added to the original structure.' . . ; : BW Bank a eUwood. ' At th northwest -corner of Holladay avanu and Lrrabee atreet, a three story brick business house will be erected during th. aummer. ' The struc ture will hav a frontage Of 100 feet on Holladay avenue, SO feet on Larra bee street and will cost about t5,000. Bellwood s new bank building at Uma tilla avenue and East Thirteenth treet 1 rapidly. ; ncarlng completion. Th walla ar to b of a eream colored pressed brick - and will present when completed a handsome appearance. At the northwest corner of East Asn street and Grand avenue a combination store and apartment nous is soon to go .up, . Mr. Lolsa zmsiey and maaeman wno own Tnn rrnnriSB r are having th plans prepared for th struc ture. ' ' , . 4' The MissUslppi avenue Congregation al church is soon to be remodeled, at a oost of about f5,000. , Apartment for Pleaders Street. Gravea ft Co., musical dealers, will" erot a 125,000 brick store on West Park between Davis and Everett streets. W. L, Morgan has taken out a per mit to erect a 1 three-story apartment house on Flanders atreet between Twen- tleth ' and Twenty-first 1 -.. atreet-... The building will cost about 122,000. Mr. Emma E. ; Flsbburn has pur chased from. ; Sengstake ft : Lyman a quarter-block In Alnsle place on Haw thorne avenue for $3,000. "Mrs. Fish-1, burn Is a-resident of San Jos, Call for- . nia, . She Intends erect lifg a modern . residence on her recent -purchase and - will thereafter make Portland her homa f VI i