The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 21, Image 21

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Oregon Senator Becomes Chief
, Adviser to Roosevelt In All "
-. Northwest Affairs.
session of the legialature In securing
the moat etringent Sunday cloalng law
in any atate wcat of tha,ni
river. Dr. Tufta says that tha new law
goes Into affact today.
Tha naw aot prohlblta tha opening of
lotorcwtbif Course Pursued by Sen
ator Since His Election Became a
CerUInty -Hm Achieved Nation
Prominence in Bhort Time.
' tWuhiaftoa Barese a( The IwuL)
. waantngton. May 1L Thera la no
,aouot that President Kooaevelt has
aan to his boaom tq a political rela-
uvnamp Jonathan Bourne Jr., , Unltad
. Btatea aanator from Oregon; tharo la no
doubt that Banator Bourna suddenly haa
. sprung jnto prominence aa ona of tha
personal adylaara of tha chlaf eieou
, five, and thara aaama to ba little doubt
. that Senator Bourna hancaforth la to
iba a potent force with the admlnietre-
tlon with reference to north Paclflo
, coaet altalra.
This Is notwithstanding the lex on
acripta of the senate that new aenatora
- shall remain In the back around and not
Tpt to take an nctlva turf in ai.
tlonal affaire here at tha national eani.
wi until they have served at least vthe
major pan or tneir nrst term. . t
Dr, a. L. Tufta, superintendent of the
FacifiO district of tha Intarnarlnna! TJ.
and the Incoming member promptly at- form bureau, is Jubilant over the victory
"uu roawera erouna wotrai won by tha bureau In Maha at ,. i..t
mm neparunenia - iie was eieepieaa in
his vigils and lost no opportunity to in
form himself as to how things were
done here. He was a ready learner; he
aoon mastered lh geography of official
Washington, with Ita open pathways, lta
aubterranean passages, lta , secret saloons and placee of buaineaa on Sun-
vrmca wuii ana lie wireteae leisg- aay except drugstores, livery atables and
-r- ., . xne measure nrovldea a nan
Senator Bourne did? not cultivate only
one class of senators; he gained the ao
aualntanceahip of both administration
and antl-edminiatration members. Be
knowa Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch of
Rhode Island, titular head of Standard
Oil Interests here; he knowe Senator
Penrose of Pennsylvania, successor of
the late Matthew Stanley Quay of pub-llo-treaeury-lootlng
fame; also he knows
La Follette ef Wisconsin, and , other
anti-loot senators intimately, f '
Senator Bourne entertained at his
alty from StO to 1210 with lmprlsoa
ment not to exceed 90 days for the first
offense. ' On the second violation, the
culprit can be fined and sentenced and
hi license taken away from him.
All publlo offlclale. are required to en
foroe the law or be guilty of a misde
meanor, punishable by a fine of from
60 to 1B00 and removal from office.
Dr. Tufta will apeak this morning at
the central jiaptiat church and thla
evening at the Second German Bantlat
church. At both meetings his address
will be on the local optloa question, ,
A marriage license was Issued this
afternoon to William T. Caasldy ' and
Elisabeth Margaret Moeok. and . the
hotel. He la a boa vlvant, a connoisseur, I laauanoe of the license caueed ooneld
a hale fellow, well met, whenever he) arable speculation at the young
wants to be, and he has been In the no wnm.n'. m.. -. .
lltloal game for some time, having hob- , ",7 yeaterder aftarnoo- w
nobbed -with varloua nartiaa and fan. "I"00 afternoon, sajrlng that
tiona during his 10 years of active part Ti in 10 how. , - ,
In Oregon politic He began aa a Re- uea w return, however, and
publican, entered the allver Republican
party, became a Populist, a fualonlat, a I I f 1 rV I Ilif llinnnnrn Kn
ssssassaiKsras mar un lanl iNUUHitu br
yard of the political ahlp. He has been
at the helm man times aa . steering
master. : " .
. .. Btadled Hard al OapltaL
So ha Cultivated other ' aanainre and
loablnet members, and bureau ohlefa.1 ' )
bad-not returned at a late hour last
night , Efforts ' en the part of her
mother and f rlenda , failed, and It la
believed the young couple were mar
ried and left the city Immediately after
that AaratMAnw : . .
Young Caaaldy . Is It years of (,
ana naa uvea at tie jsaat Oak street
The young woman lived with her moth'
er at itl Morrison etreet -
Senator' Bourna dlarenrdine- nreaa-f studied Just as hard herein the sohool Thi Indorsement of the Vunlninal
oenia, ignoring unwritten laws, . has
the Influence which attaohee to an In-
. cumbent of a seat in the nation's high-
. esi law-maaing body. ; . . .
onme's In Oampalgm, '
Senator Bourne came to Washington
last December, took apartments at the
. Shoreham hotel, employed a stenogra-
pner ana secretary, and began to get ao
V qualnted. He vlalted the senate and, as
an incoming senator, had the oourteay
; of the floor. He did not go there much,
. but . rather Instituted a systematle
- aearcn ror information aa to where peo-
. pie maae meir emcual homes who were
s; potent - In governmental affairs. He
called On President Rooaevelt; he called
- again; they talked about their alma
' mater, Harvard, and about all aorta of
' matters. Senator Bourne, although now
a weatern man,' was of New England
" birth, , and of powerful eastern' family
and financial connections. ' He Is presi
dent of a large. manufacturing eetab
liahment In Maaaachuaette, and has mla-
,-lng interests In the west with whlcbrt
prominent' eaaternerg are connected. ,
When Oregonlana came to Washing
- ton and wanted to call at tha White
House,. Senator Bourne eecorted them
thither, tetters began to come to the
.. aenator-to-be from Oregon const! tueata.
of Washington official politics as he did association was aivan to uhw in.
at Harvard; perhapa harder. , . ' at a meeting held last night" It was
.- But all the time he kephls weather decided that a statement be prepared
eye- on the large mansion, next to the by the aeeoolatlon setting out the reaaena
treasury building, where' Theodore for ehooeing Mayor Lane for the In-
Rooaevelt Uvea. His calls were fre- dorsement of the aaaoolatlon, and this
quant Understanding conditions. In wllf be prepared and given to the pub-
the Paelflo north went Senator Bourne He at the next meeting,, which will be
began to be -one of the preeldent's ad- held tomorrow. , ,,
vtaera.' Alwaya.the new senator kept l ' ' ' " ' "
In mind the preaidenfa political . in- ,
tereeta. . He began te give out per- V.Vtn.tL.i-V. T . . .Vt 0M
sonal statemente that J Mr." Rooaevelt J' .Mr' ?i6odym,M lo-
would succeed himself. He told many HIT !7T F""BW nwsjiee.
No definite action was taken regard
ing the indorsement of any other can
dldates, . nor- the choloe of any . Inde
pendent candidate, The association Is
considering - the election and Indorse
ment 1 of Independent candidates for
oounollmea at large, and this question
will in all probability be decided at the
meeting tomorrow.
that was hie opinion:
A few small matters of Oregon pa
tronage came up. Senator Fulton was
not enjoying the warmest entente cor-
dlale at the White House, although
he had eetabliahed again a footing with
the president and wee often a caller.
after being for a time somewhat at
outs with Mr. . Roosevelt'
, Clash With Xoody.
The appointment of register and re
ceiver at The Dalles came before the
president Ex-Congressman Malcolm A.
Moody visited Washington quietly and
tried to Induce the . naming of those
of his choice. For years,' Mr. Moody
has been Influential with Mr. Roose
velt Senator Bourne determined to
stake- hie all on forcing the turning
down of Mr. Moody at the .White
Tremendous Crowds Thronged
The Store at 3rd and Oak Sts. Yesterday
, or. b. commas, acboss nox v. . statzovax. bayx) -
li.,Aa4.Xvery One Umjoyed the) maednf Feast af XargaUa sa.the,,.
Moody's home town.- He Joined with
Senator Fulton In fighting Moody, and
than, when Moody's Influence had been
apouea, engineered a plan . to have
prominent Republlcana meet In Port
land and debate The Dalles appoint
ments. .".";'., , ..'"J',;, ,( ,
The outoome was the naming of
Moore and Arneson, both agreeable te
Bourna' He had won his first cam
paign. ' .-: ... Y ;'....., :-r .; , .- ;
r' Tlslte) to White Bouse. r-5-
Still these White' House vielU oon
tinueo. congreaa adjourned, but Bear
wr courne aia not adjourn. He re
mained In seaalon,' working like a bea
ver, ana every day eomlna closer and
cloaer to Prealdent Rooaevelt and
atrengthenlng his hold on the preaU
dent's affections. ; It Is . claimed that
ne even became an ardent pedestrian.
going on long walka with the preal
dent although Senator Rmmi
before had habitually enjoyed the pleas-1 All Throwers of Missiles Arreated on
urea or ram Dies along country paths
One Llns Fairly Patronized by
ruoiio ana uisoraer ocarce
- ;ly Notloeabfa. ' ' '
fflofister- Jailif lip! , Sale
and In wooded glena. But la view of
the prealdeht's penchant the new een-
ator eachewed aomewhat his leanings
towards club life, and added pedestrian
toura to his list of official aotlvtttee.
The senator is strictly temperate.' He
I never partake of strong drink. He Is
i a man of business - training, and ha
built, up a system of admirable effl-
I V , .. '
Charge) of Using Deadly Weapons
Woman With a Red Flag Make
Deft Stlcfc No Caenaltleai
' (Heant llewa ay Uwrwt Leased Wire.)
. -41m 9 W MAlaM ' Uaw ale ssn.a. a.
-""" -uvvv, sua ; VtVjr SJ
01 the S. Marcos Department Store Stock
tweea the hours of 10 a. m. and I b. m
The senator dote not rash Into print I the United Rallwaye ran eara on Sattar
raainoars ox in a upper nousa are I street from Btanvan
v.a i. ;r . . I . . .:
. apeaKe wneniana on the Turk and Eddy street line
he is ready to speak; before that newa-1 w..... rJJ.L
paper corresponaants must wait
steeps auaaee wen.- labia
between Market and Devlsadero streeta
. The disturbances were hardly notice-
On the Alter of Merciless Slaughter!
For 6 More Days, Only 6 Days!
Everything usually contained In the stocks of -an up-to-date and fully
equipped Department Store la embraced In the massacre! , These goods were
ordered sold for the benefit of Marcus creditors by. the United States courta
The stock consists of Spring and Me dlum-Weight Men's and Boys' Clothing,
Shoes, Hats, Furnishings and ladles' and Mlaaes Suits, Skirts, Coats, Jack
ets, Waists, Corsets, Hosiery, Under wear. Motions; Black, Blue and Fancy
Dress Ooods; 1,000 yards Fine Taffeta .Silks, Broadcloth, Serges, Flannels,
Silk-Mixed' French Materials, Shoes, Millinery; eta, to be closed out at II per
cent of actual value. Here are a zew or the. beralna.-"Be here early U'a
i "easy money? for you.
r.Mmf ma,. V, v.- .
r", Z . " men enow more
"'7,'"L " ue wexrare of the United
Wrteea Arrssts.-;i
uoi , ware is arreara A v.
--. v- -"""a
nriV J r . pnnter who
intlted the Crowd to reamia-
Ik. .... """"""
f. i. DuOT., bob wero at m
All neweetstirdaele, very latest cut
Suits In single or double-breasted
atylea Topcoats built on the -newest;
and smartest lines by master tail
ors. All examples of splendid work-
manshlp. AU the goods at the depot
and In transit for the bankrupt firm
ered sold by the court ror the
benefIof the creditors., amita. Top.
coats, Oraveaettes, rroasers, raacy
Teats- Odd Coats. Examples of
nriclng: vX..
Um'u 110.00 Suits 3.4S
Men's 11 100 Suits ,...ii,.f 4.8S
Men's $1150 Suits ..;...,.$ 5.85
Men's $11.00 Suits ......... 7.45
Men's $11.00 Suits ........I 8.85
Men's $S and $10 Suits' ...f 11.85
Boys' II.B0 and-8.00 Shoes. .. 81.15
, Boys' $ LIB and $1.50 Shoes... $1,65
aooni abb botbt PxrmjrrsBuros
Boys' Suspenders f. ..... ,. 55
Men's (0c Neckwear i..... ,.12He)
aoo ouaponaera ........
Men's 7Bo Negligee Shirts ,35i
10c Handkerchiefs . ........ 4t
A.av muni Dwmni: 9C
11.00 Boys Sweaters 432
75o Boys Sweaters .23a)
Men's. $1.00 Underwear k2
Men's tl.ll Underwear .494
7o to lto 'Outing Flannel at '
per yard aU. au
SOo Kimono Flannel at tier yd. .l6e
.,Taa 7Z ' l a; oa 150 PUld BW FAl2He
!1J n J S-" ' """f" ' ' f oa 460 Mercerised at, per yard, .-,22e
$20.00 for t.90 UHo Silkollne at per yard., 72
urnrn tbotsxbs.
$1.50 Pants for
$3.00 Pants for
$160 Pants for
$1.00 Pants for
$1.50 Pants for
$4.00 Pants for
$5.00 Pants for
$8.00 Pants for
' e t
M 14 Itl I a
'..- a a
' a.a iti s.e
a e a a m ti a
S .65
(0o Pants ,4. lOel
I So Pants , ........ . . . . . . .. . . . 19a
Man'al.50 Hats at .8 .45
I MfP" nats at .&
IJrtn $1.60 Hats at ........81.20
Men's $1.00 Hats at ........ 81.65-
Men's $1.50 Hate at ........81.85
Soft or stiff; black, pearls, tans,
brown, nutria and dove. Bya' Hats,
newest styles, , at it to 40 per cent
.discount ', ,';
rii-,irV:,l !"' "'" " : '' '" 'A.-ffrt'
1': CXXZBBEBV ST7XTS. '-:-:i
t to IS TearsSchool Salts.
12.50 Sulta for ......8 .98
$1.00 Suits for '............ 81.45
$4.09 suits for .............81.95
$5.00 Suits for ..,.,.,..,,..$2.45
$6.00 Suits for. ........ ...,.$2.85
$8 and $10 Suits for ..... . .$3.65
: ' KBITS SBOXS. ";; ' .
Men's $5.00 and $100 Shoes.
Men's 11.60 Shoes .........
Men's $3.00 Shoea ....... .,
Men's $2.00 and $2.60 Shoes. ,
60 Drapery Tapestry at-yd..,29c
SOo Turkey Red at, per yard...l6e
x.wv Duma vovera. eicn i,....ZHM
40o Pillow Tops, each ,i,i 15
60o Pillow Tops, each .........2li
tl.AO Comf orta . aarh' . AtkJm
$2.00 Comforts,, each .. .. ...,81.05
$$.00 Comforts, each ...,....$) 1J59
Coreeta. $2.8f vaiue, for ....81.23
- . A . M 1. . ,m .. . . , .
v.Dmi tuui. ior l ...... Kite
Children's Stocking, '25o vaiuea,
for .:... ... f . i . , . . . . 10e
Underwear, $1.50 values. for....8K
Underwear. $1.00 values, for..,,44e
Flannelette Gowne, $1.50 values.
ror .k.... ..Kfla
Handbags, 60c values, for . . , , .184
Handbags, $1.00 values, for. .,63?
Combs, $1.25 value for- .v. ...390
60o Hat Pins for k...,........15
000, ouypuriera lor v ,., , . . , , 4 . XO?
Mlaaes' $2.26 and $150 Shoe.fl,29
Tha an. At.t I . - ' r TO OUKOT
-ww, v a. weaa aaw uawnuriuwr I aaryaaaaav SaSaiaj aa M
utterance, has beeiWhls statement 'ear- JL' " "7 ure on the
ling that Mr. Rooaevelt must be renom-k "": "" -". ee cars, though for
Inated, and the one telegraohed to Port. fmo" " the latter were.UtUe pa-
jand to The Journal averring that he - . lY '
was not mixing in the mayoralty fight 1 tT "T'' peraonauy went s to
I .i..ii. . . .. I tne moat active nointa:
proper sort or men for political appoint- IT"' , ' u. " "l"wl"' ana ordered
raoni. 1 --- ' wun in; Keeping
Eastern newspaper men oaurht on ta ' ?row protectlna- the
the sltuatton and half a hundred letters .ri H manded of
have gone to as many papers from here
saying that a new star has arisen In
the political firmament that It la to be
seen through - a well-f ooused telescope
standing directly over the Paclf to north
west and that henceforth : President
Roosevelt, wilt mark down that star In
hla hook , An x. nnllt'nal a
Instruct hla associate professors to oblrno'w,,at8-n,OT on when ordered
eerve It regularly and account it as I "fcf0,fc"-; Tn 0h were of those
wxea nrmiy in the heavens. I Z ' . wnen anyone
xne new senator from . Orea-on haa I .. "- "u aione or brick the
not been loafing during the naat fourl"w?.r r" MIM with assault with
montha If a college training la to teach S1JL?po: '
a man how to learn, certainly BenatorL V5 nlr Sthenng that at all ap-
isourne naa applied hla college training 1 1 T. . 'JZ and Flu
nam. Mil la ai-Av i ! i; int. tk.
tlon of a sheekskln from tha president I orowd collected and some bricks
. . 1 . I were fnrnwn "-ft.. ... , .
h im ntuunu pouucai couega i '' utmsumwer on a
- tw m Driest 11 was nan that
an effort was made to Incite a riot but
' n.amp. wa quicaiy suppressed.
Oa Butter street between Kearny and
c-unioo-aery, some oncks and concrete
were thrown at the first ears from sev
eral tall buildings In course of oonatruo-
uvn, d.i bo one wan Mt M i.iii.i
Some arrests were made here.
At Eaay and Market streets there was
gathering of men who mad inatt-.
remarks to those who rode on the cars,
the burden being -Ton are worse than
the scaba" - '.
' Women, Take a B-uaa,
At Jefferson square there was some
thing of a demonstration from the female-
refugees encamped ; there. Mrs.
lichtenateln ran out and waved a red
flag. Other vwomen gathlred . and
cheered h,er.' 5 Finally she planted her
self directly On the traoka and atnwt
graapu-g ner nag defying tha motor
man to run her down. The car had to
come ( to a stop, while the assembled
women Taunted those riding upon It
The police removed Mra ..lohtensteln
ana me nag out aia not arrest her.
Between Webeter and Fillmore
streets a Butter street car ran over
torpedo cap, but the explosion was aot
heavy enough to cause any sxoltement
or panic. This incident gave rise to
Three-Year-Old Child Sentenced
to Jail for Assault and
' . ' .Battery. ' - , '
Infants' Soft Sole Shoes , .
Ladlea $5.00 and $ 00 Shoea.
ladles' $4.00 and $4.60 Shoea.
ladies$l.00 and $2.60 Shoes.!
Ladles' .50 and $1.00 Shoes.
And thousands of other . valuea too
numeroua for mention all equal or
better bargains than printed. North-,
east . corner 'intra ana Oak streets.
, (Joarnal Special Service.)
Paris, May 11. Oeorge Tolut of
Neniiiy at the early age of I years
has been -ewftenced by the criminal
court to 10 daya' Imprisonment for "as
sault and battery." The plaintiff. M.
I WlnkeV Is a full-grown man of 10 and
It would puaale a Philadelphia lawyer
to guess how a omid of 1 could have as
saulted hlm.-'v'':-J-,V''-.",i:-'t-i
The answer to the strange conundrum
la thla: The plaintiff alleges
waa auaaunea oy man scout nia own I mhuMah.i t.. . ... w.
aae named Tolut and he took out a Iirr.riT'vL ..Tr .i".."" v?"a
.7 T '"u r - aympainiaere.
George Tolut happens to be aged I, and I
the father, whom the plaintiff, really In
tended to proeecute, is Albert Tolut
?ui wf 5Uenn-kBWB t0 "? 2?urt u Schmlt Docs Ifot Keep
and when tie defendant appeared In re y
sponse to the summons, Oeorge Tolut j Oraer He Will Do It Himself.
l" ""- San Franclaco, .May 11. Governor
The Infantile defendant ha. lodged ay ' iSStfti'that
an anneal .a h- . ayr Sob" that In the event of the
under age. but by hi. faiher as igai fJ
guardian. But a. the courts know of "Ti - o?tl. ''1hSPwSk?wU
no 'case aralnat an. otha Tl,. tn. Cfcr" ,a Wke Which Is HOW
l-year-old babr must appear la WontS'tZA
Inthe.prln.r.. dock at the hn, onl ctlt: 'SSSSL SS
j win not cooperate with you," said
Cere's a Wcafierlal OpportEnily for Men o! Halted lleins iai Hake BI3 Uosey
ea aa lavestatnt of SI.C9 Down sal M.C3 Per Uoala
Be te a mi aT eneediHtr Uvtua aae wee eeaeat raws $4 every raaatt tf that 4 fOl tfeekle ea Its afnur Bad half te make hit '
It la ear pailaees to UU bin how ke may So thla thing. , wt an laMrperatee. aad V i , , .
Our Name is tht Nmth Xoasl M
eepltal atoek $1, 000,000, repmrated by 1.000.000 aharea ef the ve.- ef $1 eeea, folly paid ap aad aee
ola at Its par ralna and aot a aenar lese.- We sell tbeae sharee ta bko-ka af 100, kat ao atore thaa 1.000 a
hire la aol
ble, aad every '
te aay aarebaeer. Tbe
paper is aefouaoie, ana may tnerenwe be emphreS aa eecnrlt tor loans, bet ear purpose Is te inforai tbe public west we do wits tbtt
which com into eer ban1s from tbe sale ef at oca. At we eielalaad tha lhr a. thra bm hamliwila raa. thnn.. .i...
ef timber leads ewaed br ladlridoala bat not marketable beranae aot apoa e BaTlable etreaoj or hoe ef rail mad. There are doeeoe ef -tbeee
email traeta eoetlsnoaa to each other which eollectlfelj woeJd flod a ready markat at almoat aay reaaooable prtee. iBdindaaUr
they- are not salable, becaaae It woald aot pay to build kffuif roads te a alocle 190 aerea.. ea we boy ap these elalma, aeenrina sa
Urte a body ae we eaa ta one place, and el her eeU tha tracts te lambermea er log than eft earaelvas, thaa doubllns and trebllag ear
money en almost every eeal. These proflta are aeml-annnally OMded amoaf the aharaboldere ef tbe company, beeaoae It la with oar
shareholders' money that we bay the land. They are therefore oar partners In the transaetloes, we merely representing them here apoa
the groand. We bare la eer employ a competent eorpa ef erolser men aktllrd ta the bailaeea ef estimating the a mount and value per
acre of timber aad these pass apoa every enarter aeetloe before we pat a dollar la It. We are therefore certain aot te be deceived, aad
-oar facilities for marketing timber lands are ansnrpaased, beeaoae lambermea tenerally kaow that thla at ear business, that ear estimates
are trae, aad that ear statements aa ta eoatlgalty to water or rail may be relied apoa. .
; There Is Ateol
v There Is aot a possibility ef loss, for tbe reason that THR afONBT-UAKIS IS A VISIBLE THING. : Tha treea are la the fumt
ACTUALLY 8TANDINU THERf aad there te a elamoroae market tor evsry eoe. la fact the race for timber la almost akla te a laoe
for Ufa. And there ta no speculation te oar transactions. We do -not hare to "sarmlse" that we will some out aU riaht We de aot
bare te "hope" we ll etrlke something rood. ' We Invest ae money except in that GOOD thins, aad that at wh laraatora hi aaa ahana
KNOW WITHOUT (QUESTION OR BHADOW OF. DOUBT that tbelr moee? wul yield lameaie r torse. . , mDmnm
Some of Our Holdings Have Increased In Value I0O Per Cent Since We Bought Them, tad Lcater Da
Tell Us That This Wfll Moont Up to 1000 Per Cent Within the Next Two or Three Years.'
Aad we believe-It. "We' feel confident that the prediction Is not overdrawn er a whit toe eatnaetaette.. Ie fact we know thee we ere
on the rtrht track. Two yean' - experience has taught aa thla fact, and baa tanrbt oa mora. It haa taught aa the Iseeoa that the area tar
tha capital at ear commaad, tbe greater tha proflta that will accrue to all participants ta the baauieas, aad another thing, that
Now is the Time to Get in and Drill 1
every hand, and with
lawyers, doctors, , business men aad laborers all are after timber? Timber! Timber t TIMBBSt la the eryt It te heeed ea
" . t m. wiini wi i aaiunuiy moaea eo n auppiy me aemaaa. not It' reqntree areat
capital to eoadoct this bnslnesa,' and tbe fairer It la the more wonderful the profits. Therefor we are selling sharee la ear ootn cany that
this esDltal aad these profits the more harried! t anlarred and all ha ahuror i thm miiri. . i, t. - ,ki. .ri..
publish this adrertiaement- We wanjt the puhlle te kaow what we are engaged In, aad that . ' .
By Joining Our Forces the Small Investor as Well as the .Large Hay Reap a Sure and Kost E::nt::I
narvesu . .
De TOD want ta ba eae ef thla band 'of leattlraate meaev-makent tf n. m in nnxr rw . a' - h.ii a.
army and we will do your work. We kaow hew, AU we require la yonr cooperation, aad XOC aball abare with aa ia the nraXlta tiul
are certain to be made.:
TEi North Coast Co-Onerative Lumber Co. fcc
CEPOSITOayUBlted Ststea National Beak (Organised 1882), Fortlaad. Ortfoal '
WALTEX 0. JirrS, Presldeat
Managlns Officers of tho Company
THSO. A, OARBAEH, Tlce-freelileBt - '
THOd. I. rwAhUfBB. Saatvtary.
appeal. -. ,;
' This will be Quite an unprecedented
occurrence, so far as is known here,
but If the baby were not to come for
ward In peraon' the appeal would fail
and conviction be confirmed. - There Is
no doubt that the court will solemnly
dismiss the oharge against the Infant.
who will be act free, probably by that
time screamlna; - ' - - r :
tne governor m his uiumatum, "but I
will assume personal control, and prom
iee that there will be no disorders." -
'" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBseaaaaaata
. Vancourtr the Victor. -
- (flpectel Olapateh to The Journal)
Seattle, May. 11. Baseball; Vancou
ver f, Seattle 4 .(11 Innings.
German Prince Uses Newspapers
to Find Wife Who Has More
t Than a Million. - ' .
His Highness WanU Ladj gf Pleas
ant Manners, but Is Not Particular
About Iler Looks as Long as She
Haa Money,
" (Journal gnertal Service.)
London. May 11 Much haa been writ
ten about Impecunious British noble
men who exchange their titles for the
dollars of American helreseea. But the
herd-up English aristocrat never openly
avows his mercenary motive. Nor does
the American. heiress acknowledge that
she marrlea his, lordship to obtain a
high f aoclal position. . The pretenee at
least la maintained that oupld Is at the
V .. A t I
eatfopnmon Moan rxfittsin,
bottom of the business. There Is no
such pretense about the following ad
vertisement translated from - the "Vos-
alsche Zeltung:"
"A prince, highness, a royal chamber
lain. S$ years of age. Catholic In rood
health, without debts, finds himself In
the necessity, being a yonger eon. of
contracting a rich marriage in order to
maintain an establishment suited to hla
rank. Ills highnesa desires to marry a
ledy of pleasant manners, not rnnre than
years of a?--i, and of loving ar-
". ;c tf!i:;.T.i- t. fhfl t!U!-.L V"''i
liss than "1, r-" . cf v. : . -J
must t i --..' i . i '
est references will be required."
The Initials given are Y. JC
corning the identity ef the pr' t
haa been muchi speculation, S i
pie are wondering whether r-r
Jean heiress will rise t t
Chicejro is in
Benub'.lc-sn r
:.l l-1 ve ! r
: t. I. - ;