The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 20, Image 20

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A Spoor-
v of Wear
j- r
1 1 - If I .
hi i i i m
Watane ef - the . I) Mi know
bmUm, ell grade, solid gold end
gold flUed oasesi p to the tlok
of time in evary dtall from M
to eioo. a! on aad vey for
it at ah MM7 t Of 91 WNL '
At back of bowl and
' handle where ordinary
. myct putea ipoom
goon enow wear,
Holme & dwardf
' atoning inlaid Spoona,
11 - ri hi
BxatM or iu snow.
. . xxon, at' ax bxoss -
re Inlaid with a piece
oi ntetung silver, en
J ... .. "
uuwmg eacn apoon
with aplid lilver
wear" at leai ihmn
half the
anteed for lJlflcJ
.We show a complete and well
selected line of Bags, Purses '
and v Leather, Novelties. The
collection ; embraces ; all I the
newest fads and1 fancies in
leathers,' frames. & t C A A
designs and trimmings from 95c to.v. ) I uUU;
an i J
Heavily stitched Leather
Belts, with leather, buckle,
all colors, regular fj gj
and extra sizes.. DL
Wash Belts, plaited and embroidered effects, deV
,tachable fastenings, pearl buckle, all
fHBJ arta and craft axhlblt now la
plao at. Ui Art tnuieum la r-
narkabia la man way.- Far ona
thing, Portland paoplt ara by thii
maana enabled to and to atudy
at their leUura much of tba flnert work
which the Boston eoolety of arta and
craftg wee abla to collect from ita mam
-. bero, and that meana aomethlna. .
In the next place it aire an opportun
ity of admiring and forming acquaint
ance with the oholce treaeurea from
many Portland bomea, rare article
which bar bean gathered la all part
of the world, and that la not to ba orer-
. 'looked.' y .:
For another thing It la broadly educa-
xi to ana we wno uve remote iron) th
art center of th world and have few
mean of keeping In touch with th
thought of those interacted la th derel
f opment of art nuit reoognlsa th large
opportunity which thla display bring.
And that aural? la worth while.
ITumanlty Seen In Art
Ther atlll ezleta a vacua diatruvt of
th arta and craft movement among
- thoaa who have but a alight aoqualnt
anoe with Ita alma. There ia mora or
les prevalent a notion that th renewed
Interest In handwork la an attempt to
revive processes .and art which have
Veen superseded, to tura th clock of tha
wona oaexwara ana to insist upon aoing
fcy band th thing which ahonld prop
erly be don by machinery. Thla la far
from tha aplrit and tba Intention of th
supporter of th arta and craft move
., tnent. They fee! that what can ba a
well or batter don by machln should ba
: ao don; but that auch thing should be
ouite almpla and free from attmptd
,corauon. i'-l:'--'-- :-i :?;:? e
1 A machln la Incapabl of design or
of art feeunsr and oecoratlon. it ia felt.
la correctly used only when th e labor
' tloa la In keeping with th purpos for
wnion u anicie 11 to n used and
when It 1 th result of Individual taste
and ilMvrxolaMXs-l'v-
Had an Idea of Her Own. ' '
Thara la a ret, too, a mlaunderatand
- fng a to ana of th main purpose, of
this movement which may bo axpressed
aa tha desire to promote tha art feeling
among individual worker in th crafts
and ta do away with tha merely mechan
ical . and meroenarjr . motive in all
branches of work. Indeed, t a woman
who ought to know better, while look.
lng at tbesa fin axaraslaa of Individual
wont said: -If quit th latest thing
to have thla kind of work." Shades of
wiuiam Morrtat Tha latest thine!
One of the most Interesting dlsolavs
ta th discriminating visitor la th ham
mered bras and allvar. v
Th work of 1. Nelson Wlsner of Ore
gon aty 1 remarkable In thla Una for
Ita Individuality and tha fin thouaht in
th design. Mr. WUner exhibits a bowl
of copper don by Almself and another
piece of his work which attraete much
attention la tha sliver bowl loaned by
ra. imvia noneyman.
Portland Piffera From Boston.
Oragonlana ahonld ba eartlculariv in
terested in thla whan they remember
inai air. wiener eoea these beautiful
things simply because he waata to, th
true anisi soul in mm axnresaln It,
self through tha work of h la hands
Boston would raveno. rrow intni
wninuaiujfuo over Mr. wianra work
if n were on of her native sons. Th
Hiings ax beautiful for tha harmony,
'' ana onnnaiitr or tneir n
aa welVaa for tha perfaotlon with which
uiey are renaerca. , ,
Another branch of work whinh tm .
"' w pottery in which aimpliclty
wjwrm ana nign quality of workman
snip are ahown. .' Amiui tha arti..
loaned In thla craft are aoma fine ex
amplea of Orueby ware, some from th
Boston exhibit and aom loaned by Port-
wBd P0?.1' 5 Mr- Mr- Brwstr.
Mis Falling end other lovera of fin
war show aom of thair
Soma choiea plate In the Dedham with
it aoft lines and colors ara tn t
Other piece f pottery which bav aot
ben , seen In Portland beforV ara th.
work . Of A. a. Bagga of Marblehead.
Soma ef thla la ahown in tba photo
graph, v '-.:..,,';.;. , :,.
- The braae 'ahown with tha Orueby
tile and sotterv In tha nlatura wni9
in Portlands Am on tha eih)hlfr aM
a B. B. Wood, Mm. Lit Hoffman. W.
Cor. Washington and Tenth
B. Ayar and Mra. B. I Corbett. i s
Much attention haa been attracted by
the fine allverwara and enameled work
and the jewelry1 done by Miss Mildred
Miss Jane Carson of Cleve-
Watkins ind
land, who work together. Since the
announcement ha been mad that Mis
Watkina haa been engaged to conduct
summer scnooi . in metal , worn , ana
jewelry under the auspices of the Art
aasoclatlon there haa been great
Jololng among many who bop to aee
natter ? Knowledge ; or tne arte ana
crafts disseminated ' among u. Miss
Xnowlton, a sister of Mrs. Fred Btrong
of Portland, also shows some of her
handiwork In thla Una,
Product of 1760. n
One of th other article represented
In th photograph la tha old urn or
pitcher, which la a trophy, and which la
now up for competition, It la th prop
ertyrAf the Golf club and waa made in
Brugge in 1760. Th various - shialda
hung upon It are inscribed with tha para
Engineering Feature of Northern
Pacific's Crangeville Line
Near Completion.
Culdesae, Idafte, May J(L The founda
tion for. the bridge across Lawyer can
yoa on tha new extension of tha Korth
rn Pacific ia about completed, v A large
f ora f bHdg men ar pushing the
work as rapidly aa poaelble. ' Six ddt
tlonal carloads of steel have just bees re
ceived for this , great atreoture aeros
thla wooddrful an,l awa-lnspirinr forgt
and It la hoped by tha man la charge ef
the work to have th bridge completed
at ai very aarly 'data. :
Tha weather la delightful and tha
-. rsny la hurrying the work.: Aa fast
as th roadbed la empltd th
r,dilavars follow up with , their ma.
i.i--ry for r'aulftg tha ties and Steel iB
Iouion. ' On account f , the splendid
-avhr rapid progress is being' made
-1 eax& ca Uaea U.e track farUuw
out on the great Nee Peree prairie. ' The
rrad-na now practically oomplated four
mue or mor from thla city.
Za Time foe Thla Tear Wbaafc,
- Out on the great open prairie between
Cottonwood and Grangevllle thraa large
gang "are at work, and contractors ar
employing every man .that can be ea
enred at big wages to push tha rrad
work to completion, .. Th grading gang
win nave tne roadbed ,comtIeted to
GrangevllI and ready for steel by July
. ana ateei gang wui tnea take chara
ana wtu. ir possible, complete tha ex
tension la time to gat the big Nes Pare
wneat crop err una rail, cottonwood i
now te be the hospital headauarters.
end already the company Is removing
tha hospital from this city to that point
xn iannr au aiong the line are Jubi
lant over the new road and ar patting
a - larger : acreage in , crooa than aver
before, as it la now certain the road
win , be built te move thla aaaaon'e
Crop. V'iA;',j,,.,'','!iT- ' .''' ijig 'i;.f;
Th town all alnnv tha Una from
culdesae to Orangsvtlle ara boominar.
Bualness Df kll kinds ia srood ami avarv.
bodjF jaeema happy and-prosperous.
Laoben, Austria. : May 11. Several
earthquake shocks ware felt her at T
o clock yesterday, but no damage waa
and tha data when other competitor
nave won it. Tha rich velvet on which
these articles stand la tha property of
Mrs. Hlrach. It ia from Rhodesia, 1
Old pewUr la of late years coming
egain to tha fore and many treasured
articles in tnia eort war, enoo ignored
but now appreciated, are loaned ey
Portland people. The articles grouped
in the photograph belong to Mra Hugh
Hum, Mr, corbett and Mr. Koehler.
Individual mention 1 not possible In
regard to the other rare and beautiful
treaaurea shown. The book exhibit alon
la . worthy of much etudy. Hsre la th
mosT careful work In binding anl leath
er, Among th rarest of the treaaurea
ahown la an old copy of tha Koran, lent
by Mra. Hlrach, every page of which ia
Illuminated with the moat reverent
hand work. - .
The wonderful textiles which areet
th ey as one enter th rooms ar th
property pf ; Mrer-Helen Ladd Corbett
and are marvels of richness and beauty. ,
Some simpler home work la hown in
the adjoining room where era aome pro
ducts of the colony founded by th wife
ef the artist, Douglaa Volk at Center
Novell, Maine, for the purpose of keep
ing the women at work at their homol
looma instead of entering the factories,
Much of the work haa had Mr. Yolk's
own attention In the matter of design.
The women keep their own sheep, card
their wool, make their own dye. Mr.
Volk will be remembered aa the painter
of the Maid Marian and the Boy with I
the Arrow at the fair,
Work Dpne by BBnd.- ' - '
One of the moat jnmarkable exhibit
is a part of the eostoa , display, the i
work of the blind. Here are rag rugs.
dolleys and scarves which It la not poa
elble to realiaa are the work of panda
ungulded by aeelng aye. - -,
It would Indeed be a pity for any one
who values the true and the fine In all
lines of applied arta to miss seeing this
display, but remember, ' It will remain
but a week longer. Tha Art-museum
will be open thla afternoon from 2 to ,
ajame Tor ; Tim
. Bav Tear Health
gave Tour Weary Kvape
gave Ton Money .
gave Tear Olothee
Bare Tone Temper
gave Tone Oomplaxloa)
. .. . . . : ;i r ,
Intense Excitement on Chicago
Board of Trade-Bulls
1 Force Prices Up.
L . " (Journal BDeeial a.rrlee.t '
Chicago, May 11. Pandemonium and
runaway market created scenes of
lntenaa excitement In the wheat pit yes
terday when July wheat , soared three
cents. iraaing was .enormoue and
many bears were caught short " Excite
ment followed, resulting in scenes such
as were enacwo when ."Old Hutch."
Tin-Plate" Raid, Lelter and Gatea were
attempting to control the market
The bears maae a united attack on the for some me succeeded In
keeping price down, but the bulla ral
lied ana zorcea tne prices from 85 c
to . 18 6-8e, registering . an . Increase
4 He in two days.
Panicky aoenes were brought about
by the government report for May
showing that the wheat acreage had
been eut down 'from 11,000,000 to 28.
800,000 In a month. Farmer are plow
ing uff their grain because of Insect
paata. Foreign buyera rushed lnte the
market but the greatest purcbasee are
saia to nave been by country farmers
expecting $1 wheat and rushing In or-
oers ior juiy grain at tne present prices.
The trading waa the bitterest i known
nere ror years and the wildest confusion
provaueq ip the pit for boura
O Some of today's want ada coma from
your neignoorhooa. .
(Bpecial Dlapatch ts The JToaniaLi
Echo,- Or,. May llw A netltlon aalrina
ror tne pardon of Frank Short, now
serving 100 daye in the county Jail for
Stealing coal at Echo, haa been filed
with EetricrAttorney Phelps at Pen
dleton.' lt. le algned, by Mayor L i.
Esteb end many resident of Echo, also
Dy w. w. cotton, cnier attorney for the
u. k. n. company, from which com
pany the coal was etolai
bo tow vxm
our baby? Tou wonder whyTie cHes,
tuv a botae of White's Cream Verml.
f uge and he will never cry. Most babies
nave worms, ana tne mothers don't
know it White Cream Vermifuge rid
th child ef worms and cleans out Ita
system In a pleasant way. Every moth
er should keep a bottle of this medi
cine in the house. With It, fear need
never enter her mind. . Price 25a. fioM
by all dxugguta, - . , ,
y " . . . .-K..r. !
9p? I
Largest Single Order Ever Placed J
To Be Used Next Year
Open Hearth Variety.
fill in coupon and mail to us
The iron will be delivered, with
all necessary equipment, abso
lutely free of charge-No delay
. , (Journal Bpedal Sarvlee.) , :.
New York, May 11. Larger than any
single order .for . eteel ralla ever before
placed with one company is an order (or
150,000 tons of rail just given to the
Tennessee Coal A Iron company by
th Harrlman roada' Of the totat order
iie,goo tone are ror the s union and
Southern Paclflo systems, and 40,000 for
thr tUlnoie Central.
The Order represents about $5,000.-
000. It calls for delivery In 1(0,' The
ralla era deliverable for 10 months at
the rate of 11,000 tons per month.
The order la said to be another indl. 1
cation of the growing popularity of the
open hearth rati.; Heretofore the Har
rlman lines have been buying Bessemer
rails, principally from the United States
Steel corporation, at 828 a ton, as com
pared with 2t paid for the open hearth
alL , ,
, Flret and Alder Street, Portland, Oregon,
Gentlemen You may deliver to tne one Electric Flab
Iron, which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory to tne: to
return to you within 30 daye from date of delivery. If I
do not return it at that time you may charge aame to my
account at $4.00. It i understood that no charge will be
made. for the iron it I return it within 30 days.
Addreie. , ;