The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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I'.V '
A Good
to Trad
A Coo4 j
' Place
to Trade
Who! Population of the Spanish
Prosecutors at Bay City Oectare
Capital Stays Up All Night
to Celebrr.te Birth. ";
. They Can Prove Charges
y.ti Against , Railway Men. f
The carpenters and painters are upon us.,- Our store Is about ( to undergo extensive re
pairs. The improvements to be made are J A new modern plate glass front, the store will ;
be repainted inside and out, a new electric elevator will be installed and new concrete ;
basements are to be put in.''; While we are upset we are making extra inducements to
pay you for any inconvenience you may experience by trading here. ri
Title of Marquis Is Conferred Upon
' Attending Physician Ceremony
Overhead Trolley Graft Will Hare
Light Thrown 'Upon Black Spots
Next Week ' When Testimony of
Important Witnesses It Heard.' '
o( Inscription of Ilelr's Kama on
' Record of Royal Family Ocean.
t . V
11 1 I" 1
si 1 ii ! 11 nr 11 T m
1111 TJ U.f. 4 IJ4 ',, , I -Vfc
i Special CiMvt by Bearst Hnre Swviee.1
. Madrid, - Spain, Mar ll.-j.Tha birth of
an heir to-tha throne haa almost
caused ths Spanish people to become de
lirious with Joy, No loyal .Spaniard
thought of going to bad laat night, and
tha festivities continued until daylight
Madrid presented a Joyous scene. The
Vl'dty was illuminated, there were mag
nificent displays .of fireworks, regt
inental bands playing national airs
tnarehed through the streets followed
' ' by throngs of shouting people, tha cafes
were crowded where the health of the
I new prince was drunk in sparkling wine
5 over and over again.;, t- r -s
At midnight tha troops ia all the gar
risons of Spain, by order of the king,
were given sumptuous banquets, and
even after daylight the streets were
still crowded with people. Church bells
were rung in all the provinces, alms
distributed to the poor and crowds
headed by bands paraded the streets In
many towns.' A number': of Elaborate
festivals - are now, being arranged in
further honor of the baby prince.
Ars Doing- Well. V
r The royal mother and her child are
f doing well. The title of marquis haa
been conferred on the Spanish physician
who has been In attendance upon the
' queen. . People of 'Madrid are much
same month as the patron saint of the
city and at the same hour of the day
as his father, tha king.
Some hours after the birth of his son
j yesterday King Alfonso received from
ithe pope a telegram couched In affeo-
tlonate terms, expressing his delight,
wishing prosperity to the Infant and
asking the blessing of heaven upon his
(august parents. s 'y.vr
Inscription Ceremony. . - .v:
This afternoon the ceremony of the
, '') Inscription of the prince's birth on ths
registers of tha stats and of ths royal
-) family took place. :'S:r,.
'I Out of consideration ' to ths x "royal
; 1 family the liberals have been advised
i 1 by ex-Premier Moret - to attend the
' ' opening of the new parliament on May
"lt, but to abstain from attending there-
i after as a protest against, ths reao
, jtionary policy of tha Maura cabinet
This afternoon crowds again gathered
"1 about the foyal palace and cheered for
jthe king queen and prlnoa . - '
1 .. 1 1. 1 1" i i 1, 1 n. . y '.j"..'.
- ... i. ,, v.- .- (. , , ,
iUd Is Loose on Chicago Pit and
. Prices Are Expected to Soar
. , , Again Monday.
1 (Pnbltihert' Frees .by Special Leased Wire.)
Chicago, -May 11. Ths ; Ud is loose
'ion ths Chicago wheat pit - A shouting,
screeching mob of spectators lifted it
nigh during the short Saturday session
: this morning, replacing It lightly, ready
Tfor another boom Monday, That It wilt
be boosted high as s kits Is the com
mon predlotion and wheat at' $1.21 Is
' promised soon. ' Ths null crowd stamped
Ithe tilt and the buying element was in
'-;vontrcJ.'Y- ,vv-.;v ;( v. i- -
., December. Wheat closed with a rush
at 91 cents, a gain of I cents during the
week, while July closed at 81 H cents,
, 1, with a gain - of 7 cents on the week.
These were high figures for the year.
; Bears, who had not heeded the ominous
' w.ruiuBi niimr umjw tu, liio w CCA,
' frantically endeavored to get from tin
J der, adding to tbs excitement : Opera
v tors went into tha pit and fought
shoulder to' shoulder with their clerks
in an effort to fill the rush of tele
1 grams to "buy" which poured In from
. i all over the country. , ;
Strengthened by sensational news
from Manitoba that ths lets spring has
, -assured diminished acreage and by the
. advice from crop experts reporting rav
rege or the green bug; followed by the
' government crop estimates, ths market
seemed to have no limit to Its ascent 1
t & i Y X , i m,
vpabllibers Prtss' ty Special LesMd Wire.)
Charlotte, N. (X, May ll--Frank H.
a Jones, defaulting teller of the Charlotte
having embeszled about 70,OOO of the
bank's funds and for whom a reward
of 18,000 was offered, arrived here this
'morning and surrendered. His alleged
accomplice, Fonvllle, is now under-$10,
000 bail on a bearing 01 complicity witB
Jones In the embassiement ,
" Hong Jnry In Erickson Case.
Rnectal DtaiMteh to : The JosrnaL)
f Prineville, Or., , May IV In the case
i of O. Erickson,' trisd la ths . circuit
i court on a charge of stealing a horse,
no decision was reached by the jury
after 1 4 hours' deliberation. A second
trial was ordered by Judge Bradshaw.
JBeant Hews by Lentest teased Wire.) "
Ban rrancisco. May 11. All the im
portant officials of the United Rsll
wsys have been subpoenaed to appear
before the grand Jury on Monday when
ths Investigation of ths overhead trol
ley franchise bribery will be resumed.
With the examination of the officers of
ths oompany and other witnesses who
had dealings with ths street railway
corporation, ths prosecutors say they
will complete a cnam 01 eviaeaoe mat
will absolutely prove the use of a
bribe fund by certain of floats of the
united Railways. .. -, k,i:--.
It has been set forth in sn affidavit
filed by Foreman B. P. Oliver that the
grand Jury Is considering felony charges
sgalnst Patrick -Calhoun, ' Thornwell
Mullaly and Tlrey I Ford. The names
of these three officials will figure
promlneptly In the examination of the
witnesses who are to be called before
tbs Inquisitorial body on Monday.
' -jankers nbpoeaaed. ' '
'' Detective William J. Burns yester
day -served subpoenas on Oeorgs Starr,
treasurer of : the United Railway;
Oeorgs y. Chapman,'' general manager,
and ill ths members ofi. the board - of
directors. In addition to these officials,
summons were served on X. Pabst as
slstant oashler of the united States Na
tional bank and ths general manager of
the safs deposit vaults of ths Western
National bank. , Vv."
. From ths bank officials It Is ths pur
pose of ths Investigators to ascertain
facts regarding ' certain currency do
posits that were mads by Abraham
Ruef, . Ruef - had dealings with both
banks. The grand Jury has evidence to
prove that the first installment of bribe
money was paid to the supervisors In
bills of denominations ranging from
tl to f 20. It haa proof that Just prior
to ths payment of this corruption fund,
Tlrey L. Ford, general counsel for ths
United Railways, drew from tbs mint
ths sum. of 160,000 in bills ranging in
denomination from fl to 120.
. raid to spsrrlsors. V
Further, ths grand Jury , has evidence
that ths second Installment of the bribe
money was paid to tha supervisors In
bills of ths denomination of f 100 and
more. It haa evidence that Tlrey U
Ford Just prior to ths payment of the
second Installment ' drew from the mint
ths sum of $60,000 and changed It st
the sub-treasury into currency, the bills
being 01 the denomination or 1100 and
Now, It is the purpose of the Invest!,
gators to show that Abraham Ruef lust
1 prior to the bribery of th supervisors
wovww.fcw, im -,(i, wil vmmm vumv
ofsjurranoy. - Evidence - of these de
posltls said to be already In ths pos-
sessionr ins investigators. .
'Todsy ambers of ths prosecution 're
iterated the, statement that they have
a' perfect ease., against ths officials of
the United Railways.
eThey averred that every charge they
had made would be proven,
m m dust ano .
HUGGEISl'ORIH. $60,000
-.. -
Southern Oregon Placers Looked
to for Three Quarters of r;
Million for Season. ...
Loss of Appetite
ilt common when the blood needs pari.
lying and enriching, for then the blood
fails to give the digestive organs the
; sHmulas necessar for the proper per
formance of their functions ; r - '
- Hood's 8arsaparilla is pre-eminently
. the medicine to take. It makes the
itlood pure and rich, and strengthens
" all the digestive organs.' ,
" I was all ran down and bad no
appetite. :, After taking' one , bottle of
'Hood's Sarfaparilla X could eat any
- thing I wished.'?- Mrs. Amanda Fen
scr, Oneco, Conn. .
"i Accept no substitute for .'.;
In 1st on bavlrg Ilood'i. Get It today,
fa i' :aid or tablet form. ; 00 Doses (JL
' (Special Dlipeteb to The Joerotl)
Grants Pass, Or, May -11. The first
spring cleanup of the rydrauUa 4lacer
mines of southern Oregon Is being
made and the harvest of gold Is now
pouring In. Within the past week more
than 160.000 la nuggets and dust was
exchanged at southern Oregon banks.
and nearly as much virgin meta-wa
snipped direct to the refinery or mint
by the miners. The rains were heavy
ana . continuous last winter, with - no
freesing, severs storms or anything to
delay the day and night operation of
the giants: as a result the cutout of
placer gold from the surface mines In
Josephine and Jackson counties will
be' fully three-quarters of a million.. The
output is swelled this year by the un
usually .large amount from ute dry die
gins, high benches and bars which have
not been worked for many years be
cause of lack of water.
Only a few of the mines have closed
down yet. though the weather of the
past month has melted the snow on the
ranges ana lowered the water subcIt
The first of June will find many of the
placers closed down for "the season,
while a few will operate till July, thee
latter being the more favored properties
that derive their, water, from the rivers
ana larger, streams. .-
Above Is a picture of the latest
Invention in the way of an oil stove.
: It can be used for roasting, broil
ing, tosstlng, , ironing and boiling.
Ws have them la three sites at ths
.' following prtoesi i j
One Burner 6.00
Two Burners ,.,..,.. f' 8.50
Three Burners . f 12.50
. siscovarT ro cask.
J 1
! ,M J
$1.00 in Thirty Days
' - Ws havs ' corns ; to - realise that
many persons havs been buying in-
; ferlor ranges and paying more
money for them than we ask for tbs
.Monarch Range, because some stores
havs mads more liberal terms. We
have decided that any 1 person "who
wishes to purchase a Monarch Range
can have one on ths payment stated
above, . Ws wish to lmprees upon the
publlo the fact that ths Monarch
.Bangs Is lower In price than any
other range which the dealer may
claim to be of equal quality. We be
lleve we- can show any person of
intelligence that the Monarob Range,
has Improvements which are not to
be found on any, other, and that no
other range , has valuable Improve
ments that are not found on ths
' ' sew g-i mil
7 1
ill r-- if ; u
fir. , . .
t , . "sssl
lis IS try SajMsainrXareje,
$1,00 a IVeek
One ' thousand , times ' a
year It is usee, to 000
three meals a day. and ths
' best range should not be
too good for anybody.
. The ' Monarch, Is Inde
structible, and Is riveted
togather) has brightly pol
ished topsi can be need
with gas attachment I aas
duplex . Araft and many :
other ' improvements. ' Ws
ssU ' Monarch . Saages as
low as S54.00. ; :
Hammocks ;
' A600 Hammocks ars open gauss
weave, have concealed spreader
. at head. continuous stringing and
wood bar at foot, with patented -
' tips and adjustabls hitch end
rings, requiring - no adjustabls
Topes, or knots. SIss 18x71. . Ths
pries Is , ...80S)
B100 Hammocks are close canvas
-. and twill weaver otherwise earns
ss A500.. Else 16x10. Price fl.58
C100 Hammocks ars closs can
vas and twill weave. Jacquard de
sign In body and valances, havs
concealed spreader at bead, other
wise similar to previous numbers.
' Bias 17x80. Price......... f 1.80
r100 Hammocks ars closs canvas
' and twill weave, Jacquard design
In body and valances, nave con
cealed spreader t head, continu
ous stringing, pillow, wood bar at
foot, with patented tips and ad
justabls hitch 'end rings. 8lse of
woven part 89x82. Price. . .$2.00
P10Q Hammocks ars open Brussels -leno
- weave, Jacquard design, di
vided suspension, otherwise same
ss D100. Slie of woven part 42x
" Lace Curtains
Nottingham Cur
, tains. 48 Inches '
'-.r wl d e, t yards
long . ......8S
Cable Net Curtains,
47 Inches wide, - S
yds. long..1.85
Irish Point Cur
:; talna, ; 4 lnchts .
' Wlds, 8 yards
long . ....$3.45
Brussels : Net Cur
tains, ws ars clos
ing out at cost
patterns to select.
mm W W f
Discount for Cash
Rtt Cameta durable fast colors, one yard
v. wide, -per yard ,...,45
Fibro Carpets, very heavy and durable, In light
. finished colors, mads from the celebrated
American grass fiber, per yard SOs)
Regular Fiber Carpets, same as ths other stores .
ask T80 for, we sell at .'.591.
All Wool fiuner Carrots.. sewed and laid.. 81. OO
rsnVonaotel. totr Sr!
sneii, i-nce ,$a.xu.
; Mads of No. 1 ' Spruce,
with screen front and
i sides, height IS Jns,
iwav y
No. 1 'Basket; 18x10.
regular price 80e -
special 38t'
No. I Basket, 11x25;
. regular price (lot
special .... ....454
Jfo. I-: Basket, I0x2f,
regular price 86c:
special .... ....55
No. 4 BasksV 22x20,
regular prlos 11.00;
special , ........684
No. .8 Basket,- 24x32,
. ' regular price 11.85:
special .... ....754
No. - 8 Basket, 11x24,
regular prioe 11.80;
t special'.,., ....95
; Oalvanlxed-Llned Refrigerators,
. SB-lb. capacity $ 9.90
Oalvanlsed-Llned Refrigeratora
CO-lb. capaolty $15.
Oalvanlsed-Llned Refrigerators,
' 75-lb. capaolty ...... , -, ..Bin.
Enameled Refrigerators, ; v '
80-lb. capacity ..$ai.o6,
Enameled Refrigerators, ' - 1
76-lb. ' capacity .$24.00
Enameled Refrigerators,
80-lb. capacity ......... '..$28.00
Enameled Refrigerators, -
148-lb. sapaclty ..$32.00
, The safe gasoline stove
Is ths only ens which It
: Is Impossible to explode,
as we will show you If
yon sail Any person who
can sxplods one of these
stoves will be presented '
With 160.00.
Ws havs many styles,
ths moat popular Is
shown In ths picture, has .
, two burners. Is 14 Inehsg
' high, with top' gurfaoe.
17x24 H Inches.
Pries . ........$3.75
1 mill - rrir
' . 1 Hundreds . of
from. :
111 '.' .
I B 1 1 1 1 S k a , .IW..IIIH1WOTW .maHi
lllllr Tradd luMf j'imiii"'!"', yutuu'
- ' 0 l.n Lloi -Millf Jli f ;iiltf! til III
l'" ' ' Pi j
I i e , e Lj-I .-.a I
t .1 . : . .: I I I lr nil ' I
I f ' Alwln CoUapelbls Oooart, In I RuJll
J three styles. Can bs 'folded to fit Q Yrn i
r 81 1 W y 1
Ths Only SMaes w Sw Iron Beds.
If you want an Iron Bed It will pay yon to
: see, our line. Ton will find a large number
of up-to-date beds in ths latest finishes. Tbs '
- best bargains ars not at the cheapest price.
The bed here shown Is double else, enameled
In dark green and the price Is $3,00. .
If you want your money's worth,
and mors, too, ask to see our table ,
No. Z403. It is 28 Inches square, or
the finest polished oak. With S-lnoh
heavy legs, and is cheap at our
regular prlos of 88.00. This week
we are selling them at $3.90.
Brass Extension Rods for Lace Cur
tains, just like cut, extend to 48
Inches,' adjustabls to any window.
. Special . .....74
jHtim.mii 1 1 r
ill If ..a-iM"-!-""
In a trunk.
No. 1 ,.................$10.50
No, 2 ....... ......... ..$12.50
No. S .,i .$15.00
, szsooinvT roB oabse.
' x
Costumers for hanging hats and
eoats, in solid oak, 81.60 value.
WfM Camp Stools that will not break.. ,.... 50
mrngpf? Cots that can be folded Into a snug - pack-
. - sge ,,,,,iiii,,HiiM,,,tit,f,ie
Folding Camp Chairs that can be folded like
. m : an umbrella and are very comfort- -
htstfti :
L.L u v" arm '""""..
in 1 sib s - s? n ., si . i' .1 "l, v : j
II 88 IIS 1 -T II il II J 1
lfllWlfll W" ""
' IflSIT 10
. . ... : ... . . ... ... . . 1
July Thirteenth to Fifteenth, to
Be Made Definite When West-
ern Itinerary Completed!
Henry Clews . Says t AmericaIs
Not Country Where Theories
Could Be Practiced.'
. (SpkIiI Dtemteb to Tha loarnil l
Astoria, Or, Mar ll.-Manager Whrte
Of the . chamber f commerce has re-1
ceived a letter from Vice-President!
Falrbanka saying that although he basl
not yet completed tne Itinerary for his I
New York Banker Assures Public
That Oil King Is Worth Barely
More Than Three Hundred Million
Dollars as Result, of Slump.
(Hsefet News br Leefest Lsaacd Wire.)
NeW'TOrky May ll-"The Urns has
western trip ha will be In Astoria in all Come for some opposition to this wavs
likelihood on either July 18. .14 or 15. 1 of socialism.' The business man's point
He will advise thezichamber t ofcom- of " view" ehouldiberpresented.iilTbat
fbercs of the time when he will arrive innt. n Hw lm fat " sittnnsvAs than tha
bt3JLVhf?IliT,moZtpK'lbl th every rea-'-Mayor
Wise, chairman of ; the recen- J .h.u v. k j 1
SJLr,. Ji "ll . onnmoer or com- tl0 to the ylews that have been so
u. w y, vyai 111 WUUM JOT nm DU-I 1
quet to be given In honor of the vice-
piBBiueut, auu nui call mi committee
together shortly, when i the ; necessary
arrangements will be made.
loudly trumpeted.
These views were expressed by Henry
Clews, the banker,1 who Monday, after
noon, In the Columbia theatre, Brook
lyn, will champion theJslde of the busi
ness man as against the socialist In a
Joint debats with Professor Georre R.
Sappei-ton Shingle JIlllS Burned." v
Vancouver, B. C, May 11. The Sap-j Kirkpatrlck, a. graduate of Albion col
pertoa single mills, near Westminster.tlcRe and a writer and lecturer. iv
were destroyed by fire tonight. The Mr. Clews Is tremendously in earnest
damage is estimated at S20,0a. ,vu Un.fals. belief that It ls high. Ums. for
ths business interests of the country to
wake no to the active socialistic pro
paganda that has been going on all oyer
1 Hot country for sjociaiists. f
"'"This country Is1 not adapted to so
cialisms It may suit countries under a
despotio rule, but not a government by
ttie people, tsociaiism is a live issuo,
but talk has been monopolized by the
"l . have already said that there IS
no danger for men in this country to
obtain largs wealth. Estates cannot bs
willed for mors than two generations.
There Is mors extravagance hers than
In any other country, and these things
operate soon to oisaipats great estates.
Several years sgo I Was asked to
name tbs five richest men In the Unit
ed States,: and I named them In the
following OTder,. as to ths slse of their
fortunes: ''-r--'- '..?. a: -
"John D. Bockefeller, Andrew carnegie,
William Waldorf Astor, Marshall Held
of Chicago and 'Russell Saga ; I men
tloned Mr. Rockefeller as . worth 8500,'
000,000. , ' " , - H
Booksfsusr zwses wmsy
RlnMi that - time thsra : haji hsnn a
depreciation in his Standard Oil stock
alone of more than 8100.000.000. That
stock was then ' selling at 8840, but , It
has sines dropped to 8510. , Since then
Mr.; Rockefeller has given -away 4,.
000.000. so that be to not worth .more
than 1800,000,000, which his secretary
lately acclaimed to b his wealth, -
That; 8300.000,000 Is not tooximucn
for a man who has such vast interests.
The same is true of Mr, Carnegie, There
was no danger in Mr. Sage making as
much as he did, for he had it out at
Interest and bs left It to his widow to
give away, .-wy-r-i- ::X --i- :?
"There is ho reason for misers here.
for there Is no distrust of ths govern
ments Ths place for misers is In such
countries as Russia. " Fear of the gov
ernment and regarding the aeourltr of
their property operates toward the
making of misers and, tha biding away
of wealth, where It does no one any
good.? ' . Jx , , . ; . , 1
PoBtofflce'rDepartrnehr Learns
' , Much Mall Is Destroyed ,
' i t by Gas Pipes.f
Broken Pipe Causes Explosion Which
Does Great Damage. Jn the United
States Coaches Whenever There Is
(WtsMnrtoo Bimaa ef Toe JoornaL) -
Washington, r. O, May 1L It la a
notable fact that all of ths railway ears
exhibited at the Jamestown exposition
sra lighted by electricity and moat of
them ars constructed of ateeL as : typ
ifying ths highest progress Jn ths car
builder's art. t-. On the other hand, whoa
ths postof flee department has la ths
east asked the railroads to eoulp their
mail cars with electricity as a lighting
agent, the answer has universally been
that electricity as a lighting agent on
railroad trains Is the coming light, but
thst It Is still in ths experimental stage.
This being the case, the friends of the
railway postal clerks in ths senate and
house are going to 'make a great effort
to pass a law next winter compelling
the railroads to -so equip their cars.
Tbs senate did pass a
last winter, but Postmaster-General
Cortelyou ; killed It in the conference
on the postof flcs appropriation bill by
writing a letter to Chairman Penrose,
saying that the department already has
the power to require tne railroads to
so equip their cars. There are those
who believe thst the department will
hesltats to' exercise -this authority ex
cept under express authorisation of
congress. v 1
Statistics show that more mall: Is
destroyed In v wrecks through fires
caused from exploding gas than from
any other source. The greater portion
of mall, cars ars lighted by gas. In a
wreck of any. ssrlousness ths pipes sre
broken and , the first, spark fromany
source results In sn explosion that
communicates fire to all the mall.
In aaea Itk& Enla not oal Is, the mail
destroyed, but ' Usually- the bodies of
ths hapless clerks ars incinerated, and
In some cases the indestructible mall
lock key-has been the only means of
ideating ths asnss 01 me ooaies or tne
clerks.. ';:--:'rf,p-. f ;v'i;v.yM 'jlv
Tha average mall ear costs 88,000 to
build, -and Is rented to the government
for 15 years at 50,447 a year. ,
: (Special Dispatefe to The ioantt) '
North Powder, Or., May H.The two
Swedes, Fosstrom Broa, who sold their
general merchandise store In Elgin last
week, got their start In North Powder,
where .ths elder brother, with his wife,
U visiting before starting to Europe.
Only three years ago these two young
men, Carl J. Fosstrom and Ed Fosstrom.
put in and began to build up a general
merchandise store, the third In this
town. lAst August they sold It to
Hansen Bros, of La Grands for 87,800.
They invested ths proceeds in a stock
ranch near Joseph and put In a general
mercbandles store at Elgin. - This store
they sold last week at an advance on
Investment While Ed remains to look
after tbs. ranch,. Carl wlU-ga back to
Sweden, visit several places in Europe
of Interest to him -and return to the
ranch; ia tbs falL . ,';.-., ,
- ' KV - .; V''AU:
(SpUl PMpateh te The Jonraa).)-
ForestVGrove, Or, May 11. Mrs.
William Xda-'was laid to rest in the "
Gales CreekX cemetery : today, - In that
village she BM spent 80 years of her
life as ths wkW- of a plonser sawmi 11
man, who cams to 'this county from '
Missouri In 1870. Mra Lyda was ' 7
years of age, and her husband 80 years
old when he died, last January.' Ths
lonowing children Survive: W. - It,
Lyda of Forest Grove, Mrs. M. F. Wald
hams of New Mexico, Mrs. Miranda P.
Jones of Los Angeles and J. D. Lyda of
Sliver, Wash. .v,- r-j,'-,
(SpMlaJ NipateH to The JwbaJ.)
Chehalls, Wash, May ll.-Gua Tfceunn-
son, convicted of the Fechtner Jewell
store burslarv. was untinn t... '
Rice today to four years In the peni
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