( v 19 THE OREGON " SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING, MAY 12, 1CS7. 1 0EI7 mm WE OEEM TO HAVE ALL PORTLAI1D ATTCIIDinG TtHO REBUILDING OALE ' TT M 1 .1: Uttle Miss Ruth Teal Christens V Craft as It Starts for; . the Water.-V'7 :v . ; FIRST AND YAMHILL STREETS il MAM ED IN HONOR OF V - : r VATTORNEY j; N. TEAL LIMES PLUNGE 'AW- J b CJ Jlj Xl5 Completion of Steamer Means Much . to Country Contljrnous to the Tp per ColumMavWill Be Ready (o . Co Into Commission in Few Days. v x- - 3. ' N. 1 Teal the new eternwheel j ; ateamer- built by Joseph Slpple for the Open River Transportation company, la ' t bow practically roady to Co Into Com f ' mission carrying passengere and freight , ' between tbla city and Bit Eddy, a point , about three milea above Tba Dauea Bba was launched yaaterday afternoon from tha ways at Supple' a yard, and la 'complete except for the furnishing of 'the cabin and a few minor details to I ; tha machinery. ) ; nt-'w.r ' Tha completion of tha steamer .win ' mark tha beginning of a new era for , tha country contiguous to tha upper Columbia, because It provides tha leaat expensive method of .transportation . with the metropolis and tha. commer- , elai center of tha state. : , a ; .- .Tha launching waa a parfeet aueoaaa : 9n every respect It occurred' at 1:20 ; (o'clock, and Uttla Mlaa - Ruth - Teal, daughter of X N. Teal, father of tha . "Open River movement, and In honor of -whom tha craft waa named, released ' tha bottle of .champagne that aant tha ; (floating palace lato her element, -.- Heralds atet Owa Debat. Steam had been generated In tha (large boilers, and for tha flrat time In (the hlatory of tba 'port did a new craft elide down tha way a with -her whiatla . 'heralding her debut to tba world. Other whistles, from factorlea ahd ateam ' (boats, responded apontaneouily, aad tba . aplaah of tha white and crlmaon hull aa ' 'It atruck tba water waa aim oat smoth ered U tha wild din of tha alreaa Tha crowds that lined every point of vant are surrounding tha yard rave rent to a about of delight when tha hull broke ' rom her position and after trembling a moment ahot Into tha river nearly a hundred feet distant It all happened aa lasa time than It takes to tall It. and tha photographers who had - trained their, eameraa had bo time to wait. As cnatomary with river craft, tha ; Teal was sent broadalda Into the water. She rode Ilka a swan, and shipping man who watched her wars astonished- to note that aha drew but IS inches of water, although practically fully equipped. - Tory Ught of Draft. At thla rata It la :lgured aha will draw but 0 Inches whan loaded with a couple of hundred tons of freight J. .W. Johnstone, who designed tha lines, tntanded to make her tha lightest draft boat on tha Upper Columbia river, and thosa who have saaa her say he has met with success. Other steamers plying between Port land and Tha Dalles draw from three to ! feat and they find It impossible at times during tha dry summer months to make tha rapids below The uaues. It is believed that a solution of this serious problem haa been found la tba J. N, Teal aa it has bean demonstrated that ths light draft boats are also the beat kind of rapid climbers. Superintendent Frank Smith, who has had years of experience on these nvers, Is fully 'convinced that the Teal will have W trouble whatever In covering bar routs on schedule at all. times of the year, and what Is mora, she will go beyond Tha Dalles and form direct connection' with ths stats portage road : to Celilo and connecting there with the steamer Relief. . Great Trelght Capacity, The new boat Is not the largest to go on the run selected, but she will carry more freight In comparison to her di mensions than any of the boats now on the run. because of ths flat and broad bottom.- Her dimensions are: Length, 160.10 feet; beam, 14 feet, and depth of hold, 5.0 feet Her engines will de velop too Indicated horsepower and ahe a is expected to. make good speed, i nis. 'however, will bo definitely determined ' on the trial trip which has been booked for soma day tbla week. , , .. - Among . those who witnessed the launching were a' number of prominent tearnboatmea and all expressed them elves exceptionally - well pleased and -predicted a bright future for the new addition to the -fleet of the port Only ra few of them availed themselves of ,the opportunity to "shoot the chutes," ss they preferred to watch the elide from share. " . The Steamer J, N. Teal as Bhe Left the' Ways, f - ' '. I if Jii , I Miss Euth Teal, Who Christened the BteamerjrNTTeaL 'The steamer will be In command of Captain A. X Geer and Samuel Shaver will be chief engineer. She has c paclty for nearly 400 tons of freight and accommodations for 100 passengera The Oak street dock has been leased and ahe will receive and deliver freight and passengers there. . , GERALD C. ASHORc k Gasoline .Schooner In : a Danceroni i Position at Nestacca, : ; (Bptelal Dlapttsb to The ?esnaLt"i' t Astoria, OrM May 11. The gasoline motor schooner Geoald C la reported wrecked on the North Spit at the en trance to Nee.ueca harbor. All her deck load of lumber has been carried a war, and it is said there is little chance of saving her. She left here last Wednes day morning la command of Captain Tabalt Sho Is owned by S. Elmore & Co, aad carried no Insurance. SAILORS, TOO, QUIT. Crew Consider Columbia Lightship No. Fifty Dangerous. (flmctal DwMtcb te The JoaraaLt r Astoria, Or, May 11. -The entire crew of lightship No. 60, from the captain down, tendered their resignations to In spector Herllch and will not go out In her again. They are-all men of exper ience, but claim that the vessel is not safe and consider they are exposing themselves to certain death eventually If they continue with the ship and for this reason quit la a body. .- ALONO THE WATERFRONT The steamer Alliance. Captain Olson, will be In the harbor at an early hour this morning. She left up last ; night The . gasoline schooner Berwick is BEST FOR ; EVERY. ROOF If Yfw J xv-rr .tft I tO ANGEU CALirORHIA Rubber Sanded" has- in creased its popularity where j ever it is used. Dollar for dol lar in cost, a "Rubber Sanded ",: Roof will give longer and bet--ter service than any roofing on the market. , ' i ; . ' . Send for the " "Roof in g Guide", which tells about the best . roofings, roofing papers, 'building and iniulating papers. It's free for the asking "with samples and pnces. , , v Z.OCAI. AGEBTTS StABMUSSSV a CO., -SZCOao AD TATI.O. FICSEER ECU PAFE3 CQ?AHY. again In need of an engineer and Cap tain Jacobsen offers good Inducements to a oompetent man. Gasoline engineers are said. to bs scarce. ,v,. Captain P. J. Werllch, lighthouse in speoior, wiu leave zor Alaska soon on ths tender Armerla. The Inspection tour will extend as far north as Noma ; Andrew Weir and Frank" Waterhouae 4k Co, will eatabllah a line of steamere between San Franolaoo and Australia Tha first steamer to leave the Bay City The steamsr Bailey Oatsert of the D. P. A A. N. company's line will be launched from the wars at the Port land Bbjpouuaing company's yard In a few days. .-m.;.- ,-. -, . . Ths steamsr F. A. KJibum sailed for San Fran cl aoo and way ports last night, carrying rrtignt ana passengers, Ths Norwegian steamer Norman Isles haa finished loading wheat for China and Is now taking ooal at ths bunkers In North Portland.. She will sail tonight or tomorrow morning. The Norwegian steamsr Tltanla Will be here soon to load wheat for the orient She is now at San Franclsoo. There is some talk among steamboat- men or reaching an agreement as to a uniform rate of wages to bo paid em ployesvott river steamer In these w al tera. . At present all kinds of wages are being paid, , .. Bmaeke, from Saa Pedro and way... ...May Ml Nnmaotla, rrera orient. ...... ........ ..-May JS I Arabia, rroia ericot. ,,,,.jDnel nialy 10 karnlar Uaera te Pepart, 1 - Alllaaee.' for Coos br.....,............My 14 Hlcomdl, tor orlrnt. .............. It O. W. Elder, for Ban Pedro aad way., ..May 1 Colombia, tot Sn rrtBolete May 10 Cwta Rtca, (or Baa rranctoee.... ....... May 21 r. A. Klibarn, fce Saa fraa. and way.. May Rnanoka. for Saa Pedre and way. ...... .May fl Kumaatia, tor orttat. Jane 0 Arabia, for ertoat..., .......June 10 Aletla, tor or tat July S7 i !-"'. VauaU ts Pari'-'' -,',.' J. Ifarhoffar, Am. atr. at Wlllaaiette I. Wks. Bayoaae, rr. ek., at Irving dock. vimaoaie, Br. l(, at A nor la. Mlrhalrt. ,rr. bk., at AftorU. . Yola, Br. ah., at BltTator eork. JordanhlU, Br. bk- at B. W. fiolansa. Boat, atr., at Aitorla. ', Kormal Isles, Nor. atr., at coal bankers. ' Era, Oar. at t Montgomerr dock. Krllpae, Aa. atr., at Bt Haleaa. , Elnlta, Br. bk, at Greenwich dock. ' . Talloa, Qt. bk4 at Oolomhla No. L. Annie tausen, aeh., at Aitorla. 7" ,' Mtlroee. Am. acb.. at Kalama. 1. It. Griffith, Am. kktn, at Ltnatnnl Tottenham; Br. atr, at I. A W. ailUa. Polaris. Am. eeb.. at Vaaeoever. x Nleomema, Gr. atr., at Alaaka Strati It da. Br. atr. at Ealnler. Berwick, Am. gas atr at Cbvck street, -' Caacade, Am. atr., at Coble. , Columbia, Am. atr., at Stella. ' Waahlnatoa, Am. barge, at Aatorta. ' - QalnanlV Am. atr., at X. A W. mllla. ' . Blntram, Ami ah., at Aatorla. Booth Bay, Am. atr., at Aatorla. Alllanoe, Am. atr., at Coach street. ; lamkor CurUrt Ea laete. ' Dtamond Head, Am. bk. Baa Pedro. -B. P. Whltnry. Am. bk,. MakawelL Elwell, Am.' ah, Sao Padro. ttlllabonoe. Am. ecb, Manila. Lucille, Am. ah, 8aa rraoclao. Mabel fiale. Am. ach., 8aa rrancias. ' John Palmer. Am. bkta.. Ban rraneisee, . Batriarer, Am. bktn. Ban fYanclaoo. Aarora, Am. bktn., Saa franclaco. . . Jamas Bolph. Am. eeb., Baa Pedro, ' John Smith, Am. bkta.. Baa Padra. sMakawsll. Am. bkta. Baa rrandaee. SanU Ana, Am. atr.. Bon Franc laco. Alrtna, Am. acb, Saa Padre. Rmllr Bccd, Am. atr. Baa Pedra, ' ' yr. ft. Hnae, Am. eeb., Baa Pedr. V Lettltla, Am. ach.. Baa rraaelsee. , ; Mnrlel, Aaa. eeh. Baa . Pranelaea. 1. B. stetson. Am. atr.. Ban rraoclaoa. ' ' Tiverton, Am. atr.. Baa Pranciaee. " Wm. Olaan, eeh. Baa Iranclaeo. Palsy Preemaa, Am. atr., Baa yraaetme. Irene, Am. eeh Baa rranelaco. - . . TlrglaU. Am. sea., Baa Pranetoea, "S"'. Chnrchill, Am. ach.. Baa Pranclaco, Eicalalor, An.,atr, Baa rranclaeo. sizpanawn, m. an., eaa redre. AaU, Am. bk.. Sea- Svaaeisee. ,. King Cyraa, Am. eeh. Baa Padro. ' , i Rcdoado, Am. etr. Baa Pedro, .;''.' k, 'Abbie.'Am. seh Baa. fiawlaes.-j'!ra - Ea Beats -With Oanunt and ' -""l Bnecleach, Br. sh, Bambarg, - Bresa, Pr. bk.,- Hall. , ... ".. w Ooeway Oastie, Br. bk,' Aatwerp,1' -valgonar, Br. ah., Hamburg. . -. , Eorope, Pr. bk.,. Antwerp. ,"' ) , iOoaevle Mellnoe.rr, bk, LemOcm, , Ari,,, mt m, naaioarg. .m i.' : MUTINY ON SELENGA Russian Steamer Hag Trouble Going I - Down Blrer. (Special Dispatch' te The Journal.) Astoria, Or, May 11-Tbe Russian steamer Selenga arrived down ' as far as Brookfleld last evening and dropped anchor. When the crew were ordered out this morning they, refused to go to work until they were given breakfast and threatened to go ashore In a body. The captain could do nothing, so he ordered the men be given breakfast, after which they went to work perfectly 7. I eauanso, , - ' T.M.M BV aK te Pillar. Pr. bk.. Uadoa. . , ' l' ' " ; Martha Eoex Pr. bk, Hambarf. v Masambiqae, Br. eh, Neweaatle, B. Bamoa, if. bk, 8hlIda : Blast, Gar. eh, London. .S--' i Bona, Pr. eh, Neweaatle, ."'.":!;'..' ' Vineennea, Pr. bk.; OUarow. . " i : Mareehael Torreae, Pr. bk., Bambers,' ?. bk, AatwerpT-; ; pierrl tott. Pr. bk.. Antwern. , Varaalllaa, pr. bk.. Leith. - , Oraeral de Boiadeffre. Pr. bk, Loadoa. , wwanu oe negrwr, rr. DK, Uadoa. veal Ship xa Soate. Brian, rr. vm.. naweaatia. a - Col- de Vlltebola Marrall, Pr. bk, HewcastlaJL ClaTerdon, Br. ah, Neweaatle A. ,. JT ; Tramp Steamers Xa JUwta. . Bradford, Br, atr. Baa Pranckiea, V Craaaa Mara, Jap. atr, Japaa. : African Monarch, Br. atr. Baa PMadeea. Btrathrre, Br. etr- Baa maeiaee. -xaiios, nor. atr, saa rraaeisoa. Bark, Nor. atr, .Saa Pranclaco. Maori King, Br. etr., BhanfhaL . STnIvI. T- Tl - .i . . , Banrik Ibaea, Nor etr.. Baa rraseteea, wacen Ajezasara, nr. atr, Madras. Kallbla, Br. atr. Baa Praneiaeo. Manaha Mara, Jap. atr. Bailees Orsa. Tiiaaia, or. nr., saa rraadaco. OH Carriers Za Koate, - "Ktrerlck, Am. atr..' Baa Pranelaea.' W. S. Porter, Am. str. Baa Praaciaee. TJIIEIIT HAS All IliMNG AT OAKLAND RACETRACK the bar at p. m, roughs wind, aonth, Four Favorites and TWO ? Third 10 down steamer ' Roanoke, for San Pedro and way ports: arrived down at :I0 a m. and sailed at f -p. ra, steamer Asuncion, for San Francisco: arrived dfWn at 12, Russian steamer Selenga; . arrived at 8:35 and left up at 8:40 p. m, steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay; arrived- at 4 m.rbarkenlno- John - Palmer, - from an Franclsccf. Outside at I p. m.. a three-masted ' ship, a . three-masted bark, four four-masted schooners. Ar rived at 4:40 p. m., steamer South Bay, from San Francisco i . nan Francisco, May ll Bailed at li noon, steamer Columbia, for Portland; sailed, ateamer Tiverton; 'for., Astoria; sailed at i p.m.; Steamer Geo. W; Kl- der, for Portland. - Port Harnford. May 11. Sailed, ateamer Argyll, for Portland. Sydney, Australia May ll.Arrlved May i, jrencn bark Marecnai ae vii lars, from Portland. Muroran, Way 11.- Passed April St, Norwegian ateamer ' Mathilda. ' from Portland. , Wmerick, May ll.Arrlved May 10, French bark Marechal de Castries, from Portland.1''"" " ; Astoria, May 11 Steamer South Bay with Chinese Juhk Wang Ho In tow at tempted to croaa bar at 4:40 P.' m. While on the bar a huge wave atruck the Wang Ho and carried away her mlzzen mast South Bay signaled for jura to cast on, wnicn shs did.' juna then drifted into breakers. -South Bay anchored Just inside bar. ' I Tioes at asxona - Sunday. , - Hlgh.-Wftter. Xw water. - - 0(87 a, m, 8.0 feet . 7:27 a m, 0.1 feet 27 p. ro, 7:8 feet 7:21 p. m, 2.8 feet MARINE NOTES ' mlles; gather, cloudy Arrived Choices WIni-GuIlett Cap- tures Handicap. .No parallel for the .wonderful success of this sale has ever been seen (n this city. No such vast and steady flow of patronage ever bestowed on a store In Portland, Why? Because in 15 years of success John Dellar has never come before the public with a sale. The stock 'carried at this store is not .of the bargain sale kind. But on account of rebuilding this fine , ; , T5 :jy ':ir'i'4F' Stock of Men. and Young Men's Suits, Pants, Hats, Shoes f2tJ (Cl) VaVaaVLl VllJ' tn1 Furnishings must be sold at once to allow the rebufld yr -- " v; Ing of this store to begin,.. r;-v i 7J Mils Kill Be a Slar Keeli In M Bzparlmenls . MEN'S SUITS . DelIri Is Clothing Store, This establishment was nem used to show empty boxes or bare. Ever . nook and corner la filled' to overflowing wun merchandise. Our variety ox Suits, alwavn the largest and most select to be found in the city, on account of ffolnf to commence rebuilding, we dispose of these goods, and we are closing them out with the price knife. ; . . ; must ' a" assas . . This lot contains scores of styles, elses to 44 bust There are not .all , elses' in every style. They are mostly suits from one to si of a kind, left from our best selling $3.00 to $10.00 lines, and it matters not which one you select you are sure to get a bargain such as you never bought v before. : : ; v,'v Pure : wool : or worsted fast col or tailor - made suits. : Most . of these ' lines " are complete In slues ; from 34 to 44 ' bust. Double and single breasted suits in black, blue, plaids, gray ef fects and mixtures. The materials and workman ship are of the DeUar standard $10.00 and $12.00 . qualities. The best to be had at that price, and on account of rebuilding that is soon to begin, we are giving you some bargains that will make yon re- ; y$iocsJ , Here is where you strike a par adise of beautiful Suite, The kind that hustle the beet custom tall. ors to equal' Se lect ImDorted and - domesaic materials; made mostly apedally to our order for fine trade. ' There is not one in the lot worth less than $20.00 to $22.50.. Dressy suits, busi ness suits. All band-tailored, select custom tailor patterns and materials, ' . v i The kin d that stand at the top of fine .' clothes. The very choic est of foreign fabrlce. Full ' Journeyman tail ' ored in exclusive limited styles and patterns $25X0 values in blue, black and fancy, pure long yarn worsteds, tweeds snd Thibets, 'V-;- ,-; ' member Dellar's store.. ..... .. f.., - -". ':''.!, -' t ' IT v. Put 'your mind on this lof of se lect $13J0 and 1 15.00 Sulta Tha kind that are V : worth that price In material and workmanshio. Then you know what to expect at this rebuilding sale. The elegancs of this assortment is a strong appeal to careful buyers. - The colors and fabrics are practically endless .In variety." They are bar gains more man wormy- ci wo namej, II MOTS $1.15 ' a -. v .. i , Getting Into our choicest and most complete lines of 19 to 10 ouiia, i but we do not re- : serve anything in , the shape of met- . m m. a . a a T ' cnanaise in tms house.' Dirt and dust is a mortal enemy to fine fabrics. We are going to sacrifice-them, for we . know that every suit we send out at these slaugh tered prices will bring back a harvest of . new pat rons that will stand by the big, new and greatar John Dellar store that la about to rise from the ruins of this establishment. . ' ' A mile' of them j e veif thing , ' from the substantial Working Pants' tb the finest and best thst the looms of the world oroduee or tailoring skill can supply, Dellar's always was a great pants store, variety, quality and big1 values made ft so, ' 4 This will buy dark and light colored Pants up to $2X0 values. . They are rood or they would not be found at Dellar's. " Kl AC JUBt tne kinds that yon pay IZ50 and $100 sPIaUu for, but rebuilding is rebuilding here, and we are going to sell them in a hurry.' ? y v.- v (9 1 C ' B'tter qualities, better makes, worth $5X0' ePCal to $4X0: aplendid Pants for street or busi ness wear; elegant snapes; a tnousana ot tnem, , (JO QC The finest snd most select line you ever 1 iLQD . eaw, worth up to $5.00 and even $8.00, i JQ ?C - custom finished and domestic and !m- -VJaV ported fabrics; choice - spring "patterns; also black, blue and other solid colore, May be several kinds that will be your ideals, -v.v. , S, 0A OC Some of the best, up to $7 JO, merchant etJ9 tailored materiala and styles. Gentlemen that want the best and latest for nice wear, will find this lot a bargain mecca. -. . ;Vt -at Jr-'' f ' VV For choice of an extraordinary fine lot of French and English materiala. ' Suits an I flay sj V.J tnat can only be compared with the choicest custom products; $27 JO and $30X0 :TT ', -. . . -values. . - ' - L- , . . . 10,000 PAIRS SHOES When' yon come Just look around and see if you think we - have 10,000 pairs. We have, and more, too. Every-pair of them ot tne i 1 01 inem m nq good, fine and select styles and qualities. Every pair of them must be sold. Read these- bona fide cut nrlrai ahd remember there are hundreds of pairs of odd or broken lots being sold at half or less, that we don't even mention in our ads. .'' ..-'v- torani nozsT ..... ai.4S plenty of the $2X0 snd $2J5 qualidee. f 1.851,000 paira calf and velour $2J0 and $3.00 Shoes. - - ' - " f 2.35 Top notch, best style $3.00 snd $3.50 Shoes. f2.9S All vaiues op t0 $4.0a Big SACRIFICE of YOUTHS' and BOYS' SHOES woaczars noxa 3,000 Pairs Women's Shoes Prices Cut to Pieces, f I.OO The very latest and best $1.75 Shoes, all sues. ,Jii-'i;-: .":;..- .-s ,TL f 1.65 A most beautiful and select $2.50 Shoe, fZ.ZO About 500 paira elegant $3.00 Shoes. BIO CUT IN MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS ALL SOLD OUT; But we have about 500 odd Knee Pants selling at the price of the Cloth in them. ' ? nvuirth rui about two miles, steeple haaav Collsnr won, Good and Plenty .umn. Ton Cocan third; time, 4:111-6, Fifth race, six furlonss Benban won. Pantoufle secono.. ttea stiver. 1:11 l-S, - i-- Sixth ' race, one v mile Shenandoah won. Tonv Bonero secono, ahuih third; 'Urns, :4S-S. ' MADAME N0RELLI WILL -' SING AT FOREST GROVE . (Special Dispatch .te the' tarsal! :f.i? 'Forest Grove, Or Ma' U One of the biggest tnusicalea ever riven In this city will occur Wedneaday, May It, when Madame Norellt, vocalist, and William Wallace Graham, violinist, ; of Portland. wlU aive a arand concert Sqcondrace, alx and a half furlonrs I under, the auspices of the Woman's club OZ . D oresi urovo. .; cpaoiai irami wiu brlns; music-lovers ' from McMlnnvllle, Tamhlll, Gaston and Hlllsboro, and the success of ths occasion is assured. Mrs. E. E. Williams has Managed the event and will he accompanist, at the recital. Madame NorelU was formerly Instruc tor In, the collese conservatory here. Nearly'! every seat, in " ths house v is . (Joaraal spui Harrto.) - -Baa Francisco, May 11. After a lone string of , beaten choices ' durlnr the past week.' the Ulent had- an . lnninc . to day at Oakland, four favorltea and two third choices winning1. the Impatience handicap at a mile and fifty yards was .the featura r Bed ford waa the opening favorite, but tha tip went abroad that KerchevaL carry- inr top weight,' was ready and a steady piay maae tne conraa norse a post rav- orlta Prlncesa Tltanla made the run ning tor , alx furlongs, , when Gullett forged to the front with Karcheval and won easily. J. C. Clem closed with a rush - and took .the. place from Princess Tltanla, Results; . v 'v:..; .,.- First race, six and a half furlongs Tellowstone won, Santa Ray second. ueuaaatia third! tune, i:zi, MARINE INTELLIGENCE ; aanlar tlaart Sua 4a Xiriva. ' Columbia, from San rranclaoa.. ...... ...May It I O. W. Kldar, from Baa Pedro and way.. Ma? 14 Cotta Blca, from San Franclaeo. ........ May 18 i Aliianr, rmm Luua uy ..May j t. A. KUbura, from Saa Fiaa, aad W.IU St Pal won. Nothing second, Paddy Lynch (U wuuams) tnira; time, i:nu. . ., , Third rece,one Snd a half mile-. Byronerdaler; won, Talamund second, Benvollo (C. Williams) third; time, 1:35. -Fourth race. mBe and 69 yards. Im patience handles p-V-Kercheval won. J. C Clem second, Princees : Tltanla third; Uma 1:4 1-6. . . x -- Fifth race,' seven and a half furlongs JSlr Brillar won. George P. McNear Second, Fred Bent third; time, I :tl 4-S. Bixtn 1 race, rive rurionge Firebau won, Dceaa-Shore aooond, NaMve Son third; time, 1:00 J-B. SMmlts at BelaoBt. Flrat race, alx furlongs Baraclnesta won, jack r Atkin ' second, Wei bourne ! third! tlma 1:16. Second race, four an a half furlongs wave, crest won. King cobalt second, , King james tniM; time, oeds -d. Third raee, -five furlongs Smoker 1 won, Sanguine second, Alauda uurdi WATER NOW RUNNING : ' IN THE FURNISH DITCH (Special Dlapateh to Tha Joaraal.) r Echo, Or., May 11. Water has been applied to the lands In the Inland Irri gation company's project, generally known as the -Furnish ditch, and it la proving very satisfactory. The Page Eanch company, ot which J. W. Kyle ia manager, was the flrat to receive water. This company took pos- v".; v:14'v-;.'':''.'5-.yvv I Only tiie choicest ingredients used. (Baked under anltary condioons. ;;.-v'v-. :;'',$. '. - . jsaaxu unucr aaiuury- cuiituuuns. , . , Beware of Imitations. Look for our blue label on erery V-. loaf you buy. i'-t, 'S .. .... session of H0 acres,' karch, and since then has cleared, plowed andplanted 120 acres, the change In that time from the native sagebrush condition being marvelous. A "telle to tha Southwest ot ths Kyle farm Is the treat being farmed by A, Vfb Norton. 1 He has 40 acres In potatoes and an equal area In spring wheat Mr. Norton will ahow what can be done in the way of wheat raising with the as sistance of artificial moisture. , . Don't be satisfied with laaif -enough lodgers advertise In the Journal. - 7,