The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 17, Image 17

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" 1
jr .
$1.50 Vanity Burses 98c
25c Silver Hat Pins 15c
These come in various artistic designs and sell regularly for 25c each;
they are good qualities, too, with heads well fastened on; , . 1 CJ
special price .', . . ....... . . ,''.. '. "." .
Veil Pins, in rose (pld, new and Garnet Brooches, in several styles,
pretty, et with .rubies, amethysta one of the new fads that we've had
and emeralds; very special 9 manv c,1Is iotl 800(1 - ! Hf
at, each, only. ... ..'.'..;'. Wl. selection, priced at ....... i eJUl
women rursee, in the Vanity tamo tyle, come in blue,' brown , nO
nd black, and sell regularly for $1.50 each? special price.." .VQC
Leather Hand Bags., fine assort
Music Rolls, . of patent leather,
ment, , come In leal, walrus and
morocco; bags in the lot worth up"
good ones, that sell , regularly for
75c reach,' on special '
,.t... 25c
sale Monday at, only
m r- ' ' . . , . ,
' ' "i "
3 ; Many fstyles. tb cliooserom, come In
f full French; front,' with low. round neck
i- ,and'. trimmed . in severar styles; some
' with ruffled: front: of all-over lace in
sertions,; some with lace or embroidery
trimming;. eVery one', a pretty garment,
j ':ahd every one a $1.25 ( value; flQn
. women'! Chemise of fin?nain
"sook, full : skirt length jTwith
low. round. -neck. Lawn ; ruf-
fles y and,. neck trimmed ' with
embroidery, beading' and ritn
bon;$3.00,X ,; t'- OQ
value. . . ..... ,.e) 1 J
Women's Petticoats,' made of
black "HeatheTbloom": the,
nearest approach !: to; silk, has,
the same rustle ; and better
wear, but costs less; our regu lar
$2.50 grade,:' v d 1 A7
Monday . . ... ..... . 01 1 1
Art DepU iSpecials
Round ' v Centerpieces, 24r-tnch
size, ; stamped in new ; jiesigns,
for Waliachian 'or eyelet em
broidery; also 'coronation and
other "designs; 40c ; ; ' Q
and 50c yals; special;... JjC
Children's Hats, and full front
honnets, our entire -line,; from
the. plain' to the most elaborate
styles.: Trimmed in white or in
color combinations, ' straw or
Jiand-i embroidered effects ;
worth (75c to $25. ' Your choice
of any for one fourth fA
less. . ,,........., .. ; ' ftjf
ii ii niiti at ' id a
1 WM
Millinery Reduced 7
Imported Pattern Hats, designed by the most artis':,;. ' 4'sH
tic millinery workers in the birthplace of fashion
Paris, selling at prices that are sure to appeal to
economical women, who want the best sort of milli
nery. Hats that are worth from Ur If Oris t
$30.00 to $75.00 each for....... ! ' . " v 3tCc;
This Includes such famous goods as the Gage, Ben- V " : i v'
Hll . f!nnnellv anrf Ftsk mfldels. Choose at will fmm . . ' '
among. them for half price. : ; K : v';:- f TV
Trimmed Hats, again for Monday an ;
assortment wonderful in value and
beauty ' ' " '
Regular $5.00 Hats, v Qn :
special ju ulj :i
Regular $7.60 Hats
Regular $10.00 Hats, ' dfjfAA
special ................. I)DUU
F HI . I II It '. I
V W W,m n H nil .
Qne'of the! latest and,.;
best Shoes in the store is 1
a pretty tan Gordon Tie, . '
with a leather bow and
come with close extenj ,
sion soles : they won't -
slip at the heel, vou have bur assurance of (1J i , A A
that;4 natty, stylish, comfortable, priced at f4TtUl,
ami, law .!. . (. , ' t 4
Women's Oxfords, in' the
new shade of tan, : 3-hole
Gibson -Ties short !yamp,
Cuban heel; '.same : Shoe
comes in the ; 0 C A A
old rose; only. ajJUaVU
Women's Oxf orda, v dark
brown; Gibson styles, with
4 large eyelets, Cuban heel
and high arch jlast ; very
neat ; priced r: ' 50
U.S. Government Leggings for Men$2.50
We are the western agents for the recently adopted
'Tuttees ". made of water proof canvas ; they combine
wear, lightness and economy; then; too, they're much
more comtortaDie tnan:inc leauicr leggings, rraciicai
in every way at half the cost of
leather ....... .....
, -i . . .
That OutsWnes All Our Former 0fers--rA Sale that will cfesate the most Intense" Interest-r-A '-AvPl
...... . . - t . ii a iv
Sale that will be remembered for months to come Sam Illustrated Here Half Price yj uw
aAw! 'i.1 tiirTTjTITT'"'" A. ..mi w 7 will
. i l3 f lI5l ,a5C a oniy opponuniiy you a nave at, inesejouus. . special. ouy.-inarwe are as mqcn8ttrpnsea at nayiny. nere loriyyuaa.-yyw w nxf
lillll' at the" beauty 'arid value. When our .buyer-waslifJtTwpriC tfiiere were a few lines that weT wanted; but as they wereengaged at the time, no fHt
k. - rideal. was made, and we had civen uo the idea of haviner them. Therefore we stocked - uo more heavifv on other lines; and now come tnese Dy u
iVV . cApt ess, uuugiiL au iuviiiiagcuusiy uiai wc can sen incin at nan jincc. just amvea rnaay ana nOWaney wm uc rcauy iui aac
i'li . niuiiiiiif. - i uc v die ui autii cju.ccuiiikf iiuiucis liml in iicsrrnir jiirrn in iir-rMii it
impossible; 'Come iii richest. plainness;orJ ornamented with the V most beautiful,;
trimming, in real: lice, and: braid. i ;.They. are styles that have set the pace for the
fashions of the entire continent, made o'f 'splendid materials and so cleverly de- :
signed thatall women who care for swagger garments will be sure to possess
one. Some are of wool materials, some are ' silk, the products of Mme. Scroeder ;
and other makers whose names are famous., 'The sleeves, !the' way the suits are ;:i
cut,1 the way they're trimmed, the very air of them proclaim them the? aristocrats ;
of the garment wbrld. ; Some moderi . have ' sleeves inlaid with' reaHace, some are '.(
:; trimmed with rich; Parisian applique; ,1 Most of them are Eton models; materials ' i
- . aTe voiles imported Panamas, fancy wool, mixtures and silks.
And You Choose from Two Hundred Suits at Half Price Ip1'
Suits worth ;' fl fl , C A Suits worth T lj A A A Suits worth (J T A A
$35.00 for;.wPl Oil $40.00 for. ULlfMV $50.00 for. .. $LD)f
Suitsworth ' (12A AA Suits worth' fltj'7 C A" Suits worth' (PCA AA
$60i)0 for..-,.tPOUUU $75.00 01 $100 for...V.DulUU
None laid aside, hone sent oh telephone orders, -and none sent. C O. D. Early v
comers have a magnificent choice. A suit opportunity that never t has come be- : ;
fore and never will come again. - ' i rl'.r'j'
Xwa : Kowm . good
quality and well made,
ia-lnch alae, IJ7
epeclal, at
14-lneh alse. . 7 7C
Araaft Catobara t;75
lawn Bpraya, qc
; .y v w
Oardra Trowala, 1
Another one at , '.4aV
A better one at ..8f
Oardaa Bakaa . .20
Qraaa Bheava .4S
Ktmmoot Xooki 6e)
Xverrthiaf ' for the
(Tardea and tae , lawn
to be had U our blf
third floor house fnr
slahlat aeotloa. Toa'll
f lad It prloed - mora
nodeatl)' , hare ' thaa
alaawhero, too. Bpadea,
Eoaa, Sakea, Trowela,
Weedera, Laws Mow-
ara, Spray Hoaalea and
Boa Mender. ,
Men's $1 Underwear 69c
Medium weight Underwear in the basket weaye and best possible
finish, shirts and drawers, comes in all sizes and in white. ; CQJ
only; good regular $1.00 values; special .........,..;..UiC
Men's rancy Hose, in . gray1
grounds, wi(h stripes of blue
and white, or black grounds
with , stripes of red, blue and
white; 25c values; , v- 0
special ..'..... IOC
Men't Golf Shirts, with separate
cults - to match, come m light,
dark or medium colors; a staple
$1.00 brand selling very special
here for Monday at, . Ct
each tjOVC
VJash Goods and Linens
Doylies, , Richardson's linens, hand-embroidered,' round. '.scalloped
designs, size'6 to-10 inches, and regularly worth to $1.2$ ' Oft
each; very special at Vni . ...iii . . . . ....,,,,.. v7C
Bleached Table Damask, in fine I Napkins,' full - dinner size, ito
satin finish, two full yards wide, j match damask on special sale;
worth wxs the doz.; ; Q9 na
special tpUO
Madras, for waists-or shirting,
fine quality comes in striped
-patterns; light colors, at OC
the yard,,15, 20f nd. DC
Printed Batistes, fine light
weight materials for fluffy
frocks for summer wear; the
yard, 12. 154 20c
warranted to wear; OQ
$1.25 grade ; . . . . "i Z ... JOC
Dimities, extra, fine f qualities,
usually sold as imported fabrics,'
in dainty designs in dots and
floral figures; price, i
the yard
Mercerized , Taffeta, - in . checks
and plaids, ooks ' like silk,
washes nicely; price,
the yard ...........Put
Whiiem M Dress Goods
A. very special sale this week of the white materials for making
summer gowns and skirts. Anticipate your needs now,' purchase
the goods and get your dressma
x Mohairs, Sicillians and Brulian
tines, ia white -or cream, bar
gainized in: this -way- for this
week :
Reg. $1.00 grades ?..V.;i Sl
Reg. $1.25 grades ........ S
Reg. $1.50 grades 1 1.1
Reg. $175 grades . f 1.43
Serges, in.-soft or I erisp finish,
a grand assortment, ' and every
quality reduced in'price.Xw; v
$1.00 grades, the yard., 814
1.25 grades, the yard.... vaf
1.50 grades, tht yard ;.;.f 1.18
1.75 m-ades. the yard.;.'. f 1.44
2.00 arradesthe vard..;.l.B
Well make special priceaTtooroiiWmeGrouadanciSerg
rrenca r owes, Panamas, ana many otner lines of colored Dress
Goods in fancy patterns. -.;--: - . k.tH: rv,:' '.-; -.;;.
ker started.
Panamas, -m regular or chiffon
weights are reduced like this: ',
Reg. $1.00 grades .. T04
Reg.' $1.25, gradea 3f
Reg. $1.50 grades .Vi .t.flil3
Reg; $1.75 grades i 81.29
Reg. $2.00 grades ........
Fpulard "-' Silks, 5 Cheney Bros,
best shower- proof Foulards, in
a large assortment of fancy de
signs, .including the . new ; tans
and Srowns. The regular price,,
of this silk is $1.25 the vara, but
t for three days it sells ( AC'
tor oniy ............. av
Theyre the Btronfast JSade, the best. looWngv-th onea that wa feel
that wa can most honeaUy recommend. They com In beautiful colors.
too, a thins of beauty aa well aa comfort. . Prepare for the warm days
aooa to coma, by having a hammock ready to ell fig- in aoma ahady spot
when, you need tt;: Prloed. all the war from 854
up to .... . . ...... . . ; ... . . j, .... ... . ; . ... . . .v. . . . .'.
mj- jr r ifi 1 m 1 a -vii k m
, BSSlBBlBBWMaMMi. U fl K 1 1 1 I f m . ,
r 1 u ' i
hi :rHt IV. ail I
b. V "it VII Ml If a II I
. t 1 J It It ' iir 1 1 i 1 VI
11 1 1 J7 1 it f 1 h iai
1 m. j ftrrv itj .. iu 11 irm. ". mi v 11 . it 11 1 a a 1 1 iii.'.'.itvn u ti 1 v. -r '' '
'1 yr r . vni 1 1 . vvs Tk'tti.nv 111 u 1 m ' ti it : im ii it 1
T f r III ,f IWi.1. A.WK Wf1 1 Ka .VJCtl'. H I f- . 1.1 V I
DecoratedBerrySeis 45c
One Large Bowl and Six Sauce Diahee, in" fancy decorated t?,,
china, selling veiy special at, the set . . . . . . i..iJC
-Berry Set, -decorated in white and gold, large bowl and df JA
ixt sauce dishes; ;; special -1 i'-V ,.U.;;;i',i'.; vIe"U
: Chocolate Set, : , decorated ' in I Oiocolate Sets, decorated with
Pink poppies;? special, d AC feI Jrose-ckco1at pot and
the set .... t ...... ,...pte47 sb( wand saucersf 4 9rt
Chocolate . Set; ( decorated in -tpeciaf;.':;'.;v.."'.;-l...-:i.YlaOW
al"d ld; $2.05 Cake-Seta! one plate and six in.
Chocolate Set, ' decorated - in .- dividuals, .decorated with pink
brown and red roses; dQ "TC roses or apple bios- QQ
special J J soma j -special ........... e7.Q U
iToTcloaa"out ''"av'.'SuiBber---ltf odd palra Wa mak aorni -srloa conoeestona
well worth' your while to Invaatlsata. They ooma In rood "oolortnia
and patterria. Including etrlpaa, flguraa and rich oriental effecta. One
hundred different patterna . In the lot, and all are reduced. ' S
16.09 valuaa,"vtha pair... f 4.65 'llJ.00 valuaa. tha pair. .8
- 17.60 valuea,' tha pair... $5.60 ' $11.00 . values, - the rar..3 f.-IO
9.00-,valuea, the lalr... $6.65 415.00 values, tha r,
llO.OOvaluea, '.the pair. . .$7.40 $25.00 valuos, tr.a ; -'r. --.r , J
$11.00 yaJwee,' tha pair.. .3.15 $:5.00 v&l'u-s, t. . j
Kid Sair Ourlera, on
do la pk., rt
15o value,; for... Vt.
Wait Pearl Buttons,
for ahtrta or waiata,
card of on C-i
dozen for .0 C
Whit China rap,
In 1-yard pleoa; e
apeolal.' I for .....OC
T3o sodrt en-
Boa Xeur Plaa, worth
ISO tha doan, - .
apeolal ....... k . . 0 C
Vawbre'e K.rrlclio.
kUl the : dandruff
rerm, 60o r
bottla. for OJC
Kadam Buppart'a
Pa Bleach, ft I
bottla v ' y
10a C'l Tal- -
enm l'owi r ,. '
C.-j t
f :. ) - .
r -t. t r
l t, r- -