THE OREGON . SUNDAY JOURNAi; PORTL'AND, .,' SUNDAY I.TOrJTINCr, MAY ' 12, 1ZZ7. FLAW TO HONOR THE TEACHERS ARE GRAVES OF VETERANS WELCOLIE I it.; Member or to G. A. R Will Observe Memorial Day this Year . Oregon Pedagogues Not Barred by Regimental Procession to -the . ', , ' From California Schools -L; Cemeteries. - '. 1 as Reported. Correct Filling 13 ' ' (for ' " The Grand Army posts of Portland flan that not a single veteran's grave hail go bndecorated on Memorial day, Mar 30. Elaborate plana have been made for the observance of the day and union services of all the poet will be iield morning and afternoon.; At I o'clock In morning the vet erans 'will father f, the east elde hall, ' at Grand avenue an.. Kast Pine street, and will march to Lone Fir cemetery to decorate : the craves. ' Their - attention will be devoted for two hours to that ceremony and 8t Mary's Catholla ceme tery opposite. Meanwhile details will be sent out to the distant graveyards- the Grand Army, Jewish, Odd Fellows', Masonic, Rlvervlew, Calvary, Mount . Zton and .Columbia Slough cemeteries to decorate the veterans' graves. At 10 o'clock the veterans will gather at the Grand Army-plat In the Lone Fir cemetery, where their large mona rnent la erected to. the, memory ( , the soldiers of the Mexican, Indian. Civil and Spanish wars. ; ! ' ' In the afternoon the veterans will rather at the ball. Second and Morrison streets, and at 1:19 o'clock the proces sion will leave for the plata block. -The Third Oregon regiment and the Spanish AVar veterans will be Invited as esoorts. The Grand Army will hold Its services ; at the park block, between Main and 'Madison streets, and the Third Oregon, regiment and Spanish War veterans at REQUIREMENTS HERE their monument la tne diock oeiwepni . . rr mini I v liirU R.lmnit BnA W. In Jnhn S Shields, a! . Ti , . Kt. tUUALLl nlUM relative of the celebrated General Shields, will deliver the address or me . day. Professor Rasmus will deliver gt.te Superintendent pedares That Lincoln intfco .. u.uj.uui. there will be songs by the old soldiers. The officers of the day are the same for the east and west side. , The depart ment commander of Oregon. Hamer Sut lliTe. vill bo the oommander of the day and marshal. ; General G. A. CauRln will be senior vice-commander; i F. R. Neala. Junior- vice-commander; 1 T. ' B. McDevitt, officer of the day; chaplain; Rev. Henry a. Barden: adjutant,' Com rade Sloan, i The chairman of the com-1 mlttee on arrangements is T. B. Me- Devitt, and the committee Is meeting at I o'clock -i everr Sunday till Memorial day. - He Is Frequently Asked to Ap prove Oregon Certificates Shoving That Ability Is Recognized. it v State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion J. H. Ackerman stated ' yesterday at the Oregon hotel that there Is abso lutely no foundation -.-'for ? the story which appeared In " . the.Sacramento Union, May 4. to the effect that Oregon teachers are not wanted in California anhnola. hut that to the contrary ha re- The Sunday preceding Memorial day Icelvea messages freaiientlr to approve will be observed with memorial services, certificates of teachers who had gone In the morning the Third Oregon in-1 to the southern state to seek positions. fantry will hold services at Taylor The story in the Union also stated Street Methodist church ana tne inrei that students are allowed to enter Ore- battery of Oregon field artillery, thel gon normal schools and graduate in two O. A. R. and gpanisn war veierane i years as full-fledged teachers. , Mr. have been Invited to Join. , Chaplain W. I Ackerman denies that this is -true and a Gilbert will conduct' the services. In I aays on the other band that students the evening, according to custom, the I &re compelled to take a three years' Grand Army will attend the Grace Meth-1 course at the normals, and In one school odlst church and Dr. Clarence True WU-1 four years is required. v son will preach. RED PEPPER POULTICE AS A CURE FOR SPINAL MENINGITIS C A. Stum of the Hydraulla Wood XJft company pas a remedy for spinal mrnlngflis In which he thoroughly be lieves and of which ha has asked the nurses at St. Vincent's hospital to make a trial. . ; ' ,: , Seyeral years ago In McGregor, . Iowa, I there was an epidemic of spinal menin gitis, A sister of Mr. Sturn became ill with the disease and all hope of her recovery bad been given up. Seven doc tors had pronounced her attack fatal However, her mother did not despair i Mr. Ackerman was not disposed to take the Sacramento story seriously and stated that he did not believe It had been authorised by any of the men who were present at the meeting which gave rise to the story.- Mr. Ackerman be lieves that the meeting, which was at tended by instructors and state officials, was probably held to decide the advis ability , to accept graduates of Oregon normal schools on their . certificates without requiring further examinations. If this Is done it will establish a lower requirement-than is , demanded in Ore-1 gon,- where all V teachers must takel county and state examinations before I they are granted licenses to teach. They have attained the highest reputa tion for Ready to Wear Garments . If WWggm' ;y- and resolved to try a remedy of which she had heard years before. . The mother mixed a pint of oayenne pepper with a quart of boiling water which she applied to the body-at the ":r,:ru .,".v: .v:r'r; The umon s.y. that m .om the clousne. and after the remedy had fnorerB. ?h2 ZXl h-n .r.nii for t.n nr thrM the n lfhth and ninth grades further k.. .y, .ir.. .f. advanced than their teachers. Mr. Ack WSkMWH aj-e v tv " v t 0 . m a t a as J and in a few weeks was entirely welL !n " lru'- " Jne The nurses at the sanitarium prom- "u" "r WT71! ised Mr. Sturn to ask the doctors' per- , rwirii . o Sold only by mission to make a trial of the remedy. CARSHOP MEN SORE BUT GIVE RETIRING FOREMAN A WATCH .. ..... , .; ..j, . T-L- I W3 9m m mm 4m. m ""m Opp. PostoWce The Gentility Shop - 311 Morrison St. i$ is? ' m At the shops of the Portland Rail way, Light - Power, company last right employes presented to W. O. Fragmler, for II years a . foreman of the company, a handsome engraved gold watch. Mr. Fragmier has been master-mechanic -of the company, and is leaving the service. The presenta tion was made In token of the esteem nnd respect in which he is held by the fellow employee he 1 leaving. -..-. The presentation was made bygone of the. employes, who expressed, the sentiments of the others at the depart ure of Fragmier. . He responded and there were general expressions of good will and regret at his leaving. Employes at the shops declare that many of the old men are leaving be cause outsiders are being Imported to take their positions and new men are constantly promoted - ahead of them. They claim that a great deal of dis satisfaction exists as a result and that alt the time-tried -employes are being forced on that account to leave the com students of eighth arid ninth grades In California schools are further advanced I than teachers who pass the state ex amination for teachers, which includes 22 . subjects, embracing physics, geom etry, ala-ebra. and other studies of -almi-I tains a . hla-her .' standard of V studies In the eighth' and .- ninth grades T 'S x . f ) ' - . i- : . k . , than any state he knows of In the cOun-1 T . ' ' ' v t- s ' ' '' .. t 'i -.- ' Mr. Ackerman believes that the Union was Incorrect as to the object of the meeting, which he believes to have been for the purpose of deciding whether to allow - graduates of . Oregon -. normal schools to qualify as teachers on their graduating certificates without further examination. v. i KNPl'Ol UPPER JUSTICES OF PEACE TO ; . GET $400 MORE PER YEAR! i!i;o loi'fR cot Andrew M. Johnson Came to the '' Coast as Mate of Sail ing Vessel. County Auditor Brandes, while look ing over the 1907 session laws yester day afternoon was surprised to discover that - he will have to approve vouchers Tor increased salaries' for -.the two Jus tices of the peace of Portland,, begin ning May 23. The salaries . are in Creased from $2,000 to $2,400 a year. , - Auditor Brandes said he. had believed , that the Increase was not to be effective until July, 1108. after the next election, when a new term of office for the Jus tices begins. The bill which was enacted Into this law was house bill 141. As originally Introduced it speci fied no time when the Increase should become effeotlve, v but It was later amended to provide that the $2400-a-year salary shall be paid from the date when the act becomes effective, which is on May 2$. ; ' ' Andrew Martin Johnson, who died last Sunday, was one of the early business men in this city and at 'Astoria. He came here 17 years ago from San Fran cisco, where he arrived soma years be- PROGRAM ESPECIALLY " FOR - HEW: UEGBERS Y, W. C. A. Looking Forward to Visif From Miss Wilson of Chlcagb. , . ' The program for the . "Sunday at tinnn" it thm T. W. tl :A. la nlannd this week fspeclally for new members, though all young women are cordially invited.- Mrs. W. J. Honeyman will make the address of welcome. $ Mr. Coff man will give a reading and Miss Sue Xarabee and Miss Louise Howland are to render a violin duet Miss Laura Cle-1 land will sing.' Kiss MaoCorkle will make an address on the theme, "Crest ana conquest." , , r .This ought to be one of the most at: tractive programs of the year." All women are welcome. Hours 4 Ao O Th association Is ... looking forward with great delight to 4 visit from one of the most popular of Us national sec retaries. Miss Elisabeth Wilson,' at the head or the Secretarial Training school in CBieagow A reception will be siren. her Wednesday evening at the rooms of the association and other plans are be-1 ing maae whicn will be given later. With the beginning of the next term Tale university purposes to introduce a number of courses for worklngmeo. The- courses will bo In practical eleo- tneity, meottanlcal , drawing, machine I design, steam and steam engine. , JN ' .'t. :..W' : More : han 1000 are here for you to choose from, , PRICE is jiist'r. Tf ; . i" I'JH r Hew ' Sailors Milan Braids. Rough Braids, Satin StrawBraids ff!x For sTsjsjsfJjfjfjfjfHB : ff . Monday . Gage, Keith, New York and all the ' latest blocks . Prices'" tv "V V; , 97c, $129 'jkS&Sl p H " Saving to you from ' 'iOc to $1.00 on ' - each Hat . lie Wonder Millinery Co. ' 1 Corner Morrison and First Streets. Andrew Martin Johnso: fore as chief officer of a sailing ves sel. A widow and ' a family ; of , nine children- most Of them grown, survive unit, . ( . . y Mr. Johnson was born In Bergen, Nor way, Bl years ago, He gained a large acquaintance here and bad a great num ber of friends, as was Indicated by the attendance at the funeral held from the j residence Tuesday. Deceased was a prominent member of the English Lu theran church and Rev. J. A. Leas offl-l elated at the funeral, t I7ANT ACTION ON STARK ; . . 4 ' .... - , STREET EXTENSION 4- t "'A Property Owners Have Paid the Assessments but Ground. IsXyfng Idle. .TP?"!? Stark f-street property-holders are xon Uie anxious seat because of the delay In the city , engineer's office through the extension of that thoroughfare In ac cordance ' witn an - ordinance passed nearly a year ago. - At the last meeting of the realty board a committee, com posed of E. J. Paly, A. A. Llndsley and Jr -whvte Evans, was appointed to in. quire into the cause or the delay. I - - i.. v a .a -y.- ; . L;l!r?mi V 0 Handsomer patterns-Hbettcr, styles than ever. You will see the same patterns : in v other stores at f$15 and.$20. '? The difference's rpnhcipally in the higher rents and larger profits of the other fellow. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO it 2 Stores-Third & Oak tho engineer's office,' but they neverthe less deprecate the fact that city with All the, property-owners have paid in nearly 100,000 people adopts the mu nicipal financial policy of a village. As a result of the Inaction of the city their assessments, , one naving paid In 8,000 that was assessed against an in side lot. The memDers of this com-1 authorities a large amount of valuable mlttee realize that tne delay is prob- property on Stark street Is practically ably due to tfie crowded condition of useless. A number of sxtensivs build- lng Improvements are held in abeyance because of the failure . to extend the street. The committee will urge the au thorities ' to put the extension through without further delay. Stop "chasing rainbows" and answer a few Journal want ads. ' ' , V0SBURGH HERE FOR CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TALK Arthur B. Vosburgh, C. 8. IX, of the offical board of , lectureship of the Christian! Science ' church, ' Boston, ar rived In Portland yesterday to . fill a lecture engagement under the auspices of the Portland Christian Scientists. Hs will speak tomorrow afternoon at o'clock, at the Helllg theatre. Admts-i ; sion will be free, ' and reserved seats' 'v must be procured before S o'clock, at " which hour tho doors will open.- : . s--;:i'.-;--'ii '. ..' - V'?. t i , r '"f ; , i :.:;;,;'., i-jf'' :-'v: ,r : - :0