The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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i .
' Mayor Tells the Eighteen New Policemen That They Should Not
r LJp Up With Any Interest Opposed to Good
'. .' . i , r,vCovernmentVNSV:':' " U'lv:-'
Eighteen eligible! passed ths scrutiny
or the police committee of the execu
tive board yeaterday afternoon and
were stamped with the mayor's approv
U . They reported to Chief GrlUmaoher
at o clock ana will be eworn In Mon
day.; v.
. Theae prospective policemen pssssd
the civil aervlae examination eaaly In
April and all have been appointed for
Immediate service except Charles I
Burton, who Is teaching school. The
mayor gave .them a short talk on' their
duties and responsibilities
"How are you,, -gentlemen?"' began
the mayor, and after, all had seamed
him that they were In excellent health
.he proceeded to give them some good,
substantial advice along the linos of
their future occupation. 'Some of you
will serve the city all your Ufa; some
ef you won't. k Enforce the laws as you
see them and always do your duty.
; "Keep your liands , off of politloa j
Neither your religion nor your politics
has been asked. Ton have been ap
pointed without fear or favor.-' In tha
approaching . election- . vo.e 'whatever
ticket you wish. It Is nobody's business
what ticket you vote, and remember
that It Is not your buslneas what ticket
other people vote, - ,
' "Temptations that meet the police
man In his duties are great Never ally
yourself with Interests that ars not for
good government we only want Just
execution of Just laws. May the Lord
be with you!" -- ....
The names of the men, given In th
order of their standing, are as follows
James K. Keith, Fred M. West, Leo A.
Harms, John B. Addison. John E. Abbot,
Charles I Burton, Clifford L. Braaoo,
Edgar A, Bewley, Stephen S. Arno.d,
Frank A. Grimm, William , S3. , Justus,
Forest w. Peterson, Charles T. Huntor,
Charlea C, Gloss, Nathan H. Emitter,
Oeorge W. Russell, Carl D. Hanson and
ttetpn m. bum. r a ;y '. ; . .
. '
A Career and Reputation That
Leads All the Piano Trade-
; Exclusive Privilege of Repre-
scnutuon , cnioyea v oy me
House of Eilen for All the Pa
;' cific Northwest, An V ' ;' :
22 JJ1ED
(Continued from On.) -: '
. . r
V Harry, the 4-year-old son of H. A,
Bennett, fell Into - a. tub of boiling
water yesterday afternoon, at the fam
ily home, 10 Eleventh street,' and was
fearfully scalded. Dr. Banford Loeb,
who was called In Immediately, thinks
that the child cannot survive but a fsw
..days. I . . ;.: . ,,. ".v.-
. Just how the accident occurred Is not
known. The mother had just placed a
tub of scalding water on the floor of the
kitchen with which she ' waa preparing
to waan. it is thought that ihe Uttio
edre of the tub and lost his balance.
The flesh is pealed away from the
bones on pans of the lower limbs and
nearly all the skin la pealed f rora the
abdomen and legs, ,; If there should be
any small, hops for his recovery the
physician says that blood poison would
inevitably set ln -..v-.- ... - : -
U. A. Bennett, the father. Is manager
of the Red Cross employment agency.
Ths child Was well known In the vicin
ity of his father's plaoe , of business,
near Burnslda street, and was a. friend
boy may have attempted to sh on thai of many visitors to ths agency.
pinned to ths ground beneath ths tons
of wreckage. , ; '
Rushing at a high rats of speed over
the level stretch of track near ths little
station of Honda. IS miles north of
Bant a Barbara, ths huge engine sud
denly leaped - from ths track, Its rear
truck torn from ths frame, and dragged
after it all but three, ef tbs seven cars
- of ths train, piling them In a splintered
' mass alongside of the rails. . . .
The baggage car waa thrown ' com
. - pletelr - top f the ngin, -whtta ih
diner, Immediately foupwlng the bag
1gmgear, was wedged beneath ths loco
motive, where clouds Of steam and boll-'
lng . water, j Were poured down ' upon i s
or women relatives of nobles from
eastern temples, , Practically aU of
them ars from Ohio, Pennsylvania, and
nw ion Drancnea or us oraer.
Death feU on ths rushing, laughing
tralnload of enthnalaatla rfalaaataa and
their friends like a thunderbolt out of
Chlckerlng & Bona of Boston, Amerl
ca's oldest piano manufaeturars, were
eighty-four years old on April 14, 1107.
Upon that day, la lilt, Jonas Chlcker
lng began the business that was des
tined to become the most dlstlngulshsd
in aii the world of plano-maklng.
Jonas Chlckerlng had been engaged
for aomS -years previous to that time
in piano making la ths shop of John
Osborne, In Boston, but neither Osborne
nor any of the other piano makers of
that day established themsslvss perma
nently, as did Chlckerlng, and all havs
passed into history. Their, enterprises
dlsd . with them, or before them, and
so it happens that ths bouse of Chlck
erlng la ths sols survivor from that
sarly period, and the Nestor of the
American piano Industry.
Ws hear It said frequently that ths
nams of Boston and ths art aasoola
tlona of thst city havs dons much for
piano manufaeturars who have chosen
that famous old olty as headquarters,
but It may be aald In eincerlty that
Chlckerlng V Bona havs dons much for
Boston. From ths early twenties up to
tbs present tlm the Chlckerlng piano
has been ' one of ths greatest and
probably ths most persistent of ths art
forces that bavs advertised Boston as
a osntsr of art and culture. This is
ths simple truth, and Intellectual Bos
ton rsauses and admits it.
Ths name of Chlckerlng Is one of
the art assets of ths American piano
Indue try. Its beneficence Is felt Indl
rectly by svsry man who makes or
sells a piano today. : Jonas Chlckerlng
was a leader and an lnvsntor In his
day. and his bualneaa heirs In each gen
eration bavs caught .the spirit which
he tnstlUsd into bis own creations.
There has always been in the Cnick-
trtna- business a strict regard for high
Ideals, and ths nrindplss staunchly
maintained by tbs houss of Chlckerlng
e had a beneficial effect upon ths
rs elano Industry. -
a clear sky. Ths onl warnlna- e-iven - Thsrs has been no halting with ths
waC. a Vdd'en Sndfngf -.'tefrtng fo?eChlc.k.!I,"!:..Bp,6ii ?U'C"!
sound as bolt was torn from plats and
wheel from axle when the great mass
of the engine, turning from the steel
path laid for It, waa thrown on Its aids
ana aimoai cirecUr across ths ; track.
1 root Track Oonstnotioa.
Poor track construction alone Is
blamed for ths disaster. . Ths switch
from tbs main Una Into, a feeder line
leading out to another switch did not
and trade supremacy havs never
swerved the directors of this great en
terprise from a belief that there were
always stlU higher points to win, and
as a . result ths Chlckerlng piano has
gathered fame and glory with ths pass
ing of the years. - . -.
To own a Chlckerlng piano la to pos
sess ths most perfect musloal product
In ths world an instrument f ss
qulslte tone, ' wonderful power, rarely
-- -ii ii - - i in i H - i ....
)MMwm ' iff )
; v Next and Last Sketch
. Appears Next Sunday '
As the Chickering Art Contest drawl to a
close ; we'll mention; briefly, once 'more the
few; conditions that must be followed . by the
boys and girls who have entered this.' test of "
skill. Each set of sketches must be complete ;
eight in allclipped from the Portland Sunday
papers March 81 to May 19, inclusive. , Each
picture must be colored either with water col-
ors or crayons. Contest open to all children
under, 14 years of age ; Prizes' to be awarded
for the best colored.artd neatest sets. Awards
to be decided by, a committee of well known ,
art critics and artists, their decision to be :
final. All sketches to be broueht to our store.
marked Art ? Contest Department, hot later ' ;
than .'.'May 25. ; Prizes as ' follows ; First a '
magnificent Chickering Quarter Grand Piano,"
at just half price; second. Certificate for $100 C
good toward purchase of any new high grade
piano in Our stock; third, $50 Talking Machine
complete; fourth, $25 Talking Machine com-5
plete.:: . A A U.- . ,; ; :!
; If any of th sketches have been missed, ex
tra copies of the papers can be obtained at the
newspaper offices. ', A ''?' V
- Be sure to have your set-complete -be sure ,
to sign your name on the back of each sketch,'
with your address and age. Be sure to have
them at our store on time.
WoUL BxclnslTely Tnronfbont ths Pacino Vorthwest Mf
m iovn op xzaxzsT quaxxtt xzaossT, uvtaasn a
353 Washington St., Comer of Park
dlavatxaars of
Soad's Worst .wrsokv ;. tv t
! It Is by far ths most disastrous wreck
'which baa ever occurred on the coast
'Una, "both. In point of Uvea lost and In
J rolling atock-deabroved.. ' -. 1 v'- .
Ths train was extra 2411, laden with I most , of them seriously hurt
.fthr1nra and thaff lailtaa An thaip vit I . Walfar Vkalava. . ' V
borne from the conclave in ixs Angeiea
doss - properly and ' ths small wheels bsautlfnl finish, splendid workmanahip
of the rear trucks of ths snglns could a piano that will endure, as has ths
not leap the gap, -nor wars they heavy houss which makes It. Ths Chlckerlng
enough to close It .up as the big front elano. ths maks of highest quality, la
drivers had dona. - . - : 4 t naturally to be found at ths House of
One of ths wheels passed In safety, I Highest Quality the House of Kllers
but ths second, veering at the caU of I who enjoy ths exolusivs privilege to
ths partially open ; switoh, sent thei-yapresent this magnificent line through
wnoie train into us pus or , spuniersa
dsbrls whlob now covers ths tracka
- Pewerlees -In-their-ernlea,- the eesl-
neer .and fireman went down In the
crash, but ltjs believed-, they.eecaped
with Injuries which may or may not
provs serious. :'i
Ths conductor Of ths dlnsr was killed,
almost Instantly, as wars two -waiters
who were working In ths car. Mors may
bS. dead .In the rulna which have not
as' yet been cleared away. ' Twenty-two
were brought In on the relief train.
out all the Pacific Northwest.
ome from the conclave In Los Angeles. 1 4 Honda Is a lonely little ' sUtion, far r hiflf PrflfUtive of United States 7,
When the diner left the track and from ? the beaten paths of ,,,,? ,nd VllieT CJCeCUIIVeS OT UniTea OXaieS
" - 1 wa 7 iits wnvwu xcaviass vm invUf' eiiivi
was thrown beneath, ths engine it broke helo waa slow m arrlvin for the in.
, completely in two1 and thrse sleepers im- jured and ths dying and tbs dead on
mediately, following; it were derailed. ' the cruehed train. .
Special trains from, San Bernardino ?. Thoss In ths coaches who had escaped
ana inis cay : were rusnea 10, me scens injury and others who, were ellghUy
;or me acciaenti immediately, carrying hurt turned In with a will and saved
doctors, nurses and, supplies for ths ths train from fire, wMle willing hands
cars of ths Injured. , : - , i ' ' t ; ' I carried out . those who were not past
: xnoss moai . Benon y ; - nun were 1 mortal aid. , I . '
brought. to tbe bsepltai hers-and It is I All ths help ths victims could get
feared that at .least . eight or, ten morel In time to do ths, many good waa from
will die. , ' y - their comrades OA ths train and some
rive or , me long list or aeaa paaeeci or the scenes when friends and rela.
away on the road In from Honda en the 1 tives met on that huge bier were heart-
Coin Manufactory Declared
special train.
v Sfost Dead Were ShrlneTS.
Almoat all of the dead were Bhrlners
rondlng. Strong men wept and women
fainted at . the alght of ths dead and 1
the cries of ths injured, crushed be- i
neattt the wreckage and many of them
being burned , to death In a cloud of
steam pouring from the straining boUer 1
ox the engine.
Stretchers were hurriedly Improvised
- - ,
No Dishonesty Is Suspected, but
Oean Sweep of Officials Will Bo
Made Because They . Are Not
Pitted for Work. ,
(Hearst Kewa by tesseat Lauvd Wire.)
Denvar. Mav 11. The chief executive
from ths seats of ths sleepers which officers of the Denver mint, F. M. Dow-
still remained on the rails, and thoae ner .' sunsrtntendent. J. -; W. Milson,
who could not' walk were carried Into melter and refiner, E.. P. Leach, chief I
ths little, station houss and Into ths clerk.' Harrr TarbelL eoiner, and
a 1 1 11
Formerly With Wlao Broa
We make a specialty of artificial
.; teeth, and have the good will of
our patients. By our treatment
- of sensitive teeth little or no sen
sation of pain can be felt - Come
in and let us tell you just what it
will cost to put your, teeth In .
; order. We can afford to do more
and charge less than any dentists ;
in town. AU work guaranteed."
sb. b: a. wottmxx.
Formerly of Wise Bros.
.1 OOBHZB : TBTftS XKD .: COUCZ STS. I homes of the two or thro ranchera who R. Hodgson, assaysr, will be removed X
BIOHT,"el"v" near Honda. '. ,v I within 20 days. - - ,
Sinner from i s. tL M. 9 V I
Chicken Soup a la 9 ouen.
ZettuU 10, SUoed Tomatoes -..lOe
Grsea Onions ..., .w.W. , t.f . 5f
Turkey Salad with ISayonnalae - ,
Srsaslag .. .ZOf ,
Stadicina XrfLcklna. " within J9 days tnsrreport of the two
.1 Medicine and hajidaa-aa.' aava mph ae f government agents who havs been mak
could bo Improvised speedUy, were tack- m an , investigation or conaiuons at
ing.vand the need for them was even "",vcr W4lu
greater than ' for aid In clearina away authorities at Waahlngton and Imms-
the wreck and helping out those pinned dlate action will be taken to eompleto
hn,atii - tt.. tf... i .Ka ... i. i houaa-elaanlnir which has naver been
. - , . i w..vnb w rr v.m.v. .u Ul, u ... U I v, .u K .. - ....
Yth . ZTTrJ yTZ. ths forwSrd end of the train were within equaled In any of the govsrnmsnt ds-
Fried Bailout 15c. salmon .....15clh mrm f hnm.n nin ... nartments. Tha cause for the whole
. f r, ,',?fJftfc'"tn-' ld to be Ineffl-
J SoUsd Salt Meoksrsl,, Brawn . ''I worked like heroes to keep the flames olenoy. Not only wsrs the 110 gold
.-..i................o from th red hot ftrebojt of the engine pieces rouna w oe snort in wsignv out
Steamed Little Week Clams ,..:,.iOd from spreading o ths splintered coaches th IS pieces were also short weight
Clam BonUlon and Toast .......,.15tf which, would have flared tip like Under It Is given out that ths Irregularities
souse ox voagus, tomw bwm,.ku(i iati th8 touch of fire. rprX'7 i ? ivlwe not diie to any attempts at dish on
Chioken ot s w. nnrpUna..25c . Ensl'neer ChRmniom waa in rhrr. nt leatv. Inoomnetencr beina- the only rea
pork Venderlola, Breaded Cream - the train, but it Is said no blame can j son. A complete check Is belngmads
aUOS V . '.' i .... .-... .Df 1 ha inliul 1a Mm n ili..,tu nf afT tia Tinlllnn and aoln that hava
Tried Calves' Brains, att,e"jrrs..'nj, I there'';was no possible way by which helpaased through the mint for a period
' ii i ' ....... ov I could tell that tha iwUrh waa niwn th. I or veara.
"yi VJ'"' riZT 'iV''"22? smau rraction of an irich, which auf-
v , w. ...avB ncea W- tend tne tram to deatructloh. I - v .v o.t. . .v.
' wucra una acuiaeni occurrea I aia ma llr snrV s -
Is perfecay; level and a nice stretch of Howard HartsolL ex-mayor of Eaaton.
Plates, Flesh Colored.. $8.00 .
Plates, Best Rubber.. .$7.50
f Plates, Good Set for. ; . .$4.00 T u
A Gold FiUings $1.00 up
Bridgework or Teeth, without
.plates, per tooth. $3.50 to $5
Silver FOlln; ...... .50J up
Enamel Fillings . . . .$1.00 up'
Crowns, Gold or
Porcelain ....$3.50-$5.00
Painless Extraction 50
No students in this office. - All work will be done by Dr. F. A. Blackmore and Dr. H. A. Huffman, who
have had years of actual practice and experience. , A guarantee for 10 years with all work. ; Lady attendant:
. Phone Pacific 1852. Open Evenings Until 8 and Sunday Until 1 p. m.
pork Spare Bibs with Spinach
rrleA Teal Sansars with Mashed
Potatoes . .v.. .,20e
Cold Boast Chicken and Potato :. -
Salad ',' v ...25
prankfort Sansag-s with Bauer- .
krant . .... ... ..-... ............20
Corn Beef Basa wita roaonsa vgw-ia
Brsiaed Beef with Teg-stables ....15?
Codfish in Cream on Toast 20
Boston Baked von ana seans
Bal&Sprins; Chicken on Toast
zrtrllsh Plum Pudding", Brandy
track over which the Southern Pacific I t-.,.. t,. ...i. w..
is wuu.uunn 10 nio iia ir&ina .l a.
high rate of speed to make up for lost
: Side Order Plana Pudding"
Boast' Tonnr Turkey with Cran.
hsrrx Sauos v .85s1
Boast Bprlnr Chlokea with Drees-
las; ...... i
time at other places along- tha line.
t Engineer Champlaln was seen at his
residence tonight by an Examiner cor
respondent. He arrived In this city on
a aDecial train from the wrank ana at
JSjonco walked to his residence. His story
ouf follows: , ' ' " .
Engineer's Btoryv
Ths injured were taken to aanatorlumstotiairrtaa
Hoi, ill. v.i0. Twmgvm . amv,w
dead tiers..
and ' Flowers to Be
Exalted During Coast Nur
serymen's Convention.
"We were running at ordinary speed
(Special Slapatch to The Journal.)
Salem, Or., May 11j At a meeting- of
' (Special Dtapatrb to Tbe JoaniaL) i
final tia. -Mm 11 il. - A - niiora.
past Honda, As we passed over thft white married man and of good family, nw tnm afternoon it, was decided to
switch the . engine Jerked, the rear I last night beat Miss Hope YanUs, ths hold a chsrry fair and flower festival
trucks taking the switch, throwine the ! crettv 18-year-old daughter of John In connection with the Paciflo Coast
engine on her side.. It was at Just 8:27. j Yantls, prominent cltisen of Otympia, I Nurserymen's convention, which, will be
Boast pork-wiw "",'a .......ibe? piufered forward, the. water tank being t assaulted her. r The girl's condition to- committees were appointed to make
Boast Veal with. Dressing , . . . . . . .20
Boast Beef, pan Gravy .......... 15
Boast spring Jbamo, srreen rsas ana
.' mnt Banoe . . .... ... 20
Asparagus os Toast . ....... ..10
thrown completely over the engine. The
baggage car was driven over the engine,
while the diner was driven under both
oars and' was torn . to kindling. Ths
ids Order Bplnaon . ............ ,B I -A -.., t ...
HnZm.H nlil-'"'""'! boiler and was forced to maks my
r, i i Tt 7T. .... - fway out, through the steam and -hot
f Btrawherry Xos Cream ,1 Oe
, Bananas and Cream ......,..10e
t Coffee, Bread and Batter and. Potatoes
' wltt aU meals. " ; , '
water, by, which I received deep scalds
on my head and arma. .Otherwise I was
' unhurt c Fireman Lero Thompson was
badly hurt end I did not .see him. The I
day Is dangerous and Duprey la held la (necessary arrangements for entertaining
the Thurston county' Jail . pending ths I visitors. An invitation was tendered
result in his heinous 'work. . I President Homer C Atwell of Forest
The awful crime was committed on I Grove of the Btata Horticultural so-
Eleventh and Main streets. In ths resl-1 ciety to make the selection of Judges on
dence district lawarda. . It was decided; to open the
Hearing of her . husband's fiendish fair to all. There will be no 'entrance
crime, Mrs. Duprey refused to see him fee and exhibitors will not be required
and left Olympia at once, coming to to be members of horticultural societies.
Seattle, the home of her parents. - The committee In eharge consists of
M. McDonald of the Oregon nursery,
, 1 a. . a l. ha..IJ U.vA. SflilHlHl TM.Mawt TT V3 irt.1.1.
Wnu. j ...a. wa.. a w.w ....... UVliaVMi, ... . m IIIVIUCI .UIU. I.UIVI w. , wwamv. A Id.
train did not move six car lengths after see her distinguished son on the su- sea of ths board of trade, M. I Gilbert,
the engine took4he fatal plunge. , The preme bench than in the presldepft president of the Marlon County Hortl
traln .was mads up of baggage, diner and I chair. Her choice for the Uttsr solution cultural society Fruit Inspector E. C
Corner Third and Couch Sts.' .
j; Inner, from 11 s m. to S p. m. , seven eoaohea.. the three last coacbss jis Sllhu Boot
Armstrong, Mra Claud Qatoh, H. a OUe.
George Weeks, Jamas W, "Wlnstanley,
U T. Reynolds and C F. Lansing. J.
H. Reld of Mllwaukle was placed on the
committee on premium list .
, , 1 f
Bin. Sarah Xlall Daniels, Widow of
Ex-Governor of Idaho. Crossed
" Firing With Ox Team. ,
In the dsath'of Mra Sarah Hall Dan
iels, whlcn occurred In . this city last
evening, another of the early pioneers
or Oregon goes to ner final rest, sne
was born at Gowonda, New York, June
l, 1814, and came to Oregon in is.
traveling across the plains with an ox
team and settling In Yamhill county,
Oregon. Later sbs lived at St Helens,
Oregon.1 and came to Portland In 18.0
For the neat ia veara and more Shs lived
at Vancouver. Washington, going to Los
Angeles for her health last winter. She
returned here (a January, since wnicn
time her health gradually failed,, until
death' came.. .;J'V:. fe-?;1; '
Mra Daniels waa a woman of sterling
character, patient nd kind and was uni
versally beloved. Her husband, the late
William B. DanielsTwhtf waa governor
of Idaho in ths early 0'a, died It years
age. he was the mother es sour acta,
only one of whom survtvse her, Thurs
ton Daniels, former lieutenant governor
of tne state of Washington, rne ooay
will lie at Flnley 4 Son's undertaking
establishment In this city nntil Monday,
when it will bs taken to. Vancouver
Washington, for interment S
(Special Dliratcb te Tbe Jounml ) t
Helens, Mont. May 11. State Engin
eer J. W. Wade receive advlcee today
ih.t ht l.n.lit.f Hnfh nlta had baen
awarded James A Rhoades scbotarship
at Bryn Mawa college,. Philadelphia. It
is worth 1280, and the most valuable la
ths list of this well known Institution.
Reenlt of Recent Experiment by a
Teneraelaa Scientist. ,
1 From the Chicago Tribune.
' Professor de Esnerando. head of the
Government college ai Caracas, Venes-
uela, has 100 average alsed electric eels
captured and copper wire 4 encircled
around their necks Just below the eara
and then connected them with a motor,
the eels remaining. in the river near the
shore. ,. .
Thnir violent florrlr.t anl o,'-r'
proved a nioft unT-rtatn s n t of ?', -
current, r I - roe'r.- ( r ;
anl j'-t t t ; , t 2
had In his house and connected It with
the motor and found that they produced
about It horsepower. With this he ran
a mill and lighted up hie house and
ground The power from each eel suf
ficed to produce 45 oandle incandescent
Ughta. '::,.-,;.;U-.:tr't' v--.;,f lr: -J-- : .
Profeesor de EaperanJo also found
that a motor- ear can. be run for ft
hours, with 10O eels In a tank I foot
long and 1ft fast squsre and weighing
eompletelese than, 2s pounds.
It is claimed th."U the largest oca
steamers afloat can be run with 200, Oim
eels,, producing 40.000 horsepower an t
contained in a tank hot larger :ttmn
lOxlOxlS. This plant of courae t ;
have te be duplicated so that hn t .
energy in one Is exhaustetl It can
hoisted from the hoia to, tba deck t
that ths light from tfis sun' can in:
new energy Into it while the pow r
furnished by the relax plant
The Democratic congreasloniil r
mtttee proposes to make a v
fight to secure the election of ' t
Democratic candidates in t
Ths election for the rr.M--it' , ,
proposed constitution of k -.'
bs held In Ausruat an 1 at t
five representstlves 1
legislature will fca i ,
have V e power - . t ,
and a fivern'T - ' -.
cere t-tt t?i4 t