II THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, .MAY 12, KG7. FilAZER SAYS TONING EXCEEDED AUTHORITY 01 I BODY OF FliOZEII IIIF1T V, McAllister's Appointment as At torney pf Juvenile Courtis ,' Cause of Difference JUDGE WANTS GALLOWAY, TO FILL THE POSITION Assert Law aires Him Sole Sight to Choose Officer to Work With Him District Attorney Takes Oppo site View. , Inhuman Mother Places Child Under Sidewalk So Weather 'V Will Kill It The announcement of District " At torney, Manning that Attorney E. S. J. McAllister will b appointed as deputy district attorney to be attached to the Juvenile ceurt does not meet with Judge Fraser's approval. ; He prepared the following statement for publication; The amended Juvenile court law pro vides that the district attorney " shall appoint . such person as deputy district attorney as shall be satisfactory to the Judge or the Juvenile court. Thl seems to mean that soms effort should be made to ascertain what person would be satisfactory to the Judge of ; the Juvenile court before the appoint ment la made. It also seems that com mon courtesy would demand that the . Judge be consulted before such an ap- ' polntment be announced. "Once before Mr. Manning attempted to force an appointment for .this office upon me without giving me an . oppor tunity -to be heard, In accordance, presume, with the Intention which ant reliably Informed ha expressed lm mediately after the passage of the law. la these words: ,, ... Manning Usee Strong Words., "'Judge Fraxer has nothings to say about the appointment of a deputy for the Juvenile court I will appoint whom I 4 n please.' , . , . .. "There Is another reason, aside from the provisions of the law, why I should be consulted In this. matter. .While the appointee could be technically a deputy district attorney, he would In his duties be more an officer of the Juvenile court. - His dutlee would require him to bo in almost oonsiant 1 attendance upon the Juvenile court, and his office should be In or about the quarters of that court. . "Even In his Investigation and prose eutlon of adults for contributory delln- ' quency and for other offenses affecting the welfare of children, tha prosecution would or should be carried on from the ; child's standpoint of view, not so much ' of punishing the offender as of saf e guarding the interests of the children. His duties all centering about the juvenile court, be would In fact be a member of my official family, not of Mr. Manning's. I must be, in constant touch with him; Mr. Manning but sel dom. ' . i ; . : Trass Wants Galloway. "So far as Mr. MoAlllster Is concerned, personally 1 have the highest regard for him. He Is a good man in . every sense of the word. - But that Is not the question here. The question .to be .met 1, Who is the bent available man for ; the placets-- :'V .'..,' . K:siVvi.:;':,vrt; - "Much as I esteem Mr. McAllister as a friend, I know of another whose name J have already suggested to Mr. Man' : nlng not on his Invitation, however whom I believe to be better qualified for this particular work by training, ex perlence and natural aptitude. "Mr. Robert Galloway has : already been 'tried in this position and has shown himself to be an ideal man for the place. , We know what he can do. Mr. McAllister might do other things better. I certainly do not question his ability as a lawyer, or otherwise. But for this plsce and this work f believe f'C m1"." Th'V,aH CREMATES REMAINS IN FIREBOX OF, COOK STOVE "It U not a matter of the personality Of Mr. McAllister or Mr. Galloway. It Is not a question of personal differ- Neighbors Smell Scorching Mesh and viikw uoiwcth Air. manning ana inyuen. It is a question of what Is best to be done In the interests of the public, and particularly for carrying on our work for the children. . . ' ' , To go . back to ths words of ths law, 'such person as shall be satis factory td the Judas of the Juvenile court, Is la this instance Mr. -Robert (Pebiuhers' Galloway.' Are Frank'y Told of Crime Which Their Gossiping Finally Discloses to the Police at Milwaukee, v Fraas br SpeeUI Leaaad Wire.) Milwaukee, Wis., May 11. The grew- Dlstrlct Attorney Msnning Insists that some tale of Tolstoi's "Powers of Dark- the work; of .the deputy will be donenes- which was forbidden on the kos under his direction, and that the ap-fslan stage because of its horror, had Its polntment Is vested In him. He said: prototype hers today, In the alleged oon- Judge Fraxer did not quote the seo- I ression or Anna uuenoerger ana .atn- tion fully." The law ssvst - The district ertns Goldman, who are said to have attorney shall appoint such person as admUed they murdered Mrs. Ellenber- deputy district attorney as shall bs sat- gr"s Infant In a horrible manner.' .The lsfactory to ths Judge of the Juvenile child was frosen to death by exposure to court, and It shall be the duty' of such aero temperature and Its body was deputy district sttorney to prosecute burned In the family cooking stove. cases arising under this act, and to pre- Neighbors upstairs smelled the bum pare the necessary papers for the same, ling flesh and remarked: " and also, by and with the consent of the "What Is thatf Zt smells like burning district attorney, and under his control, I pork ', , - to prosecute all cases. i . . I Mrs. Goldman Is reported to have re- ' . Willi n ArliltMte. ' . Iplted: , t, (,'. "If Judae Fraser ha. the annMntm.nt 1 "0hf ttat'a OT Anna burning her ftf Ma drnuito t fl. n . I T. baby. , , am willlna- ta let the thra 1urla nt th 1 ccoroing to ine conression, jars. circuit court Judirea Clalatxi o.nt.n. OoWmaa and Mrs. Bllenberger planned bain an Bean, or . nt.hi at. murder of the baby before Its birth. JUNK WHANG BREAKERS HO IS IN ON THE BAR Hawser Attached to Towing Vessel Is Parted by High Seas and the Crew of Four White Men Are Now' at the " Peril - of the Wavec. . (Spedil Dtapatrh to Tbe 7onraal.) Astoria, Or., May 11. Four white men are riding out a fearful sea on the Columbia river bar Is a Chinese Junk tonight and It Is . a grave question whether they will be alive In the morn ing, ' for. at , siy momsnt one of 1 the monster waves that . roll In from the ocean may swamp the strange oraft The life-saving crew of Fort Canby Is stand ing by and Lookout Kelllher at North Head is keeping as close a N watch as posslbls with a view of summoning ad ditional help If necessary. The Junk Is the Whang Ho which was brought , here from Ban Francisco by ths steam schooner South Bay for ex hibition at Astoria and Portland. AH went well until In the afternoon at 4:40 o'clock when . the . South Bay began to haul the Junk over the bar. A nasty sea had "been kicked up by the southerly gales of ths past two days and when about half .way over ths bar a tremen dous breaker boarded the three-masted oraft and carried the mlxzen mast over tbe side. Another huge breaker rolled In and the hawser parted. - Captain Halverson was compelled to abandon the Junk to her fate, as his own boat was In mo mentary danger of being swamped, and so continued on his way to smoother water, where anchor , was dropped. . By I o'clock last night the Whang Ho had drifted slightly to the northward, although it was apparent that tha anchor had been dropped and when last reported she was close to No, 0 buoy. Lookout ' Kelllher at North Head re ports that possibly the anchor will bold over night and Captain Halverson has signified his Intention Of starting out for the junk In ths morning. Irrespec tive of the condition of the weather, ; The bar tugs Wallula and Tatoosb are both here, but will not go out to night to rssous tha vessel and her craw of four..:- ,; -v't-j- beln and Bears, or any reputable at torney of the city, Interpret this law ss to who has tha right to make ths ppolntment-': "If I . have the appointment of this deputy, I am going to make It; and I am convinced I have the right The statement that f said I was coin to appoint whom I a n pleased is a mistake. .1 did not say any such thing, Was Betrared. Mrs. Kllenberger was ths unmarried sis ter of Mrs. Goldman's husband when she wsa betrayed by a man who fled to Eu rope. Mrs. Goldman, the police say. took , Goldman - Into her confidence and ths couple agreed to get soms one to marry ' ths gnrL Conrad Ellenberger. Slav widower, employed in a Junk shop, was Inducted to wed tbe girl. When the time for the maternity approached Ellenberger was told the girl had to undergo an operation. He assented and by this ruse ths two women conoealed the birth: A bealthy Infant boy : was born February if Ths Goldman and Euenbenrer famines lived In tha same bouse. The women discussed the disposition of ths child. Ths nurse suggested that It be given to soms one who would pro ride it a noma Tissss ths Child. After her departure the women are said to have decided to frees the child. It was wrapped In a part of a carpet put Into a soap box and shoved nnder a sidewalk. - It cried lustily, but Its walls were unheeded. The . baby frose to death. Its body was taken out ' from Arrested for trespass because he in-1 Its improvised coffin two days later. ststed on- visiting his wife who did not Mrs. Goldman built a tin In ths cook wish to see him, William Jette developed stove. She then visited a neighbor, It systems of spinal menlnaltls In ths cltv Is charged, while the mother burned the jail last evening, ana City Health Officer 1 ooy or ner mrant, sitting by the stove Wheeler ordered his removal to St Vln- and watching the flesh crackle and dls- TAKEH III III : CITY PBISOII Arrested for Annoying Wife, Jetts Develops Meningitis Symp-j . toms In: Jail' )y: PREDICTIONS n&netarj Professor Foretells ETenta and Quickly Reads the Lire of People, Thongh Thousands . of Miles Away. Sends Letter to the Rich and Poor . Alike, In Which He Advises . Them About Business, Mar - rlage, Speculation, Love , " ' 7 Affairs, Wealth, Etc Offer Free Readings to All Who Write and Send Date of Birth. In his offlcs in New York City,' sur rounded by charts and dials of stnCnge design. Prof. Albert H. Poate! studies daily over the lives of men and women who have written him for advice on af fairs of business, love, speculation, travel, marriage, health and the impor tant events of life. The following let ter gives aa Idea of Mr. Postel's ability; cent's hospital. Til die if you lock us up," declared Jetts at the police station., Ths officers on station duty have heard many such statements and, Jetts went lntarths prison department notwithstanding. Hs said nothing at that time about spinal meningitis. - Soon after being locked up, however, jeus caueo ror help, and when the Jail er appeared he complained of feeling very sick. He hsd such remarkable symptoms that Dr. Wheeler Was called. Ths health officer examined the patient and then ordered him removed to the hospital, aa be gave ererr indi cation or suffering from the dreaded affliction. ' The , officers half I believe Jetts was malingering, but Dr. Wheeler found all tha symptoms of meningitis actually developed. It was near mid night when the ' patrol , wagon carried ths man who, wanted to see his wife to the hospital on the hill. Jetts was arrested On complaint of A. J. Styles, 814 Mill street Mrs. Jetts Is employed in the Styles family. For sev eral months she has been living apart from her husband, and the story Of their domestic troubles baa been In the newspapers more than once. It is said that Jetts took from his wife all the money she could sarn. Yesterday Jetts Insisted on coming to the styles residence to see hie wife. Styles ended ths controversy by baring mm arrested, out as waa not round un- -,. . t. u xaai vreniug, appear In the roaring flames of the funeral pyre. Gossip of ths neighbors led to the arrest of the woman. IIEW.EHGLAND HILLS ARE ENTITLED TO ADVANTAGES 'i:V:y.J;rit' , , ''t ' ' Commissioner Lane Says South' ern Plants Should Pay More Because of Location. : , MISS KFFA M. TBT02T. . ' : fief.. Postal r ''! 1 1 Dear Blr Yob art cert In 1 the most wonder ful astrokwer llrlsr. Every on of roar Dredle- tktns earn true. : 1 cooslder uitt oroe aot only Mn4 me from a swful seats bat prevented tbe las of bondreds of dollars. I trust ttaat siany Mopls will profit br roar sdrte. - Sincerely, KISS BPPA II. TRl'ON. The accuracy of recent - predictions made by this -eminent Astrologer has caused many of his friends to believe that he possesses a supernatural power, but he modestly asserts that bis . pre dictions are due alone to a scientific un derstanding of natural laws. ' Ths many thenktul letters Prof. Postal has re ceived from people who have benefited ty his advice furnish ample proof that' )e is sincere in his work and, has a leeung lowara numanity. -i eaders of this paper can obtain a' r free of fcrge by addressing a i tfr to Prof, pnstel, Dept 617, No.. 126 v.isst S4th.,Sl Kew yorW.8imply eay ou wifh a TRadlntr of your life, stating jour I '.rth flte, nd whether mar rifl er alnma If you wish to do so, y ni r.-,y ttu-losa 16 cents (diver or i:.v! to ty TstK and rlwrical i r .K-' -iy acnt, whether you infuse the li . oc mi, . Washington, May 11. The Interstate commerce commission, opinion by Com missioner Lane, has decided In favor of New England . cotton mills agamst southern cotton mills, ' ths latter being charged higher railroad rates to Baa Francisco and other Pacific coast ea ports. Mr. Lane says: . 'The fact that such rates from the southeastern states are higher than those obtaining from - New England states does not In and "of Itself estab lish ' the unreasonableness of higher rates, as the conditions existing at the two localities are dissimilar. The New England mills, which suffer by ths competition of the more favorably slt-1 us ted southern mills from the ' stand point of production, are entitled to such advantage in rates as they have from being situated at points closer to ports where cheap water competition has been established to ths Pacific coast points of consumption." TURI18 OFF WATER 10 EJECT' If HIT Landlord Violates City Ordinance and Suffers Arrest. SHAKE UP III police: CIRCLES Five Newly Appointed Sergeants ' Will Keep Check on Patrol men While on Duty. Portland's polios department is -'about to shake off Its provincial methods and take Its place in ths front ranks of ths metropolitan departments of tha coun try. ' -S 11. With ', the 1 appointment ' . yesterday afternoon by the police committee of ths executive board of II new patrol men, five patrol sergeants were selected from ths ranks of ths police force, whose duties will be to ascertain if the policemen of the three reliefs faithfully and conscientiously patrol their respect ive beats on both sides of the river. Tha patrolmen promoted to ths rank of sergeant are 8. Hogeboom, 3. X& Wen- dorf, E. Johnson, W. E. Rpbson and John i A. Golta Hogeboom formerly wore the chevrons, Wsndorf Is now jailer on the second night relief, Johnson patrols an Important beat In the retail section on the second relief, Robson is desk ser geant on "Captain Moore's watch and Oolts has mads an excellent record on .the day relief..-,. ..- r.. ; i Sergeant Cole, who Is at present ths only'u commanding officer, detailed to supervise ths patrolmen on their beats, will not be disturbed In his position. As soon as the new patrolmen are sworn in and distributed among ths three watches a, general reorganisation of -the- department-4s scheduled - ta oc cur. With the increased numner or DOES HOT HIT SCHWAB LlOflEY Miss McCorray Spurns Offer of Two Million Dollars for a Wedding Present :.-; (Bearst Mews by Leasest teasel Wire.) " Cleveland, May It. We are going to live ths simple life and consequently we do not want any 11,000,000 as so much money would spoil all our plana" This was tha statement today cf Miss Edith MoOor ray, nleoa of Sheriff Mo- Oorray, .who will wed Edward M. Schwab, youngesf brother of Charles M. Schwab, tha millionaire steal magnate. lnJLhls dty June It. , "Mr. Schwab has a law praoUco and also teaches at Notre Dame university and hs will keep right On practicing and teaching , after wa ' return " from our honeymoon In tha east," bontlnued Miss I Mcuorray. : .. Her; remarks wars eased forth by a statement that ths eldest Schwab had decided to give tha young couple 11,000,. ooo as a wedding gift. ' . Mr. and Mrs. C M. Schwab U( Mr. and Mrs. David Barry of Johnstown, Pa will be the only representatives of tha Schwab family at tha . wedding. Mrs. Barry waa formerly Miss Gertrude Sohwab. No invitations wlU bs issued. Choose the Fabric for Your New Suit from the Splendid Columbia Display WILL HONOR NAME OF A CELEBRATED BOTANIST . Under ths ausploea . of ths Swedish Society Idnnea , the ; 100th annlversarv bluecoats It will be necessary to cnange i oi i;ari yon Linne, the Swedish botanist. the beats, and Chief untxmacner is i win oe oDservea in this city next Bat- now at work on this plan. vrday evening The occasion, wlU bs It is the, intention of the chief to celebrated throughout the civilised assign, a sergeant on each side of ths world with literary and, musical enter- Wlllamette on the three reliefs. It will talnmenta, - . v , , . be the duty of these roundsmen to meet The entertainment hare will be grren every patrolman , at leasx twice aunng in. atunara nau, ana a feature will be his tour of duty.' Polios whistles will J elaborate floral decorations. Roses will mm i . - ; mm , i now Deconiw . b uovoto. j v w - i x BvuvAwxy , mi" wwh wy usai rVresenaanl Ttiereby equipment of every policeman, so he I time and tha entire hall will be trans- about and reply .to the call of his I ties. A fine literary and mustoal pro- superior officer.; ' i Chief Orttcmacher is greatly grati fied over the action of tha board in acceding to his request for five ser geants. Under the present system ths n v ft w v. , If, V lb Few tailor esUbllshment anywhera, scarry so larft and bigh-cliss a stock of fabrics as are now shown right here in Portland at the Columbia . ; Woolen Mills Store. Not a few pat- : v terns of a line, but dozens of each. . all aorta and ahades of greys, browns of every degree and style, blues, mix v turet, plaids, itripea many more of " each ' than carried by. tiie average ahopv Then there la our line of staple black good one of the finest in all , the west And all these may be found here in the varioua ' weaves cheviots, caaslmerea, tweeds, homespuns, worateda, etc. A Gain in Style and Yet .- . ; a Saving in Cost The style, fashion and faultless fit of Columbia garments have set a new standard in Portland tailoring circles. Every coat,' vest and pair of trousers must meet the moat exacting speclfl. cations, both as to prevailing style and the individual prefer- ; ence of the patron. Satisfaction ia guaranteed in every case. And withal, our superior workshtp' facilities,' direct shipments from leading mills, and immense trade,' enable ua to save you ; at least 23 to S3 1-3 per cent of the usual cost elsewhere. Year Rrtf Colombia Suit Will Pave the Way' , .' . to Permanent Clithlni, Satisfactlca A" Sulfs $20 . to $40 Jfl Trousers 'IW ' GRANT, PHEOLEY.M Elks.ButldIns: ' ; Seveffth and Stark sTsslBwaTt ' ' Knaba, . Xaaoa ft XaaUa, A, B. gram has bean arranged. tt.. Mmm v.. . m laniv check on tha patrolmen IS tha fact Kresendabi by Patrolman J. J. Murphy J that they are required to reporl : by tel last night on a warrant alleging a ' .0-1 ephone every hour;i In " wf latinn r. k,i.iki.i.. . I found that a Dollceman , was in the tuminr aff f oat.- h I habit of snoosing In a laundry on his MEET TO DISCUSS THE PURE FOOD SUBJECT : An open meeting of the Consumara I league will be held at tha UnlUrian chapel. Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. 1 wa ua, w avui aw aui unci EAUDUa I . . I . . . . - I a duly appointed official of the water beat, and la order to report in exacxiyito wnicn au housekeepers and dealers k-T-- .t. 1T". ...... ZT:!! U Mma 'the wllv bluecoat carried an I are especlallv lnvlted.. . : , wwni uiv cwuii-uuiuviuus) sutmr IIIJKUV I - - - . , 1 . . . - . aptly be enUtled. "A Landlord's Btrat- alarm clock, whicn ne set every nour t Among inosa wno ww speak In ths egy." or The Mystery of the Meter." r I to aweaenim rora w 4wa ar ur. ju. a. V,.nfl.hi ..;i.Jt-r'Jilliefc v IPlerce of the Open Air sanatorium. Dr. upon complaint of Chester Hare, a well J Under th onaner no : proviewn v. smiMv k. Matson, vr. known barber, who occupies one of the made - for patrol sergeants, ana unw Mu. . wnseier ana vr. Kooert C. .Tenney. defendant's flats on Mill street, between the present laws are amended the sal- This Is a meeting of great importance Blxth and Seventh streets . iry of ths recently promoted officers as an educative measure, and .should Packard, . ' riscnei, Oonorer, ssy, , XlMttfmry, . SEUasrsoa, . . . , - Kndwlf, ' terllag, Welllngtoa, Santlacson, A IMsniticcnt Piano Asscsi&Iaso headed by this wjlorions . ...... a n. ... .. -::''::.Ji' KresendahL who is a "refusree" from San Francisco, purchased a choice lot on Mill, street, upon which hs erected four , modern flats. , Upon the comple tion of the building Hare rented one and claims to have been given a verbal lease for one year. Last month, accord ing to - Hare, Kresendabi notified the Hares to vacate immediately. Main tainlng that he had a lease for one year ana me raot tnat the requisite SO days' will remain at $89, HEW SESSION LAWS t . : SAVE STATE: HONEY be largely attended. for admission.-' There Is no charge written notice had not been served, Hare j Compactness of NSW Typ6 Re duces Nuriber of Pages and ' , Cost of Printing." refused to move and Kreaendahl there upon started, suit. The complaint is now on Ills In Jus tice Reed s court, but owing to the UK nesa of that Jurist, the matter has not come to trial. Chaffing under the de lay Kresendahl Is said to have deter mined to resort to more radical methods and yesterday turned off the gas and water in the flat. . , upon enaeavonng to light ner aas stove to prepare the evening meal, Mrs. WASHINGTON'S REVENUE FROM INSURANCE TOLLS (Special Dispatch to The looraaL) Olympia; . TVaah...May 11. -Deontv State Insurance Commissioner - J. H. Schlvely has completed his preliminary report r to Insurance ? Commissioner Nichols, showing : the V ooUecUon I of 1124,179.14 by the Insurance department during 1908 and also giving a list of eight home stock oompanies now doing pumness in tne state or Washington. . nATzs-nAjrofl, Kaaba-Angaiua, Zmersoa-Angalna, , 1 A. B. Chase nays, sUnrsbury-Player, XiUdwig-Vlayer, KajTlngtoa-Flayea, astay, ACXAJtB, f Chicago Cottafa, TsJklnr luohlnse and j Lhxt'i Own Cbolco f I (. f- W: . -il Tha la wa enacted by tha session at the state legislature, in neatly bound volumea are lust off the press of State . - B ... I Printer W. S. Puniway ana are reauy for distribution. State officials- and members of ths legislature are provided Hare was nnMninhmi ;-nr,A , with; eorjies of the laws. by the stata, fuel suDoly had been stnrmei ani nnn t Others may ;; purchase them from the Investigation aseertained that ths meter had ben disconnected. A still greater Bcretnrv of state.' By using a dirrerent styie oi type surprise waa in store for her, however, from that formerly used In printing the when she found that' water waa also lacking. Pending consultation with his attor- sesslon , laws. State Printer Dunlway has Issued a book much smaller than It would have been. The type, wnicn is Bears Try to Board Train. Altoona Correspondence Pittsburg Ells , . . patch. Two bis black bears trying to board the eastbound Pennsylvania limited, due here at 10 o'clock -this morning, caused excitement among the passengers and crew. The train was running between Portage and Bens Creek on the summit of the ' Alleghenies when the stenogTa nher. John McEllinen. -discovered the bears In pursuit. Passengers watched the race from the rear of the obser vation car. 1 One, bear ran along ther' westbound track . while - the' other took the east- bound track.' - At a curve in the road the latter attempted to ' leap on the 1 train, but missed the Observation platform. The bears kept up the chase nearly two miles and were then lost to sight in the woods. : v'"'-' ; Walter "Wynecoop, a brakeman,, no-' ticed the same bears following the lim ited several -weeks ago. -s At that time ths pair broke up a tramps' camp which ha8 been thriving at lUttannlng Point during the whiter.' ner. Hare borrowed amftinion r-1 10 nolnt Century, designer De Ylnne al Immediate use, but was compelled to I lows " four or live more lines on each take his family to? a restaurant for tnnA I care than could 'be printed with the The. matter was laid befora rwf rM I old tvne. thus making a volume with Attorney Fitzgerald yesterdays morning I fewer pages than could otherwise have ana a warrant was issued for. Kresen. I been issuea, wwa a pieanyr, dahl's arrest. : t-M I read'. tyoe- Hot.-jV:-." In addition to the cirmiTnBtanA.. r. I -' a ' ' considerable saving in cost of oundlng the; affair, the prosecution Is I printing paper and binding Is estimated one of the first to be Instituted under I to have been made to the stats by using the .ordinance In question. Kresendahl I the new style of type. Much incon-put-up 150 to guarantee his appear- j venlence also has been avoided by get anca In court, and the case will cornel ting the books ready for distribution up berors judge Cameron tomorrow before the laws tney contain taae euect. morning., The acts of the last. legislature become I effective May St. TEXAS LEGISLATURE IN SESSION FOUR MONTHS . , Fox as a Decoy. -' ' From Country Llf s. Soms SO years goa tame fox was kept at the Berkeley X;astle duck decoy In Oloucestersnire. , . , jfcw- im.1. onfmal ' linil.MtAAil th. ,! whAl. : . ... . -i m J f PnbllNierr ' Frees D soeeiai utuea wirs.i U , I IIRUU Till. IT ,u .u n . ,1.11 11. Bill, W 1 . . - . . .... I r. t.i.i tn the duckwMn n Austin. Tex., May ll-xne legislature I"?. : -v. i.v. v "r., adjourned tonight after a four-montnr : vi- on nt session. .5ucetsnops -are put out oi iTd t r to" aTtt the;.tetlon o the :-e;k!e!?!I! h1 The blrda wr "rln. ana pruporty-uwuei. ' wu ui sted- by the fox's, motions, and.v follow ing him" up the decoy pipe, fell easy victims to the concealed fowler. ' It Is a well known xact that the old decoy fowlers Invariably secured, - If they were able, a red dog as near In i. for gambling are mads guilty of felony. I Bntte Thngs Bob a Widow. Special DIspstA to The Journal.) Butte. Mont,-May 11. Three masked men, supposed to be homo talent, broke j color to a fox as possible for the dlffl- i Into the house of Mrs. Burns; a widow, cult part of decoying, duck from the held her prisoner and secured 11.600 lnl pool to the netted pips. 'deposit checks and 1829 in i cash. i or FOStTXAJra osusoomt Imnriertml tmi Ckm-tmti mmitr AU Lmm t tk Stmtt a OnM J3VSTJRK3 AJJL, KINDS OB" sUCVB STOCK. AGAINST A : DEATH FROM ANY ;. i. t. Shony rraaldsBt l. -,' Wak H. Imlta V. Fras. B. H. Orsea Cast Mpi m. M.Otxr Saerotarr B.S.stamlwOaaHaaa. I lLaa( St Svtwk Gesaral C 1 , ' MHMBK -. Nttlaad Chambar of Caaanete Pottlaod Board of Tnoe n .': v-'V-S ' ' 5' ',"'; f " lOTUNCH " Owtea Tn and Ssriasy Sank rwoaedOrai Tba Bradaueat Coaspany . a. O. Duo At Co. CoanaTdai A fact ' Ws SMks b praailaa ws de set MAI ' : Wa give roe a Hun t Leek a a ' KOMB OFFICE (t-tLAFA YBTTBBUMX Cm WuUmtfm aW Sixtk ftnUftf Ore. i .v-,.i- I Pay s. by the Month ill- "An Instrument that thunders like an or chestra, sings like a voice, or whispers like a harp" in elegant aispiay await your visit to "The Houss of Quality." ILveningo Gay With Muoic Through Tlne-trelllsed 1 window nd across rose-embowered porch ooma ths sweet strains of the piano aa "some one" lingers outside In the soft evening glow, happily dreaming or a ruture to wnicn -the magio influence of playing has transported him. - Every man loves music, and every man's age ia markedly the age of music; not to have It in tbe home is not to have ths most powerful of charms against discontent. Our high-class player pianos answer tbe demand admirably where there la no pianist Satisfactory Piano Service "nha House of QnaUty, known fdr Its absolute relisbUltr. its imut representations and tba solid worth of every Instrument eax4, ooatrolllna; i Bffiwvra v bwcvs wvMMfta) ww mwhw vaimw! ww in OSl pianO errloe that la satisfactory. , Pcrtland, St&Klt, Tacoaa, Er Mllnjtai Spchne. Sherman I ilay & Co. Or?. Pcstcfilce, Sixth OMcrriicn Sts.,PcrthsdtCro.