The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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Reids Like Dream, but Local Club Proposes to Make It Reality
This Summers-Mount Hood Road Project Abandoned
, " Barney Oldfield Try for .Record Here. r
The Portland Auto eliih haa decided
to gtva up it plana for improving th
nooa roaa. .
, 1 Th matter of spending money to put
the roadway to tha freat mountain In
aeceni, condition waa taken up aoma
ma ago. Tha club want ao far aa to
nd a ooramlttea over tha course laat
week and to Interview tha toll ' gat
People, but the latter treated them ao
shabbily that tha club haa adopted th
committee' recommendation that th
project b abandoned..
. Th toil gata people flatly refused to
allow th club to, Improve tha road,
ven at lta own expenaa from f lrat to
laat Tha only proposition that they
would hear to waa thatjthe club turn
-,0ver tbe .easb, t them and aUow.tham
, to apend It aa they wlahed. Tbia, of
couraa, waa out of tha queatlon. Tha
toll gat neopla are now charging a
, loll of Ilea, for autoa. The road la In
' frightful condition, and club member
y that It will b practically lrapassl
hi for six or ven week yet -
'."'. A Xiarr Vrojeot.
Th auto club will devote it entire
nergiea during th coming few week
toward launching a movement to con-
Heauie. Tacoma and Portland with
a fine boulevard, araveled and bal-
, lasted. Similar club in th two aound
citlea hav Intimated that they will not
' be behind the Portland motorist In
the project, and It la planned to take
op th matter In all plaoea at Ui aama
time and begin building at both enda
: simultaneously. Thla 1a a largo under
taking, but It la believed that th boule
vard can b perfected during tha um-
. Blr. ,. ,'.,' ' ' i , i; f - f '
Oeorg Klelser haa Just returned
t from ' a trip to Seattle in ' hla Pope
' Toledo. He report that the road from
Beattl to Chehille la In tin condition
and that-tie mad th run between the
tw pointa in eeven and on-half
houra. " "' ' ' i ' .
Treat for yorUandera, ;
'Word haa been received from Barney
Oldfield, tha apeed demon of Los An
aeles. Barnev announcea that he will
be her to hold his race meet about the
middle of June. Two weka ago, on a
raea tragic In Ban DleRO county, Oldfield
brok the record for a mile, making the
distance In II seconds. lie aaya that
ha will attempt to break that record at
tha Jrvlngton track while here, and It
la quit possible that Portland people
may aee him do It The treat will cer-
tainlv ha worth while, t v,
As aoon aa th roads ar dry again
th Portland Auto club will experiment
with a chemical which ha been very
noneaafullv used in th east and in
mnri&nd for lavlnr th dust. The cham
leal baa already been obtained. - Should
It prove a success - not lesa than 10
mllea of road about Portland will b
treated with tha preparation.. , ' - -
' r 'BigVMl na of Saaoni f . 4 4
The blggeat cliib run of th aeaaon
will be held a Ireek from today -on
May 19. A trlpf will be 'made to La.
tourelle Fall a, abd already more than
10 car hav alghifled Uieir intention
of maklnr th run. Th club 1 grow.
lng exceedingly faat having doubled lta
mamberahln during th paat thre
week. Sixty-seven have been taken In
durinr that period. 11 of whom were
Uken In at the regular meeting iai
Friday night The membership or tne
dub is now about 115.
Soma residents Of th Et Biae-ar
aoon to oil the Baa Lin road aa ta,
out aa MV Tabor.: Th auto ciub Ma
glvn a liberal aubaeription to help tfila
work along. MontavlUa people rnay
also 11-their road, and should they
do so th club will help bear th w
pens. ...... , -.:''
'Items of Interest. to . Every One
Who Drives, a Car or, Everf;
Expects to Do Qo. .'x
, Flying RoIIera Motor , About ; the
, N Cfeuntrr In Their Hunt for Savablo
' Bonla Eswranto Name for the
Women ClubGeneral Note.
''t&ieafaoioH'stg ar makinig afforta Ublah t lxd garage ann repair
ratea ' " " f " "" ' '" ' ' ' ' -'' ' "
Tha." pollc' authoritlea ot jbetrolt ar
about to purcnaao two autumoouea who
which to purtue acorchara.
' Michigan autolata ar rejoicing, the
drastic anti-apeedlng bill, containing all
'aorta of annoying restrictions, having
been killed.' , " ' -
Among the newest foreign device la
'a - warning mirror , which enablea th
motoriat to at glance all th traf
fic behind him. 1 , ,
Two automobiles, ona for tha official
.use of tha mayor and th other for th
chief of the fire department, are to be
purchased by. Kansaa.Clty. , .
. Among- th lntereating contesta in
Franc thla month la on for eara d
algned especially -Tor tha oaa of medl-
rcal and other, professional men. , v -
, Luxurloua electrically driven f auo- J
chair will ha ' operated on AUanv.c
Clty boardwalk th coming aeason. If
1 their promoter can oDtain. in neoeaaary
' franchlaa ' . -' ' ' : M
.-Ia a, I0-horaepowr oar Barney Old
field brok the world' automobile rec
ord for ona mil at San Diego, Califor
nia, Apr ai, doing tha distance In
.114-6 aeconda. '
, The Kansas City Automobile club
touring committee ia negotiating with
railroad official for run on ralle thla
aummer, after th faahlon net ? by
Charlea 3. ' Olldden. ' h -:;':"'- ' " : " -
The Cincinnati aalvaga corpa haa
found that it coat IHT.14 ! to main
tain and operate a motor wagon laat
year ' than two two-hpra . wagon th
lyear befo,o. w,'.v--'-'v'-i',:;i' .-: ;.
"lieaiJajed Invalid . all apeed ordinance
paaaea vj (own in wi sum, vpi
ground that th-Ut law fully cover
' th BUbct v-.-j'.-," -).'. V:
' ., A number of touring cara are being
need by tnlaetonarlea of tha aeot known
aa "Flying RoUera," located near Ben
ton Harbor, Michigan, to aconr tha coun
try In aearch of convert. ,
Tha City and Country Motor club of
Greater New York haa decided to admit
women to full mamberahln. The Lake
Mahopao Inn haa been secured for a
aountry clubhouse. if ' ! (
Upon declaration that a car la tem
porarily Imported for touring purpose,
no' duty la required on entering Pen
mark, but a license from tha owner'a na
tive country or atate la necessary..
The new automobile club which haa
been formed by Philadelphia aoclety
women la ao up to date that It haa taken
lta. name from Esperanto, "Movtranto
Klaubo,", literally translated, "Moving
CiUh.",,; ;..;, h- .;..,.i-v.r--.",-
Chicago motorist ar planning to en
tertain the Olldden tourists right royal
ly during their two dayc stop In tha
Windy City. The Chicago Automobile
club and Chicago Motor club win unite
Is playing hoat ; I
Motor-cyclists of . both : Baltimore.
Maryland, and Providence, Rhode Island,
ava endeavoring to obtain the annual
convention of th Federation of Ameri
can Motor-Cyclita for. their reapeetiv
clUea Th meeUn will b held In July
or August ,,..,!;,.w.v!,,, ...
Although a Toledo oculist blame mo
toring for certain forma Of eye trou
ble, he also aaya that, aa the practice
becomea mora naarlr universal, nature
will come to .the relief of man by pro
ducing tougher eyeba.. muaclea.
The competing cara In tha race for the
German emperor cup are to be started
at intervals of one minute apart on June
14 over a 7t-mll circuit near Frank
fort." Ther will be ne control, and th
couraa will be guarded by army veter
an ...:..'. '-'v -'v.:. -
Th poatofflc department haa estab
lished by model automobile mall delivery
line between Norfolk and Jatr.eatown x
poaltlon "- postofflces. , There are three
machine, each with a capacity of 60
mall aacka, and a apeed ft from to 40
mllea an hour ,
So long aa a motor has perrect-ntung
cylinders, platona and rings, there should
be no dlf f iorlty about starting from the
eat on the spark, Th explanation Is
that ao long a th compression can be
held In the cyllndar the apark can be
used to Ignite tha charge.
In reassembling tha parte of a car,
If a bolt-hole in any part does not line
up exactly with the corresponding bole
In the adjacent part, never try to force
the bolt home with a hammer or mallet,
but find and remove the cause for the
hole being out of Jin. v
- An enterprising aurety company ia
now offering ; a v "chauffeur'a fidelity
bond." guaranteeing that tha chauffeur
Khali honestly perform his duties, and
providing indemnity to th employer for
loa or damage to tha machine during
lta unauthorised uae by tha chauffeur. .
Though not . absolutely necessary, a
passport from V the United States gov.
ernment ia a food thing to have handy
when touring Europe. It may be pro
cured by writing ' to the passport bu
reau of the atate department at Wash
ington, costs but 1 1, and la good for
two yeara. .
It seems to be cheaper to kill a man
in Mexico than to merely injure one. An
American recently touring that coun
try ran over and killed a' Mexican with
hla motor car and' waa fined $40., The
next day his chauffeur blackened a na
tive's eye with hla fist and waa sent to
jail for alx month, v ":.
So Ingeniously, arranged Is the pala
tial new $1,000,000 clubhouse , of the
Automobile club of America, Just
opened In New York, that a guest might
spend houra In the lobby, assembly
room, grillroom and bllllard-room and
hardly be aware that a garage accom
modating SuO care la contained In tha
aama building. . ' - ' . ,: ,
The Albany (New Tork) board of bu
pervlsors ha; granted permission to the
Albany Automobile club to close atate
roads, extending n a 19-mile circuit
south of he city, on the afternoon of
September M. when the club will hold
an amateur automobile cup tournament.
The route will be traversed five times.
A St Louis dealer haa supplied the
typsy king, of Kansas with one of th
most unique motor vehicle in the "world.
It is a combination of the old gypsy
wagon and the modern motor car, and
will be used. by. the king and hla fara
lly on their eontlnuoua - camping-out
Tha motor la of Immense power, and,
owing to the ear's great weight, the
wheel have been equipped with solid
tireBi y 'h'.-vy.j sy;, :, .x
i The automobile haa been the primary
cause behind the national movement for
better roads; it haa made aummer hotels
remote from railroad atatlona mora ao
cesslble; it haa given many a country
youth with a mechanical turn of mind
a good. -steady position aa. a chauffeur.
and haa been Instrumental In Increasing
the permanent population of many towna
within 10 mllea of every metropolis.
Th projecting end of holt should oa
wiped before taking off the nut1 Un-
ncrewlng. and screwing with dust and
and on the thread Is bound to result
In cutting down the thread and may be
the cause aoma day of an unfortunate
breakdown. ' Before mounting the nuia
a rag ahould be passed through them,
and aa a further precaution a drop of
oil or a little grease ahould be put on
the enda of the bolta. , .
i . ' v. 1 "
', Sllverton. Or., May 'll. A telegram
waa received last evening front Homer
Davenports in which he aaya the United
States war department la sending a
Kentucky saddle horse, to Sllverton to
enter tha endurance teat to be made by
Mr. Davenport's Arabian horse.- It. is
expected that the start will be made In
a few daya. ;X . -,.
What Pullmari Company Does in
.Matter of Rebuilding
' Local Auto Notes. A
' The Pullman Auto Car company of
Portland is. working a large ; fore of
skilled ; mechanics rebuilding aoma ,of
tha ' handaomest ' cara ever turned out
by any factory. The Pullman factory
la altuated at Sixth and Everett atreeta
and not only receives patronage from
Portland and surrounding towns, but
alao from Seattle, Tacoma and Spo
kane.! On "all sides are automobiles of
all makes in all stages of repair. There
are large masses of wreckage lying
here and there which to the uninitiated
appear like worthless Junk, but whton
in reality are aoon to be transformed
into handsome cars. ' ' -,;
H. L. Wemme ' bought a 40-horse-power
Old runabout from th H. L.
Keats Auto company last week.' Thla
make Wemme' fourth Old car. '
Dr. Oustav Barr bought a Franklin
Light touring car. Dr. George F Wilson
bought a Franklin Light runabout, I. N.
Llpman bought a Franklin runabout
and C K. Henry bought a Franklin
Light touring-car.. JiWxPrkln
bought a Thomas Forty j touring : car,
W, M. Uodson bought an Old touring
ear, th Portland Face Brick company
bought an Olds runabout and Preston
Brothers bought a Thomas Forty run
aboutall from tha Keats company.
Frank R. Chambers Jr., Is the owner
of a nw $0 horsepower lierc, v ! ,i '
be purchased from II. M. Covey,
The Oregon AOto Dealers' ai" '
tlon wlU hold a race meet et Irving i t
on May 80. ! ,
(ApmIiI Dtoteli to Tht JnenMl)
Tacoma, Wash., May 11. To avoid be
lng run down by an Interurban train,
Seymour Leschl, an Indian of the Puyal
lup reservation, leaped off the Interur
ban trestle spanning th Northern Po.
ctfir tracks thla morning, a distance of
28 feet, and may die from the effect
of the fall. Both hie wrUt wera
sprained, hla spine , Injured - and bot
lege paralysed.. He Is a descendant of
old, Chief Leschi, one of the famous
warriors and enemies of the whites in
the pioneer days. .,'.;''.'
i i Ul LLX 1. ..JLUJtI..JLJLL.ji
O! some kind this year, If you
own an -
Wa can furnish averythlnf In
the way of
For it. If you cannot afford aa
i AUTO, wa can sell you a
Bicycla or Motorcycle." : -
National, Pierce
and Emblem
. R, S. ft M. M, Motorcycles. "
Let us demonstrate
Almost Any Family Can Afford to Own a
i.; " ' s r . '..l.-' r . . bf" "M Mill. mn - - .,' - , ? " !-
Single Cylinder Touring Car.
Price ?1050.
You hear lots of people say that an automobile is a nice thins; to have and all that, but costs too much to keep it up. T
V .Maybe that is true in many cases. But. cost of upkeep depends largely on the kind of car. r" k A
If economy and efficiency appeal to you the single cylinder "Cadillac" will come nearest meeting your ideas.; They will
carry you any place any automobile will go, as fast as it is safe to ride and the average expense pf upkeep is not even; ap-.
proached by any other automobile regardless of price, doesn't the fact that last year the sale of Cadillacs of the 10 horsepower ';
;type exceeded the combined sale of any three models' of other makes carry a pretty strong conviction of superiority ? n; There are
15,006 single-cylinder Cadillacs "making good" all over the world, six of these cars just arrived. We are always glad to demon
strate, telephone Main 6470. ,
a v.
The New Model
' f '
' The high principles of honest workmanship and the ad
. vanced Ideas of desfgn that have made Cadillac construction
famous, find full expression in Model G, a thoroughly de
pendable, powerful, four-cylinder car, which brings to its
owner every touring luxury enjoyed by those possessing
the. most expensive types.
-Examine it; observe its long, rangy lines, the racy at
mosphere about it, reflecting lots of spirit and "go"; ride in
It arid note the feeling of security prompted by a wealth of
- hidden energy beneath you then you will appreciate why -
auiuac xviouei vjt is wunout a peer among ail cars 01 us
class. The, demand for these cars is so great that they are
very hard to get, but X succeeded in getting one shipped May
0 H. P.. Price. $2000 ,. Four-Cylinder, 1800 Pounds. '11 and expect it to reach here in two week from date.
Pierce Great Arrow, ARISTOCRAT of AMERICAN
AUTOMOBILES, two 80 H. P. to arrive in about two
weeks, one 45 H, P. in ft month. The last chaqce to get
"Pierce" cars this year. ' 'i .
COLUMBIA has not been previously represented here,
but it is known as one of America's best cars. .We will
unload Monday three of their 24-28 H. P, light touring
cars. Telephone Main 6470 for demonstration. ' ,
16th and Alder Streets
A boat that" is built to meet the requirements of a good substantial pleasure craft. , The price
; is Duiit to tit tne Doat-Hne ooat is not ouut to tit the price.
The ; Refsrspn Machinery Co.
Everything and Anything in Pleasure Crafts.
n rinrrrn r
KsU J)
For vouns! and old. It l f i,.1 - " ' 1
"i BASEBALL' GOODS, ' 1 1 - ' ' rl -' yXa'lbV "j" 'ts U '' "
. ' I w . - sr. - k II
t -. - . j . v i . A a . a m m aa bi s .. i i m - , .. -, , .. . . . . r- -a x . ? a . . . ' .. a- - a
V'aL, Th Rhod Ilano Buprm court haa ernment la a food thing to bar handy DALLUU U HlilUlll A ',,-- tj?' ' ! JJ(A 's7 - -I '
f fciared lnvalW . aU apl ordlnancea when tourlnr EJurop. It may b pro- viaa v v i a. va a i . . , v , ,,v ' ttSA ' ' aR t ' -fj
paMi ty towna In th aUt, o4Mi cured by writlag to tha paasport bo- 86 Sixth Street Opposite Wells - 1 ' - 1 s h'ZZss&f' ir-Xaffertsrj L - I ' U
Iound that tha-aUt law tullyeovera reauot tha atat department at Wash- 00 0 !Ui!: V 1 V , - - - - r- 't' t f Tmr' V I
th iibac.-.i5:-. :t..K:.' Inston, costs but fl, and Is good tot .-.v -rarfo JJUlWllif. , , j v v ' B f IS - 'III THf t I 1
. A number of touring cara are being two yeara. , . LmbmmbmmmmI I "'..V''-- ,;,-. ;' X 1 !i I ll M I ' s i " I , I
' , Li " -i. .n ' I', i ' '.' i . i . J , ! . ....!...,., x iJ H 'iiX. 17 " h , ? ; 7 I
.h ..,....., --- .-fl .,1 - . I i : -ilSW Ik .rjvvjy,.'... , f
Ate You interested . in Good Launches? ) 0 Ls ii-- XiWS5i7te -- -
! s v 1 - -- .Trlmminis,, II ; - - M ,-, rr, ,
Ll ' " : ' . II III II Ailvr 1 ii I II II 1 ll Alra U ; 1 Wl ,MIl
II-'. ' " .,.."r.T't r MI II II I II ,. II ; I W II f 11 I I v i fl It II I II II If : : 11 ' fl 11 II 1 W ml U m Willi- fl 111 VIM '
? Your Service It - . . . . -
. i h. . , i.. BaaakaM" . - . .. . . .. .....aMiaBBaakauBBaaaJBBUBr s mm t .i -i a
The largest; best equipped factory west of NewTork lot the building and repairing of automobiles and all parts, is equircc 1
with all modern machinery for both wood and iron work and with the finest milling and gear-cutting machinery on the coast.
1 : We can build you anything that youant front an automobile to tops, glass fronts,' dashes, fenders, springs, wheels, ta !ir
gears, axles, steering wheels and all parts 6f an automobile; also all other machine work. Tools, milling and patterns.
V An inspection of our work will convince yoti'that-we have no equal in this class of work west of New York.